Acts Chapter 2 [DARBY]

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1 And when the day of Pentecost was now accomplishing, they were all together in one place. And when – The wave of sheaf and its antitype, the resurrection of Christ, were "when the Sabbath was past"--the eighth day, or first day of the week (Lev. 23:11). The wave of loaf and itsor the fiftieth day, and hence also on the first day of the week. R108:3*, 2819:3

Day of Pentecost – Or Whitsuntide. R2819:3, 5223:3

Signifies fiftieth, as a jubilee day, followed a cycle of seven times seven days, from the time of the gathering of the sheaf of first-fruits. This sheaf typified our Lord in his resurrection on the sixteenth of Nisan. R2819:3, 108:3*; NS201:1

The seventh day Sabbath found its fulfillment through its multiple in the fiftieth day--Pentecost. R5405:5

Fiftieth day in the harvest, after the gathering of the first ripe sheaf (Lev. 23:11,16) of which our Lord was R5830:3

The fiftieth day after Jesus' resurrection, in harmony with the type. (Lev. 23:15-21) R5831:3

Pentecost came on the first day of the week. R543:4

When our Lord as the antitypical High Priest, laid his hand upon the "Lord's goat." (Lev. 16:9) R4397:6; T60

Since Pentecost, he has been offering the antitypical goat--the Church class. R5163:4

The Church class began its existence at Pentecost. R5224:1, 1416:3

The first day of the week which was honored as the memorial of our Lord's resurrection was again marked by divine favor at Pentecost, and became the memorial of the outpouring of the holy Spirit. R1942:6; 543:4

The anniversary of the Law covenant at Sinai. By contrast, a reminder of how Christ makes free all who approach the Father through him. R4307:2

As the antitype of the fiftieth day was fulfilled before those cycles passed away, we must look for an equally perfect fulfillment of the larger cycles. HG57:5

As the antitype of the jubilee year will usher the world into the glorious rest of Messiah's kingdom, so the antitype of the jubilee day ushered believers into a rest of faith at Pentecost. PD72/86; R5405:5

With one accord – These ten days of fasting and prayer were necessary to prepare them for the reception of the holy Spirit. R4306:3, 2926:3

The same eleven apostles who witnessed our Lord's ascension were in the upper room complying with our Lord's injunction, waiting in an attitude of prayer and expectancy, and in readiness to begin their mission. R2819:3

All these were of one heart and one mind to know and serve the truth. R1201:4

Waiting for the adoption and their endowment with spiritual understanding. B121

Until Pentecost, they were still natural men, not fully begotten of the holy Spirit. R2981:2

One place – Probably in one of the apartments connected with the temple, accounting for the subsequent quick gathering of three thousand people. R4307:1

They had presented themselves before God desiring to be accepted as sacrifices. R4998:2

2 And there came suddenly a sound out of heaven as of a violent impetuous blowing, and filled all the house where they were sitting. Rushing mighty wind – There was merely a sound which resembled that of a mighty wind. R4306:4, 2926:6

Representing the holy Spirit; "spirit" and "wind" are from the same Greek word; a wind is the best illustration because it is powerful and yet invisible. R2820:3, 2088:5

Filled all the house – They were all immersed in the holy Spirit. R2088:6[R2088:6], 2927:1[R2926:10]; SM572:2

3 And there appeared to them parted tongues, as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them. Cloven tongues – Tongues split off from a central luminous body, which emanated from one common center, and went to the heads of those for whom intended. R2927:1, 4306:4

An outward manifestation indicating they had been received into the body of Christ as sons of God. R5831:2, 2927:3

Representing illumination, the intelligence which comes through the holy Spirit. R2088:6

The influence God would use during the Gospel age as the agency of his spirit in accomplishing the work he designs to do. R2820:4

It is not necessary for us to have an outward demonstration today, but we do receive from God the same holy Spirit which they received. R5831:1, 5830:6, 2927:3

Like as of fire – Having the appearance of fire. R2926:6

Representing divine power. R4419:4, 5830:6, 2820:3

Light; representing enlightenment, knowledge, intelligence, and illustrating God's purpose to use human tongues as his agencies in calling his elect out of the world. R2927:1,3, 2088:6

Not the holy Spirit, but merely a manifestation representing the invisible; a fit picture of the mission of the apostles as witnesses. E212

The light of truth and enlightenment of the mind, which comes through the begetting of the holy Spirit. R4307:2, 2820:5

Marking them as the Lord's mouthpieces; that their tongues should show forth his praise, to the blessing and enlightenment of the world. R2927:2; E212

Upon each of them – Probably the eleven apostles only, designating them as the Lord's special representatives and the holy Spirit's mouthpieces. E212; R4306:5, 4307:1, 2819:6

Might mean upon each of the eleven apostles, or it might mean upon each of the one hundred and twenty present. R2926:6, 2088:6

Convincing the apostles respecting their acceptance with him, and their identification as his ministers of the new dispensation, and to make manifest the nucleus of the Gospel Church to others. R2926:6, 2820:3

