Revelation Chapter 1 [RVIC]

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1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John; The Revelation – The name signifies uncovering, and implies something hidden. OV7:T; A27

A special Revelation of things not previously understood. A27

The Apocalypse is a symbolic prophecy. It tells of things not as they may happen to come to pass – – but accurately – – as they shall surely come to pass. R726:4

John represented a class who see with the eyes of their understanding the visions and Revelations which John saw in symbols in a trance. R3568:6, 2826:1

The book is full of signs and symbols, evidently designed to barricade its mysteries from all except the saints, and from them also until the time was due for the secrets to be revealed. OV6:4; R5992:2

John, in vision, was carried down through this Christian age and its changing scenes of church and state to the end of the present evil world. A70

All Christian people credit the book of Revelation to the Lord, as St. John does. OV270:2

Learned professors of Christendom deny the Revelation our Lord has made through his apostles. R3486:6

Hypnotists would say that such visions and Revelations are an ordinary occurrence and may be had by anyone who put himself into a cataleptic sleep or trance. R2033:2

Of Jesus Christ – Our risen Lord. R726:4

John claims no credit for the Revelation. R2826:2, 1598:3; OV270:2

God gave unto him – Because Jesus proved worthy to know it. E37

Shew unto his servants – God does not reveal them to us by his Spirit in the same manner as he revealed them to the Lord Jesus. R5055:1

Our Lord Jesus has promised us that whatsoever the Father shall make known to him, he in turn will make known to us. R2434:3

The messages given us in the book of Revelation are as truly the Savior's messages as those uttered during his earthly ministry. R3568:3

What Paul saw (2 Cor. 12:2-4) were doubtless the same things which John afterward saw, and was permitted to express to the Church in symbols, which may only be understood as they become due. A70

The Lord tells of restitution, showing John and the Church through his visions the Paradise restored and sin and its curse or penalty removed. R866:3

Not addressed to the world, but to the Lord's people, justified and consecrated. R1944:2

The Church, through the visions to John. R866:3

Shortly come to pass – Of things then future. R1371:6

The larger proportion of John's vision related not to the Millennial day, but to the intervening time. R2826:1

These words, true when our Lord uttered them, are no less true now, 1800 years later. From the human standpoint 1800 years is a dreadfully long period, but not so from the divine. NS31:3

And signified it – Sign-ified it. B203

Told it in signs and symbols, which are the rule, the literal being the exception used only when unavoidable. R5992:2, 490:3*, 390:4*; B203

His servant John – Who in some measure typified the last living members of the Little Flock; a class who see with the eyes of their understanding the visions and Revelations John saw in symbols in a trance. R3568:6

Remarkable modesty, as with all the apostles, commends them and their words to our attention. R2826:3

Jesus received a wonderful Revelation from the Father relative to coming events, and true to his Body, he sent and signified it to John who thus stood as the "eye" of the Church. R364:6

Even John, who saw the visions, was probably ignorant of the significance of what he saw. A27

The Revelation of Jesus Christ – This is NOT 'the Revelation of St. John the divine' but it IS the Revelation of Jesus Christ!

Which God gave him – Even though this is the Revelation of Jesus, it does NOT originate from Him but from God.

Ho theos, the God (Strong's οG3588 T-NSM θεοςG2316)

His servants – The church throughout the Gospel Age.

Things which must shortly come to pass – In the "latter days" – compare Dan. 2:26-28.

We notice that it does NOT say "which may come to pass," but rather "which must come to pass."

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to point out unto his servants the things which must needs come to pass with speed, – and he shewed them by signs, sending through his messenger, unto his servant John" – Rotherham

Signified it – "And he shewed them by signs" (Roth) – i.e., this book is a symbolic book, written in sign language.

Definition of "signified." "the thing or concept denoted by a sign." "a concept or meaning as distinguished from the sign through which it is communicated" also added "Few English speakers likely know this word."

His angel – Pastor Russell.

His servant John – The living members of the body of Christ during the time of His second presence.

– Note the 5 actors described in this verse. This verse sets the primary method for understanding of the entire book of Revelation.
The actors are (in the order mentioned in this verse):
Jesus Christ
His Servants
His Angel
His Servant John

In order to properly understand this book we need to recognize the importance of chapter 1 verse 1.
This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
While it is the Revelation of Jesus, it did NOT originate with Him, but with God.
The intended audience for this Revelation is 'His servants'.
The book is written in sign (symbolical) language.
It is explained to John BY the angel (7th angel [messenger], Pastor Russell.)

(GNT-WH+) – Wescott & Hort
αποκαλυψιςG602The Disclosure (Revelation)
αυτωG846to him
οG3588by the
δειξαιG1166to show
αυτουG846of his
αG3739the things which
γενεσθαιG1096come into being
ταχειG5034a brief space of time (shortly)
εσημανενG4591signified (by signs)
αποστειλαςG649set apart (sent)
διαG1223the channel of an act (by)
αγγελουG32angel (messenger)
αυτουG846of his
τωG3588to the
αυτουG846of his

This leads to an interesting possible translation of verse one:
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ which was given to him by the God to show unto his servants the things which must shortly come to pass and by signs set apart his angel to his servant John."

Observation: Based on verse 1, it sould seem, at the very minimum, the only way to make sense of this book of Revelation is to look to the special "angel (messenger)" referenced for an understanding of what the signs (symbols) of Revelation mean. It was Pastor Russell who explained to us the meaning of many of these symbols, such as some of the following:
Symbol Meaning
earth organized society under religious restraint
sea irrelegious restless humanity
mountains kingdoms
islands republics
dragon civil power
the beast papacy
false prophet organized protestantism
fire destruction
winds war
seal in forehead intellectual understanding
2 who bare witness of the word of God, and of the witness of Jesus Christ, even of all things that he saw. The word of God – The Scriptures claim to be the Word of God, though their authority by no means depends upon the finding of that expression in the Scriptures. R1584:3

Who – John, the John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's 2nd Presence.

Bare record of the word of God – It would seem to be impossible to maintain a position within the 'John' class without being a witness to others of this wonderful present truth.

And of the testimony of Jesus Christ – the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev. 19:10).

