John Chapter 13 [YLT]

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1 And before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who [are] in the world to the end he loved them. Before the feast – The thirteenth of Nisan apparently was spent by our Lord in quiet retirement. R3542:2

Jesus knew – The cup of bitterness and ignominy which Jesus was draining to the dregs was permitted of the Father. His will was entirely submitted to the Father's will. R2313:1

His hour was come – At the time of the Passover, to fulfill the types and prophecies of the Law. R2312:3

Having loved – Because of his love, he laid aside his glory and became a man; because of his love he devoted himself as the man Christ Jesus. R3542:6

There are two kinds of love; the intense, particular love, and the general love, or kindness; and two sorts of love, affectionate love and loving kindness. Here we see the special love or affection. R1254:3

His own – Jesus loved all of his disciples; but that love was more intense for some than for others. CR151:3

Not forgetting the length and breadth of Jesus' love for all humanity, he had a special love for all his disciples. OV331:3

Because they had those qualities of heart that would make them lovable from his standpoint. R5725:1

The quality that made Jesus love them was, first of all, their honesty. The disciples manifested that they were ready to confess that they were nothing of themselves. CR473:5

According to the Jewish custom, the Passover was celebrated by families, and the twelve apostles, specially chosen by our Lord, constituted the nucleus of the family of God, Judas not being excluded. R2449:2

This furnishes us the lesson that, as followers of Christ, we should not judge one another's hearts, nor surmise evil. R2449:2

Nor need we suppose that his love for the twelve applied to them exclusively: rather, that he viewed the twelve as his representatives of "them also which should believe on him through their word." ( John 17:20) R2449:2

We are not to think of giving the world the same affection or love or interest that we give to the household of faith. Neither does God. CR473:3; R5724:6

He loved them – Because of his love, he was now anxious to help his dear disciples over a difficulty which, if not conquered, would hinder their usefulness as his followers both in the present and future. R3542:6

Unto the end – Completely, fully: his own sharp trials, present and approaching, did not distract him, nor absorb his attention. R2449:2

At the conclusion of his earthly ministry, the Master still dearly loved his disciples. R5724:3

Because he loved them, and knew that they loved him, he permitted them to accompany him to the place of prayer, that they might watch and pray with him. R1801:2

No waning of his love, not even when on the last night they all forsook him and fled; his love for them never decreased. CR151:3; 474:1

Sending out Judas, who had a different spirit, which he did not love. R1254:3

2 And supper being come, the devil already having put [it] into the heart of Judas of Simon, Iscariot, that he may deliver him up, Supper being ended – This was the Passover Supper--the Memorial Supper of bread and wine being instituted afterward. R2450:1

He waited until supper was being served (not ended as in our Common Version). R5091:1, 3543:1

They even proceeded to eat the supper, contrary to custom, with unwashed feet. R2449:4

The devil having – Judas' case resembles somewhat that of a lady who had permitted evil spirits to get control of her will and lead her to do a wrong, and then make her believe she had committed the unpardonable sin. R2283:5*

Deliberate and intelligent rejection of the first principles of the Gospel seems to imply an unfitness for further favors, on the ground that he that is unfaithful in that which is least, would be unfaithful also with more. R2283:6

Whose very existence is now being denied by many. F609; R3165:6, 2169:2

3 Jesus knowing that all things the Father hath given to him into [his] hands, and that from God he came forth, and unto God he goeth,
4 doth rise from the supper, and doth lay down his garments, and having taken a towel, he girded himself; He riseth – We, too, should not wait until our assistance is requested, for in proportion as the served are developed disciples, they will not ask. R2279:4, 844:4

From supper – Apparently our Lord let the matter go to its full limit to see whether or not any of his followers would improve the opportunity to make himself servant of all. R5091:1, 3543:1

Permitting them to disagree without settling the dispute, without appointing any to the menial service. He allowed them to think the matter over, to relent and reconsider. R2449:4

His garments – His outer garment, or mantle. R3543:1

Took a towel – Attaching the towel to the girdle of his under-garments. R2449:4

Girded himself – That is to say, tightened the girdle worn around the waist, which would hold up the flowing undergarments and keep them out of the way of his activity. R3543:1, 5091:2

5 afterward he putteth water into the basin, and began to wash the feet of his disciples, and to wipe with the towel with which he was being girded. Poureth water – The water was poured from a pitcher in a small stream upon the feet, which were washed and rinsed. The basin was merely a receptacle for receiving the soiled water. R5091:2, 3543:2, 2449:4