Without which their apostleship could not be recognized. R1523:1

That recognition was both their begetting and their anointing. R5228:1

We are begotten individually, but we were anointed collectively. R5228:1

In the picture of anointing the whole body is anointed. There will be no need for a repetition of the ceremony. All who will be members of that body come under that one anointing. R5228:2, 4307:5, 2820:2

4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth. They were filled – Yet, because of weakness and imperfections of their organisms, they could only receive limited measures, in limited degree. (John 3:34) R2820:1

All the Church received the spirit of adoption, but some received the gifts of the spirit according to the character and natural ability of the person. R182:5

With the holy Ghost – The Spirit of adoption as sons of God; this is the time and place where the adoption took place. E210, E268; R1416:3

They were transferred from the House of Servants to the House of Sons. NS662:3

Begotten to sonship. R5830:6

Constituted their begetting of the Spirit to the new nature. R2820:1

The Pentecostal blessing was the beginning of the recognition of the followers of Jesus as the sons of God and heirs of God's promise. R5831:2

Demonstrating the personal glorification of Christ. R4398:1; NS4:2

Accomplishing the presentation of the Church before the Father; though it has required the entire Gospel age to complete the sacrifice. R4965:5

Indicating he had made satisfaction for their sins; that they had been accepted of the Father. , E209; R5392:4, 4965:6

Indicated the acceptance of the Redeemer to glory, and the application of the merit of his sacrifice on behalf of the "household of faith." NS662:3, 348:2

A testimony to them that Jesus' work was satisfactory to the Father. R5830:6

Signifying divine acceptance of the sin-offering which our Lord presented before the Father. R2820:1, 4965:5, 1416:3

Accepting the Church as joint-sacrificers with Christ. R4965:5

Our Lord's power, accepting their consecration. R4965:5, 4397:6

An unction or anointing. SM597:2[SM597:2]

The anointing of the most holy of his followers to be members of his body. OV383:4

All who have been added to the body since have likewise come under the same anointing. R1715:3, 3280:4

Fulfillment of Luke 3:16: "He shall baptize you wit R5443:2; SM597:2[SM597:2]

The spirit of holiness, the spirit of God, the spirit of Christ, the spirit of truth. R3280:4, 4306:6; SM597:2

The anointing came upon them from the Father through Christ. R5392:4, 1416:3

Pentecost brought merely the first fruits of the Spirit. R2926:3, 2088:2

With other tongues – In unknown languages, so that the peoples of different countries were able to understand the message. Q768:T

A convincing power for the apostles, and a witness to the holy Jews gathered at Jerusalem from all nations of the world. R5831:4, 1416:6

For the purpose of qualifying them to bear witness to the truth to people of foreign lands. Q768:T

Those signs were for the convincing of the world and establishing the faith of the Church. They were very necessary at the time, but were not long continued. NS350:4

This gift expired when the apostles fell asleep because they alone could bestow it upon others. R5831:2,6

Being supplanted by the fruits of the Spirit, developed through knowledge, faith and obedience. R5831:6, 2

Some who once used their tongues in blasphemy and misrepresentation of the divine character and plan now rejoice to praise God. R2928:4

A Satanic counterfeit of the gift of tongues is now deceiving Christendom. R3941:4

As the Spirit – A twofold operation of the holy Spirit. (1) It was the mind, disposition, Spirit of God, operating in the disciples, as the Spirit of adoption. (2) God's holy Spirit acted also upon them, conferring special miraculous gifts. E268; R1416:6

Gave them utterance – Through the "gifts" here imparted spontaneously; not, as usual, by the laying on of hands. E225, E207

5 Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, pious men, from every nation of those under heaven. Devout men – Now, as then, the holy Spirit is seeking the devout of every nation, "Israelites indeed." R2821:4

Out of every nation – Annual gatherings directly commanded by God through Moses. R5831:4

Jerusalem had at this season of the year visitors from all the neighboring countries, speaking various languages. R2820:6; NS348:2

Sometimes two or three million pilgrims at this season of the year. R2927:5

"From a census taken in the time of Nero, more than 2,700,000 were gathered at the Passover, and still greater numbers came to Pentecost." The larger numbers at Pentecost was doubtless because it was a Summer feast. R2089:1

Because of social, political and religious conditions, the work of the first advent was confined to Judea, just as the work now centers in the United States, though devout Israelites heard more or less of it. C85

6 But the rumour of this having spread, the multitude came together and were confounded, because each one heard them speaking in his own dialect. Heard them speak – The miracle was not in the hearing of the listeners, but in the speaking of the Apostles. R5831:4

In his own language – So that the people of the countries represented by those languages understood clearly. R5831:4

The Spirit of God acted upon them, conferring special gifts, for a special purpose. R372:3

Quite possibly by this gift of tongues the Lord made up to his disciples the lack of larger education and fitted them for the work. R2820:6