Not only does the little flock during our Lord's presence need to witness to the Bible (word of God) and point to the 'Times of Restitution of ALL things' (Acts 3:19-21), but they must also be pointing others to this last feature, i.e., 'the testimony of Jesus'. We must come to an understanding of 'the spirit of prophecy' or we are in danger of not remaining in the body of Christ.

Note: This does not mean that all who are of the little flock during this time will be able to give stirring presentations before others of the mysteries of prophecy, but rather that they will recognize the spirit of prophecy, the spirit of the Truth, the spirit of the Lord, and they will be drawn by and will follow that spirit and not follow others. - John 10:27*

And of all things that he saw – This reminds us of our Lord's instructions in Prov. 23:26 (KJV) "My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways". It is not enough that we give our hearts to the Lord, but we must also be observant of what He is doing NOW. This is a manner in which we may double-check our own understanding. If our expectations are not measuring up to what is going on now, it is our expectations that need to change. It seems that now (2003 A.D.) many brethren seem to be largely stuck in the year 1912. They are still looking forward to all they read about in the long forward to the 4th Volume (which foreword was published in 1912). Would that all such would re-awaken themselves and look at this wonderful book in the light of modern history and not only in the light of what they expected would happen.
3 Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein: for the time is at hand.

He that readeth – The very reading of it will bring a blessing. A27; R2827:5; OV7:T

Even though they do not understand. R2827:5

And – A special blessing. R2827:5

They that hear – Understand; even if only in part. A27; R1214:4; OV7:T

The greater blessing of understanding is being realized by larger and larger numbers. R1214:4

As its mysteries gradually dissolve, the understanding thereof will bring still additional blessing. OV7:T

This prophecy – Which was an important aid to Luther in deciding that Papacy is the Antichrist. A28

And keep – Conform their lives to the things that are written therein. R2827:5

Blessed is he that readeth – All who read will receive a blessing.

They that hear – Those who have a hearing ear will receive an even greater blessing.

This prophecy – All prophecy is important, but there is a special blessing attached to "this prophecy." Rev. 19:10 "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."

The fact that this is specifically identified as a "prophecy" also helps us to understand just who will be able to understand this book. 2 Pet. 1:20-21

This is very interesting. Among some the stress is all on character development, and the understanding of prophecy is greatly minimized. This is all wrong. The only book attributed to Jesus himself is this book of Revelation, and it is this book which is specifically described as being prophetic in nature, by the words "this prophecy."

Keep those things that are written – This is the class for which this prophetic book is truly written. This is the little flock, the 144,000. Notice this special blessing is for those who do all three, i.e.,
  1) Read
  2) Hear
  3) Keep those things.

Keep is Strong's 5083.
From τηρός teros (a watch; perhaps akin to G2334); to guard (from loss or injury, properly by keeping the eye upon; and thus differing from G5442, which is properly to prevent escaping; and from G2892, which implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus), that is, to note (a prophecy; figuratively to fulfil a command); by implication to detain (in custody; figuratively to maintain); by extension to withhold (for personal ends; figuratively to keep unmarried)
Translated: hold fast, keep (-er), (ob-, pre-, re) serve, watch.
It is variously translated 'hold fast', 'keep', 'preserve' and 'watch.' This seems to carry not only the thought of obeying but also of keeping near to our heart the things written in this book.

The time is at hand – The TIME for the fulfillment of all the things written in this book is come. See Rev. 10:6-7.

This book (Revelation) is all about TIME! Our Lord's first preaching was about time (Mark 1:15).

It is worthy of note that when "the time is at hand," the special blessing associated with this message is applicable only to those who are of the John class as described in verse 1.
4 John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace, from him who is and who was and who is to come; and from the seven Spirits that are before his throne; Seven churches – Representing completeness. R5992:2

Perfection or completeness. R370:6, 529:4*

Symbolizing seven successive stages in the history of the Christian Church. R5992:2, 4870:2, 3569:2, 3650:6, 2826:4, 490:6*, 177:1; T115; Q754:2

The first three chapters of Revelation contain particular specifications and general admonitions, not only for the local churches therein mentioned, but for all "overcomers." They apply not only to the different epochs in the history of the Church as a whole, but to different classes in any one epoch in the history of the Church. R4870:2, 529:4*

Any number of the living Church assembled together in any place may properly be called the Church of that place. R1893:5

Each is a general period, which laps over the one on the other; and not necessarily with a particular instant of beginning and a particular instant of closing. R5718:1

It will be a suffering Church down to the very last. R3570:3

John – The church in the flesh, especially those living at the end of the age (see comments vs 10)

In Asia – According to "Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary" the word means "muddy" or "boggy." If one is stuck in a bog, progress is difficult. Another way of looking at a bog is a mixture of earth and water. Thus mixing the world with the water of truth produces this arrangement where making progress becomes very difficult.

It is from the word bog that we get the term "bogged down" meaning to 'become stuck, unable to make progress'. Thus there is a reminder in this simple fact that these 7 churches are in Asia that while we are in the world, we are not to be of the world. Remember the 3 enemies of the true Church are: The World, the Flesh and the Devil.

Grace be unto you, and peace, from him – This combination of 'grace and peace' as used throughout the New Testament seems always to emanate from both our Heavenly Father and His Son. See all examples of this: Romans 1:7; Romans 16:20; 1 Cor. 1:3; 2 Cor. 1:2; Galatians 1:3; Ephes. 1:2; Philip. 1:2; Col. 1:2; 1 Thes. 1:1; 2 Thes. 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2; Titus 1:4; Philemon 1:3; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 1:2; 2 John 1:3;

Him which is, and which was, and which is to come – The Heavenly Father. - At first we were inclined to think this had reference to Jesus Christ because of the reference to him 'which was' (as though his existence had ceased at some time). However, verse 5 specifically identifies an additional greeting from Jesus as being separate from this greeting.

The seven Spirits – This really indicates the ONE Holy Spirit of God, operating through the seven stages of the church.

See topical mini-study "Seven Spirits of God."

