Daniel Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of distress, such as never was since there was a nation until that time. And at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that is found written in the book. And at that time – And in that time, "the Time of the End" (Dan. 12:4), somewhere between 1799 AD C24, C129; D414; R5696:2

At the time of the great earthquake of Rev. 16:18, 19, divine power will step forward and gather the marshalled hosts to Armageddon. Dxv; SM236:3; OV275:1

Shall Michael – A fitting name for him who is the express image of the Father's person and the representative of his authority and power. B147

"Who as God," one representing God, Christ Jesus, "The captain of our salvation." (Heb. 2:10) B145, B147; C62; D414, D548,; OV269:2; CR139:3; R490:5, R2394:2

The great Messiah, the Archangel, the antitypical Melchizedec, Priest and King. R4715:3, R5031:2, R4735:6, R5050:3; CR141:4; SM236:3

The great antitypical Moses, the great antitypical David. CR137:6

The glorious Messiah, whom the Jews identify with Michael, the Mohammedans also expect and identify with Mohammed of the past; and the Freemasons identify with Hiram Abiff, the great Master Mason. R5031:2, R4715:3; Q422:3, Q425:3

A god-like Messiah, combining the qualities of Moses (the great teacher and lawgiver), of David and Solomon (the great kings), and of Melchizedek (the great priest)--on a bigger scale--antitypical--and as a spirit being and not a human. OV109:1, OV115:3; CR137:6

The superior of Gabriel. R490:4

Not the same Michael as mentioned in Rev. 12:7. R55:3, R306:5

Stand up – Be present. B149

Stepping upon the scene quietly, without outward show, in the same manner as he went away. C130

When the lease of earthly power of Gentile governments terminates in the great time of trouble, Messiah shall stand up and assume control of earth's affairs; and Gentile governments shall cease, for all nations shall serve and obey Messiah. SM478:2

As in Rev. 11:15 and 1 Thes. 4:16, showing Jesus' presence during the time of trouble. B149

Messiah is about to stand up, clothed with divine power, to take to himself his great power and reign. R5805:6

Begin his reign. HG314:3

Begin to exercise his power and dominion. R490:5

With power and authority, to accomplish the grand restitution of all things, offering everlasting life to the dead and dying. C126

To render judgment. R1308:4

To intercept that trouble, and save mankind from self-destruction in anarchy. R2394:2

The new King Immanuel has taken the helm of earth's affairs. R3342:6

Stand forth, at his second advent; assume control; when he "ariseth to shake terribly the whole earth." (Isa. 2:19) B145, B147, B149; C62; D579; SM479:T; OV324:1; R1155:6, R5805:6

The Lord shall manifest to the world his government, his authority, his rule. R3469:5, R490:5, R1385:5

Our Lord will not have the authority in vain. When he shall have the authority he shall use it. One of the first works will be the suppression of evil--the devil and all his institutions. R3469:5

To give the word of command, permitting the match to be struck for the great fire that consumes the "earth," "the elements" and "the course of nature." D548; B147

For the salvation of God's people, for the rectification of error and wrong, for the establishment of right and truth, to bring to the world of mankind the great Kingdom of God. OV269:2

He will be on the side of the masses. OV275:2; SM236:3

The great prince – Archangel. (Jude 7) R152:6; HG80:6

The leader and commander of the people. R2394:2

Jehovah's chief messenger, the Lord of glory. R490:5

As the name Michael indicates, God's representative; the "prince of the covenant." (Dan. 11:22) C126

For the children – He will stand up for Israel; he will stand up for the Church, which is his Body; and he will stand up for all who are in harmony with God, and all who will be in harmony with God. R5050:3

Of thy people – For the deliverance of Israel first and, subsequently, of all the families of the earth--from every vestige of bondage, including eventually the bondage of death. OV102:2

If "thy people" of Dan. 9:24 belongs exclusively to the Jews, it is exceedingly arbitrary to say "thy people" of Dan. 12 has no reference to the Jewish nation. HG66:1

And there shall be – Not the peaceable conversion of the world. B101

Not by Peace Conventions and Peace Treaties. R5554:2

In the close of this Harvest time. R3228:4

Because the wise of the earth do not fully submit themselves to absolute justice and truth, and princes do not turn from the grasping of power to the enlightenment and uplifting of the people. SM696:T; OV102:1

Occasioned in great measure by the growth of infidelity and Spiritism. A239

THE CAUSE – A time of trouble -- The cause: manifestations of divine justice and opposition to sin and all iniquity. The results: the world's realization that they need a Mediator. OV286:3

The beginning of the judgment of the living nations. B145

The trouble and shaking of the Church, to shake out of profession of faith all who are not really saints, is because the election of the Church is almost complete. R1308:4