7 And all were amazed and wondered, saying, Behold, are not all these who are speaking Galilaeans? These which speak – The eleven apostles (all of whom were Galileans) were the public speakers. R1522:6, 2927:1, 2819:6, 2088:6; F214

8 and how do *we* hear them each in our own dialect in which we have been born, In our own tongue – The different apostles spoke different tongues. R5831:4

These all heard the languages of the country in which they were born. NS350:2

Foreigners recognized these tongues as bona fide and got a Gospel message from them. R3941:3[R3941:6]; SM566:T[SM565:4]; HG402:3[HG402:4]

Not the gibberish uttered at meetings of so-called "holiness people" of today. SM565:1, 566:T; R3941:2

9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and those who inhabit Mesopotamia, and Judaea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Parthians and Medes and Elamites – Judaism was gaining favor with men of influence in the world. R964:4

10 both Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya which adjoin Cyrene, and the Romans sojourning here, both Jews and proselytes, Strangers of Rome – Were all Jews, although their language differed because born in foreign parts. R2090:2

Who returned to Rome with the Gospel, began to live Christian lives and preach the truth to others. R1582:2

To whom, later, the Epistle to the Romans was sent. R1582:1

So the harvest message is now sent primarily to the "devout" of Christendom. R2090:4

11 Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the great things of God? Works of God – Relating to our Lord's death and resurrection, and his commission to his apostles, which they were now carrying out. R2821:1

The wonderful features of the divine plan. R2821:2

Proper preaching today tells of God's wonderful plan for man's redemption, and does not tirade against the nominal Church. R2821:2

12 And they were all amazed and in perplexity, saying one to another, What would this mean?
13 But others mocking said, They are full of new wine. Others mocking – Then, as now, God's people were traduced by "devout men." R2089:4

Full of new wine – Attributed to an evil influence--intoxication. R2089:4

The only time the Greek word gleukos is used in the New Testament. It means grape juice or "new wine" and if used to excess, it would confuse the mind. R509:4

14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and spoke forth to them, Men of Judaea, and all ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give heed to my words: Peter – Peter took the first, most prominent and initiatory part in this work of opening the door of the kingdom to Israel. R2657:6; E214; NS665:1, 185:4

Peter was given two "keys" (Matt. 16:19), one of which he used on enter into the Kingdom. The second was used 3-½ years later opening the way to the Gentiles. Q783:4, 795:4; SM465:3; HG737:4

He was the spokesman, using the "key" to open the door to the work of the new dispensation. R2657:6, 4307:3, 1525:2; E214

With the eleven – With the others of the eleven. R2657:6

Lifted up his voice – Thus changed the matter from private conversations by a number to a public discourse by himself; becoming the main spokesman. R2089:2

15 for these are not full of wine, as *ye* suppose, for it is the third hour of the day; As ye suppose – Peter protested, not indignantly, but mildly. R2089:2

But the third hour – Would be what we term nine o'clock, a.m. R2089:2

Too early in the morning to suppose the apostles to be drunken. R2089:2

16 but this is that which was spoken through the prophet Joel, But this – This outpouring of the Spirit of God which you see upon his servants and handmaids. R1411:6; NS802:1

Is that – Is a part of that. E219; R1549:3

Peter identifies the prophecy as a whole. This does not mean, however, that the prophecy was fulfilled as a whole at Pentecost. R4467:2

Not, this is he. R4165:5

Spoken by the prophet Joel – All that Joel had prophesied was not fulfilled before their eyes, but what they saw was all foretold by Joel and more too. R1411:6; NS664:3

This pouring out of the Spirit was a partial fulfillment of a prophecy made long before by the Prophet Joel. NS202:2

17 And it shall be in the last days, saith God, that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your elders shall dream with dreams; In the last days – After the days mentioned in the next verse. E219; R226:6

In the seventh thousand year day, after the Gospel age, the fifth and sixth thousand years of the great week. NS202:5

After we have received the Spirit of adoption. E163

After the Day of Vengeance has humbled the arrogance of men. D518

After the world has witnessed the Lord's peculiar blessings on Israel in the Millennial dawn. D639

The order of the blessing is upon the servants and hand-maidens in those days, and upon all flesh after those days. NS802:1

Pour out of my Spirit – "And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come." (Rev. 22:17) E165

There will yet be a second Pentecostal blessing. PD73/87

Upon all flesh – No longer as now on the few special servants. E239

Upon the whole world of mankind. T88; E217, E220, E239; R5452:4

After the second coming of Christ. R4308:2

No general outpouring upon all flesh has yet occurred. NS348:5

Remains to be fulfilled after the glorification of the Church with Christ. NS664:3, 4

Under the New covenant; that they also may come back into sonship, into relationship with God. R2070:4, 5452:4

Enlightening them, helping them overcome inherited tendencies, and restoring them to perfection. E218

But it will be necessary, then as now, for those who would profit thereby, to consecrate themselves to God and eat the truth. E218

The ancient worthies lived prior to the time of the outpouring of the holy Spirit, therefore if they receive any measure of this blessing to come upon "all flesh," it must be in the future. R5074:1