Before his throne – Indicating that while there is a connection with the throne, yet there is at least some portion which is still on the earth. In this case, the seven churches - or rather the seven stages of the one true church. See Bible Topics "Before the Throne."
5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood; The first begotten – The firstborn. "The beginning of the creation." (Rev. 3:14) E136, E87; F18; R5991:3

Of the new creation. R371:3

The first born; the victor Jesus, the Lord of life and glory. E136

Of the dead – Although some before him were temporarily awakened, they lapsed again into death. Our Lord was the first to experience a resurrection to perfection and eternal life; a resurrection in the full sense of the word. R5991:3[R5991:3]; HG136:1;[HG136:1] NS282:6[NS282:16]

While the death of Christ was the greatest event in history, his resurrection from death readily holds second place. R3563:1; NS175:1[NS175:3]

He did come to life from the dead. A third "birth." Q374:6

"The firstfruits." (1 Cor. 15:20) "The first that should rise from the dead." (Acts 26:23) "The fore-runner." (Heb. 6:20) HG136:2[HG136:1]; NS783:1[NS783:4]

In direct antagonism to the creeds of Christendom. R5991:3

Prince of the kings – He has been highly exalted and is declared now to be prince or ruler of the kings of the earth. R2866:1

That loved us – Christ's special love for his Church, clearly distinguished from the world. R1254:5

In his own blood – "Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood." (Rev. 5:9) E446

"The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7) E445

"It is the blood that maketh an atonement." (Lev. 17:11) R1298:6*

"He hath redeemed us by his blood" (by his death). R1230:4

Redemption is "through the blood." (Eph. 1:7) R1298:6*

Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness – There may be other faithful witnesses, but there is only one who can fully be considered by the Heavenly Father and by the church as being THE Faithful witness, i.e., Jesus.

First begotten of the dead – First Born - "the first-born of the dead" (NASB); "the first-born out of the dead" (YLT)

Prince – Strong's 757 - "a first (in rank or power)"

Of the kings of the earth – This especially applies at the end of the "Times of the Gentiles", i.e., A.D. 1914. Prior to that date, the Gentiles had a limited dominion. This may also be said to date from our Lord's return (A.D. 1874) or from His First 'executive act', i.e., the rejection of the nominal church systems (A.D. 1878) and the time of the raising of the 'sleeping saints'.

Him that loved us – loved 'us', the 'John' class, the church in the flesh during the time of the Lord's Presence. What a wonderful thought! To imagine for a moment that the direct Son of the Heavenly Father could find anything within 'us' that is worthy of His Love seems almost unimaginable! Yet this and other scriptures declare this to be the case.

For us to imagine this love is completely impossible until we remember that He is looking at 'us' NOT from the standpoint of our fallen flesh, but instead from the standpoint of the desires of our hearts.

Washed us from our sins – Praise His Name! Where would we be without the cleansing of our sins by the Lord Jesus Christ? We would still be in our sins and justly condemned to death.

In his own blood – "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins" (Heb. 9:22)
6 and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Us – Exclaimed by the glorified overcoming Church. R652:6

Kings and priests – The present mission of the Church is to prepare to be kings and priests in the next age. R5822:2, 4372:2, 3294:2, 2750:2, 2238:2, 1910:2, 1750:2

Not of human ordination, but by divine acceptance as members of the Body of our great High Priest. R1101:1

The "High Priest of our profession (order);" (Heb. 3:1) "A Royal Priesthood;" (1 Pet. 2:9) "After (like) the order of Melchizedec." (Heb. 7:21) R1101:1; CR452:5

The work of a priest is one of intercession and of instruction in righteousness. The fact the offices of king and priest will exist logically implies that there will be subjects to rule and learners to teach. R404:3*, 12:2*; CR452:5

This Royal Priesthood is to be God's agency during the Millennial age for bringing blessings to the world of mankind. R2879:5; Q796:2

Reigning priests, having the order of royalty and the order of priesthood combined. CR452:5

As kings we will be endued with power to control the world. R2879:6

These "very elect" kings and priest will be fully qualified to exercise their power in moderation – with new minds which are now being developed, disciplined and brought to the standard of perfect love, which is full of pity, compassion, brotherly kindness and harmony. R2879:6

The Little Flock will be the world's instructors and judges – "Kings and Priests unto God." R2247:3, 1941:1

As overcomers be granted a place in the glorified priesthood of the incoming Millennial age. R1138:4

To fit us for such an exalted and responsible position we require a peculiar training, and we feel warranted in claiming that the trials, temptations and discipline of this present life are for that very purpose. R405:1*, 12:3*

We shall rule as kings even with a rod of iron, but the grand object will be to humble the nations and so fit them for the reception of truth. R404:6*, 12:2*

And hath made us [to be] kings and priests – See NASB. This certainly is not anything we could have ever hoped to accomplish on our own, yea, it would have likely never entered our minds! (Philip. 3:21)

Who is being spoken of here as being the one who 'hath made us [to be] kings and priests?' It is Jesus (vs. 5).

God and his Father – "His God and Father" (NASB, YLT, ASV, DAR). "God his Father" (NLT, GW).

Glory and dominion – Jesus, as Adam's replacement, was a perfect man and thus had the same dominion over the earth and it's creatures that Adam had. (Gen. 1:26-28) Dominion appears to be part of "the image of God."

This could refer to either the Heavenly Father or the Heavenly Son. Both have dominion which lasts forever.

For ever and ever – Literally: "For ages and ages." Since there must be at least two to make something plural, this phrase indicates a minimum of Four ages.
7 Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, even they that pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn over him. Even so, Amen.

