Matthew Chapter 10 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And having called to him his twelve disciples, he gave to them power over unclean spirits, so as to be casting them out, and to be healing every sickness, and every malady. His twelve disciples – Not until they had received considerable instruction from him were they recognized in their office as apostles and fully empowered for their special work. R2261:1

Gave them power – Authority. R2635:6

The power for the healing of the sick was Jesus' power. The disciples did not use their own ability, but merely his, which he communicated to them and authorized them to use. R2636:1

They had not the Father's appointment. They had not yet received the holy Spirit. But, by virtue of the holy Spirit given without measure to Jesus, he conferred upon them his own special powers. R4593:2

Unclean spirits – Greek, daimonion, demons, familiar spirits, the fallen angels. R5183:3, 2173:2

To cast them out – A power used by St. Paul in Philippi. (Acts 16:16-18) R5908:1

And to heal – The same power Jesus had because he gave them the same message of the Kingdom to proclaim. R5075:3

At the expense of Jesus' own vitality. R2636:1

Merely as foregleams of the blessings which in fuller measure would result from the inauguration of Messiah's Kingdom. R2261:5

The truth now needs no such endorsement as the miracle-working power given at first. R1742:6

Manner of disease – Typifying our present privilege of opening deaf ears and blind eyes to the knowledge of the Lord's great plan. R2636:4

2 And of the twelve apostles the names are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James of Zebedee, and John his brother; The twelve – No more and no less. F210; CR415:4

Only twelve, St. Paul taking Judas' place. CR415:4

Apostles – Greek, apostolos, sent forth ones. F210

Typified by the twelve springs, or fountains, at Elim. R4011:2

Only the males were to be the special public servants. F265

Are these – Mentioned apparently in the order of their sending forth, two by two. R2261:1

Peter – Bold and impetuous. R2261:1*

And – Grouping the apostles, whose imperfections were perhaps like our own, of the nature of halfness. We, too, frequently see one side of a truth and not the other. R2261:1*

It seems now also to be his general method to send the messengers who bear to the household the present truth in couples. R2262:1

Andrew – Far-seeing, careful, cautious. R2261:1*

James – Elderly. R2261:1*

John – Youthful. R2261:1*

3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax-gatherer; James of Alpheus, and Lebbeus who was surnamed Thaddeus; Philip – The slow-witted. R2261:1*

Bartholomew – Nathaniel, the quick-witted. R2261:1*

Thomas – The doubting, skeptical intellect. R2261:1*

Tradition has it that St. Thomas visited Ceylon and Madras. R5012:4

Matthew – One of the heroes of faith. R2261:1*

The publican – Our Lord's choice of a publican indicates the impartiality of his selections and implies that Matthew could not have been one of the dishonest publicans. R2260:2

They were classed with sinners and harlots in New Testament usage, and the Hebrew Talmud classes them with murderers and thieves and regards their repentance as impossible. R2260:2

Matthew is the only one of the evangelists who mentions that he was a publican; this shows his humility. R2260:2

James – The advocate of works. R2261:2*

Labbaeus – Jude, a man of doctrine. R2261:2*, 3044:2

4 Simon the Cananite, and Judas Iscariot, who did also deliver him up. Simon – The zealot, enthusiastic and independent. R2261:2*

Judas Iscariot – The conservative economist. R2261:2*

In each of the six pairs the Lord made one good man out of two half-men. R2261:2*

5 These twelve did Jesus send forth, having given command to them, saying, 'To the way of the nations go not away, and into a city of the Samaritans go not in, Way of the Gentiles – Until the 70th week of Israel's favor had come to an end. C170; R1784:1, 1451:2; HG354:4

True Israelites only were to be sought. R2601:2

Because all of God's covenants and promises were still confined to the nation of Israel. R2635:6, 2512:2

No favor could go to the Gentiles until after natural Israel had received the opportunity and used it as far as they would. R5076:1

In due time, when led of the spirit, the disciples did go to all nations. C170; Q547:T

Jesus did not day by day lay down his life in serving the world, but only Israel. R4492:3

It was appropriate that the harvest, which belonged to the Jews, should be confined to them. R5076:1

Of the Samaritans – Gentiles with an admixture of Jewish blood. R4556:3, 4130:3, 2960:3

