Hebrews Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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1 Let *us* also therefore, having so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, laying aside every weight, and sin which so easily entangles us, run with endurance the race that lies before us, Wherefore – Therefore. R2035:4

Then you that discern the prize of your high calling. R3149:2

The Apostle exhorts to look backwards at the list of Ancient Worthies and to consider what they endured and how faithful and loyal to God they were. R5859:5

Directing our minds back to the preceding context. In view of the great things accomplished by these faithful characters of the past who manifested such faith and confidence in God. R5318:3

In forceful metaphor, pointing us back to the Ancient Worthies as a stimulus for faith and zeal. R2035:4

Seeing we also are – Also we being. R2035:4

Compassed about – Encompassed. R5318:3

Many surrounding you of those whose lives testified to the truth--martyrs who were cut off from home privileges and from life itself. R5318:3

Cloud – Crowd. R2035:4

Continually surrounds us. The experiences of the Ancient Worthies are our experiences. At every step of our journey we find encouragement, strength, from the contemplation of their course. R5319:1

Of witnesses – Greek, marturon, martyrs, who so nobly witnessed for God and righteousness. R2035:4, 5318:3, 4513:3, 4389:5

The Ancient Worthies. R5318:3, 4513:3, 2035:4

Consider them as watching us, to whom has been given the great blessing and privilege of becoming sons of God. R5859:5

These Ancient Worthies, through the achievements of their lives, are looking down on you. The fact that they were even then dead need not detract from the Apostle's figure of speech. R5318:6

As we look back to the faithful witnesses of the past, we find that they carried very few weights along with them. They cast them aside, and ran with patience the course before them. R5319:3

Not used in the sense of onlookers. R5318:3

Let us – The Church class, the Little Flock. R5859:5

Let the inspiration of their example spur us on to the greatest faithfulness in running our race. R5318:3

As we recall how faithfully they endured and achieved what was set before them, how careful we should be in running the race for glory, honor and immortality. R5318:6

Emulate them. R2035:4

Lay aside – Cast it aside. Q723:1; HG453:3

Seek daily to lay aside. HG371:3

"He that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." (1 John 3:3) R3168:4

If any have not been zealously and voluntarily suffering with their Savior, they should appeal in prayer for help, and study afresh the precious promises. R4921:4

Otherwise he will be so handicapped that he will not run well. R5319:2

Not all weights and hindrances are to be cast aside. A man with a wife and children must not throw these aside. R5319:3

One who is unmarried should consider carefully how many children he should have on each shoulder, or whether he should have a wife on his shoulders. Some might be hindered with a wife. R5319:4

Every weight – Cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, pleasures. R5440:5

Hindrance and worldly ambition. R3857:3, 2702:6, 1790:5

Unnecessary worldly cares. R3149:3

Earthly aims and projects. HG453:3; NS617:2

Every hindrance, everything that would prevent our running grandly and successfully the race for the great prize which Jesus obtained. R5859:6

Differs in different persons--inherited titles, honor, position, wealth, talent along some line, love of the approval of men, etc. R5319:1,2

And the sin – One of the greatest hindrances to our running this race is inherited sin in our members. R5859:6

There may be one sin or weakness that would especially beset you--your special danger. Q723:1

Every besetment, everything precious to us of an earthly kind. R2702:6

Every besetting sin. NS371:5, 396:4, 404:6

Every besetment of the flesh. NS367:3

Encumbrance. R5423:5

If the sin be an inherited weakness, a part of one's very nature, he shall run in the race, not walk nor sit, but run, bending all his energy to win, straining every muscle, every power of his being. R5319:4

So easily beset us – Whichever weakness may be a special besetment. R4921:5

Close-girding sins--the sin which wraps itself closely around us. R5319:4; E139; Q723:1

Every weakness of the flesh, and every earthly ambition. F369

If we cannot rid ourselves entirely, we must put it off to such an extent that it will not interfere with our running. R5319:4

Run – Not like one who is merely beating the air, but like one who has a purpose in view. (1 Cor. 9:26) R3149:3

To the extent of our ability. NS355:6

By contrast with those who "sit" in the darkness. A25

That we may attain unto the mark of the prize. F729; R4911:4

The prize of the high calling is not for the easy-going Christian. R2123:1; SM106:1

Seek to win a right to the Kingdom, not to put on the dress of a racer merely, but to so run as to obtain the prize, which implies weariness, difficulties and obstacles to be encountered. R521:4

With patience – Greek, hupomone; cheerful endurance; constancy. R2791:1, 5651:4, 4911:4, 2792:2

Not only perseveringly. R5859:6

The race must be run with constancy if we would reach the "mark," that having done all, we may stand. R2792:2; F369

Patiently to the end. R5423:5

Trials, difficulties, rightly borne, are developing character. R5319:5

Whoever would obtain so great a prize will need patience, to be proven and tested in all points as respect loyalty and devotion to the heavenly Father, the truth, and the brethren. R5859:6

Endure the tests and enjoy the reconciliation with the Father now. NS367:3

The race – The higher, heavenly race. R2035:4

The uphill one, the difficult one. NS414:5

The narrow way. SM167:2

For the crown of life, for joint-heirship with our Lord, for a share with him in the great work of blessing all the families of the earth. SM93:2; R5423:4; NS338:6, 404:6

We are to consider ourselves as running a race. We are to view the affairs of the present life as from a race-course. R5319:1, 5859:5

The race is not imaginary, but real, that the Lord has arranged, and he has definitely stated the terms, the assistance to be expected, and the prize at the end of the course. R5319:4

Our success in which will be in proportion as we love not the world, lay aside besetting sins, assemble with God's children, and study the Scriptures. F729

That we might attain unto a glorious inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. NS89:3

This "high calling" to joint-heirship is a very special and limited call; it will soon end and it will never be repeated. R4979:1; OV84:1

As runners in the Grecian games would strip themselves of all that was not absolutely necessary, so the Christian should lay aside all possible weights and hindrances in his course. R5319:1

Not a race merely to the strong, and a victory to the swift. It is a race in which each one, according to the earnestness of his effort, will be rewarded. R5319:6

Set before us – In the Gospel. R5199:4, 4979:4, 4921:5, 4911:4, 3168:4, 2755:4, 2622:5, 1790:5; F369, F729; NS414:5

In the good tidings. NS371:5

Set before believers during this Gospel age. NS414:5

Remembering that he who is on our part, and who has engaged to help us and to carry us through every difficulty, is Jesus. R2892:4

2 looking stedfastly on Jesus the leader and completer of faith: who, in view of the joy lying before him, endured the cross, having despised the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Looking unto Jesus – Looking away to. R1641:4, 174:5*

In whose footsteps we seek to run. R2616:6; OV330:1

If we keep looking at the things behind, we lose sight of the heavenly things. R1263:4

"We see Jesus," by mental perception. (Heb. 2:9) "We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen." (2 Cor. 4:18) T85

There are two principles involved in the word look, two mediums by which we are enabled to discern objects--light and the eye. R196:2*

It is one purpose in this epistle to show that in all things Jesus has the preeminence. R174:2*

Setting aside, in the presence of Jesus, God's gallery of portraits. R174:5*

The author – Starter. E39

The Leader, gone before; the One through whom we are privileged to enter this race. R5859:6, 174:5*

Our Ransomer is also our forerunner and pattern. R2035:4, 521:4

The first runner in this course. R521:4

Jesus, the Head of the Church, began to carry out this wonderful feature of the divine plan. CR424:6*

And finisher – Until he shall become the finisher of it. R5199:4, 4979:4, 4921:5, 2892:4, 2755:4, 2622:5, 1641:4; F139; NS355:6, 396:4, 807:6

The completer. R174:5:8

He who by his example and teaching has inspired our faith will, if we continue to follow his leading, finish, perfect it. R1830:1

The One who has promised us grace sufficient for every time of need. R5859:6; NS807:6

Giving us grace to conquer, and keeping us through his Word and through his providences unto the end of the race. R2755:4, 645:6*

He will finish our faith by giving us a share in that glorious resurrection. CR462:6; NS355:6

Who for the joy – Of doing the Father's will. R5430:1, 417:6; E118, E462; CR451:6; HG459:5; NS83:6, 813:4; OV114:4

Of redeeming and restoring mankind. R1058:5, 5430:1, 417:6, 324:3, 280:6, 164:3; E119, E462; CR451:6; NS83:6, 646:4; OV429:T

High exaltation to glory, honor and immortality. R324:3, 5430:1, 418:1, 297:6, 280:6, 164:3; E119; CR451:6; NS751:3

Of bringing many sons to glory. E462; R1058:5, 418:1, 324:3, 280:6, 164:3

The reward. R5164:6, 3391:4, 3028:5; NS83:6, 708:6

The prize, or high calling. R4535:3, 4982:4; CR208:3

Of being the Head of the New Creation. F65

His chief joy in connection was that he might demonstrate to the Father his absolute love by his submission and obedience. NS813:4

Certain joys, blessings, promises, in connection with the work of man's redemption. NS438:2, 812:6

