Revelation Chapter 13 [DARBY]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea; and I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, and upon its heads names of blasphemy. The sea – The general masses of mankind, not under religious restraint. R318:3, 63:3

A beast – Papacy. It corresponds to the "man child" of the preceding chapter. R318:3

In some respects, Papacy was a new government, or beast, distinct from the old Roman Empire; and in others, it was a horn or power among others out of that empire. B305

A beast represents a government. The ten-horned beast represents the Papal government, which for a time ruled over all Europe, then the Roman Empire. R5349:1, 1409:4, 497:5

Its character is described as "That Wicked One," "The Man of Sin," "The Mystery of Iniquity," "The Antichrist," "The Son of Perdition" and "The Abomination of Desolation." B271, B276; R2174:5

God has measurably confined his prophetic utterances to the system which was the seat of the beast--the Church of Rome and her daughters; omitting others such as: Confucianism, Buddhism, Mohammedanism and the Greek Church. R366:2

Out of the sea – A government which came up from among the irreligious masses. In other words, the Roman Empire passed under a new rulership-- the leopard beast. R318:3, 63:3

Seven heads – Governments. HG21:4

(1) Consular Rome--BC 30; (2) Imperial Rome--BC 17; (3) Gothic--AD 476; (4) Papacy--AD 538; (5) Republic--AD 1798; (6) Restored Papacy--AD 1800; (7) Victor Emmanuel--AD 1870. HG20:6

Ten horns – The great "city," Babylon, is divided into ten different wards, each of which represents one of the kingdoms of Christendom. (Compare Rev. 11:13; Dan. 2:41; 7:7) SM405:4

Ten powers which gave to the beast their support, strength, and protection. R63:5

Kingdoms. R318:5

2 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopardess, and its feet as of a bear, and its mouth as a lion's mouth; and the dragon gave to it his power, and his throne, and great authority; And the beast – Ecclesiastical empire. R318:5

The Papal system. R2495:6; OV270:8; SM234:2

It has certain qualities which resemble the first three beasts of Dan. 7--the lion, bear and leopard--described as representing Babylon, Persia and Greece. R318:3

This new beast would combine certain leading characteristics of the preceding empires and unite them in the power of the last--the Roman. R318:3

The same as that mentioned in Rev. 16:13. OV270:8; SM234:2

Like unto a leopard – The leopard, the third beast of Daniel--Grecia--was the center of learning, piety and wisdom. So Papacy based its claim on being the center of learning, piety and wisdom. R318:5

Other peculiarities of the leopard are its activity, vigilance and secretiveness. So with Papacy. R318:5

A leopard is spotted irregularly, so too Papacy's policy varies in various parts of the earth. R318:5

Illustrating its spotted, or varied character. R994:3

Or, mottled government. In one place it is liberal, almost white in its professions; in another quarter it is black, corrupt, degrading, brutal; and in still other places it has various neutral and tawny shades. R2538:6

Papacy is the most crafty and guileful institution on earth. Chameleon-like it adapts itself to its surroundings, flourishing on ignorance and superstition in some countries or posing as the friends of education in the U.S. R2308:4

Roman Catholicism seems to adapt itself to every circumstance. It is black in one place, white in another, and grey in another, just as the civilization of the people will permit. R994:1

Its spots showing mixture, or church and empire combined. R63:3

The full liberty of the church of Rome would mean the liberty of the leopard beast, and as of yore would mean no personal liberty, but a great destruction amongst the true sheep and lambs of the true Shepherd. R2047:4

The church of Rome consists only of the clergy--the Pope, the "father" and all bishops, priests, monks, etc.--"brothers." R318:6

Feet of a bear – The bear's feet suggest persistency. Like the bear empire, Medo-Persia, besieging for years; so Papacy moves cautiously and gets possession of kingdoms by strategy rather than by battle. R318:4

A bear hugs its prey to death with its paws. R318:4

Mouth of a lion – Babylon, celebrated for its splendor and pride--the lion, the king or ruler of all beasts--so Papacy had a mouth claiming to be the kingdom over all kingdoms by divine right. R318:3

The dragon – The Roman empire. R44:3

Civil power, pagan Rome. The same which Daniel saw in vision called the "fourth beast dreadful and terrible." (Dan. 7:7) R318:3, 63:3

Purely civil power. OV270:7

Gave him his power – For a time it became the only representative of that dominion. R318:5

And his seat – Pontifex Maximus--Chief Priest or Greatest Religious Ruler--is the title claimed by and given to the pontiffs or popes of the Roman empire from this time. B288

