Acts Chapter 4 [YLT]

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1 And as they are speaking unto the people, there came to them the priests, and the magistrate of the temple, and the Sadducees Sadducees – They were practically unbelievers, because they were of the wealthier and therefore more respectable class. R4986:3

They denied the resurrection of the dead and the existence of spirit beings. R2939:5, 1424:2

2 being grieved because of their teaching the people, and preaching in Jesus the rising again out of the dead Being grieved – The Sanhedrin wished to arraign the apostles, not for the good deed of healing the lame man, but rather for their preaching of Jesus. R5839:3

The Sadducees were the policy men of that time. The preaching of the resurrection of Jesus would be an aggravation, because it was in direct conflict with their belief and teachings. R2939:5

Through jealousy; as are the clergy at the present time. OV264:4; R4060:1, 2940:2, 2096:2; HG712:1*

The Sadducees specially resented this new doctrine, which antagonized their views and to some extent supported their religious opponents, the Pharisees. R2939:6

They preferred to have the people in ignorance. HG383:1

The news was so new and so good that the religious teachers could not believe it to be true. R241:3

Those who were first invited, but rejected. (Luke 14:16-22) R342:6

They – The apostles. R3189:5

Taught the people – The apostles were really imparting to the people some knowledge of spiritual things, without being ordained by man, and on subjects about which the recognized doctors of divinity and theology knew nothing. R2096:2

Without money and without price. R4060:1

The people were giving more interested attention to these "laymen" than they gave to the religious rulers. R2096:1

Preached through Jesus – Because of the ransom he had paid. R241:3

The value of his death as our redemption price. R95:1

The resurrection – A re-vitalizing or re-creation from the dead. R1642:5

A judgment-resurrection. R1512:2

By provision of the ransom. R875:3*

That was the hope. Without Jesus and the ransom sacrifice there could be no hope of a resurrection. HG136:4

No other doctrine is so prominent in the New Testament as the resurrection; except the second coming of our Lord. R1508:6

3 and they laid hands upon them, and did put them in custody unto the morrow, for it was evening already; Put them in hold – In prison; not as felons, but for trial. R2939:2, 1424:2

Over night, for the meeting of the Sanhedrin next day. R4316:2, 2939:2

4 and many of those hearing the word did believe, and the number of the men became, as it were, five thousand. Was about five thousand – One of the evidences of favor in the last half of the seventieth week. B70, B71

These Israelites, after Pentecost, were but a remnant as compared with the whole of Israel. R2301:2

Annas and Caiaphas – Annas, the High Priest, and Caiaphas, his son, about two months previously had both presided in the trial of the Master himself. R2939:3

Caiaphas was the very one who condemned Jesus. R4316:3

Annas was subsequently dragged through the streets and murdered. R3369:3

5 And it came to pass upon the morrow, there were gathered together of them the rulers, and elders, and scribes, to Jerusalem,
6 and Annas the chief priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the chief priest, Were gathered together – Met as a court to hear, to overawe, to browbeat and to condemn Peter and John for their temerity in attempting to teach the people. R2096:5

7 and having set them in the midst, they were inquiring, 'In what power, or in what name did ye do this ' By what power – The power of God. R4316:6

The object of the trial evidently was to condemn the apostles for having practiced necromancy, sorcery, the black art. R2939:6, 4316:5

8 Then Peter, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them: 'Rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, With the Holy Spirit – Peter, as spokesman for the three, was supernaturally assisted. R2939:5

The holy Spirit, of meekness, patience, gentleness, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness. R2940:1

Said unto them – An address which is beautiful, for its simplicity, directness, and meek-boldness. R2940:1

9 if we to-day are examined concerning the good deed to the ailing man, by whom he hath been saved, He is made whole – A bona-fide miracle, straightening the ankle bones and giving to the ligaments strength never before possessed. R4316:2

10 be it known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye did crucify, whom God did raise out of the dead, in him hath this one stood by before you whole. Be it known unto you all – How courageous indeed were the Apostle's words. To have evaded the point would have shown fear; and failed to make a proper impression on the Sanhedrin. R5839:3, 2940:1

