Matthew Chapter 25 [DARBY]

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1 Then shall the kingdom of the heavens be made like to ten virgins that having taken their torches, went forth to meet the bridegroom. Then – Indicating that it was not applicable at once, in the Lord's day, but sometime in the future. C91; HG94:3

Following the sign of the falling stars. D588, D590

Down at the close of this age. CR252:6; R5522:3, 5137:4, 3867:3

Shortly before the establishment of the Kingdom. R5150:2

At the time of the Millerite movement in 1844, typified by the visit of the wise men to Bethlehem, and since. (Matt. 2:1-16) B247; C91; R5522:6, 288:3; NS10:2, 36:3

This parable is not applicable at all times and under all conditions. R5522:3, 4692:3, 3867:3

The subject of this parable is the continuation of the subject of Matt. 24, the divisions of the chapter being only the work of the printer. HG95:2

Taken in connection with the preceding chapter, it is fixed as belonging to the last generation of the church living when the Lord comes. R87:5; HG95:5

Emphatic by position. R5866:1*

Kingdom of heaven – In its embryotic condition. C91

The Church--the entire ten virgins. R4654:5, 87:5

Be likened unto – This parable shows that in the end of this age is a separation or division in the true Church of Christ. R5522:3, 2541:6

The object of this parable is twofold: first, the necessity for alertness; second, to show that it is not sufficient to hope and pray for the Kingdom, but the wisest possible preparations must be made for it. R3868:2

Ten virgins – Pure ones, "holy people," lovers of the Bridegroom, longing to meet him. C91; CR348:1; R4692:3, 87:5

Separate from the world, uncontaminated. R5522:6

Only those who have been justified by faith and consecration, because by nature none are pure, none are virgins. R4692:3, 5522:3, 5865:3

Applies only to the true Church, the virgin class, not even to the nominal church. R4692:3, 3868:1, 2763:2

For a time these will be all together, unseparated. R4692:3

No mention is made of the bride, but all of the wise virgins are mentioned as those for whom the Bridegroom comes. C191

While there have been virgins all through the age, this parable refers only to the virgins at the close of this age. R110:3; R58:2*

Took their lamps – The Bible. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet." (Psa. 119:105) R5523:2, 87:5; C92, C191; HG95:5

All the virgins had the Bible and some light therefrom. R5523:2 R3868:1

Not until the nineteenth century has the lamp been in the hands of the virgins. Prior to 1798 it was clothed in the sackcloth of a dead language. R87:5

Went forth – Many of all denominations believed in the message that the second coming of Christ was at hand and went forth to meet him. R5522:6

For some 14 years prior to 1844 a cry had gone forth throughout the Church that the time of the second coming of Christ was at hand. R5522:6

Corresponds exactly to the Miller movement, which is still (1890) in progress. C91; HG95:5

A movement in the same geographical area, New England and the Middle States, where the literal "sign" of the "dark day" (Matt. 24:29) occurred on May 19, 1780. D588

Aroused, in part, by the great Meteorite Shower of Nov. 13, 1883, as applied to Matt. 24:29. D590

This movement, the Adventist movement, was to end in the bitterness of disappointment; the other, the "midnight cry" movement of verse 6, was to end in success. 95:1

The movement is a representative one. Not all the church went forth, but it was an important movement in the church, and ended in the disappointment of 1844. R39:4*; HG70:1

In going, they walked by faith and not by sight. R88:1

The bridegroom – Jesus, personally, is the Bridegroom, and not Jesus and the overcomers. R398:4

Christ, who is "afar off," and is now entering into a covenant with those who would be members of his bride class. R5522:3

2 And five of them were prudent and five foolish. Five of them were wise – The little flock, the fully consecrated. C93, C94; F75

In addition to purity, watchfulness and zeal are essential. R5522:6

They will understand features of the divine plan previously kept secret. R5150:2

The wise were those who heard and obeyed the cry. R40:5*

Full of faith, fervent love and the spirit of prompt obedience. C190

The fifth chapter of the Song of Solomon gives even fuller suggestions respecting these two classes. R4249:3*

The numbers are not significant, neither are the proportions. C91

Five were foolish – The Great Company class. C94; R5656:2

Lacking love and zeal, they are overcharged with the cares and plans of the present life. R5656:2, 4078:5, 1952:1; C194

In that they permitted the things of the present life to balance against the things of the life to come. R5865:3

Allowing their first love and fervency of spirit to cool, and their faith and promptness of obedience consequently to abate. C190

Probably in very large number all around us. R5134:4

In that they lived carelessly. F75

Have been in the household of faith, but not overcomers. R1952:4

Not all the virgins will be acceptable as members of the bride. R5522:6

In addition to purity, a certain amount of watchful zeal will be required. R5522:6

The foolish were those who heard the cry and, for want of sufficient light, could not obey the cry. R40:5*

Some were actuated by excitement and carried along with the occasion. R88:1

Their cause of failure--idleness. R4079:4*

In the end of this age a division will take place in the true Church. R5522:3

They will wash their soiled robes during the great tribulation. R5545:1

But they are still virgins in the parable, not corrupt or lovers of sin. R4078:5

3 They that were foolish took their torches and did not take oil with them; Took no oil – The spirit of the truth. C92

The wisdom, the understanding of the divine Word. R4693:1

One class had the spirit in their hearts as well as light in the Word, oil in their vessels and in their lamps; others had only the light of the Word, oil in the lamp. R288:3

4 but the prudent took oil in their vessels with their torches. But the wise – "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Dan. 12:10) OV268:3

Took oil – The holy Spirit of truth, of consecration and obedience. C94, C194, C191; R5523:2, 4693:5, 4654:6; CR253:3

In their vessels – In themselves, in their hearts. C92, C191; R5523:2

Only those having a good supply of the spirit of truth will be able to hold out. R5523:2

5 Now the bridegroom tarrying, they all grew heavy and slept. Bridegroom tarried – Seemed to the expectant ones to tarry. C92

The Millerite movement culminated in a disappointment in 1844. R5522:6

The Church is betrothed to the Bridegroom, Christ, when "afar off" during this Gospel age. R5522:3

The 30 years of tarrying between 1844 and 1874 was the exact parallel to the 30 years of tarrying at the first advent, from the visit of the wise men until Jesus was anointed at Jordan. R289:4, 88:2, 38:2*

The delay of the Bridegroom serves as a test to the virgins invited to go in to the marriage, proving who are the wise and who are the foolish. R3868:3

Slumbered and slept – Many of them dreamed strange, unreasonable things. C92; CR253:2; R5522:6, 3868:3, 88:1

A general stupor, uncertainty and drowsiness came over all. R5522:6, 3868:3

During which time the lamps were measurably neglected. R3868:3

Were in darkness. HG95:6

Corresponding to Elijah's sleep under the juniper tree (1 Kings 19:5,6); covering the period of 1844 to 1874. R4211:6*

6 But in the middle of the night there was a cry, Behold, the bridegroom; go forth to meet him. At midnight – At a fixed hour the Bridegroom set out for the bride; at midnight the Bridegroom came. C191; R5522:6

When the knock of prophecy was heard announcing the Lord's presence in the autumn of 1874, almost immediately it began to be recognized. C190, C93

Or, during the night. The Greek word is not definite like ours. R88:1

The call was made before morning. R88:1

His presence makes it morning. The cry, made at midnight in the parable, points to the morning of the parable. R39:5*

Very early in the morning of the new age; but it was the midnight hour so far as the deep slumbering of the virgins was concerned. C93

The movement, proving that Christ was due in 1874, began 15 years after 1844, the mid-point between 1844 and 1874. HG96:2

There was a cry – Which sounded forth in 1874, just 30 years after the Miller disappointment. R5522:6, 3868:3

This cry still goes forth and will continue until all the consecrated virgin class have heard and have had their faith and loyalty tested by it. C191

So loud that all of the virgins will hear it, even though the world will have no knowledge of it. R4693:4, 3869:5

As there was a proclamation of Jesus in the flesh as King, so there must be correspondingly a proclamation of Jesus, the new creature, as King of glory. R2645:3

Implying that something from the prophetic word at the appropriate time will call the attention of all the virgin class to the presence of Messiah. R4692:6

Appropriately, the monthly paper, "The Midnight Cry," attracted general attention with a circulation of up to 15,000. This was more than the combined total of all the other papers devoted to the subject of the Second Advent. R88:2

The name "Midnight Cry" then disappeared from the publication because, as stated at the time, it had done its work. R39:6*

As long as the cry goes forth there will be opportunity to hear it. All of the virgin class must hear it. R5523:2, 4692:6

Behold the bridegroom – Not cometh; but behold, he is present, he has come. CR253:2; Q73:2; R5523:2, 3869:4, 149:1*

Not in the flesh; he is never to come in the flesh again. R5522:6

Christ came in the character of a Bridegroom in 1874. R39:6*

All the virgins will hear this message. R5523:2

This message of the Bridegroom's presence will cause the separation which will test and prove each individual of the virgin class. C192

