

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15

Our text clearly indicates that there are two kinds of love in the world, with votaries for each-the love for the world versus the love for God. The two are stated to be opposites to such a degree that they cannot be blended. We must be on one side or on the other side. As our Lord on one occasion declared, "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon," and as the Apostle declared, "His servants ye are to whom ye render service." Matt. 6:24; Rom. 6:16 Did the Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle, mean to teach us that we should not love those things in the world that are beautiful, beautiful landscapes, flowers, birds, etc., etc.? Some in times past and at present take this view and go into cloisters and shut themselves away from things beautiful and pleasing to their senses. A few people are inclined to feel that if they take pleasure in anything of an earthly kind it signifies sin in the sight of God. Those who have taken such a view of life have usually done so from a misunderstanding of our text and others of similar import.


The Scriptures everywhere contrast what they denominate this world or present order of things with the world to come or future order of things, assuring us that the present social order or arrangement is imperfect, unsatisfactory, sinful, and that it must give place in God's due time to the perfect order or arrangement, under the dominion of the Messianic Kingdom, for which we pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." It is in accord with this that the Apostle speaks of the conditions as the present evil world, and refers to the future condition of things as "the world to come in which dwelleth righteousness." The thought then prevalent throughout the Scriptures is that unrighteousness is reigning or governing among men at the present time, and will hold sway until the Second Coming of Christ, who will overthrow the present order of things and establish the reign of righteousness-the world or order of things promised to come.

Many in the world are totally unable to see why present conditions should be designated "evil." They suit them well enough. They would be sorry to see them discontinued or set aside or changed in any manner lest the results to themselves would be less favorable.

Our thought on the subject is expressed by the Psalmist when he declares, that "all the foundations of the earth are out of course." (Psa. 82:5) His words mean that all the basic principles of the present social structure are distorted out of proper relationship to each other, are in confusion. Society for centuries has been endeavoring to serve its interests as wisely as possible, yet selfishness-inherent in the entire human family since the fall-affects, influences, warps and twists the judgment on every subject. As a consequence, while it has endeavored to have matters right and just and true, while it has endeavored as a whole to regulate its affairs on lines of justice, sympathy, truth and equity, nevertheless individual selfishness and class preference have distorted the whole arrangement, until we have the condition which prevails today.

The history of the whole world shows that this condition of things is bound to continue so long as selfishness reigns in the human heart, and so long as the present order of society continues.

We are not advocating political, social and financial doctrines, revolutions, etc.

Quite to the contrary; we claim that the present condition of things as a whole is about as good as it is possible for men to make it. We hold that any attempt to establish Socialism, and to deprive the most intelligent and most wealthy of the advantages which they possess, would result in violent trouble and anarchy, and that on the whole the best that the poor world can do for itself is to seek to hold matters as nearly level as possible, without provoking the anarchy and strife-to get all of the riches and liberty and justice properly belonging to the whole people into their hands so far as this can be done along peaceable lines.


The Apostle, in our text, intimates that we should search our hearts diligently to see our standing. Do we love the present selfish order of things? Are we helping to uphold it? Would we be sorry to see it go down, or see anything that might tend in that direction? If we are among those more favored than some, would we be sorry to see God's Kingdom established with the special liberties, privileges and advantages for all?

There are just two answers to these questions, Yes, or No, and our heart attitude respecting them demonstrates whether we are possessed of the spirit of [HG552] the world, the selfish spirit, the ambitious spirit, the self-seeking spirit of the world, the desire to have more of the advantages of this present time and to use them selfishly in our own aggrandizement, or whether we have the love of the Father dwelling richly in our hearts and controlling our sentiments. With the latter sentiment in control we would be glad to see God's Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven as quickly as possible.

The question may be asked, How could anyone have wealth or be associated in any present enterprises who is in accord with the principles of righteousness, as we have outlined them, who is desirous of the establishment of God's Kingdom?

Should he not refrain from taking advantage of any of the opportunities of the present time? Should he not abandon superior opportunities and distribute his fortune to others and engage in life as a day laborer, choosing to have no better than the masses of the world enjoy of earth's favors and blessings, refusing to have anything to do with society because the majority have no such opportunities, refusing to have any benefits or emoluments of honor that are not common or general to the poorest of mankind? We answer, Nol This would not be the proper course; it would not greatly benefit the world for us to take such a step; a wiser way seems to open before us. We hear the Master's words in His prayer on behalf of His followers:" I pray not that Thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldst keep them from the evil" [that is in the world]. "In the world, but not of it," should be the Christian's secret of a separate life.

We are not wishing to condone graft or fraud or any immoral business. We are not meaning to say that the Christian should engage in these while his heart would be separate from them. As a child of God he is bound to be honest, bound to be true, bound to be faithful in all these particulars. What we hold is that, while avoiding unrighteousness, the Lord's people may engage in business along the lines that are generally approved as moral, along lines which are really selfish, and that he can thus engage without violation of his conscience, realizing that while in the world, his shop, his factory, his works, must be conducted very generally along the same principles as those of his neighbors, where the said principles do not infract truth and righteousness. He is not to attempt to run his factories on the basis of love, which would be sure to bring him trouble, sure to destroy the business. He should recognize and follow love and righteousness in his business arrangements and dealings so far as present usages of society will permit.

