Revelation Chapter 7 [KJV]

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1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. Four angels – Agents. R1912:2

Holding – God's hand of restraint. R5470:1, 5496:4

Miraculously hindering. R2334:4

Preventing the conflict. R683:6

The present war (World War I) has been held back for 40 years, to favor Bible study. R5765:3, 5753:2, 5753:4

God has been holding the peoples of earth more or less under restraint. Otherwise they would have destroyed themselves long ago. CR494:6; OV433:1

The winds of war are being held, under the Lord's direction, until the Harvest Message shall have sealed all of God's saints. R1619:2

The great time of trouble is held in check by divine power until the completion of the harvest work. R4822:6

That they shall not blow upon the earth to its injury until all of God's elect Church shall have been sealed in their foreheads. R5496:4, 4880:5, 1912:2, 1279:2; SM187:3

When the restraint is withdrawn they will rush together, and the result will be a whirlwind. R5470:1

The letting loose suddenly of the fallen angels will account well for the suddenness of the coming trouble. R4823:1; Q738:T

A great cataclysm, which will result in the complete overthrow of the social order in anarchy. R5470:1

God is now letting loose the winds of strife. He is letting the nations take their own course, in order to prove to themselves and to others that they are not what they claim to be. CR494:5; OV432:6, 433:1

The four winds – The violent winds of war. R1279:2, 2334:4

Of trouble. R4739:5*

These symbolic winds represent strife, anarchy, the great time of trouble which is held in check by divine power until the completion of the harvest work--the sealing of the living members of the elect class with present truth. R4822:6, 5496:4; CR494:5; OV432:6; Q737:3

The winds of violence, which will shortly be loosed, and which will produce the terrific "storm," are being held back until the sealing of God's servants in their foreheads shall have been accomplished. SM187:3, 188:T

The great storm of trouble which in the close of this age will suddenly burst upon the whole world of mankind. R5058:6; C211

The great storm of trouble in which Babylon the Great will be cast into the midst of the sea. R5058:6

The present European war is the letting loose of the four winds of heaven--winds of strife. R5753:2

The winds represent the war; the earthquake of Elijah's vision represents a great social revolution, which will follow the great war. R5753:2

Increasing unrest from increasing knowledge and liberty. R1691:1

Which will produce the great whirlwind trouble. C225; R5058:6, 4880:5, 4822:6; Q737:3

Corresponding to the typical whirlwind by which Elijah, prototype of the Church, was taken away. R4822:6

Symbolized by a fire. R5058:6, 5863:6

The powers of the air--the fallen angels, who have been under the control of Satan. R5470:1, 5318:4, 4880:6, 4822:6; SM187:3; Q737:3, 623:4

The fallen angels will have wonderful power, such as they have never had since the days of the flood, and will use it in a very malevolent manner. R4880:4

Winds also represent false doctrines. (Eph. 4:14) R4822:6; Q623:4, 737:3

Representing completeness, as the four corners of the earth. Q737:3

That the wind – Blowing winds seem to be used in Scripture as a symbol for wars. R2334:4

Should not blow – The wind has not yet been allowed to blow, the great storm which they willingly would brew has not yet been allowed to come to pass, and will not be allowed to come to pass until the 144,000 shall have been sealed in their foreheads. Q738:T

On the earth – Organized society, government, restraint. A318; R4880:6, 4822:6

To its injury. R5496:4

When these winds of war shall be let loose, it will mean a cataclysm of warfare which shall divide kingdoms. R2334:4

Nor on the sea – The restless, turbulent, dissatisfied, disorganized masses of mankind. A318; R4880:6, 4822:6

On any tree – The trees represent the household of faith. R4823:1

Four corners – From Every direction.

The earth – Organized society under religious restraint. R498

Holding the four winds – Keeping the destructive powers in check.

The reason these destructive powers were being held back is clearly stated to be to give opportunity for the servants of God to be sealed in their foreheads. This makes perfect sense. The church is described as being "the salt of the earth." Matt. 5:13. The salt being here referred to for its preserving power. Thus the symbolic earth was not to be destroyed prior to the saints receiving this intellectual sealing.