General infidelity among the masses will pave the way for socialism and, finally, for anarchy--which, as the fire of the great Day of God Almighty, shall sweep all before it into the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known. R1198:4, R1983:1, R4955:5; OV186:4; HG499:4; HG518:4

Not a repetition of history, but a stupendous reversal of history brought on by the new conditions of many running to and fro and knowledge being increased. D414

As the direct result of the blessings and increased enlightenment of our day. R2971:4, R1142:3

As a result of the running to and fro and the increase of knowledge, bringing increased dissatisfactions. R2394:2, R3898:5; R5364:1; A337; HG317:1

The knowledge causes the trouble because of the depravity of the race. A170

The world's greatest blessing--knowledge--is becoming its greatest bane. OV62:T, OV148:T

To be precipitated by the conflict of interests of the aristocracy and the masses. R5448:6, R1690:3, R4795:5, R5516:4, R5112:4, R1776:5, R3107:6; Q769:3, Q849:T; A325, A335; OV321:2

In which no nation can claim God's care and protection. R1561:6

The outcome of human selfishness, providentially delayed until the due time. SM266:1, SM160:1; OV186:4; A332

Describing the binding of Satan and the overthrow of the reign of sin. HG234:1

The Adversary may have had much to do with the movements toward communism, socialism and anarchism which will tend to bring on the time of trouble. R5061:4; Q579:4

The race question will evidently have its part in this mighty conflict. The Adversary is seeking to stir up strife between the Negroes and the whites which can result in no good to either. HG515:5

When the four winds, the fallen angels, will become loose. R5318:4, R5470:4

Evil spirits intruding upon the minds of men. R4311:3, R5318:4, R5470:4

"Watch ... that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things." (Luke 21:36) R1952:4

Accomplished by the Lord allowing present institutions to "run amuck," to overthrow themselves. SM15:1

The storm clouds have been gathering since 1874. R1243:1

A time of anarchy brought on by neglect of the golden rule. R2313:6, R3107:6, R3228:4, R4735:2, R4955:5, R1519:2, R4857:2; OV148:T, OV341:2; SM453:3, SM266:1; B78; PD94/108

Anarchy, born of fear and despair, and not of a love of lawlessness. R2869:4

Rendering satisfaction for wilful sin, the squaring of God's accounts with the world preparatory to handing the Kingdom over to Messiah for the blessing of all. OV346:1; R5240:2

As a satisfaction for wilful sin, for all the righteous blood shed from the time of Abel down to the present. R5240:2

SEVERITY OF THE TIME OF TROUBLE – A revolution--short, sharp, terrible--in which the social earth shall melt and the ecclesiastical heavens pass away with a great commotion. HG639:5

It will be short. But it will last long enough to teach humanity a lesson never to be forgotten--that God and his arrangements must stand first and be obeyed if blessings are sought. OV321:3

The greatest revolution the world has ever seen; not bloodless, at the ballot box, but by a "time of trouble." R1385:5, R1563:6; A307

Nobody wants this trouble, everybody will be injured by it, and yet everybody is rushing toward it--both the aristocracy and the masses, goaded on by fear. R5448:6

The beginning of the purgatorial fire of the Day of the Lord. R1470:3

A parallel of the severe trouble at the end of the Jewish dispensation, but vastly larger. R5469:5, R5240:2, R1702:4, R4891:5, R5019:1; B219; C126; D48; F445

There will be no peaceable conversion of the nations. B101

Variously pictured as a whirlwind, (Jer. 23:19) a fire, (Zeph.3:8) a tempest, (Isa. 29:6) a flood. (Nahum 1:7, 8) R4997:4, R5863:6; HG401:1; Div, D527

"The Day of Vengeance." (Isa. 63:4, Isa. 34:8) D11

In connection with the quakings of society and the overturning of kingdoms, we may expect an increase of wars, pestilences, earthquakes and famines. R879:2

A baptism of fire (trouble), which some mistakenly pray for. F445

Compared with which even the French Revolution will be small. C62

Will consume religious, political and financial institutions. R2971:4, R622:4, R1198:4, R5364:1; SM512:T

"I will shake all nations." (Hag. 2:7) R3053:1

When the winepress of the wrath of God overflows. OV126:3; R4755:6

In which the tare class will be terminated. R3771:4, R4636:4; C146; F445

The present terrible war (1914) is not the great time of trouble in the fullest sense of the word, but merely its forerunner. The great time of trouble will be brought on by anarchy, the general uprising of the people. R5526:3; OV341:2

The great trouble of Rev. 13:15-17 will not be the world's trouble, the anarchy which will cause the "earth" society to melt with fervent heat. R3437:1

We are not to expect the interposition of the Lord's power to stop it until mankind shall have been humbled to the dust and shall call upon the name of the Lord in great trepidation. R5852:5

"Every man's hand against his neighbor." (Zech. 8:10, Zech. 14:13) R5516:4, R5526:3, R2313:6, R1243:1; OV341:2; SM266:1, SM735:T

It will also mean a time of fiery trial to the household of faith, with whom it begins. R5268:5, R4311:3; B361

The perplexity of the people will increase with greater stress-- financial and social. R5697:3

The Kingdom of Messiah will be born in a time of terrible travail, but the glorious results will more than compensate.

