Matthew Chapter 7 [DARBY]

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1 Judge not, that ye may not be judged; Judge not – Harshly, uncharitably, unmercifully, ungenerously. R2329:3, 2589:2

Declaring against evil thoughts, evil suspicions, evil surmisings. R2444:5

Because we do not fully comprehend the divine law of love and cannot discern the thoughts of our own heart. F403

We may at times judge the outward action as wrong, but we are not to attempt to judge the heart, where there is a possibility of misjudgment. R5430:3, 1712:5

It is forbidden us to judge the heart. R4568:5

Judging is a clear token that one has not developed the spirit of Christ, the spirit of love, which is full of kindness and consideration. R2589:2, 1713:6; F403

Our Lord refers to the abuse of judgment and not to the legitimate use of that noble faculty. R1712:2

The Lord discountenances criticisms and accusations and sentences of one another as individuals. R2431:5

But when conduct is in manifest opposition and in defiance of God's law, as that of "wolves," "swine" and "dogs," the condemnation should be recognized as God's judgment, not ours. R1712:5

Some people must be held at arm's length, but at the same time we should be careful to give them credit for good motives they claim to have. NS164:4

The first occurrence of the word in the New Testament and would clearly bear the rendering, "Test not, that ye be not tested." R48:6*

Be not judged – Harshly, unmercifully. R2329:3

2 for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you. With what judgment – How we deal with others fixes the gauge of how God deals with us. R5414:5, 5884:5, 5324:4, 5135:5; F403

The Law of Love says: For shame that the weaknesses and shortcomings of brethren should be exposed before the world. F405

See comments on Matt. 6:12

Ye judge – How many find it easy to excuse their own weaknesses while they are very captious and critical as respects the shortcomings of others. R5324:4

Ye shall be judged – If at heart we treasure up resentment against others, the Heavenly Father will not forgive us. R5123:3

With what measure – The fallen or carnal mind is selfish; and proportionately as it is for self it is against others--disposed to approve or excuse self and to disapprove and condemn others. F404

The continual fault-finder, who sees great blemishes in others and none in himself, is blind to his own defects, or hypocritical. R4567:6

Ye mete – Measure others. R2253:4

Measured to you – If our words are generous and kind, loving and benevolent, we shall receive similarly kind treatment of the Lord; but if harsh, critical, unkind, we may expect reproof. OV209:4, 210:T; R3453:5

3 But why lookest thou on the mote that is in the eye of thy brother, but observest not the beam that is in thine eye? And why – Busybodying in other men's affairs. F583

The mote – The little difficulties and weaknesses with which all the Lord's people are more or less troubled. R2589:3

Not the beam – The great fault of lovelessness. R2589:3

Satan possesses this fault; he is called the "Accuser of the brethren." (Rev. 12:10) R2589:4

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Allow me, I will cast out the mote from thine eye; and behold, the beam is in thine eye? Let me – Fancying that it is "his duty" to advise, to pick, to investigate, to chide, to reprove. F584

Pull out the mote – The continual fault-finder who sees great blemishes in others and none in himself is blind to his own defects, or hypocritical. R4567:6

5 Hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine eye, and then thou wilt see clearly to cast out the mote out of the eye of thy brother. Thou hypocrite – Wishing to give the inference that you are not yourself inflicted with the same malady of sin. R2589:4

It is deceptive and hypocritical when we claim that fault-finding is prompted by love for the erring and a hatred of sin. R2589:4

6 Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them with their feet, and turning round rend you. Give not – We are to tell the heavenly things, but not to the natural man. R5065:6

Use the spirit of a sound mind to discriminate between those who are good subjects for the truth and those who are not. R5376:4

This does not mean that we should never bring holy things to the attention of those who are not the Lord's consecrated people. R2589:6

Unto the dogs – Idlers, breeders of spiritual contagion, self-seekers, biters and devourers, treacherously lying in wait to deceive. R1671:1

We would not expect that dogs would appreciate the difference between meat from the butcher shop and the holy, consecrated meat eaten only by the priesthood. R2589:6