The revelation of Christ to the world will be subsequent to his revelation of himself to the wise virgin class. R5523:1

And the further announcement, "Thy God reigneth." (Isa. 52:7) R2645:3

Cometh – Omit, not in the oldest Greek manuscripts. C93

Go ye out – Taking their lamps and following the Bridegroom, representing leaving all else to follow Christ in this time of his presence; equivalent to leaving Babylon, where the virgins had mainly been. C194

This movement finds exact parallels with Elijah's movements from leaving Gilgal until he crosses Jordan. (2 Kings 2:1-8) HG69:6

7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their torches. All those virgins – Not the world nor the nominal church in general. C192

While all will be aroused, only those will be led out who have the spirit of the truth in their hearts as well as a knowledge of the Bible--a trimmed lamp. C92

Arose – All the virgins were to be aware of his presence after he had come. Even the foolish virgins know of the Bridegroom's presence. R5523:5[R5523:14]

It is but a kindness on the part of the virgins who are awake that they shake and otherwise attempt to arouse the sleeping virgins. R2763:6

Trimmed their lamps – Searched the Scriptures. C92; R5523:2, 3869:4; PD92/107

Trim away every vestige of error as fast as it becomes apparent to us so that the pure light of truth may shine out through the medium of a clear and transparent character. R3243:3

Our work in the present time is not only to proclaim the Bridegroom's presence, but to assist those who have the oil in their vessels to trim their lamps. R3869:5

Have clearer enlightenments from the Word of God. R4654:6

8 And the foolish said to the prudent, Give us of your oil, for our torches are going out. The foolish said – The parable is a progressive one. One might fall out from the wise and become foolish. Q230:1[Q230:1]

The foolish were the first to know and confess their lack. R116:2*

Give us of your oil – Your spirit of consecration. C94[C94]

There is only one way to get the holy Spirit, that is from the Lord and on his own terms. We need to look well to our covenant with the Lord and our zeal for him and the truth. R5523:2[R5523]

We wish we could be as earnest at Bible study as you are. R5523:2[R5523]

Tell us how you know these things, why you feel so sure about them. R3868:6[R3868]

Lamps are gone out – We are not able to appreciate and apply the Scriptural prophecies relative to Christ's second coming. R5523:2[R5523]; C93[C93]

They fail to get clear light on the subject of the Bridegroom's presence. C194; R4693:1

Though all the virgin class trim their lamps, all cannot see. Only those who have oil, the fully consecrated, can get the light from their lamps and appreciate the facts. C93

The disappointment of 1844 cast reproach on the subject of time; and the prudent reached the worldly-wise conclusion that, having been disappointed once, they would be more prudent in the future and not expose themselves to contempt. R289:1

"None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand." (Dan. 12:10) ; HG316:4

9 But the prudent answered saying, We cannot, lest it might not suffice for us and for you. Go rather to those that sell, and buy for yourselves. But the wise – They will not be in darkness that that day shall overtake them as a thief. (2 Thess. 5:4) Q230:1

Saying, Not so – The spirit of consecration, and its attendant light, cannot be communicated from one virgin to another. C94

One person could no more consecrate himself for another person than he could transfer either his natural or his spiritual life to another person. HG733:3

Not enough for us – None can secure too great a supply of the holy Spirit. R3868:5

Not an ungenerous spirit; it was just that they had none too much themselves. R5523:4

Go ye rather – We can do no more than tell them how and where the oil, the light, must be obtained. We must go on in our personal preparations. R3868:6

To them that sell – To the market of experience in the great time of trouble. C94; R1952:1

Go to God who "giveth liberally." (Jas. 1:5) R5523:4

Buy for yourselves – Each virgin must buy for herself. R88:4; C94

The fruits and graces of the holy Spirit cannot be had for the asking; they must be bought in the market place of experience. R3868:5

There is only one way to obtain the light, and that is through a patient, persevering study of the divine Word under the guidance of the holy Spirit. R3868:6

In order to receive a fresh supply of oil we need to look well to our covenant with the Lord and to our zeal for him and the truth. R5523:3

It will cost some of them considerable self- sacrifice and humiliation to learn their lessons. R4693:1; C94

This costs something of time and study, and of neglect of the things of this life. R5523:4

The waking up of the Great Company to go out and purchase the oil is the latter part of the harvest work. R5761:2

10 But as they went away to buy, the bridegroom came, and the ones that were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut. They went to buy – If it is not already too late to go to buy the oil, it soon will be. R3869:5

Bridegroom came – Any who did not know of the presence would lack evidence that he belonged to the bride class. R5523:5

All the virgins were to be aware of his presence after he had come. R5523:5

Went in – The entering in to the marriage began in 1878 and still continues. R3868:6

One after another, passing beyond the veil. R5523:4, 3868:6

The dead by resurrection, and the living by translation or change. R181:2*

Braving opposition, hostility and darkness of night, through which they must pass to go with their beloved Bridegroom to his house and enter in. R4654:5

A going in to a condition rather than a place; implying a withdrawing from the world and a coming into a condition of special preparation for the marriage. R88:4

As the "going forth" (verse 1) and the "going out" (verse 6) were not literal, but acts of faith; so also the "going in"--the virgins are guests by faith, by being in light at a certain stage of development. R40:1*

The going in, like all other features of the parable, is a work of time, which we understand has been in progress since 1874. R289:5

Beautifully illustrated by the happy bridal procession which escorted the Jewish bride to her husband's home with music, lighted lamps and every demonstration of joy. C196

After the going in comes the inspection of the guests, followed by a casting out of one at least who has not "the wedding garment." (Matt. 22:1-14) R40:5*

To the marriage – "To the nuptial feasts." (Diaglott). R87:1; C191

And the door – To the marriage feast; not the door of mercy, but the door to the high calling. C195; R4693:1, 4654:5; NS319:6

All opportunity to become of the wise virgin class by engaging in the harvest work. C210, C213, C221; R1952:1

The door to the Bride class. Q738:2

The door through which the Bride class shall enter and the door to service should be kept separate. Q75:1

Not the door of hope, either to the foolish virgins of Christendom, nor to the heathen world. NS295:4

Though the call has ceased, the door is not yet shut. The call and the door are distinct and separate. R1112:2

Was shut – The closing of the narrow way of this Gospel age. NS195:4

"I am he that shutteth and no man openeth." (Rev. 3:7) C195

We should lose no time dreaming that the door is shut. R5633:5

Evidently the door is not yet shut, but who can say how soon. R5068:6

Not yet closed, but stands ajar to permit replacement of lost crowns. Q150:6; R1113:1

Will be forever closed when the full predestinated number of the Bride of Christ has been found faithful. R1951:6, 5523:4, 1112:6; Q73:2; C210, C221, C195; NS319:6, 804:1

The door will close because the full number elected will have attained the necessary character-likeness to Christ and will have stood the necessary testings. R4693:2, 3869:1; Q73:2, 230:1

Marking the full end of all opportunity for even the called ones thereafter to attain the prize of the high calling. C213

The choicest blessings of all time will soon be won or lost. SM258:2

No one else will ever be of the Bride class. CR253:3

Not merely is the world shut out, but the foolish virgins also. R4654:5

After the door is shut there will be no more begetting to the spirit nature. R5761:4

When that time comes there will be a corresponding suppression of truth by the nominal church. R3532:4, 1448:4

The door merely shuts in the Kingdom class, the Little Flock; God has other blessings for those outside. R5523:4

This does not mean that the foolish virgins will be consigned to eternal torment. F75; R5523:4

The deliverance of the last member of the Body will follow shortly after this. C231; R5776:6

It is not ours to say which, individually, are shut out; but we believe that none were shut out who, up to that time, had made an entire consecration to God. R289:6

11 Afterwards come also the rest of the virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us; Afterward – After they get the oil and recognize that the end of the age has come. R5523:5, 1952:1

After the door is shut, but apparently before the marriage takes place. R290:4

Christ harvests the earth before he makes open manifestation of his presence. HG25:3

Came also – They had gotten the experience, development, knowledge and the light, and they came. Q74:T

Having gotten a clearer enlightenment from the Word of God. R4654:6

Their knowledge of the presence of the Lord came not from the light shining from the light of prophecy, but rather from the judgments upon the nominal church. R290:4

The other virgins – Although foolish, still virgins, not impure. CR348:1; R4693:2, 4078:5

Made wise by getting the oil they previously lacked. NS320:1

Saying, Lord, Lord – Knocking at the door in prayer. R5523:5

Open to us – We desire also to be of the Bride class. R4654:6

12 but he answering said, Verily I say unto you, I do not know you. I know you not – As the Bride class; but they all belong to the company of virgins, the Bride's companions who follow after her. R5865:4

I do not recognize you; my Bride is complete. R5383:6, 5523:5, 4693:4, 4654:6, 3869:1; Q739:T