Wind – war.

The wind Elijah saw at mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:11).

The sea – Irreligious masses of mankind. R498

Any tree – Any nation. As the fig-tree represented the nation of Israel, so the trees represent the nations. Trees are used again to picture the nation of Israel in Matt 3:10.
2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, And I saw – In the present harvest time. C211

Having the seal – The present truth. C211; R4880:5

To whom it was given to hurt the earth – The evil spirits will do all the evil that is in their power, and this will constitute the trial of all the fallen angels--the lifting of the restraints to see whether they will go contrary to the divine will. R4880:6, 4

Another angel – Our returned Lord.

Ascending from the east – Rising from the east, the sunrise, thus picturing the dawning of the Millennial Age.

Seal of the living God – The Seventh Seal, Present Truth. This seems to indicate that the seventh seal has now been opened.

He cried with a loud voice – Showing this is under the command and control of our Returned Lord Jesus. The loud voice is the same as is found in 1 Thes. 4:16.
3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Hurt not the earth – Until the 144,000 are all gathered out of Babylon. R2160:6

The evil angels would long ago have done injury to the symbolical earth, sea and trees, had it not been for the restraint of divine power. R4822:6

The great trouble will begin just as soon as the faithful are all gathered and sealed. R1279:3, 4822:6, 2443:1, 1619:2

He will have to do with the permission of the terrible trouble. R5470:1

Till we – Those in perfect harmony with God are to be his servants. R4880:5

Those on this side the veil have an important work, to gather together the elect and to seal them in the forehead (intellectually) with the knowledge of the truth. C303

The same angels or messengers as are referred to by our Lord in Matt. 24:31. R1279:2

Each sealed one becomes a sealer of others as soon as he himself is sealed. R1279:3; C211

Each should ask himself--what am I doing to assist in sealing others since I received the intellectual sealing of the knowledge of the truth? R1423:2

This work of helping to bring others to the knowledge of God's character and plan. Q87:T

Until the appointed time. R5496:4

All of these will have been "sealed in their foreheads" before the great time of trouble shall come upon the world. R2443:1

Between the time when Babylon is cast off, falls from favor (1878), and the time when the plagues come upon her, the Lord's people are all to be gathered out of Babylon. C165

Just as soon as the sealing of the saints is completed, just as soon as this age shall be completed, then these four angels who are holding the four winds, will let them loose. R4880:5, 519:5*

When this occurs we shall understand it to be the shutting of the door of opportunity to membership in the elect Church. (Matt. 25:10) R1448:4

Have sealed – With the truth. R5496:4, 4880:5

A mental comprehension of the truth will be the mark or seal which will separate and distinguish the servants of God. C165; B169; R4880:5

With the impress of the spirit of the truth as well as the word of truth. R2160:6

With a clear appreciation of "the mystery of God." (Rev. 10:7) R1279:2

The harvest work--the sealing of the living members of the elect class with present truth. R4822:6

The sealing and the gathering of Matt. 24:31 refer to the same thing. R1279:2

Assisted God's people in Bible study. R5753:1

God prepares his faithful ones by granting increased knowledge of his will and plan. R1221:1

Giving, or impressing, intellectually. Q87:T

The present favorable time, with its liberties and advantages, is divinely arranged in order to the sealing of the true servants of God in their foreheads (intellectually, with the truth). B264, R969:5

An intellectual comprehension of truth; sufficient to sustain them before the conflict becomes general. R949:3

Until the elect shall all have been recognized of God and identified and completed. Q738:T

Servants of our God – In the conclusion of this Gospel age, God will grant some intellectual mark upon his servants that no others will have. R4880:5

The ripe wheat being gathered for the heavenly garner. SM187:4

The Zion class will be distinct and separate from others, and their advantages will consist largely in the divine wisdom and knowledge granted them. R1470:5

The sealing is performed only upon the consecrated. R1279:3

In their foreheads – Intellectually. R5883:2, 5496:4, 1677:4, 1619:2, 1470:5, 1221:1; Q731:5