The selfish, the sensual, who mind earthly things and who have never been begotten of the spirit of God. R2589:6

The only preaching proper for such is "Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out" and "Flee from the wrath to come." R1671:2

The "brethren" have been neglectful in the endeavor to feed the "dog" class. R2590:1

Cast your pearls – The deep and precious things that belong to the New Creation and which none others can understand and appreciate. R3265:2, 5699:1, 5214:6, 5065:6, 4568:1; OV5:2; SM242:T

We are not authorized to parade our ambassadorship before the world. NS466:1

Before swine – The groveling, who think only of money and the things of this life. R2589:6

The brutish and swinish. R2589:2

Those who have not the hearing ear and the seeing eye. R5376:3, 327:5*

Those who would not be able to understand nor appreciate our position. R5825:5, 4568:1

They would resent our precious truths and do us injury. R4568:1, 4984:3; SM7:T

Those who mind earthly things, the selfish, the sensual. R2589:5,6

Trample them – Recognizing no value in pearls, nor appreciating anything that would not give earthly satisfaction. SM7:T

And rend you – "Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee." (Prov. 9:8) R2589:2

Injure you. SM7:T

7 Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. Ask – Some of the chiefest of his favors he withholds from us until we make requests, because he thus prepares us more for the blessings he is willing to bestow. R4568:1[R4568:1]

All the consecrated are free to make request for the things promised in the Word of God. R4568:1[R4568:1]

If you wish to know how to overcome the spirit of fault-finding and harsh criticism of the Lord's brethren. R2590:1

Seek – Those who approach the Bible with earnest desire to find God's message, will be guided of the Lord. Q643:1; R4983:6, 4971:1

And ye shall find – The knowledge of the holy Spirit shall be revealed. E167

We find what we seek! Those who desire to find God's message will be guided by the Lord. Those who approach the Bible from the standpoint of unbelief are equally sure to find what they seek--flaws, contradictions, etc. Q643:2

Knock – Upon the Lord's storehouse of grace and blessing by continued efforts, as well as prayer. R2590:2, 1150:4

Opened unto you – The door of privilege, of opportunity. R4983:6

The door of knowledge. E167

8 For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened. Every one that asketh – Anyone, therefore, who seeks God will find him; for the Scriptures promise, "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you." (Jas. 4:8) R5201:3

He that seeketh – In the "Law and Testimony." (Isa. 8:20) E167

Seeks the proper blessings: forgiveness of past sins, divine love and care, both temporal and eternal. OV181:2

Findeth – Those who pray for opportunities to serve the Lord and watch for the fulfillment of their prayers will surely have them. R4913:4

The believer, assuming that there is a superhuman wisdom in the divine word, investigates from that standpoint. NS63:2

It shall be opened – The door of knowledge shall be opened. E167; R5201:6

God will reveal his true character to them. OV2:2

9 Or what man is there of you who, if his son shall ask of him a loaf of bread, will give him a stone; A stone – Traditions as indigestible as a stone. HG692:3

10 and if he ask a fish, will give him a serpent?
11 If therefore *ye*, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much rather shall your Father who is in the heavens give good things to them that ask of him? Give good things – The holy Spirit, the true antidote for a faultfinding disposition. R2590:2, 4568:4

The Lord will also give whatever temporal blessings are to the best interests of the new creature. R5835:1

If he gives us a gift at all, we may be sure it will be a blessing. NS229:5

That ask him – God is particularly willing to give us the holy Spirit, and is especially pleased that we ask for it. R5310:6, 5835:2

We are not to ask for all manner of earthly things. R5835:1

12 Therefore all things whatever ye desire that men should do to you, thus do *ye* also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets. Therefore – Connecting this with the preceding; signifying that this will be a test by which we may discern when and to what extent we are misjudging the motives of others. R2590:3

By way of concluding this subject of finding fault, picking flaws, condemning and criticizing. R2590:3

Whatsoever ye would – Our Lord's words were addressed to his disciples. OV231:1; SM431:2