They lost the great prize. R4693:5

They will then realize they have failed to make their calling and election sure. R1952:1

All outsiders are treated as strangers, as unknown. R1951:6

There is nothing in the parable to indicate that the foolish virgins will be aware of their foolishness until the opportunity of going into the feast has passed by. C194

13 Watch therefore, for ye know not the day nor the hour. Watch therefore – How absurd it would be to tell them to watch for a thing, and in the same breath assure them that the watching would be useless because none would ever know! R2763:5

The virgins alone, not the world, are called upon to watch and wait for the Lord from heaven, the Bridegroom. R2763:6

Because, if watching faithfully, they will know of his second coming. It will be distinctly announced. R2763:6

The watching suggested by our Lord refers to the time prior to the presence. R3869:5

Ye know neither – Although the time of the Master's coming could not be known in the past, nevertheless it would be known to all the virgin class in due time. R4693:4

Wherein the Son – These words, to the end of the verse, are not in any of the oldest Greek manuscripts. R3869:2

14 For it is as if a man going away out of a country called his own bondmen and delivered to them his substance. Kingdom of heaven – The Revised Version notes that these words are not found in the ancient manuscripts, but it is the kingdom of heaven in embryo, the church, that is discussed. R2764:2

Is as – We are not to confound the parable of the pounds with the parable of the talents. They teach different lessons. R5492:2, 2764:1

The parable of the pounds and the parable of the talents are companion parables, illustrating from different standpoints the responsibilities of the stewardship of God's people. R1972:3

A talent is sixty times as valuable as a pound. In the parable of the pounds, each got one pound; but in this parable the number given varied. R4693:3, 3869:3; HG665:2

This parable illustrates the fruits of labor. The ratio of increase is the same with both of the faithful servants, and the same approval is expressed to each. R1973:4

Illustrating the different abilities of God's people, their accountability according to ability, and that the same results are not required of all, but simply faithfulness by each in the use of what he possesses. R2764:1, 1973:4

A man – The Lord Jesus. R4693:3, 2764:2, 5386:1

Into a far country – Heaven itself. R2764:2, 5018:3, 4693:3; CR306:5; SM508:2

For investiture in authority to be the great King of earth. HG439:1; Q91:4; SM693:2; NS678:2

To appear in the presence of God to present on behalf of mankind the sacrifice for sins and, incidentally, to be crowned, highly exalted and honored. R2764:2

Gives the thought of a considerable time to elapse between the Master's leaving and his return. R2764:2, 1972:6

His own servants – Not the world in general, only the consecrated; not even the general household of faith. R2764:3, 4693:5, 3870:1, 3696:1, 1281:5; F662; SM508:2

All who would become his disciples throughout the Gospel age down to his second advent. R4659:3; R5386:1; SM629:2, 508:2

They had all engaged to serve him, and he had a right to expect of them a sincere and faithful interest in the work. R3696:1, 1281:5

Addressing those who will be alive at his second advent, and speaking as if they were the representatives of all his faithful followers throughout the Gospel age. SM629:2

A number of servants is implied, yet only a sample illustration of three is given as representative of the whole. R2764:2

Unto them his goods – Upon consecration, he appoints us his stewards over the things we have--our all--time, influence, talents. R5386:1; SM508:2; PD59/70

Certain blessings, privileges, opportunities. R4693:3

All of his interests and affairs. R2764:3

Entrusting various stewardships of wealth, influence, talent and opportunity. F419

In the day of reckoning the Lord will ignore the affairs of our lives which preceded our consecration, and merely judge us according to our use or misuse of our consecrated time, influence, talents, etc. R3870:2

15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to each according to his particular ability, and immediately went away out of the country. And unto one – Each is a steward and should individually, not collectively, as a commune, manage his own affairs and render his own account. D480; R1862:5

Gave five talents – Can be viewed from two standpoints, both true: our natural talents or our spiritual qualities; or the two views can be combined. R3870:4-6

What are these talents? The very talents which we possessed before consecration, and which, in consecration, we laid down at the Lord's feet. SM510:1

All those things and opportunities which are over and above what we need for the necessary and reasonable maintenance of ourselves or our families. R3696:4, 1282:2

Natural gifts, consecrated to the Lord and accepted by him as being owned by the man's new nature. R2764:5

Represents our opportunities for service according to our several abilities. R5386:2, 5932:1, 4660:4, 4659:6; Q536:3; SM629:2

Some might have a talent for private conversation, another for public service, another for writing. Q536:3

Wealth, influence, intellectual power, education, public utterance, time, opportunities. SM509:1, 509:1; R3870:4, 4660:1

About $6000, a talent being equivalent to $1200. SM509:1

There are not many five-talented people in the world; the world, the flesh and the devil bid so high for their services that most of those who become the Lord's people are of the lower classes. R2764:5

In some respects all God's people have one common footing, as represented by the pound. In another respect their opportunities, privileges and advantages vary, as represented by the talents. R4693:3

"The manifestation of the Spirit [a portion, at least one talent] is given to every man [in this consecrated Church] to profit withal." (1 Cor. 12:7) R2764:3

The more talents possessed, the greater the responsibility. R4660:4

The man with the five talents would have more difficulty in keeping them fully employed, fully devoted and fully separated from worldly ambitions than would the man who had fewer. R4660:4

The man of five talents would have the danger of being puffed up, heady and high-minded. R4660:1

If we assume that Adam, as a perfect man, had ten talents, it would be quite appropriate to say that not one of his posterity today has more than five talents, and the majority much less--two talents or one. R3870:3

A talent represented 3000 shekels of silver. There were great shekels and small. In our money, $1000 or $2000. R3870:3

To another two – Would have a natural advantage, he would be neither so likely to be discouraged nor to be puffed up. R4660:1

Those consecrated with no families and a reasonable degree of health have at least two talents--time and health. R3696:3, 1282:1

"Give me neither poverty nor riches." (Prov. 30:8) R4660:1

To another one – Many of small talents increase them by use and become quite proficient in the truth. R4659:6

The man with the one talent has, in some ways, a better opportunity for making his calling and election sure. R4660:1

The majority of the consecrated have possessed only one talent. SM510:2; R2764:5

To every man – Every one in the Body of Christ has some talent, some ability and opportunity for service. R4659:3, 3696:1, 1281:5

Some fear that they have no talents useful and needful to the service of the body; and some, possessing several talents, use and seek to cultivate the lowest of these rather than the highest. R733:4

His several ability – "God hath set the members in the body." (1 Cor. 12:18) F295

Our varied conditions of mind, body and opportunity. Q536:3

"If there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not." (2 Cor. 8:12) R1973:4

Opportunities for the service of God along the lines of such abilities as we possess--education, influence, money, good health, time, tact or genius. R1972:6

The duty and privilege of every member of the body is to soberly and honestly judge of his abilities, neither in pride overrating them, nor in false humility underrating them. R733:4

Some in one service and some in another. F295

Some who are not platform speakers are excellent otherwise, "apt to teach," and should be appreciated and used in Bible class talks. R1848:2

We, today, have special opportunities and privileges for ministering the truth to others. Our responsibility is correspondingly large, and our faith, love and zeal should be correspondingly shown. R2141:6

Communism is not the Lord's arrangement. D480

16 And he that had received the five talents went and trafficked with them, and made five other talents. The five talents – Seeking to use every one of these as fully, as thoroughly and as constantly as possible. R2764:6

And traded – Used them in preaching, teaching, etc. R4693:3

Possessions or personal qualifications are to be released from the service of worldly ambition, not for aimless inactivity, but to be utilized in an opposite direction, in the service of God. R1281:4

Left free to exercise his best abilities. So, too, we are not specially hampered by directions as to how we shall use our consecrated talents and opportunities. R3870:4

It is a steward's place to seek and find places where he can dispose of the talents and moneys consecrated to the Lord, to find best advantage, as his sanctified judgment, under the guidance of the Lord's Word, may dictate. R855:4

It is a part of our privilege and duty to study how we may best invest our talents in order to secure the largest results; just as necessary in investing for the Lord as in investing money for financial profit. R935:2*

With the same – With all his talents, not part of them. As a rule, people are either hot or cold in spiritual things. R2765:5

Some with five talents may use three faithfully and bury the other two in business, but we question the probability of this happening. R2765:4

Made them other five – He expected no more than they were severally able to accomplish, rightly expecting larger returns from the one who had five talents than from those who had one or two talents. R3696:1, 1281:5

Five-talent people amongst the Lord's servants are not to measure themselves with others and to say, I have done enough. R2764:5

The servant who has five talents and uses them faithfully, and doubles them, accomplishes a greater work than the servant who, having one talent, uses it faithfully and doubles it. R2729:1

But proportionately as many of the two-talented and five-talented dig in the earth and hide their talents as those who possess only one. R2765:1

17 In like manner also he that had received the two, he also gained two others. Gained other two – While this parable should be a check on the five-talented to not be slothful, it is an encouragement to the two-talented, showing that the Lord will not expect as much from them. R2764:6