The mixed people settled in parts of Palestine by the Babylonian government at the time the Jews were permitted to return from their captivity. R3649:4, 4130:2

Not of pure Israelitish stock, nor fully conformed to all the laws and customs of the Jews. R2069:3

Although they claimed Jacob as their father also. R2261:2

A semi-religious people. NS207:5

Our Lord thus marking the Samaritans as being separate and distinct from the Israelites. R2960:3

6 and be going rather unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. But go rather – Even when the apostles were finally sent to preach the gospel to all the world they were told to begin at Jerusalem. (Acts 1:8) R1783:6

To the lost sheep – Not because they had wandered out of the land of Israel, nor because they had lost their identity as Israelites, but because they had wandered from the Lord and their covenant. R2261:2

Jesus' ministry was confined to the Jewish nation. OV224:T; HG539:6

True Jews, and these only, were called upon to make ready their hearts to be participants in the Kingdom. R4593:3

Similarly today, the harvest message is only to the household of faith, spiritual Israel. R5076:2, 1742:4

The house of Israel – "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matt. 15:24) "You only have I known of all the families of the earth." (Amos 3:2) A72, A97

The whole twelve tribes, all of whom therefore were represented in Palestine. B207; C252, C293; R2084:6, 1341:1; Q354:1

Our Lord said not a word about "the house of Judah," which he manifestly considered was merely a part of the whole nation of Israel. C300

It was to be a harvesting work and neither plowing, harrowing or sowing had been done with the Gentiles, but only with the Jews. R5076:2

7 'And, going on, proclaim saying that, the reign of the heavens hath come nigh; As ye go, preach – The commission of the apostles was one of service, not lordship. F212

This commission of the apostles was, in the main, the same as the commission of the Lord and the whole Church. R1521:5

Then orally; while in this harvest the preaching is done largely by the printed page. R1742:5

Saying – Not, "You will go to hell fire and eternal torment unless you repent." R2261:4

Kingdom of heaven – Promised to Abraham and his Seed. R2261:3

The hope of every Israelite. A273

It was the main topic of all Jesus' preaching, other subjects being mentioned in connection with, or in explanation of, this one subject. A273

The entire work of this Gospel age was to be the preaching of the Kingdom. R2139:1, 1579:3

Is at hand – In the sense that Jesus was present to make a formal tender of the Kingdom to Abraham's natural seed. R4557:2

The 69 weeks of Daniel's prophecy have expired. R3630:2

The Deliverer has come. B236; C136

Signifying that God's time had come to fulfill all of his promises made to the Jewish nation if they were ready for them. R4593:5

It is this message which was the test of natural Israel and is now the test of Spiritual Israel. C136

Our message is similar now, except that we announce the Kingdom is at hand in great power and glory. R1742:3

The offering of the Kingdom now is much more tangible and can be demonstrated much more clearly than was possible then, for it is nigh, even at the doors. R2636:4

Peter's suggestion to return to fishing after Jesus' crucifixion was because he did not then see how he could continue to preach this message. B117

8 infirm ones be healing, lepers be cleansing, dead be raising, demons be casting out freely ye did receive, freely give. Freely ye have received – This referred to the gift of healing which had been imparted freely to them and which they were to freely use for the good of their fellowmen. R449:4[R449]

They were giving what cost them nothing, but which was costing Jesus much daily and hourly. R2636:1

Freely give – The apostles had something to give, but not to sell. R2261:5

Let us give to others the glorious light of Present Truth. R5063:1

9 'Provide not gold, nor silver, nor brass in your girdles, Provide neither gold – Showing that they were expected to be so thoroughly engaged in the work that they would not have time to "labor for the meat that perishes" and would be provided with their physical needs by those to whom they ministered. R449:4[R449]

Subsequently the apostles acted very differently--the Apostle Paul, for instance, making tents. The change was under the Lord's direction. (Luke 22:35,36) R2500:2[R2500]

10 nor scrip for the way, nor two coats, nor sandals, nor staff for the workman is worthy of his nourishment. Nor scrip – Valise, satchel. They were not to take up any collections or even have with them anything wherein to carry a surplus. R2261:6

They were to make no provision for their journey. They were to learn a lesson of absolute dependence upon the Master who sent them forth. R4593:3

Worthy of his meat – They were to expect to find a home and the necessities of life wherever they went, giving back in exchange for these temporal blessings the blessings they had been empowered to bestow. R2261:5