This is not the rule of love, but of justice. R4827:3

To do justice to your neighbor as you wish that neighbor to do justice to you is the essence of the Law of God given to the Jews for their treatment of others. SM352:2

Under this golden measurement, how few bitter, angry or slanderous words would be used, for how few would like to have others use such to or of them. R2688:6

As we would not wish to have others think ungenerously or meanly of us, so we in turn would find our thoughts of others becoming more generous and less suspicious. R2688:6

To reason, If we were in the slums we would wish that some of God's children would help us and hence we should do so to others, is a mistaken application of this rule. R2689:6

It does not say that we should do to our neighbor as he might wish us to do to him, for he might wish a very unreasonable thing. R2688:4

If Jesus had loved us just according to the Golden Rule, he would not have died for us; but he did more, and he requires that his followers should do more for each other. Q286:6

That men – Particularly the Lord's brethren and those dependent upon you. R2689:1, 2690:5

It will be applicable to all the heathen world and the substratum of society in the Millennial age, but now it is applicable chiefly to the household of faith. R2690:5

Should do – Charging only a reasonable profit on goods sold, expecting to pay a reasonable profit to him who sells. R2688:5; OV231:3

To you – Putting off anger, malice, hatred, strife, envy, slanders, etc. R2688:6

Do ye – This is a positive rule, to do good; and not a negative rule, to abstain from doing evil. R2688:2, 4567:3

This rule does not express all of the Christian's duty, but marks the very lowest standard which must measure our dealings with others, justice. OV231:2

To the full extent of their ability, the new creatures must render justice. SM431:2, 352:2; R4567:3

We must also be just in our words and thoughts. SM432:1

This law the Apostle calls the "law of liberty," the perfect law. R2688:2

With applications to husbands, wives, children, parents, brothers and sisters. OV232:1

Applications to the Church. OV232:3

The Christian businessman's ideal is the Golden Rule. OV369:2

The Golden Rule is despised and rejected as impracticable. R5723:5

Nothing short of full devotion to the Lord will enable one to live consistently along the lines of the Golden Rule. R4568:4

He who practices the Golden Rule during the six days of his contact with business will surely be faithful on the seventh; but faithfulness to the Golden Rule on the one day only will never win Divine approval. OV232:2

This Golden Rule is necessary in formation of character, not only to develop equity and justice, but also the spirit of love, of unselfishly doing good to others. R2689:3

Only as we exercise benevolence toward others need we expect God's benevolence in respect to our weaknesses and shortcomings. R4567:3,6

The Christian has an additional requirement--the Lord's "New Commandment." We must "love one another" as our Redeemer loved us, to the degree of self-sacrifice, even unto death. R4568:4

To tell uncomplimentary truth is to violate the Law of Love, the Golden Rule. F406

Even so to them – By acting kindly, speaking gently, being patient toward weaknesses, not expecting too much. F376

Doing for them now the kind of work which God desires to have done; leaving for the future the things which God has planned to have done in the future (the salvation of the world). R2690:2

This is the Golden Rule and, by comparison, the rule of Confucius, "Do not to others what you would not wish them to do to you" might be considered the brazen rule. R2688:1, 4567:3

This is the law – Not a Gospel standard, not a love standard, but justice. OV231:2

The Law of God is briefly summed up in this Golden Rule. R4568:4

"The righteousness of the law." (Rom. 8:4) R2689:3

13 Enter in through the narrow gate, for wide the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many are they who enter in through it. Wide is the gate – First entered by Father Adam. A205

Broad is the way – The downward path, in which all of Adam's posterity were born. A205

Opened up in Eden at the time of the loss of the homestead. R4245:6*

Becoming broad of necessity in order to include every member of Adam's family. R4245:6*

On which the human race is hurrying to the tomb. R5245:2; A205

Of self-gratification, pride, lust, sin, selfishness. R4838:1, 4568:2

The easy, selfish, worldly way. R2590:5

The present evil world. Q829:2

That leadeth – As years and centuries roll on, becoming more and more smoothly worn, daily more glazed and slimed and slippery with sin. A205