Joy came to the support of his endurance and helped him win the victory. Sympathy for this poor, groaning creation inspired this joy. R4246:4*

Jesus ran in the great race and by faith looked forward to the joy. R5859:6

The Father did not compel the Son to be our Redeemer. NS751:2, 613:1, 848:1

Set before him – By the heavenly Father. R5684:1, 5859:6, 1566:1

Exaltation to the divine nature. R5064:1, 4964:3, 4535:6, 387:2; CR310:4; OV22:3, 114:4; Q394:T

This expression implies he had some knowledge of the nature of the work which he had come to accomplish. R5128:1

To do God's will; laying down his life; being made "a partaker of the divine nature." R3391:4

The Son of God undertook the heavy task of his own free will. R1566:1

The coming of the Logos into the world was a voluntary matter. R5430:1

He resigned any pre-human rights. R4905:1; Q442:3

Trying experiences proved him loyal to God. R5215:2, 5859:6, 5352:4

Our Lord had an aspiration. There are worthy incentives; otherwise the Father would not have set one before his Son. R5321:3

The thought that should inspire us is that if we are faithful in the things of this present time, the Lord will make us ruler over many things. R5321:3

The entire work of redemption is of the Father though through the Son. E38

Endured – Doing the Father's will under conditions that would be distressing, painful, humiliating--unhesitatingly enduring all the oppositions and contradictions of sinners against himself, and besetments of the devil. E119

He has this great reward because of his obedience even unto death, the death of the cross. R4964:3, 314:5; E119; HG459:5

If his was a race of trial, discouragement and conflicts with evil, we should expect the same, and not be surprised at fiery trials. R521:4

The heavenly Father well knew in advance the loyalty of his first-begotten. NS438:2, 812:5

To be a follower of Jesus is not to be carried to glory on flowery beds of ease. R521:3

Despising – Ignored. OV22:3

The shame – And ignominy. R5684:1

The shame was as nothing in his sight in comparison with the accomplishment of the Father's purposes, the pleasing of the Father. R2467:5

His way to the crown was the way of the shameful cross. R2035:5

And is set down – And now as a result. R5972:3

As a consequence. E394; R1879:3, 2035:4; NS751:3

As a reward for obedience. R5768:4, 5859:6, 1566:1; E119; NS848:1; OV330:1

At the right hand – The place of favor. E394; R1879:3

Condition of chief favor, next to Jehovah. T52

As Prince, Savior, Messiah, the King of Glory. NS848:2

Far above angels and every name that is named. (Phil. 2:9) R5352:4; E394; T52; NS751:3, 709:1; OV330:1

Whither we also may go to him. R2035:5

Of the throne – Authority and rulership. A92

Divine Majesty. R5859:6, 5768:4, 5215:2; NS438:2, 812:6; 848:1, 850:1; OV330:1

Henceforth expecting, waiting, until the time shall come for him to bless Adam and his race for whom he has already died. R5972:3; NS850:1

3 For consider well him who endured so great contradiction from sinners against himself, that ye be not weary, fainting in your minds. For consider him – Christ. R1721:6

Study out, comprehend his course. R3313:5

His example and teaching. R2035:5, 1721:6

Take note of--have in mind--reflect upon. R4802:2

The meekness, patience, and sufferings of Christ endured most unjustly. R2313:5, 1964:5

Take courage from the life of our beloved Master. R164:6

In our trials and difficulties remember what extreme experiences in suffering the Master endured. R5684:1, 28:2*

We should be glad to walk in his footsteps, to endure the same experiences, to drink whatever the Father shall pour out for us in our cup--his cup. R5684:4

The Apostle had just been pointing out the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus. R5684:1

If we faithfully endure to the end, the reward will be ours. R4802:3

That endured – Patiently. R4802:3, 3585:4, 1964:5

With such meekness. R3866:5

When trying experiences came to him, he did not consider them as merely from the individual but as being under the supervision of the Father. R4802:3

"Love suffereth long and is kind." (1 Cor. 13:4) R2204:2

Such contradiction – Such opposition. R5684:1, 4802:6, 3313:5

Smiting; spitting; crucifying; piercing. E159

Contradiction of his words. His doctrines were disputed and he was slandered. R4802:5

Before his consecration our Lord had no such trials and contradictions, as he had afterwards. R5089:2

"When he was reviled, he reviled not again." (1 Pet. 2:23) R4802:6

Our trials, or disciplines, in meeting every opposition should bring correction in righteousness. R4897:2

Of sinners – The weaknesses, perversities, etc., of his own people, through whose malice he was eventually crucified. NS380:3

Against himself – Opposition to everything he did--resulting in his murder. R5684:1

Lest ye be wearied – Greek, kamno, spiritually weary, as in "The prayer of faith shall save the sick." (James 5:15) R4099:2*

In well doing and patience. R2204:2

When enduring comparatively light afflictions. R2313:5

Under the trials of faith, patience and endurance of this evil day. R2035:5

And thus fail to be an overcomer. R4921:5

How many become weary and are in danger of losing the prize because they fail to consider what the Lord faithfully endured of opposition. R4804:1

We are to feel assured that nothing can befall us except with the knowledge of the Father who is working all things for our good. R4803:6

Faint in your minds – Greek, psuche, soul. E335

When attacked by the Adversary--whoever may be his agents and whatever may be their missiles. R4802:6

We are not to faint in our minds nor become discouraged, feeling that so much has been said against us that we must give up the race. R4803:6

Some may do well for a while, but later become weary and faint, and seem to fulfil the scapegoat experiences. R4921:2

"Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17) Pray in faith, nothing doubting. R5709:5, 5710:1

4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, wrestling against sin. Resisted unto blood – Unto death. R2557:4, 1641:4; CR274:4; NS240:3

As Jesus did. R1335:3, 5684:1

We have not yet passed through the trying experiences which he passed through. R4802:2

We are to resist evil even unto blood. NS240:3

We have not resisted to death, it has not yet cost us our lives to be faithful to the truth and righteousness, but our Heavenly Father wants such as will be faithful even unto death. CR230:4

We really suffer very little and give up very little. R5684:2

5 And ye have quite forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when reproved by him; The exhortation – An inspired comment on Prov. 3:11,12. R1520:1, 2053:2

Despise not – Slight not. (Diaglott) R772:3*

We should accept grievous chastisement as from a loving Father. R722:4, 2613:2

The chastening – Greek, paideuo, to discipline, to instruct, to teach--chastening becomes a part of the discipline only when the subject is an unwilling one. R772:3*, 2007:6

Includes correction when we have erred from the way, and the experiences which we receive along life's pathway when we are not straying. R3132:6; 2007:6

His chastening rod has aroused us from dreamy lethargy and urged us on our way. R1281:2; 3695:3

With the most careful and prayerful watching we will doubtless make some missteps and need some of the Lord's chastening. R1748:5, 5807:4

Nor faint – Neither be discouraged. R772:3*

Rebuked – Rebukes and reproofs of the Lord for sin and unfaithfulness are "third class" sufferings. R2008:1

6 for whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives. Whom the Lord – The Father. R2425:6*

Loveth – The graces of humility and patience are closely related to love and loyalty. R5217:1

Christ's special love for his Church, clearly distinguished from the world. R1254:5

A doctrine peculiar to Christianity. R4325:1

He chasteneth – He disciplines. R2425:6*, 2007:6, 1745:5, 772:3*

Instructs, trains up; he comes with the comforting influences of his spirit and turns our sufferings into blessings. R424:1*

He chastens none others. OV131:5

He who escapes all trials and temptations and difficulties has every reason to doubt that he is really a son. R5459:4

It is a wonderful privilege of the Church to have their trial in this age that they may enjoy the exceeding great and precious reward. R569:3

To whatever extent the new creature gives consent or sympathy to the sin of his flesh is worthy of "stripes" which correctively will assist in his character development. Q603:6

Every son receiveth chastisement to fit him for future service and to demonstrate worthiness of being counted in as a Body member. R5482:1

Those chastisements that came to our Lord were not deserved, but were experiences by which he proved his thorough loyalty and worthiness of exaltation. R5482:1

"Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that is to try us." (1 Pet. 4:12) R569:3, 2412:3,4, 1944:2, 569:3, 199:4*; NS447:5

And scourgeth – Chastises. R5147:4

When we wander or neglect to do what he teaches us is duty. R424:1*

This promise guarantees that we shall have trials and difficulties to develop us in the proper character-likeness of our Lord. R5081:4, 4513:3; NS447:6

The followers of Christ are not exempted from persecution, affliction, sorrows, trials, difficulties. R4138:4; SM271:T

Every son – To be a son implies both special favor and special endurance. R1008:4

The Lord gives every son trials and difficulties. R5459:5, 4138:4, 4989:3, 1008:4

Afflictions and troubles come upon the world as well as upon the Lord's saints but are not marks of sonship except to those who have fully consecrated to the Father's will and work. E233; R374:2

Our Lord learned obedience by the things which he suffered. (Heb. 5:8) R5147:4

Whom he receiveth – Not necessarily all who make a consecration will have the opportunity of reaching this mark of crystallization of character before they die. R5081:4