But while thus engaged in worldly transactions, comparatively along the lines of selfishness, the only ones possible at the present time, if he is a true Christian his heart will never be in sympathy with the present order of affairs-he will be longing for the better conditions, He will find that the best he can do, there under present conditions, will be to follow the highest standard of business principle known to men, and to use the profits of his business according to his best judgment of the Lord's will, as a steward of so much of the Lord's money-using some of it perhaps for the mental, some for the moral, some for the physical and some for the spiritual assistance of employees, neighbors and friends, but all the while wishing, hoping, praying for the New Dispensation which will usher in the everlasting righteousness upon the earth which the Lord has promised in His Word.

This is in full accord with the love of the Father mentioned in our text.

Loving not the present order of things and appreciating not the social structure of the present time, feeling that there are injustices and iniquities which we cannot endorse, leads those who are the Lord's people, and who have the Father's love dwelling more and more richly and abundantly in their hearts, to become more and more alienated from the world-in it, they are not of it. It is not necessarily their business to be continually chiding the world, fault-finding; but, rather, realizing that present conditions are the result of the fall and of acquired selfishness, they are to sympathize with the poor world with which they cannot fraternize; and if these find that their positions in favor of righteousness and their ideas respecting what would be just and what would be unjust are not appreciated by the world, they may not be surprised, but rather it may lead them to rejoice if, in consequence of faithfulness to the Lord and the truths of His revelation, men shall separate them from their company and they shall find themselves more or less ostracized in social circles, among the members of Christianity. Let them rejoice to be in fellowship with the Lord, and let their light so shine before men as to glorify Him in their bodies and spirits which are His.

As they are thus more and more separated from the world and its spirit by growing in grace and knowledge, they will be the more drawn to those of like precious faith-to others who have received of the same Spirit of the Father, the same love for humanity, and who are, like themselves, rejoicing in God's Plan, which He has promised shall work out for the blessing of all the families of the earth, bringing them to a knowledge of Himself and to glorious opportunities in connection with life everlasting and the Divine favors associated with the Kingdom.



This article is the same material as Bible Students Monthly, Volume 3, No. 12, entitled, "Character of Love Required in Heavenly Aspirants."



In resigning Pastor says too much attention is paid to features.

"If I made my pulpit a circus, I'd be a winner," said Rev. A. J. Belanger, in resigning as a minister. "People nowadays want their preachers to be mixers, not martyrs."

Mr. Belanger has added largely to the membership of the Auburn Street Congregational Church, of Paterson, N. J., during his pastorale, and is widely known for his scholarly and eloquent sermons. But members of the congregation have complained that he does not "mix."

"If I stood on my head or ran a minstrel show I could hold these complainants" said he. "It is a truth to be deplored that ministers today are called upon to be interesting and frothy personally, rather than preachers of good sermons, known for theological attainments, and for conscientious, dignified work. It does not seem to me desirable that churches should be mere play centers. I think that the social and in" stitutional side of church work is not anything like as important as pulpit work. The power of the sermon should never be diluted because the preacher is forced to spend his time on activities that are not purely theological.

But it is undoubtedly true that young men entering the pulpit are made to feel now that elevated thought in sermons is not as needful to success as personal mannerisms and entertainment ability." Grafton, W. Va., Sentinel


The editor of The Western Christian Advocate, having some time since advocated that Methodists hereafter pray publicly for the dead, aroused his brother editor of The Central Christian Advocate to a discussion of the subject. He noted that not even Romanists pray for those in hell, but only for those in purgatory, for whom there is a hope of escape. He asked, "Would we [Methodists] adopt the word Purgatory?" He proceeded to show that John Wesley, when charged with praying for the dead, did not deny it, but admitted it-denying that prayers for the dead were "peppery." He concludes: "We do not think that it is strange that Methodism has not produced a literature on this thing of prayers for the dead. Methodism is practical. The land immediately beyond the grave is shrouded in loving mystery; there is scant revelation. Therefore Methodism is silent."

So, then, Methodism from Wesley down to the present finds nothing to say against future probation; but has some considerable leaning toward it. Only uninformed Methodists, therefore, have anything to say against the main argument presented and proven by us.


