Titus Chapter 2 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine – The charges of Paul to Timothy (2 Tim. 3:16,17; 4:1-5) and to Titus (2:1,7,8,11-15), and of Peter (1 Pet. 5:1-11), might be read to the chosen elders in presence of company, followed by prayer that God would add his blessing upon them, and upon all the company as they shall co-operate together in the service of the Lord. R1892:4

2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience. The aged men – The elderly men, the advanced. Not only their years of natural life, but also their years of experience in Christian life should bring them to conditions of maturity and sobriety. R2723:2

Temperate – Moderate--not light, frivolous and excitable. R2723:2

Sound in faith – A sound faith is all-important, not only in shaping conduct, but also in inspiring it. R2723:3

In charity – The patience which will last and become an integral part of character must result from a change of heart: the mainspring of love must first replace the mainspring of selfishness. R2723:4

In patience – Greek: hupomonee, constancy --the thought being an endurance of evil in a cheerful, willing, patient manner. It represents therefore, an element of character, and not merely a temporary condition of restraint of feeling or action. R2791:1,5

Paul places patience above and beyond love. This final test of patient, cheerful endurance must be passed before we can be of the elect. R4910:1, 5651:3, 2791:5, 2723:3

3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; The aged women – Matured, developed. R2723:5

As becometh holiness – "Reverent in demeanor." (Revised Version) They are supposed to have professed holiness, full consecration to the Lord, full desire to know and to do his will, and such consecration is to show out in their lives. R2723:5

Not false accusers – "Not slanderers." (Revised Version) On the contrary, they will be examples in the matter of minding their own business. R2723:5

Teachers of good things – By precept as well as by example, to all with whom they have an influence. R2723:5

4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, That they may teach – Naturally their influence will be greatest over the younger women, and it should be exercised as becometh women professing godliness, professing to be guided by the Word of the Lord, and the spirit of the Truth. R2723:5

5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. To be discreet – Soberminded--not too emotional;--to do some sober thinking along sober lines, and thus to cultivate both heart and head. R2723:6

Chaste – Modest, pure--an instruction deep and powerful in its influence for good. R2723:6

Keepers at home – "Workers at home." (Revised Version) R2723:6

That the home is her workshop and her pulpit, where her influence should be greatest and most valuable. R2724:1

Obedient to – "Submissive" (Diaglott)--not attempting to usurp the place of. R2724:1

Not blind obedience or dumb submission. R2724:1

She shall use proper liberties and privileges with propriety, so as to make life a blessing and not a burden to her husband. R2724:1

The word of God – The Scriptures, divine revelation. R1584:3

6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. To be sober minded – Not rash, thoughtless, conceited--that they exercise self-control. R2724:2

7 In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Uncorruptness – Not permitting his teachings (doctrine) to be corrupted either with vain imaginations of his own or those of other people. R2724:2

Gravity – The opposite of frivolity, levity. R2724:3

Sincerity – Greek: aptharsia, incorruption. E397; R204:1

8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Sound speech – Conversation that will exert a truly helpful, strengthening influence--to mind and heart and character. R2724:3

Cannot be condemned – By anybody, friend or foe, heathen or Christian, saint ot sinner; and such a course will be a constant reproof to those enemies who must always be expected; in the face of such noble living they of the contrary part must surely be put to shame eventually. (Jas. 3:13) R2724:3

9 Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; Servants – Though freemen in Christ, bondmen according to the flesh. R2723:2

To please them well – To take as much interest in their master's goods as though they were their own; they were to do their work as though they were doing it to the Lord himself, faithfully, well. (1Cor. 10:31) R2724:5

In all things – In the little things as well as the great affairs. R2724:5

Not answering again – Not gainsaying nor quarreling with their master over his methods and ways and work. R2724:6

10 Not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Not purloining – Secretly appropriating to themselves the master's goods. R2724:6

All good fidelity – By his own strict integrity even in the smallest things he shall do his preaching and exercise his influence upon his master--faithfulness to his master's interests. R2724:6