Thus each had clean water and little was wasted --for water is much more scarce and precious there than with us. R2449:4

Wash the disciples' feet – Apparently they not only did not have the disposition to serve one another, but they did not desire to wash even the Master's feet. R5091:1, 5193:4

The act was a pointed reproof for their neglect to wash his feet and one another's. R5091:2

Love not only led our Lord to administer the reproof necessary, but led him to do it in the wisest, best and kindest manner. His example should be observed and copied by all his followers. R3542:6

Jesus did what he did because it was a helpful service, and was the Father's will. R5375:5

We do not get the lesson of the institution of a formal ceremony. It was only a case of necessity. No such need exists with us today. R5091:3, 5375:5, 3543:6, 2450:2, 2278:3, 843:3, 194:5

There seems to be nothing symbolical in it. It is merely an illustration of the principle of humility. R2450:2, 3537:5

Only one of the Evangelists remembered even to mention it. R2278:3

Because of the wearing of sandals, the feet would be considerably soiled even after only a short journey and would, therefore, need refreshing. R5091:3, 3543:1, 3364:1, 2449:3, 194:5

In our climate, washing the feet would be an inconvenience, the very reverse of a pleasure and service to them; therefore contrary to the example. R2479:1, 194:5

As we are in contact with the world, we are liable to a certain degree of earthly defilement, and it behooves each, not only to look out for himself, but to help one another to get rid of earthly defilements. R3544:1

As the Lord's company were not guests, but merely had the use of the room, no servant appeared to wash their feet; and it would have been properly the duty of one of the number to perform the service. R3543:1, 2449:3

Some Christian people have adopted feet-washing as a religious custom. We are not to berate them. So long as they think they are doing the Lord's will, they are right to follow the custom. R5091:4

Once a year, on the day before Good Friday, the Pope washes the feet of twelve aged paupers, who are brought from the streets and duly prepared by a preliminary washing in private. A similar ceremony is performed annually by the Emperor of Austro-Hungary. R2450:4

Neither these ceremonies nor the ceremonious washing performed by various denominations of Christendom is according to our Lord's example, but contrary to it. R2450:4

Those who sat, really reclined with their feet extending backward, and could quite easily be reached without disturbing those who were eating. R2449:5

6 He cometh, therefore, unto Simon Peter, and that one saith to him, 'Sir, thou dost thou wash my feet ' The cometh he – Our Lord very evidently had already washed the feet of several of his disciples, and seemingly none of them offered objection. R2449:5

Peter saith – Peter had a peculiar combination of character, part of which was extremely good. R3543:2, 2449:5

Lord, dost thou – "It is not appropriate, Lord, that one so great as you should serve a person of my standing, a poor fisherman." R3543:2

7 Jesus answered and said to him, 'That which I do thou hast not known now, but thou shalt know after these things;' Jesus answered – But our Lord did not stop to reprimand Peter. R2449:5

8 Peter saith to him, 'Thou mayest not wash my feet to the age.' Jesus answered him, 'If I may not wash thee, thou hast no part with me;' Thou shalt never – Peter had too much reverence to wish the Lord to be his servant. R5091:2, 3543:2, 2449:5

Peter's second remark was less praiseworthy than his first. It was hard for Peter to realize that he was the disciple and the Lord was the teacher; that it was for him to obey and not to dictate. R3543:2

9 Simon Peter saith to him, 'Sir, not my feet only, but also the hands and the head.' Not my feet only – If this gives me a more particular part with you. R5091:2

If his washing had anything to do with his nearness to the Master and his relationship to him, then he wanted it. R3543:2

Noble, thorough-going, whole-hearted, fervent Peter! R2449:6

But also my hands – There is a lesson for us in this matter: We are not to dictate to the Lord, nor to attempt to be wise or good or obedient in ways that he has not directed. R3543:3

10 Jesus saith to him, 'He who hath been bathed hath no need save to wash his feet, but he is clean altogether; and ye are clean, but not all;' He that is washed – Properly they had all bathed in accordance with the Jewish requirement of the putting away of all filth at the beginning of the Passover season. R3543:3, 4906:5

The apostles had been with our Lord, and for three years had been greatly blessed by "the washing of water through the Word." (Eph. 5:26) R2449:6, 2279:4, 844:5