After seven years in the ministry Rev. Robert A. Bakeman has "quit the ministry to go to work." He has been assistant to Dr. Geo. Lunn, the Socialist mayor of Schenectady, as pastor of the United People's Church. He went to work today as a laborer under the superintendent of streets. Mr. Bakeman arraigned the church, its methods and its ministers in leaving the ministry. He took exception to the preaching of the church of the day, which, as he said, was unproved. He declared the pulpit is hampered by an atmosphere of "so-called truths," which the minister must accept regardless of his own convictions on church doctrines. "The minister is in a castle," he said. "He stands unchallenged and says what he pleases so long as he keeps within his pledges. I am tired of being in a castle, unchallenged. I want to get out where a man can place his brains against men. The minister's life is [HG554] artifical. It is an unreal life. He has a code of morals bending over with the burden of trying to retain their all his own. A great majority of old ministers are influence." (Walton, W. Ha., Sentinel)


This article can lee found in its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Decline of Farth and Godliness."


The paradox of the twentieth century is that everywhere Christian relationships prevail between individuals, but pagan relationships between the nations to which these individuals belong. This is the observation of Dr. Frederick Lynch of The Congregationalzst (Boston) from the vantage point of a summer holiday at Luceme, Switzerland. In this summer meeting-place of Europe he has seen English and Germans grouped together, "their talk full of the utmost good-will," the relations "Christian through and through." "The German would never think of stealing the Englishman's purse, and the Englishman would never suspect the German of murderous designs upon him." If they differed in a dispute, they would not fly at each other's throat; they would refer the judgment to the nearest friend, or if it were a serious quarrel, to an impartial jury. "As a matter of fact, nationality is not uppermost in their talk." "But the moment the German Government and the English Government exchange words, the whole atmosphere changes from Christian to pagan." In fact, "It is as if Christianity had never existed, or else had no part in the relationships of nations. The talk is all of preparation for murderous assault of one nation upon the other. Each declares the other harbors designs of invasion, and each seems to believe that the other would seize the land at once did it dare. Instead of good-will there is recrimination. No bandit in preChristian Europe ever armed himself against a fellow man as each one of these nations is aiming itself against the other. Should the slightest dispute arise, these nations are ready to fly at each other's throats, and it is only because the few who believe Christian ethics should prevail between nations are influential enough to be heard in these days that these two great nations were kept from flying at each other's throats last year. It seems too horrible to be believed, but it is true; and so pagan still are all the codes of national ethics in spite of Hague conferences and peace congresses, that it would take little to plunge these two nations into war.

"There are a good many Italians in Lucerne and a good many Italian papers are sold here. I have been interested in getting the Italian point of view on the war with Turkey. The simplicity of that view is the most striking thing about it, except its barefaced paganism. It is simply this: Italy needed Tripoli and wanted it, and, having become strong enough to take it from Turkey, proceeded to take it. The beauty of it all is that no one sees anything wrong in doing it."

"It would be wrong and un-Christian for an Italian to steal a Turk's purse or to kill a Turk on the street. But there is nothing wrong in Italy's stealing Turkey's purse or destroying Turks in so doing. (The only man I have met whose conscience troubled him a little, justified Italy's act on the ground that she was simply taking back what once was hers, for ancient Rome once owned North Africa.) "Even the Church has fallen in with the Government and is blessing the armies-to little avail. The most encouraging thing has been the unprecedented condemnation of Italy's act by the European press. A German said to me that 25 years ago no daily paper in Europe would have seen anything wrong in a nation robbing or destroying another nation."

Dr. Lynch finds a "rather striking instance of how this pagan ethics for nations persists right in the midst of our Christian ethics" in the daily avocations of his Lucerne neighbors, which he reports with these comments: "Opposite our terrace, across the lake, is the station of the airships. Every afternoon at five there comes out a great yellow dirigible balloon, fish-shaped, with sweeping propellers, and a monoplane whose resemblance to a great bird is startlingly striking. They [HG555] circle around the city several times, the big Zeppelin ship slowly, the monoplane with the swiftness of an eagle. Now the people who sip tea on our terrace are the most estimable people. They go to church and they arefullof brotherly kindness to each other. But all the talk as these new adventurers of the heavens fly above us is of their use in killing somebody. It is of the possibility of dropping bombs on cities, of building up aerial navies.

"Already France has gone crazy over a navy in the air, and even the children of the nation have contributed their pennies and a new outburst of so-called patriotism. Of course Germany and England are endeavoring to outstrip her, and so a new, mad race of armament has begun. Lucerne is full of military of firers studying their airships."- Literary Digest


This article can be found in its entirety in the Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "The Spirit Willing, the Flesh Weak."


This article can be found an its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?"


This article was republished in the Overland Monthly, pages 348-351, entitled, "The New Day Dawns."


The average man believes in hell, but thinks few people go there and nobody knows much about it. The Bible is the only authority on the subject, and no one can know anything about it, aside from the Bible. Few know that the Bible teaches that ten thousand go to hell to one that stays out.