7 Ye endure for chastening, God conducts himself towards you as towards sons; for who is the son that the father chastens not? Endure chastening – Patiently endure. R1721:2

Discipline. R2007:6, 772:3*; E231

Trials of faith, of patience, of character, to which others would not be subjected. R2761:1

Many of which are not punishments for sin, but preparation for the work of the next age. R5147:1, 3133:1

Whoever does not appreciate the spiritual joys can hardly be expected to endure the present training with patience and thankfulness. R5147:6

Our experience is a test of our loyalty of heart--as to our willingness to learn the lesson which the Lord teaches and our recognition of the source from which they come. R5147:1, 3, 5

The taking away of the dross and the development of the fruit-bearing qualities. E231

God dealeth – That we may be fully conformed to the divine will. R5147:2

The Jews forgot that they were a people for a purpose, and that to fit them for divine service in the future, trying experiences were permitted, and were really evidences of divine favor. R4930:3

With you – The Church needs practical lessons in character-development of a very high order, and they are receiving experimental knowledge that no other creatures in the Universe receive. R5147:2

As with sons – God has engaged to treat them as sons, not as servants; not as opposers or enemies, but as children. R5624:2

Such experiences are not for mankind, or for the angels; but for those who are to be associated with the Redeemer. R5147:3

Preparing them for positions of honor, and untellable blessings in the future. R2761:1

We are not sons of God according to the flesh, but according to the new creation, the interests of which are often best served by experiences which are not favorable to the flesh. R5624:2

What son – Our Lord was a true son, and hence had his share of chastisements. R3133:1, 772:4*, 28:2*

We are called to follow in Christ's footsteps. R5147:4

A son requires more careful training than a servant; for he is to be his representative and heir. R2405:4

Whom the father – Is there any son whom a father does not discipline? (Diaglott) R772:3*

Chasteneth – Correcteth. R5275:2, 3133:1, 2613:2, 1748:5, 424:4*

Discipline or instruction in righteousness. R5147:2, 2007:6, 1748:5, 1721:2; NS162:2

Should not be understood as meaning disapproval on the part of our Father, and sin on the part of the individual, but rather instruction. R4897:1

Corrective lessons that we might become sympathetic toward others. R5275:1, 4138:4

Our Lord received as a part of the "cup," various trials and disciplines. R4897:1

If the new creature gives consent or sympathy to sin, he is worthy of stripes, which correctly will assist in his character development. Q507:5

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son." (Prov. 13:24) F524

8 But if ye are without chastening, of which all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Without chastisement – If ye receive not discipline, fiery trial. R1944:3; C352

Discipline, correction, training. R1721:2, 5879:4, 2007:6, 1944:3; NS162:2; Q356:4

Storms, trials and difficulties. R5239:2

Trials, persecution, oppositions of some kind in the present time. R3322:4, 2412:4, 521:3

Discipline (Diaglott) necessary to preparation for the grand and glorious future work. R521:3, 3807:2, 3133:1, 772:3*, 528:3

Trials, testings and temptations are necessary for our development as new creatures. R3807:2, 3322:4

Corrective chastisements, or judgments, will be upon those who incline to wander from the narrow way, intended to reclaim, to establish in the ways of righteousness. NS162:2

All of God's people need chastisements for their correction and development, some more and some less. R5721:2, 3807:2; Q356:4

Tested in order to prove the depth and sincerity of their sanctification. R1316:3

Instead of regarding sufferings as evidences of disownment by the Lord, we should look for and receive them as evidences that we are accepted as sons, and in training for the promised royal honors. R521:4

The truth will cost something. Faithfulness to the Lord will cost much. R5879:4

Whereof all – All true sons of God. R1721:2

All who are designed to be sharers of God's Kingdom power. R521:3

Some by a look, some by a word, others by scourgings and some repeatedly. E233; R374:2

Are partakers – Judged by this standard, there have been some faithful unto death all the way down through this Gospel Age. D567

Then are ye bastards – Then are ye spurious. R5721:2, 4663:3, 2007:6, 772:3*, 521:3; D576; Q356:4

Begotten of error instead of truth--tares. D576

If any one lack disciplines, prunings, after having become identified with the Vine, he lacks the "witness of the Spirit," and correspondingly has reason to doubt his acceptance with the Lord. E231

Whoever has not shared persecution has every reason to doubt his relationship to God as a son. D576

Lack proof that they are God's children. R5239:2, 3322:4, 521:4, 374:2

Experiencing trials and difficulties removes this fear. R3283:6

Not sons – Not real sons. R2007:6

Not new creatures. R3322:4, 521:3

Not real heirs of the Kingdom. R521:4; C352

9 Moreover we have had the fathers of our flesh as chasteners, and we reverenced them; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? Correcteth us – Have we then received discipline from our natural fathers. (Diaglott) R772:3*

Shall we not – Shall we hope to escape discipline and training? Not unless we despise it, refuse to receive it, and turn our backs upon it, ignoring our covenant entirely, implying open rebellion. R772:4*

Be in subjection – Submissive. (Diaglott) R772:3*

10 For they indeed chastened for a few days, as seemed good to them; but he for profit, in order to the partaking of his holiness. Chastened – Disciplined. (Diaglott) R772:3*

After their own pleasure – According as it seemed right to them. (Diaglott) R772:3*

For our profit – For our advantage. (Diaglott) R772:3*

All of spiritual Israel's affairs are under the Lord's care--"He doth not willingly afflict the children of men, but for their good." (Lam. 3:33) R3061:2, 4876:5

Might be partakers – In order that we may partake. (Diaglott) R772:3*

First, reckonedly, in Christ, and second, more and more actually by the eradication of our sinful tendencies and development of the fruits and graces through chastisements, experience. R3280:2

11 But no chastening at the time seems to be matter of joy, but of grief; but afterwards yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those exercised by it. No chastening – No persecution. R5395:4

No discipline. R2007:6, 1944:4

Establishment in the faith is gained by a gradual steady growth under the discipline of suffering. R1053:3; HG373:3

Corrections in doctrine and character. R4449:3*

"Filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) R28:1*, 424:4*

It yieldeth – A manifestation of the indwelling of the Lord's spirit. R2804:1; HG373:3

Their hearts, being fully submissive and anxious to learn, they rejoice therein. HG373:4

The peaceable fruit – Blessed effects. R5395:5

Meekness, gentleness, patience, love. R5899:3

The lessons of experience and discipline have made you stronger, increased your faith, and drawn you into closer communion and fellowship with the Lord. R4897:3, 1721:3; HG373:3

"Tribulation worketh patience; and patience experience; and experience, hope." (Rom. 5:3) R1721:3

Of righteousness – If we know that we are suffering for righteousness' sake, then we know the spirit of God rests upon us. R5395:5

We should trust the Lord and patiently accept whatever experiences may come to us, knowing that he could interfere and protect us, and whatever he permits must be for our good. R1780:1; HG373:3

When trials come we know that it is all for the best and a blessing from the Lord. HG373:3

Exercised thereby – Rightly exercised. R1780:1, 4449:3*

Properly trained. R2007:6

In the exercise of patience, the lessons of experience make one stronger. R1721:3

Unto godliness, sobriety, and deep and fervent piety. R1944:4

Thus preparing them for a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. E411; R5627:4; PD68/81

12 Wherefore lift up the hands that hang down, and the failing knees; Wherefore – Therefore. R773:1*

Make a desperate and continuous effort to render such a sacrifice as will be acceptable and well pleasing to God. R773:1*

Lift up – Brace up the wearied hands. R773:1*

13 and make straight paths for your feet, that that which is lame be not turned aside; but that rather it may be healed. Make straight paths – Level paths. Arrange your circumstances as far as possible, so as to help and not hinder you. R773:1*

Avoid trials and temptations which would be a special strain upon us, because of our weaknesses of the flesh! R5975:4[R5975:15]

Love of righteousness should lead to the sacrifice of temporal interests. R2853:3[R2853:12]

Think less of earthly advantages, social, political and financial, and think much more of the moral and spiritual influences and advantages, obtainable through isolation from the evil which is in the world. R2849:1[R2849:1]

We should seek such a dwelling place as will conduce to our occasional interchanges with the household of faith. R4090:5[R4090:10]

Being shod with the needful preparation, we may not so much feel the sharpness and ruggedness of the way. R825:2[R825:2]

As we find out what our weaknesses are, physical and mental, we should endeavor to shape our course of life accordingly, so as to be able to overcome the difficulties of the way and the besetments of the Adversary. R4348:1[R4348:8]

By choosing such a course as will not unnecessarily aggravate and excite our weaknesses, and thus make us the more lame. R4348:2[R4348:8]

Be courageous, strong, determined for the right --especially in matters of self control. R5975:5[R5975:17]

If a man have an appetite for liquor, he should avoid everything that would tend to arouse that appetite. R5099:2[R5099:7]

Take the Vow not as a fetish or charm to ward off the Adversary, but take it intelligently as unto the Lord, and throw your influence in favor of it to all the dear brethren in Christ. R4350:1[R4349:19]