All who are justified and consecrated members of his Body already had the bath, the washing of regeneration, and are already clean through the word spoken unto them. ( John 15:3) R3544:1

To wash his feet – The Lord was giving a deep spiritual lesson: each one needs to be washed, to be cleansed, before he can be a joint-sufferer, before he can be a joint-heir. R5091:3

Public baths were in use at that time, but even after having taken a general bath, on return to the home it was customary to complete the matter by washing the feet. R2449:6

They merely now needed the rinsing of their feet, the cleansing of the members that had come in contact with the earth. R3543:3

But is clean – Somewhat obscure; the Revised Version is better: "He that is bathed needeth not save to wash his feet to be clean every whit." R3543:3

"He who has been bathed has no need except to wash his feet, but is wholly clean." (Diaglott) R2449:6

Every whit – Those who are cleansed by obedience to his message and its spirit, are thereby made clean outwardly, as well as inwardly. R5389:3

Ye are clean – He had accepted them as his disciples and had reckonedly imputed to them the merit of his sacrifice as a covering of their blemishes, the full testimony of which would be given them by and by at Pentecost. R3543:3, 4906:5

But not all – There was one in the number whose heart was not clean. R3543:3, 4906:5

There is an intimation in the Lord's words, too, that the spirit of pride which had manifested itself among them had been inspired to some extent by Judas, as evil communications always are corrupting. (1 Cor. 15:33) R2449:6

11 for he knew him who is delivering him up; because of this he said, 'Ye are not all clean.' For he knew – Our Lord did not pass Judas by, but washed his feet with the rest, knowing the while of his perfidy. R3543:4, 4906:5, 2449:6

It seems probable that Judas was not with the others when our Lord washed their feet. R2772:2

Not all clean – This expression shows us clearly that he had in mind a higher cleansing, of which the washing of their feet and their previous bath were but figures. R3543:3, 4906:5

Although not understood by the rest, our Lord's words must have been appreciated by Judas, as were also his subsequent words in verses 18, 26, 27 and 28. R3543:4

12 When, therefore, he washed their feet, and took his garments, having reclined (at meat) again, he said to them, 'Do ye know what I have done to you He said unto them – To the foot-washing illustration he adds his words of counsel, showing how different must be the disposition among his disciples from that which characterizes the godless world. R1987:3

All four evangelists heard this discourse, but it was left to John to describe it. R1047:1*

Know ye – Understand ye. R3543:5[R3543] This was in harmony with what he told Peter in verse 7. R3543:5

13 ye call me, The Teacher and The Lord, and ye say well, for I am; Master and Lord – The man Christ Jesus, before his death, might be properly styled a Lord, a high one in authority. E134

When a man he was perfect, and hence far superior to those about him. In addition to this, as the agent or messenger of Jehovah, he was a Lord, a master, a teacher, among men. R809:4

Ye say well – Or, properly. R809:4

So I am – Pointing out that this menial service did not signify that he was not the Lord and Master; but, that as Lord and Master, he was not unwilling to serve the lesser members of Jehovah's family. R2450:1

14 if then I did wash your feet the Lord and the Teacher ye also ought to wash one another's feet. Have washed your feet – Thus rebuking their inhumility, and at the same time setting them an example that would apply to every affair of life, namely, that they should be glad to serve one another on every proper occasion. R3543:6

Ye also ought – You have witnessed my humility in this matter, and now I want to tell you that you ought to have this attitude toward one another. R5091:3

Esteem and honor one another in proportion as you find in each other unselfish sacrificing love and service. R2278:6, 844:1

Wash one another's feet – To teach the disciples that they should not be above doing the humblest service for each other as brethren, and to emphasize the need of daily cleansing of the Lord's disciples from earth-defilement. R5375:5

By love we are to serve one another, but not as a mere formality. (Gal. 5:13) R5091:6

The washing of the Body with the truth, the sanctifying and cleansing of it with the Word, is in progress now. What are we doing to cleanse and purify the faith and lives of our fellow members? R2279:4, 844:5

Wash and be washed one of another, cleanse and purge away the defilements with which each comes daily in contact in the world, that ye may be clean. R2279:4, 3544:4, 844:5

Before we can help others to cleanse their way of life, it is necessary that we have experience along the same lines. R5091:5

Some think it necessary to wash the feet of others. But since there is no real good to be accomplished by such a ceremony, there is no reason why it should be done. Jesus would not have washed their feet if they had not needed washing. R5375:5