18 But he that had received the one went and dug in the earth, and hid the money of his lord. That had received one – Not that one-talented people are more likely to neglect and misuse the talents, but to show the responsibility to those who have least that they, too, must be faithful. R2764:6

In the earth – The opportunities and abilities consecrated to the Lord are being buried in earthly interests, earthly affairs. SM512:2

In the service of self and mammon. R1973:5

Or in a billiard parlor, or in business, or in pride and show. R1942:5

Burying the talents in business, pleasure or sloth; thus showing lack of love and appreciation, and consequently unworthiness of the Kingdom. F419

Are your money or business talents largely swallowed up in a superabundance of the good things of this life for either self or family? R1282:2

And hid – Perhaps under cares and responsibilities. R4693:3

By wasting consecrated time upon science, philosophy, music or art; or upon business, politics or pleasure; or in pampering pride or appetite. R1282:5

Had the servant with the one talent been as faithful as the others, he would have received the very same commendation. R1281:5

19 And after a long time the lord of those bondmen comes and reckons with them. After a long time – In the end of the Gospel age, at the Lord's second advent. SM511:2; F419; R5386:1, 4693:3, 4659:3

They were not to expect him to return in a very few days, a few months or a few years. R2765:1

It was doubtless best every way that the exact time for the ending of the Gospel age and the beginning of the Millennial age not be made known until the time of the reckoning. R3870:6

The lord – We are not to be judged by human judgment, but by him who called us and drew us to himself. CR132:4

Of those servants – Christendom: social and ecclesiastical. D599

The Church. Q313:2

Cometh – At our Lord's second advent. SM511:2

To take possession of his Kingdom. SM693:2

Manifestly prior to any outward manifestation of the King in his glory, because the worthy ones are to share with the Master in his glorious manifestation. R4693:6

Reckoneth with them – Even before his enemies are conquered. C133; F419, F662

During the harvest period the Lord has been judging amongst his people. R5566:4

His first work is with the Church: "Judgment must begin with the house of God." (1 Pet. 4:17) SM511:2; R5566:4, 3870:2, 1973:1; C133; D599; F419, F662; Q91:4

We, the Church, "must all appear before the judgment seat [tribunal] of Christ." (2 Cor. 5:10) F418

He will judge us according to the spirit, our minds, our intentions, our efforts. CR132:4

This period of reckoning began in 1878 with the raising of the sleeping saints, and still continues. R3871:1, 2765:3

The reckoning was to begin with those servants who had fallen asleep. R2765:2

In the "harvest" or reckoning time. R1078:3

As individuals, and not by groups or classes. R1973:1

This work of judging the servants is totally distinct from the judging of the world. R2765:3

There is no intimation that the disciples would die and go to their Lord to be reckoned with and rewarded. R2765:2

God, who is no respecter of persons, requires faithfulness on the part of female as well as male stewards in the use of all their talents. R1549:4, 1105:5*

20 And he that had received the five talents came to him and brought five other talents, saying, My lord, thou deliveredst me five talents; behold, I have gained five other talents besides them. I have gained – Not all who have five talents use them wisely and effectively. R3871:1

21 His lord said to him, Well, good and faithful bondman, thou wast faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things: enter into the joy of thy lord. His lord said – In the first resurrection. NS137:1

Unto him – He who had been faithful with five talents was to have a special commendation, while the other faithful ones, who had a lesser number of talents, were to be dealt with proportionately. F725

Well done – The verdict if you overcome. R5108:6, 2461:3

Approval suggests the thought of having measured up to some standard. Here, the standard is the Word, the standard of the Lord's own character, which is right and true and good. R4242:1*

Let each keep patiently and perseveringly on in the way of self-denial until his course is finished. R2474:6

Faithful servant – Those who at heart are overcomers. CR132:4; SM512:1

Hast been faithful – Gladly spent themselves zealously in the service of the Lord; faithful unto death. R5492:6, 5914:4

In proportion as one confesses his faith, that same faith grows, and the blessings and privileges connected with it grow. R3768:6

In no case have we seen one drift from the truth into the snares of these perilous times who was very active and fully enlisted in the Lord's work. R1282:5

Over a few things – The Lord's method is to advance only him whose zeal, faithfulness and patient perseverance in well doing has shown itself in little things. F296; SM284:2

Faithful to the covenant of self-sacrifice. NS327:3

Not very many; it is all trifling from God's standpoint, but he looks at the spirit. CR395:5; 309:4; 300:4; Q533:2

Our talents and opportunities of the present time are few and small. HG658:5

There is plenty of room at the bottom of the ladder of honor. F296

You have used the favorable opportunities which showed the intentions of your heart. CR300:5

Make thee ruler – Sharing the great honor with the Master of ruling the world. Q533:2; CR292:3; 255:1

This giving of the dominion to his faithful servants signified their sharing with him in his kingdom at the time of its establishment at his second coming. HG439:2; NS678:2

His assistants in the great Millennial work of teaching and helping the world in their great fight. NS618:5

With the end of the Millennium, the time for all such ruling will be at an end; hence the parable is a strong lesson in support of the pre-Millennial coming of our Lord. R2765:6

Ruler over what? Some say everything is to be destroyed. Not so! The world will be to rule over, to be brought into harmony with God. HG147:2

Over many things – Faithfulness in using the few talents of the present will bring great opportunities for blessing the world in the next age. PD59/70; OV190:2; Q533:2; CR292:3; 254:6; R3871:2

The service of the present life is but an insignificant one in comparison to the glorious service which awaits the Lord's faithful people in the future. R4693:6

How abundantly the Lord rewards all of our little efforts in the service of truth and righteousness, whatever our talents, few or many. R3871:2

Such noble characters as Peter, Paul, John and others, zealous in the service of the Lord, will have the highest rewards. R5492:6

Enter thou into – Each one, as soon as examined, is caused to "enter into the joys of his Lord," before he receives the dominion promised. C133

The joy of thy Lord – A clear view of the coming Kingdom and glory and the great work of the Millennial day. C134

The Kingdom joys. R5396:6

The first resurrection change. CR254:6; R3871:2, 3788:6

A share in his favor. R3871:2

Not merely enter into joys, but shall share the joys of his Lord. R795:6

The throne of his glory. NS180:1

The joys of the Kingdom and its work of blessing and uplifting the lost race in Adam. NS343:4

The reward was the same in each case, meaning that the cup of joy to each will be full. R2765:5

22 And he also that had received the two talents came to him and said, My lord, thou deliveredst me two talents; behold, I have gained two other talents besides them.
23 His lord said to him, Well, good and faithful bondman, thou wast faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Well done – All faithful ones will receive a blessing; nevertheless, those who have been most earnest, most zealous, most devoted, will be the nearer to the Master in his throne. NS608:5

Some have less ability and some more, but the Lord's approval will be in proportion as we have endeavored to accomplish his will. SM257:1

Faithful servant – This was said of both the five-talented and the two-talented. CR254:5; R3871:2; Q500:4

Over a few things – Only a few things are committed to any of us, and the Lord is seeking merely to note our disposition and to reward us accordingly. CR17:5

From the Lord's standpoint, all of the affairs of this present life are little in comparison with the future things. R2494:1

General faithfulness to principle, even in small things, gives evidence of the disposition and character which may be entrusted with the great responsibilities of the Kingdom. R2494:1

Make thee ruler – Everyone who is faithful would get the same general reward. Q536:3

Joy of thy Lord – These have an equally good opportunity of entering into the joys of the Lord as they that had five or ten talents. R2765:6

24 And he also that had received the one talent coming to him said, My lord, I knew thee that thou art a hard man, reaping where thou hadst not sowed, and gathering from where thou hadst not scattered, Received the one – Having become a consecrated believer in the Lord, he had received a talent of privilege or opportunity in the Master's service which he neglected to use. SM508:T

Not only the great talents, large abilities, opportunities or means, are noted by the Lord, but also the small things are never overlooked by him. R2157:5

Applicable to the larger proportion of his people, for not many wise, learned, rich or noble according to the course of this world, but rather the poor, rich in faith, hath God chosen. (1 Cor. 1:26-28) SM511:1

It is possible for the person having the one talent to be faithful, and equally possible for those having two or more talents to be unfaithful. SM510:2

I knew thee – Cause of failure--presumptuousness. R4079:5*

Thou art an hard man – The failure of the wicked servant was due to his lack of love. R2766:1

Those who know God and his plan of the ages cannot be afraid of the Lord, nor believe him unjust. R21:5*

His heart was filled with fear instead of love for the Lord; for he thought of his Lord as unjust, hard, unmerciful, unloving, exacting. He had a bad theology. SM512:2; R633:3*

Many, who having taken upon themselves the vows of consecration and subsequently failing to perform them, are disposed to blame the Lord rather than blame themselves. R2766:1