RELATIONSHIP TO MESSIAH'S KINGDOM AND REIGN – The outward sign by which the world will know that Messiah has accepted his throne. CR291:4; R5680:6, R5269:2

Showing that Christ has taken his great power and begun his reign. R5523:1; OV321:3

Ushering in the new dispensation. R5092:6, R4149:4; SM411:2, SM160:T

Inaugurating Messiah's Kingdom. R5753:1, R5765:6, R4353:3, R5554:2; HG415:1; SM104:1, R511:3

During which the present ruling powers under Satan shall give place to the Kingdom of God under Christ and his Church. R1377:3

Describing the period of transition from Gentile supremacy to Messiah's Kingdom. R5564:1, R5399:6

The first work of Christ's reign will be the smiting of the earth "with the rod of his mouth" (Isa. 11:4), the truth. R1352:2

Ending the Gospel age and its Harvest, and introducing the Millennial Kingdom. R5053:1, R2564:4, R436:4, R5019:1, R4891:5, R5554:2, R1385:5, R1423:1

WHEN DOES IT START – "The morning cometh, and also the night." (Isa. 21:12) The morning is here, but endor of Millennial brightness. R4149:4

When the last member of the Body of Christ has passed beyond the veil and the "salt of the earth" is gone. (Matt. 5:13) R5173:3; D548

The latter part of the great battle--day which began in AD 1874. R1969:5

Delayed, in part, because of the dispersion and the language barriers introduced at the Tower of Babel. R5161:2

Not yet come, but near, even at the door (1905). R3630:3

This time of trouble will not begin nor end in 1914. It may be beginning now (1905). There may be beginnings now, but these are only leading up to the real trouble. Q71:2

Not expected before 1914 AD. R4671:4, R4699:2, R4857:2; SM162:1; HG417:2; HG676:1; C211

The terrible Armageddon which will follow the present war (1914). SM412:3; Q769:2; R5516:4

We are in the beginning of the time of trouble (1915). R5619:5*, R5680:6, R5864:4

Which has begun. R5864:4, R490:6, R3342:6; OV346:1; HG62:4

The first step in banishing all evil conditions. R1592:4

EFFECTS ON TRUE AND NOMINAL CHURCH AND THE WORLD – Including the tribulations upon Babylon. SM411:2

While there will be trouble in the outside heathen nations also, the trouble will specially affect civilized nominal Christendom--Churchianity. R3771:4

As a part of it, even before its severity, there will be a severe hour of trial and testing on the truly consecrated Church, much as it was in the days of Papacy's triumph. B361

We have not yet had "enough" --there is yet a great and final shaking up of the church and the world to take place. (Heb. 12:26-28) R1155:5, R3052:6

We rejoice not in the trouble, which surely saddens every tender heart, but in how the world will be prepared by it for a grand change of government. R5805:6

Let us not unduly emphasize this feature of the divine plan in presenting matters to our Christian friends of the world; let us emphasize the goodness of God and the blessings in store. R5373:6

RELATED SCRIPTURES – The "dark night" in which the reapers must cease their labors, proving that the final work of the Gospel age is accomplished. (John 9:4) C211

The period of dashing the nations to pieces as a potter's vessel. (Psa. 2:9) SM717:1; OV324:1; HG496:4

Where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matt. 22:13) R4679:5

The "great furnace of fire" (Matt. 13:42) which comes at the close of the Harvest upon the unworthy tare class. C146

The tribulation of Matt. 24:21, but not that of Matt. 24:9,29. R711:3

The "great earthquake" of Rev. 16:18, 19. SM236:2

The "curse" of Elias. (Mal. 4:5, 6) R1538:1, R3120:5; OV324:1

Such – So terrible and so general. D540; R5469:2

As never was – The greatest is at the close of the Gospel age, though the closing features of the Jewish age were typical of it. R711:2, R1743:3

Worldwide and not a local disturbance as were the previous seasons of destruction. Q849:T

Since there is so much that is wrong now, the retribution will be heavy at first. B138

Because men were never before so responsible. E410

So thorough will be the correction, it will never need to be repeated. R1519:4; OV321:3

Anarchy at this time would affect mankind more than at any previous time in history. R5469:2

Accompanied by a ferocity never seen in the past. R5469:3

The shaking, unsettling and incidental trouble. R1305:3

The effect will be so overruled that such a tribulation will never again be possible. HG417:2

"Unless those days should be shortened no flesh would be saved, but for the elects' sake, those days will be shortened." (Matt. 24:21) OV220:7

"No, nor ever shall be." (Matt. 24:21) R3630:3, R5864:4, R622:4, R5564:1, R5916:1; OV186:4; D540

Thy people – The twelve tribes. HG82:4.