A clear intellectual knowledge of present truth. R5715:6, 5496:4, 1943:6; B235

Given an intellectual appreciation of the time, presence, etc., which will comfort and shield them, and be a mark, seal or evidence of their sonship. B169, B264; C225, C303; R5883:2, 4880:5, 1448:4, 1279:2, 683:6

Implies an intellectual appreciation of heavenly things, and is intimately associated with the harvest work. SM187:4

So they may pass through much of the trouble with a happiness based upon this knowledge. R1470:5

Hurt not – Do not seriously disrupt the status quo.

The earth – Organized society under religious restraint cannot be (seriously) hurt until all the 144,000 have been sealed in their foreheads.

Nor the sea – Irreligious restless masses of mankind. R498

Nor the trees – Nations, household of faith.

Sealed .. in their foreheads – Until the little flock have been given an intellectual (forehead) understanding of the time features and the presence of our Lord. See B169 top.
4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. I heard the number – God elected the number and predestinated what must be their characteristics if they would make their calling and election sure. E395; R1879:4

Like Gideon's band, this 144,000 is to be a picked and choice company. R1280:2

Them which were sealed – "These are they which follow the Lamb, whithersoever he goeth." (Rev. 14:4) R5371:3

An hundred and forty and four thousand – He ordained that a certain specific number should be chosen from amongst men to be his joint-heirs in the Kingdom. The definite, fixed number of the elect is 144,000. F179; R5532:6, 3086:5, 3026:1

If there are so many of the consecrated and faithful now living, it is a large proportion of the full number to be made up during the 1900 years of the Gospel age, an average of about 76 per year. R1280:2

We wonder that so many as 144,000 could be found in the past 19 centuries. R2782:2

A comparative estimate of the election. R2942:3-6

Those taken from the Gentiles were the wild olive branches grafted into the good olive tree, making up the number which lacked. R5964:6

The Little Flock (Luke 12:32), to whom it will be the Father's good pleasure to give the Millennial Kingdom. R5231:5

These are the faithful remnant of natural Israel and the faithful remnant from the Gentile Church. R5548:6; Q756:2

These are saved to the heavenly conditions, while mankind at large will have the opportunity for everlasting life as human beings. Q630:T

See comment on Gen. 15:13.

Of all the tribes – God originally arranged for the full number of the elect to be taken from natural Israel. The plan was laid out on the Israelitish basis. R5231:6, 5532:6, 4732:6, 3528:2, 3026:1; Q628:2

The full number were not found in natural Israel. R5371:5; NS359:1

From one standpoint the twelve tribes of natural Israel typified the twelve tribes of spiritual Israel. CR85:1; NS359:1

The Gentiles are invited to fill up the deficiency in the elect number, and will be divided amongst the twelve tribes, though according to what rule of distinction the Scriptures do not show. R3586:4, 5532:6, 5231:6, 3528:3, 2783:2, 2473:6; Q628:2, 629:1; NS359:1, 2

Since these tribes had different standings, as shown in the prophecies made respecting them, so there is seemingly quite a possibility that there will be twelve different stations or ranks among the saints. R4654:3

Who constitute the Royal Priesthood. R3086:5

Children of Israel – Those of the Jewish nation who maintained their relationship with God were transferred from natural Israel and became the nucleus of spiritual Israel. R4654:2, 3802:6; Q606:3

Those taken from among the Gentiles were the wild olive branches grafted into the good olive tree making up the number which lacked to complete the Body of Christ. R5964:6, 5532:6, 2442:6, 2443:1; Q607:T

5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Tribe of Juda – There is a bare possibility that since our Lord is the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah," (Rev. 5:5), there may be some special gradation suggested in this tribe. R4654:3

6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Tribe of Manasses – As one of the tribes of Israel was cut off and Manasseh substituted, so amongst Jesus' apostles Judas is dropped and a successor appointed. R5002:3

7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand.
8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; A great multitude – Larger than the wise virgin class. R5656:2