25 and being afraid I went away and hid thy talent in the earth; behold, thou hast that which is thine. I was afraid – One difficulty with many of us in the past has been fear of the Master. R4694:1

Hid thy talent – Representing those who violate their consecration vow, to do and serve, to use, to spend and be spent in the Master's service. R3871:3

If one fails to use his opportunities and privileges, they will be given to another. Q537:1

Would you recommend a man of means to dispose of his business and go colporteuring, living on his interest, or perhaps on his principal? Why not? R3148:5

In the earth – A talent which is unused is soon buried by the tide of life. R3871:5

Buried under a weight of worldly cares or encumbrances which might be avoided or set aside; or under worldly ambitions for either self or family. R3696:6, 1282:5

In banks, store-houses and investment securities, to enrich and cultivate the spirit of pride in friends or children and for them to quarrel over after you are dead. R3696:3, 3148:5, 1282:2

That is thine – He evidently wanted to be considered a servant still, and probably thought he was worthy of commendation and reward for not perverting the Lord's money to other uses. R1281:6

Not wicked, simply an idler; willing to draw a servant's approval and compensation, but lacking any real, active interest in his master's business. R3696:2, 1281:3

Strictly honest; he had not wasted his talent in ministering to the flesh or riotous living of any kind. He had kept it safe. R3871:3, 3696:2

While faithful in that he did not squander it or repudiate his Master, he did not have the higher faithfulness of earnest, self-sacrificing zeal in the Master's cause. R3871:4

26 And his lord answering said to him, Wicked and slothful bondman, thou knewest that I reap where I had not sowed, and gather from where I had not scattered; Wicked and slothful – As a faithless, slothful servant, he was really a covenant-breaker, and therefore wicked. R1281:6

It is required of stewards that they be found faithful. (1 Cor. 4:1,2) R819:5

If the one-talented man, misusing his, was disapproved, it goes without saying that the two- or five-talented would be even more reprehensible in the sight of the Lord. R3871:2

A man's condemnation corresponds with his misuse of his talents. R3074:4

27 thou oughtest then to have put my money to the money-changers, and when I came I should have got what is mine with interest. Thou ougthest therefore – The very object of the parable is to arouse us to a sense of our shortcomings and recover us from our lethargy by reminding us of our responsibilities. R1282:1

Diligence in seeking and finding ways and means to dispose of our consecrated talents to God's glory and to the advancement of the truth is essential to faithful stewardship; any other course is a violation of covenant. R819:5

To have put my money – Some get the mistaken idea that a steward is not expected to spend that committed to his care unless circumstances demand it of him. R819:5

At my coming – Evidently a master would not expect a settlement until he had come, not while on the journey coming. We should therefore translate the Greek erkomai as "on my arrival." R144:1

Mine own with usury – Interest on a business loan is quite proper. F568; R3871:6

The words interest and usury once had the same meaning; now interest is a just payment and usury is an unjust and extortionate charge. R3871:6

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it to him that has the ten talents: Take therefore – These gifts are not inalienable; by neglect to use them, or by their abuse, they may be lost. If we fail to use, or fail to use for the Lord's glory, or use for self-glory, our place can readily be filled by another. R733:6

The talent from him – Implies that he can have neither part nor lot in the Kingdom. SM513:3

He deserved to be punished because he did not use that which his Lord had entrusted to him. R5386:2

The loss of the opportunity and privilege of service as a co-laborer with the Lord. SM513:3

Not because he never was a real servant; but because, being really a servant, he proved unfaithful. R1698:5

There is nothing in this parable to indicate eternal torment for this class of unfaithful servants. SM513:2; R5386:2, 2766:1

Give it unto him – Their neglected opportunities for more abundant service will go as a reward to those who are already earnest and active. R1282:3

Illustrated in St. Paul's experience; if there was any brother who was short in any way, that was another opportunity for Paul to come in and do that much more. Q537:1

29 for to every one that has shall be given, and he shall be in abundance; but from him that has not, that even which he has shall be taken from him. That hath – Through use of his talents. R5419:3, 3696:5, 1282:2

Shall be given – Following this just principle, the Logos, who had always proved faithful in all things, was offered the headship of the new creation. F64, F65

Hath not – Hath not increased. Q843:2

From neglect of his talents. R5419:3, 3696:5, 1282:2

Shall be taken – The opportunity will be taken from him. He will have it no more; neither will he have any share in the reward given to the overcomers. R2766:4

That which he hath – Losing the Lord's approval and the light they once enjoyed. Q843:2[Q843]

30 And cast out the useless bondman into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. Cast ye – Not a case of being liable to get into outer darkness, into error; it is a case of must. The Master's orders are peremptory and decisive. R3696:6, 1282:5

Not because of murder, theft or blasphemy; not through immoralities; but because of neglected opportunities of service. SM508:T

None can be of the anointed body except they be preachers to the extent of their ability and talent. R812:3*

Unprofitable servant – The Great Company class. R3871:4, 4694:1

The Lord does not deny that he is a servant, nor does he charge him with being an enemy. R4078:5, 4693:6; SM507:3

A Christian, not a worldling, stranger, alien, foreigner to the divine promises. SM507:4

The Lord will have a blessing for the unfaithful servant. He was a servant all the time. He did not lose it. But he did not use it properly. R4693:6

Into outer darkness – The darkness common to, and resting upon, the whole world of mankind; not flaming fire of eternal torment. R2766:1,4, 4872:5, 4398:6, 3033:5

Not death. SM507:2

It is possible to lose what light, privilege and appreciation of spiritual matters had been previously enjoyed. SM514:1; R4398:6, 2766:4

Emphasizing the responsibility of even those with the smallest natural ability, whose consecrated powers are the most insignificant. R3871:1

The darkness of error and ignorance concerning God's plans and ways envelops the world in general. R1282:3

Flames of fire would surely make the place light. R2766:1; SM507:3

In contrast with the inner light of the holy place of favor and communion and instruction from God, symbolized in the Tabernacle. R3696:5, 1282:3

There shall be – In the time of trouble with which this age will close. R3871:3

Weeping – Grief is indeed implied, but not one word about an eternity of grief and pain. HG303:2

Gnashing of teeth – Sorrow, disappointment and chagrin in every sense. R3871:3, 4694:1; CR253:3

In the great time of trouble with which this age will close. R4694:1, 4473:2, 3871:3, 2766:4; SM514:1

They shall "come up out of great tribulation, having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." (Rev. 7:14) R3871:4

31 But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit down upon his throne of glory, When – The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats is the only one of Jesus' parables which furnishes a clear outline of the Millennial age. R769:6

This parable tells of the Kingdom from another standpoint, explaining the work of the Kingdom after it has been set up. R4694:3

The Son of man – Christ, the Seed of Adam through Eve, in the same sense that he was the seed of David; while his life proceeded forth from God. E150, E152

A title of high honor, showing his obedience unto death, by which he secured the title to all his prospective honor and glory. E151

Not in the sense of simply being a man, but the son of the man David, with whom Jehovah had made an everlasting covenant--that the throne of Israel should belong to him and his seed forever. R944:1*

Come in his glory – Descriptive of Messiah's Kingdom following his parousia and his epiphania. R5530:3, 4784:6, 4694:3; OV165:3; PD63/73

Not another coming, but another step or development during the same coming or presence. R2303:6

The Savior has not yet appeared in his glory. R4784:6; OV165:4

Applies not to this age, but the coming age of Messiah's reign. R4694:3, 4986:2, 4784:6; OV165:3

Not yet. He is waiting for the development of the Church, his saintly Bride class, which is to sit with him in his throne and share his glory. OV165:4; NS179:2

The first event of the second advent is not the manifestation of glory, but the thief-like gathering of the Church, unknown to the world. R2303:3

The elect Church shall share his throne and glory. E479; F419; OV165:4; R4694:3; HG149:3

"Then shall ye also appear with him in glory." (Col. 3:4) R4784:6, 4694:3, 2303:6; SM224:2[SM224:2]

"The woman is the glory of the man" (1 Cor. 11:7); hence, the Church is the glory of Christ. R2303:6

And have established his Kingdom, his Church, in power and great glory. R704:4

In the glory of the Father. NS556:6

Conclusive proof that the world's judgment is not yet in progress. Q795:T

This parable applies entirely to the world, the nations. R5530:3, 2, 2606:2

Angels with him – Jesus with the Church. R4986:2

The saints, his holy messengers. "The Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints." (Jude 14) C302; R4644:4

"When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye [the Church, the sheep of the present age] also appear with him in glory." (Col. 3:4) R4784:6, 4694:3, 4693:1, 2303:6

The salvation of the Church will be finished before the salvation of the world will begin. R4694:3

Then – In the Millennial age. R4644:4, 5530:3, 2606:2; E479; OV42:1

After the Church is completed and sits with Christ in his throne. R5406:3, 654:4; E479

Here begins the world's probation, the world's great judgment day, a thousand years. R2606:4