Daniel's people, the Jews, and with them all desiring to be God's people. HG457:6; HG81:1; HG82:4

The worthy of the Patriarchal, Jewish, Gospel and Millennial ages. C62

Shall be delivered – Forever freed of enemies. C62

When the time of trouble comes over Christendom, a great many wealthy Hebrews will want a place of safety--and that place will be Palestine. CR141:5

Written in the book – God has an account, a record. CR139:1; R1893:4; Q537:3

God is making a record of those who are true Jews. CR139:1

Clearly refers, not to John the Revelator's book of life, but to Ezekiel's "writing of the house of Israel." (Ezek. 13:9) ; HG66:2; HG82:4

"The Lamb's book of life." (Rev. 21:27) C62; F666

Time of trouble – Armageddon. Diii:1
2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame, to everlasting contempt. Them that sleep – Note that there are two classes-- "thy people" of verse 1 and "them that sleep" of verse 2. HG82:5

Those who have died. SM544:T; CR139:4; R1377:6, R2173:1

Including both the good and the bad. E346; SM544:T; HG228:5

Death is a condition of rest, of quiet, of peaceful unconsciousness. R5059:6, R4794:2; E346

Since there shall be a resurrection, God speaks of the dead as asleep, not extinct. OV333:4; R4588:5

In the dust – Showing where the dead sleep; not in heaven, not in purgatory, not in a hell of torment. R5060:1, R4588:6; SM39:T; OV333:4; PD61/72

In the Bible hell--sheol, hades, the tomb, the state of death. SM39:T; R2173:1, R5133:1

Shall awake – As a result of the exercise of Michael's power. R2173:1

In the resurrection morning. E346; R5133:1, R4775:4; OV139:3

Some – Two small classes will come forth already acquitted, justified to life. R1180:1

Among these will be noble characters--such as Lincoln, Grant, Plato, Socrates, Confucius and many others less notable. R2331:6

To everlasting life – Lasting life in its full perfection. F716

The Church of glory, in the first resurrection. R5893:3; F666

Like Abraham, their trial is in the past. R3399:3

And some – Including Alexander, Nero, Napoleon, the Caesars and the Popes. C62; R4652:4

To shame – Dishonor, from which, however, they may be recovered by the restitution processes then put into operation. F666

Their shame will last until they reform. CR405:6, C350:1; R2833:2, R5390:2

There is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed. R4992:2, R2331:6

A time in which characters will be shown up. OV209:2; R2613:4, R4992:2

The persecutors of God's people will be ashamed when they come forth and realize what they did. R5479:3

Representing those whose trial will take place during the Millennium. R2198:1

Quite probably, restored men will have considerable power of mind-reading and intuitive discernment over the imperfect, occasioning a portion of the shame of the awakened wicked. R1954:3

When every secret thing is brought into judgment (Eccl. 12:14) many a face will blush an R722:6, R2613:4; F716

The details of their past life will be an open book to the whole world. R4652:4

Those remembered as brutal and devilish, such as Caligula, Diocletian, Torquemada, and thousands less notorious may be expected among the last to be resurrected. R1529:5

Progress on the highway of holiness will purge one from the "contempt" of his fellows and correspondingly relieve himself of "shame." F718

Everlasting contempt – From which they will be obliged to purge themselves by obedience to the divine requirements under Messiah's glorious reign of righteousness. R4729:3, R5167:4

Self-contempt, as they begin to realize their mental and physical depravity. R2833:1

Which will last just as long as they are contemptible. R4992:2, R5167:4, R5479:3, R2331:6, R4652:4, R5390:2, R5893:3; CR405:6, CR350:1; PD61/72; F716

Some few, because of wilful, intelligent opposition to God, shall never come up to life. R1180:1

It may take centuries for deeply-dyed characters to purge themselves of this contempt and rise gradually to true nobility and human perfection, or, failing to do so, to die the Second Death. R4609:5

The Hebrew text signifies "lasting," not "everlasting." R5390:2, R5893:3, R4729:3; F716

3 And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse; and they that turn the many to righteousness as the stars, for ever and ever. They that be wise – The Little Flock, the wise virgins. A292; F666; R722:6