3 and one of his heads was as slain to death, and his wound of death had been healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast. Wounded to death – In the Reformation work when Luther, Zwingli and others opposed the teachings of Papacy, Scripturally identifying them as the "Mystery of Iniquity," "Anti-Christ" and "The Man of Sin." R319:5, 63:5

By the "Sword of the Spirit" in the hands of the early Protestants. R994:6

Various small German princedoms were found on the side of the Reformers. Soon Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and others withdrew all allegiance to the Pope. R319:5

Deadly wound – Since the Reformation Papacy has been slain with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. R3082:2

Was healed – By the after course of the Reformation. C50

Papacy's wound began to heal from the time the Reformation church united to worldly empires, for how could the Reformers any longer use the Sword of the Spirit against Papacy as a church-state organization when they themselves were the same? R64:1, 319:6; C112

Wondered – The various kingdoms (horns) soon learned that their hold of power was strengthened, rather than weakened, by allegiance to Papacy. R318:5

After the beast – The people respected the beast because of its peculiarities--leopard body and lion mouth. R318:5

4 And they did homage to the dragon, because he gave the authority to the beast; and they did homage to the beast, saying, Who is like to the beast? and who can make war with it? They worshipped the dragon – They respected the civil power all the more, because it had so honored ecclesiastical authority. R318:5

The people honored both the empire and the ecclesiastical or church power, finally concluding that the beast, ecclesiastical power, was stronger. R63:3

Paganism. R63:3; B288

Which – Because. R63:3

Who is able – Who would be able to withstand the withering curse of Papacy, the spiritual empire? R319:1

To make war – To contend. R63:3

5 And there was given to it a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies; and there was given to it authority to pursue its career forty-two months. A mouth – Lion-like, strong--terrible utterances. R319:1

The mouth of Antichrist is one of its leading characteristics. B305

Speaking great things – Every title which the Scriptures apply to the true Christ, and every prophecy describing his future Kingdom and its glory has been applied by the popes to themselves and their kingdom. R1093:6

A detailed list of titles claimed by the Papacy. B307

Making boastful claims. Therefore it should not surprise us that God should ordain as part of its reward that it should eat its own words--"bite their tongues." (Rev. 16:10, 11) R509:6

Power was given – Authority. R319:1

Permission to execute and put to death saints of God, whom it called "heretics." R319:1, 63:3

Forty and two months – AD 538 to 1798. R63:3

Forty-two months--1260 days--3-½ times, or years. (Rev. 11:1, 3; 12:6, 14; 13:5) B91; C64; R5751:3, 5741:6, 4741:2, 319:2; HG50:2; Q846:2

AD 1799, marked by Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, sealed and defined the limits of Papal dominion over the nations. C50

Its time for speaking is not limited; it still speaks. But not so its time for acting; it had power to act forty and two months. R63:3

Some scholars have applied this period as beginning in 539 AD and ending in 1798 AD when Napoleon Bonaparte took the Pope of Rome prisoner to Paris. R5751:3, 4741:2, 63:3; PD46/56

1798--there the delusion that none could successfully war or contend with Papacy was shown. R319:2

The dread of the Beast has not been so great since, and the various horns (kingdoms) which once defended, have made war with the woman. The dominion has been taken away. R319:2

That long period of time when the true Church was eclipsed by the success of Babylon marked the time of great spiritual drouth. R5741:6, 4741:2

Pictured by the time of Jezebel's persecution, when Elijah hid in the wilderness and there was no rain for 1260 days. PD46/56

See comments on Rev. 12:6, 14.

6 And it opened its mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle, and those who have their tabernacle in the heaven. In blasphemy – Blasphemy is applicable to any indignity offered to God. Bouwier defines it thus: "Blasphemy is to attribute to God that which is contrary to his nature, and does not belong to him--and to deny what does." B306

Among the blasphemous pretensions of Antichrist should be remembered several of its doctrines, particularly the doctrine of the Mass. B318

Against God – The beast power was a slur upon God and upon the true coming Kingdom. R319:2

Blaspheme his name – In the thousand numerous edicts, bulls and decretals issued in his name, by the long line of those who claimed, as vicegerents, to represent his Son. B306

And his tabernacle – The true Church, blasphemed by the false system which claimed to take its place, claiming its faithful were the true and only tabernacle or church of God. B306

7 And there was given to it to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and there was given to it authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation; Make war with the saints – A detailed historical documentation of the persecutions of true Christians by the Papacy. B328-353