The thought is to appreciate the privilege of real service, rather than the opportunity of doing something merely because it is menial. R5375:5, 4399:3

In 1 Tim. 5:9-16 we read that if a widowed sister had washed the saint's feet, if she had shown such a disposition, Paul would advocate a special care for her, for she had manifested a loyal and true spirit. R5091:4, 3543:6

15 'For an example I gave to you, that, according as I did to you, ye also may do; An example – Was the example in the principle, or in the method of service, in the ceremony? To suppose the latter would be to hide the real lesson under a form. R2279:1, 844:2

The example which our Lord set was not so much in the kind of service, feet washing, as in the fact of service. R2450:2

If the example were in the form, then every item in the form should be observed: an upper room; a supper; sandals; the same kind of garments; the towel girdle, etc. R2279:1, 844:2

Those in Eastern countries, where sandals are still worn, may find opportunity to follow the example in the same form; and those differently circumstanced may follow the "example" in a thousand forms. R2279:1, 844:4

As I have done – So it can be said that we remind others of someone they have known, Jesus of Nazareth; resembling him so much that we must be his brother. R285:4, 210:4*

16 verily, verily, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his lord, nor an apostle greater than he who sent him; The servant – Preceding events--the feast at Bethany, the triumphal entry, the inquiry of the Greeks--indicated a growing popularity, and the disciples were full of ambitious thoughts respecting the future. R3542:2

Even a very little prominence may become a dangerous snare unless it is coupled with great humility. R1987:3

As they assembled with a host to appoint them their places at the supper, a discussion as to their prominence and their rights to the most honorable places, nearest the Master, was not surprising. R3542:2

From Luke's account it would appear that on this occasion there was a strife amongst the apostles, a contention, respecting which of them should be esteemed greatest. (Luke 22:24-31) R2449:3

The spirit of rivalry was warm in their hearts, and no one volunteered to render the service, nor had any one the right to demand it in a company in which the Lord had made no special rank. R3543:1

The Lord noted among his disciples a spirit of selfishness; overhearing them disputing which of them should be greatest, and foreseeing that this would injure them, he rebuked them for their lack of humility. R2278:3, 843:3

In their fear to be the least, all the disciples had shunned the opportunity of service to the Master and for each other. R3543:5

Greater than his lord – If the majority heard his words, you might expect them to hear yours; but if as a mass they rejected his words, they will reject yours also. R571:5

They called in question the legitimacy of his birth, applied all manner of vile epithets to him, denounced him as an enemy of the government, and finally caused his crucifixion. HG713:2*

17 if these things ye have known, happy are ye, if ye may do them; If ye know – If you appreciate these principles applicable to all the affairs of life. R2450:4

These things – The things that make for our peace. R5228:5

The putting away of bitterness, evil-speaking, busy-bodying, that we may the more completely put on Christ, and be more fully under the control of his holy Spirit of love, meekness, patience, long-suffering, kindness. R4584:2

Happy are ye – You will be blessed thereby, helped in my service, and prepared for the Kingdom in which I have promised you a share. R2278:6, 844:2

If ye do them – If you practice the lesson. R844:2, 2278:6

If you live according to this rule, loving and serving one another. R2450:4

It is not enough simply to resolve or determine to do right or to obey God. Unless we go further, and actually make advancement in character, we will prove failures. R1802:2*

How prone we all are to desire and to acquire knowledge at the expense of our spiritual development, forgetting that "knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth." (1 Cor. 8:1) R1802:2*

18 not concerning you all do I speak; I have known whom I chose for myself; but that the Writing may be fulfilled: He who is eating the bread with me, did lift up against me his heel. I know whom – Jesus knew who it was that should betray him, and was, therefore, neither surprised nor disconcerted because of Judas' course; yet undoubtedly it must have had a saddening effect upon our Master. R4908:2, 3760:3

The scripture – Psalm 41:9. R4906:6

Eateth bread with me – Our Lord went so far as to quote the very prophecy which marked Judas and his disloyalty, his violation of even the common hospitality. R4906:6

Lifted up his heel – Would betray him. R4906:6, 4908:2

19 'From this time I tell you, before its coming to pass, that, when it may come to pass, ye may believe that I am [he]; Before it come – They did not yet know the full import of the word baptism and the word cup. When Pentecost should come, these things that Jesus had spoken to them would come to their remembrance. R5421:4