That they may adorn – By the exercise of a living faith in life's affairs, they show that it is not a doctrine of strife, but of peace and good-will toward men, not a doctrine merely of personal rights and of selfish strife for their attainment, but a doctrine of love, joy and peace in the holy Spirit. R2725:3

God our Saviour – Jehovah is the Savior, the Author of the great plan of Salvation. E33

11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, For – "For (because) the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to (for) all men." (Revised Version) R2725:3

The grace of God – Divine grace signifies God's unmerited mercy and favor--it is not a reward. R2284:2, 4576:1, 2283:6

Relates primarily to the mercy which he purposed to extend to Adam and all of his posterity through our Lord Jesus Christ. R4576:1, 2725:5, 2284:3

God's grace in the present time is manifested in connection with the "high calling" to the divine nature and the life immortal connected therewith. (Phil. 3:14) R2725:4, 2284:4

To abide in God's grace we must turn from sin to serve the Lord. R4576:2, 2725:5

While justification is of grace, our presentation of our bodies living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1) is not grace, but of our own volition. R4576:5

The "new creature" (2 Cor. 5:17) has need of grace and mercy because it has for its expression only the frail "earthen vessel" (2 Cor. 4:17). R4576:2

Which God's people have through Christ for the justification from their sins on the basis of obedient faith (Rom. 4:25, 5:1). R4576:2, 2286:1

His favor, based upon Jesus' payment of a "ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:6). R2284:3, 2725:4

God's grace in the Millennial age will be manifested in the "restitution" blessings which will be offered to all mankind (Acts 3:21). R2725:5, 4576:1, 2284:5

No one can intelligently believe in divine grace who holds the theory of evolution or any other theory of salvation than the Scriptural one. R2284:5

That bringeth – That leads to. R2283:3

Salvation – The opportunities afforded by grace make possible our salvation from sin and death conditions. R4576:1

Hath appeared – It has been manifested to some and the information has been given that ultimately it will be extended to all, so that all may have a share in it. R4576:1, 2285:5

To all men – For all men--the dead as well as the living. R2285:5

Since it has been provided freely for all, so ultimately it shall be extended to all, that all may avail themselves of it. R2285:5

The earthly life-everlasting which will be granted to all those who then come into harmony with the terms of that grace. R2725:5

The grace of God can never disappear until it has accomplished its mission. R691:1*, 1436:6*

12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present age; Teaching us that – It has many teachings or lessons, but one of these is paramount, namely, that in God's sight sin is exceedingly sinful and must become so also in our sight. (Rom. 7:13) R4576:1

That the way of reconciliation back to God's favor is a way of self-denial. R2725:5

Denying ungodliness – "Renouncing ungodly desires." R2283:6

Forego the weakness, the tendencies of the flesh and resist them and show our preference for righteousness by our zeal in fighting against sin. R4576:1

Denying everything that is contrary to our highest conception of the divine character and will. R2725:5

Righteously – All who will get God's blessing on the earthly or the heavenly plane must come to the standard of loving righteousness and hating iniquity. R4576:1

In this present world – "In this present age." R2283:6, 2725:5

The world that now is is already being violently shaken, and is beginning to crumble away financially, politically, socially, and ecclesiastically. Q853:1

13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Looking for that blessed hope – He holds up before us the grand consideration toward which all of our ambitions are to turn, in which all of our hopes are to center, and in which our hearts are to find their treasure, outweighing and outvaluing every earthly consideration. R2725:6

The second advent of Christ and the resurrection, the hope of the Church, and the hope of the world. F664, F665

Of the Gospel. R2146:4

The object of the hope is the appearing of Christ to receive his Bride, and transform them into his likeness. R471:4, 1893:4, 1105:6

Neither prohibition, female suffrage, free silver, protective tariff, communism, anarchism. socialism, nationalism, general mechanical education, single tax, nor other human scheme. D470-515

