2 Peter Chapter 1 [RVIC]

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2 Peter (RVIC) Chapter Index   2 Peter 2

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Symeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and the Saviour Jesus Christ: Verses 1-13 give a divine explanation of how the holy Spirit will manifest itself and the qualities, therefore, that are to be looked for in the servants of the Church. R2446:5

An apostle – One of the twelve. R1283:1*

Precious faith – "The faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3) This is not the faith promulgated by the Higher Critics. R2137:1

With us – The apostles. R2136:3

The righteousness – The true foundation upon which we should build--faith that Christ's sacrifice for sin was once for all. R2137:2

God and our Saviour – Our Lord and Savior (Sinaitic manuscript). R2136:3

2 Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; Grace and peace – As we grow in grace, we will grow in peace. R2137:3

The majority of Christians lack a knowledge of the things which are necessary to preserve to them the grace and peace found through their primary faith in the Lord as their Redeemer; and lack a sufficiency of knowledge to multiply these. R2136:6

Be multiplied – If our hearts leaped for joy when we realized the first droppings of grace and peace, how should our songs abound now, with the increasing evidences of divine favor--with this multiplication now experienced. R1531:6

Such should be the experience of all who have obtained like precious faith with him. This increase of blessing should come through an increasing knowledge. R1532:1

Few know anything about the multiplication which the Apostle mentions. R2136:6

You – Those who are already justified through faith in the precious blood of Christ. R2136:3

Through – The Lord's grace comes unto us through the knowledge of God. NS506:4

Knowledge of God – Intimate acquaintance with him, his character and the divine plan, gained through the study of his Word. "This is life eternal; that they might know thee, the only true God." (John 17:3) R2137:3, 2138:5; A346

The source of the Christian's strength. A346

The influence of this knowledge and fellowship with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, reacts upon our own hearts, and has a cleansing and sanctifying effect. R2137:4

The knowledge of the truth is the sanctifying power, the peace-and-joy-imparting power, and the evidence of divine grace and favor. R1532:1

There is to be a progress in the life begun which will continue as long as we are "in this tabernacle." R2136:3

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy Word is truth." (John 17:17) R200:5, 1532:1

3 seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue; Divine – Greek, ho Theios, the Deity. E71

Things that pertain – We shall be able to grace and fill whatever station we occupy in life--if we carefully study and copy godliness. R4809:2, 1114:4

Life and godliness – God and life and godliness (Sinaitic manuscript). R2136:6

Knowledge of him – Gained through the study of his precious Word with reverence and diligence, through the personal application of the principles of that Word in every day life and through prayer and communion with God. R1532:2

It is not only an intellectual knowledge of his great and loving plan: it includes also a personal acquaintance with God, a heart to heart communion and fellowship with him; a common interest and cooperation. R1532:2

Called us – God requires certain conditions of those who will run in the race. R5081:3

Guilty sinners are not invited nor desired in the Kingdom. All repentant believers are called or invited to consecrate themselves to the Lord. R2941:2, 3281:1

To glory – By his own glory (Sinaitic manuscript). R2136:3

"Out of the darkness into his marvelous light." (1 Pet. 2:9) F90

One must manifest to God that he has a strong will and firm determination, and that he has cut off everything in life in order to win the prize. R5081:4

Virtue – Excellence. R2941:2

God requires that none be proud, but that they possess humility. He will have no one in the Kingdom of his elect who is weak, vacillating, so far as his mind is concerned. We must demonstrate our loyalty to God. R5081:3

4 whereby he hath granted unto us his precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust. Are given unto us – The joint-sacrificers. E146; R5596:6, 905:4

The Church. R5596:6, 5371:2, 4218:6, 2138:3; E146, E455

Regenerates; new creatures. OV379:2

The Christ, Head and Body. R4072:1, 297:5

These are not given to inspire thankfulness and consecration, for they are given only to the consecrated to strengthen and nerve us and to enable us to "overcome" in fulfillment of our covenant of consecration. R2723:1; OV290:3

Who enter the harvest work before the door is shut. C212, C220

Jesus never neglected his own spiritual needs; for the development of himself as a new creature was his first obligation--as it is our first consideration. SM638:T

Exceeding great – Heavenly instead of earthly, as made to the Jewish house. B207; R329:6; NS64:6

It is proper for the Lord's people to accept these great things with that simplicity which the Scriptures tell us is best illustrated in a "little child"--"nothing doubting." HG449:1

If our fellowmen are willing to endure great hardships for the trivial rewards that are theirs, what should we be willing to endure who thoroughly believe in the things which God has in reservation for the faithful? NS455:4

Precious promises – Of God's Word. HG446:3; NS587:3; SM342:1

The Word. R1491:1

The words of eternal life spoken by Jesus. R3795:5

Of a share with Jesus in the divine nature and glory, honor and immortality. OV290:4; T65; R5580:4, 2138:1; CR252:5; HG366:6; Q39:T, 140:3

Which relate to the life which now is and also to that which is to come; which sustain and strengthen. R5806:2

These promises working in us to will and to do God's good pleasure--sanctification. Q453:2; R5126:6

Shining out as helps by the way, in letters of light. R2138:5

Incentives to our invitation to sacrifice and self-denial. R2940:6

God has provided these to us to be stimulated, strengthened, developed, thereby becoming more firm for righteousness and in opposition to whatever is sinful. SM342:1

The new creature is made strong by these in proportion as he perceives the significance of them and feeds on them. R5889:3, 4984:1

They are unfolded to us gradually, as we prove faithful and go on. C220; R1112:5

These hopes and promises are so glorious that all earthly things fade into insignificance in comparison with them. NS270:6

There is nothing that compares with them. The more we know of the plan and of the privileges which we may have in it, the more we are enthused. OV425:4

No greater stimulus can be found than these. R4929:4

So many and so precious that it is difficult to know which would rank first--perhaps 1 John 3:2. R2138:5

To whatever extent we are able to grasp the meaning of these wonderful promises, they speak to us of blessings, favors, "exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask or think." (Eph. 3:20) SM532:1

It is when the Lord's servants get a glimpse of these promises that have to do with the coming eternity, that they begin to realize in true measure the love of God shed abroad in their hearts. CR16:1

When trials arise--call to mind these precious promises, remembering they belong to you. R5425:5

They inspire hope and courage, urging us to greater faithfulness. CR215:1; R1698:6; OV290:3

By the use of these we may make our calling and election sure. R4665:6

These are the begetting power that enters into our hearts and that the Lord uses through his holy Spirit to work in us to will and to do his good pleasure. Q39:T

The consecrated Christian has heard these, but not the worldly class. SM388:2

The Lord will not disregard his promises; he will do all that he has said. R5698:5

Our faith must properly grasp these or our hearts will not be moved by the message of God's grace and our prospects of becoming kings and priests in the Kingdom. HG446:3

The Church's share in the Abrahamic Covenant. R3207:3

"Ye brethren, as Isaac was, are children of the promise." (Gal. 4:28) or Sarah covenant. R777:4; E105

That by these – Whereby--by obedience to the call and its requirements. A222; R271:5