People of Israel – The whole twelve tribes. C293; R1341:1

Evidently the apostles knew nothing about any "lost ten tribes." R2085:3

The name of Jesus Christ – By the authority and power of. R2940:1

Whom ye crucified – Declaring that the Sanhedrin murdered Messiah. R5839:3, 2940:1

He charged straight home the responsibility of his death upon them. R4316:6, 2096:5

He states the matter without bitterness or acrimony. R2940:1, 2096:5

Whom God raised – Christ could never have raised himself; it was his soul that died, and not merely his body. R2795:2

A re-creation of the same being; he is still the first and the last, the Only Begotten of the Father. (Rev. 1:11, 17, 18) R1005:5

Even by him – He credited the miracle wholly to Jesus; a lesson to all the Lord's ambassadors. R5839:3

11 'This is the stone that was set at nought by you the builders, that became head of a corner; This is the stone – Christ as the foundation stone in the spiritual temple of God. R1760:3, 2096:5, 2940:1

The Apostle quoted to them from the prophecy of David. (Psalm 118:22) R5839:6, 2940:1

The precious corner-stone, (Isa. 28:16) the head-stone of God's bing and rock of offence to both the houses of Israel. (Isa. 8:14) C329, C330

The chief corner stone in the divine plan of the ages. R1424:3

The one and only foundation of his people's salvation. R2012:5

Which was set at nought – Nevertheless God had highly exalted him to be the head over the Church, the spiritual temple. R2096:5

12 and there is not salvation in any other, for there is no other name under the heaven that hath been given among men, in which it behoveth us to be saved.' Salvation – Life. R611:4

For which the Jews had been waiting--a national salvation and an individual salvation in the Kingdom of God. R2940:2

"Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood." (Rev. 5:9) E446

Jesus' death and resurrection opened up a new way to life. R5549:3

Faith in him and in his blood is the only condition of reconciliation with God. HG117:4

Having accepted Christ as the ransom, God "is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." (1 John 1:9) HG299:2

In any other – Buddha, Confucius, ignorance or what-not. D192, D193; R2940:4, 1647:5

Not by the Law covenant, nor by heathen ignorance. R3399:4; NS808:4

There was no hope of salvation in Moses and in the Law, any more than in the heathen systems of theology. R2096:6

No man can be saved by works of the law, works of righteousness. Our justification and salvation are through faith in the blood of Christ. NS539:5, 766:5

Anyone attempting to climb into the family of God otherwise "the same is a thief and a robber." (John 10:1; Rom. 5:1,2) R3020:2, 1647:5

None other name – Than the name of Jesus. R5614:6, 858:4, 544:3, 392:2, 257:6, 6:4

By faith in Christ comes the blessing of God. R1425:1, 5840:2; E472

The channel of all of God's mercy in Christ Jesus. R5179:3

Christ Jesus is the only Savior. CR19:6

"The way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:6) NS766:5

Knowledge of, and faith in, and obedience to Christ was the only God appointed way of salvation. R2096:6; NS643:6

None but those who accept Christ and form character are fit for the Kingdom. HG145:6

Nowhere in the Scriptures is eternal life promised to any except on conditions of faith in Christ the Redeemer, and repentance. R1437:2, 5871:4, 5071:1; HG699:6; 700:1; NS411:5

The one way of approaching God is by and through the Great Advocate. R4786:4, 5840:1, 5105:5, 4629:1, 761:4

Only one way of escape from condemnation has been provided. HG293:5

"No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) R2454:5; CR420:5

No one was saved before Jesus came. R5179:4, 5774:6; SM43:3

Only a comparatively small portion of the human family have ever heard of his name. R3701:3; HG316:1; NS279:5, 833:3

The dead of humanity will hear that name in the resurrection, during the thousand years. (John 1:9) SM197:1; R3025:6

Mohammedans are heathen in the sense of not recognizing Christ. R4140:5

The benighted heathen shall not be left in ignorance of that name. In due time this true light shall lighten every man. R3788:5