Those who so thoroughly believe the testimony of God as to yield themselves fully to his will are wise indeed. R1955:2

Shall – When righteousness is finally established in the earth. R1955:5

Of the firmament – "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun." (Matt. 13:43) A292; C61; F666; R722:6, R1881:6

They that turn many – Of this class were the prophets and other justified faithful ones of past ages; and some others, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Confucius, who enjoyed only the waning light of nature, but were faithful to that little light. R722:6

Stars – The "stars of heaven," heavenly rulers--Christ and his Bride. R4370:2, R1881:6, R2067:4, R3965:3; D594; CR350:1; CR405:6; HG334:3

Ancient Worthies. R1409:5, R1955:5; A291

Celestials. R3965:3

Whose brilliancy and beauty vary. (1 Cor. 15:41, 42) R5951:5,3, R3965:3

They will always be bright ones, men and women of special honor because of their noble efforts to stem the tide of evil when the full force of the tide was against them. R723:1

As the stars for ever and ever – Compare with 1 Cor. 15:41.
4 And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. And seal the book – So state matters that they cannot be understood before the due time. B87

The prophets of old often did not understand their own utterances, but wrote for the Gospel Church. R1148:3, R1418:6, R3646:1

It is (now, in the Time of the End) an "open book"--of unsealed prophecies. (Rev. 10:7) HG79:2

Even to – Had the knowledge come sooner, the trouble would have come sooner. A337

Doubtless it would be impossible to understand many of the deep things pertaining to the Messianic age long in advance of that period. R5055:1

The time of the end – The end of the long reign of sin and death. CR478:1; OV6:3

The closing of this Christian age and the opening of the new dispensation. OV147:4; PD90/105; R4353:3,6

The day of God's preparation. (Nah. 2:3) R1258:4, R2393:2, R2974:2; HG416:3

Which began in 1799 AD. C63; OV147:4; CR477:6; R1258:4, R5565:3, R2973:4

It follows, therefore, that no one could understand the prophecy before 1799 AD. C24

An unanswerable argument, proving that this is God's time to introduce a new order, is the lifting of the veil of ignorance and the gradual letting in of the light of intelligence and invention--just as foretold, when foretold and with the results predicted. A337[A337:1]; B18[B18:2]; Div:2

Many shall run – Then many shall run. A168; C63

To and fro – By means of the "chariots with flaming torches"--automobiles, trolley-cars and railway trains--which "rage in the streets and jostle one another in the broad ways." (Nah. 2:3, 4) Q759:4; OV6:3, OV269:6; R1142:3

The first steamboat was operated in 1807, the first steam locomotive in 1831, the first telegraph in 1844. C63

By which the various nations, peoples and classes are intermingled and waked up to the true situation of matters. R3898:5

Now multitudes run to and fro whose grandfathers probably never traveled 50 miles from their birthplace. PD90/105

For concluding from this prophecy that sometime men would travel 50 miles an hour, Voltaire referred to Sir Isaac Newton as a "poor old dotard." C63; R4825:2; OV61:4

And knowledge – Born of the travel and commingling and printing. R4353:6

The telephone was first introduced in the fall of 1877. Two events took place in the same year which mark the ending of our age--the introduction of the electric telephone and the Berlin Treaty. R480:6*

It does not say "capacity" is to be increased. A168

Promised light of divine providence. R5061:1

Including a knowledge of the teachings of the Great Pyramid. C319

Including a knowledge of God's Word. Nearly all the great Bible Societies were established between 1803 and 1817. C51

Apparently the Adversary is trying to run things in his own direction, but the light itself which we are enjoying today is the promised light of Divine Providence. Q579:2

The policy of Satan now is to devise plausible counterfeits of truth to entrap and mislead those who have been making progress in the knowledge of the divine plan. R1362:6

The light shining more and more unto the perfect day would not be contradictory, but establish and clarify the truths already shown, including the times and seasons. R3437:1

Knowledge is a dangerous thing, except for those who are perfect--and all mankind, through the fall, are imperfect. OV147:6

The recognition of the Abomination of Desolation as such, and in its proper place, is a sign of the increase of knowledge-- and an evidence of the Time of the End. R710:6

Shall be increased – Made general. OV147:5; R1308:4, R2973:4

The remarkable fulfillment of this prophecy marks our day as the Time of the End. OV270:1

By means of printing, railroads, telegraphs, etc., and the intermixture of various peoples and their various ideas. R1142:3, R5061:4

The Lord kept back the art of printing until the proper time. SM160:T

Through compulsory education. OV6:3, OV147:5, OV269:6, OV61:5

The flood of light now illuminating the world is of God. R1245:2

God is now lifting the curtain of darkness and bringing to light labor-saving conveniences preparatory to the great reign of righteousness. HG302:1