The ambitions inspired by these are holy ambitions. E257

By the strength and courage which they infuse. C220; R1112:5, 1859:6

No greater stimulus to true godliness can be found. R2228:6

They were given to us to the intent that they should operate in our minds so as to influence our lives in harmony with the divine will. HG446:6

The strength and encouragement which they would afford us, as they did Jesus, to be "obedient even unto death." (Phil. 2:8) R297:4

These promises working in you, inspiring, inciting you, and showing you the course. CR335:1; R5250:4; Q316:5

Through the operation of these on our minds and hearts, our course of life should be changed from grace to grace, from knowledge to knowledge, and from glory to glory. CR34:5

When the present testing time is ended, all the faithful, those who stand the trial, will be changed from earthly to heavenly nature, and become inestimable value as inheritors of the promises and their reward, the divine nature. NS446:6

The divine nature is imparted by the "precious promises." The going forth of the word of the Lord, must have reference to the great end. R98:6*

We cannot get along without the Bible. CR325:3

Ye – The espoused Church. CR215:1; HG624:1

New creatures. R826:6, 1881:4, 1149:2*, 777:4, 613:4, 456:6, 217:3; E105; F62

Exceptions to all other creatures either in heaven or on earth. R1879:1

Might be – Might be enabled to so run as to obtain the promised prize. C220; R1112:5

We might become. HG284:6; 196:5; 333:6; 358:5; 367:1, 446:6; NS455:3

Gradually attain to partakers of the divine nature. CR335:1

By the operation of the promises in our hearts, sanctifying us to his service. NS520:6

The change of nature in the present life consists of a change of mind and character, in harmony with the new hopes, aims and aspirations. R3621:3, 1567:3

The saints would be lifted up to the perfection of their nature--the divine. R413:2

"To them gave he power to become the sons of God." (John 1:12) R5859:5, 517:5*, 280:6

That thereby we may overcome self and the world. R1007:3

Might be encouraged to faithfulness and so become. R2940:6

Partakers of – The first resurrection. R5263:5, 5199:2, 4799:2, 3132:1, 2982:6, 2051:2, 1642:4, 667:5, 474:5; E105, E396; HG299:5; OV356:3, 384:T

Joint-inheritors with our Lord. HG298:4

A partaker with him of the divine nature. R1495:1, 1112:5, 828:2, 569:3, 603:6*; E105

Partake with our Lord in his new life. R2148:1

In full. R1286:4*, 1149:2*

That we might obtain. HG132:3; NS270:6

By sacrificing restitution blessings. R4498:2, 382:6; A196

What a rich promise is here! How exceedingly great and precious! R2138:1

"That they may be one even as we are one." (John 17:22) R442:3

The divine nature – The grade of spirit body being promised to the overcoming "Bride" or "Body of Christ", the "Royal Priesthood." R1510:3

The highest form of the spirit nature. R2980:5, 5830:1, 2859:6, 823:3; A203; F62; T40, T66; HG366:6; NS455:3, 479:1, 520:6; OV24:4, 373:6; Q502:6

A prominent element of which is immortality, or inherent life. R1879:3, 1642:4, 569:3, 604:1*; E388; HG358:5

Represented by the gold of the Tabernacle. T18; HG752:2

The hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord and share his glory as his joint-heir. R5822:2, 5152:2, 4966:5, 4734:2, 4372:2, 4302:2, 3694:2, 3294:2, 2750:2, 2238:2, 2055:2, 1910:2, 1750:2; OV427:2

To be associated with him as his Bride--heirs of God, and joint-heirs with himself. (Rom. 8:17) R280:6, 5206:4, 4071:3, 3149:2, 2982:6, 2409:4, 2155:1, 2138:1, 1586:2, 1532:4, 1360:4, 1262:3, 1210:6*, 916:5, 828:2, 517:2*, 217:3; CR488:5; NS625:2; OV308:4

"So much better than the angels." (Heb. 1:4) A203; R637:5, 616:2*, 329:5

It was essential that all who were to have this nature should have their trials first, so that there might be no immortal transgressors. F63

It was reasonable that God should first offer this with all its glory, honor and immortality to the Logos, who had always proven faithful. F64, F727

"I will set him on high because he hath known my name." (Psa. 91:14) R3332:5

The high calling. R456:6, 2434:2, 217:3

The call of this Gospel age is to glory, honor, and immortality. R5371:2, 5711:1, 5288:2, 4784:3, 3684:2, 3528:5, 2317:5, 826:6, 569:3, 514:3; F63, F92; HG196:5; 298:4; NS481:3; SM143:1, 361:1, 682:1

A great honor and brightness, far above that of angels and all others except that of the Heavenly Father. R5035:4, 5116:5, 5025:6, 2980:5, 2409:4, 2317:5, 1510:3, 1265:1, 1262:6; A186; E388; CR392:2; HG138:2; 298:5; 358:5; NS338:5, 455:3, 520:6; OV354:1

The Church will cease to be of Adam's race. R5622:2

The saints of the Gospel age are to be changed from the human to the spiritual, divine nature. R4071:3, 5623:5, 4799:2, 3621:3, 2051:2, 1567:2, 1178:3, 1096:6*, 667:6, 613:4, 329:6, 297:5; A196; T19; HG299:5; 315:5; 366:6; 546:1; NS551:6; OV379:2; SM682:1

If we are faithful to our covenant of entire consecration to God, we shall be made like him and see him as he is. R1532:4, 1510:5

The "Holy of Holies" beyond the "veil" represented the condition of the faithful overcomers who will attain to the divine nature. T19, T66

The divine nature was symbolized in the gold of the typical High Priest's glorious garments. R1944:1

This is the class which will receive the preeminence over all other classes, all other stations, in earth or in heaven. R5711:1

Joint-heirship with his Son as Kings and Priests, and Judges of the world. R3486:5

Sons of God on the spirit plane. SM474:1; E69

Our immortality is a hope and not an actuality. SM253:1

We are begotten of the holy Spirit of God with a view to becoming partakers of the divine nature. R4665:2, 145:4*; NS101:6; Q508:4

This promotion can be received from no other quarter than God himself, on his own terms. R5711:1, 1515:5, 1510:5

This was not purchased by our Lord Jesus, hence he is not the father or giver of it. R1515:5

Raised to the perfection of the divine nature in the first resurrection, the chief resurrection. SM46:3; R1442:1, 1437:1; NS535:6, 551:6

This description excludes the Great Company, and applies merely to the Little Flock. R5166:5; Q316:5

Instead of laboring for some petty office of an earthly kind, in accepting the captaincy of the Lord Jesus they have become heirs with him in his glory, honor and immortality. CR16:2; OV308:3

Invisible, spirit beings. "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 15:50) R5199:5, 5263:5

The saints are to be made like unto Christ's glorious body, who is now "the express image of the Father," (Heb. 1:3) "the King immortal, invisipproach unto, whom no man hath seen nor can see." (1 Tim. 6:16) R4071:3, 667:6

Jehovah is the life-giver or Father of men, of angels, and of the new creatures of which Jesus is the head. Here are three natures--human, angelic, and divine. To all of these, Jehovah is Father, yet only one of them is of his own divine nature. R354:4, 816:5, 777:4

Since his resurrection Jesus is a god, greater than ever before; the church are called to the obtaining of the glory of their Lord, members of his glorious body. R5748:6