For your – The strongest need to remember this text, and the weaker ones need to obey it. R5975:4[R5975:15]

Feet – That we might walk pleasing to the Lord. R5099:3[R5099:7]

That which is lame – Blemished through sin. R2849:1[R2849:1], 4348:2[R4348:8]

We are all lame. None is able to walk uprightly, perfectly, in the footprints of our Lord. At very best, we limp. R5975:4, 4348:1

We are to seek to overcome our lameness, not only by praying "Abandon us not in temptation," but also seeking to avoid the temptation in all ways, by the exercise of our wills, by mental resolutions, or vows. R4348:2,6, 3807:3

Lameness or likings for certain things which as consecrated ones we have not right to. R773:1*

Out of the way – Of righteousness. R2849:1

The Vow has proven helpful to the saints in that it has drawn to their particular attention certain dangers of the way, counseling as respects their abiding in the Lord's favor. R5975:1

14 Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord: Follow peace – "Blessed are the peacemakers." (Matt 5:9) R3735:6

Jesus did not desire his followers to take the sword. R5922:4

The fact that we are counseled to be peacemakers implies that there will be opposition. R5923:2

"Be subject to the powers that be," (Rom. 13:1) as far as possible. R5952:5

Combativeness is necessary, or we could never overcome. But we need to restrain ourselves that we do not fight the brethren; and we are not to enter into a personal combat with the devil. R5923:6, 3735:6

With all men – So far as possible. R5952:5

And holiness – Moral purity. R1739:2

A setting apart, sanctifying, separating from the world, by divine authority, and for the accomplishment of the divine purposes. R714:2*, 127:5*

Separation, setting apart to God's service. R714:5*

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matt. 5:8) R2587:3, 1739:2, 121:5*

The righteousness of Christ is applied to such who desire to forsake sin. R2155:6

Faithful strivers shall ultimately attain absolute holiness, soundness, perfection--in the resurrection. R3280:2

As we come to appreciate God's character, it inspires within us a great desire to be like him. R5923:5

Without which – Holiness. R2587:3

In the sense that none but such will experience the glorious change of the first resurrection. SM458:1

No man shall – The Church. This text has been misused in urging the world to become Christians. R714:5*

The "great multitude" when they see the Lord, are holy. R156:3*

Not appreciated by Universalists. R221:2*, 403:3*

See the Lord – Greek, horao, discern. R714:5*

At his second coming. R1904:1

Those who get spots upon their robes and leave them there will not be fit for the Kingdom of God. R5924:4

15 watching lest there be any one who lacks the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and many be defiled by it; Any man – The wilful sinner, once enlightened and blessed with the hallowed influences of the holy Spirit and the truth. R5990:1, 1913:6

Fail – All who, after being justified, draw back and refuse to use their reckoned justification for the purpose intended have received the grace of God in vain. (2 Cor. 6:1) R1669:5

Watch diligently, lest any fail of attaining to the full privilege of God's grace. R4513:4

The grace of God – The favor of God, in manifesting his will by making it plain from his Word, comes to the Church mainly through God's chosen human instruments. R1892:2

The Lord will keep us safe and secure if our part be done. R1863:1*

Root of bitterness – Developing in the heart affects the sight. R4585:4

These seem to sprout and grow always, but at Memorial season with ten-fold vigor. R5193:3, 4153:5

Many be defiled – By evil hearts--who do not build up in the most holy faith. R2406:6

By listening to evil speaking we are a partaker in the sin. R4803:3, 3595:4

Yielding to the pleasures of sin for a season would signify the selling of the great birthright. R4513:4

16 lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one meal sold his birthright; Lest there be – Esau's carelessness is held up as a warning that if any of us are careless of our birthright, we shall not only lose it, but lose the favor of God. R5198:5

All should be on guard against any and everything that would in any degree correspond to the attitude of heart allegorically represented by Esau and his course of action. HG380:2

The Christian must choose whether he will pursue his worldly ambitions for wealth or name, etc., or whether he will renounce these and pursue the study of God's Word and a life of consecration, with smaller income. HG381:2

Fornicator – A more easily comprehended translation from the Greek would be, heathenish, a prostitutor or seller of his birthright for base, unworthy considerations. HG379:6

Profane person – In very round terms denouncing the spirit of Esau. R3955:6, 5198:5

In the sense that all the Gentiles or heathen were recognized as profane--godless, not reverent, unbelieving, preferring the things of this present life. R3955:6

As Esau – Type of fleshly Israel, and of Christendom. D15; F172

Typified those Christians who barter their glorious inheritance as prospective heirs of the divine nature, for the enjoyment of the fleeting pleasures of the present life. R5452:1

The class of Christians represented are not always rude, uncouth, coarse. Some are refined, titled, wealthy, ministers, doctors, lawyers, judges, merchants, mechanics. The Esau class may be in every station. HG380:6

The fact that Esau was used to typify those who fail to attain the high calling has nothing to do with the chance of attaining life during the Millennium. R1225:5

Does not represent the world--it has no birthright to sell. HG380:3

For one morsel – A mess of pottage--lentil soup. R5198:2, 5452:1, 4544:6, 4513:4

What Esau got was of such trifling value; it seemed as nothing, as merely a bite. R3956:4

Esau pandered to his appetite at the expense of the higher interests of the future, represented in God's promise. HG379:6

The Apostle's words seem to apply especially to the Church, and to our danger of losing our birthright as new creatures. R5452:1

Those who love the pleasure of this world and sell their birthright for earthly advantage. R5198:5; HG381:4

The spirit that is not appreciative of God's mercy and blessing which he has in reservation for them that love him. R3955:6

Everyone who is in the Lord's family must expect that he will be tested to see which he loves the more, the mess of pottage or his prospects for inheritance in the oath-bound covenant and its blessings. HG381:6

The trials of sisters are more along social lines; not money. HG381:6

His birthright – Earthly possessions and the divine promises of the Abrahamic Covenant. R5198:1; 383:4

Signified that he had no particular faith in God or in his promises. R5198:3

Represented those who sell the privilege of the spiritual nature for earthly advantage--only those begotten of the holy Spirit have a birthright. R5198:5,6; HG380:6

A share in the glorious things which God hath in reservation for them who love him and love righteousness. HG383:1

Every temptation to sacrifice spiritual privileges or violate spiritual responsibilities for the attainment of earthly advantages would be a yielding to this form of temptation. R4544:6

If we permit ourselves to be dominated by a time-serving, a selfish spirit, it will blind us to the beauties and advantages of the things unseen as yet. HG383:5

As Esau took the place of the younger brother as a servant, so those who defile their garments with Babylon, lose their crown, but, by washing their robes, become servants in the heavenly temple. R151:2

Paul intimates that there may be some who wish to sell their birthright and others who may wish to buy the birthright, as with the Jews in our Lord's day. R4686:6

Holy privileges of the Church in spiritual matters must not be bartered for earthly advantage. R4544:6

17 for ye know that also afterwards, desiring to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, (for he found no place for repentance) although he sought it earnestly with tears. The blessing – Including the inheritance of certain great divine promises--the Covenant made with Abraham. R5198:1; HG380:1

Abraham's spiritual seed is to have the greater blessing, typified by Jacob's inheritance. R5198:5

He was rejected – Esau's carelessness is held up as a warning that if any of us are careless of our birthright, we shall not only lose it, but lose the favor of God. R5198:5

No place of repentance – Esau did not find an opportunity to get back what he had forfeited. R5452:5

Carefully with tears – Esau found plenty of opportunity to cry and be sorry. R5452:5

His chagrin evidently was in the thought that he had parted with the larger share of the father's estate. HG380:1

No better than the tears of Judas. R4907:5, 2283:6

18 For ye have not come to the mount that might be touched and was all on fire, and to obscurity, and darkness, and tempest, For ye – We are reminded of our much more favored position on the stream of time. R2035:5

The antitype we are approaching at the end of this age will be commotion, strife, in the world--thunderings, lightnings. R5294:3[R5294:17]; NS298:4

The antitype of Exodus 19. R5285:5

Come unto – Approaching. R2035:5

Coming. R167:5*, 155:5*

A pen picture of Mt. Sinai trembling under the glorious manifestation of divine power, symbolically represented in flame, smoke, quaking earth, rolling thunder and lightning flashes, preparing Israel for the Law Covenant. NS558:4

The antitypes of this must be much more strenuous and will serve to prepare mankind in general for the blessings of the New Covenant under the antitypical Mediator. NS558:4

The marching of the firstborn out of Egypt, accompanied by all the remainder of Israel, and their gradual approach to Mt. Sinai, is a picture of how the Church have been approaching Mt. Zion. NS363:3

The mount – The rocky, barren, Mt. Sinai, where the Law was given and where the servant house was organized as a nation. R1389:4; NS558:1

The scene of the Law-giving glory. R1322:3*, 5990:1, 2035:5

The natural mountain with the terrors of the Law. R2709:3

The established typical Kingdom of God under the typical Mediator, Moses. R2035:5; D630