This would be a difficult lesson for his hearers to receive. R2940:2

Must be saved – From death. R611:4, 1126:2

From our condition of condemnation, and be brought back into the family of God. HG694:6

Either in this age or in any other. NS803:5

The Kingdom will give to every son and daughter of Adam one full, fair, righteous opportunity to come to a knowledge of the truth that they may be saved. NS822:2, 705:6; SM780:2

Whereby members of Adam's race may be reconciled to God. NS225:2

Come into heart relationship with God. R5444:5

Whereby they can be saved, and all who will come unto him through Christ will be accepted. R4629:1

May have life, with full recognition of the efficacy of the ransom. R401:5

Through the blood once shed as the ransom-price for the whole world. R5871:4, 1231:2, 709:3

He paid the penalty which was the full satisfaction of justice. E461

Justification by faith is the underlying principle of the whole system of Christianity. A100

Faith in Jesus was the only way of salvation. R761:4, 544:3

Cornelius was not "saved" until Peter told him the way. R800:6

Having purchased the race, it is necessary that the Great Physician heal them. E473

In the Millennium. R3025:6

"In that day" the Sodomites will be given an opportunity to believe in the "only name." HG336:2

Neither innocence nor ignorance, nor any other natural condition will save. R1043:6

13 And beholding the openness of Peter and John, and having perceived that they are men unlettered and plebeian, they were wondering they were taking knowledge also of them that with Jesus they had been When they – The Sanhedrin. R5840:1

Boldness – Courage. R4460:2, 4316:6; NS666:5

The Sanhedrin were perplexed as they perceived that the disciples had so strong a case. R5840:2

Peter and John – The Pentecostal blessing qualified them for the ministry. R5589:4

They were unlearned – The humbler walks of life, led them to strength of character. F210, F211; R5563:1, 2925:3, 2820:6

Lacking the polish or education which people expected in religious teachers. R4969:2, 748:1

Not theologians, but of the "common people," addressed them meekly, simply, yet with holy boldness. R2096:5

An example of the honesty of the Bible. PD43/53; OV11:6

Had they more learning, the probabilities are that they would have been proportionately less ready for the Lord and his message. NS562:2

The Gospel message takes hold chiefly upon those less favored in the present life. R4460:2

Not many great, not many learned, not many rich, not many noble. SM750:2

The Lord is now using agencies, messengers, that are not acceptable to many. R5258:4

They marvelled – Even the multitude perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant. R5941:6

As with Jesus, the people said, "Whence hath this man this wisdom?" (Matt. 13:54) R646:5

Their zeal and earnestness was astonishing to their fellowmen. HG416:1

Whoever the Lord may use as his mouthpiece will be endowed with the necessary ability. R4316:6

No eloquence of error can stand before the logic of their deductions from the Law and the Prophets and the teachings of the Lord. R1525:5

Knowledge of them – Having learned in the school of Christ, these were transformed men. NS666:5

Our conduct should be a credit to the great and noble cause with which we are identified. R5840:6

Let our moderation and our joy in the Lord be manifest to all. R3753:6

Had been with Jesus – Learned his doctrine and copied his spirit. F219; R4988:4, 1789:5, 1525:5

They were his disciples, learners in his school. R4460:3, 4988:4

The Spirit of Christ endowed them with eloquence and courage to fully defend and voice the truth. R4316:3

All intimately associated with the members of the body of Christ, should recognize the largeness and grandeur of character. R4746:6

All with who we come in contact should be able to see by our sweetness of spirit, our patience, that we have been with Jesus and learned of him. R5980:2, 4746:6, 4662:5

One of the remarkable things about "present truth" is its transforming effect upon those who receive it. R4460:2

14 and seeing the man standing with them who hath been healed, they had nothing to say against [it],
15 and having commanded them to go away out of the sanhedrim, they took counsel with one another,
16 saying, 'What shall we do to these men because that, indeed, a notable sign hath been done through them, to all those dwelling in Jerusalem [is] manifest, and we are not able to deny [it];
17 but that it may spread no further toward the people, let us strictly threaten them no more to speak in this name to any man.' Spread no further – Because of their blindness and prejudice to the light of the new dispensation. D164