They assumed therefore that they were merely to accept what might be voluntarily tendered. R5076:2[R5076]

These instructions, afterward changed by the Lord, are not applicable to the present time. R2500:2[R2500], 1743:2

The messengers of present truth are not money-gatherers; but they merely exchange, for the blessings which they confer, enough financial support to meet their expenses economically. R2262:1

11 'And into whatever city or village ye may enter, inquire ye who in it is worthy, and there abide, till ye may go forth. Who in it is worthy – Those who hunger after righteousness, truth. R957:1

The most holy people, the ones who would be specially interested in their message, whether rich or poor. R4593:3

It was our Lord's mission, as it is ours as his followers, to preach the good tidings to the meek. (Isa. 61:1) R956:3

12 And coming to the house salute it, Salute it – Salute the householder in a dignified manner, advising him of the object of your call. R4593:3

13 and if indeed the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it; and if it be not worthy, let your peace turn back to you. Let your peace – The divine blessing upon all the affairs of the household. R2261:6, 5076:2, 4593:3

The family would be blessed of the Lord because of the presence of his representatives. R2261:6

If it be not worthy – They were not to stay in any place where the Lord's blessing would not be appreciated. R2261:6

Your peace return – Those rejecting them and their message would lose a great privilege. R4593:3

14 'And whoever may not receive you nor hear your words, coming forth from that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet, Not receive you – It was the duty of the covenant people to receive and entertain the messengers of the Lord; their receiving or rejecting would be a test of their fidelity to God. R1988:2, 1742:6

Shake off the dust – For a testimony against them, because in their rejection they were violating their most solemn covenant with God. R1743:1

To symbolize renunciation of all responsibility for the consequences of rejecting the message. R2262:4

Out of order in this harvest, for no city or community as such is now in covenant relationship with God, as was Israel. R1743:3

15 verily I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city. More tolerable – In proportion as anyone comes to a knowledge of Christ, he has become responsible. R4594:4, 1986:4, 569:6; HG647:6; NS311:4

The chastisement and discipline necessary to their restoration to righteousness will be less severe for them than for some who are of the natural lineage of Abraham. R1374:2

This implies that the treatment will be tolerable in any event. R5076:4, 1618:4

Those who have been favored with the message of truth and have turned a deaf ear, while professing to be followers of Christ, will find conditions of the incoming age less favorable to them than to heathen people. R5980:4

The land of Sodom – Who sinned against the dimmed and waning light of nature. R1618:4

Those Sodomites were condemned to death before they were born, as are all of Adam's children. The only thing that came upon the Sodomites specially was that they died violent deaths. R5076:5

The Sodomites were wickedly immoral; yet they were less wicked than those who, after hearing the Gospel, reject it. R4594:1, 5076:4; PD24/35

Day of judgment – The whole world will be on trial for everlasting life or everlasting death in the Millennial age. R4594:4

Than for that city – The condemnation was not an individual one, either then or at the full end of their age. R1743:2

The condemnation was not to eternal death, but to the deprivation of the privileges and blessings of the new dispensation then about to be offered to them. R1743:1

The people of Jerusalem suffered more in their time of trouble (AD 69-70) than did the people of Sodom and Gomorrha in their calamity. R2262:4

The sin of carelessness in respect to the message of the Kingdom is, in God's sight, an indication of a still meaner condition of heart, of a still more wicked person. R5076:4

Either fleshly or spiritual: upon fleshly Israel a terrible overthrow accompanied with desolation and famine; upon nominal spiritual Israel a period of unparalleled trouble. R1743:4

16 'Lo, I do send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as the serpents, and simple as the doves. Behold – The remainder of the chapter shows that the work of the apostles then sent forth typifies the entire work of this Gospel age. R2262:4[R2262:4]

In the midst of wolves – "For grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock." (Acts 20:29) R3331:3[R3331:3]

Be ye therefore wise – Neat in appearance; kind, interested and dignified in language and manner; taking advantage of all circumstances to stir up interest. R825:3[R825:6]

We are to do nothing foolish nor go out on the streets to stir up trouble, but use the spirit of a sound mind--gentleness, meekness, patience, brotherly-kindness and love. R5846:4