When it is come – When a vast amount of prophecy becomes a fact, it will prove the Scriptures true; and when they are proved true by fulfillment, it can but be a terrible blow to skepticism and infidelity. R108:1*

20 verily, verily, I say to you, he who is receiving whomsoever I may send, doth receive me; and he who is receiving me, doth receive Him who sent me.' Receiveth me – If teachers be of divine appointment, those taught are divinely taught. R380:1

21 These things having said, Jesus was troubled in the spirit, and did testify, and said, 'Verily, verily, I say to you, that one of you will deliver me up;' Troubled in spirit – His sorrow was for Judas; for the thought that one of those he had so tenderly kept and cared for should now prove so ungrateful, unthankful, unholy. R2772:1, 4906:6, 3364:2

22 the disciples were looking, therefore, one at another, doubting concerning whom he speaketh.
23 And there was one of his disciples reclining (at meat) in the bosom of Jesus, whom Jesus was loving; One of his disciples – John seems to have been of a very modest disposition, quite unwilling to make his own name very prominent in his writings. R2571:3

24 Simon Peter, then, doth beckon to this one, to inquire who he may be concerning whom he speaketh,
25 and that one having leant back on the breast of Jesus, respondeth to him, 'Sir, who is it '
26 Jesus answereth, 'That one it is to whom I, having dipped the morsel, shall give it;' and having dipped the morsel, he giveth [it] to Judas of Simon, Iscariot. He it is – Repeatedly bringing his attention to the error of his ways, in hope that he may be turned therefrom, long-suffering toward all who become his disciples. This is a proper outline of our conduct in similar cases. R3543:4

So far from these incidents melting the heart of Judas, they seem to have aroused in him a malevolent spirit, just as his divine mercy toward Pharaoh in the stopping of the plagues, hardened his heart. R2772:2

So it is with all who professed the Lord's name in every time. The instructions which prove beneficial to some prove injurious to others: "a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death." (2 Cor. 2:16) R2450:1

27 And after the morsel, then the Adversary entered into that one, Jesus, therefore, saith to him, 'What thou dost do quickly;' Satan entered – Fully, completely--took possession of his heart as an instrument of evil. R2772:2

Satan had been working with Judas previously. R4577:3

Satan's work in the heart of Judas was a gradual one. R3884:6

Instead of resisting the Adversary's suggestions, Judas entertained them more and more until he was filled with the Satanic spirit. R2772:2

Not the case of obsession, but of domination of the mind. R4311:3

And he resolved to earn the thirty pieces of silver by betraying the Lord. R3887:2

If Judas had maintained an attitude of consecration to the Master, Satan would never have had the opportunity; it is because he was at heart disloyal. Q616:1

For the accomplishment of his purposes there is no measure of hypocrisy which Satan would spurn; no depth of iniquity to which he would not descend; no measure of cruelty that he would spare; and no height of folly to which he would not lead his deluded victims. R1687:4

Do quickly – Implying that the matter was already arranged, and that Jesus by supernatural power was aware of it. R3366:3

28 and none of those reclining at meat knew for what intent he said this to him,
29 for certain were thinking, since Judas had the bag, that Jesus saith to him, 'Buy what we have need of for the feast;' or that he may give something to the poor; Judas had the bag – Accustomed to voluntary giving to the Levites, the Jews evidently extended this usage to everything religious that appealed to them as being of God. Evidently they never lacked, though it is evident that they never solicited alms. F286

30 having received, therefore, the morsel, that one immediately went forth, and it was night. Went immediately out – Doubtless because he felt out of place in such society. R2772:2

None of these things moved Judas, evidence of the willful intention which marked his crime and enforcing our Lord's words calling him the "son of perdition" ( John 17:12), declaring it would have been better for him if he had not been born. R3543:4

In the close of this age, the sop of truth will have become so strong as to drive forth from the company and communion of the faithful, all who do not rightly appreciate and value the ransom. R5191:2

31 When, therefore, he went forth, Jesus saith, 'Now was the Son of Man glorified, and God was glorified in him; When he was gone – The promise of the Comforter, the holy Spirit, though it was ultimately to reach the whole Church through the administration of the apostles, was specially given to them on the night of the Last Supper, after Judas had gone out. R1525:3[R1525:8], 1254:3

32 if God was glorified in him, God also will glorify him in Himself; yea, immediately He will glorify him.
33 'Little children, yet a little am I with you; ye will seek me, and, according as I said to the Jews Whither I go away, ye are not able to come, to you also I do say [it] now. Little children – These were the "little ones" in malice and pride, and in the world's estimate. R2063:4