Of "the household of faith." (Gal. 6:10) R132:6

The mass of the Great Company belong to the closing end of the Gospel age. It has existed throughout the age; we suggest that the majority being here may be spoken of as though it were the whole. R3445:6; T68, T69

Who do not prove sufficiently zealous to be counted with Jesus as "more than conquerors," who, nevertheless will prove not unfaithful in their final test. R4998:1; Q604:T, 1

Those loyal, but not promptly obedient, children of God, overcharged, with zeal not according to knowledge, and more or less contaminated with the spirit of the world. D578; C364

This Great Company fails to maintain its place in the elect, because of insufficient zeal for the Lord, the Truth and the brethren--because they are partly "overcharged with the cares of this life." (Luke 21:34) Nevertheless they are loyal to the Redeemer and have not denied his name or his work. F169; R5532:6

Their love and zeal are not such as impel them to perform the sacrificing they covenanted to do. They fail to put, or keep, their sacrifices on the altar. They fail to overcome. F127, F93; Q604:1

For a summary of Scriptures bearing upon this class see especially R4079:4

"Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away." (John 15:2) T69

They lose their first love in a measure. SM636:2

They are not overcomers of the world. R2962:1, 2287:5, 397:2; SM636:2

Have remained as children. R281:2

Whose loyalty will be tested under stress, through tribulation, when forced to the decision. R5138:1, 4654:4, 4401:1, 3868:1; NS642:6

Who will have life on the spirit plane. R5138:1, 2067:4

They will have everlasting life as angels have it, but will lose the prize of immortality. A214; R281:4

Who will come to spiritual conditions, but through great tribulation. R428:4, 355:6

I know of no scriptures which teach that any but the Little Flock or Bride company, and the company who come out of the great tribulation, will ever be given spiritual bodies. R37:6

They belong to the Church of the first-born, all of whom must be born before the after-borns, the world, can be brought forth. R5138:4, 5022:3

The foolish virgin class. R5656:2, 4654:5, 2161:3, 2160:3; Q833:5

Antitypical Levites, associates and servants of the Royal Priesthood. They will receive directions from the priesthood and will be teachers of the people. R5418:6, 5066:5, 4757:5, 4579:1, 4537:4; CR80:5; SM636:2, 637:T

The scapegoat class of Lev. 16, who must suffer destruction of the flesh. R4652:1, 5138:1, 4273:3, 4035:4, 3868:2

Elisha would seem in the first part of his experience, accompanying Elijah and serving him and yet being separate from him, to represent the Great Multitude. R3429:2, 4757:5, 3416:4

The silver class of Mal. 3:3. R3865:1, 5442:4

Typified by Rahab. R4054:2

Typified by certain grains which cling closely to the chaff. R576:2

Typified by Benjamin. R184:6, 5231:5

All the Mediator class will ascend to the Kingdom. In the type this was shown by Moses going up alone into a mountain. Joshua, his servant, who subsequently joined him, may be here representative of the Great Company class. NS363:4

No man could number – Whose number no man knows. R5924:5, 5865:5, 5772:1, 5533:1, 5371:6, 5232:1, 3802:6, 3416:6; CR80:5; OV189:5

A large number of consecrated people of God. We do not know their number. R4654:3

Either not numbered or beyond numeration or both, or whose number is known to no man. R3026:1, 2942:2

They are not of an ordained or fixed number as is the Bride class. R5924:5, 5865:5, 5533:1, 5371:6, 4035:5, 2161:1

Not predestinated or foreordained as to number. R5232:1, 4654:3, 3802:6, 2942:2; OV189:5

An undetermined number. R2384:4

A great company, an innumerable company. R5533:1

The Great Company, a number which no man could compute. R5371:6

None were called to this position, but, "Ye were all called in one hope of your calling" (Eph. 4:4). R2732:6, 5924:6, 2161:1, 772:1*

Stood before the throne – Not seated with Jesus in the throne as his Bride and joint-heir. A214; F93; R5371:6, 5232:1, 4693:4; CR39:4; SM362:T