The only hope for the world is in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ--the Millennial Kingdom. D517

We shall be satisfied only when we get those eternal verities of which now we have only the promise, or hope. But what a hope is ours; what a glorious hope! SM739:2

The second advent is the motive for divine hope. R298:2*

Our salvation continues as day by day we abide in the Lord and grow in grace, knowledge, and the holy Spirit. Eventually our salvation will be complete. (1 Pet. 1:13) R5920:4

Watching implies hoping, and it also implies waiting. R2973:2

And the glorious – "Even the glorious manifestation of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ." R2283:3

Appearing – Greek: epiphaneia, bright shining or manifestation. R2979:1

Of the great God – Our Lord Jesus is a mighty one, a great one amongst the mighty ones. R2726:1

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ F673[F673]

Who shall transform his Church to his own spiritual image and likeness, in order that we may be associated with him in his great work of bringing in the Millennial blessings. R2973:2

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Who gave himself for us – Christ, who, through the eternal spirit, offered himself without spot to God, and for this cause he is the mediator of the New Covenant. (Heb. 9:14,16) E450

He might redeem – Greek: lutroo, "to loose by a price," to set free by the payment of a price. E431

Not only from the tomb in the Millennium, but also those who now hear the message and obtain relief from the thraldom of iniquity. E432

From all iniquity – Sin and iniquity are two names for the same thing. R710:4

Not merely a redemption from the power of the grave. R2517:6

A peculiar people – The Lord is seeking specially a people peculiarly cleansed, purified. R2517:6

Not striving after the things of this world. R2146:4

Different from others, possessed of a special love for that which is just, pure, noble, good; and are striving to cultivate these graces more and more in their hearts. R2726:4

Separate from nominal Christians as well as the world, having higher hopes, aims and ambitions and with a clearer insight into the deep things of God. R5970:1

A people bought back from sin and death, different from others. They are new creatures in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17) They have new hopes and new aims; namely, to be made associates in the government of Messiah. R5461:5

Not on outward looks, not by wearing peculiar clothing, nor by talking in some peculiar way. CR333:2, 408:6

A faith-full people, peculiar in this respect from the majority; not many great, not many wise, not many learned according to the course of this world have and exercise this faith--chiefly the poor, rich in faith, may be heirs of the kingdom. R3944:6

The Gospel Church, "a holy nation, a peculiar people" (1 Pet. 2:7,9). R2604:3

Zealous of good works – "Devoted to good works." R2283:6

Willing to lay down their lives in God's service. E30

One particular work given them of the Father; hence they cannot give their attention to political or social reform, etc. The Lord's people are eager to do good, but in the way that will be most effective. (John 9:4) R5462:1

The same kind of good works the Lord himself was engaged in. CR333:3

God's work now is to bring to a knowledge of the truth those who have an ear to hear. CR334:1

Earnestly desirous and striving to do good unto all men as they have opportunity, physically, mentally, morally, and, especially, to do good to the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). R2726:4; CR333:4

For that which is right, loving the right, the truth, and loving God's way so that we will be glad at any cost to serve His cause. CR408:6

Zealous for the Kingdom, zealous for the Lord's Word. R2510:5

15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Let our sentiments and our course of action always be noble and pure, and on the right side of every subject that comes forward for ventilation and investigation. R3068:4

These things speak – Let those who seek to serve the Lord know that his truth is his representative, and let them cast their influence, all of it, on the right side of this momentous question of the ransom. Leave no doubt with any as to just where you stand. R1453:3

Exhort, and rebuke – Not the pleasantest part of our duty, but some need words of warning in order that they be not deceived. R1480:4*

In love and gentleness. R2726:4

All authority – Full authority, not doubting as to the meaning of the divine instruction. R2726:4

The authority of God's Word, not Titus' own. R1892:6

Despise thee – Titus was probably young. R1894:3

Declare these principles of righteousness governing the Lord's people in a plain, positive and authoritative manner. Speak with authority not as with uncertainty and questioning. R2726:4

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