The population of the earth is 1,600,000,000 and the number of adult professed Protestant Christians is 16,000,000 or one in 100. Many of these Christians are rich, but we read, "A rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 19:23, 24)

Many are wise, influential and noble-minded, but we read, 'Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called." 1 Cor. 1:26 Many believing Christians will be disappointed, for the Lord will say to many such, "I know you not whence ye are; depart from me." (Luke 13:27) Many praying and working Christians will be disappointed, for prophesying, casting out devils, praying Lord, Lord, and doing many wonderful works are all insufficient to obtain the reward of heaven. Matt. 7:21-23 When we consider Christ's statement that unless a man loves Him more than "father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26), and reflect that probably not one professed Christian in a hundred has reached either this standard [HG556] or the other one which He set in the same chapter, that "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:33), it should make us willing to consider carefully what is to become of the 9,999 out of every 10,000 of earth's population that do not meet these conditions.

We all know that "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God" (Psa. 9:17); but how many of us know that they will be re-turned there; that the passage, correctly translated, reads, "The wicked shall be returned into hell, all the nations that forget God"-showing that there are nations which go into hell once, come out of hell, learn of God, forget Him and are returned there.

We may all know (Jude 11) that Korah or Core went to hell, but how many of us know that he was accompanied to this place by his house, with all his household goods, and two other establishments similarly equipped? Num. 16:32, 33 We may all know that the Sodomites went to hell (Gen. 19), but how many know that they were accompanied by the city in which they lived and that there are other cities there? Matt. 11:23 We may all suppose that many heathen warriors of long ago went to hell, but how many of us know that they took with them their weapons of war, and that their swords are there now, under their heads, with what is left of their bones? Ezek. 32:27 We may understand that the wealthy go to hell, but how many of us know that in the same place are sheep, gray hairs, worms, dust, trees and water? Psa. 49:14; Gen. 44:31; Job 17:13-16; Eze. 31:16 We may all know that bad men go to hell, but how many of us know that the Ancient Worthies, Jacob and Hezekiah, fully expected to go there, and that faithful Job prayed to go there? Gen. 37:35; Psa. 38:10, 18; Job 14:13 We may all wish to keep out of hell, but how many of us know that David said there is not a man that liveth that shall deliver his soul from its power and that Solomon says thou goest there, whosoever thou art? Psa. 49:10; Eccl. 9:10 We may think that those who go to hell go there to stay forever, but how many of us know that Samuel said, "The Lord killeth and maketh alive; He bringeth down to hell and bringeth up" out of hell, and that David said God has the same power to aid those in hell that He has to bless those in heaven? 1Sa 2:6; Psa. 139:8 We may think that those who go into hell never come out, and that there is no record that any have come out, yet there are at least two persons in history who have been in hell and come out of hell. One is Jonah, who prayed in hell and was delivered from hell (Jonah 2:2), and the other is Christ, whose soul went to hell, but "His soul was not left in hell," for God raised him up out of it. (Acts 2:31) And when Christ came out of hell He brought with Him "The keys of hell" and now has the power and the right to let all its captives free. Rev. 1:18

We may suppose that hell is to last forever, but the Prophet speaks of its coming destruction, and John the Revelator says that it is to be made to "deliver up the dead" which are in it, and it, itself, is to be destroyed. Hos. 13:14; Rev. 20:13 The last passage cited affords the explanation of the whole subject, for in the margin opposite Rev. 20:13 the translators have explained that the word "hell" means "grave." Reversely, in the margin opposite 1 Cor. 15:55, the translators have explained that "grave" means "hell." The terms are interchangeable and the meaning is the same. In every place in this article in which the citations appear in black type, the translators have rendered Sheol or Hades by "grave" or "pit" instead of "hell."

Volume 4, Number 10 A FAMINE IN THE LAND

This article was republished in the Overland Monthly, pages 259-262, entailed, "A Famine in the Land."


This article can be found in its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Hunger of the Soul; How to Satisfy it."



This article can be found in its entirety in the Newspaper Sermons, entailed, "Christians Should Judge Themselves."


Clerics Fear that the Pastor's Clear and Convincing Presentations of God 's Word will Discredit Them as Blind Leaders of the Blind into the Ditch of Confusion and Unbelief. Matt. 23:13

Their desperate tactics duplicate those of the D. D. 's of Jesus' day, who incited the people to cry, Crucify Him! Modern burning at the stake is done in churches dedicated to God's worship and instruction in Justice and Love, and is termed "Roasting."

The various Denominations of Christendom, after fighting each other for centuries have concluded that they all are partly wrong and partly right, and that they do not know where the Truth lies nor what is Truth, nor what is error. The decline in church attendance and contributions combined with the increase of church expenses, cause troubles many and grievous. The lessons of the success of Financial Trusts inspires them to form a Church Trust or "Federation of Churches." They hope thus to impress the people by a bold front. But especially they desire to impress the Newspaper proprietors and the Politicians for such services as they may call for. The proposition is a frothy one, representing a very few-nearly all clerics. The people of all Denominations are unenthused. In doubt on all religious problems, and hungry for the Truth, the poor sheep are confused by the actions of their clergy.