Just as Peter was patient in his explanation of the Lord's providence and leadings in respect to the greater lengths and breadths of divine favor. (Acts 11) R2996:5

On every occasion use wisdom, and pray to God in regard to any important step in your life or home. Q543:T

Wisdom is to be exercised in the presentation of the Lord's Word. CR156:4; R5146:3, 5151:6

With our burning love and zeal for God and righteousness, we should also have moderation. R4712:2

There is a mild way of doing things that will avoid much of the bitterness and reproach, and that is the better way. Q740:4

Do not attempt to tell all about the plan of God. The reading will do that better. Tell just enough to make them desire to know more. R825:4

We are not to choke Christian brethren who are merest babes in the knowledge of God's Word. R5151:3, 868:4

Not giving strong meat to those who are babes in Christ, but first the sincere milk of the word, and afterward stronger truth as they are able to bear it. R657:5*

If you have opportunity to help one out of wrong views into right views, it should be done with sympathy. R5604:4

In training children, follow the directions of the Lord's Word. Q545:1

Many of the Lord's people need to learn tactfulness; some mistakenly believe that they must use no tact--that to do so would be dishonest. R4130:6

A spirit boasting or glorying over others, because our views are more consistent than theirs, will always drive them away. We might use the truth as a club to show our strength, but it will not bring men to God. R746:1*

As serpents – The serpent does not, in approaching his victim, rush out in a manner to frighten, intimidate and repulse. His approaches are very careful, and yet effectual. R745:3*

If necessary, he can wait long and patiently, while the victim runs or flees, still holding himself in that position which will most favorably influence. R745:6*

The cat usually conceals itself, but the serpent often presents itself to full view and, by the attraction which it presents, secures its object. R745:6*

Harmless as doves – In talking to friends, we should not give any hint that they do not belong to the family of God; it is better to class ourselves in with all as true neighbors. R5146:3

17 And, take ye heed of men, for they will give you up to sanhedrims, and in their synagogues they will scourge you, Beware of men – Evil men. R1670:6

In their synagogues – The Lord and apostles could teach the people there for a time; but as they shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God, they soon found little, and finally, no opportunity to teach the people there. R986:5

18 and before governors and kings ye shall be brought for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the nations. Brought before governors – Strikingly fulfilled by Paul before King Agrippa. R1569:4

19 'And whenever they may deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye may speak, for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak; Take no thought – Beforehand; relying on God's power. R5330:4

The Greek here seems to give the thought: Do not be worried when you shall be brought before kings and judges. R5330:4

Applied with special force to the early Church when our Lord's followers were ignorant and unlearned, uneducated. R5330:5

It shall be given you – Perhaps by suggestions from another, perhaps through the testimony of someone else, or it may be a text of Scripture that would come to mind. R5330:4

Supernatural assistance, illustrated in the first Christian persecution: Peter, as spokesman, was "filled with the holy Spirit." (Acts 4:8) R2939:5

20 for ye are not the speakers, but the Spirit of your Father that is speaking in you. Spirit of your Father – The right thought of ordination. R5363:1

The apostles had not yet received the spirit of the Father directly. It had been imparted to the Son, and he shared it with them. R5363:1

Whoever heard them and despised them also despised the Master and the Father. R5363:6

Speaketh in you – Not that we are to expect to have miraculous powers of speech granted us, but that we will be filled with the truth. Then it will be true that it will not be our own wisdom, nor our own plan, that we shall declare. R2636:5

21 'And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and father child, and children shall rise up against parents, and shall put them to death,
22 and ye shall be hated by all because of my name, but he who hath endured to the end, he shall be saved. Be hated of all men – Our Lord's faithfulness made him of "no reputation." Paul and the early Church were "counted fools" for Christ's sake. Whoever shall live godly in the present time shall "suffer persecution" of some sort. R1109:6

The world does not realize that the body of Christ, now in humiliation, is a body of kings and priests, who shall by and by bear rule over angels and men. R1102:2

If you faithfully exercise your ambassadorship. E490; R2852:6

Endureth to the end – A diamond is tested by being put under pressure; so God allows us to come under the constant pressure of years of toil, care and self-sacrifice to see how well we will endure. R3104:1

23 'And whenever they may persecute you in this city, flee to the other, for verily I say to you, ye may not have completed the cities of Israel till the Son of Man may come. They persecute you – Whosoever is faithful will suffer persecution. To be without opposition is proof that God is not dealing with us as sons. R5223:4