To destruction – The way that seemeth right to the world will end in death. (Prov. 14:12) CR497:2

Death, not eternal torture. R4568:2; A205

Many there be – Our race, now thronging the broad road to death, are to be restored because their guilt and sin are atoned for and will be remitted. R281:4

Mankind daily loses the power of resistance so that now the average length of human life is about 35 years, 900 years less than the first man. A206

Even the Jews were in that Broad Way. CR497:2

Which go in there at – All mankind are born under more or less adverse conditions and unfavorable environments; and the majority follow on in the way in which they are born. CR496:4

The world's choice is between hastening down the broad road, giving loose rein to their passion, or seeking to restrain these and go down more slowly. NS81:4

14 For narrow the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and they are few who find it. Strait is the gate – Applicable only in the Gospel age. R860:2

Difficult is the gate. A207; R5045:3, 5320:2

Full consecration, even unto death; but within are ministering spirits, all conspiring for our ultimate membership in the New Creation. F152; R4568:3; OV177:4

The love and loyalty of the disciples is tested by their call to walk contrary to the world. R4568:3

The Lord permits the Christian to have adverse experiences so that his character may be developed. Q821:3

Our too-low standards have admitted to membership in all denominations millions who are far below the Master's standards. NS778:5

Narrow is the way – The way of death by sacrifice with Christ. A212; R5871:5, 5245:2, 2773:2

He opened for us "a new and living way through the veil, that is to say, his flesh." (Heb. 10:20) R279:5

So that only those willing to suffer with Christ may be his joint-heirs. F125; R4964:6, 5005:4

The vows of consecration make the way to glory narrow. NS654:5

So narrow that it admits only the Lord's plan and those willing to conform to it. R5045:3

It is only as "new creatures" that the saints of this age are on the way to life; and only as human beings are we consecrated to destruction, as sacrifices. A213

Were it not that strength is furnished for each successive step of the journey, we could never reach the goal. A214

Those who walk in the narrow way are scripturally called "new creatures in Christ Jesus." (2 Cor. 5:17) NS19:3

We should not be surprised that the way that leads to life is narrow when we realize the grandeur of the life to which it leads. R281:4

Because the successful enduring of these tests is indispensable to those whom he would thus honor. F125

Separate from the world; steep, rugged and beset with snares of the Adversary. CR414:1; OV130:T

Contrary to the general tendencies of the world--upward. R4568:3

Because this Gospel age is a part of "the present evil world" during which Satan is the prince or ruler. NS17:6

Opened up, not to convert the world, but to choose a peculiar people to be associated with the Lord in his spiritual Kingdom. R4246:1*

Its difficulties will act as a separating principle to separate and refine a "peculiar people." A214; R281:5; NS345:5

It means more than negative opposition to the world; it means to make a positive stand for the Lord, for the truth of His Word, for righteousness in general. NS19:1

The law given to Israel was a narrow way and they thought it to be a way of life, but they found it to be a way of death. (Rom. 7:10) NS18:3

It did not exist in the Jewish age and previous ages. NS18:1

We are not to expect that this narrow way will continue in the future indefinitely--during the Millennial age. NS17:6

The divine arrangement for our first parents in Eden was not a narrow way of sacrifice, but quite to the contrary. NS20:2

The little flock will run it with voluntary devotion, but the great company will have experiences which will force them, not to take one special way, but to decide for themselves which course they will pursue. R5245:2; Q331:3,6

Leadeth unto life – Life inherent, life in the superlative degree, immortality. A210; R5045:3; SM10:1

Glory, honor and immortality--association with the Redeemer in the great work of the Millennial Kingdom. R4568:3

This life is immortality. They were living, justified, before, but the strait gate and narrow way lead to another, a different life. R779:3*, 659:5*

The spirit in us is the germ of immortality. Thus we even now are partakers of the divine nature, but the fullness is to be reached when we enter into life. R279:4