Led by the Federation's press agent, Mr. Ellis, the "Religious Rambler," a systematic attack is being made on Pastor Russell through the Religious(?) press as well as in the secular. All the clergy have been urged to join the conspiracy, and nearly one-fourth of their number have joined the campaign of lying and slander. Others more noble have refused, after the manner of Gamaliel, saying, If this thing be of God ye cannot overthrow it. Take heed lest ye be found fighting against God. Acts 5:34-39


Jesus was crucified for the good of the cause as the Scribes, Pharisees and Chief Priests declared. The Apostles similarly suffered for the good of the cause of error. The martyrs executed for centuries past were done to death for the good of error's cause. The Truth, the cause of God, of Christ, of the Apostles, never needed to put anybody to death, either physically or figuratively. Error and tyranny are fearful and prepared to do violence for their own preservation.

So it is today. We are in the dawn of the Golden Age, the Millennium. The light of the new day is scattering the gloomy spectres and hobgoblins of the night. We are awakening from the horrible nightmare which so terrified our fathers and threatened to alienate us from our God and from His Word, the Bible. Fear of sectarian fences, gates and bars is seizing some whom the Bible denotes as "hypocrites." (Isa. 33:14) Wild, lest their hypocrisy should be revealed to the public, these murder a Christian brother and fellow servant and excuse themselves by saying, We do it for the good of the cause. (1 John 3:15; Isa. 66:5) Truly so, but as usual for the good of a bad cause-the cause of Error, Superstition and Misrepresentation of God and His Word. Beware of such! Be not deceived! God is not mocked! He that [HG558] doeth righteousness is righteous-not those who conspire against the promulgation of the Truth. "My soul, come not thou into their secret" scheming. (Gen. 49:6; Prov. 1:15, 16)


In none of his sermons or writings has Pastor Russell ever made a personal attack upon preachers or others. He remembers and obeys the command of the Bible, "Speak evil of no man." Even under the attacks of slander and misrepresentation he has never returned evil for evil nor railing for raillery. He has set a noble example for all, in preaching the word of God fearlessly, courageously, even when he knew from experience that it would be met, not by logic or reason or Bible truths, but by poisoned "arrows" of slander as the Bible forewarned. Psa. 64:3

Pastor Russell does indeed attack errors of doctrine, unsparingly, though in kindly terms. This is the crime for which he is being roasted. His attacks are so forceful, so logical, that they carry conviction; therefore he is feared and his words misrepresented, to keep Christian people who are really hungering and thirsting for truth from reading the Pastor's writings. But if it be a crime to refute and denounce Errors, Pastor Russell has the good company of his Redeemer and the apostles, and of all reformers. He is backed by the Lord's Word, "Cry aloudl Spare notl Show My people their sins!"


The Preachers who are complaining about small congregations, and who blame Pastor Russell for this, are mistaken. Higher Critics in our Colleges and greatest pulpits have for thirty years been undermining faith in the inspiration of the Bible.

Their teachings have come to be believed by the people. The result is that the people are too honest to take pleasure in supporting by presence and purse what they no longer fully believe, and they discredit the preachers as less honest, and as merely preaching for the sake of money and honor.

Many ministers are reading Pastor Russell's books and preaching much of what they read, and then, denounce Pastor Russell to keep the people from reading the same books. One prominent Evangelist, after breaking a few chairs and denouncing Pastor Russell, preached a sermon on Christ's Second Coming which' if not quoted from the Pastor's books, is so much like his writings that some people think them quotations.

It is time that the people know the facts, and hence this statement. This issue of The Bible Students Monthly is, however, reserved for use only in places where the preachers make preconcerted attacks on the Pastor. This is not a retaliation, not an attack on the personality of any one, but a showing of the clear facts as in contrast with the dark slanders of the Pastor's opponents. A marked sample copy of this issue has been sent to all preachers to warn them regarding the course of error being pursued and that they are forcing the Truth to be told.


We can only very briefly here give the Pastor's answer to the Calumnies of The Eagle and the Ministerial Clique. We can, however, supply free on request his full reply and also the Missionary Committee's Report. The Pastor affirms briefly as follows:


I never defrauded my wife nor anybody else. My wife and I mutually agreed that the property I earned and owned should be devoted to the Lord's service. I carried out my part of the agreement and made a deed, which my wife did not sign.

Subsequently the property was sold for debts which my wife had contracted unknown to me. Her dower interest was sold for her debt at public sale. The property, being mortgaged, brought all that anybody probably would have paid.

The girl who sat on my knee and who kissed me was an adopted child in short dresses. Her brother had died, and she was in grief; besides, my wife had publicly requested her to kiss me every night before retiring, as her foster-father. If there be any crime in this, let the stones fly, but tell the truth.

As to my being in a girl's room with the door locked. Our servant girl was reported to be sick, and my wife asked me to take time to see her, as I had some knowledge of medicine. In the room where she was there was a noisy pump and sink, and after being interupted, I turned the key for quietness for about one minute. My wife never charged me with unfaithfulness; nor had she any ground for so doing. She stated under oath that she made no such claim, and also under oath stated that she and I had lived celibate lives for eighteen years.