Sit upon the throne – This parable corresponds exactly to the picture of Rev. 20:11, "I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it." OV42:1; A345; R5530:5; CR324:3

All the faithful shall sit with him in this very throne. R5530:6, 2606:3, 486:6*; OV42:3

"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne." (Rev. 3:21) R2606:3, 5530:6

Of justice, mercy and love. R5530:5

The Lord's consecrated people recognize him as their king; but he is not yet the king of the world, "King of kings and Lord of lords." (Rev. 19:16) HG663:5

Christ will not reign over his glorified Church, nor they reign over each other; but the Church complete will reign over all nations, dead and living. HG336:5; NS179:6

A trial can in no case proceed until the judge is on the bench and the court is in session at the appointed time. A345

32 and all the nations shall be gathered before him; and he shall separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; Before him – During the thousand years, the world's judgment. SM225:T; R5530:3; NS678:3

After the time of trouble. R2606:2, 654:4

The world will be before the judgment-seat of Christ in the sense that the Church is now on judgment or on trial. HG223:5

Under his observation. HG149:3

If Adam was judged by a trial of his will without God's interference, so the judgment of the whole race will be, similarly, a judgment or trial of their wills without God's interference. R1221:6

Gathered all nations – Including those now asleep in death. F19; PD63/73; R5530:6

First the living nations, then the dead. R2606:3, 654:3; NS182:1

Not all the 20 billion of the dead in one 24-hour day. NS179:3

Not in a 24-hour day, but in a 1000-year day. (2 Pet. 3:8) ; HG273:2; NS180:1

Not including the Church, already judged. F418; SM224:2; R5530:3,5

The gathering of the world will be the result of knowledge. The time of trouble will lead to great enlightenment. R5530:6

After the time of trouble, when the nations shall have been subdued, Satan bound (Rev. 20:1,2) and the authority of Christ's Kingdom established. R2606:3

The gathering to judgment will be a gradual one, not all at the same moment, not all on the same day, not all in the same year. NS182:1

Not to receive an immediate sentence, but to receive a fair and impartial individual trial. (Ezek. 18:2-4,19,20) R2606:3, 654:4

Sometimes called Gentiles, meaning those not in covenant relationship with God. SM224:3

As the Jews thought of themselves as God's nation and all others as heathens, so with spiritual Israel, they are the holy nation and all the remainder of mankind can be properly described as "the nations," "the Gentiles." R5530:3

Shall separate them – This separating and judging will occupy the entire Millennial age. E479; R5406:4, 4644:4, 3528:4, 2736:6, 2606:4, 1086:4, 655:1; NS182:2

The whole world will be granted the opportunity of making their choice as to whether they will be sheep or goats. R5694:1, 5530:6; SM225:T, 1; PD63/73

The final, complete separation, taking place in the harvest of the Millennial age. D644

All are brought to a clear knowledge of the truth for the purpose of testing them, that those who choose the law of God, Love, may be clearly manifested and separated from those who choose ungodliness, selfishness. R1235:4

God's truth, as a two-edged sword, will be quietly, but surely as now, doing the separating work. R269:4

One from another – It is an individual separation. SM225:T; R5531:2

Sheep from the goats – The judge will make manifest to all ultimately the heart difference of the two classes. R5531:2,3, 5406:5

The loving, sympathetic characters from those wayward and unsubmissive. R4694:6

Inferring that a majority will obtain everlasting life, as sheep are more numerous than goats. R1227:6, 1057:4; Q639:3

Those sheep and goats will not include the Church. R4694:3

The final test must be applied in the end of the thousand years, when Christ has completed the work of restitution. R1234:1

Outwardly they will have much the same appearance and demeanor, except the Judge will see the real heart-difference between the two classes. R5531:2

The harvest of the Jewish age was likened to the separation of wheat from chaff; the harvest of this age to the separation of wheat from tares; and the harvest of the Millennial age to the separation of sheep from goats. R2606:2, 654:3, 267:6, 34:2*; D644

33 and he will set the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left. Shall set the sheep – Those who will have the Lord's spirit. SM227:3

Who are meek, teachable, willing to be led in the pastures of truth. R2606:4, 2304:3

Such as receive instruction and come into accord with Messiah. OV165:4

Co-laborers with God in the work for which Christ died. R5531:6

"Other sheep have I which are not of this fold; them also I must bring." (John 10:16) ; NS181:5; R2606:6

On his right hand – Place of favor. R4986:2, 5046:5, 2606:4; OV165:4; SM225:1

But the goats – With the goat character of waywardness and unsubmissiveness. R4694:6

The wayward, those not developing the graces of character under instruction; those not interested in accomplishing the work for which Christ died. OV165:4; R5531:6, 2304:3; PD63/73

Self-willed, stubborn, climbing to places of prominence, feeding on miserable refuse. R2606:4

Those found unworthy of everlasting life. R5973:2, 4785:1

Outwardly having much the same appearance as the sheep. R5531:2

On the left – Place of disfavor. R4986:2, 4785:4, 2606:5; OV165:4; SM225:1; PD63/73

As subjects of condemnation. R2606:4

Both classes will have been on trial for a thousand years, receiving blessings from the Kingdom. R5531:2, 4694:3

These two classes will not be aware that they are going to the right or to the left until the conclusion of the trial. SM225:1

Not for Adam's sin, nor for the sins of their own weakness and ignorance while yet blind and deaf. NS181:2

We have no assurance that the sheep will outnumber the goats. In Palestine the numbers are about equal. R1984:6, 5694:1

34 Then shall the King say to those on his right hand, Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the world's foundation: Then shall – At the end of the Millennial age. R5973:2, 2606:6

The decision of some individual cases will be reached long before the end of the age (Isa. 65:20), but in each age there is a harvest or general separating time at the end of the age. R2606:3

By the close of the Millennium, two classes will have been completely separated; those in harmony with the letter and spirit of God's law, and those out of harmony with it. A144; R2606:5; HG149:3; 223:6; PD63/73

All will be subjected to a final test of loyalty to God after the thousand years. R2051:5

The two classes will not be aware they are going to the right or to the left. Not until the conclusion of the trial do they find out where they stand. SM225:1

On his right hand – Those who, during the Millennial age, will have attained the position of favor by harmony and obedience. A305

The reverse order of Rev. 20:7-10 which seems to indicate that the goat class will be dealt with first. R2304:4

Who have been perfected through the processes of the restitution. R2304:4

Come ye – You who are about to enter into everlasting life. A144; D644; OV165:4

Those in harmony with God. Q446:2

But only those who pass the test of the "little season" when Satan is loosed (Rev. 20:3,7-9) will be worthy of continued life. R1234:1, 2

Those who will have developed the God-like character. R5531:3

All who develop the spirit of obedience. R4785:1

Blessed of my Father – Approved ones. F50

The kind that my Father is pleased to bless and to grant everlasting life! R5531:3

Perfect works only will be rewarded. R4695:1

Whom my Father designs thus to bless. A305

Enter fully into the blessings of the second life. R892:6

Inherit the kingdom – The World-Republic, in which every man will be a king. F50; R5636:6, 2606:6, 2304:5, 655:3

The kingdom of earth. R1057:1, 852:4

"Have dominion over the earth." (Gen. 1:28) R2606:6

The dominion of the renewed earth will be handed over to the rule of its redeemed and restored rulers, humanity. R2304:5

These will be invited to become the kings of earth under divine supervision, even as was Adam, in his original perfection, crowned with glory and honor and set over the earthly creation. (Psa. 8:3-5) R4694:6, 3572:2

Be installed as the subordinate rulers of the earth for future ages. R2606:6

"They shall reign forever and ever." (Rev. 22:5) R3572:1

The kingdom of earth is sure to man after he has learned that the heavens do rule. (Dan. 4:17-26) R196:4

The dominion now exercised by Satan, who uses fallen man as his tool. R860:5

Even the obedient of mankind will not be fit to be entrusted with the kingdom of the world until absolute perfection shall have been reached. NS182:5

We may reasonably suppose that even perfect man will require some form of government. R2304:4

Not a rule independent of divine law and supremacy. God intends man to rule under, or in harmony with, his supreme law. R2607:5

They are not invited to inherit the kingdom prepared for us, the heavenly kingdom; but they shall inherit the earth, the purchased possession. R2833:5, 2606:6, 2304:5, 269:4; OV42:2

Not the same kingdom as the Messianic kingdom; but the kingdom which God gave to Adam, which Adam lost and Christ redeemed. R5531:3, 4695:1, 2833:5, 2606:6, 860:5; SM229:5; NS182:3, 482:5

Not a dominion of some of the race over others, but a joint dominion, every man a king, with equal rights and privileges in appropriating and enjoying every earthly good. R2606:6, 655:2

By the end of the Millennial Age, the kingdom will be a grand republic, whose stability will be assured by the perfection of every member; whereas the Millennial Kingdom over which the saints shall reign will be a theocracy which will rule the world without regard to the subjects' consent or approval. R655:3