There is no other way of life open at the present time. NS19:2

Few there be – In comparison with the population as a whole. NS808:3

Because the Lord seeks only a very choice class at the present time. NS19:2, 749:2

Not many great, not many rich or learned, but chiefly the poor of this world, rich in faith. OV123:3

"A little flock." (Luke 12:32) R2122:5; HG186:3

"Many are called and few are chosen." (Matt. 22:14) Paul estimates that many run, though few so run as to obtain the prize of the high calling. (1 Cor. 9:24) R281:1

Our Lord himself was the first to walk in it as the captain or leader of all who would walk in his steps. NS83:4

These few are the bride class who, with Christ, are to bless all the families of the earth. R5691:1

That find it – The narrow way is a privilege. NS344:4

15 But beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but within are ravening wolves. Of false prophets – Public expounders. A55

Some will speak perverse things and draw away disciples unto themselves. R5388:6

A class who pervert the truth, stirring up arguments that confuse the flock, manifesting a wolfish disposition. R5388:6

It is not evil-surmising to be on the lookout for false teachers, nor evil speaking to call the attention of the sheep to such. R3746:6

In sheep's clothing – Those who studiously cover up a wolf-like character with the outward professions of godliness, in order to deceive and lead astray the unwary. R1712:2

Professing to be of the Lord's flock; but really not such, because they do not trust in the great sacrifice offered once for all for their sins. R3142:3

While sheep can never become wolves, some, who at one time were sheep, after a while manifest a wolfish disposition and take pleasure in doing all they can to injure the flock. R5388:6

Implies the thought of deception, walking like sheep, wearing sheep's clothing, but never being real sheep. R5388:6

However smooth, polished, educated, gentle they may be on the surface, we must get to know them better than by surface indications before we may dare trust them as leaders of the flock. R3747:1

Ravening wolves – A class who pervert the truth, injure the flock, stir up arguments that confuse the flock, destroy the new creature, dragging them down to death. R5388:6

Greedy, selfish: "Through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you." (2 Pet. 2:3) R3747:1

Ready to destroy your faith in the ransom and thus destroy you as sheep. R3142:3

Hungry with ambition for fame and prominence and honor of men, and willing to barter the interests of the flock for their personal aggrandizement. R3748:2

The wolf is not to be tolerated. He has no rightful place in the assemblies of the true sheep until his character is changed by repentance and submission to the will of God. R1712:2

We should neither reprove as wolves, or disown as brethren, those whose hearts, characters, give evidence that they belong to the Lord, even though they follow not with us in respect to his service. R3747:1

16 By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather a bunch of grapes from thorns, or from thistles figs? By their fruits – Sharp, thorny, injurious, poisonous--or, helpful, strengthening, uplifting. R4568:5

Of character, conduct or teaching. R1712:2

Signs that their characters are being transformed in a wrong direction. R5957:1

As James claims, if the right kind of faith be developed in the heart it will surely bear fruit and make an outward manifestation, according to circumstances. R4377:3, 3318:1

The same must be true of the Almighty--by His fruits, His workmanship, fully completed, He may be known to be either good or bad, just or unjust, loving or vicious. SM449:4

Of thorns – Some, like thorns, reach out to impede, irritate, annoy and injure those with whom they come in contact. R3747:2

Little of this injury is done physically; nevertheless, the thorny and briery people find abundant opportunity for injuring others with their lips and tongues. R3318:2

The thorn and brier classes, however closely affiliated with religious things, are not vine branches. R5148:1

There is a thorn-bush in Palestine which grows a fruit somewhat resembling grapes, and a kind of thistle with heads shaped like figs. R3747:2

Of thistles – Some, like thistles, are always scattering seeds that cause trouble: false doctrines, evil-surmisings, errors. R3747:2

The thorns and thistles are bad fruits, belonging to the evil nature, and not fruits of the spirit of the Lord. R5224:3

17 So every good tree produces good fruits, but the worthless tree produces bad fruits. Every good tree – Contrasting a healthy fruit tree with a diseased or evil one; contrasting a healthy Christian with a perverted and misguided one. R3747:3