18 yea, even upon my bondmen and upon my bondwomen in those days will I pour out of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. On my servants – Literally slaves; those bound to the Lord by a covenant. R226:6

The Church, begotten to sonship. R5452:4

The Pentecostal blessing came only upon the "servants and handmaids" of the Lord--only upon the consecrated. NS664:3, 348:2, 202:3

In those days – During this Gospel age. R5452:4, 2930:3, 226:6; D639

Peter claimed there was at least a partial fulfillment on the day of Pentecost. R1549:3; NS202:2

They shall prophesy – Sabbathai Levi, the false Christ of Smyrna, with his four hundred prophets, was one counterfeit, and other counterfeits have been witnessed in more modern religious revivals. D565

19 And I will give wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: Wonders in heaven – The ecclesiastical powers. D544

And signs – "Fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven" (Luke 21:11) in the time of trouble no R879:2

"There shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars. (Luke 21:25) D584

The Apostle Paul refers to the same thing in Hebrews 12:16-28. The manifestations at rative of the still more wonderful shakings when the New covenant is about to go into effect. HG399:2

In the earth – The present social order. D544

Blood – Bloodshed; and claims that the typical sacrifices were "bloody" and barbaric. D592, D593

And fire – The time of trouble. D527

Vapor of smoke – Confusion; errors of present false systems. R498:1

20 the sun shall be changed to darkness and the moon to blood, before the great and gloriously appearing day of the Lord come. The sun – Symbolically the Gospel light; the Truth, and thus Christ Jesus. D590

Into darkness – Literally, in the dark day of May 19, 1780, which extended over 320,000 square miles. D587

Symbolically, by denial that we were bought with the precious blood of Christ, and by substituting the theory of Evolution. D592

And the moon – Symbolically, the light of the Mosaic Law. D590

Into blood – By claims that the typical sacrifices were "bloody" and barbaric. D592, D593

21 And it shall be that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Whosoever shall call – In sincerity of heart. R5832:5

The name of the Lord – Guaranteed by Jesus' death. R5832:5

Saved – From sin and death; some to glory, honor and immortality; others to an opportunity for life everlasting in a world-wide Eden. R5832:5 2:22

Ye men of Israel – Representing the whole twelve tribes. C252, C293; R1341:1

Jesus of Nazareth – "Holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners," (Heb. 7:26) "Who went about doing goo10:32) R2157:3*

Wonders and signs – To teach an important lesson, and to convince his disciples of his divine recognition and authority. R1967:5

22 Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus the Nazaraean, a man borne witness to by God to you by works of power and wonders and signs, which God wrought by him in your midst, as yourselves know
23 --him, given up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye, by the hand of lawless men, have crucified and slain. Him being delivered – "He was delivered for our offenses." (Rom. 4:25) R2600:5

Determinate counsel – A pre-arranged plan of salvation. R486:4*

Foreknowledge – The things foretold in the Scriptures. R486:1*

Ye have taken – You Jews. Peter charged it up to some of those who were present with him on the day of Pentecost. Q367:5

The apostles do not implicate either Pilate or the civil authorities, but hold responsible the Jews and their leaders. R2786:4

By wicked hands – Inexcusable ignorance, or at least only partly excusable, because it was the result of prejudice, which in turn was the fruit of selfishness. R2786:3

24 Whom God has raised up, having loosed the pains of death, inasmuch as it was not possible that he should be held by its power; God hath raised up – He was dead and was raised the third day. Q784:2; SM90:T

By the Father's power; he could never have raised himself. R4174:6, 2795:2

To the divine plane, an exaltation never before given to any creature of God. R5748:6

This was a re-creation of the same being first created, he is still the first and the last of the creation of God; the Only Begotten of the Father. (Rev. 1:11,17,18) R1005:5

The pains of death – The bands of death. R2600:5

Because – Having kept the divine law perfectly, given himself as man's ransom price and having thus attested his worthiness of high exaltation. R2795:3

For the Word of Jehovah had previously declared his resurrection. R2600:5

It was not possible – As illustrated in the apparent explosion at the mouth of the well in the Great Pyramid. C337

Holden of it – The new creature was not resurrected until the third day, but it was there in the divine sight. R4657:6

25 for David says as to him, I foresaw the Lord continually before me, because he is at my right hand that I may not be moved. Concerning him – Personating or speaking for him. R2600:5, 5132:5

I foresaw the Lord – I, Christ, foresaw Jehovah. R2600:5

26 Therefore has my heart rejoiced and my tongue exulted; yea more, my flesh also shall dwell in hope, My heart rejoice – "At thy right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psa. 16:11) even in the present life.s of the present life. R1949:1

27 for thou wilt not leave my soul in hades, nor wilt thou give thy gracious one to see corruption. Not leave my soul – But will resurrect it. E377; R5017:2, 444:6; SM100:2