Power was given him – Four stages in the increase of power, and four corresponding stages in the fall from power outlined. B355, B356

Over all kindreds – Papacy's authority as a spiritual empire or "kingdom of God" was generally acknowledged. R319:2

8 and all that dwell on the earth shall do it homage, every one whose name had not been written from the founding of the world in the book of life of the slain Lamb. Are not – Some names are to be blotted out. Unfaithfulness on our part would cause our names to be blotted out of this book. NS69:2

All except the overcomers hasted to unite themselves with and to worship the beast and have it enroll their names on its books. R319:2

Written – Our names are figuratively written in the book of life from the moment we exercise the proper obedient faith in Christ and make our consecration. NS69:2

It does not say when the names would be written in the Lamb's book of life. R2540:4

Book of life – The church of Christ is not an earthly organization with names upon sectarian rolls of membership, but instead is a heavenly union and communion "whose names are written in heaven." R2547:4, 2545:3, 1309:2, 319:2

The book of life now open is merely for the overcomers of this present time. With the end of this age this book of life will be permanently closed. NS69:4

The "book of remembrance." (Mal. 3:16, 17) NS69:2

Of the Lamb – This book of life record is one of the consequences of our Lord's death. R2540:4

Slain – As the redemption price. Q781:2, 801:2

Taking the place in death of the condemned race. HG120:4

Christ dying for us was Jehovah's original plan, and that before sin entered. His wisdom and love provided, and beheld in the distance "the Lamb of God." R788:3

In the counsel of God. R875:3*

In the divine purpose and arrangement--though only now being made manifest to the Church, and shortly to the world. NS437:1

From the foundation – The whole matter had been divinely arranged from before the creation of man. Everything pertaining to that slain Lamb was foreknown by the Father. R5421:6, 5150:1, 875:3

In the divine purpose, the ransom-price was provided from before the foundation of the world. In another sense, when the contract was made between Jehovah and the Logos; and in another sense, when Jesus reached full human perfection at age 30. Q568:4; R5880:2, 5641:4, 4463:5

The entire transaction was aside from humanity. Our heavenly Father planned it all from before the creation of the world. NS623:4

God's plans from the very first recognized the corrupting and degrading tendency of sin, and provided (in purpose of mind) the Lamb of God. Q781:2, 801:2

God perceived all of our distressed conditions before he created us, and even then planned a remedy. NS650:6

9 If any one has an ear, let him hear. Let him hear – Only those whose ears had been circumcised, who had the hearing of faith--to respect God and his Word--would be able to receive the foregoing statements concerning those who were deceived by Papacy. R319:3

10 If any one leads into captivity, he goes into captivity. If any one shall kill with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints. Leadeth into captivity – "If any one is for captivity." R319:3

The Papal system was one of bondage. R319:3

Go into captivity – By consenting to Papacy's dominion. R319:3

All who acknowledge Papacy's claims must of necessity render implicit obedience, as unto God. R319:3

With the sword – Some asserted that Papacy was a usurpation. Such used the "Sword of the Spirit." (Eph. 3:19) R319:3

Killed with the sword – Such were put to death by Papacy. R319:4

The patience – Patient endurance. R319:3

This was a severe test of true saintship. Would they join the usurper's ranks or remain to the true King and wait for the Kingdom which he promised to establish? R319:4

11 And I saw another beast rising out of the earth; and it had two horns like to a lamb, and spake as a dragon; Another beast – A similar ecclesiastical or church power to the preceding one. R319:4, 63:4

The church-nation of Great Britain and Ireland. It also is a government which combines Christianity and civil power. R5349:1

It is not a beast until it unites with the empires. R63:5, 320:2

The church of England. R4196:3; OV272:7

About 1531 the church in England threw off her allegiance to Rome and became a separate ecclesiastical government. R319:6

In the year 1200 England became subject to the Pope. In 1531, owing to a dispute between her king, Henry VIII, and the Pope, England withdrew from allegiance to Papacy. R320:2

In 1534 all payments made to the apostolic chamber, and dispensations were abolished; and monasteries were subjected to royal government. R320:3

A histor; says: "Convocation declared that the Pope had no more authority in England than any other bishop." R320:3

Henceforth "the civil magistrate was supreme within the English dominions over church as well as state." R320:3