The Great Company will not be in the throne, but serve before the throne. R4967:1, 3834:5

Instead of being members of the Temple class, they will be servants in the Temple. R5197:6

Theirs is a position of glory and honor before the throne, as those who are subject. John sees them as victors with palm branches, servants of the Temple. R5865:5, 5493:2, 5408:1, 4967:1

They attain to a lower station than the divine. Evidently they attain that station through stress rather than through the voluntary walking in the footsteps of Jesus. R4665:3, 2942:2; T70

Though a Great Company shall reach spiritual conditions, yet only a Little Flock of overcomers will be accounted worthy to share the divine nature by becoming the Bride of Christ. R649:5

White robes – They wear the Bridegroom's robe (justification) in the present life. In the future life, they will attain perfection on their own account. R4998:1, 5669:6; Q604:1

Palms in their hands – They do come off victors in the end. F93

Indicating victory over sin and all evil. R5023:2, 5924:5, 5533:4, 5408:1, 4871:1, 4665:3, 4654:4, 2783:2, 2161:4; CR253:4; Q436:2; SM727:T

Not crowns of glory. R5232:1, 5408:1, 5197:6, 5066:5, 4967:1, 4654:5, 4389:2, 2287:5, 2161:4, 828:4

A great multitude – As compared with the "Little Flock," the 144,000.

Which no man could number – Unlike that of the Little Flock, the 144,000 enumerated in the previous verses.

Possibly two (R2942) or three times (R4304:1 the size of the little flock.

Of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues – Compare Rev. 5:9.

Before the throne – See Bible Topics "Before the Throne."

Palm in their hands – see Palm Trees
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Loud voice .. Salvation to our God – see Rev. 19:1. Great Multitude here and "much people" in 19:1 are the same (Strong's 4183 & 3793).

11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Elders – See comments on Rev. 4:4.

Four beasts – See comments on Rev. 4:6-8.

12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.

13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? One of the elders – Which one? We suggest Daniel, based on what the elder says in vs. 14.
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. These are they – These have their robes greatly spotted by contact with the world, the flesh and the Devil--by unfaithfulness or by carelessness, worldliness. R2160:5, 4967:2

Partially filled with the spirit of the world, and not accounted overcomers of the world. R3164:5, 2962:1

They are not rendering themselves a living sacrifice to God. They have respect to men's opinions, traditions and plans, and fail to fully submit themselves to the will and plan of the Lord. R1649:3

Tribulation saints, not matured sheep, "lambs." (Isa. 34:6) D17; R5411:5, 5407:6, 4967:2

Who have avoided standing up for the truth for fear of the death, shame, contempt of those around them. CR153:5

Who shrink from becoming a "speckled bird," a target for this world's sneers. R132:1

Who through fear (Heb. 2:15), hesitated and kept back the sacrifice. R828:4, 1150:4

Who obey grudgingly, reluctantly, with slow and halting step, with much complaining and frequent lookings back, holding back, loving the world, and driven forward mainly by the scourge of tribulation and fear. R772:6*

These show that they have the spirit of truth, though not in overcoming measure--not in the measure of sacrificers, "priests." R2384:1, 1699:5

These will fail, not by rejecting Christ, but because of insufficiency of zeal--because not rightly exercised by the instructions given them in the school of Christ. NS603:3, 371:6

Not sufficiently diligent and careful respecting the divine promises. R3748:6, 3154:2

Measurably intoxicated by the spirit of Babylon, the spirit of the world. R1649:2, 3055:4

Lacking proper fervency to hold their lives constantly up to the point of self sacrifice. R1669:2, 3445:3, 1008:6

These suffer because of Christ, involuntarily, whereas, the "overcomers" suffer with Christ, voluntarily. R2161:5

Loving father or mother, houses or lands, or something else, to such an extent that they fail to keep their covenant of sacrifice. R2481:1, 2763:6, 2732:5

They are continuing in the course of life in which they were before making their covenant to the Lord. R2481:1

These have a faith structure largely composed of error, which will be consumed. R3748:6