The prophecy of David which foretold the resurrection of Messiah (Psa. 16:10). R5832:1, 4994:4

Referring not to David but to Christ. R5109:1, 5132:5, 4994:4, 2795:1; NS663:4, 519:6, 478:1

David spoke this not respecting his own soul, but the soul of Jesus. NS585:3

This text most emphatically teaches that our Lord's soul went to hades, oblivion, and that it was delivered therefrom by a resurrection. E377

In hell – Greek, hades, oblivion, not torment. R2600:4; E377; SM90:T, 25:2

Hebrew, sheol, oblivion, from Psa. 16:10. E362; R5832:1, 2600:4, 828:2; SM29:2, 100:2, 526:1; HG511:2; PD30/42

Peter quotes Psa. 16:10, translating the Hebrew wog of both words as referring to our Lord's resurrection from the state of death. NS118:5, 783:4; OV168:3; SM29:2

The tomb, grave. R5612:4, 4308:2, 2600:5; SM100:2; OV166:2

The state or condition of death. R4994:4, 3174:2, 3027:5, 2795:1, 667:1, 356:1; E348

All the good and the bad go down to the Bible hell. R5832:4, 356:1; SM27:2

28 Thou hast made known to me the paths of life, thou wilt fill me with joy with thy countenance. Thou – Jehovah. R2600:5

Made known to me – Christ. R2600:5

The ways of life – Divine promise of a resurrection, and the accomplishment of God's plan through him. R2600:5

29 Brethren, let it be allowed to speak with freedom to you concerning the patriarch David, that he has both died and been buried, and his monument is amongst us unto this day. Patriarch David – All the prophets in the past knew that they were not getting their reward then, but must get it in the future. R4961:5

Dead and buried – His soul still remains in hell, hades, sheol. E362, E377; R5132:1, 4994:4, 4308:2

He is still asleep; he will be satisfied when he awakes in the morning. HG121:6

And his sepulchre – Supposed to be near where Peter preached this discourse. R1390:4

In the sense that he was still in it, that it still represented him. SM25:2

If any of the prophets had ascended to the heavenly plane, they could not be said to have any sepulchre on earth, for the very thought of the word sepulchre is that of a personality awaiting a resurrection. R5132:5

Unto this day – So that this prophecy cannot have referred to himself personally. R2600:6

30 Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn to him with an oath, of the fruit of his loins to set upon his throne; With an oath – An unconditional covenant. R3108:3

The Apostle Peter, refers to the promise in Psalms 132:11, and definitely applies it R2372:6

Fruit of his loins – Jesus, according to the flesh, was from the loins of David. R944:1*

On his throne – God's throne. R3108:5

Authority and rulership; power and dignity of office. A92; R453:2

A throne is the seat of a priest or a king, and it is often used as the emblem, or symbol, of sacerdotal or regal authority. R1283:1

The throne of David is the emblem, or symbol, of David's reign, or kingdom; and David's reign, or kingdom, is a type, or figure, or shadow, of the reign, or kingdom, of David's Son and Lord. R1283:1

Because Jesus was the son of the man David, with whom Jehovah made an everlasting covenant, the throne and kingdom of Israel should belong to him and his seed forever. R944:1*

31 he, seeing it before, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither has he been left in hades nor his flesh seen corruption. Seeing this before – Prophetically. R2600:6, 4961:5

Providing one of the many proofs that the Bible is a divine revelation. A58

Of Christ – Out of hades, to which he must go for our offenses. R2600:6

That his soul – His own being. R3854:5, 277:1, 205:5; E362; CR290:3; 135:4

The Apostle is not pressing his argument as respecting a resurrection of the body, but as respects a resurrection of being, or soul. E349; R3854:5, 3027:5

"He poured out his soul unto death." (Isa. 53:12) E362; R3854:5

Was not left – Except for parts of three days. E362; R3902:3, 2599:3

For God raised him up out of it. 735:1*

In hell – Greek, hades, oblivion, the death-state. E377; R3902:3, 3174:2, 2795:1, 2600:6; SM30:T; CR290:3; HG511:2; NS320:6

Typified by Jonah who was in the belly of the great fish for three days. (Jonah 1:17) OV362:2

Neither his flesh – Possibly preserved somewhere as the grand memorial of God's love, Christ's obedience and our redemption, typified by the golden bowl of manna in the ark. (Exod. 16:33, Heb. 9:4) B129; R2478:5

32 This Jesus has God raised up, whereof all *we* are witnesses. Hath God raised up – By the Father's power; he could never have raised himself. His resurrection was his coming to life. R4174:6, 2795:2

Because it was the soul that died, not merely the body. R2795:2

The Apostle's argument is that David's soul is still in hell, but that Christ's soul was delivered from hell, raised from the tomb, from the state of death. SM25:2

Whereof we all – The eleven apostles. E212; R2089:3

Are witnesses – The holy Spirit shed forth upon the witnessing disciples was from the Father and by the Son. R5363:1