18 And having called them, they charged them not to speak at all, nor to teach, in the name of Jesus, They – The prejudice-blinded rejecters of God's truth. R1424:5

Not to speak at all – Charging them, threatening them, not to preach any more. R5840:2

Probably indicating similar persecutions in the end of the Gospel harvest. B263; R969:1

19 and Peter and John answering unto them said, 'Whether it is righteous before God to hearken to you rather than to God, judge ye; Whether it be right – While we are to be subject to earthly powers (Rom. 13:1), as respects earthly thinge spiritual, the heavenly things. R4317:4, 5840:4

It is the right and proper course to believe God rather than men. R1425:3

More than unto God – They courageously withstood this illegal restraint upon their liberties and rights. R2878:5

Wherever it is a question of pleasing God or pleasing man, we will not do anything contrary to the divine will. (Dan. 2:17-18) R5540:4

Offer no resistance to any established law, except where they conflict with God's laws. A266

We should remember not to violate conscience in order to please anyone. R1553:1

Judge ye – For yourselves. R2928:1

Whether to obey God or man may be a question in your minds. OV159:2

While obedient to every earthly law, let us feel perfectly free to do the Lord's will in every matter. R4317:5, 5840:4

20 for we cannot but speak what we did see and hear.' We cannot but speak – We cannot help but speak. R942:5

They spoke modestly, courteously, but very boldly. R4317:4

God had commanded the disciples, through Jesus, to be his mouthpieces. R5840:4

We cannot refrain from telling the good tidings and praising the Lord. R4589:1

It is our duty to make known the Gospel message to hearing ears. R5840:4

We would be in distress and woe, if we could not tell the joyful message. R671:1

"Woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel." (1 Cor. 9:16) R3616:6

To keep the message secret would mean our own failure to progress. R4317:4

"The people that do know their God shall be valiant and do exploits." (Dan. 11:32) R2570:1

The things – The message of Jesus' death being efficacious for the cancellation of sin, and the opportunity to become his followers. R5840:4

Seen and heard – The basis of their confidence was not superstition, but a knowledge of the truth. R1425:2

It is only those who have heard something and seen something who have any testimony to give. R3616:6

21 And they having further threatened [them], let them go, finding nothing how they may punish them, because of the people, because all were glorifying God for that which hath been done, Punish – Greek, Kolasin, To cut off, to restrain, to chastise. R2608:2, 1040:2

Because of the people – So strong was the truth that the people disregarded the opposition of the clergy; unable to deny the testimony they were obliged to let the apostles go. R1425:3

22 for above forty years of age was the man upon whom had been done this sign of the healing.

23 And being let go, they went unto their own friends, and declared whatever the chief priests and the elders said unto them, Their own company – Shows the beautiful bond of sympathy that existed in the early Church. R1425:3

24 and they having heard, with one accord did lift up the voice unto God, and said, 'Lord, thou [art] God, who didst make the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all that [are] in them, Their voice – Prayer of thankful acknowledgment of the favor of God in the deliverance of these two faithful witnesses. R1425:4

Lord – Greek, Despotes, sovereign. E70

Thou art God – They did not attribute their success to their own power but to the favor and blessing of God. R1425:4

25 who, through the mouth of David thy servant, did say, Why did nations rage, and peoples meditate vain things David hath said – A partial application, the fullness belonging to the time of the second advent. R1384:6, 1425:5, B263

The heathen rage – Refers to the commotion and discontent already prevailing. R1385:1

26 the kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ; Kings of the earth – Religious, financial and political. R1385:1

Against the Lord – Take counsel together against the principles of truth and righteousness. R1425:5

27 for gathered together of a truth against Thy holy child Jesus, whom Thou didst anoint, were both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with nations and peoples of Israel, Thou hast anointed – Not with literal oil, but with the holy Spirit. R4715:2