The Mountain (Kingdom) of the Lord's House is now being established in the top of the mountains, superseding the great kingdoms of this world. R5990:1, 1914:2

Since the Spring of 1878 God has "set his king upon his holy hill of Zion." (Psa. 2:6) R5990:2, 1914:5, 1913:1, 58:3*

Likening the time of the inauguration of the unshakeable Kingdom's inauguration with that of the Law Covenant at Mt. Sinai. R5294:3, 4366:5, 2709:5; A322; SM319:T

That might be touched – A literal mountain could be touched and stands associated with literal or earthly things. The earthly is but a symbol of the heavenly which is therefore called a mount which could not be touched. R56:5*, 167:5*, 58:3*

That burned with fire – Because the Lord descended upon it in fire. R1914:1

All the people saw the lightnings and the mountain smoking. R5924:3

Darkness, and tempest – Picturing events which will accompany the establishment of the New Law Covenant the close of this present age, under the greater than Moses--our Lord Jesus. R5990:1, 5285:6, 4498:4, 1914:1

Clouds and darkness, trouble and perplexity and distress of nations are round about; and the thunderings and lightnings are making all the earth to tremble as did Israel at Mt. Sinai. (Exod. 19:1-25) R5990:1, 4366:5, 1914:2

The shaking of the ecclesiastical heavens; and the social, political and financial earth. R5286:1

19 and trumpet's sound, and voice of words; which they that heard, excusing themselves, declined the word being addressed to them any more: Sound of a trumpet – Type of the seventh trumpet, the trump of God, the last trump, the Jubilee trump of knowledge and liberty. A316; B146, B197; D630; R5286:1; CR383:4; NS299:2

Present events indeed speak in trumpet tones. R5990:4, 1914:4

The voice of words – That spoke condemnation and death to any who erred. R2709:3

Type of the voice of the Lord speaking to men in his wrath and vexing them in his hot and just displeasure in the Day of Vengeance. D631; R3037:5

The voice of the archangel will be recognized as issuing commands and bringing into order the new dispensation, not in literal words, but in forceful demonstration which will speak louder than words. R299:2

Which voice – The voice of God. R5285:6, 1914:1; CR383:4

When God by his angel spoke to his typical people. SM356:1

Not be spoken – The people were so terrified that they entreated that they might not hear further, but that Moses might act as Mediator. OV286:2

20 (for they were not able to bear what was enjoined: And if a beast should touch the mountain, it shall be stoned; Touch the mountain – As the least contact with the mountain brought death, so everything in conflict with the Kingdom, Mt. Zion, will suffer. NS299:2

Shall be stoned – Typifying the destruction of whatever shall come in conflict with the Kingdom about to be set up. R4011:4

21 and, so fearful was the sight, Moses said, I am exceedingly afraid and full of trembling;) And so terrible – So overwhelming and fear inspiring. B131

So solemn and impressive was the occasion. R1914:1

Typical of the fearful sights, terrible scenes, in the end of this age. NS299:2

Was the sight – Of even the reflection of God's spiritual glory. B131

A scene whose majesty and glory caused all Israel to fear and tremble. R2035:5; CR3783:3

Moses – All of this was typical--the sealing of the Law Covenant at the hands of the typical Mediator. (Exod. 20:18-22) R5294:3, 4366:5

22 but ye have come to mount Zion; and to the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem; and to myriads of angels, But ye are come – In point of time. R2035:5

You have approached to. (Diaglott) R5294:3

We are coming to--approaching. R5285:6

We have approached--this is that to which we are coming--it is in sight. Some have already reached it. R4823:4

Coming. R181:2*, 167:5*, 155:5*

You are approaching; for more than eighteen centuries the Church has been coming to these glorious consummations. CR39:4; 301:6; R5294:3, 4823:4, 3037:5, 2709:3, 155:5*; NS298:5, 558:2; Q315:2

Addressing the Church and pointing down to the end of this age. R5294:3; NS558:1

Here spiritual Israel is pictured as an army marching and the things at the farther end are seen and to be reached. R4322:4, 2709:3

If this was true of the early Church, how much more is it true of us who are living in the end, the "harvest" of the age? R2035:5

As soon as the last member of the Royal Priesthood shall have come to the mountain, the first resurrection, will bring them together. NS558:3

As the journey to the promised land brought the Israelites to Mt. Sinai and the Law Covenant, so the journey of God's people will ultimately bring all the willing, obedient and faithful to the antitype. R5285:5, 4011:4, 2709:3; NS557:6

In the type one nation was delivered from Egypt and led to Mt. Sinai to receive the Law; in the antitype, all nations are to be delivered from hades, and led to Mt. Zion to receive the Law. R1322:3*

Mankind will find themselves close up to the glorious spiritual Kingdom of God, from which it is designed that the Lord's blessing shall extend through the New Covenant. NS558:3

Not, "Ye are coming." We have come by faith to that glorious epoch or condition referred to, but it is still in the future. R4490:4*, 4571:2*

Mount Sion – The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God. A297; R4513:4, 4212:1*

The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of blessing. R2709:4, 167:5*

The glorious antitype, the Kingdom of Christ. R2035:5; NS298:5

Millennial Kingdom of Christ. R4366:5

This Kingdom is to include the whole earth. R5295:1, 5285:5, 2709:3

The scene of "the glory that excelleth." (2 Cor. 3:10) R1322:3*, 2035:5

The Church in glory and the Kingdom of glory. CR301:5

The Church shall come into her place in the divine plan--then will follow the "time of trouble" typified by the trembling of the mountain of Sinai. R4823:4

Typically represented by the giving of the Law Covenant at Mt. Sinai. OV285:7; R5294:3

Zion, the mountain and city of God. (Diaglott) R155:5*, 167:5*

City – A city represents the government of the nation. R5295:1, 2035:6, 1389:4

God's Kingdom of power and great glory. R2709:4

The city for which Abraham looked afar off. R2035:6

Of the living God – Of which Christ shall be the Head, the city of the Great King of which literal Jerusalem was but an imperfect type. R1389:4

Heavenly Jerusalem – The New Jerusalem. The glorified Church. E90

As the literal Jerusalem was the capital of the typical Kingdom of God, so there will be a New Jerusalem--a higher government--which is to be God's Kingdom to rule over the whole earth. R5295:4, 2035:5, 1389:4, 155:5*

The Sarah Covenant is represented in "the exalted Jerusalem." R1389:4

Innumerable company of angels – "Myriads of messengers in high festival." NS388:2

Not only shall we see our Heavenly Father and Lord, and be ushered into the assembly of the Church of the firstborns, but we shall be ushered into the presence of an innumerable company of angels. R4823:5

Who have encamped round about us. It will be our joy to meet them and to learn which of them specially served us. R4823:5, 5295:4, 4513:5, 159:1; CR38:6; NS388:6

We shall be brought in contact with innumerable hosts of angels. NS558:2

The mutual joys of this acquaintance can be better imagined than described. Gabriel will be there, one of the chiefest of the angels. CR38:5

These ministering spirits, who have had so much to do with the pilgrimage of the Little Flock will indeed exult with them in the blessings then attained to. NS388:3

It is very fitting that they should meet us, and see our introduction to the Father. R5295:4

Full relationship with the host of angels. NS558:3

The companionship of angels. NS560:2

A welcoming host. R2035:6

A new company of brethren--the heavenly host. R2709:4

23 the universal gathering; and to the assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven; and to God, judge of all; and to the spirits of just men made perfect; The general assembly – This is going on now. Q315:2

Beyond the veil. CR38:2; R5804:5*; NS390:4

The general convention. NS388:2

The called-out assembly. NS390:4

The general rendezvous, the meeting place for all. NS298:5

The faithful in Christ Jesus, and the Master himself. NS387:6, 390:4

This will include the true saints of every nation and denomination. CR463:2; OV387:2

We shall find our loved ones who have traveled with us in the narrow way in that first general assembling. R2709:4, 181:2*

The little conventions we are having at the present time are merely small foretastes of the riches of God's grace and the wonderful blessing he has in store at the great convention beyond the veil. CR443:3; 39:6; 37:3; OV285:6

Our conventions beget more a longing for the general assembly of the firstborn ones. What a gala time that will be! NS387:6

And – Of the. R5294:3, 4823:4, 2035:6; NS298:5, 387:6; OV285:3

Of convention of. CR38:2

Church of the firstborn – The Bride of Christ. R5919:6, 5079:2; NS363:4, 379:5, 828:1; Q375:4; SM15:T, 120:1

Consists of two classes; a Little Flock or Priests, and a Great Company of Levites. R4677:6, 5294:3, 5105:2, 5056:1, 5022:3, 4875:3, 4761:1, 4654:1, 4647:5; Q507:1, 315:2, 309:1, 278:4, 110:2, 15:4; CR471:2; 130:2; 101:3

All begotten of the holy Spirit during the Gospel Age, not merely the Little Flock. CR302:1