God has set before us the grandest reward imaginable for the doing of that which is merely our duty and reasonable service--which would bring us the largest measure of joy and peace, aside from a future reward. R4828:6, 2480:1

Each nature will be so thoroughly in accord with its own conditions and environments and perfection that each will have satisfaction in his own state. F63

We are called and begotten to the divine nature. After the begetting, no one can tell for a while whether he is one that will attain to the divine nature or not--be of the Great Company or Little Flock. Q39:T, 508:4

The door to this divine nature is the one that will soon shut, as our Redeemer illustrated in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. NS803:6

The nature of ho theios, the God. E71; Q770:T

But not equal with God. R802:6

The only text to state the matter in just these words. R5580:4

Having escaped – We are free. R4840:3

"We are saved by hope." (Rom. 8:24) A140

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Rom. 8:1) R1286:3, 4998:3

"If after they have escaped the pollutions of the world they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning." (2 Pet. 2:20) E410

Unbelievers have not escaped. R4546:2, 4998:3

The corruption – The condemnation that is on the world. R1286:3; NS6:3, 32:3, 246:5; SM665:1

We are no longer dying because of the divine "curse" or "wrath" but in view of our justification and subsequent presentation as living sacrifices, our death is reckoned as a part of Christ's sacrifice. E410

Only a few who have been blessed with hearing ears and understanding hearts are redeemed from the curse or sentence of eternal death. NS6:3, 32:3

Is in the world – Is still in the world. R5596:6, 4840:3; A140

The great mass of mankind outside the household of faith are still under the original sentence--eternal death. 32:3, 246:6

Lust – Worldly desires and ambitions. R1532:4, 2154:2

Desire, selfishness. HG446:6

The desires of the flesh. R2155:1

Our word lust has changed its meaning a great deal. In the Greek it has a much wider meaning. In the original, it means any earthly desires, for instance, the lust for power. Q451:5

5 Yes, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge; Beside this – Building upon this sure foundation the gold, silver and precious stones of the Word of God. R5822:1, 5152:1, 4734:1, 4372:1, 4302:1, 3694:1, 3294:1, 2750:1, 2238:1, 2055:1, 1910:1, 1750:1; A321

Such as have this hope. HG446:6

Giving all diligence – In view of the warfare before us, of the subtlety of our temptations and of the weakness of the flesh, the faithful Apostle urges all diligence in the cultivation of the Christian graces and remembrance of the precious truths. R3089:6, 1627:5*

"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." (Phil. 2:12) R2155:6

Add – While all of these virtues are imperative requirements of those who would be esteemed of God as faithful, they are only of value as they are added to, or built upon a foundation of faith. R2154:5

Cultivating Christian character cannot be done in a day; but it must be a gradual, daily, life-work; a process of addition, adding virtue to virtue, grace to grace, day by day and hour by hour. R4808:3, 5208:5, 3587:5, 3090:3, 1628:2*, 1114:5, 374:5; HG447:3

We do this repeatedly in respect to all the graces, which keep growing, developing in us and rounding out and deepening and broadening us as spiritual new creatures. R3587:5

Faith in a personal righteous God must steadily cultivate those elements of character which are always pleasing and acceptable to him and which are most essential to our final overcoming. R1859:6

To your faith – The foundation. R5757:2, 2154:5, 1576:6, 471:1*, 136:6*

The primary qualification. R5460:1

The basis of character. R471:4*

Your "precious faith" as described in verse 1. R2154:5

In the exceeding great and precious promises. R1859:6

Your abiding confidence in the divine plan of salvation, which centers in the redemption accomplished through the precious blood of Christ. R2154:5, 4808:5, 1114:6

A "thus saith the Lord" should be the end of all controversy, the solution of all doubts and a restful assurance in every perplexity. R4808:5, 1114:3

No righteousness of our own without this foundation of faith can avail anything to commend us to God. All our works of righteousness must be built upon this faith. R2154:5

Our judgment will be according to our faith because while in the flesh we shall never be able to perform works such as God could approve. R5460:1

Not faith in every thing or every person, but faith in God--in his plan of redemption through the vicarious, or substitutionary sacrifice of Christ, and all his rich promises built upon that sure foundation. R4808:5, 1576:6, 1114:3

Built upon this foundation are the minor doctrines and those principles which must be worked out in the life. R1576:6

Faith of itself is very good as a start, but God requires more than this. HG447:1

Faith is a good thing; but faith without virtuous works is dead; and to hold the truth in unrighteousness is worse than never to have received it. R3089:6, 3090:3, 1627:5*

Faith is fundamental, and these graces are as the house of wisdom built upon it. (Prov. 9:1) R136:6*

As human wants are expressed in seven petitions, so Christian character is comprehended in seven graces added to faith. R136:6*

Virtue – Fortitude. R5757:2, 5678:2, 5460:1, 5206:6, 4808:3,4, 3168:5, 3163:6, 3089:2, 2219:6, 2155:1, 2154:5, 2037:2, 90:2; E238; HG446:6; NS746:5; OV401:4

Strength of character in righteousness. R4808:5, 2155:1

Courage. R471:4*

It implies much more than merely abstaining from evil; but living truthfully, that is, true to his covenant, which to willfully violate would be equivalent to swearing falsely. R4808:5, 1114:3

It implies the cultivation of the strictest integrity in our dealings, both with God and with our fellowmen; scrupulous honesty, justice and truth being the only standards. R4808:5, 2155:1

True excellence of character, such as will mark you as separate from the world and its spirit. R3089:6, 1627:5*

The Psalmist clearly defines this in Psa. 15:2-5. R4808:5

Add sterling honesty, truth and fair dealing in all business relations; moral integrity, in all social relations; manifestly clean hands and a pure heart, and a bridled tongue that works no ill to a neighbor. R3089:6, 1627:4*

Our faith should be of a strong kind giving us fortitude for all of life's affairs; for all of our covenants with the Lord; for a faithful endurance of opposition, contradiction, etc. HG447:1

The Apostle implies that if we hold to our faith against the attacks of the enemy it will develop fortitude, an added grace of character. R2037:2

Virtue leads not only to passive, but also to active, goodness--in benevolent charity which seeks to alleviate suffering, to sympathize with sorrow, to comfort those in distress and to elevate and bless others. R3090:1, 4808:5, 1627:3*

Knowledge – Greek, gnosis. R2037:4

Knowledge of God and his righteous will concerning us as revealed in his Word. R2155:2, 4808:6, 1115:3; HG447:2

Knowledge of God's character, that we may the more thoroughly imitate it; and of his truth, that we may more fully conform to its teachings. R3090:1, 1627:6*; HG447:2

If faith be held firmly, and fortitude of character result, this, under the Spirit's guidance, will bring the faithful one to deeper and wider expanses of knowledge. R2037:2

Give all diligence to the study of the divine oracles--neglect of this divinely appointed means of knowledge is equivalent to setting up our own imperfect standard of righteousness and ignoring the divine standard. R2155:2, 4808:6, 1114:3

Knowledge is valuable to the sanctifying of the spirit only when we comply with the conditions that we shall mortify the self-will of the flesh and cultivate more and more of the Spirit of our Lord. R5570:1