They follow the voice of conscience less carefully, and with less appreciation of how much depends upon their following it. R3777:6

The "foolish virgin" class are probably in very large number all around us--there are some of these in Babylon. R5134:4, 5411:6

Probably the majority of this "Great Company" of tribulation saints are living today. R2161:4

The majority of whom are still in the nominal Church. R498:3, 281:2

Only those with tender consciences will keep their garments unspotted. R5197:5

Some will see and hear and obey when the Lord's power is manifest in the overturning of all false systems, who have not the overcoming strength now. R633:5

Those who can be guided only by continual scourging are not of the overcoming class, and will not be accounted worthy to be of the Lord's Bride. Not of the class that are guided by his eye. (Psa. 32:8; 73:24) E234

Through an insufficiency in the matter of zeal, and a lack of stamina, because of their unfavorable environment in Babylon. R5411:5

Those who do not prove sufficiently zealous to be counted in with Jesus as "more than conquerors." (Rom. 8:37) R4998:1, 3868:1, 3416:6, 3055:5

These are seeking to be followers of Christ and followers of Mammon, seeking to please the Lord and to please the world, having some of the Lord's spirit and some of the spirit of the world. R5411:5, 1470:1

While they may attain to a good position on the spirit plane, they have lost the great pre-eminent prize of joint-heirship with the Lord. R5102:5, 4999:1; A240

Who lose the reward to which the faithful attain. R593:5

Who will eventually attain to the position of antitypical Levites. R5411:4, 5408:1, 4967:1, 4616:1, 3429:2; CR485:6; OV189:5

The virgins, her companions, who follow her (the Bride) (Psa. 45:14) R36:1, 5865:3, 4, 5023:2, 3869:2, 3865:1, 3834:5, 2764:4, 828:4, 428:4, 343:6; HG379:1; Q436:2; SM326:T, 727:1

They shall be brought into the King's blessings, but they follow the queen. R354:2

Companions of the Bride, spiritual beings. R458:1

The servant class. R5411:4, 397:2

Honored servants of the glorified Bride class. R5439; 5411:4

These will be the guests at the great supper, and after the marriage is accomplished, they shall enjoy the feast with the Royal Family. (Rev. 19:9) R343:6, 3834:5, 593:5, 172:6

Who are typified by Lot. R2858:1

Represented by silver. R3865:1; HG752:5

The silver class who will be dealt with by the great Messenger of the Covenant. R5442:4,5

Which came out of – Greek, after or through. R36:1, 281:2

A class developed under, and out of, the great tribulation. R1638:2

Those knocking too late. (Matt. 25:11) R290:4

Conquerors in the sense that they will finally get the victory. Q522:1; R5439:4

Those who reverence human theories and systems more than the Word of the Lord, will not come out until Babylon falls and they come through the "great tribulation." D268; HG718:5

Chastened and tested and made fit for a good place in the Father's house. R2764:4

Those who come, through faithfulness in tribulation, to be honored servants in the Kingdom. R2736:4; SM326:T

Great tribulation – For failing to live up to their covenant of complete sacrifice. R5850:5, 5442:5

"But he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." (1 Cor. 3:12, 15) R3748:6; NS506:1, 371:6

The Lord's rod of affliction is brought to bear upon them, until the dross is separated, so that the precious element may be saved. R1669:2

If these do not learn the lesson and make the sacrifice they will ultimately be forced by divine providences to the point of decision. But such as need to be forced are not to be counted amongst the overcomers, the elect, the Little Flock. R2384:4, 1150:4

Accomplishing for them "the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." (1 Cor. 5:5) T69; R5874:2, 5442:5, 5102:4

Their love of fleshly things, worldly ambition--will be entirely burned out by the time of trouble. R1699:5

They will have special and severe testings, which will demonstrate their character definitely. R4654:4, 2783:2

These, surely, we cannot expect to see shielded from the very trouble which the Lord declares they need; and which in special mercy he will inflict for their perfecting. R2020:5