"Be not children in knowledge [character], howbeit in malice be ye children." (1 Cor. 14:20) R2063:2

Ye cannot come – Were the apostles promised translation to heaven at death? R1881:5, 2438:2; 334:3

Disbelieving Jews were not the only ones who could not go to heaven; neither could believers. R2438:2

It is because the believers of the past as well as the believers of the present age cannot go to the Lord, that all of them looked earnestly for his return, his second advent. "I will come again and receive you unto myself." ( John 14:3) R2438:3

34 'A new commandment I give to you, that ye love one another; according as I did love you, that ye also love one another; A new commandment – A higher commandment, a higher law than was given to the Jew under the Law Covenant, hence higher also than will be given to Israel and mankind under the New Covenant. R4549:4, 5072:3; Q180:4

We are not without law, but under law in Christ. This law in Christ is the law of our covenant, which is the law of love, a sacrificial love beyond any requirement of justice. R5072:3; 4827:5

The Law said, "Thou shalt not steal" (Exod. 20:15), but Christ taught us that we should not merely refrain from robbing our neighbor, but be ready to share with him what we had, even laying down our lives for our brethren. HG582:5*

The third commandment is not applicable to any except those who become the disciples of Jesus. He voluntarily put this regulation upon himself, and laid down his life sacrificially, which no law could justly demand. R5947:5; Q134:4

Jesus, who made us free from the Law under which Israel was placed, gave us another. This law of love contains the spirit of the Law to Israel, and is termed the "royal law." (Jas. 2:8) R542:6

The Bible lays down no particular parliamentary usages, but gives to God's people the one broad, general law to govern each one of them in all the affairs of the Church; to measure our every act, word and thought. R4772:5

I give – The new commandment is not the Father's commandment at all, but the command of our Head to all those who have entered the school of Christ and who are hoping to become "members" of the Anointed One. R4549:5; Q180:4

Unto you – This new commandment applies only to the Church of this Gospel age. R4549:5; Q180:4

Love one another – Love is the law of God's being, and shall ultimately be the controlling law of all his universe. R415:3*

The rule of righteousness is to be observed toward our Heavenly Father and toward all our neighbors; but to our brethren we are to do more than the right, we are to sacrifice on their behalf. R5947:6, 4584:4, 31:5*

It is easy enough to love some of the brethren, those on our own plane and of our own style and liking; some of the refined, wealthy, noble or educated, those on our own level or a little above. R4253:6

Experience shows that many of God's dear people, striving to keep the first two commandments, find it more easy to sacrifice time, influence and strength in the service of the world than for the brethren. R5947:6

Love for the Lord and his truth he places on a parity when he says, "Me and My Word." ( John 14:23) Then comes love for the brethren, because they are his, because they have his spirit and seek to walk in his footsteps. SM259:1

This special love is not to be exercised toward the world, to whom belongs only the love of pity and sympathy; but is to be exercised toward them of like precious faith, of one mind with us and the Lord. R1670:5, 4766:6

We cannot love the world with that deep, intensive love. It is not incumbent on us to sacrifice our own interests for the world, but it is made obligatory toward all the household of faith. HG481:3; CR166:5

You are to deal with your neighbor as with yourself. You are not to give all that you have or sacrifice your own interest and yourself go without. But when it comes to the Lord's disciples it is a different matter. Q440:T

Those who are less noble will need our love the more, because of a natural depravity and weakness and imperfection. R4254:1

If Jesus had loved just according to the Golden Rule, he would not have died for us; but he did more, and he requires that his followers should do more for each other. Q286:6; R5700:1

This will mean tender-heartedness, humble- mindedness and forbearance to recent injuries and revilings; not only submitting to these without retaliation, but, on the contrary, returning a blessing. SM703:1

Each should have sympathy for each other, should encourage one another, build one another up in the most holy faith, and by all means, do nothing to stumble each other in the narrow way. SM393:1; R4766:6

As daily and hourly we seek to cultivate this spirit of love, and allow it to dominate in our words and deeds, in the same proportion will be the measure of our blessing. SM339:1

When contending with an unseen but wily and powerful foe, what mere hypocrisy is that profession of love which fails to warn of immediate or approaching danger. R416:4*

Being full of love for the brethren, our refusal to join with them in what we consider unwise or unscriptural arrangements would be presented in such kind and gentle terms as would be helpful to them. R5948:2