"This is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) HG447:2

Not our earliest knowledge when we came to the Lord; nor worldly knowledge. HG447:2

6 and in your knowledge self-control; and in your self-control patience; and in your patience godliness; Temperance – Self-control. R4808:3,4, 5678:2, 3168:5, 3089:2, 2560:1, 2219:6, 2210:6, 2155:2, 2037:2, 1627:6*, 90:2; E238; OV401:4

Temperateness. R1114:5

The knowledge we gain of God through his Word should lead us to greater moderation--in thought, word and action; on business, pleasure, food and raiment. HG447:3

Be moderate--exercising self-control in all things--in eating, drinking, home arrangements, conduct, thoughts, words and deeds. R4808:6, 1114:3

Moderation, self-restraint in all things--we are not to be hasty and hot-tempered, or rash and thoughtless, but evenly balanced, thoughtful and considerate. R5757:2, 5678:2, 3163:6, 3090:1, 1628:1*

It has to do with all our sentiments, thoughts, tastes, appetites, labors, pleasures, sorrows and hopes--and accompanied by faith, fortitude, knowledge from on high, implies increased zeal and activity in divine things, and increased moderation in earthly things. R4809:1, 2155:2

And its accompanying spirit of kindness, and gentleness everywhere, in the shop, store, schoolroom, in traveling, in visiting, at home, with the various members of the family--and above all, in the church. R2355:6

One of the most important elements of good character. R4808:6

We should be examples of wisdom and moderation to all; and extremists only along the same lines that Jesus and the apostles were counted extremists. HG447:4

"And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself" (1 John 3:3) controls himself, purges o R2037:2

"He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." (Prov. 16:32) R2155:2, 4808:6

"Let your moderation be known unto all men." (Phil. 4:5) R3090:1, 4809:1, 1627:6*, 1114:3; HG447:4

Patience – "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:4) R3090:1, 1628:1*, 1114:4; HG447:5

This grace smooths the way for every other, because all must be acquired under the process of patient and continuous self-discipline. Not a step of progress can be gained without it's exercise--not one of the graces more beautifully adorns the Christian character, or wins the approval of the world's conscience, or glorifies the God of all grace whose truth inspires it. R3090:1, 1628:1*

It is long-suffering meekness earnestly striving to stem the tide of human imperfection and weakness, and endeavoring with painstaking care to regain the divine likeness--it is slow to wrath and plenteous in mercy--it is quick to perceive the paths of truth and righteousness, and prompt to walk in them. R3090:2, 1628:1*

It is mindful of its own imperfections and sympathetic with the imperfections and shortcomings of others. R3090:2, 2037:3, 1628:1*

With the poor, blinded world, with the babes in Christ, with the slow, the stupid, the excitable, the blundering, the over-confident Peters and the skeptical Thomases. R2155:4

Time is a very necessary element in the process of perfecting every good thing. The fruit hastily plucked is unripe, hard, sour, bitter fruit. R2155:2

Let patience have its perfect work in cultivating character, however severely the plow and harrow may break up the sub-soil of the heart, meekly submitting to the discipline in every case. R4809:1, 2155:3, 1114:4

The Greek word from which patience is here translated means cheerful endurance. R4809:1

But to have patience or fellowship with the "unfruitful works of darkness" and sin, is the perversion of this grace. R2155:4

7 and in your godliness brotherly kindness; and in your brotherly kindness love. Godliness – God-likeness, hearty, cheerful, loving conformity to his will. R2155:5, 4809:2, 3163:6, 1114:4, 385:5*

General goodness, benevolence, benignity toward all. HG447:5

Piety. R2037:3, 2220:1, 2210:6, 2155:4; E238

Devout, controlling reverence for God, which yields a hearty, cheerful conformity to his will--fervency of spirit in serving the Lord. R2155:4

A condition in which the love of God is shed in the heart, influencing all the thoughts and words and deeds. R2037:3

A careful study and imitation of the divine character as presented in the divine Word. R3090:2, 4809:1, 1628:1*, 1114:4

This is a later development and vital element in the Christian character. It springs spontaneously from appreciative and grateful hearts, whose delight is in the law of the Lord; in meditation, prayer and praise. R2155:4

Brotherly kindness – Greek, phileo, duty love, a love which has a cause or demand upon it. R2807:4

The Greek word Philadelphia signifies brotherly love. R3949:4; Q449:1

In the natural family relationship, and also in the spiritual family, the Church. HG447:5

We may not love our brethren's peculiarities, their features, but we love them as brethren, whether black or white, bond or free, because they are brethren, comrades in the same race. Q449:1

To make due allowance for inherited weaknesses and circumstantial misfortunes of others --to deal patiently and helpfully so far as wisdom may dictate, with a view to the correction of those faults, even at the expense of self-interest, if necessary and prudent. R4809:2, 1114:5

Accept a brother's proffered aid and meekly bear reproof, determining to overcome deformities of character, and prove a help rather than a hindrance to others; no longer fostering old dispositions. R4809:2, 1114:5

An exercise and manifestation of the principles of the divine character toward our fellow-men. R3090:2, 1628:2*

A love for all who are brethren and yoke fellows in the cause of righteousness and truth, the cause of God. R2037:3

Instead of disdaining those who are ignoble, instead of putting them away, treat them kindly. CR448:2

This of necessity grows out of godliness. As god-likeness presupposes the other graces mentioned, so its development implies an enlargement of our hearts to all who are of the household of faith. R2155:5

Charity – Love. R5693:1, 5208:5, 4808:4, 3168:5, 3090:2, 3089:3, 2560:4, 2220:1, 2210:6, 2155:5, 2037:3, 1628:2*, 1576:6, 1114:2, 90:2; E238; HG450:1; OV401:4

Greek, agape, the higher grade of disinterested love. R2807:4

The broader, more comprehensive, or divine love, the disinterested love. R3949:4; Q449:1

Love as a general expression covers all the elements of character which are really parts of love. F186

While all the foregoing are elements of love, we super-add love itself in the fullest sense toward the Lord, the brethren, humanity, the brute creation and our enemies. HG447:5

We might divide the race-course into four quarters: duty-love; love for the Lord because we see something of the glorious majesty of his character; love for the brethren; perfect love--for all, even our enemies. F187-189

As we get agape love it means that we love all. Q449:1

We must reach this climax of love before we can be counted worthy of a place in the new creation. F190

Love for God and for the brethren; love deep and pure and true; which thinketh no evil and doth not puff itself up; is not easily offended; rejoiceth always in the truth and never in iniquity; the climax of Christian attainment in the present life, the grace of all graces, which never fades, and which will be perfected when we receive the new resurrection body. R2037:3, 2155:5

Love unfeigned for the unrighteous and unlovely, as well as for the good and beautiful. R4809:3, 1114:5

A love which is ever ready to manifest itself in wise and helpful activity for saint and sinner; and which pities, helps, comforts, cheers and blesses all within its reach--manifesting and cultivating the disposition which must be found in every member of the Christ company. R4809:3, 1114:5

A broad, generous love, taking in the whole world, even our enemies. R5678:2, 5757:2, 5460:1

A process of addition leading up to the sum of all graces. R5757:1

We do not attain to the perfection of love at the beginning of our course, but it is the mark or standard which indicates the end of the course. F186