It is because God is lifting the veil of ignorance and letting in the light which is of him, and not by human evolution, that present progress is attributable. R1258:4

Today there is opportunity for knowledge such as never before has been known. Div

As the direct result of the mental awakening of man; printing, steam, electricity and applied mechanics being the agencies. D312

The world is awakening because it is morning; the Millennial dawn is breaking. R5363:6, R1362:2

Our great scientists testify that present attainments are as nothing to what is just at hand. PD90/105

The increase of knowledge has been supplemented by governmental arrangements for the distribution of that knowledge amongst the people. R6014:2

Printing has stimulated a greater development of knowledge along every line within the past century than during the preceding 59 centuries. PD90/105

God permits circumstances to favor discoveries in the study of both his Book of Revelation and his Book of Nature. A168

But this knowledge is coming to people who at heart are unprepared for it. R5363:6

A Russian statesman said that education is the basis of all the revolutionary spirit amongst the people. Without some restriction, education is a dangerous thing. To an unregenerate heart it means power in an unregenerate hand-- which is not always safe. R5565:4

Not sooner, so that man could fully appreciate the curse, and because such choicest blessings would produce greater evils if bestowed on those whose hearts are not in accord with the righteous laws of the universe. A168

Therefore the young have, in many departments of knowledge, outstripped their seniors. The wise parent will set an example of childlikeness and be ready to learn from and with his children along the line of their superior advantage. R2074:2

Marking the time for the wise of God's people to understand the Bible. PD77/90

God's Word is abundantly distributed in all civilized lands. R3609:4

The fact that the divine plan and its times and seasons are now discernible is strong proof that we are living in the Time of the End. B19

As a result the "bulls" and "thunders" of Antichrist dare not be of the same character as previously. R3227:5

The increase of knowledge is responsible for the increase of discontent and fear which are bringing Armageddon. Di, D451; R1142:3, R5565:4, R1676:5, R4353:6, R5364:1; OV148:T

Had the current knowledge on all subjects come sooner, it would have brought the time of trouble sooner. A337; OV148:2

Knowledge shall be increased – Source: America: Facts vs. Fiction. Original air date February 4, 2017:
"According to a former CEO of Google, the same amount of data created between the dawn of civilization and 2003 is now created every two days!"

5 And I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood other two, the one on this side, on the bank of the river, and the other on that side, on the bank of the river. Of the river – Of the flood, the flood of truth, "which the dragon cast out of his mouth" (Rev. 12:16) at the time of the French C65

On that side – Showing that, even when the Papal power to persecute had been ended, some would be in doubt as to whether its persecuting and crushing power is really at an end. C68

6 And he said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, How long is it to the end of these wonders? And one said – The conversation is recorded, not for Daniel, but for God's children living during the Time of the End. C64

Upon the waters – Above the waters. C64

Of these wonders – These wonderful perversions of truth, the deceptions of God's children and the nations of the earth by the Papacy. C68

Or, strange things. Not the things of verses 1 to 3, relating to the Kingdom of God, which were strange, but expected; but the intervening troubles during the age. C67

The "time of trouble" and the "resurrection" of the context. (verses 1 to 3) HG87:3

The man clothed in linen – Pastor Russell. See the designation of him in in Eze. 9:2, 11 (he is not just "the man with the writer's inkhorn," but specifically he is "the man clothed in linen with the writer's inkhorn by his side.")

Upon the waters – This connects this "man clothed in linen" with those who have the harps of God in Rev. 15:2.
7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river; and he held up his right hand and his left hand unto the heavens, and swore by him that liveth for ever that it is for a time, times, and a half; and when the scattering of the power of the holy people shall be accomplished, all these things shall be finished. It shall be for – The Time of the End shall be after. C64

Times, and an half – In the Bible a "time" is used in the sense of a year. A symbolic year, as used in prophecy, is reckoned on the basis of a lunar year--12 months of 30 days each, or 360 days--each day representing a year. B89; CR140:2

Three and a half times or years (360 x 3 ½ equals 1260 days; symbolic time --1260 years), the period of Papacy's power, ending in AD 1799. Compare Dan. 7:25 and Rev. 12:14 with Rev. 12:6 and Rev 13:5. C64; B91; R319:1, R2978:1, R5565:2, R389:2*

To scatter – The crushing of the power. C68

The power of the holy people – The truth. C82

The man clothed in linen – Pastor Russell. See Eze. 9:2

Right hand... sware – Compare this with Rev. 10:5,6
8 And I heard, but I understood not. And I said, My lord, what shall be the end of these things? I understood not – "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit." (2 Pet. 1:21) Q787:4

"Not unto themselves, but unto us did they minister." (1 Pet. 1:12) B23

The prophets of old often did not understand their own utterances, but wrote for the Gospel Church. R1418:6, R598:3, R349:6*, R1148:3; B23

Even those who walked very closely with God could only have the light due in their day. R957:2

See comments on Dan. 12:4.