With a view to effecting in them a proper penitence for sin and a proper appreciation of the divine standard of truth and righteousness. R4035:6, 5439:4

He will bring them to such a place of experience as will test them and compel them either to renounce their loyalty to him or to seal that loyalty with their lives. R2732:5

The tribulations which characterize the end of this age will thoroughly awaken the careless ones. R5916:3, 5850:5, 36:1

It is great tribulation because he looks at the things that are behind, and weighs their value in the scales of the world. R772:2*

They will have suffered more than the elect, if the mental conditions are taken into consideration. R2732:6, 2161:3

They suffered more tribulation than if they had been faithful. R1008:6

Joy and rejoicing are properly lacking in the sufferings for correction and for unfaithfulness to the covenant of self-sacrificers; the destruction of the flesh is therefore doubly painful. R1699:5

While the Little Flock suffered with Christ and through great tribulation entered the Kingdom, the Great Company will suffer great tribulation, yet not enter the Kingdom class, because not found worthy. CR39:3; SM514:2

During this Gospel age, some probably suffered martyrdom when put to the final test. R5411:6

At the end of this age, apparently just after the Church will all be gathered. R5916:3; Q289:6

They need to go and buy the oil--the wisdom, the understanding of the divine Word. R4693:1

Extreme trouble of a physical kind upon the world in which the Great Company will suffer death--not as sacrifices, but as the "scapegoat." R2020:5

They will suffer for the sins of others--the accumulated sins of this age against light and knowledge will be required of these who, in the light of truth, have still held back from the voluntary sacrifice to which they devoted themselves. R4274:1

This foolish virgin class will share with the world in a great time of trouble, which will then come to every nation. R4693:4

The time of trouble is properly for hypocrites. The Great Company are not hypocrites, but will have their portion with the hypocrites. R4655:1

We think there is room in the Scriptures to suppose that there have been some of this Great Tribulation class all through the ages. Q290:T

Washed their robes – Which had become sadly spotted and soiled by contact with the world. R2160:5, 5442:4, 5232:2, 4998:1, 3802:6, 35:6; Q604:1

Because they allowed spots to accumulate. R5924:5, 5669:6, 5197:5; SM726:1

Their white raiment becomes spotted and soiled, bedraggled by contact with the earth. R5669:5; SM726:1; NS358:4

Who are defiled by contact with Babylon, but who come out of Babylon, and thus wash their robes from the world spots. R151:1*

These were not sufficiently alert to keep their garments unspotted from the world. NS372:6

Lacking the intense love and zeal of the overcomers, they do not keep their garments with sufficient care. R2161:2, 5411:6

Their robes became spotted and quite unfit for the marriage ceremony. R5197:5

There would be no need of washing the entire robe unless the entire robe were spotted. R4616:1

Those whose robes need washing must do it for themselves, either now or during the time of trouble. R163:4

Such will be obliged to go through the great time of trouble and wash their robes. Q650T

Passed through fiery experiences, disciplines, for their correction, for their purification. SM726:1; R5669:6; NS358:5

Learning lessons which will be valuable to them to all eternity. R2962:1

In their sufferings they will learn to appreciate as never before their relationship to the Lamb of God and to his atoning merit, and by faith will be permitted to apply the same to their own cleansing. R4036:6, 5533:1, 5463:2, 4870:6

Their robes will not be taken from them. R5669:6

They must in the end be faithful; else they will not have any part or lot with Christ in his work. R5533:1

They will do what they failed to do at the proper time. R5197:5

Proved their loyalty under discipline and stress, having failed to prove it by voluntary obedience unto sacrifice. Q604:1; R4998:1

Made them white – The difference between the Little Flock and the Great Company is not in the degree of purity finally attained, but in the manner of obtaining it. R1669:2; CR253:3

The robe given to each saint is at first pure and spotless--Christ's righteousness. R772:6*

Blood of the Lamb – The basis for forgiveness of our sins; the way to reconciliation. R1230:3

Penances and sufferings would not cleanse the robes, the efficacy for cleansing is in the blood. R2161:2, 4870:6

Came out of – Babylon. The great company should have come out long before the great tribulation began. Instead they did not have the spirit of the little flock in quick obedience to the command "come out of her my people."