The antitype of the first-borns of the Israelites. SM558:1; R5870:2, 5641:1, 5273:1, 4998:6, 4677:5, 4537:4, 4128:3, 1786:6; NS634:6, 847:1; PD33/44

Including the Great Company will attain to spirit perfection--second in order, glory and preference. R5166:6; Q315:2

The first-born ones. R2291:6; HG229:3; NS387:6, 390:4

The Church passed-over. R5194:3, 4703:2, 4677:5, 2273:3, 1291:5

It is a matter of life and death whether or not these first-born ones remain in the house of faith--behind the blood of sprinkling. R5870:2, 5641:2, 4128:3, 212:4*

The Little Flock alone is being spared, passed over, during the present age. R5870:2

The first-born of Israel were exchanged for the whole tribe of Levi (Numbers 3:12,41,45): the Levites represent the household of faith, the Church of the first-born. Q435:5, 693:8, 304:2; R5298:6, 5023:1, 4875:3, 4823:2, 4746:1, 4493:5; CR302:1; NS73:6; OV128:3; SM558:1

The Levites were divided into two parts--priestly and servant classes. R4823:2; Q693:8

Everyone now begotten is the first fruit as compared to the world. Q278:4; NS390:5

The Church of Christ. R5870:1, 5640:6, 5063:5, 2657:1; CR243:6; NS388:2; OV284:3; Q755:4

The true Church. OV122:4; R4754:4, 3459:1, 2581:2, 2650:3, 2548:1, 2496:1, 1893:4, 1102:6; NS863:5; SM125:1, 127:1, 555:T

The Body of Christ, whose Head is Jesus. OV284:2; NS374:4, 803:1

All who come into covenant relationship with God before the New Covenant is put into force--all who are to be of the spirit nature. R4823:1 OV123:2

Includes all the "wheat" and has not a "tare" on its roll. R5194:2, 2273:3, 1291:5; NS390:6

All who have joined the Lord are counted as members of the one Body. R5392:3

Those who have made a covenant by sacrifice. SM187:2

Who have made a full consecration, and been begotten of the holy Spirit. R5870:2, 5641:2, 2538:5; SM390:2

All overcomers. R4999:1, 1164:2, 95:5

All those born of the Spirit. R4823:1

Organized at Pentecost following Christ's redemptive work and ascension to the presence of the Father. SM8:1

There was but one Church in the beginning, established by our Lord, and there will be but the one Church in the end, the Church Triumphant in glory. SM120:1; OV187:6; Q755:4

A special class for a special purpose. R5243:5

There is but one Church of Christ; it includes all who are truly his through faith, consecration and obedience. SM742:2, 123:1; NS814:2

There are doubtless saints in every church, in every sect, in every party. These alone constitute the true Church. R5516:6, 5692:1, 4677:5; CR79:6; Q755:4; SM790:1

"First-born" implies others of God's family later born. R5640:6, 5870:1, 5273:1, 4703:3, 3995:6, 3959:6; CR39:6; HG229:3

Entrance into full membership in the Church which is the Body of Christ will be granted only to the "overcomers," after they shall have finished their course and have become participants in the first resurrection. Q756:T

Many of us were truly Christians, accepted of the Lord and members, before we saw the real force and significance of water immersion. R5350:2; SM123:1

The Lord's Church is the only one to which the Greek name ecclesia, Body or Church, is properly applicable. R2429:1; CR38:3; NS388:4

These are passed over or spared in advance of the world. R3749:2, 5641:1, 3750:2, 2291:6, 1182:6

Jesus passed over by his obedience even unto death. Now that enables him to pass us over through his blood applied to us. Q524:6

Catholic signifies general, inclusive. It cannot properly be applied to any Church except "The Church of the firstborns. PD93/108

Through the long period of the Dark Ages no history of the true Church was written, just as no such history or record of her can be written today. SM123:2, 743:T

"A kind of firstfruits unto God of his creatures." (James 1:18) "The firstfruits unto God and the Lamb." (Rev. 14:4) R5870:1, 5640:6, 4703:3, 3995:6, 3959:6; NS390:5; Q278:4

"The church of the living God." (1 Tim. 3:15) R5392:4, 2810:4, 1720:5; Q755:4; SM8:1, 123:T

Not to be confounded with the Church of the first resurrection, which signifies better, superior. R4823:1

Which are – Whose names are. R5392:4, 5243:5, 5137:1, 5063:5, 5003:1, 4903:6, 4887:3, 4754:4, 2650:4, 2581:2, 2273:3, 1893:4, 1689:2, 1291:5; CR114:4; HG315:6; NS72:6, 391:1; 863:5; Q693:8; OV187:6; SM8:1, 120:1, 125:1, 506:T

From the moment Christ imputes the merit of his sacrifice to us. R5959:3

Written in heaven – In the Lamb's book of life. SM8:1, 555:T; R5105:2, 2753:6, 2547:4, 2545:3, 2810:4, 1893:4, 1113:4; Q309:1

Enrolled in heaven. NS387:2

Have come into divine favor and are recognized as a spiritual class. Q693:7; R4875:3

Fruit-bearing branches in the true Vine, living stones in the Temple of God, imbued with the holy Spirit; active members in the Spirit-begotten Body of Christ. R4754:5

Not on an earthly roll of membership. R5615:1, 4903:6, 2810:4, 2753:3, 2657:1, 2547:4, 2496:1, 2429:1, 1309:2; HG315:6; NS391:1; SM8:1

Not an earthly organization, but a heavenly one. SM8:1; R1893:4, 584:3; Q693:7

As probationary members of the Bride of Christ, subject to erasure if unfaithful to their opportunities. C222; R1893:4, 1458:1, 1113:4

If we draw back our names will be blotted our of the heavenly record. NS391:4

And to God – Jehovah. F396; R4513:5

Finally the gala day of all will come when we shall be ushered into the presence of the great King Eternal. CR39:1

Judge of all – The Supreme Judge. F396

The spirits – The lives, the spirit of life. Q15:4; R2035:6

Made perfect in spirit of life. NS558:2

The new natures of justified ones fully perfected in the likeness of their Lord and Head. R2709:5

The ideal of the spirit. A perfect spiritual being ought to have a spiritual body. R236:6*

Just men made perfect – Refers to the Ancient Worthies--they will come forth perfect beings. Q15:4

Neither the Church nor the Great Company will be "men made perfect." It would not be reasonable that he would first mention the "Church of the first-born" (which includes all the spiritual class), and then mention a part of them. The Ancient Worthies were just--they will be perfect flesh when they come up from the tomb. R5294:6

The Ancient Worthies were already righteous in spirit, and now they will be made perfect, by having a better resurrection. (Heb. 11:35) R5295:4

The just men of the previous generation. NS558:2

"We are coming to the perfect men whose spirits are just." R5294:6

The "great company" who will be justified in spirit through destruction of the flesh. R4513:5

The spirits, the new natures of the justified ones fully perfected in the likeness of their Lord and Head. R2709:5

All the perfect ones. NS298:5

First the earthly phase of the Kingdom, and finally the full number of the restitution host. R2035:6

24 and to Jesus, mediator of a new covenant; and to the blood of sprinkling, speaking better than Abel. Jesus – Jesus is the Mediator, but he has accepted the Church as his Bride, his Body, and waits for her arrival. R4322:4, 4371:1, 4366:5, 3916:6

The New Law Covenant will be established as the old Law Covenant was, only on a higher plane and through a greater Mediator and by better sacrifices. R4322:2

The mediator – A term in Scriptural usage always connected with the mediation of a Covenant. R4476:6, 4560:6, 4368:4

Moses, as the Mediator of the Law Covenant, was a type of Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant. R788:4

The Christ. R4683:4, 4367:3, 4366:5, 4011:4; NS559:6

Jesus is not performing his work under that Covenant yet. R4474:4

Soon the "better sacrifices" (Heb. 9:23) will be complete. Then everything will be ready for the inauguration of the New Covenant. R5285:6, 4366:5

We shall in the end of the age, as his Church complete, come to him as his Bride and joint-heirs in carrying out the blessed provisions of the New Covenant for the uplift of Israel and the world. R4477:1

The glorious mediatorial work of The Christ. NS560:2, 363:4

Not of the Church, but the world. R4365:3

His work, during the Millennium will be the instruction, enlightenment and uplifting out of sin and death, and depravity--up to human perfection. R4555:2, 4367:6

Jesus and his Bride will stand as "Mediator between God and men" during the Millennium. R4367:6

The end of the Millennial age will be the end of the mediatorship of Christ. R5300:6

Jesus qualified for this work by suffering, the just for the unjust. (1 Pet. 3:18) R1335:3*

The new covenant – It has not yet been inaugurated; but will be in the end of this Gospel age, and its work will embrace the entire period of the Millennial age. R5300:4, 3915:6

It will be made with the nation of Israel (see Jer. 31:31). Q622:1; R4011:4

It will be sealed as soon as the Church shall have been completed, and passed beyond the veil. R5622:3

If the blood of the New Covenant be participated in by all the faithful members of the Body of Christ, how could the New Covenant itself be sealed until the members of the Body had all participated? R4367:3