The bond of perfectness which unites all the other graces, and as a name stands for them all. R2155:5

Love is last, and greatest. R78:5, 50:5*

The chief of all graces. R2037:3

Acts of kindness will gradually lead to an attitude of love, even where the subject does not seem to deserve it. R3090:2, 1628:2*

Love is an experience, and includes in it an earnest desire for the well-being of the object loved. R78:5

Love excels all the other virtues, because it is the most enduring. R4732:4

Charity or love is the crowning excellency of Christianity, and is necessary to fit for the great salvation. R78:5

True love on our part will manifest itself in obedience--disobedience is an evidence of the loss of love as viewed from the Lord's standpoint. R2466:5

8 For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful unto the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. These things – The fruits of the spirit. R5760:5, 5692:6, 4078:3; F186; NS350:5, 376:6; OV401:4

All these fruits. R523:6

The graces of the spirit. E238; SM515:1

The things previously specified in verses 5-7. F185

The eight elements which must go toward making up the Christian character. R4808:4, 1114:5

The knowledge fruit cannot be obtained independent of the other fruits. R523:6

In you – The Lord's people, begotten of the Spirit. R2487:4

The epistle of Christ written in our hearts. R5968:4, 4809:6, 1115:4; Q235:5

The Apostle is urging the development of the fruits of the holy Spirit in the heart, and so far as possible in the life--in the words, the deeds, the thoughts. R5677:1, 5899:3

Lacking these, though we have the knowledge, we will be both barren and unfruitful. R137:4*

And abound – Abounding in good measure. R5760:5, 5206:6

If you have them in some measure, keep on cultivating them, so that they abound more and more and rule in you. R4809:4, 5570:1, 1114:6; F169; SM515:1

As they more and more abound, they will incite us to cultivate fruitfulness. R2210:6

If the fruits reach the abounding condition or degree. Q52:5

Let the Word and grace of God dwell in us richly. R2508:5

It is the abounding of these graces of character added to our faith in Christ as our Redeemer and Savior that insures the soul against the possibility of falling. R2155:5

If the Spirit of the Lord abound in us it will influence our business, our pleasure, our homes, our workshops, our kitchens, our dining rooms, our bed chambers, our very thoughts. R4929:5

It is the abounding love, the all-pervading influence of our Lord, in all of life's affairs of those who as the Bride class would have the abundant entrance into Messiah's Kingdom, that is required. R4929:6, 2487:4

May it be possible to have a measure of the Lord's spirit with very little abounding, and hence have merely an enjoyment of some spiritual things, on special occasions at church, etc.? R4929:6

They make you – Will demonstrate. NS376:6

Because Pastor Russell devoted himself to the development of the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit, the promise of the Lord was fulfilled in him. R5997:5*; OV443:2*

Neither be barren – Idle, inactive. Q235:5; R5968:4, 5678:2, 5208:5, 4809:4, 2220:1; F76, F185

A man cannot be fruitful in the graces and barren in the knowledge of the Lord. R523:3

Unfruitful – In proportion as we find the fruits of the spirit, we expect to find the Spirit which produces those fruits. All possessing this Spirit will be able to grow both in grace and knowledge. R523:3; NS350:5

We must not expect to see the fruit of our labor to any extent now. R1046:2

The contrary effects of the spirit of the world upon those who profess to be children of God--the result of a neglect to study and assimilate the Word. R5678:2

In the knowledge – Personal intimacy, acquaintance. R2220:1

Acquaintance with the Lord and participation in his spirit. NS376:6

"The spirit of truth will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13) E239; R385:5*

Closer fellowship with the Father and the Lord Jesus, so that the Lord will be able and willing to communicate to us more clearly a knowledge of his gracious plans and character. E238

A close, intimate acquaintance and communion with him--in which he will reveal himself to us by showing us "things to come." R523:6, 374:5

Good works and knowledge are so closely related that it is useless to think of separating them; they are produced by the same Spirit. R523:3

Our growth in love and in all the fruits of the spirit is dependent largely upon our growth in knowledge; and our growth in knowledge of divine things is dependent also upon our growth in the fruits of the spirit. E239; NS376:6

You cannot grow in love faster than you grow in knowledge; and you cannot grow in favor, except by complying with God's instructions. This instruction, this knowledge, is found in his Word. R374:5

Knowledge, as a fruit of the spirit, could never heretofore reach the same size which it now may and should attain. God expects the size of this fruit to be proportionate with its opportunities and possibilities. R524:1

A summary of what Pastor Russell clearly taught and proved by the citations of Scripture authority. R5997:5*; OV443:3*

Of our Lord – And in his service. R2508:5; SM515:1

For knowledge will have its place. R5968:4; Q235:5

9 For he in whom these things are not present is blind, seeing only what is near, having forgotten the cleansing from his old sins. He that lacketh – He who does not appreciate the necessity of this. Q52:5

If a spirit begotten new creature fails to see the privilege of cultivating the Master's spirit--the spirit of holiness--it is because he is not making progress. Q52:5

Is blind – Like a new-born child that has not learned to focus its eyes. Q52:6

In promoting the military spirit, Christendom does not see that the spirit they are cultivating is the very reverse of the Spirit of Christ, who is called the "Prince of Peace." R1757:4

The great majority of the race accept divine blessings daily with but little appreciation, with but little thankfulness. NS461:2

It is only those who have the eye of faith, whose eyes of understanding have been opened, who can appreciate the divine glories and benefits at the present time. NS461:2

Cannot see afar off – Unable to see the deep things of God. R5640:2

Looks merely at the things of this present life, and will be unprepared for the graduation examinations prior to the inauguration of the new dispensation--now at hand. R5206:6

Cannot grasp or appreciate the things future in the unfolding of our Father's plan. R523:6

He cannot see them as an inspiring and impelling power, though he may know of them theoretically, and hold the truth even in unrighteousness. (Rom. 1:18) R2087:6*

"Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty; they shall behold the land that is very far off." (Isa. 33:17) R2088:4*

Hath forgotten – Christendom has almost forgotten. R1757:4

It is no uncommon thing to hear in church meetings of all denominations men and women tell God that they know themselves to be "miserable sinners." They ask forgiveness of those sins which are forgiven. R199:5

There is a danger of forgetting and falling into the idea that every one must suffer the full penalty for his own sins. The effect of forgetting this is the neglect of the Christian graces. R137:4*

From his old sins – The word "sin" has merely the thought of transgression; and many of our transgressions are wholly without iniquitous intention. R2295:1

The word "iniquity" carries with it the sense of wickedness. R2295:1

Should any return to sin, "as a sow to her wallowing in the mire," (2 Pet. 2:22), he removes the covering R2295:1

10 Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never stumble: Wherefore the rather – As though Peter said on this account you must criticize yourselves very closely to see that you are developing the real fruits of the spirit, which will have prominently among them an increasing knowledge of our Lord. R523:6

Brethren – God's elect. R3587:5

Peter exhorts the heirs of the Kingdom to patience, perseverance, virtue and faith. A284