Cometh – Greek, erketai. R149:1*

With clouds – The clouds of the time of trouble. B138; R5992:1, 5269:5, 1796:6

A dark day. "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Matt. 24:21) R5269:2

The Millennial morning will be specially cloudy. R1073:5

And – In due time. B153

Every eye – All mankind. R5269:2

Shall – Ultimately. R5992:1

See him – Greek, horao, discern him, recognize his presence, power and authority. B138, B153; R5992:1

Greek, optomai, signifying attend, as in Matt. 27:4, 24, or recognize, as in Acts 7:2, 30; John 11:40 and Luke 3:6. R140:3

With the eyes of their understanding. R5269:2, 5992:1, 5762:1, 5485:6; CR467:6; OV57:4; SM425:1

A blind man says "I see now" – meaning that he sees with his intellectual sight. R5269:4

This scripture does not refer to natural human sight because the Lord said in John 14:19, "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more." Then, referring to his faithful followers who are to be changed into the spirit condition, he added, "But ye shall see me." R5269:1, 5992:1, 5485:6; OV57:3; Q499:3

"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light." (Isa. 9:2) The world of mankind at that time recognize the presence of the Lord and his Kingdom established. R1746:3

The Revelation of Messiah in flaming fire (trouble) will open the eyes of the world. SM425:2

Not until high noon will every eye be able to perceive that he is present; and when "every eye" sees him every one will be holy, "without which no man shall see (horao) the Lord. (Heb. 12:14) R555:5*

Christ's presence and his righteous authority will be recognized in both the punishments and the blessings which will flow to mankind from his reign. R5992:1

The world will learn that the fire of God's anger does not burn against sinners for whom Christ died, but merely against their sins. SM425:3

They also – The Jews. SM425:2

Shall wail – At the time of our Lord's second advent the world will be far from converted to God. R5991:6; A90

Mankind, not loving his appearing, will see Christ drawing nearer in judgment and hence there will be mourning. OV222:3; A90; R5269:5; SM421:2

Because of him – Instead of being converted to God at the time he comes. R5992:1; HG341:6

It teaches that all on earth will not love his appearing. A90; HG341:6; OV222:3

His manifestation of power, the breaking in pieces of things of this present order of affairs, will cause the great time of trouble. R4602:2

He cometh with clouds – His presence is indicated by trouble. "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." Nahum 1:3

Every eye shall see him – Eventually this will be fulfilled. All will see (perceive) that the Lord has returned.

There is nothing here that says "at the moment he arrives every eye will see him." In the early part of his return it is only the watchers, those who look for him, who will see (perceive) that he has indeed returned – "as a thief."

They also which pierced him – It is VERY important that the Jews recognize Him! When they do it will indicate the church has finished its course and the door to the high calling of God will have then been shut. Zech. 12:10 (KJV) "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."

All kindreds of the earth – 'kindreds' = tribes. In other words, 'all the families of the earth'. We may recognize that 'all the families of the earth' will be blessed under the New Covenants arrangement (Gen. 12:3), yet we should remember that in order for them to be properly prepared to receive this blessing, they must first be humbled, prepared. They must first realize that their ways are not sufficient to bring about paradise. They cannot do it by themselves. They need help.

Shall wail because of him – In the realizing that they need help they ('all kindreds of the earth') will 'wail' as they go through the most severe portions of the great 'time of trouble' which shall try every man's work.
8 I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

I am – Jesus' own words. CR247:2

Alpha and Omega – The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. CR247:2

The Hebrew word for "me" in Zech. 12:10 here referred to consists of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph Tay. R1948:4*

He was the first and only begotten and by him all the divine purpose is to be accomplished. R919:3, 716:5*

Beginning with creation we have seen him as the Alpha of the plan, and faith looks into the revealed future and beholds him as the Omega. R422:6

Beginning and the ending – The first and last of the direct creation of God. R1514:6, 5748:1, 1278:3, 1060:4, 1005:3; CR290:1; 247:2; Q358:2; HG297:1, 661:6

God made just one being and never made any more. CR290:1; 247:4; Q358:2

As Jehovah's agent, Jesus is the beginning and finisher of the wondrous plan, though not its author. R1060:4, 446:5*, 333:4

See comment on Rev. 3:14

Which was – Referring to Jesus' pre-existence. R1161:5, 446:5*

To come – Greek, Erkomenas. R149:1*

The Almighty – "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." (Matt. 28:18) Christ has been all-mighty only since his resurrection. The Father gave him the power. R1515:1, 422:5

I – Jesus.

Alpha and Omega – Jesus (as the Logos) was the first (Alpha) and only direct creation of the Heavenly Father. As such, he was also the Last (Omega) direct creation of the Heavenly Father. John 1:1-3.

In Zech. 12:10 the reference is "they shall look on ME (Jesus) whom they have pierced.." The import of this is lost in English. In Hebrew the word 'ME' is made up of two letters: Aleph and Tay. These two letters are the First and the Last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Just as Alpha and Omega are the First and Last letters of the Greek alphabet. Therefore the Zechariah text is saying: "they shall look on ME (Jesus, the First and the Last) .."
9 I John, your brother and partaker with you in the tribulation and kingdom and patience which are in Jesus, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and the witness of Jesus. I John – Typifying in some degree the last living members of the Little Flock. "If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" (John 21:22, 23) R3568:6

At the time he must have been between sixty and ninety years of age. R3569:1

Am your brother – So far from being puffed up by this privilege, John humbly reminds us that the vision was from God and he was simply a companion in tribulation. R1598:3

He does not refer to himself as the "Reverent Saint John, Doctor of Divinity." R2826:2

And companion – The brother of all fellow disciples, sharers of the same sufferings, and prospectively of the same glory. R2826:3

The place of exile was made glorious with the presence of the Lord and manifestations of his grace, not only to his faithful Apostle, but also to all the Church through him. R1598:3

In the kingdom – The embryo Kingdom of heaven. "The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matt. 11:12) R1598:3

Was in the isle – A prisoner, exiled to the isle. R3568:6

Banished to the lonely and sterile isle. R1598:3

Possibly symbolizing the ostracism, complete isolation and imprisonment of the Church. R3569:1

Is called Patmos – A penal island, almost uninhabitable, rocky, barren, where convicts were worked in the quarrying of marble. R3568:6, 2826:3

The little island in the Mediterranean Sea. R2826:3

For the word of God – Seclusion had been forced upon him as a penalty for faithfulness. R1598:6, 3569:1, 2826:3

His faithfulness in believing and teaching the Word of God. R1598:3

John – The church in the flesh during our Lord's Second Presence.

Your brother – Not 'The Great Apostle' or 'St. John the Divine.' He was simply our brother in Christ.