Not Mohammedanism, R319:5

Coming up – "Ascending," coming gradually. R319:5

Out of the earth – Springing up among a professedly religious people. R319:5

The people who had been obedient to Papacy. R63:5, 319:5

Two horns – The church of England and Ireland. R3531:3, 5349:1, 320:2

In 1537 the Irish Parliament in Dublin passed "the act of supremacy" declaring Henry VIII as supreme head of the church and prohibiting intercourse with the court of Rome. R320:5

From 1538 to 1871--333 years--the title of the church was "The Church of England and Ireland." R320:6

On Jan. 1, 1871, by action of parliament and the consent of the Queen, the Irish church was disestablished, or that horn cast off. R320:6

It would be not at all remarkable if the second horn, England, would be separated from this beast--if the church were to be separated from the state in England. R320:6

The powers of England and Germany. R63:5

The two Napoleonic dynasties. HG93:2

Like a lamb – Not intended to do injury. R5349:1

Not the fierce, aggressive character of the leopard. R63:5, 320:6

It used its horns only as means of defense and protection. R63:5

The two Napoleonic dynasties came up in each case as republics, and soon changed into imperial governments. HG94:4

Spake as a dragon – It does not say "the," but "a" dragon, meaning simply that its utterances resembled those of a purely civil (dragon) power; in its words there would be little to denote it as an ecclesiastical government. R320:6, 63:6

The dragon represents purely civil power and the government of Great Britain, though nominally religious, speaks, or governs as a dragon, or purely civil power. R5349:1

12 and it exercises all the authority of the first beast before it, and causes the earth and those that dwell in it to do homage to the first beast, whose wound of death was healed. Exerciseth all the power – The church of England claimed all the powers and authority which Papacy claimed. R321:1

The King James Version was authorized to be read by "the mighty King James, the head of the church of England and Ireland." R321:3

Although the two-horned beast claimed less, its greater humility did not operate against it. R63:6

Of the first beast – Papacy. R320:6, 3531:3

Following exactly the example of Papacy in blending civil with ecclesiastical powers, and also making the same person, Henry VIII, and his successors, head of all power. R319:6

The "Great Seal of England" depicts the Queen holding in her hand a globe surmounted by a cross, declaring her as head of the church universal. The exact image you see in the hands of the Pope in many pictures. R320:4

Before him – Or, "in his presence;" showing that the second does not take the place of the first beast, but that they exist contemporaneously. R320:6, 63:6

Worship – Respect. R321:1

By putting down the infidel reign of terror, and restoring the Papal religion. HG94:5

The first beast – Protestant denominations will be unified and, though separate, yet be brought into cooperation with Papacy. D581

When Protestants justified their own church and empire organization they virtually caused all, Papists and Protestants, to worship, respect and honor the Papal church. R64:1

By establishing a similar system, devoid of some of the grosser Papal errors, it attracted the attention of all to those errors as being the only possible fault of Papacy. R321:1

Was healed – Instead of progressing with the cleansing, the reformers gave attention to organizing themselves, and to revamping many of the old Papal dogmas, at first so loudly condemned. C111

Papacy's wound began to heal from the time the Reformation church united to worldly empires, for how could the Reformers any longer use the Sword of the Spirit against Papacy as a church-state organization when they themselves were the same? R64:1, 319:6; C112

By the after course of the Reformation. C50

13 And it works great signs, that it should cause even fire to come down from heaven to the earth before men. Doeth great wonders – Miracles to deceive, yet professing a pious intention, are plainly spoken of as being done in the last days. (Matt. 24:24; 2 Thes. 2:9) R617:6*

Satan is now operating to produce a Protestant "image of the beast" with life, which will cooperate with the chief anti-Christ, Papacy. In combination with these will be the powers of darkness--Spiritism, Christian Science, Theosophy, Hypnotism, etc. R2174:5

Maketh fire – Judgments and punishments. R64:1, 321:2

That is, to punish in the name of the Lord, those who in any sense of the word it shall consider to be its opponents. R5349:4

From heaven – Both beasts are now in "heaven," or in authority. R64:1, 321:2

This government, like Papacy, claimed heavenly power. Its denunciations were regarded as being from heaven, judgments or fire being called down upon offenders. R321:2

14 And it deceives those that dwell upon the earth by reason of the signs which it was given to it to work before the beast, saying to those that dwell upon the earth to make an image to the beast, which has the wound of the sword, and lived. And deceiveth – Into supposing that the new combination will be God's instrumentality for doing the work predicted of Messiah--and that it is thus his representative. D581

By the pretentious claims of divine right and appointment. R64:2

Them that dwell on the earth – Not "the earth" itself. R64:1

We make a distinction between the earth and those who dwell on it. The earth symbolizes those supporting the beast. "Those dwelling on it" are independent Christians who do not support either of these systems. R321:2, 64:2