It is quite untrue that I was silent to my wife for months. The reverse was true-that my wife was silent to me except in the presence of others. She thus and in every way sought to coerce me into giving her more liberty in the columns of the Journal I edited and [HG559] published, The Watch Tower-because she had adopted suffragette sentiments. She was not granted a divorce. There were no grounds for it. She got a legal separation nine years after she had left me.

I never claimed, nor sought to show, that my wife was insane.

In my tour of foreign lands a year ago there were with me six other members of the Committee appointed to investigate the Foreign Mission work. Of these, five are still living: Dr. L. W. Jones, of Chicago; Mr. E. W. V. Kuchn, of Toledo, Ohio; Prof. F. H. Robison, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Gen. W. P. Hall and Mr. J. T. D. Pyles, of Washington, D. C. These wellknown reputable Christian gentlemen will fully corroborate my statement that I spoke publicly at every place reported in the hundreds of newspapers which publish my sermons weekly.

I did sue two newspapers for damages: the one case I won and the other I lost. I consider that my cause in both instances was just and that this is not the first time that justice had miscarried in court.

In conclusion, I ask, what must we think of a Christian minister who, because he has no Scripture to back up his side of the argument, would resort to such misrepresentations of facts in an attempt to murder the reputation of his opponent? All sane people must feel sorry that a Christian minister would take such a course.


This article was republished in Reprints 5189-90-February 15, 1913, entitled, "As Deceivers, Yet True."


The New York Presbytery not long since licensed Rev. N. M. Thomas to preach the Gospel as a representative of the Presbyterian denomination. The vote granting the license was thirty-four against ten who protested-and the ten are not active Pastors in charge of Churches. The mental attitude of the Presbyterian Ministers of the New York Presbytery is therefore, reflected in the faith of Rev. Thomas, which may be judged from the following items of protest: "He did not accept the authority of Holy Scripture as the only infallible rule of faith and practice as sufficient to finally determine his faith. This appeared in his repeated refusals to affirm his faith in the Virgin birth of Christ, the raising of Lazarus from the dead and the raising of Christ's own body from the grave.

"Second, in answer to questions, he twice declared his readiness to lead a congregation in the repetition of the Apostles' Creed, including the phrase 'born of the Virgin Mary, 'which he had told the Presbytery that he really did not believe."

From this it appears that it is no longer Presbyterian doctrine in New York that we have a sinless Savior- "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners." (Heb. 7:26) Indeed, it is safe to assume that these ministers are Higher Critics, who have no use for the Bible, and do not believe in Jesus as a Savior, because they have abandoned the theory that man fell from God's image and likeness and needs to be redeemed. They have probably all accepted the Evolution theory that Father Adam sprang from a monkey, and that his race has been doing nobly since and needs no Redeemer. They would probably acknowledge Jesus as a noble sample of manhood for his time, but not up to our day and standards, which are to be sought, rather, amongst college professors.

Is it any wonder that Christian character, unsupported by a message recognized as Divine and upheld merely by expediency, is crumbling everywhere? What will the end be? The majority of Presbyterians will follow their leaders and soon Christendom en masse will be without God and without hope. Faith in a nature god and in laws of nature can have no such influence upon heart and life as has faith in a personal God, a personal Redeemer, a personal salvation and an inspired Bible. [HG560] Thank God that the terrible confusion and anarchy which the Scriptures show to be imminent will be speedily followed by the inauguration of the Kingdom of God's dear Son, a reign of righteousness backed by power Divine, as well as by Love and Justice. In that strenuous hour nature as a god will not succor and faith in the Nature-God will not comfort. But evidently, as the Scriptures show, all the "blind eyes" will be opened; all the "deaf ears" will be unstopped; and the wisdom of man, in contrast with the wisdom of God, will be manifested as foolishness.


The Methodist Recorder notes the lament of Rev. Thomas Payne, D. D., respecting the mischief wrought by the theory of Evolution, especially among the young, and of the teaching of other false doctrines in Sunday schools and Bible classes and from many pulpits, as well as by professors in schools and colleges: "He asserts that owing to this many young men have given up their reading of the Bible and other books of a religious nature, and gives instances in which young people from Christian families have come home from schools and colleges of this description incipient Agnostics. His avowed object is to help such by leading them back to faith in God and confidence in His Word. He charges the theory of Evolution with being the chief cause of most of the erroneous teaching of the time; and to its unquestioned acceptance and hasty application he traces the mischief that he laments."


This article is the same material as Bible Students Monthly, Volume 3, No. 13, entitled, "The End of the World, a False Theory."


It is a fact that in their offensive tactics many of our public men are deficient either in conscience or in manner, or in both. They make charges against their opponents recklessly. They say things which they cannot prove and which it is only charitable to their intellectual standing to assume they do not believe.

It seems to be the idea that if you throw enough mud some of it will stick, and none of it will spatter yourself; that if you throw enough clubs some will land, and none return, boomerang fashion, on your own head.