Companion in tribulation – 'Filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ'. Col. 1:24
10 I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet In the Spirit – In a trance. R2826:1

John was specially filled with the holy Spirit of love and adoration and joy in God as to be mentally lifted above his surroundings and out of the thoughts and feelings of the old nature. R1598:3

Being in the proper attitude of mind and heart – "a broken and emptied vessel," fit for the Master's use – the chosen and honored instrument. R1599:1

In times of tribulation the Lord's presence and comfort are most precious to his saints, and they begin to learn what it means to live "in the spirit" – above the world, and hence to a great extent unaffected by its conditions. R1598:6

To understand and appreciate spiritual things we must have become new creatures in Christ Jesus. R3569:2

On the Lord's day – John saw this vision on the first day of the week. Our Lord revealed himself and certain great instructions to the Church through John, honoring this day. R2826:1

The earliest record found in Scripture of the use of this name for the first day of the week. R1727:4, 1598:3, 1446:6

The day of his resurrection, our Sunday. R1727:4, 3569:1, 2826:1

The day on which all the promises of God's Word received life and our hopes through Christ were quickened. R3569:1

A reference to the Millennial age, the day of Christ. R3569:1, 2826:1

We are living in the early dawn of this day of Christ. R3569:2

Behind me – From some unseen source. R1599:1

We, who now are having the realities, find that the message, which reveals the wonderful things of the divine character and plan, is behind us. R3569:2

Signifying that the things to be revealed had already commenced, some features going clear back to the time of our Lord's earthly ministry. R2826:4

As of a trumpet – Indicative of an important proclamation. R1599:1

I – The John class, the church in the flesh during our Lord's Second Presence.

In the Spirit – This is the only way to understand the truth, i.e., to be 'in the Spirit' class, i.e., Spirit begotten.

On the Lord's day – The 7th day, the millennium.

Behind me – To understand this book we must take this perspective, i.e., to recognize we are in the 7th day and to look behind us for the fulfillment of most of what is about to be described.

Voice – The voice of present truth. 'The Lord himself shall descend from heaven .. with the voice of the Archangel ..' 1 Thess. 4:16

Trumpet – '.. with the trump of God ..' 1 Thess. 4:16

This would seem to indicate the clear understanding of the vision of Revelation would only come 'on the Lord's day' with the sounding (voice) of the (seventh) trumpet, the voice of "present truth."

This trumpet is the great anti-typical Jubilee trumpet which began to sound about October 1, 1874. See Vol. II, chapter 6.
11 saying, What thou seest, write in a book and send it to the seven churches: unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. I am Alpha – These words and the next succeeding seven words are not found in the oldest Greek manuscripts. R3569:2, 2826:4

The first and the last – Of divine creation. The first and only begotten Son of Jehovah. R5351:6, 4098:1, 1599:1, 1514:6

All subsequent creations were by and through Christ as Jehovah's honored agent. R4098:1, 5351:6

The seven churches – Representing the seven stages of development or epochs in the history of the one true Church. Q754:2; T115; R5992:2, 4870:2, 3650:6, 3569:2, 2826:4, 2521:6, 490:6*, 177:1; HG96:6

We are not to think of the different epochs represented in the messages to the various churches as being exact periods, rather each to be a general period, which laps over the one on the other. R5718:1

Covering the period between the first advent and the second coming of Christ. R5992:2

The complete nominal Gospel church of the entire age. R1599:1

Which are in – Ancient manuscripts omit the words "churches which are in Asia." R2826:4

Asia – The word means "muddy" or "boggy," indicating the general nature of the Church's path throughout her earthly career. R336:2*

While the messages given to the seven churches were doubtless applicable to them, they properly have a still wider application to the entire Gospel Church, the number seven representing completeness. R5992:2, 2826:4, 1599:1; HG97:1

To think otherwise would be to attach more importance to those seven comparatively small churches of Asia Minor than they would seem to have deserved, and an ignoring of other more numerous and influential churches. R3569:3; HG96:3

The Roman province of Asia was a part of that district which we now call Asia Minor, and embraced only the southwest half of the peninsula. R336:1*

The seven cities then existing still remain (some in ruins) until the present. It seems evident that these cities were chosen from a peculiarity in their names which fitted God's purpose. R336:1*; HG96:6

The seven churches – the seven stages of the one True church.
12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands; And I turned – So also we turn and look toward the past to see the fulfillment of the various features of the divine plan and to hear and understand the message given to his people by the risen Lord. R3569:2

The voice that spake – As if saying, Remember who it is that speaks. R336:1*

Seven golden candlesticks – Symbolizing the Lord's nominal people of this Gospel age, including his "members." R3569:4

Each of the seven churches is represented by a separate candlestick, or lamp. R2521:6, 3650:6, 3569:4, 2827:2

Representing the one Church, whose seven stages of development were symbolized by the seven congregations of Asia Minor, also by the golden candlestick in the "Holy." T115, T116; R2827:2, 1599:1, 490:6*; Q754:2

The divine institution of the Church is for the enlightening of the world, gold being a symbol of the divine nature. R1599:2

In this verse and onward is a description of the appearance of the glorified Savior and his surroundings, some feature of which seems to be peculiarly fitted to each church. R336:1*

I turned to see – Thus indicating that the John class is indeed on the Lord's day, the Millennium, and in order to see he must turn and look back through time.

The voice – the same voice mentioned in vs 10 (i.e., that of a trumpet).

That spake with me – This voice (the voice of Truth spoken by the returned Lord) speaks specifically to John (church in the flesh).

Being turned – it is only when we turn and look back that we come to recognize that the seven golden candlesticks indicate the church throughout the age.

It is wise to keep in mind the parable of Wheat and Tares (Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43). By right, it is a wheat field (i.e., intended for the true disciples of Christ), but the enemy (Satan) sowed tares (imitation wheat). Eventually the imitation greatly outnumbers the true. This is the nominal church. During the Gospel Age it contains both the true and the false.

Seven golden candlesticks – The seven stages of the church. While this refers to the church nominal, it also refers to the true church, which was contained within the nominal church. This is referred to by the gold. – Jer. 51:7.