Saying to them – By example. R321:3, 64:3

A detailed explanation of how "Apostolic Succession," by example, encouraged others to protect the "authority" of those who would preach from the pulpits. R321:4, 64:2

They required an organized government of the clergy over the common people, like to Papacy in form, in fact, an "image of that beast." R64:3

Its design is to increase the power and authority of Protestantism, just as the formation of the leopard beast was the result of a desire to increase the power and authority of Papacy. R64:4

One of the stated objects of the Evangelical Alliance, we believe the principal one, was to "Promote between the different Evangelical denominations an effective cooperation in the efforts to repel common enemies and dangers." R321:5

That they should – The Sinaitic manuscript adds the word "also" in this verse--"That they also should make an image." R64:4

Make an image – A very exact representation of the beast. R4689:6, 64:5; OV271:5

Organized sectarian Protestantism. R497:2; OV234:2

Church Federation. R3873:4

The Protestant Federation of Churches. R4689:6; OV271:5

Another name for the "false prophet." ; OV271:5; SM234:2

A federation on the plan of the union of the several states in the United States of America. This is really a revival of "The Evangelical Alliance," but it will include the Episcopal church and thus get "life." R3601:3, 4523:2

Church Federation sessions open Nov. 15, 1905. All the large Christian denominations are to participate. The object will be to find a basis of cooperation. R3672:4

The image was formed in 1846 AD In that year, the Protestant denominations, especially in the United States, allied themselves as the "Evangelical Alliance." R5349:2, 4523:2, 3873:4, 3390:1, 2092:6, 1845:6, 1474:2, 1409:4, 321:5;

In London, Aug. 19, 1846, there assembled representatives of all the leading protestant denominations of Europe and America, who there organized under the name "Evangelical Alliance." R64:4

The U.S. branch came later. R1845:2

Perceiving that individual Bible study would lead to individual creeds, and to prevent what seemed to them a loss of power, they planned a union of Protestants in a system call the Evangelical Alliance. OV272:5

The alliance endeavored to establish a standard of orthodoxy. This attempted authority, or power, constituted it an image of the Papal beast, or government. R5349:2

The Evangelical Alliance, while claiming to have unified the sects, is really a truce between them by which they agree not to war against each other, but to unite in opposing any views which conflict with their main points of agreement. R693:6

It was at a convention of the Protestant Episcopal church of the United States that the proposition for a Protestant Union or Confederacy was first extended to other Protestant denominations. R1870:2

Recognition of the church of England as a sister church of Rome must fail because Revelation points out a federation of Protestants as the "image," clearly distinguishing between the "image" and the original "beast"--Papacy--while showing they will be considerably in fellowship. R2046:3

Baptists have as little error as any of the sects. In the days of Bunyan they were very near the apostolic arrangement for the Church. But it has drifted into the popular sectarian channel, and is now as much a member of the "image" as any other sect. R607:5

The "image of the beast" is yet to hold a very prominent place in the coming "time of trouble." HG94:4

From 1800 to 1870 Papacy was again a head of Rome. This restored Papacy, however, was but an image of its former self; and in the prophecy, is called "the image of the beast." HG20:6

The first Napoleon did say to the thirty-five cardinals met in Venice in 1800 to restore the Papacy. They elected a new Pope, under whom they reorganized. HG93:5

Papal dominion was taken away in 1798. Shortly afterward, Papacy was restored, but in a new character. HG93:2

The second horn, or second Napoleonic dynasty, supported the image and gave it life by keeping its troops in Rome until September 1870. HG93:5

The consolidation of Protestant systems, as an institution. R2495:6

To the beast – Papacy. R321:3; 4523:3

By their action they were following Papacy's tactics, and in that alliance they did make the image of the beast. R321:5

They saw the power of the Papal argument, that it is the church, and that all others are heretical. In this sense it was a copy, or image, of the Papal institution. R5349:2

It would prove its likeness to the original Papal system, which is imaged by violent suppressions of the truth and persecution of its defenders. R3873:4, 1474:2

The image or likeness of this organization to the "beast" consists in its doctrines, and in its general policy. R1409:4

As Papacy established the priesthood over the church, so Protestantism has established almost the same. R322:1, 65:1

Doctrinally and practically, Protestantism has been drawing closer and closer every year to the parent system. They so closely resemble the original that few points of difference are discernible, either by themselves or by the world. R595:6