We say this notion is wrong. We believe that men who are careless in their words are equally careless in their acts. The man who, without justification, calls another "a rogue," is the man who will bear watching, for too often he credits the other man with the same motives that control himself, and assumes that the other man has done what, with the same opportunities, he would do himself.

Bearing false witness, however, is more than an unfavorable symptom. It is itself an offense almost equal-in the scales of eternal justice probably held entirely equal-to the offense charged.

The habit is not even good politics. It goes against average human nature, which is sportman-like and fair; and even the brutalized atmosphere of the ringside instinctively hisses the foul blow. What does it profit one to exhibit himself as a man eager to win, regardless of everything else? There is real chivalry in human nature. Every manifestation of it has a universal response. Why should it be considered bad politics?

Maybe we are wrong, but our theory is that conscienceless accusation derives as much from ignorance as from malice. Many public men conduct campaigns on personalities because they have not qualified to conduct them on issues. It is easier to accuse, to clamor, to rail, than it is to get clear to the bottom of a political or economic issue, understand it yourself, and then so present it that others can understand it.

The most sobering thing in the world is adequate knowledge of a subject, an appraisal of it from all sides. Those who achieve this knowledge necessarily speak words of truth and soberness. They have neither the inclination nor the time to utter anything else. N. Y. Evening Mail [HG561] The lack of conscientiousness noted by the Mail amongst politicians seems equally noticeable amongst theologians and others who, in professing the name of Christ, imply that they respect the standards of God's Word, while their words and conduct give the lie to their professions.


The German Chancellor is quoted as using the following language: "The revolutionary character of the Socialist Party becomes more pronounced and brutal in its character. Dr. Carl Liebknecht, a Social Democrat of the Prussian Diet, in an address delivered in the United States, said that the conditions in Germany were such as might cause the German Crown to be blown away in a single night, just as was the case with Portugal. Our nation must have a clear answer to expressions of such character. The Socialists and all those teaching the masses that prosperity can come to them only after the overthrow of the present form of government, are responsible when the masses draw practical conclusions from such teachings. For this reason I hold the Socialists responsible for the excesses that were recently committed and the strife in Moabit, Berlin, and elsewhere. 'Whoever sows wind will reap a whirlwind.'"


"My son will be the last of the emperors. That is why I am lounging him up as I was brought up-under firm discipline. He must be a credit to the house of Hohenzollern and to the thrones that, after his, will cease to be."

Emperor William thus expressed himself to the historian, Karl van Kroon, in a recent talk following his inspection of the Berlin School of History and Literature.

His majesty predicted that the end of monarchism is in sight. "All the world will be republican within 50 years," he said. "Germany will be the last of the empires.

It is inevitable." Schenectady (N Y.) Union-Star


This article can be found in its entirety in the Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Christ Died to Save Sinners."


This article was republished in Reprints R5052-R5053-July 1, 1912, entitled, "How St. Peter was Punished for Denying His Lord."


This article can be found in its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Will be Saved so as by Fire."


This article was republished in Reprints R4898-October 15, 1911, entitled, "The Peace of God."


Volume 4 Number 12

Although it is the devilish doctrine of Eternal Torment that is driving the best people of the churches into infidelity, there are some still foolish enough to believe that by thus blaspheming God's name and character they can lead men to honor and obey the Creator. Alas, how great a mistake!

Pastor Russell and a few others are doing their best to stem the tide of Higher Criticism and Agnosticism by showing that in the Bible God has revealed a glorious plan for the world's salvation; and that the Creeds of the Dark Ages and not the Bible originated the devilish doctrines of which all are now ashamed. It is said that Pastor Russell's weekly sermons now reach 15,000,000 readers.

A sermon by the Rev. A. P. Gouthey ushered in the sessions of the Wabash Conference of the Free Methodists. He said: "A hell scare should be put into the whole country by the preachers of the churches." He told why he thought there was reason for such a scare.

"I am frightened at political conditions," he continued. "Some people say that preachers shouldn't get worked up about politics. The pulpit is the place for politics. If we leave to corrupt politicians the axe to grind, they will grind it. I tell you, conditions are awful. We can hardly depend on assemblymen, judges and juries any more. I hate to say it, but it is true.

"We are on the edge of a volcano all ready for eruption. The rumbling is now going on inside. We are on the verge of a war between capital and labor. God doesn't like America any more than He liked Sodom of old. We must keep our religious principles or God will forsake us.

"I know it hurts to know these truths. Some people want us preachers to talk about beautiful things and smooth over disagreeable things. We sing of 'The land of the free and the home of the brave. 'God is being bowed out of the schools, bowed out of the colleges and bowed out of some of the pulpits. We are not training our children in strict ways. It is not for the best interest of the child that he should be fondled and kissed instead of getting the birch put to him. This is getting to be an irreverent age."