A corrupt tree – The Lord supplies the good soil of truth, the refreshing showers of grace and the nourishment of precious promises; but it is for each of his people to use these and thereby grow. R3747:4

Illustrating that those who are his disciples, sound and proper enough to begin with, might lose their spiritual strength and forcefulness, their carefulness. R3747:3

A Christian who has failed to use the chastisements, trials, and difficulties to correct the weaknesses, shortcomings and wrong development of his nature; a Christian who has set his affections on houses, lands or worldly aims, objects or individuals. R3747:4

A Christian who has failed to grow in grace, knowledge and love has not appropriated the nourishment provided, has not submitted to pruning. His heart has become decayed. R3747:3

So surely as a corrupt tree brings forth bad fruit, so false doctrines will develop bad characters in those who receive them. SM382:2

Evil fruit – Knotty, wormy, unsatisfactory. R3747:3

18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruits, nor a worthless tree produce good fruits.
19 Every tree not producing good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire. Is hewn down – In Palestine, to this day, fruit trees are taxed, and trees which do not bear are promptly cut down. R3747:5

"Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away." (John 15:2) R3747:5

Cast into the fire – Symbolizing the time of trouble in the end of the Jewish age, and that to come at the end of the Gospel age and beginning of the Millennial age. R3747:5,6

20 By their fruits then surely ye shall know them. By their fruits – Lives. HG693:1

What they do with their spare time and money. R2259:3 Outward manifestations. R5000:2

We are to judge the outward conduct, but we cannot go beyond and say what is of the heart. R5000:3

Only in regard to that of which we have positive knowledge should we render a decision in our own minds. R5519:6, 5000:2

Sharp, thorny, injurious, poisonous--or, helpful, strengthening, uplifting. R4568:5, 5224:3, 4592:2

A wicked spirit, a malicious tongue, and pleasure in doing unrighteousness betoken a change of heart, that they have not the holy Spirit governing them as they once had. Q648:T

The holy Spirit or the spirit of the Adversary. R4592:2; Q648:T

The fruits of the people of God are holiness, meekness, gentleness, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, self-sacrifice for others and for God and His truth. R5504:5; OV401:4; NS205:6, 403:3

Aside from any fruits that would be injurious, we are to accept the profession of all who claim to be consecrated. R4653:6

Ye shall know them – We know the Almighty by His fruits--His good, just and loving workmanship finally completed. SM449:4

Be able to discern which are brethren and which are "dogs" or "swine." R2589:5

Know that those bearing the fruits of the spirit are no longer children of wrath, but have passed from death unto life. NS403:3

Specially applicable to those who would be leaders of His flock. R3747:5

Know that those having the spirit of anger, etc., are yet in the "gall of bitterness," however outwardly respectable they may be. NS403:4

21 Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but he that does the will of my Father who is in the heavens. Not every one – Who are professing to be his disciples. R3317:6

Not all who have their names upon earthly church rolls, but only those whose "names are written in heaven" and whose names will not be blotted out because of unfaithfulness. (Heb. 12:23; Rev. 3:5) HG315:6

Only those who, after repentance, renunciation of sin, and acceptance of Christ as their Redeemer, make a full consecration of themselves to the Lord, to know and to do His will. NS391:2

Shall enter into – Can be accepted as a joint-heir with Christ. R4470:1, 5938:3, 2235:3

Kingdom of heaven – The actual Kingdom, not the Church in her present condition. R3317:6

Doeth the will – God's will is to select such as believe His promises for the future so fully that they will give up the present to obtain it. R581:2

The heart, the will, must be right, sincere, true, pure, loyal to God and the principles of his government. R4568:5

By our deeds, and not merely by our professions. R5938:3

22 Many shall say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied through *thy* name, and through *thy* name cast out demons, and through *thy* name done many works of power? Many will say – In contrast with the "few there be that find it." (Verse 14) R814:5*