They achieved and obtained the same result sought and obtained by Papacy at the inception of its organization, though brought about in a different manner. R694:1

How much the image resembles the Papal beast may be judged from the fact that the Papacy acknowledged the Image by the Pope sending "greetings" to the 1879 meeting of the Evangelical Alliance. R321:5

The proposal to have the chief executive of the United States preside at the meeting for proposed federation is significant of the close political alliance which will result. R3601:5

Parallels to King Nebuchadnezzar and his image are presented in Revelation as "the beast and his image." R2495:5

By a sword – The sword is the Word of God, and Papacy received such a wound during the Reformation. R63:5

The "Sword of the Spirit." R319:6

15 And it was given to it to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should also speak, and should cause that as many as should not do homage to the image of the beast should be killed. He had power – The two-horned beast. R322:2, 3698:1, 2495:6;

The vitality of the image is to come from the church of England. R5349:3

Which is not a party to the Evangelical Alliance. OV272:7

Give life – Before the image could do any particular harm it must receive life from the two-horned beast. OV272:7

Energy--the effect of apostolic succession. R3698:1, 3390:1, 322:3; SM239:2

The Image could not accomplish its purpose because it did not know how to operate. The denominations were united only in name, but worked against each other. Outside denominations claimed them unauthorized.

As a result the image had no power to act; it was trodden upon; and to get vitality--life--it would need apostolic succession as a basis for operation. OV273:1

The Scriptures intimate that the church of England will become intimate and will give it apostolic authority to preach. OV273:2

"Apostolic succession" was vested in the Roman church and also in the English church on account of its being at first a secession from Papacy, rather than a reformation. R322:2

The Evangelic Alliance of 1842 was the start of it. It would be in full bloom when the Episcopal body should associate and lend the dignity of its claimed "apostolic ordination." R3697:2

The "Evangelical Alliance" took its start in the union movement and the formation of the image. It is probable that it will also play an important role in connection with its receiving life. R2092:6

It has been merely an image without life or power for now more than sixty years. R5349:2

The False Prophet is another name of the vitalized product of the Evangelical Alliance, which has taken the form of Church Federation. OV273:3

The giving of life and authority to the image of the beast or "False Prophet" is not far distant [1892]. R1467:5, 1356:1

It will become as active as the beast. R5349:2

By apostolic succession and supposed "authority." R1870:3, 2495:6; SM239:2

John Wesley would not sanction the giving of the "sacrament" by any except those ordained by the holy hands of an Episcopal bishop. Up to 1784 Methodists could only partake of the sacraments from Episcopal ministers. R322:2

Quite probably the clergy of other Protestant denominations will be recognized by the Episcopal system, probably by the Episcopal clergy in some manner imparting the apostolic succession. R4109:2

A proposal suggested that the blessing of apostolic succession could be imparted without any acknowledgement of receiving the boon, opening the way for a reuniting of Protestants of all denominations with the Episcopal system. R4285:6

A few years ago [1913] the Episcopal church took an important step toward vitalizing the Church Federation by giving recognition to the ministers of the denominations represented in the Evangelical Alliance. R5349:3

By opening Episcopal pulpits to other Orthodox Protestant ministers it tacitly acknowledged their ordination, and thus gave them sanction, acknowledgment, validity, life. R4196:6

This may be all, but we are inclined to expect more. We anticipate a reordination of the Federation ministers by the Episcopal church, or some other way for the Episcopal church to recognize these ministers without reordination. R5349:3

We are looking yearly for its final knot to be tied in some manner that will include other Protestant denominations, the Episcopal church, and a working agreement with the Papacy. R2554:2

By some pact or union amongst so-called Protestant denominations, with a sympathetic alliance and cooperation with the Church of Rome. R3390:1

The spark of life to the organic union begun in the Evangelical Alliance will come from the Episcopal church, which claims divine authority through apostolic succession. R3390:1

The Episcopal church is quite ready to confer this spark of authority and vitality, and we expect in a few years that Protestants will be willing in some form to accept the so-called apostolic ordination. R3390:1

The English and German churches each claim, as the Papal has always done, that theirs is the church founded by the apostles and that their ministers have apostolic succession. R64:5

Undoubtedly Church Federation is already a force, but we are to expect a still more for formal organization, and the vitalizing of the same through affiliation with the Episcopal system. R4540:2

Quite probably there will be a change of name of the Alliance about the time that the church of England joins it and gives it "life," power, vitality; so that thereafter Protestants will act with Papacy and assume a general supervision of the government and morals of the world. R1845:4