Even with good intentions, we would still be in danger unless we observe to the full the Lord's direction as to how love should deal with brethren who, in our judgment, have committed a fault. This procedure is stated in Matt. 18:15-17. NS566:1

It is one thing to love all God's children though entangled in sects, and another to avoid the meshes of their captivity. Oneness of thought, mind and action are required of the Church of God. R1130:6*

Even, if despite our every endeavor to the contrary, it should finally seem necessary for a class to divide, nevertheless love for the brethren ought to be the blessed tie that binds. R5948:4

Therefore, when admonished to "hate" father and mother in Luke 14:26, the Lord used the word to impress that the terms of discipleship meant that they must love him more than all earthly ties and considerations. Q782:4

It was because the apostles had not enough love for one another that they disputed who should be the greatest, and were so determined not to stoop to one another that they neglected also to wash the Master's feet. R5193:4

Manifested, not by a socialistic community of goods, but this love will work no ill to its brother, it will neither slander his character, nor cheat, nor envy, nor in any way wrong him. It will not only be thus negatively good to him, but it will be active to do him service. R1327:6

As I have loved you – To the extent of dying for us. R5947:5, 4568:4, 4501:6

As he loved the Church and gave himself for the Church. R4584:4, 4549:5; Q180:4; SM703:T; NS566:1

With a pure, unselfish love which thinketh no evil, vaunteth not itself, is not easily offended, and seeketh not its own. (1 Cor. 13:4, 5) R4460:6

Namely, to the extent of laying down our lives for our brother, directly or indirectly, giving moments or hours, time, money or influence to aid one another in making our calling and election sure. NS644:3; R4445:6; OV211:T; SM703:T

"We ought to lay down out lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16) R4568:4, 5947:5, 4501:6

If we had love one for another as Christ loved us, it would lead to the giving of our lives for each other if necessary. R31:6*

He commends his love to us in that it is to each according to his needs: the more noble, the less of the Lord's grace is sufficient for them; the more degraded, the more grace is necessary and will be supplied. R4254:1

In effect: If you would be my disciples, if you would share my throne, glory and immortality, you must have my spirit--you must do more than keep the Law, you must be self-sacrificing. R4549:5; Q180:4

35 in this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye may have love one to another.' By this – Brotherly love--the one important test of membership in the body of Christ. R4267:2

Not by intellectual or physical strength, not by wonderful works, not by anything that we can do or have done for the Lord, his cause and his people, are we to hope for eternal glory. R2230:4

Shall all men know – Legitimate children of God, begotten not of pride and formalism, but of God by his Word of truth, are to be found today and readily identified, not by titles or gowns, but by their love for the truth and by their sacrificing for it. R985:4

Ye are my disciples – The new creature must attain this character of love; for all of his hopes depend upon his attaining this character-likeness of his Lord; otherwise he will not be fit for the Kingdom. SM280:1

If ye have love – As love is declared to be the distinguishing characteristic of all who have the Spirit of Christ, so lack of love may be considered the distinguishing characteristic denominated the "error of the wicked." (2 Pet. 3:17) R4326:2

Such will be the spirit of all the Lord's followers. Their delight will be, not in self-gratification, but in "doing good unto all men as they have opportunity, especially to the household of faith." (Gal. 6:10) R2435:5

If any professed follower of Christ see his brother have need and close up his heart of compassion against him and refuse him aid, this would be an indication that he lacked the spirit of the Head. R4358:5

One to another – Love to God alone is not the full manifestation of this grace; nor can there be, according to the teachings of God's Word, a sincere love for God, without a corresponding love to man. R2155:5

36 Simon Peter saith to him, 'Sir, whither dost thou go away ' Jesus answered him, 'Whither I go away, thou art not able now to follow me, but afterward thou shalt follow me.' Thou shalt follow – Explained in John 14:3, "And if I go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also." R700:1*

37 Peter saith to him, 'Sir, wherefore am I not able to follow thee now my life for thee I will lay down;'
38 Jesus answered him, 'Thy life for me thou wilt lay down! verily, verily, I say to thee, a cock will not crow till thou mayest deny me thrice.' Lay down thy life – Greek, psuche; soul, being. E337

Denied me thrice – Perhaps the Lord allowed that to happen to Peter for our sakes, that we might realize that we need to be careful to put our confidence in the Lord. CR307:5

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