Give diligence – Give the more earnest heed. R2220:4

To the cultivation of these graces. R2330:2; F691; HG401:4

By adding these graces. R137:4*

Be watchful and take necessary precautions to prevent blight and decay of character and to guard against the intrusion of evil powers and influences calculated to sap the life of the new creature. R4809:4

While God has supplied every necessary aid, he has left the matter in such a way as to make our earnest desire for the promised blessings a condition of our not falling. R1458:6

The Lord's plan is to call and elect during the Gospel age a Little Flock of overcomers of the world, faithful unto death, as a Royal Priesthood, to share with the Lord Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom. R3586:3, 3587:5, 1574:1; HG615:4; NS263:5

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." (Matt. 6:33) R2479:5

To make your calling – We were called to be joint-heirs with our Lord. R5460:2, 3585:2

To a change of nature from human to divine, and a place in the Kingdom class. R4794:6, 4594:4; HG359:6

To "glory and honor and immortality." (Rom. 2:7) R3913:5; HG358:5

God has predetermined a new creation, invited some to develop the character, arranged so that some may be able to meet the conditions: it is for us to accept the call by making a complete consecration and to zealously strive for the requirements. F185

The terms of the Gospel are necessarily those of a call or invitation; leaving the matter of acceptance open and optional with the invited ones. R2940:3

This "high calling" to joint-heirship with our Lord in the Kingdom is a very special call; it will soon end and never be repeated. R4979:1, 2622:4, 3585:2

God has called us with this high calling, and from the time we accept the call and make requisite full consecration, he gives us the earnest of our inheritance, viz., the spirit of sonship. R3586:5

Only those nominated have the remotest opportunity of becoming the elect; first through faith--"faith cometh by hearing," (Rom. 10:17) bringing justification frrifice. R3586:3

Let us not only assure ourselves of the fact that there is an elect class being selected, but let us note the lessons enjoined upon the called ones--the instructions to make their calling and election sure. R3586:3

How highly we, who belong to the Gospel dispensation, should value its privileges and opportunities, seeking to make our calling and election sure. R4979:1

Applying only to those who come under the conditions of justification, and subsequent full sanctification through a belief of the truth. R2941:4

Sinners are called to repentance; only justified believers are called to the heavenly calling--only such called ones as accept the call by making a full consecration belong to the "chosen" class--the Bride class will be those who were not only called but also chosen, and also found faithful. R4078:2, 5377:5, 3586:2

We who are being called from the Gentiles are invited to fill up the deficiency in the elect number of Israel; and will be divided among the twelve tribes, though the Scriptures do not show according to what rule. R3586:4

"I beseech you, brethren (justified through faith and called), that ye present your bodies living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God and your reasonable service." (Rom. 12:1) Such as have responded in NS372:1

The Lord chooses such characters and such characters choose the Lord, and in choosing him seek to walk in his footsteps and follow the directions of his Word. NS264:2

Nothing connected with the call is compulsory. Many have been called in comparison with the few that will be chosen. R4138:6, 4078:2, 3586:3, 2415:1; NS372:1, 654:1

While the harvest work was commencing and in progress, the "call" to the divine nature continued to go forth. Up to October 1881 any believer in the ransom who presented himself a sacrifice to God was acceptable. R682:2; C219

The majority of professing Protestant Christians do not know that there is an election. Some regard God's call or nomination as being the election itself, and are confused by this text. R3585:6

And – It is not sufficient that we should be chosen and accepted of the Lord to a membership in the elect Church--we must stand testing to prove our worthiness of that position. NS372:2

It is not sufficient that we consecrate, that we be sure that we have made a consecration--it is required of us that we demonstrate character, loyalty and faithfulness to that vow. NS372:2

Election – To the chief favor of God. R4809:5, 1115:1

To the heavenly Kingdom. R3585:4, 2479:5, 874:1; SM17:1

Of attaining to joint-heirship with the Master. R5667:4, 3585:2

For which you have been called, nominated by God. R3587:5

"Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father." (1 Pet. 1:2) "And whom he did foreknow, his Son." (Rom. 8:29) R2940:6, 3587:2

We are the "elect" before the election has been finished, before the testing is completed, in the sense of having been nominated--"moved and seconded." HG445:3

God moved that we should be elected and "called us with a heavenly calling." It remained for us to "second the motion" by presenting ourselves in full consecration of heart to the Lord. HG445:3

None can remain in the elect company, nor make his calling and election sure, without being under the sprinkling of blood--justification; being sanctified, and having full submission to the will of God. R3587:2, 3586:2

There is a great prize to be given. There is an election going on. R5914:4

A Bride for Christ is being selected from amongst mankind. R4138:5; CR435:5

The entire Christian era, from our Lord's first advent down to the time of his second coming, is the period in which the election or selection of the Bride takes place. Q788:2

If God is selecting a Church in the present time, it must be with a view to the use of it subsequently to serve in some manner the interests of the remainder of the world from whom they were elected. HG445:1

Jesus was the elect of God, and we who are now being chosen from amongst men are to be "members of his Body," the elect class, chosen in him, and as such must be conformed to the likeness of his character. R3587:3; F187; HG445:2

God foreknew us and predestinated that there should be a Church class selected to be their Redeemer's associate, his underpriesthood, his subordinate kings during the Millennium. HG445:2

Very few have been nominated of the Lord for his election. R3585:6

An election in progress--an election of 144,000 to a higher position than that of any earthly magistrate or potentate--they are promised this highest of all honors for all eternity. R3585:2, 3586:1

In worldly elections there are legitimate expenses; and every candidate is expected to lay down part of his life--to spend time, influence, strength and vigor to secure his own or his friend's election. NS264:3; R3585:3

The world think it remarkable that we who are candidates for the superlatively high office for which God has nominated us should spend time, influence and means, in our own and our brethren's election. They consider our time wasted. R3585:3

If a presidency is worth a lifetime of effort and planning and the expenditure of immense sums of money, what would this heavenly election be worth? NS264:5

The sacrifices of a thousand lives and the grounding of ten thousand hopes and ambitions in other directions would be but a small cost in the attainment of the glory, honor and immortality promised to the "very elect." NS264:6

What an interest we properly take in our election, after learning that the office for which we are running is a combination of priesthood and kingship! HG446:1

Those whom God nominates or calls, are expected to appreciate the honor, the blessing, the high exaltation which is proffered them, and expected to show this appreciation in their endeavors to secure the election. NS264:4

Only the faithful, the loyal, will ultimately constitute the "very elect." "Called, chosen, and faithful," describes the attitude of the pupils in the school of Christ who graduate with highest honors. NS372:4, 593:3, 654:5

From God's standpoint the whole struggle for political preferment to the neglect and disregard of the still higher calling and election is as foolish as to grasp for bubbles and neglect diamonds. NS265:2

God is holy, and the elect are to have his spirit, his disposition of love for righteousness and opposition to iniquity. F186

Those who do not have experiences of growth in grace and knowledge are deficient, and cannot hope to make their calling and election sure. R3587:5

The word "chosen" in Matt. 22:14 and Rev. 17:14 is from the R3586:3, 3587:3

If there is an elect class, it follows that there must be a non-elect class. R3587:6; F164

The calling and election of the Little Flock works no hardship, no injury, to the non-elect, who are in no sense further condemned because not called. F164