This reminds us immediately of the Golden Candlestick (Lampstand) in the Holy of the Tabernacle. There it pictures the light of the Holy Spirit given to the entire church – all 7 stages of it.
13 and in the midst of the lampstands one like unto a son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about at the breasts with a golden girdle. And in the midst – Caring for them, trimming the wicks, seeing to the supply of oil, etc., representing the Lord's directing, criticizing, judging and protecting care over all the interests of his Church throughout the age. R3569:3, 2827:1

Candlesticks – Or lampstands. R3569:4, 3650:6, 2826:4, 336:2*

The lampstand represents the nominal church of Christ, rather than the true. R3569:4

Representing the whole Gospel church. HG97:1

Representing the seven phases of the church. R1599:2

The union and the separateness are merely as we view the matter from two different standpoints. R2827:2

The same candlestick as in the Tabernacle and Temple but the parts are separated – the union, the relationship between them being supplied by our Redeemer, the antitypical High Priest. R3569:4, 2827:2, 1599:2, 1491:1

One like unto – Some one or more of the features of this description seem to be peculiarly appropriate to each of the successive stages of the church. R5992:2

The Son of man – Like "a" son of man, like a priest, as implied by the clothes described. R3569:3, 5992:2, 2826:4, 1599:1

A human figure. R2827:1

What John saw in vision was not understood by him to be the Lord's glorious body, but a symbolical representation of it. R3569:2, 2826:5

Not really the Lord, but a vision, an appearance. R1599:2

Clothed – An inspired conception of the present glory and majesty of Jesus Christ; glorious in retinue, in person, in position, in power and authority. R1323:3

Some one or more of the features of this description would seem to be peculiarly appropriate to each of the successive stages of the church; and in each case he who sends the message is thus described. R5992:3

Possibly representing the fact that the glory was manifested in Jesus' own person, in his own ministry and in that of his twelve apostles. R3569:5

With a garment – A long, full flowing robe such as was worn by kings and priests; not the dress of the common people. R1599:2

Down to the foot – After the death of the apostles, the body of truth was almost completely veiled throughout the eighteen centuries intervening until now, when the feet members are illuminated by it. R3569:5

Girt about the paps – Not about the loins as one about to toil or run, but about the paps of one in the repose and dignity of sovereignty. R1599:4

In the midst of the seven candlesticks – Jesus has always been in the midst of the church (all 7 stages of it). "Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the age." Matt. 28:20

These 7 candlesticks represent the church in the flesh, all 7 stages of it. See verse 20.

The use of a candlestick to represent a stage of the church is very appropriate. Remember our Lord's words in Matt. 5:14-16 about lighting a candle and then letting our light shine.

Son of man – Jesus. 80 times does Jesus refer to himself by this title in the Gospels.

See Dan. 7:13-14

Clothed with a garment down to the foot – This shows the close relationship between Jesus and His body, the church. The garment (robe of Christ's righteousness) covers all the way to the end of the age, even the 'feet' members of the body of Christ.

Girt about the paps – As opposed to the loins, which represents servitude, labor, the sweat of the brow. This is an elevated condition indicating his being in glory.

Golden girdle – Indicating divine position and strength (gold = divine, girdle = strength).
14 And his head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; Hairs were white – Indicating both age and purity. R1599:4

Corresponding to the Ancient of Days of Daniel's vision (Dan. 7:9, 13, 22) and symbolic of venerableness of knowledge, experience, wisdom. R2826:5; HG62:1

As white as snow – Representing splendor and purity. R3569:5

His eyes – Symbolizing that our Master is all-seeing and omniscient. R3569:5

The contemplation of his glance should of itself purge and purify our hearts to the extent of ability to put far from us everything which would have his disapproval. R3569:5

As a flame of fire – Acute discernment. R1599:4

Representing penetrating intelligence. Tells us that he is not deceived by outward forms or ceremonies, but reads every thought and intent of the heart. R3569:5, 2826:5

Eyes as a flame of fire – See Dan. 10:5-6
15 and his feet like unto burnished copper, as if it had been refined in a furnace; and his voice as the voice of many waters. And his feet – Representing the living members of the Body all down through the age, who serve in the sense of carrying forward, financially and otherwise, the Lord's work. R2827:1

Like unto fine brass – Polished and glowing, indicating power. R1599:4

The feet members will be illuminated by the truth and shine forth – not like the Head, but as polished brass. R3569:2

Refined copper. Those whom the Lord would use in his service must, in their conduct and dealings with the world, be refined, purified, clean. "Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord." (Isa. 52:11) R2827:1

In a furnace – Representing the refining process by fiery trials to each and all the members of the Body. (1 Pet. 4:12) R2827:1

So bright that you can scarcely look at it. R18:4, 261:6

Of many waters – Signifying peoples, nations and languages, (Rev. 17:15) and that thus our Lord, present with his Church, would speak to her and through her by many tongues, in many languages. R2826:6

Indicating the universality of his authority and power. R1599:4

His feet – The 'feet' members of the body of Christ.

Like unto fine brass – Copper. Perfect human nature. This is, of course, because of the 'robe of Christ's righteousness' – the 'garment' mentioned in vs. 13.

Burned in a furnace – Mal. 3:2,3

His voice – The voice of Present Truth, the voice of the Archangel, the voice of our Returned Lord. This is the same voice mentioned in Isa. 52:8.
16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his power. In his right hand – Under his guidance, protection and care. R3570:4

Showing that the teaching power and authority are vested in Christ, the Head of the Church, and that human teachers are only instruments in his hands. R1599:4

Seven stars – The angels, or messengers, or special servants of the Church in each epoch. R2826:6, 3570:4

Bearers of heavenly light, spiritual enlightenment or instruction. R3570:4

Out of his mouth – His words in his Church are to be as the Sword of the Spirit, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart, (Heb. 4:12) dividing and classifying his people, and separating from his elect every impure thing. R2826:5

Two-edged sword – The Word of God, cutting against sin in every direction, as much when found in his most earnest followers as when found elsewhere. R3570:5

None need to attempt to pluck out the mote from his brother's eye without getting rid of the beam in his own eye. R3570:5

This should thoroughly convince us that this description of our Lord is symbolic. R3570:4

Symbolizes the mission of his truth and its final victory. The Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God. R1599:4

See comments on Rev. 2:12

As the sun shineth – Jesus glorified, transfigured, radiant like the sun. R3794:4, 2289:1; F677

His spiritual glory manifested. R1995:3, 261:6, 119:6, 18:4; F677; HG28:6, 35:3, 51:6

Marking the glory and power and blessing of his presence and Kingdom. R1599:4

The glory of our blessed Lord is of the same kind as that of the Most High. He has been glorified with the glory of God. R1283:4

In his right hand – in His (Christ's) right hand. The right hand has always signified the place of strength or power).