Flee ye into another – From troubles too great to be borne. F508

Illustrated by Paul's flight from Iconium to Lystra (Acts 14:6) and from Lystra to Derbe (Acts 14:20). R4368:6, 1472:4

Illustrated by Paul's flight from Damascus: "Through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands." (2 Cor. 11:33) R3738:3

At the first great persecution in Jerusalem, "They that were scattered abroad went everywhere, preaching the Word." (Acts 8:4) R2959:2

We should not always flee persecutions, but sometimes it might be an indication from the Lord that he has service for us in some other field of labor. R4409:4

But we are not authorized to retaliate. R3738:3

The cities of Israel – The time is short but we shall have time, and no more, to go over all the cities of spiritual Israel before the grand consummation. R2645:3

Son of man be come – Be presented as king, and the testing of the nation reach its climax, reached when our Lord declared their house henceforth left desolate. (Luke 13:35) R2645:2; HG161:2

Signified that the mission of the Church, witnessing to all nations, will not be more than accomplished before the coming of the Lord in the power and glory of his Kingdom. R4011:2

24 'A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his lord; Not above his master – As our Lord suffered violence from the Prince of this world, so will his followers. OV343:2

Nor the servant – These words forewarn us to expect similarly false accusations and cruel treatment. R4473:4

Above his lord – He taught in various synagogues carrying the same message, which always had the effect to draw the few and repel the many. R356:5

25 sufficient to the disciple that he may be as his teacher, and the servant as his lord; if the master of the house they did call Beelzeboul, how much more those of his household Be as his master – It will probably be the privilege of the last members of the body of Christ to suffer violence, as did the Head. C231

As his lord – If the majority heard his words, you might expect them to hear yours; but if as a mass they rejected his words, they will reject yours also. R571:5

If they have called – The chief religionists of his day. E236; R374:3

If they say all manner of evil against him, what must you expect? CR163:3

Beelzebub – A prince of devils. E236; R374:4

Because he pointed out their false doctrines. E236

How much more – Particularly in the case of a faithful and capable elder. F293

Them of his household – In these, as representatives of the Heavenly Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence through- out the Gospel age. CR492:5

They crucified him; do you expect they would receive you very favorably? Q688:1

26 'Ye may not, therefore, fear them, for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be known; Is nothing covered – This prophecy is as true in the judgment of nations as of individuals. D541

The greater portion of divine truth has been expressed under cover so that its full import is not always discernible. R801:2*

Serving several objects: (1) the successful development of God's plan; (2) the saving from discouragement because of the length of time involved; and (3) the trial of the faith of those who believe. R801:2*

Not be revealed – A testimony dreaded but disbelieved by unjust stewards of wealth and power. C20

The masks will all be taken off and every man will be estimated, by both God and man, according to the real merit of his motives. R801:5*

At the present time, things social, political and financial are being brought to light, more and more shaking the confidence of the people in their teachers, representatives and rulers. NS144:6, 275:3

The secrets of nations are being exposed. Injustice in its every form is being brought to light. Inequity in financial institutions and in politics and in private affairs is being muckraked. NS853:2

If justice were meted out, many of earth's rulers would change places with their subjects or be put into prison; many of the great and lordly would be stripped of glory and seen in their true light as ignoble. C20

God's due time has come to turn on the light; in religion, it is revealing the true and exposing the false. R801:6*

Remember that, by powers yet more subtle than X-rays, "God our inmost thoughts doth read." R1954:3

Truth in every sense must be made manifest. The truths of nature, science and God's written revelation will be seen to be in perfect agreement. R801:6*

That shall not be known – During the Millennial age. A303

The murderer will be faced by his victim, the debtor by his creditor, the thief by his dupe, the defamer by the one he defamed. R1655:1

Quite probably the restored man of the Millennial period will have considerable of the power of mind-reading, and intuitive discernment, over the imperfect. R1954:3

27 that which I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light, and that which you hear at the ear, proclaim on the house-tops. Speak ye – With the blessed knowledge always comes the responsibility of making it known. R801:3*

28 'And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul, but fear rather Him who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna. Fear not – The child of God is to be very courageous, knowing that God will not permit anything to come to him that will not be for his good. R5977:3