33 Having therefore been exalted by the right hand of God, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which *ye* behold and hear. Right hand of God – Chief position. CR401:5

Exalted – To the divine plane, an exaltation never before given to any creature of God. R5748:6

A Prince and mighty Savior. R4308:2

"God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name." (Phil. 2:9) R1283:2

Of the Father – The Pentecostal blessing was of the Father, but by the Son. R5537:1, 5424:5, 5363:1, 5228:3, 2803:3, 1416:3

The Father's recognition of the merit of the sin-offering. R1416:3

Promise of the holy Ghost – The holy Spirit of the promise; of the "exceeding great and precious promises." (2 Pet. 1:4) E246

For the Church. R5537:1

As soon as he had ascended up on high and presented his sacrifice on our behalf, he sent the Comforter, the holy Spirit of adoption. R1829:5

When he appeared in the presence of God for the Church, he received authority to communicate the holy Spirit to all who had consecrated. SM599:1

The gift could not be given to the disciples until after the Lord's ascension. R1829:6

A sign of God's acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice, and thus a sign of his acceptance of the Church. R3911:1, 5830:6, 5424:5, 2051:1; E209; NS201:3, 202:1

God fulfilled his promise to Jesus by granting him the holy Spirit to shed forth upon his disciples. R5424. 5

He hath – Having come fully into possession of spiritual power. R182:5

The holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son. SM602:T

Shed forth this – Not this "ghost" but this miraculous power. E282

The Father did not directly recognize, authorize or ordain any to preach the Gospel message, until Pentecost. R5363. 1

The Apostles did not get any spirit begetting until Pentecost, until Jesus himself poured out his divine blessing. CR254:3

By virtue of the atonement which he had accomplished by the sacrifice of himself. R2088:3

It marks the acceptance of the Church, and without it we would have no proof of the acceptance of our Lord's sacrifice and our justification. E211

This gift has continued with the Church ever since. R1829:6

As a witness of our sonship, as a guide into all truth. (John 16:13) R218:4

There is no intimation that this outpouring of the Spirit was the second coming of the Lord. R2088:3

34 For David has not ascended into the heavens, but he says himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand David – One of the Ancient Worthies. R3487:1, 5772:3, 5179:5

Is not ascended – Not even David, the man after God's own heart, went to heaven. CR209:5

David could not have been speaking respecting himself (Psa. 16:10), in that he was dead and R2089:3

His soul was left in hades. SM25:2; CR21:2

He still awaits resurrection. R4308:2, 4994:4, 3027:6; SM100:2

"No man hath ascended into heaven." (John 3:13) F676; R5772:3, 5179:5, 4162:3, 3398:6, 2765:2, 2573:3, 2423:1, 2288:6, 1881:6, 1378:4; HG347:5; 194:3; 15:5; NS429:4

Implying that none of the prophets had gone to heaven. R5772:3, 2438:2, 2089:5, 1591:5

The first resurrection began with our Lord Jesus. The ancient worthies had not gone to heaven. R5179:5

They are in their graves, they are dead and will so remain until his power and authority shall call them forth again to being. R3487:1

"They without us should not be made perfect." (Heb. 11:40) R2659:6, 2089:5, 1761:2; HG15:5

The Lord – Jehovah. E134; R379:5, 1411:1, 2089:5

Said unto my Lord – Hebrew, adon, master, ruler, the resurrected Christ. E49, E134; R379:5, 1411:1

Directly applies to our Lord, (Psalms 110: 1), and our Lord applied the same to himself. (Matt. 22:44). R2935:2

On my right hand – In the position of favor and power. A92; R2089:5

35 until I have put thine enemies to be the footstool of thy feet. Thy footstool – This implies that the heavenly Father has engaged to honor the Son and to bring all things into subjection to him. R2089:5

36 Let the whole house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him, this Jesus whom *ye* have crucified, both Lord and Christ. Let all the house – The whole twelve tribes here represented. B207; C292, C300; R1341:1

That same Jesus – The same identical being, yet more glorious, even "the express image of the Father's person." (Heb. 1:3) R2600:6

Who said, "I have the keys of hell and of death." (Rev. 1:18) R2600:6

Messiah, who had come, had suffered, and had been glorified; and was yet to be recognized Lord of all. R2089:6

Ye – Men of Israel. R2085:3

Have crucified – They saw themselves as murderers of the Messiah, for whom they had been looking for centuries. R4308:2, 2089:6

Lord and Christ – Lord signifies master, ruler, governor. He is "Lord of both the dead and living." (Rom. 14:9) R61:1, 2*

There could have been no reconciliation if Jesus had remained dead. R4994:4

It was by virtue of his obedience to death that he was made Lord at his resurrection. R810:1

Yet we see the importance of discriminating between the Father and the Son at the throne of grace. R468:6*

37 And having heard it they were pricked in heart, and said to Peter and the other apostles, What shall we do, brethren? Pricked in their heart – When realizing that as a nation they had crucified the son of God. R5295:5