A Covenant or arrangement by which the world (not the Church) will receive its blessing during the Millennium. (See also Heb. 8:8,10,13.) R4476:6, 5

The Law Covenant persisted after Moses died. So the New Covenant will continue after Christ shall have finished his work. R5301:1

The world does not enter into New Covenant relationship with God individually, until the end of the Millennium; that arrangement will continue through all eternity. R5300:6

The New Covenant is contrasted with the Law Covenant, and Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant is contrasted with Moses, the Mediator of the Law Covenant. R4309:6; OV286:4

The New Creation is not under the Law Covenant, typified by Hagar; nor the New Covenant, typified by Keturah; but under the original Covenant, the everlasting Covenant, typified by Sarah. R4011:1, 4367:5

Blood of sprinkling – Which cleansed us and presented us faultless before the Father in love. R2709:5

Divine mercy--sprinkling upon our hearts, now. R5641:2,3, 3960:3

Whenever the shedding of blood is referred to, the giving up of life, the death, is the main thought. R3930:2, 1336:2; HG482:2

The time will come for the application of the blood of sprinkling to all people--during the Millennium. R4513:6; E316; NS298:6

When our glorious Head shall have made satisfaction before the Father, the next thing in order will be the sprinkling of all the people with the same blood. NS560:1

The sprinkling of mankind. NS560:2

The antitypical sprinkling of all the people will require the thousand years of Christ's Millennial reign. NS560:1

That speaketh – That makes atonement, satisfaction; that speaks the world's forgiveness and release from bondage of sin and death. NS560:2

Better things – Abel's death called for vengeance, Christ's for mercy. R1614:6, 791:4; NS298:6

Not justice; but forgiveness of sins and a full opportunity for reconciliation with God during the Messianic Kingdom. R5577:6

Not vengeance, but peace, pardon and life. R2035:6, 791:4; F472; NS560:2

Peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation with God. NS558:2

For the world. The Apostle discussed the Church in Heb. 10:19-23 and showed our share in the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus in advance of the world's blessing. NS560:3

Abel – A comparison which seems to imply that Abel was in some degree a type of Christ in that he offered an acceptable sacrifice and was slain therefor. R1614:6

25 See that ye refuse not him that speaks. For if those did not escape who had refused him who uttered the oracles on earth, much more we who turn away from him who does so from heaven: See that ye – The members of the Body of Christ. SM356:1; CR39:5; 379:3

Whoever becomes a new creature hears the voice of God in a special sense. SM362:1

Those who know the Lord's voice and recognize it. R5989:6, 1913:6; CR379:6

Only the Little Flock are to any appreciable extent even seeking to obey in spirit the voice of God--of heavenly Wisdom. R1519:6

Look back to the history of Israel in the past, how they were negligent of the messages God sent them through angels and Moses; how disasters and death came upon them for disobedience and neglect. SM358:1

Not the world, or those being drawn toward God's message. SM356:1, 359:1

Refuse not him – The Great High Priest. CR381:3

Refuse not anything that the Head says to his Church. SM362:2

At any time. R5989:6

The hearing of the Word of the Lord brings with it responsibilities. R3164:5; CR380:6; SM359:2

Hand, see that ye refuse not the Head that directs your course, and speaks and acts through you. CR381:3

If once we hear, see that we reject not. After rejecting once or twice, the story will not seem nearly as wonderful or sweet. CR380:6

Beware of the presumptuous sin of disregarding the remarkable circumstances which now accompany the establishment of the New Covenant through Christ Jesus. R1914:4

He is here contrasting the message of Christ (Heb. 1:2) with the message of the other inferior servants--the prophets. CR378:3

There are some who heed not the warning, and refuse longer to obey. They turn away toward the idols which their wayward hearts have set up instead of God--to human philosophies and science "falsely so called." R5989:6

None shall get everlasting life except as they are obedient to God. NS230:4

That speaketh – That now speaketh. R1913:6

Escaped not – Those who refused to obey and presumptuously disgraced the ceremonies of the occasion at Sinai, met with instant death. R5990:4, 1914:2; CR381:4

They "died without mercy." (Heb. 10:28) SM357:4

Sore punishment came to all in Israel who disobeyed. SM356:1

The penalty suffered by refractory members of natural Israel was but a temporary one; they will be awakened in the Millennial age. SM358:T

Refused – Rebellion of the underpriests. R381:3*

Him that spake – Moses, the typical teacher. R3083:3, 5990:4, 1915:1, 1914:2; CR378:5

The voice which gave Israel the commandments. SM356:1

Shall not we escape – The spiritual Israelites of the Gospel age. SM356:1, 358:T

How can we escape if we disregard the voice of the great Mediator of the New Covenant and the remarkable circumstances which now accompany its establishment. R5990:4, 1914:2

How much sorer punishment--for those who would count the blood of Christ an unholy thing--second death punishment. CR378:5; SM356:1, 357:3

Turn away from sin – Renounce allegiance to Christ. SM358:T

After once recognizing him. R1913:6

There are some who heed not the warning and refuse longer to obey, and turn to idols of human philosophies and science, falsely so called. R1913:6

There can be no place, now or ever, in God's family for one who is wilful and refractory. SM357:3

Him that speaketh – The Mediator of the New Covenant. R5990:4

The Mediator greater than Moses. R1914:2

The harvest message now declared is just as important to this end of the age as was the former part to the beginning of the age--however unpretentious may seem the member of the Body used to declare it. R1715:6; CR383:5

From heaven – In the judgments of this day. R5989:6

In wrath and judgment. R1913:6

God's voice is sounding throughout the earth today, speaking louder than ever before. SM363:2; CR383:2

We need to be taught by the Great Teacher God has appointed to teach us, and if we refuse then we are refusing him that speaketh from heaven; we are refusing the very teacher God appointed, the Lord Jesus. CR381:5; SM362:3

He is our teacher through his Word and promises. R381:5; CR39:6; SM362:3

After you have agreed to be subject to Christ in all things--if you are disobedient to him, you will run the risk of the second death. CR381:4

26 whose voice then shook the earth; but now he has promised, saying, Yet once will *I* shake not only the earth, but also the heaven. Whose voice – God's voice. SM363:2

Then shook – The inauguration of the Law Covenant at Sinai was typical of the introduction of the New Covenant to the world at the opening of the Millennial age, or reign of Christ's Kingdom. A321; NS298:6; SM319:T

The literal shaking and terrible sights associated at the time of the inauguration of the Law Covenant was but a feeble picture of the awful commotion which will prevail in its antitype in the end of this age. CR114:2; SM505:2

The mountain quaking and smoking, and the terrible sights and sounds at Mt. Sinai. R4503:3, 3052:6; SM505:2, 718:T

Those things were figurative of the still more wonderful shakings, signs, etc., to be expected at the closing of this Gospel age, when the Kingdom of God is about to the established and the New Covenant go into effect. HG399:3; NS298:4, 557:5

The antitypes of this must be much more strenuous and will serve to prepare mankind in general for the blessings of the New Covenant under the antitypical Mediator. NS558:4

The earth – Symbol of society. SM363:3; R1914:4, 1805:6, 1305:2

The civil organization of society. R1355:5

The law-abiding classes. R1305:2, 3, 6, 3502:6, 1308:4

Picturing the shaking of society to its very center. OV286:6

The destruction of present social, financial and political affairs. OV336:2; R5286:1, 4011:4; NS558:5

In the time of Jacob's trouble. R302:6*

Promised, saying – In Haggai 2:6, 7. R3052:6, 2521:1, 302:6*; CR114:2; SM505:2

The voice of the Lord shall be heard in rebuke of evil. R2641:1

The voice of truth on every subject. NS95:5

Yet once more – Finally. SM316:1; A322

In the end of this Gospel age; there will never more be a requirement for shaking. R2521:1, 5516:2, 3037:6, 1692:5

This troubled time in the early dawn of the Millennium. R5516:2, 2521:1

Presupposing a former shaking. The former shaking was that typified in the quaking of the earth at the giving of the Law at Sinai; and at various intervals the nation was thoroughly shaken be captivities, etc. R3052:6

I shake – God's voice will shake. SM363:3

Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and removed. SM506:T

In these judgment times. R1899:4

A symbolic shaking signifying the removal of everything that is unstable, transitory, imperfect. R2521:1

The shaking of society by the power of the Lord through his Kingdom, which will be established amongst men in power and great glory, though the glory may be hidden from all except those begotten of the holy Spirit. NS558:4

The whole earth is now in the shaking process which will eventuate in the complete overthrow of all existing institutions, systems and governments. R5990:4, 5516:6, 1704:2; OV339:T

A great time of unprecedented trouble. R1561:6

Prefigured the great time of trouble we are expecting, in which society will be shaken and mankind be prepared for the Mediatorial Kingdom of Christ. R4503:3, 4366:5, 3035:1, 3037:4, 2709:5, 2521:1, 1155:6; D22, D113, D528; NS363:5

Symbolically with earthquakes--revolution, war, which will eventuate in anarchy. SM316:2, 319:2