Which kill the body – No man could do more than take away our present earthly life, already under sentence of death; no man can take away our future life. R5977:3, 2602:5; E332; CR9:1; NS396:3

Man is not annihilated at the first death. R1449:5

Are not able – A future life is a possibility which no man can rob you of. God has provided it through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. E332

However great a power, "the power of death" (Heb. 2:14), Satan may exercise over the world, we know that his power does not extend to the Church. R1779:6, 1271:3

Our revived souls will have new bodies (spiritual or natural); and these [bodies], none will have liberty to kill. R2602:4

To kill the soul – The future life. OV169:3

The being which God has promised shall be revived or restored by his power in the resurrection day, the Millennial age, because of Christ's redemption. E332; R5977:3, 5612:1, 2602:4

The right of life that God has given you through your relationship to Christ, the life-giver. HG205:6

But rather fear him – Have respect and deference to Jehovah, with whom are the issues of life everlasting. E332; R2602:5

Reverence him. We should have a great appreciation of his highness and our own littleness. R4746:6

Fear lest we should lose our fellowship with him. R5977:6

Which is able – In spite of misbeliefs to the contrary, the soul can be put out of existence. E332; R5611:6

God would bring no being into existence whom he could not destroy if found unworthy of life. CR498:4

To destroy – It is less difficult to destroy than to create a being. He who created all things must be "able to destroy" both soul and body. R1641:3; HG334:5; OV34:1

Both soul and body – Both the present dying existence and all hope of future life. SM179:T; R2953:1, 2602:5

Not only the body of the willful sinner perishes; but his soul, being, is forever blotted out of existence, having no hope of a resurrection. R876:4*

In hell – Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom, defined here by Jesus as a place of destruction and not a place of torment. HG511:3

Gehenna, the second death, utter destruction. R2602:5, 5612:1, 4956:1, 4746:6, 3083:5, 1882:1, 1449:5; CR498:4; HG654:1

29 'Are not two sparrows sold for an assar and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father; Fall on the ground – He whose mind and heart grasp the personality of the Heavenly Father catches the significance of these words. OV2:5; SM623:2

30 and of you even the hairs of the head are all numbered; Hairs of your head – Our smallest interest is not overlooked. R1906:5

Are all numbered – May not suffer injury without his knowledge and consent. HG294:6

No accident ever "happens" to God's elect. F646; R2007:2

31 be not therefore afraid, than many sparrows ye are better. Ye are of more value – The true Christian has, in his own personal experiences, abundant proof of our Father's love and care. R5717:6

There is a mental tangibility for faith; but also a physical, or outward, tangibility. R5717:5

He who has begun the good work in you is able to care for all your interests, both temporal and spiritual. NS659:5

32 'Every one, therefore, who shall confess in me before men, I also will confess in him before my Father who is in the heavens;
33 and whoever shall deny me before men, I also will deny him before my Father who is in the heavens. Whosoever shall deny – Every one in the Lord's company will have been a faithful soldier; not a deserter, not ashamed of the Lord, nor ashamed of his truth. R5942:4

34 'Ye may not suppose that I came to put peace on the earth; I did not come to put peace, but a sword; Not to send peace – The harvest is not a time for peace, but, on the contrary, it will surely produce separation and alienation between true wheat and all else. R969:6

While our Lord was courteous and kind, he expressed his righteous indignation against evil-doers, and particularly against hypocrites. R1103:1

Zion is at ease and self-satisfied; and, when we cry aloud and show God's people their sins, they become enraged and complain that we are troubling Israel. R235:4

As surely as we let the world alone to do their own will without warning, we will escape persecution and live at peace with the world. But as surely as the Lord did not do it, we must not do it. R1069:2*

But a sword – Division. R536:3

The truth is a sword in the present harvest, as it was in the Jewish harvest. R1843:4, 235:4

Trouble between those who love the truth supremely and others of the family; this division cannot be avoided. B236

Because the children of darkness wage a continual warfare against the light. F533

The Gospel of Christ did create differences in the Jewish system then, as the Gospel truth is doing now in Christendom. R4408:5

"The sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God" (Eph. 6:17) separates in congregations and homes. R2183:2

35 for I came to set a man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, For I am come – In the harvests of the Jewish and Gospel ages. B236