Those Jews who were contrite of heart. R5964:4

"Cut to the heart." ( Acts 7:54) by the words of truth. R4308:2, 2958:2, 2109:2

Conscience-smitten. R2930:6

Contrition and repentance must precede any thoroughgoing reformation of character. R4308:3

What shall we do? – To escape the condemnation which was upon the whole people. R5964:4

How shall we, who are already condemned of God as unworthy of everlasting life, get free from that condition in which we were born and get back into that condition of perfection which God will approve. HG651:1

Is there no mercy for us? R2931:1

38 And Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptised, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for remission of sins, and ye will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Repent – Repent of sin, including the national sin of crucifying the Messiah. R3356:3, 2931:2

Turn again to God and to their covenant. R1421:1

A reformation of life, "the turning over of a new leaf." R2090:1

Only a few of the Jews were in the proper attitude to meet this condition. R5295:5

And be baptized – Greek, baptizo, to dip, immerse or cover. R1541:1, 444:3; F427

To prepare them to accept the Messiah. R5964:4

To bring back the Jews into accord with Moses--the type of Christ--into whom they had already once been baptized. R5964:4, 4308:5; F432

Speaking to Israelites and not to Gentiles. R1969:3, 5964:5, 1421:1

In the name of Jesus Christ – Consecrating themselves to him and to his service and outwardly and publicly acknowledging the same. R2090:1, 1420:6

Baptism "into Christ" into the name of the Lord Jesus was the thought, and was expressed in words. R1544:4

Remission of sins – Of their sins. Q32:T

Not original sin, which could only be removed by the blood of Christ ("Without shedding of blood there is no remission"--Heb.9:22), but the national sin agaiah. R2931:3, 5964:1, 4308:5

This baptism was for Jews only, who had already been baptized into Moses in the sea and the cloud. Sins thus figuratively washed away did not include original sin, but merely minor transgressions against the Mosaic law. R4308:5; F428; HG600:1; 2

The baptism of Jews for the remission of sins after Pentecost was the same as practiced by John. R5964:4

This baptism continued until "the middle wall of partition" (Eph. 2:14) was broken down between J R4308:5

Their sins were covered, but not blotted out. R4308:4

A Gospel of mercy, forgiveness and sympathy, even for those who had crucified the Lord. R4308:3

39 For to you is the promise and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God may call. For the promise – The high calling. R952:3

If they would keep the Law, they would inherit the privilege of blessing all people. R5836:2

A spiritual promise, belonged to the Jews, on condition they take certain steps. R5295:5

No one could come into the body of Christ until Jesus had first come to open up the way. R5836:2

Is unto you – Until the full end of the seventy weeks of favor. R2931:2, 5836:5, 5163:4

Belongs to you, as Israelites. R1541:6, 2931:2, 2090:1

And to all – In any part of the world. R5549:6

Afar off – Gentiles who needed not to be baptized for the remission of sins. Q32:1

Those not yet called. R942:3

Even as many as – The Gospel call is intended not for everyone, but for only those who have ears to hear. R2424:5

Who have the eye of faith, the ear of appreciation and the heart of obedience. He calls no others than these. R4474:3

The household of faith. R4495:2

Our God shall call – Not all mankind are called to be the bride of Christ. R2931:5, 2424:5, 1941:3

The whole world is not called to the Melchizedek Priesthood. SM141:T

With the calling and drawing of this present time there is a measure of election. (John 6:44) HG410:1

Only those drawn by the Father can now come unto the Son. (John 6:44) R4308:6, 1941:3

Only those who have the eye of faith, the ear of appreciation and the heart of obedience. R4474:3, 4475:6

Those amenable to God's grace are drawn by the Father. R4475:6

Throughout the Gospel age this anointing has continued in the Church. R5549:6, 4367:6

Since Pentecost the same Gospel call has gone forth. R5549:6

To attract some--"a peculiar people" (1 Pet. 2:9), not to attract and gather R2414:3

Restricted to an "elect" class. R2508:4

The grace of God is now recognized only by a limited class. NS406:6

Those who accept the terms and conditions come into the anointed company. R5549:6

God did not promise that all Israel would be of the spiritual seed. R5836:2

Each one who receives of the holy Spirit is a little light in the world. It is for the Lord to supervise the general interests of these lights, and to send them hither and thither as it may please him. R4141:4

40 And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, Be saved from this perverse generation. He did testify – Peter called those out of the given up Jewish church. R189:6

Peter was merely the agent of the Lord, opening the door to the Jews. R1525:2

Save yourselves – Israelites indeed were appealed to. R805:4

Accept of Christ, and through him have God's favor. R1420:6

Do not wait to try to save Christendom. R4309:4

We must take prompt, energetic action. Our repentance must be full. Our turning from the wrong ways must be positive. R4309:4

Each will be held responsible in proportion as he transgressed against light; each will be offered a credit proportionate to the weaknesses he had sustained from the fall. R1702:1

Untoward generation – "Be saved from this perverse generation." (Rotherham) R1151:2*, 1138:5