Theirs will be a dominion under the whole heaven, and not a heavenly dominion. It will be restitution to perfection. HG223:6

Eden restored, the kingdom which was prepared for man from the foundation of the race. NS482:5

When Christ restores all things, man and earth, to the original design of the Father, illustrated in Adam and his dominion. (Gen. 1:28) R860:6

Restored to earthly likeness lost by Adam, the image of God in clay, "very good" and very grand. (Gen. 1:31) R852:4

Restitution will not be quite complete until the great mass of mankind is reinvested with the dominion of earth as possessed by Adam before sin entered. R655:2

The eternal conditions beyond the Millennial age. R3531:1

When Christ delivers up the dominion of earth to the Father, he will do so by delivering it up to mankind, the Father's representatives, who were designed from the first to have this honor. A305; F50; R5973:2, 5531:3; SM229:1; OV42:2

The mediatorial Millennial kingdom of Christ having accomplished its purpose and being withdrawn, the dominion will be handed over to humanity. R2304:5

With this transfer of the earthly control to the perfect man of that time, Christ's millennial or mediatorial kingdom will end. NS182:5

Man's dominion under God is illustrated well by the government of this country--each state having dominion over its own territory, but all subject to the government of the United States. R196:1

Prepared for you – The place for man, the earth. R4966:2

The earthly kingdom or dominion was intended and prepared for human, earthly beings. R269:4

When God laid the foundation of the earth and planned its human habitation, it was his design to give it to you. R5531:3

And, though forfeited by man on account of disobedience, it will be restored, as taught by all God's holy prophets. (Acts 3:21) R632:5*

Six thousand years under the dominion of evil, to learn its consequences, in contrast with the seventh-thousand year period under the reign of Christ. R2607:1, 655:2

For the perfected and worthy ones at the close of the Millennium. R2607:1

The blessings intended for them. R5406:5

From the foundation – Not "before the foundation," as in the case of the Church. A305; R2607:1, 2304:5; SM229:1

Of the world – Mundane creation. F50

The earth having been made to be the everlasting home and kingdom of perfect men. R2607:1

As expressed to Father Adam: "Have dominion over the earth." (Gen. 1:28) R2606:6

From Genesis to Malachi, every promise to the natural man is earthly. R4966:2

35 for I hungered, and ye gave me to eat; I thirsted, and ye gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in; I was – The Redeemer counts redeemed mankind as representing himself. R5532:1

An hungred – The world is starved now, for lack of spiritual food. R5531:5

There will be abundant opportunity for mutual helpfulness, sympathy, instruction and encouragement. R2607:4

This sheep class will manifest God's character of love to each other in the time of sorest need. R2606:5

All will awaken from the tomb without possessions of any kind. R2607:2, 655:4

Ye gave – All in harmony will have the privilege of helping others. R5531:5

Illustrated in the case of Lazarus; Jesus only awakened him from death. His rejoicing friends were left to loose him from his grave clothes and clothe and feed him. R2607:2, 655:4

Good works indicative of sympathy, love, compassion. R2304:6

In that time, knowledge will have practically supplanted faith; hence, faith will have no special rewards, but works will have the rewards. R4694:6

The Millennial location of the parable is fixed by the rule or judgment prescribed, works. The judgment of the Church during the Gospel age is not works, but faith. R700:3; HG106:5

Works were the basis of the Law Covenant. Obedience, works, is to be the basis of the antitypical covenant, the "New." R700:6

No great deeds are assigned for this honor and favor. Restored mankind will have simply come into harmony with God's law, Love. R195:6

Love and its fruit, good works, will be the ground upon which the sheep of that age will be rewarded. R701:1

We would not desire to have one get here and find that there was no place for him to eat, sleep or live; so we would make provision for him. SM227:1

Those who have the spirit of God, of love, will be glad to carry the message of reconciliation to all humanity--to apply the eye-salve to the blind, to unstop the ears of the deaf, and help the sin-sick back into harmony with God. R5531:5

As a lesson for the Church, the Lord does not say that we must entirely transform our flesh; but he does say that we must transform our mind, will. SM229:3

36 naked, and ye clothed me; I was ill, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came to me. Clothed me – Helped them to cover their nakedness with the merit of Christ. R5531:5

The sheep class will be feeding, clothing and helping those whom they have gotten out of the prison-house of death. SM227:3

I was sick – Sin-sick, neither actually dead nor actually perfect. R5531:5, 2607:4, 655:6

I was in prison – Prison-house of death, where the majority of mankind are. R5531:6; SM225:3

Prayers will go out continually for those in this prison. SM227:3

Under watch and ward until made physically, mentally and morally perfect. R655:5, 2607:4

Ye came unto me – Praying for and preparing for those who are in the great prison-house of death. R5531:6

Our thought is that man will come back in answer to prayer, very much the same as did Lazarus. SM226:2

37 Then shall the righteous answer him saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungering, and nourished thee; or thirsting, and gave thee to drink? When saw we thee – Surprised at what the King declared to be the basis of his judgment. R5531:4

Not realizing that they were developing a noble, Christlike character. SM228:2

These two classes will not be aware that they are going to the right or to the left until the conclusion of the trial. SM225:1

38 and when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in; or naked, and clothed thee? When saw we thee – You did not know it, but I was watching you. SM228:3

39 and when saw we thee ill, or in prison, and came to thee?
40 And the King answering shall say to them, Verily, I say to you, Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it to me. Ye have done – Helped the sin-sick back into harmony with God. R5531:5

Made preparation to assist men when they would come back to life. SM227:2

The judgment of the world in the future age will be very similar to the judgment of the Church in this age, so far as matters of judgment are concerned. NS181:4

With us in this age the test is faith; but with them, the test will be works. R486:6*

The least of these – Since mankind will not all be raised at once but in separate ranks or orders (1 Cor. 15:23) during the thousand years, each new rank will find an army of helpers who will have preceded them. R655:5

My brethren – Those who will need assistance. R5531:5

Human sons of God. R2607:2

The body of Christ. R2744:4, 2448:5, 412:1

Children of God, though they will be of the human nature, while he is of the divine. All of God's sons, whether on the human, angelic or divine plane, are brethren. R2606:5, 2607:2, 655:4, 195:3

They will be brethren to all who are the Lord's on any plane of existence--to the Church, and also to all the angelic hosts. R3528:4

Have done it unto me – Whoever serves any whom the Lord classes as his brethren is really serving him. R5371:5, 5180:5

Does not now apply to the world, but it does apply to the Church. R5819:1

All through the period of their sufferings, the Church could be comforted with the assurance that when they suffered, he, the sympathizing friend, suffered with them. R92:5

Would not true loyalty and devotion count the injury or the blessing done to a friend as done unto us? R1588:6

41 Then shall he say also to those on the left, Go from me, cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Then shall he – Even though all the while they have been receiving the blessings of the Millennial kingdom and outwardly rendering obedience to its laws, not until the conclusion of the Millennium will the decision of the Judge be manifested. R5531:3

On the left hand – Those who have the goat-like disposition of wilfulness remaining after enjoying the "times of restitution." R2304:4, 5925:4

Those who fail to develop the characteristics of the Lord's sheep: gentleness, meekness, love. R4785:1, 4694:6

Depart from me – At heart you have not come into harmony with God. He cannot recognize you as his sheep. R5531:3

His guarantee is that sin and sinners and those who sympathize with evil shall not go beyond the Millennium to endanger the happiness, peace and blessings of the great eternity beyond. D644

Ye cursed – Condemned. NS183:2

Condemned as unfit vessels for the glory and honor of life. R2607:5

Doomed ones. R5531:3

Signifies the very opposite of blessing, a curse in the usual sense of the English. Webster defines it: Deserving a curse, execrable, hateful, detestable, abominable. R701:5

Counted enemies against God and against the law of the empire, and no longer coerced, but destroyed. R1057:2

Redeemed by Christ from Adamic curse once; but now condemned or cursed, as worthy of the second death, by the one who redeemed them from the first curse. R1040:3

Some, after being fully enlightened in the Millennial age, will reject the favor in the way it is offered. We believe the number will be small. R883:4

Not a member of the race shall be "cut off" whom it is possible to recover; but not one member which divine wisdom finds impossible to renew shall remain to spread his baneful, poisonous influence to others. R872:2

Failing the test of the "little season" (Rev. 20:3,7-9), they are cursed a second time, having previously been released from the Adamic curse. R893:3,5

Everlasting fire – The lake of fire, the second death, everlasting destruction, symbolized by Gehenna. E30, E480; R5973:2, 5531:4, 4694:6, 2607:5,6, 2304:6, 2051:5, 1180:1, 1040:3; OV165:4, 166:3; PD63/73

Fire is a symbol of destruction, not preservation. CR293:1; R5532:4, 4694:6, 4644:5, 1086:4, 1040:1, 926:1; OV166:1; SM230:3; NS183:3