Not only a few, but "many," who in their outward course of life have in some measure acknowledged the Lord publicly. R3318:2[R3318:2]

Many sadly misinformed partial-believers in Christ. D632[D632:1]

Many who have done philanthropic and reform work. R5404:6

The Great Company. R5383:5

Professed church of Christ--"false brethren." SM222:1

Ostensibly they serve the Lord, in reality they serve mammon. SM760:1

In that day – In the close of the Gospel age. R3747:6, 5404:6, 4568:5

Lord, Lord – They had a form of godliness. R5407:4

Have we not – As Laodicea, "I am rich, increased in goods, and have need of nothing." (Rev. 3:17) R4314:4

But these boastings avail little to the interests of Babylon because the lack of the spirit of God's law of love is too painfully manifest to be concealed. D170

The harvest truth is only for the holy and meek. R1348:5

Prophesied – Preached. D632

He will not guarantee that anybody who has power to work miracles and preach publicly will be granted a place in the Kingdom. R4668:2

In thy name – The Revised Version gives "by thy name," intimating that the name of Christ is used rather as a charm, to conjure by. R3748:1

Much of this conjuring in the name of Jesus has been merely a cloak. R3748:1

Claiming divine authorship for their own erroneous theories. R3647:6

Many take the Lord's name in vain, associating it with their enterprises, which are often in direct conflict with the Master's Word and Spirit. R3748:1

Cast out devils – Opposing sin and multitudinous forms of evil. R3747:6

Wonderful works – Good works: mission work, slum work. Q112:5

Miracles are not necessary today amongst the Lord's people, and hence they have passed away. R3301:5

Not that the Lord does not approve of hospitals, asylums and charities, but they are not the fruits of the spirit. NS376:6

The Lord's followers are not to be known by their great works--"by their fruits ye shall know them." (Verse 20) Q783:2

Many there are who are consecrated to a system or to a work who are not fully consecrated to God. R1802:3*

Benevolent institutions, colleges, seminaries, etc. R3747:6

Not acceptable to God because they have not submitted themselves to His plans and methods. R3647:6

The Lord makes use of various characters as agents in these healings, even as Judas was one of the twelve who worked miracles. R749:4

So satisfied with their present world-converting machinery that they would rather dislike to have the second advent occur now and spoil their plans. R1439:3

Ecclesiasticism is constantly boasting of her great achievements, as here prophesied. D170

Including miraculous physical healings. F639

Some are urged to make money as honestly as possible and contribute liberally to the church, and told they will be granted a free pass to eternal happiness in the future. SM760:T

Some may be found building up Babylon in some of its denominations, but neglecting the divine Word and their own character building. NS319:6

There is so much reckoning, figuring and apologizing for the meager missionary results now, because we are living in the "harvest" or reckoning time. R1078:3

The various persons and systems performing the "many wonderful works" of today, almost without exception, directly or indirectly antagonize the truth. R3158:4

We are not to object to the works if they are good works. R4668:2, 3120:3; Q112:5

Implying that Satan will have not only false teachers, but false miracle-workers, deceiving themselves and others respecting the source of their power and teachings. R2837:3

23 and then will I avow unto them, I never knew you. Depart from me, workers of lawlessness. I never knew you – "Never approved you." (Diaglott) R2837:3

Never recognized or authorized your sects. R3748:2

I do not recognize you. R5383:5, 5404:6, 5389:6

You are not fit for the Kingdom class. Q112:5; R5407:4, 4668:2, 4568:6; SM222:2

You did not come in by the door of the sheep-fold (John 10:1). R5404:6

Your work is out of harmony with the principles of my teaching. Such will pass through tribulation and lose the great prize. R4568:6

Only those will be recognized who have done the will of the Lord and who have no theories or works of their own whereof to boast. R3252:4

Because of not having developed characters in harmony with the Father's law--the Golden Rule. R4568:6, 3318:2

Depart from me – Left to have a part in the great time of trouble, they will doubtless become God's people instead of sectarians, and will be "willing in the day of his power." (Psa. 110:3) D632