The prestige of Protestantism as a whole will be greatly augmented, though we think the term Protestantism will probably be dropped entirely as a concession to the church of Rome, to secure its favor. R1355:6

Various denominations were urging that it was far better for the different denominations to exist. Now that sentiment has all gradually given way, and they are unifying. R5329:2

Not until vitalized will the image of the beast have power to speak, to command, to enforce its edicts. R4540:2, 1356:1;

We may expect that the Federation of Churches will exercise a power in the world such as has not been since the days of Papal supremacy. R5601:3

The fact that the "two-horned beast" is not mentioned in the final struggle signifies that that system (the state church of England and Ireland) would pass out of existence as a "beast," or church and state combination. R834:2

The two-horned beast apparently loses its personality when it gives life to the image by becoming a member of the federation. R5349:5

If this be not accomplished by 1910, or evidently be very near to accomplishment at that time, we shall feel a measure of disappointment. R3390:1

The Napoleonic dynasty gave that image life; restored the Papacy to Rome and maintained it there, a mere image, as a stroke of policy, to appease the Catholic world. HG93:5

When the two-horned beast could no longer give it life, the image fell and ceased to be a head or government of Rome. HG93:5

Greek, pneuma. E174

Unto the image – The united sects--Evangelical Alliance. R64:5

Speak – To speak with authority to the civil powers, which authority will be used for the oppression and suppression of all that is opposed to them. R1356:1

And cause – The result of the mechanical union will be antagonistic to the Lord's plan--unfavorable to the development of the Little Flock of saints. R1818:1

Actively suppressing liberty, and exerted powerfully against the spread of truths now being published by us. This will be but the final lifting up of the great millstone, preparatory to its being violently and quickly destroyed. R2554:2

What the Sanhedrin did in determining to oppose Jesus, the federation of churches will probably do in the way of opposing "Present Truth"--after the federation shall have become thoroughly organized and vitalized. R4162:3

Their mistake was in too much self-confidence. The mistake which will be made by the Sanhedrin of our day will be along similar lines. R4162:3

No doubt the motives are excellent; but experience, as well as Scripture, teaches us that such power will be used dictatorially when once obtained. R1845:5

As would not – As in the time of Elijah, now there are doubtless 7000 or more who neither worship the Papal "beast" nor the Protestant "image." R290:6

The fall of Babylon from steadfastness on even the first principles of the doctrines of Christ is awakening the Lord's people and calling them to come out of her. R2513:4

Worship – Reverence. R1409:4, 1474:2

Image worship is hindering hundreds from seeing the beauties of the Word of God. R65:5

This is to be the great test or trial upon professing Christians in the end of this age, and is even now in progress. R2495:6

Shown in type in Dan. 3:18. R323:5

Image – The Protestant Church Federation will be the outcome as soon as it receives the vitalizing breath. R5349:3

Of the beast – Or, "or the beast." R1409:4

Should be killed – Not necessarily physically; it may be killing in a social sense--cutting off their influence, etc. R1409:4

There are two kinds of symbolic death--political and ecclesiastical. HG94:1

Cut off as a heretic, no longer recognized as a Christian. R64:6, 322:3

The church creed is the rule, not the Word of God. If this is not sufficient, they must have a sort of church trial and excommunicate him ["kill him"]. R322:2

All who will not bow to the decrees of the Evangelical Alliance shall be exposed as heretics, shunned and cast out by all who are orthodox. R322:3

A cartoon in the Ram's Horn, entitled "The Modern Stephen," represents a faithful minister fallen in the street, surrounded by stones labeled, Hate, Revenge, Persecution, Malice, Scandal and Ridicule. R2282:4

We expect this trouble before 1914. But it will not be the world's trouble. It will be a trouble peculiar to the Lord's consecrated ones. R3437:1

Typified by the fiery furnace of Dan. 3:20-25. R323:6, 2495:5

Like Demetrius the silversmith (Acts 19:21-34), these oppose the truth, and go so far as public sentiment and civil government will permit in opposing the truth and those who serve it, and in inciting opposition among the masses. R2207:6

The prosperity of the Federated Protestant "image" will for a little time be so pronounced and its arrogance become so great that the sympathy of the masses will be entirely alienated and turned into bitterness. R4690:3

The Scriptures, in portraying the success of the Evangelical Alliance, show that the results will be a religious oppression and tryanny similar to that of Papacy. R1948:1

16 And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that they should give them a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead; He causeth all – Causing the masses of the church to mark or name themselves so as to indicate a support of their claims and systems. R513:5