Scripture references to the elect. R3586:3-3587

The doctrine of election has fallen into disrepute because of its association with the unscriptural doctrine that God has provided a great place of eternal torment for all the non-elect. NS263:6; HG668:2

We have high respect for the well intentioned and honest endeavors at the polls. The masses of Christendom should as far as possible vote for the soundest principles and the most conscientious men. NS263:1

The Little Flock too vote. So firmly is their mind set on this matter that they vote the same ticket right along--they vote for Jesus. NS263:3

Sure – It is for each individual. 5914:4

By full compliance with the terms and conditions of the call, and this even unto death. R5876:3, 2940:3, 2415:1; SM427:2; CR433:1

By a full and hearty compliance with the gracious high calling which we have learned and which our hearts have accepted. NS771:1

By cultivating the graces of the spirit and thus coming into heart-likeness of our Lord Jesus. R3586:1, 2782:2; F186

By drinking faithfully of the cup. (Matt. 26:27) R5341:3

By standing the various trials of faith, love and obedience which God may require. F79; R2453:4; NS372:3, 551:6

By continuing to labor in character-preparation, that we might be found worthy. R5762:2, 5950:1, 4138:6

The battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil must be won in our hearts else we will not make our election sure and receive the crown of glory. R3586:2, 2692:6; HG446:4; NS265:6

By faithfully following in the footsteps of the Redeemer, heeding carefully his counsel, and availing ourselves of his assistances by the way. R4138:6, 3586:1

By faithfulness under trials, testings and difficulties. NS624:5

By giving the more earnest heed to the things which God has shown us, and assisting others who give any evidence of being "brethren." R2875:6, 2692:6, 2453:5

By a clear grasp and comprehension of the deep things of God. Q154:5

By faith and obedience. R2220:4

To the extent of our ability live up to the covenant of self-sacrifice in the Lord's service, which we covenanted when we accepted his call. NS372:4

It is important that we understand the conditions. R4796:2

By so running the race of life that we may be worthy of the crown of life. OV131:1; R4810:1, 4078:3, 1468:4

Positiveness for God is the only condition in which we can hope to do this. R5614:4

He has not called us in vain to something which is impossible for us to attain. CR443:6

To these God will show his exceeding grace. R4914:4, 4461:3

Surely God who nominated us has made every provision for our election and will cooperate. Surely our Redeemer will give us every assistance. Just as surely responsibility for failure would lie at our door. HG445:5

Our context tells us upon what terms the called and accepted may make their election sure. HG446:6

Those who willingly renounce the world, its prospects, schemes, plans, ambitions, hopes, and pleasures, and accept instead the heavenly hopes and promises set before us in the Scriptures. NS264:1

A share in the inheritance to the spiritual body and the Kingdom glories of which our spirit begetting is but the foretaste. R3586:5; SM17:1

Paul did not consider his election to that honor absolute; hence, his laborings to "make sure" that result. (Phil. 3:11) R624:3*

Those who do not make their calling and election sure will lose their anointing and will not receive the divine nature. But if they hold to the Lord, they maintain their justification, and may be part of the Great Company. R4746:4, 1; CR460:6

Some will miss the Kingdom, yet not so utterly fall as to go into second death. CR153:1

We must either make our calling and election sure under the terms of the call, as accepted, or be rejected as unworthy of life everlasting--as fit for the second death. SM178:2

For – Seeming to understand that some would question the possibility of their gaining so great a prize, the Apostle gives a word of special encouragement. R3587:5

If – There is a contingency upon which the scales of divine judgment, as to our worthiness or unworthiness of the inheritance, must turn. R2154:4

Ye – New Creatures--those called and who are making their calling and election sure. CR152:2, 6

The primary consideration with us is our sanctification. "This is the will of God (concerning you), even your sanctification." (1 Thes. 4:3) R5677:5

If we maintain the good fight of faith as new creatures. R4047:4

The contingency is not in the doing of these things perfectly, but if added to our faith in the imputed righteousness of Christ, we have cultivated all the graces to the extent of our ability, we shall not fall. R2155:6; SM395:1

Our continuance in safety, in grace, depends upon our own course of conduct after God has done his part through his Word and providences. R1698:6

Do – Add one after another of the qualities of the fruits of the holy Spirit, and so build up Christian character. R5677:1, 5460:1, 137:4*; F79; NS541:4, 576:6, 746:4

The fruit will appear, not only in the development of the Christian graces of character, but also in increasing activities. R4809:6, 1115:4

Our feet will be swift to run on errands, our hands prompt to do God's bidding, our tongues ready to bear testimony to the truth, our minds active in devising ways and means to do so more abundantly and effectively. R4809:6, 1115:4

There is a difference between believing these things, professing these things, and doing these things. CR152:2

It is not merely believing, not merely consecrating, but the Apostle says, "If ye do things." CR152:3

Do all in your power, and God does not expect you to do one more thing than that. CR152:5

Fulfill the royal law of love and devotion to God and the neighbor. R2487:3

Our work as Christians is to cooperate with God in the salvation of the Church class--not a salvation from eternal torture, but from death. R5677:4

Bear all. R523:6

Perfection is only something which can be approximated in the present life. The measure of our effort to attain it will prove the measure of our faithfulness and earnest desire to do so. R4809:6, 1115:4

He expects doing, but does not expect perfect doing, because he remembers our frame. CR152:3

There is a philosophy in the growth and development of Christian character, just as truly as in the growth and development of vegetation--the desirable end being maturity and luxuriant fruitfulness. R4808:1, 4096:6*, 1113:3

If no fruit appears, we may be sure that little or no effort is being made at cultivation, pruning, etc. R1154:4

"If any man's work abide which he hath built." (1 Cor. 3:14) A321

These things – The things mentioned in the preceding verses. R2154:5; SM633:1

The eight elements which must go toward making up the Christian character. R4808:4, 1114:5

Each piece of armor (Eph. 6:13-18) each fruit of the spir this "hour of temptation," now present. R5678:4, 2453:2; NS541:4

Cultivate the Spirit of Christ. R1698:6, 5370:4; F408; HG401:4; SM321:2

Beautiful graces and fruits of the spirit, manifest in our Lord. CR152:5; R3587:5; SM321:2

Diligently cultivating this disposition. R4809:4, 2286:6, 1114:6

Continually adding to our stock of the heavenly graces. R2219:6

The steady persistent cultivation of these graces of character will clarify our spiritual vision, enabling us the more fully to comprehend the truth of God. R1859:6

Each step of knowledge brings a corresponding step of duty and obedience, and each step of duty and obedience taken will be followed by a further step in knowledge. E239; R2219:6

If we have the witness of the Spirit of growth, both in grace and in knowledge, let us rejoice therein, and let us follow on in the same pathway until it shall bring us to that which is perfect, both in knowledge and in grace. E239

By studying our manual, his Word, which our Lord has given to us, and by developing the various fruits and graces of the spirit. SM17:1

Love to God and to our fellows. SM17:1

Which you covenanted. R200:6; NS372:4

Pursue a course that would be pleasing to God. SM304:3; Q52:5

Character, built up after the instruction of the Word of God, is absolutely necessary to an entrance into the Kingdom of Christ. R5678:5, 5307:6