The people of Israel – The whole twelve tribes. C293; R1341:1, 2085:3

28 to do whatever Thy hand and Thy counsel did determine before to come to pass.
29 'And now, Lord, look upon their threatenings, and grant to Thy servants with all freedom to speak Thy word, With all boldness – Regardless of the consequences to themselves. R1425:6

Speak thy word – Declare thy plan, purpose, or intention (Greek: logos). R338:1, 421:2

30 in the stretching forth of Thy hand, for healing, and signs, and wonders, to come to pass through the name of Thy holy child Jesus.'
31 And they having prayed, the place was shaken in which they were gathered together, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and were speaking the word of God with freedom, Word of God – The Scriptures do claim to be the Word of God. R1584:3

With boldness – As a consequence of the release from prison of Peter and John. R5840:5

32 and of the multitude of those who did believe the heart and the soul was one, and not one was saying that anything of the things he had was his own, but all things were to them in common. One soul – The oneness of thought, mind and action required of the Church of God. R1130:6*; Q837:2

All things common – The wealthier sold their possessions and turned in the money to the Lord's treasury. R5850:1

And "There arose a murmuring," ( Acts 6:1) as a result. D479; R4318:1, 1862:3

The Bible does not teach communism; neither did the Lord or the apostles. R1862:2, 2102:3, 1390:5; D478

Experience proves the failure of communistic methods in the present time. R1862:1, 5850:1, 4318:1, 2102:1; D478

The community principle will prosper wonderfully in the Kingdom. R5850:1

33 And with great power were the apostles giving the testimony to the rising again of the Lord Jesus, great grace also was on them all, With great power – Not made secondary to politics, social questions, evolution, etc. R4391:1

Witness of – The apostles witnessed by their words, logical presentations and their lives. R4391:4

Resurrection – Greek, anastasis, with the Greek article, indicating the first or special resurrection. R1512:2

All this witnessing was to the point that Christ died; that his death was not for his own sins, but as man's Redeemer. R4390:6

Proving he was approved of God, the Messiah, and that now there could be a high-calling to joint-heirship. R2102:1

That his death was the great sin-offering, the ransom price for the whole world. R2102:1

A dead Redeemer would be powerless to become the Messiah and to establish the divine law amongst those whom he had purchased with his blood. R4390:6

The apostles hung the entire weight of their testimony upon this one matter. R2102:2

The general theme of the early Church. R4391:1

Should be a prominent theme in our witnessing. R4391:1

34 for there was not any one among them who did lack, for as many as were possessors of fields, or houses, selling [them], were bringing the prices of the thing sold, That lacked – The true spirit of Christ is indicated by the fact that the needy were not suffered to lack while others had plenty. (1 John 3:17) R2102:2

35 and were laying them at the feet of the apostles, and distribution was being made to each according as any one had need. As he had need – Controlled by love, the well-to-do felt that they would like all the poorer brethren to have just as good as themselves. R5849:6

Shows what should be the spirit of all who love the Lord. R4317:6

See also comments on 4:32.

36 And Joses, who was surnamed by the apostles Barnabas which is, having been interpreted, Son of Comfort a Levite, of Cyprus by birth, Joses – Uncle of John Mark; he was generous and helpful in the Church, and was given a new name, Barnabas. R4318:2, 5850:1, 2943:2

Barnabas – Sample of the spirit of proper fellowship and brotherhood in the early Church. R4318:3

Son of consolation – Comfort and helpfulness. R2943:2, 3434:1

He had a beautiful spirit. R5850:1

Sympathetic, loving, kind, helpful. R4318:2, 3435:6, 2943:2

Our commission is "to comfort all that mourn" (Isa. 61:2); among the Church now, the R5537:1, 3436:1, 3434:3, 2665:4

The more we possess of the spirit of holiness, devotion to God, the more may we be sons of consolation. R4318:2

A Levite – Being a Levite, he was trained as a teacher. Tradition says he became acquainted with Saul of Tarsus, in the Gamaliel school. R4318:2

37 a field being his, having sold [it], brought the money and laid [it] at the feet of the apostles.
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