Commanding the people in the name of God to obey its behests, and threatening them with both temporal and spiritual punishments for any resistance. R1474:2

When the image will get life, and with it power, and when its power, like that of the Papacy when in power, it will be used against the liberties of God's truth and of the people. R1948:1

Threatening, commanding, in the name of heaven. R5601:3

The Federation is not yet so well organized that it can do very much persecuting. R5329:4

Small – Humble. R322:4

A mark – The Reformers were not known as Rev. or D.D., but as John Knox, Martin Luther, etc. These had their marks of God's approval, and as a result their ministry was wonderfully blest. R321:6, 65:2

The daughters have adhered so closely to the general plans, precepts and methods of the "mother" in their housekeeping that you can readily distinguish her "marks" throughout. R595:5

Another mark is the ordination of apostolic succession. R65:1

Another mark received by nearly all is sprinkling instead of baptism. R65:4

Its stamp of approval, or orthodox or evangelical "marks." R1845:5

A mark is a seal or sign of allegiance. R64:6

In their right hand – The right hand of cooperation. R5349:4

A giving of some assistance and influence to the principles of image organization. R322:5

Giving able support with their might, power and means. R64:6, 322:5

In their foreheads – The forehead of public confession. R5349:4, 322:5, 64:6

17 and that no one should be able to buy or sell save he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name. No man might – Fulfilled when, because of union, the Alliance will be able to say: "We have apostolic authority to preach. Let no one speak unless he has our sanction." Dx; OV273:2

The time is hastening on when a religious, social, political and financial "boycott" will be waged against all who will refuse to worship either the "beast" or his Protestant "image." R1766:4

Prohibiting or forbidding the free exchange of truth to those who do not recognize these systems. R513:5

May not this statement mean still more and imply that a time will come in the last days in which sound doctrine will not be endured at all. B259; R968:3

It would not be surprising if a "strong government" would some day replace this Republic and one common standard of religious belief be deemed expedient, to teach outside of which will be treated and punished as a political offense. B263

Laws may be expected gradually curtailing personal liberty under the plea of necessity, eventuating in the formulation of some "simple law of religion" thus implementing church and state in governing the United States of America. B361

Though those who say a "confederacy," a union, will succeed and cause a night to come, wherein no man can work (John 9:4) except those who worship the beast or his image, yet the truth will eventually triumph. R1002:6

Buy or sell – Trade in the truth. B259; R968:3, 513:5, 65:5

In the spiritual marts. R5349:4, 1845:5, 322:5; OV273:2

In the common marts or synagogues. R968:3

None may have the right to teach or preach or baptize or administer the emblems of our Lord's death. R322:5

Yet we manage to do considerable trading outside--among the people. R968:3

The fully consecrated have learned that magnificent temples are no more necessary to the preaching of the gospel now than they were in the days of the apostles. B259

One common standard of religious belief may be promulgated, to teach outside of which will be punished as a political offence. B263

As shown in the final experiences of Elijah and John the Baptist. B264; R968:4

Had the mark – He must have a theological examination to see whether he bears all the marks and reverences the authority of the image. R65:6

Of the beast – The declaration that all must worship either the beast or his image implies an agreement between the original Papal beast and the Protestant image. R1474:2

The image will not be antagonistic to the beast, but sympathetic and cause that all shall be in harmony either with Catholicism, or with the Protestant system. R5349:3

Or the number – Many denominations. R65:6

All who bear the characteristics of the number--that is, free to the extent that these have no influence over their actions, professions or thoughts. R497:2

18 Here is wisdom. He that has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. Here is wisdom – Though I thought I had a correct analysis of the symbols of the chapter, yet I could not claim it to be wisdom, since I could not interpret the number. R322:6

Him that hath understanding – Of the foregoing symbol, let him prove it by a proper application of the following number. R322:6

Number of the beast – Representing the title of Papacy. There are three Latin words inscribed on the Pope's crown, Vicarius Felii Dei, the Vicarious Son of God, an illegitimate title. Q37:2

Number of a man – Or, reckoned after a human manner. R322:6

Six hundred threescore and six – Several of the names of the beast and image contain exactly 18 letters, or three sixes, which written numerically, form the number 666. R355:2, 323:2

A detailed reasoning for interpreting the number in the English language, along with a number of names of the Romish and English churches containing 18 letters. R323:1

Since Greek numerals for six hundred, sixty and six are used in the oldest manuscripts it would not be proper to set forth six plus six plus six. R323:6*

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