The seven stars – The seven messengers to the seven stages of the church are all specially kept by the Lord's power.

Out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword – The truth, the bible (Old and New Testaments, indicated by the fact that this sword has two edges) is described as coming out of the mouth of our Lord. "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." 1 Cor. 1:21

His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength – This brightness appears to be attributed to all spirit beings. The special indication to us here is that this brightness is 'as the sun shineth it his strength'. This would seem to indicate the Gospel light (emanating from our Lord), through the Bible.

The fact that it indicates 'as the sun' would seem to imply at least the Gospel message and the fact that it also indicates 'in his strength' is indicative of the Presence of the Lord.

The Apostle Paul, in describing his own experience when he was converted described the appearance of the Lord by saying: "I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me." Acts 26:13
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as one dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying, Fear not; I am the first and the last, Fell at his feet – The vision had an overpowering effect upon the Apostle's physical frame, and from excitement and fear, he fell. R1599:4

When we once get a glimpse of the glories of the divine character through the divine plan, we fall before him, humbled to the dust, realizing that we are imperfect and unworthy of his favor and blessing. R3569:6

As dead – So great was the splendor, John fell as dead, just as Daniel fell prostrated in the presence of the mighty one, and Saul of Tarsus fell before the majesty displayed to him. R3569:6, 1599:4, 261:6, 18:4

What John saw was merely a mental vision, while that which Paul saw was a very literal light which permanently injured his eyes. R2826:5

John may be considered as a representative of the Lord's consecrated ones, who in his presence feel their own deadness, having been symbolically beheaded (Rev. 20:4); losing their own wills and accepting the will of the Lord instead. R2827:2-4

Hand – His power. R2827:4

Fear not – We cannot come into close sympathy with our Lord until we learn to have confidence in him as the one who loved us and bought us with his precious blood. (Rev. 1:5) R3570:1

Only those who are as dead, beheaded for Christ, can fully receive this message appreciatively. From these fear is cast out. R2827:4

First and the last – The only begotten. E93; R1904:5, 1599:4

Of Jehovah's direct creation. R1904:5, 1514:6; E93; SM491:2

We must recognize him as the one who was dead, was raised from the dead, is alive forevermore, and has power over death. R3570:1

See comments on Rev. 3:14

I – The 'John' class, the church in the flesh during the time of His second presence.

Saw him – Saw (discerned) him (Jesus), i.e., this class recognizes our Lord at His second advent.

I fell at his feet – The standard method of worship or submission. This phrase is a quotation from Dan. 10:5-11 (esp. vs 8)

Laid his right hand upon me – What a staggering thought! Not only does the right hand signify power and strength, but we also remember the instruction of Paul to Timothy to "lay hands suddenly on no man" (1 Tim. 5:22).
"..the Apostle intimates that a laying on of Timothy's hands upon a fellow-laborer in the vineyard would signify his approval, or indorsement: so that if the man turned out poorly in any respect, Timothy would share in his demerit. He must, so far as possible, make sure that he did not give his influence to introduce one who would do injury to the Lord's sheep, either morally or doctrinally.

"No risk should be run; caution should be exercised either in giving a letter of recommendation or a public indorsement in the form of a public God-speed. The same advice is still appropriate to all of the Lord's people in proportion to the degree of their influence." F285

This would indicate approval! Now consider that this is not Timothy or any other member of the church giving their approval. No indeed! This is the approval of our Lord Jesus Christ! - Compare Psa. 139:5-6

Fear not – because I have indeed given thee (the church) my (Christ's) approval as indicated by laying on of my hand.

The first – Jesus was the First direct creation of God.

The last – Jesus was the Last direct creation of God. All other things were created by Jesus as the Logos (John 1:3).
18 and the Living one; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades. I am he – The Redeemer of the race – Jesus. R194:2

The "Messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in." (Mal. 3:1) R1233:2

Originally he was on the spirit plane. Later as a man he lived; he died. At his resurrection he was made alive on the spirit plane, but the identity, the personality is the same. R5065:4, 4588:1

Speaking of his own resurrection. R5612:4

That liveth – With force these words tell us he is dead no longer, and that our faith may recognize the fact that he arose from the dead. R4587:3

He does not say, "I am he who lived always and who never died." R2794:6

And was dead – "He hath poured out his soul unto death." (Isa. 53:12) made "his soul an offering for sin." (Isa. 53:10) R2827:4

Jesus really died for our sins, the just for the unjust. R4587:3, 5065:4, 4174:3, 3570:2; NS175:4[NS175:6]

Not merely apparently dead, but really so. NS5:5[NS5:1], 175:3; R2827:4

In the same sense exactly that Adam was dead. R4174:2, 4587:3

He gave his life as the offset to Father Adam's life. R5706:4, 4174:2; NS96:3[NS96:1]

The death of Jesus did not redeem the world, but constituted a ransom price for the world whenever it might be applied. R4587:6

The humanity which he took for the suffering of death, and which he accordingly laid down in death, remains a sacrifice forever. R1264:4*

Here the risen Lord identifies himself with the crucified one. R1263:2*

When he died and his identity was completely lost to himself for three days, it still existed in the memory of God; when God transferred it to an actual, glorious, divine body, Jesus recognized himself again. R1264:1*

On the truth, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, hangs the whole argument respecting our justification from original sin. NS175:4[NS175:6]

It was not the new creature that was dead, it was the old creature. Q369:3

Not a dead Saviour. NS175:4[NS175:7]

Alive for evermore – He was the first one who descended to the tomb, (Eph. 4:9, 10) and was raised from the dead, and who has ascended far above every name that is named. (Eph. 1:20, 21; Phil. 2:9) R5612:5, 3563:3

"Christ both died and rose and revived, that he might be Lord (controller) both of the dead and living." (Rom. 14:9) NS533:6[NS533:9]

"Death hath no more dominion over him." (Rom. 6:9) R3570:1

Our Lord assures us that he dies no more. NS178:6[NS178:9]