The end of – Later than (or after). C83

9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for these words are closed and sealed till the time of the end. Go thy way, Daniel – It is useless for you to try to comprehend the matter now. C82; HG66:5

For the words – Regarding the entire plan of God, together with the time features of it. B18

The prophecies concerning Present Truth. R1489:1

Closed up and sealed – Their meaning is designedly hidden. E219; R1418:6, R1489:1, R5055:1

The angels, also beloved, could not understand. R218:1

Till – Not forever, but merely till the present time. D605; R598:3, R1579:1; CR213:3

Until such time as God purposes to reveal his secrets, neither learning nor piety can find them out. B18

The mystery of God is to be finished, completed, and the full plan of God is to be revealed in this new dispensation now dawning. R5156:1

Leading us to expect things new, as well as old, to be then revealed. F233

If prophecy was never designed to be understood there could have been no reasonable object in giving it. B19

The time of the end – The period beginning in AD 1799 and ending in 1914, within which time we may expect them to be understood. C24, C149; D414; F233; OV147:4

The due time for the further explanation of his plan to his people. R1178:1, R1579:1; E219

Because we are in the dawning of the new age, we may see the divine character and plan for human salvation much more clearly than did our forefathers. R5137:5

The work of harvest is still progressing, even though at one time we supposed that it would be accomplished by October, 1914. Ci

Not the end of time. CR213:3

The end of this dispensation, of the present order of things. OV269:3, OV6:3; CR478:1

See comments on Dan. 12:4.

10 Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Many – After the 1290 days or years, ending in AD 1829. C83

Shall be purified – Shall separate themselves. C82

A purifying, cleansing, refining work in connection with the understanding of this prophecy. C83

And made white – Make themselves white. C82

And tried – "The trial of your faith, being much more precious than that of gold which perisheth." (1 Pet. 1:7) R1822:3

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you." (1 Pet. 4:12) R1823:1

"He is like a refiner's fire." (Mal. 3:2) R1823:4

But the wicked – Or hypocrites. R5154:4; HG572:5

Perverters and scorners of the truth. R1896:6

Shall do wickedly – Without interference from the Lord. R3304:5

And should not, therefore, be warned of the impending troubles. F592

None of the wicked – Unfaithful to their covenant. C166

The tares of Churchianity; those out of harmony with God. R2691:6; OV268:4

Not the "tares" but only the "wheat," shall now understand. R2691:6

Being too indifferent to heed and search for the truth, and too weak-kneed to stand up for it if they did see it. R3050:4

The knowledge would be so communicated that the ungodly and unpurified would not believe it. C83

The merely formalistic Christian, merely abstaining from work one day of the week and going to church, is not to be expected to recognize his own likeness and to note its deformities and inconsistencies. R2459:2

The world in general, especially the Christian world who, having made a covenant with the Lord, are living contrary thereto. Also the servant who hid the Lord's money in the earth and returned it to him unused. (Luke 21:35) R2390:4

The viciously wicked are not sufficiently interested to find out what we believe or teach. R5248:2

We are not to use prophetic evidence as a club to drive the wicked to shelter. HG398:6

Shall understand – God's plan and way. A168; R1308:4

If they did, it would be injurious to themselves, and would interfere with God's plan. CR159:6; SM13:1

It must be evident to all that prophecies, while clear, forcible and positive, are nevertheless somewhat undercover. R2976:3

Therefore the New Creation does not seek to alarm the world concerning the coming distress. They will not "cast their pearls before swine." (Matt. 7:6) F592

Though realizing that we are living in strange times and under peculiar circumstances, they try to persuade themselves that what we see today is merely a recurrence of what has repeated itself time and again during the past centuries. SM186:2

The general public does not comprehend, calling it "theological hair-splitting." R3481:1

Not comprehended, even though discussed freely in the presence of others. SM6:1

The Lord has so arranged it. R3050:4

The Lord does not honor the worldly-wise with a knowledge of his secrets. R1617:6

They cannot appreciate a God of justice and love. R5303:4

But the wise – Of thy people, wise through faith. SM794:1; B15, B223; C166

In wisdom from on high; heavenly wisdom. R5248:2, R5092:6, R1488:1, R2972:6; B223; OV6:3

Wise toward God. R5970:4, R5039:2, R3015:6, R1308:4

The truly wise. R3947:1, R2765:1, R2491:5, R1567:1; C89

Not according to the wisdom of this world. R5970:4, R2974:2, R1488:1, R350:4*; OV61:6