"According to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air." Eph. 2:2 R1511:3*

Unfavorable to righteousness. R4309:1

Intimating the condemnation of the Jewish church and polity, and the trouble shortly to come upon them. R2821:2

As applicable now, in the harvest of the Gospel age, as they were in the harvest of the Jewish age. R1138:5, 4308:6

41 Those then who had accepted his word were baptised; and there were added in that day about three thousand souls. Then – After Peter had thus unlocked the Jewish door. E214; R1760:5, 375:6

They that gladly received his word – These were genuine conversions and not the result of excitement and impulse, for they continued in the Apostle's doctrine and gave evidence of a spirit of sacrifice. R550:4

His hearers were specially "devout men." ( Acts 2:5) R2090:1

As it was in the beginning, so it must be now. R760:6

Baptized – Greek, baptizo, to dip, immerse or cover. R1541:1, 444:3; F427

A rite practiced and enjoined upon all followers "even to the end of the world." (Matt. 28:19,20) R1539:3

About three thousand souls – Beings, persons. R205:2

The work was cut short nationally, but it increased the opportunity of the Jews individually. R5163:3

One of the evidences of favor during the last half of the seventieth week. (Dan. 9:24) B70, B71

All Jews. During the 3 years following our Lord's death, God did not recognize the Gentiles. R5163:4; B70; F428

When we consider the class of hearers and the miraculous power resting on the speakers, it need not surprise us that so many were converted in so short a time. R2121:1

These Israelites were but a remnant as compared with the whole of Israel-- but a part as compared to the entire number predestinated of the Church. R2301:2

These Israelites indeed, were begotten of the holy Spirit and became the nucleus of the new nation, the holy people, the royal priesthood. NS642:3

42 And they persevered in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles, in breaking of bread and prayers. Breaking of bread – A meal, or love-feast. R803:1, 5642:2, 2932:1, 2771:4, 1014:1; NS77:2

It is a mistake to confound this with the Memorial Supper. R5642:2, 2932:1, 2771:4, 1421:2, 1014:1; F384

"And they told how he was made known in the breaking of bread." (Luke 24:35) F384

The early Church thus celebrated the resurrection of our Lord (not his death) every week, and the opening of their eyes to know him. R1014:2

43 And fear was upon every soul, and many wonders and signs took place through the apostles' means. And fear – Reverence; an appreciation of the wonderful relationship to God to which they had been introduced. R2932:1

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common, All things common – After being illuminated with the holy Spirit, they desired to be in each other's company, to live together as one family. R2090:4, 1421:4

Manifesting an unselfish, loving spirit. R2090:4

Selfishness gave place to love and general interest. R1861:2, 2090:4; D474

Such communities, if left to the rule of the majority, would sink to the level of the majority. R1861:6

And "There arose a murmuring," ( Acts 6:1) as a result. D479

Experience proves the failure of communistic methods in the present time. R1862:1

The method of individualism, with its liberty and responsibility, is the best one for the development of intelligent beings. R1862:1

The Bible does not teach communism, but does teach loving considerate individualism. R1862:2

Each is to esteem himself a steward of God's favors, temporal and spiritual, and to use them, to manage his own affairs. R1421:5, 1862:5

It is still the work of God's people to shine as lights in the midst of the world, and not to shut themselves up in convents and cloisters or as communities. R1862:6

God did not intend that such a communism should continue throughout this Gospel age. R1421:4

God permitted a communistic arrangement in the primitive Church for the purpose of illustrating the unwisdom of the method. R1862:2

No doubt, after the Millennial Kingdom has brought the willing and obedient of mankind to perfection, there will be communism of some form. R2932:5, 1421:4

45 and sold their possessions and substance, and distributed them to all, according as any one might have need. Their possessions – Houses, etc. R1421:4

46 And every day, being constantly in the temple with one accord, and breaking bread in the house, they received their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, Breaking bread – Not a commemoration of the Lord's death, but of his resurrection. F472, F384; R2771:4, 1382:4; NS77:2

An ordinary meal, or love-feast. R2771:4, 5642:2, 2932:1, 1382:4, 1014:1, 803:1; NS77:2

Never intended to take the place of nor in any sense to represent our Lord's Memorial Supper. R2771:4, 5642:2, 2932:1, 1421:2; F384

With gladness – With thankfulness and joy. R1014:2

A considerable degree of holy joy and excitement manifested themselves amongst the believers. R4307:1

47 praising God, and having favour with all the people; and the Lord added to the assembly daily those that were to be saved. Having favor – The Lord blessed the Church at that time with peace. R2090:5

Added to the church – Not to some denomination, party or sect, but were additions to the one Church, the body of Christ. R2931:6

United to Christ, they had the only proper organization. R1420:3

As should be saved – "As were being saved" (Revised Version). "Saved by hope." (Rom. 8:24) R2932:6

Saved from the blindness of the Jewish nation and the calamities impending upon it. R2090:4, 1421:5

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