We must infer that the fire here is as symbolic as the goats which go into it. R1086:4, 1040:1, 926:1, 487:1*; OV42:4, 166:1; NS183:3

The eternal fire is the fire of God's jealousy or anger, destroying everything antagonistic to his righteousness. (Zeph. 1:18; 3:8) R5532:4; SM231:T

They "shall be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3:23) OV166:T

Illustrated by the fires of the Valley of Hinnom in which the garbage of Jerusalem was destroyed. PD63/73; R2051:5

An everlasting fire is one not quenched, one which burns until it shall have accomplished its purpose of complete destruction. OV42:4

Everlasting death, a death that will last through all eternity. R4785:4

A lasting or perpetual destruction, extinction. R1086:4, 1040:3

Matter is indestructible, but man is more than a body. The intelligent will, thought, constitutes a human soul, and the soul can be destroyed. OV166:2

Death everlasting, not life in torment everlasting. R926:1

God, under the Law, never permitted Israel to torture any creature; but he frequently commanded dead carcasses to be burned with fire as a symbol of utter destruction. R701:2

Everlasting, because there will be no further provisions made for your redemption or your resurrection from the second death. R5531:4, 5406:5, 4807:1, 4785:4, 926:1, 655:6; A144

"Fire will come from God out of heaven and consume them." (Rev. 20:9) R1040:4

Prepared – To cut off the wilfully wicked, and them only, was God's plan from the beginning. R697:4

The fate already determined for them. R4695:1, 3084:1

Stated in so many words in 1 John 3:8 and Heb. 2:14. R701:3

For the devil – Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609; R3165:6

"That he might destroy him that hath the power of death, that is, the devil." (Heb. 2:14) F619; R2608:6, 2607:5

Satan has become inseparably connected with sin, and his destruction is plainly declared in the Scriptures, as is also that of those who have so imbibed his spirit as to make it impossible to renew them again to repentance. R5896:2

In the end of the Millennial age, when good can no longer be served through his permitted existence, Satan is to be totally and forever destroyed. R725:3

And his angels – All who follow his leading and his course. F619; R1648:4

Those who pattern after his character and partake willingly of his spirit. R5896:2, 5301:3, 1180:1; OV42:3; SM231:1

His messengers or servants. R2608:3, 2609:3, 4695:1

And for no others. R1040:3, 769:6, 701:4

Satan has some assistants, "the angels that kept not their first estate." (Jude 6) SM231:T

All who do unrighteousness or have pleasure therein, spirits or men, are reckoned on Satan's side. R697:4; 728:4

Those, who during the Millennial age will not become willing and obedient servants of the Lord, are reckoned his adversaries, accomplices of Satan. R701:4

Those of men affected similarly to Satan by knowledge and experience are reckoned his messengers and co-workers, and share with him the final destruction. R872:3

All who intelligently and willfully are co-workers with him in his rebellion against divine love and justice. R2842:4, 891:4, 769:6

All who serve sin are his servants or messengers. R3084:2

The goat class, messengers of Satan, who love unrighteousness and, during the Millennium, pass to the left hand of the great king and judge. R4292:3, 2935:2, 2736:6, 1107:5; NS183:1

Called the servants, angels, of Satan and children of the devil (1 John 3:10) and such like names, because they pattern after his character and partake willingly of his spirit. R1180:1; OV42:3

None will then be servants of Satan ignorantly or unwillingly. R1040:3

Not only the fallen angels now associated with Satan. R701:3; HG329:2

They will be destroyed with Satan as described in Rev. 20:9,10. R3433:3

42 for I hungered, and ye gave me not to eat; I thirsted, and ye gave me not to drink; Ye gave me no meat – They will not be forced to help the dead. That work will be one of charity, of love. But, unless they attain the spirit of love, they will not be fit for the kingdom, for God is love. SM230:2

Careless in respect to their vow, and merely enjoying the Millennial blessings for themselves. R5531:5

Intimating the absence of good motives and tender, loving sentiments. R2304:6

You have more or less of the selfish spirit which is the spirit of Satan. R5532:4

Not murderers, thieves and liars in the present-day acceptance of these terms, but those who lack evidence of the possession of the spirit of love. R2304:6; NS183:1

Under Satanic delusion and the relaxed iron rule during the little season, those who, at heart, are not loyal to God, and who thus far have been controlled principally by the force and rigor of law, will manifest their real disposition. R1234:2

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye did not clothe me; ill, and in prison, and ye did not visit me. Sick, and in prison – Imperfect and under ward. R2607:4, 2609:3

44 Then shall *they* also answer saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or ill, or in prison, and have not ministered to thee? When saw we thee – Surprised at what the King declared to be the basis of his judgment. R5531:4

45 Then shall he answer them saying, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye have not done it to one of these least, neither have ye done it to me. Ye did it not – Your interest was not in the things of God, but personal, selfish. R5532:1

You have failed utterly to appreciate the goodness of God and copy his character. R5531:4

Failed to develop gentleness, meekness, love. R4785:1, 4695:1

Even in the Millennium, with fullest knowledge, some will not learn to love righteousness. R1219:6

Their condemnation is because they lacked the spirit of love. R2606:5

God does not purpose that any who are selfish shall have everlasting life. Selfishness came in as a result of sin. SM228:T

46 And these shall go away into eternal punishment, and the righteous into life eternal. And these – Only the incorrigible. A291; R5537:6

The Bible intimates a considerable number of goats. R5925:5

Everlasting – Greek, aionios, lasting. R2607:6, 1039:3*

Used sometimes to represent an unlimited or everlasting time. R701:4, 699:6

The word does not always mean never ending, but rather a space or epoch of time upon which no limit has been placed. R719:4, 699:4

Continuous, that is, uninterrupted. R719:5, 487:1*

The punishment will be as lasting as the reward. Both will be everlasting. R2607:6, 1298:4*, 1039:3*, 719:1*, 701:5, 699:5, 655:6, 345:3

Everlasting cutting off from life. E480, E30; R4785:4, 1344:4*

Not everlasting torture, but everlasting death. R4785:4; SM766:1, 2, 230:1

Death from which there will be no release, no resurrection. R345:3; HG334:6; OV42:4; NS557:1

The punishment, in this sense, will be different from the blight of death which, for the past 6000 years, has rested upon the whole human family. SM767:T

The first death can and will be destroyed, while the second everlastingly blots out of existence and thus everlastingly punishes all who go into it. R769:5; CR293:5

Punishment – Greek, kolasin, cutting off, pruning or lopping off (Diaglott footnote). R2608:1, 5694:2, 4695:4, 1298:4*, 1040:1, 2, 367:4; CR293:4; SM230:2

"Pruning, restraining, restraint." (Young's Analytical Concordance) R2608:1, 1040:2, 367:4

Occurs in 1 John 4:18 where it is improperly rendered "torment." It should read, "Fear hath restraint." Also found in various forms in Acts 4:21 and 2 Pet. 2:9. R2608:1, 1040:2

Liddell and Scott say it means "pruning." R367:4

According to the Greek lexicon, restraint; used in the expression, for instance, "The charioteer restrains his fiery steeds." HG133:5

To restrain by cutting off. SM230:2; R2608:1

It may mean more or less of restraint. In this case it signifies complete restraint, the restraint of death. NS183:6

Restraint, not pain; the everlasting restraining into which the wicked will go is the second death. HG224:2

Everlasting cutting off from life, from the Lord, and from all hope of life. CR293:4; PD63/73

If torment were meant, the Greek word basinos would have been used. R1086:5

It does not here state what the nature of the punishment will be. But it is elsewhere stated that the "wages [punishment] of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) R1026:4, 926:1, 769:6, 345:3; HG224:1

"Shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power." (2 Thess. 1:9) R2608:2; NS183:4

Because of individual, willful sin. R5925:5

Death, the final sentence against sinners. R4986:2

Destruction, symbolized by the fires in the Valley of Hinnom, in which the garbage of Jerusalem was destroyed. PD63/73

The righteous – The one ultimate standard of admission to blessedness in the future is character. The righteous go into life eternal. R800:5

Into life eternal – Greek, aionios, lasting. R2607:6

Life in perpetuity, so long as one remains in accord with the spirit and laws of the Creator. Not based on an immortal quality, but on the principle that there is no penalty to any intelligent creature except upon condition of sin. R3387:6

On condition of absolute obedience to the law of love, not merely a perfunctory obedience, but an obedience from the heart. R3605:2

The same lasting life which father Adam had--human life unimpaired either by sentence or disease. R3387:3

The English word "everlasting" is stronger than any word in Greek or Hebrew; the strongest Greek or Hebrew word would properly be translated "lasting." R3387:3

The antithesis of "everlastingly cut off from life." R1040:2, 4695:4, 2608:2, 1086:5, 487:1*

The exact antithesis of the everlasting punishment designed for the goats. R2608:2

At the end of the age Messiah will bless all the sheep class. R4986:4

The trial continues until each individual has been either rewarded or punished. R4986:5

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