Engendering fear in men's hearts. R1704:2; D114; OV339:2

Not just one nation; "And I will shake all nations." (Hag. 2:7) R3052:6; OV339:T

The shaking of the nations and overthrow of kingdoms, are to precede Christ's coming as the "desire of all nations." (Hag. 2:7) R59:5*; SM505:1

There is a great shaking or confusion now operating in ecclesiastical circles. SM316:2; R1306-1308, 1305:2; CR383:4

Thoroughly separate the little handful of wheat from the vast quantity of tares. R2704:5, 1308:4, 1305:6

As the systems are shaken it becomes a precursor of the overthrow of kingdoms and all organized society. R712:2

There may be also literal earthquakes and great physical changes, intended to bring the earth into alignment with Millennial blessings. SM318:2, 320:2

"A great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great." (Rev. 16:18) D528; SM319:2

Not the earth only – Society, governments, social order. R5516:6, 2709:5; D55; CR383:4; NS95:5, 563:5; SM316:2, 718:T

Society; the tribes of the earth shall mourn because of him. A318; D600

Social organization or civilization. NS299:1

Socialism has been shaking the political earth for the past thirty years. R5516:6

But also heaven – The powers of spiritual control. A318; R5516:6, 1305:2

The ecclesiastical systems of the present time. SM316:2, 363:3, 717:T; R5516:5, 5286:1, 2709:5, 1914:4, 1899:5, 1805:6, 1355:5, 1308:4, 1305:2; D113, D130; CR383:4; NS95:5, 299:1, 558:5; OV336:2, 286:7

Not the true Church, but the many systems will be shaken. OV286:7

The church nominal. NS563:5

Churchianity will be shaken in all its various sects and parties, because of so many egregious errors, superstitions, falsities and dishonesties. NS558:5

That the true Christians of all denominations may get free from denominational thraldom. R1969:4, 3053:2, 1899:5

The trouble and shaking of the Church, to shake out of profession of faith all who are not really saints, built upon the rock, is because the election of the Church is almost complete. R1308:4

In all denominations their are forebodings of coming trouble. OV286:8

The masses of Christians of all denominations will be shaken in faith, shaken from their self-conceit, superstitions and bigotries. R5516:6, 2898:5, 1899:4, 1355:5, 1305:5

For those falling away from a position they occupied only nominally anyway, the present "shaking" means not eternal torment nor even second death, but an awful experience in this life. R3411:2

The overthrow of the great nominal church systems will precede the overthrown of the present civil powers. R1355:5

"The powers of the heavens shall be shaken." (Matt. 24:29) R1305:4, 754:5*, 748:4, 529:2*; SM320:T

As the powers of the third heaven take possession, the powers of the second are "shaken" until they are destroyed. R529:2*

Not the divine residence and throne. SM316:2

27 But this Yet once, signifies the removing of what is shaken, as being made, that what is not shaken may remain. Word – Statement. A322

Yet once more – Yet once for all. A322

Signifies that this second shaking will be so thorough that no further shaking will ever be necessary. OV286:5; R5917:2, 1692:5

At the coming of the King. R5917:2, 1692:4

Following the typical shaking at Mt. Sinai. R3052:6

Signifieth – Denotes. A322; R1913:4

The removing – To destruction. R5286:1

Utterly, completely, removed. NS95:5

Thoroughly shaken loose, overthrown, destroyed. NS299:1, 558:5

The dissolution of present arrangements. R1814:2

The removal of the nations is not in order that anarchy may prevail, but in order that the Kingdom of God may take their place. R3053:4

This text is applicable to our day. The removal of all things shakable is now in progress. OV336:2; HG680:3

So thorough-going that everything that is in the nature of a temporary makeshift for righteousness, truth, equity, will not be allowed to remain. CR114:4; SM506:T

The shaking of society in a manner and to an extent it was never before shaken. R1692:5

That are shaken – That may be shaken. OV336:1

All things sinful and contrary to the divine will. D630; OV286:5

All the selfish and evil arrangements of the present shall be thoroughly shaken out. R1174:4

Everything false, bogus, inequitable. OV336:4

Everything unsound, untrue, imperfect, unstable. NS95:5, 299:2

Everything that is not fixedly established upon principles of righteousness and truth. NS299:1, 363:6

Everything not authorized and approved by the divine law of love and justice. R558:5

Now, in the opening of the new dispensation, when everything is being shaken, we are to expect that stocks and bonds will be shaken in value until everything like dishonesty and iniquity shall have been shaken out. OV336:4

The great day of settlement has come in which nothing is to remain except that which cannot be shaken, then all human effort will fail and the greatest of all crashes of a financial kind will take place. OV338:5

Present order of society; nominal church systems, financial and political institutions will go down. R5916:2, 5516:1, 4328:2, 4011:4, 1692:5, 748:4; NS558:5; OV336:2, 339:T

Not be allowed to remain. CR114:4; R5286:1; SM506:T

All will go down in the fiery cataclysm of anarchy. R5794:3, 4671:4, 1692:5

Everything which can be shaken down will be. R5916:2

For years Europe has been trembling with occasional violent revolutionary shocks. R5516:2; OV337:6

"I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come. (Haggai 2:7) R5516:5

That are made – Fabricated, false, made up, not the true. A322; OV336:4

Of human construction, imperfect. R712:1

That those things – The true, righteous things, only. A322

Cannot be shaken – Things of truth and righteousness. R5990:4, 5286:1, 1914:5, 1174:4; NS299:3

The verities. NS95:5

That which will fully have the divine approval. R5516:2

Those things which are harmonious with divine standards. OV336:2; NS563:5

God's Kingdom of righteousness. SM319:1, 738:2; R467:4; HG399:3

The Kingdom of God in the hands of The Christ. R5516:2, 4011:4, 2521:1; NS299:3

The Kingdom, which will then be set up, and which cannot be shaken, will remain. R5916:2, 5294:3

Only that which is established. NS363:6

Only the saints will remain unshaken in the strenuous storm. R5516:6, 3817:5, 3037:6

The elect shall not be exempt from those blasts, but shall not be moved by them. R3053:1, 3037:6

"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved." (Psa. 46:5) R3053:1

"He will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend" (Matt. 13:41) R3053:2

May remain – The Kingdom. R2709:6

Messiah's Kingdom may be fully established. R5794:5, 5516:5, 5286:1

Implying that all who are not of the true Church will fall. "A thousand shall fall at thy side." (Psa. 91:7) R3053:2; NS95:6

28 Wherefore let us, receiving a kingdom not to be shaken, have grace, by which let us serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. We receiving – Seeing that we are to receive. A322

Who anticipate thus. D630

The faithful ones, who anticipate receiving. R4671:4, 4011:4; D630

The Gospel Church. SM718:T; NS558:6

The true Church, sifted and separated from all false professors, will constitute the Kingdom of God. NS95:5

The house which is to be willed with the glory of the Lord is not the fleshly house or kingdom of Israel, but the spiritual Kingdom of God--the Gospel Church. R3052:6

It is the Kingdom toward which all of the Lord's people march throughout the Gospel age that will be fully attained amidst all the great shaking and confusion of the day of trouble which is just before us. R2709:6

A kingdom – The Millennial Kingdom. R3037:6; NS363:6

The Kingdom of God. R3053:1, 3114:1, 2709:6

The unmovable Kingdom which must be established before the new heavens and earth is established. R1814:2, 3114:1

Every one called to share in the coming Kingdom must be a lover of righteousness. R5990:4

Cannot be moved – Cannot be shaken. R4011:4; NS363:6

The Kingdom which the Church is to receive will be the only institution which will stand the shaking time. R3037:6; CR114:4; SM506:T

All other things will be shaken and overthrown. SM718:T

Have grace – Hold fast the favor through which we may serve God. A322

Seek to have the graces of the Spirit. NS558:6

Serve God – His faithful are now being tested, as respects their worthiness for so high a station. R5286:4

Our service of righteousness, self-sacrifice. NS214:6

Acceptably – Offer service well pleasing to God. (Revised Version) R5285:1; NS558:6

Reverence – We should regard present events with thoughtful and reverent hearts, and guide our course with the greatest carefulness. R5990:4, 1914:4

Godly fear – Piety. A322

Awe. (Revised Version) R5285:4

29 For also our God is a consuming fire. For – As it is written. A322

Our – The prospective members of the glorified Church, the Kingdom class. NS558:6

Is a consuming fire – To the Church class. NS310:1

"A jealous God." (Deut. 4:24) R1850:2

He will sweep away all errors during the time of trouble. A322

"He cannot look upon sin." (Hab. 1:13) "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Heb. 10:31) F120

Not a literal fire, but figuratively he has provided an abyss of fire and brimstone for all who wilfully, intelligently repudiate his government. NS310:1

His anger will burn against wilful sin to its utter destruction, and if we harbor such sins a portion of his anger will assuredly burn against us proportionately, and we should not be fit for the Kingdom. NS558:6

God's anger burned against Adam when he was wilfully disobedient, and it still burns. NS558:6

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