A new scheme has been adopted in London by which the whole of the elementary school children in the Metropolis will be placed under municipal medical surveillance during their school careers.

In the future there is to be treatment for every school child which needs it. There are 800,000 children in attendance at the 800 London elementary schools, and it is computed that every year a quarter of a million will need medical treatment.

Spectacles and surgical appliances will be supplied. Schools will be arranged for consumptive and other children needing open-air life. Nurses will "follow up" cases into the houses of the children, and for this purpose the scheme provides for the payment by the municipality of the fees of private doctors.

The scheme passed by the London Education Committee provides, as it were, for the compulsory good health of the children, the State and the municipality taking to themselves the responsibility of discovering children who are ill and providing them with medical treatment. Exchange PRAYS FOR PERSECUTION "Oh, God, send us another Bob Ingersoll to arouse the people," was the plea made by Rev. Charles B. Mitchell, pastor of St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Desplaines camp meeting.

"They sit in the pews, with dull, dead indifference that breaks our hearts. It would be better if they threw bricks at us as they did at Wesley, but they don't even talk back.

"This is an age of doubt. We ministers need more than apostolic succession in this scoffing, indifferent and Godless age. The pendulum, I believe, will soon begin to swing back again."



This article can be found in its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Purgatory Fares! Not Now, But Soon!"


The below figures show the public debts and annual interest charges of the principal nations of the world. These debts represent chiefly moneys expended for war, war equipment, battleships, etc. The amounts continue to pile up year by year.

The public scarcely understand the situation; they wonder to whom the amounts are owing and what can be done when pay-day comes.

The wealthy know that these bonds represent their money and they feel satisfied to get even a small interest with such good security and no trouble.

Of late, however, a certain fear is taking hold upon the rich-what if Socialism should gain control? And what if, by and by, the national treasury should go into bankruptcy and repudiate its bonds?

Evidently the world needs just such a good, strong Government and just such wise and just laws as the Kingdom of God's dear Son will shortly bring to them. How significant is the Scriptural statement respecting that- "The desire of all nations shall come." (Hag 2:7)

Following are the figures:

Public Debt Annual Int. Charged
France $5,898,675,451 $186,802,380
Russia 4,558,152,565 204,766,421
German Empire 4,270,488,716 179,778,179
Austria-Hungary 3,703,235,511 133,925,824
United Kingdom 3,669,931,350 152,759,411
Italy 2,602,299,757 96,941,138
Spain 1,817,674,327 78,709,000
British India 1,346,999,187 41,681,212
Japan 1,287,604,261 76,283,536
Australia 1,184,192,157 46,883,998
United States 1,023,861,531 21,803,836
Portugal 864,561,212 29,907,983
Brazil 657,097,561 32,390,824
Belgium 663,325,145 27,022,108
China 601,916,605 92,375,017
Turkey 527,983,636 36,494,753
Argentine Republic 545,712,120 29,594,251

These are all the nations whose public debts exceed $500,000,000, but every government on earth has been for years, and still is, borrowing to cover the deficits that are annually created by spending more money than the revenues will justify. They are compelled to issue bonds in order to make up the difference. It is a serious question how long this extravagance can be continued.


Sometime ago one of the large American railroads announced that in the future nobody would be employed in the operating department of the road who was not a total abstainer. Almost as early as railroading itself, was the demand on the part of the public that the driver and conductor should not be intoxicated while [HG564] on duty, and public opinion eventually succeeded in making it a misdemeanor for an employee concerned in the operating of trains to drink while on duty. There reform stopped. It was assumed that what a man did in his own time was his own business, and that if he chose to drink he had as much right to do so as any one else. Now the railroads are realizing that what a man does in his own time may be his own business, but that it may have a decided effect upon what a man does when he is at work. For example, a driver who "made a night of it" may be sober when he turns up for duty next morning, but he is not in the condition he should be in for the safe operation of a train.

To the Editor of the Tribune:

Sir, Last Sunday night the International Bible Students Association, of Brooklyn, N. Y., held a meeting at the Town Hall, and the speaker delivered a lecture on the subject of "Why God Permits Evil." I went there to find out why he could tell me what I could imagine for myself, and I will acknowledge that his explanation of the subject was something I never dreamed of. It was the most interesting lecture I have heard for a long time on Bible history.

Next Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock there will be another meeting, which I would like to ask all our friends to come around to, especially the "Presbyterian Man's Bible Class." You will hear something that will do you good. . .

William Boyd

Extract from "The North Philadelphia Tribune," issue of Saturday, August 3, 1912. Paper issued at Bridesburg, Philadelphia.


This article can be found in its entirety in Newspaper Sermons, entitled, "Saved by Faith, Not by Works."


This article can be found in its entirety in paper Sermons, entitled, "The Power of Christ's Gospel."


This article was republished in Overland Monthly, pages OM395-OM399, entitled, "Bishop-Apostles Costly Mistake."


This article was republished in Reprints R4788-March 15, 1911, entitled, "The Fig Tree is Withered Away."