Taught of God. R3033:5

Counted foolish by the world. SM319:2; R3015:6

The meek and faithful children of God, whose hearts are fully loyal to him. R1147:5, R5545:1, R1598:5

The wheat, the Little Flock. R2691:6, R2938:2; SM319:2

The wise virgins. SM232:1; OV61:6; R1877:5, R5146:4; HG314:3; HG316:4

"Who is wise that he may understand these things? Intelligent that he may know them? For righteous are the ways of the Lord and the just shall walk in them (understand them), but the transgressors shall stumble through them (misapprehend them)." (Hosea 14:9, Leeser) R2491:5

Reasoning on the basis of proven divine revelation. R1567:4

Only those seeking to live in harmony with his will may be expected to have true discernment of the plan of God. R3727:6

The Lord never reasons with any except those who have faith in him and trust his promises. R3947:1

Shall understand – Then, at the end of the 1290 days. C83; D606; R5565:5

The Lord will open the eyes of only those whose hearts are in the right condition. CR435:3; SM6:1; R5061:5

In this glorious dawning of the new era. R5154:4, R5817:3

"It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 13:11) CR159:6

The vision and the prophecy. D606

Matters as they become due. R3947:1, R2976:3, R5146:4; SM186:2

The fact that the antitypical Isaac was not to be only Jesus, but also the Church--a mystery the Jews and Babylon cannot comprehend. R4335:1

Be sealed in the forehead with a mental comprehension of the truth to separate and distinguish the servants of God from the servants and votaries of Babylon. C166

One evidence of faithfulness today would be a knowledge of Present Truth. R2942:4

Our thought is that none could be esteemed "overcomers," victors, while ignorant of our Lord's parousia. R2942:4

Since many of the watchers are not Greek scholars, God has made provision through such valuable helps as "Young's Analytical Concordance" and the "Emphatic Diaglott." R2974:2

If prophecy was never designed to be understood, there could be no reasonable object in giving it. B19; R2765:1, R2972:6

11 And from the time that the continual sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. And from the time – AD 539, when both conditions were true. C83

The daily sacrifice – The continual sacrifice. C83

Shall be taken away – This occurred some years before the setting up of the abomination in AD 539. C83

The abomination – That Wicked One (2 Thes. 2:8); the Man of Sin (2 Thes. 2:18)[2 Thes. 2:3 - site Editor]; the Son of Perdition (2 Thes. 2:3); the Little Horn (Dan. 7:8); the Beast (Rev. 13:1); the Papacy (Matt. 24:15). B271[B271:1], B277; C67, C76

Particularly its doctrine of transubstantiation and the sacrifice of the Mass, supplemented in our day by various theories of self-atonement. C36; D572; F471; R2822:6

Includes not only the mother system, Papacy, but the daughters as well. R711:1

That maketh desolate – Nominal spiritual Israel. D571

Shall be 1290 days – 1290 years, ending 1829 AD, at which time William Miller began to call attention to the time prophecies. C84, C87; R5565:5

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days! Blessed is he – "O the blessedness of him!" indicated by the Hebrew text. C83, C84; R2978:2, R5568:5, R5950:4, R5565:6

The blessing implied in the Lord's parable of Luke 12:35-48. R3355:3

The right understanding of the vision would be deficient in some of its chief elements until the end of the 1335 days. C84

A joy of heart to the watchers who see the beginning of restitution and the second presence of Christ. R2978:2, R5568:5, R5565:6; C84

Indicating very special blessings in addition to those enjoyed at the end of the 1290 days; and this has been actually the case. C84, C88, C197; R2978:3, R5565:6

The blessedness of great enlightenment and appreciation of God's glorious purposes. R5950:4

All of the special blessings that we, as a company of Bible Students, have received during the past 40 years have been the result of the Lord's presence. R5566:1

That waiteth – That is waiting earnestly, watchfully. C83, C127, C197

To the 1335 days – 1335 years, from 539 AD, ending 1874, the time of the second advent of the Lord. C83, C127; R2978:1, R5565:6

Beginning of the Times of Restitution. B187, B196; R2978:2

Beginning of Harvest. R5772:4, R5950:4; C94, C197

A date looked forward to by many Bible students as the possible time for the Church to be complete--although nothing in the Bible so declared. R5772:4

13 But do thou go thy way until the end; and thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. Till the end be – Till the "Harvest," or end of the age, be come. F666

For thou shalt rest – "David is not ascended into the heavens." (Acts 2:34) R1591:5

Stand in thy lot – Arise again for thy portion or reward. C83, C94

At the end – After the end. "The harvest is the end." (Matt. 13:39) C83, C94

Of the days – The 1335 days. C94; R180:6*

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