The ego, the identity, of the blessed Son of God still existed in the book of God's remembrance and in due time was raised to life again. R1264:5*

Upon the death and resurrection of Jesus hang the resurrection hope of the Church and the world. R4588:1

Had the Father not raised him from the dead, it would have implied some unfaithfulness, some failure on our Lord's part. R4588:1

The keys – The power and authority to unlock and open the graves and release the prisoners. E378; R3570:2, 3436:4, 2827:4, 1599:4, 504:3*; CR426:2; HG556:5, 735:1; NS5:1, 35:5, 139:2, 800:2

Symbol of right, authority, and power. R816:3, 62:4*, 43:6*; NS196:2

Power to open. R485:3

The keys are in good hands! They are rightfully his, who has bought all 20 billion of the prisoners. SM32:T

By virtue of the ransom which he gave for all. R816:3

When Christ came out of hell, he brought the keys with him. HG556:5, 735:1

"To bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house." (Isa. 42:7) SM611:2; OV363:5

How glad we are to know that the keys of the great prison are in the hands of one who "so loved the world." (John 3:16) NS585:6

By virtue of his death and resurrection. Q784:T

He has the power to call forth the dead and that in due time he will exercise this power. NS96:2; F335; NS196:2

Neither death nor hades is an insurmountable barrier, because Christ holds the key of both, and will liberate every captive in due time. R1283:3

Of hell – Greek, hades, oblivion, the grave, the tomb, the great prison-house of death. E378; R5706:4, 2827:4, 2600:6, 1599:4, 1283:3, 422:5, 418:6, 417:4, 194:2, 165:2, 163:6, 62:4*; HG384:1; NS5:1; SM32:T

There the dead are spoken of as "prisoners of hope." (Zech. 9:12) HG384:2; R2601:1; NS585:2

They "sleep in the dust of the earth." (Dan. 12:2) NS800:5

"Till the heavens be no more (symbol of the present rule of Satan, the prince of the power of the air' (Eph. 2:2) – heavens) they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep." (Job 4:12) R194:2

The dead are not in bliss, neither in torment, but dead, needing an awakening. NS119:1; R2827:5

And of death – Jesus has the key of the great prison-house of death. R3948:5, 3436:4, 541:3*; F335

In its every degree, so that it is his privilege to raise up so many as will obey him out of the degradation and imperfection of this dying condition. R2827:4

I am he that liveth, and was dead – There is no one else (at the time of our Lord's return) who could make this claim. Not even Lazarus could make this claim. Even though he had been dead and was then made alive again, he subsequently died and was therefore no long 'alive'. But Jesus indeed was dead and is now (ever since His resurrection in 33 A.D.) alive.

I am alive for evermore – "For evermore" is Strong's G1519 G165 G165. In every other case in the New Testament this phrase is translated: "for ever and ever." It is the equivalent to us saying "for all eternity." KJVwc

Have the keys – The authority. This is one of those expressions which involve our Lord quoting from the Old Testament. However, it is not immediately apparent. In order to make this connection, we need to go to Rev. 3:7 where our Lord declares that he has 'the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth.' - This is a quotation from Isa. 22:22.

Of hell – Hades, the place of the dead, oblivion. In the context of the quotation (Isa. 22:22) it is clear that Jesus not only has the key (authority) but also that He is the one who will indeed open the doors of hades and release its prisoners in the resurrection of the world of mankind.

And of death – The dying process itself, the results of which leads to hades.
19 Write therefore the things which thou sawest, and the things which are, and the things which shall come to pass after these things; Write – A command to write the vision of the things past, present and future, that the Church may ponder its deeply significant symbolisms. R1599:5

The book of Revelation is a prophecy and not a literal epistle. HG97:1

Write – This seems not only to be a message to the John class, the church in the flesh during the time of the Lord's second presence, but especially to that special member of the John class who did indeed write the message of present truth, i.e., "The Man Clothed in Linen with the Writer's Inkhorn."

Have seen.. which are.. which shall be – This is exactly what Pastor Russell did. He brought forth "things new and old" from the storehouse of Truth. He explained much of the past and how God's dealings with mankind were all working out His great Plan of the Ages. He explained much of what was going on around him at the time. He also explained those wonderful things to come concerning the eventual destruction of all the systems of error and oppression and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God under the Christ.
20 the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest on my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven lampstands are seven churches. In my right hand – Under the Master's guidance, protection and care. R3570:4

The teaching power and authority are vested in Christ, the head of the Church, and the human teachers are only instruments in his hands, and accountable to him. R1599:4

In his favor, as well as in his power. R3570:2, 2826:6

During the Ephesus period of the Church. R5992:3, 491:1*

The messengers of the churches – St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John, etc. – were so powerfully led and kept in the grasp of our Lord Jesus during this epoch that we accept their teachings as his, believing that their words were really his words. R5992:3, 491:1*

The messengers of that first church, Matthew, Peter, James, John and Paul, who were to be messengers to all the churches, were so held in the grasp of Christ that they could not waver or deviate. R336:2*

If the servant for any cause or in any manner seemed to be an unsuitable one another might take his place, and be the star or messenger of the church of that epoch. R2826:6

Seven – Representing completeness. R3650:6, 2827:2, 1491:1

Golden candlesticks – Or lampstands. R3650:6, 1491:1

Representing all the true saints or light bearers in all the various phases of the nominal church development. R1491:1

The lamp light is the earthly light, representing good works, obedience, etc. of those who nominally constitute the Lord's Church in the world. R3570:4

Similar to those in Zech. 4, but separated from one another and representing the seven stages or epochs of the church. R3650:6

See comments on Rev. 1:11, 12

Seven stars – The star light is the heavenly light, the spiritual enlightenment or instruction. R3570:4

Are the angels – Messengers, representatives. R3613:2, 3570:2

Indicating that the appropriate message for each epoch in the Church's experience would be sent by the Lord through a particular star or messenger whom he would particularly commission as his representative. R3570:4, 2826:6

Seven churches – Representative of the seven epochs of the one Church's experience.

My right hand – Jesus keeps the 7 messengers to the church by His own right hand. The right hand signifies one's greatest power and strength.
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