Obliged to pass through tribulation with the world, losing their share of the great prize of this Gospel age. R4568:6

It is the duty of every true disciple to rebuke them, for the outward opponents do far less harm than those who wear the Master's name while denying his doctrine. R1418:6

Not into eternal torment. He does not say, "Depart, ye cursed." R5383:5

That work iniquity – Neglecting the privileges of the high calling when they knew of it. R5407:4

Workers of unrighteousness, in my name. R5389:6, 3748:3

Through misrepresentation of God's character and plan. R3748:3

The 1000 years of Christ's reign will accomplish the real reform work. R5404:6

24 Whoever therefore hears these my words and does them, I will liken him to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock; These sayings – Jesus' message and teachings. R5407:3

The words or message of the Sermon on the Mount, showing what things are blessed of God in contradistinction to the things which would not have his approval. R3748:4

Doeth them – Render obedience thereto. R5407:3

Not merely to be doctrinally informed, but he is looking for such character development as will bring us into full harmony with his teachings. R3748:5

I will liken him – The parable refers not to the Church and the world, but to two parties in the Church. R3748:3, 3318:4

A wise man – The true people of God who will be able to stand the test of this great day, now upon us. R5443:4

Built his house – Jesus showed that it was important to be founded upon a rock; and Paul shows that is important also to build with good material. (1 Cor. 3:12) R358:5*

A rock – Christ. R4568:6, 5443:4

"Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 3:11) R5407:6

25 and the rain came down, and the streams came, and the winds blew and fell upon that house, and it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. The winds blew – The storms of life are sure to come. R5407:3, 4568:6

Founded upon a rock – The foundation, God's promises, brings calmness, confidence and security. R5407:3

The twelve apostles, the foundations of the New Jerusalem, were not laid in the sand, but upon the sure and steadfast rock, Christ Jesus. R1522:1

No man can build a proper life unless he have some foundation, some doctrine, some faith. A man with no faith, no hope, is sure to be correspondingly lacking in character. R3318:4

26 And every one who hears these my words and does not do them, he shall be likened to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand; His house – Faith structure. R5407:6

Upon the sand – Foundations of human tradition, man-made theories, ignorance, doctrines of demons. (1 Tim. 4:1) R4568:6, 5407:5

The quicksand foundation upon which nominal Christianity is built. R5443:4

Of selfishness. R1190:5*

Those so building will suffer the loss of everything, and at the beginning of the Millennium will be no better off than the world in general. R4569:4

Perhaps some built upon the law, thinking they could commend themselves to God by their own endeavors, without the imputation of the merit of Christ. R5407:5

27 and the rain came down, and the streams came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell, and its fall was great. Rain descended – A mighty downpour of truth. R3748:5, 5443:4

The floods came – "The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place." (Isa. 28:17) R3748:5

The winds blew – The strong winds of war. R3414:3, 5443:4

And beat – The shaking will be the means of God for the liberation of some now chained by superstition. R1308:4

Upon that house – Nominal Christendom. R3748:5

It fell – The "great company" will have a faith structure largely composed of error, which will be consumed. R3748:6

Truth will wash out the quicksand foundation of nominal Christianity. Utter wreck will follow. R5443:4, 5407:6

Great was the fall – Suffering the loss of all their hopes. R5407:6

At the beginning of the Millennium; they will be no better off than the world in general. R4569:4

28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were astonished at his doctrine, Were astonished – Even though they but imperfectly understood because the holy Spirit was not yet given. R5408:2

29 for he taught them as having authority, and not as their scribes. Having authority – Knowing the truth by implicit faith in God and personal experience with its power upon his own heart. R1917:2

As one who understood his subject thoroughly. R3803:2

As one knowing what he was talking about. OV159:1

With a positiveness. R5408:2, 3318:5

Not as the scribes – Who taught various speculations and wonderings. R5408:2

Doubtfully. R3803:2

Wherever there is confusion and mysticism, we may be sure there is error and ignorance. R5408:2

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