Great tribulation – Daniel 12:1.
15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. Therefore are they – On these, God has various blessings to bestow in proportion to their obedience, loyalty and faith. R5408:1

As a result they will be granted the palm branches and the place before the throne, to serve God in his Temple. R4655:1, 5408:1

This Great Company at last will receive a great blessing, even though it will not be so grandly glorious as that which the Lord will give to the Little Flock. R4274:1, 281:4

They will have a blessed portion, but far less glorious than that to which they were called. R5916:4

Before the throne – Not in the throne with the Little Flock, the elect. D578; F127; T70; R5772:1, 4654:5; Q24:3; SM288:1

Not rulers, but honorable servants of the ruling class. R5916:3

They are not called to this position; they get it as of the Lord's grace. R3154:1, 2732:6, 2161:2

And serve him – In and through the Church. R5232:2

As the Levites were set apart to serve the Tabernacle, the Great Company class will be the servant class on the spirit plane. R4655:4; OV189:5

Day and night – Continually. F127

In his temple – The Church. F127; R5232:2, 4654:5, 828:4, 36:1

But not of it. T70; R4871:4, 4693:4, 4654:5, 828:4

In or through or by means of the Temple, which is the Body of Christ. R828:4, 773:1*

Dwell among them – Associate them with himself and his glorified Bride in the spiritual condition and its services. F127

16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. Hunger no more – They will not have life in themselves, but will still be dependent upon God's provision for the sustenance of life. E403

This appears to be a quote from Isa. 49:10. In that context those who are described are those who receive the blessings from the church. It there appears to be the world of mankind.

Our thought is that this describes those who will attain to eternal life but not immortality. As such it is descriptive of both the world of mankind as well as the great company.

They – The Great Company.

Shall hunger no more – No longer do they hunger for righteousness because they will then have it.

Neither thirst any more – No longer will they thirst for righteousness for they will then possess it.

Neither shall the sun light on them – Isa. 60:19; (Matt. 24:29); Rev. 21:23; 22:5

This could also have reference to the Tabernacle picture. While the spirit-begotten class is normally shown by the Priests, who alone had access to the Holy (except on moving days), the Levites had access to the court. If this pictures the Great company then it pictures a class that should have been dwelling in the Holy (spirit-begotten) condition but instead chose to dwell in the court (in sunshine). For those who dwell in the Holy use the light of the candlestick to allow them to see spiritual things (not the bright light of the sun). Our eyes need to be come adjusted to seeing spiritual things by the eye of faith and not by actual sight (as would be the case in the court).

Nor any heat – Deut. 29:24; 32:21-25; Psa. 19:6; Isa. 4:5-6; 25:4-6; Jer. 51:37-41; Matt. 20:12; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 16:8-9.
17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Midst of the throne – In exalted power. R633:5

Shall feed them, and shall lead them – The Lamb feeds them with truth, and leads them (some quickly, others more slowly), bringing, finally, as many as will be led, to the heavenly condition. R35:6

These, though "castaways," as regards the prize (1 Cor. 9:27), are nevertheless objects of the Lord's love; for they are friends of righteousness and not of sin. T69

Fountains of waters – Truth. C65; R1363:3, 564:2

The Bride is to have within her "a well of water springing up," (John 4:14), while the rest of mankind may come to the fountain to drink. R252:4

Wipe away all tears – Not merely from the faces of the saints of this Gospel age. Ultimately every knee must bow and every tongue confess to the glory of God. (Phil. 2:10, 11) NS222:4

The Lamb – Jesus in His glory.

In the midst of the throne – In his reign as King.

Shall feed them – Jesus is the sustaining force for these, the great company.

Lead them to fountains of waters – These are lead to the church which has a wellspring of water (life, truth) coming from within them. The great company will drink of that water, whereas the church will produce that water.

Wipe away all tears – While there will be tears for the Great Company, God will remove their sorrow.
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