At variance – In the harvest the sickle of truth is doing its work of separation; not only wheat from tares, true from false, but the ripe wheat is also separated from the unripe. R1069:3*

Against his father – The harvest will mean, in many instances, the uprooting of earthly friendships and the sundering of many tender ties, and the truth will do the separating. B236

36 and the enemies of a man are those of his household. His own household – Because of the truth. B236

And it is true now that many of the Lord's most faithful children live in a matrimonial furnace of affliction. F507

37 'He who is loving father or mother above me, is not worthy of me, and he who is loving son or daughter above me, is not worthy of me, Loveth – Greek, phileo, as filial or "duty love" toward. R2807:2

Father or mother – Duty love to our family relatives is right, but it must not equal our duty love to the Lord. R2807:2

Or self, or popularity, or worldly prosperity, or honor of men, or human theories and systems. D268; R942:1

More than me – And my truth. C210

Not preventing love for others, in proportion as they are good and pure; but if a clash of interest should come, we should be ready to decide for the Lord at once. R874:3

Signifies a cutting off of every other love that would conflict with our love for the Lord. Our earthly loves are to be counted as nothing in comparison. R5426:2

"Lovest thou me more than these?" (John 21:15) R2808:6

38 and whoever doth not receive his cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me. Not his cross – Not sharing the Lord's reproaches and self-denials. R901:6

Not worthy of me – Not of the class he wishes to make his bride. R901:6

If we turn aside from the path of humiliation and daily cross-bearing and strife for present exaltation and preferment, we are forgetting the very conditions upon which the future exaltation depends. R1988:2

39 'He who found his life shall lose it, and he who lost his life for my sake shall find it. Findeth his life – Greek, psuche, soul, being. E335; R248:6

To lay hold on what remains of our earthly life and begin again to live after the flesh is to lose all claim upon the spiritual life. R936:5

Shall lose it – He who keeps hold of the life already consecrated to sacrifice, thereby loses all life. R936:5

Loseth his life – Surrenders his earthly life. R5476:1

Self-denial, even unto death. R4920:3, 936:2

The life to which we are justified by our faith in Jesus' ransom must be laid down, even as he laid down his life. (John 10:18) R814:2*

We cannot fully possess the new divine nature until the human nature is entirely dissolved, dead. R936:5

Shall find it – Life much more abundant than now possessed. R936:5

Shall gain glory, honor, immortality; the divine nature. R5436:1

40 'He who is receiving you doth receive me, and he who is receiving me doth receive Him who sent me, Receiveth me – The Lord is represented by every saint who is a member of his body. R547:6

Receiveth him – They represented God as his mouthpieces whom he authorized to speak in his name. R3764:1

As the Queen is the Empress of India, she rules it through the agents of her government. Millions of her subjects, who have never seen her, respect and recognize her authority. R453:4

41 he who is receiving a prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward, and he who is receiving a righteous man in the name of a righteous man, shall receive a righteous man's reward, A prophet's reward – In the Millennial age. R1469:6

Receiveth a righteous man – It is toward the brethren of Christ that we should be particularly careful to exercise hospitality, even though they be strangers to us, if we recognize in them the Master's likeness, his spirit. R3432:1

In the name of – Because he is a disciple. R1655:3, 1469:6

42 and whoever may give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say to you, he may not lose his reward.' And whosoever – Including even a worldly man. T93

Including even the poor thief who spoke kindly to the dying Savior. F669

Shall give to drink – But whosoever would harm one of the "little ones" who believed in him would have punishment. (Matt. 18:6) R5463:5

These little ones – Of the little flock. R412:1

These were the "little ones" in malice and pride, and in the world's estimate. R2063:4

A cup of cold water – Money for the Lord's work need not be refused if voluntarily offered by outsiders. F347

Some word or look or act of encouragement. R2073:1*

Not lose his reward – In the Millennial age. R1469:6, 2612:6, 722:1, 259:1; T93

Rewarded for having ministered to the members of the Lord's body. R412:1

One highly exalted on the spiritual plane will not forget or ignore such loving loyalty of some earthly friends, and will surely manifest some special favor to such. R1821:2

Not a reward of glory, honor, immortality, but a good reward, more than compensating for the kindness they performed. R2701:4

If not in this life, in the life to come. R2847:3, 1655:3

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