The needlework upon the wedding garment. SM256:1; HG449:6

If we are obedient to the Word of the Lord, and are properly exercised by the experiences which are given us, we shall gain his approval. R5460:2, 4660:2

"Let us, dearly beloved, cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord." (2 Cor. 7:1) R5739:6

Ye shall never fall – Because "All things work together for good to them that love God." (Rom. 8:28) F74; R874:1

You are sure to stand approved of God. R4808:4, 1114:5

Ye shall never fail. We shall in no case fail of securing our election. HG447:6; NS746:5

Following in the Lord's way we find the only true joy, and can make the only true progress. R5559:4

If you are growing in grace, if you are doing the best you are able along this direction. CR152:6

The implication is that there would be some tendency to fall, some testings, and that this development of character would be necessary so that the individual might be able to stand. R5677:1

Fortified by development of character, these will not fall, no matter what the trial that the Lord may permit to come upon them. R5678:2, 862:2

Those who have a temporary fall, but who afterward overcome in the trials which the Lord will allow to come upon them, thus showing their loyalty to him, will be fully recovered. R5460:4

There may be more or less stumbling on the part of the elect, "through manifold temptations" of the flesh, the earthen vessel in which the spirit begotten, elect, new creature temporarily resides. R3587:5

You will stumble, but stumbling is not failing. CR152:6; 153:1

All except the very elect may be stumbled by deceptions. R1644:3

We need to be continually on the alert respecting our own fleshly weaknesses and besetments, that we may war a successful warfare, and thus share with our Lord his Kingdom and crown. R5678:5; F190

Your final selection to that position of glory, honor and immortality, to which you were called, shall be sure. R4809:4, 1114:6

God will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, but will with the temptation provide a way of escape. (1 Cor. 10:13) R1699:1

If there is a fall in our case, it will be due to failure to do our part. R5460:2; NS546:5

Some will not manifest sufficient zeal. These will come through great tribulations. If by these experiences they are brought to a full loyalty to the Lord, they will be granted everlasting life. R5460:4

One of the final and most searching tests and the one under which probably the most of those once awakened and armed will fall, will be love for the brethren. R2453:4

Nearly all who "fall away" first lose all fear and become self-confident. R3596:5

This is the time long foretold, when "a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand," (Psa. 91:7) because they have neglecteeluded. R5678:4, 2450:3; NS95:6

Those who have tried to raise money for the heathen or for building fine church edifices, have gotten up church fairs and entertainments, etc., not appreciating the necessity to build character, are falling all around us. R5678:5

11 for thus shall be richly supplied unto you the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

For so an entrance – But so doing. R2782:2

With the characteristics of the Master deeply engraved upon our hearts. Q235:4; R5968:4, 137:1*

They that add to their faith all the graces of the spirit shall have an abundant entrance into the Kingdom. R32:3*, 4078:3, 137:1*; F691; HG668:4; NS546:4, 733:1

The grand consummation of our election--our Kingdom honors and glories. HG447:6

Only such as are copies of God's Son shall have a share in the Kingdom of Messiah. R4929:6, 2453:4

The glorious inheritance with Christ in his coming Kingdom. R5677:4

In no sense of the word did the Apostle consider that the Kingdom had been set up at Pentecost in any but its embryo or preparatory form. HG368:4

Be ministered – Granted. R5968:4; Q235:4

In due time. F692

The present Gospel age is merely for the selection and education of those whom God purposes to use as his ministers, to the world in general in the Millennium. R2490:2, 3586:3

Being justified fully, your final selection to that position of glory, honor and immortality shall be sure. R4809:4, 1114:6

The elect will not be received of the Lord with chidings and upbraidings for the imperfections of the flesh which were unwillingly theirs; but the heart-character formed will alone be tested and approved. R3587:6

Unto you – The faithful. SM584:1

The Royal Priesthood. R2490:2, 2782:2

Only the Little Flock will gain this; not the Great Company who will come up out of great tribulation. NS371:6

Abundantly – The fruits and flowers of the holy Spirit abounding in the garden of the heart, will make a Christian ready. R5899:4

If we stand the Lord's approval we shall be granted the glorious things which he has promised to them that love him--"glory, honor and immortality." R3587:6

There will be a glorious welcome, a joyous greeting, among all the heavenly hosts when the laurels of victory are placed upon the heads of all the overcoming soldiers of the cross. R2154:2

All this abundance of grace and glory is the possible inheritance of even the weakest saint who humbly looks to God for strength from day to day to endure hardness as a good soldier. R2154:3

"Let us be glad and rejoice, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." (Rev. 19:7) "Therefore shall the peopl C193

Everlasting kingdom – Which is therefore still future. A284; NS541:5

The Millennial Kingdom. NS541:5

The divine agency for carrying salvation to all the families of the earth. R5307:6

This is the prize of the high calling. R2154:1

The very thing that all of the Lord's people are invited to share. R5677:2, 3587:6

If we seek and find God's righteousness, we shall also find his Kingdom. R2804:6*

Let our ambition be to have a share in that Kingdom! R5570:4

Of our Lord – If the very thought of the coming glories has lifted us up above the world and its cares, its trials, its follies and its pleasures, how much more will the realities mean to us when we shall be perfect and like our Lord and share his glory! F728

12 Wherefore I shall be ready always to put you in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and are established in the present truth. In remembrance – "Beware lest thou forget the Lord." (Deut. 6:12) R4050:6

These things – The things of verses 5-7. R3089:2

The seven graces. R137:4*

Know them – Too many have contented themselves with knowing the truth, without making special efforts to live it, daily and hourly. R3090:5

And be established – Signifies that we have carefully studied and proved it by "the law and the testimony," (Isa. 8:20) and are convinced of its R3089:3

We have been permitted to see, not only the various features of the plan, but also the necessity and reasonableness of all its various measures in order to the full accomplishment of its glorious outcome. R3089:3

It is indeed a most blessed condition, bringing with it such peace and joy as the world can neither give nor take away. R3089:3

But we need to bear in mind that our election to the high position to which we are called is not yet made sure. The race for the prize of our calling is still before us. R3089:3

If the truth is received into good and honest hearts, we have the assurance that we shall never fall. R3090:3, 1628:2*

To be established in the faith is one thing, but to be established in Christian character and in all the graces of the spirit is quite another. R3090:3, 1628:3*, 137:4*

Feeling the necessity of a deeper work of grace in our hearts, a practical suggestion is made of a mid-week meeting devoted to worship, prayer, praise, brotherly exhortation, conference and counsel, but not Bible study or controversy. R3090:3

In the present truth – It will guide us into separateness from Babylon. SM127:2

Scriptures and features of the plan, on what it means to be established in the present truth. R1627:2*

13 And I think it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;
14 knowing that the putting off of my tabernacle cometh swiftly, even as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear unto me. I must put off – While Peter realized that the time of his departure was drawing nigh, his solicitude for the growth and development of the Church was increasing. R3215:1

This my tabernacle – The flesh. It was consecrated to death and it must fully die. R344:6

The human is to die--the earthly form must be laid off. R344:5

As our Lord – As did Jesus, so must we all, fully lose humanity. R344:3

As Jesus our pattern showed us--but the new life hid with Christ will not die, though it slept until now. R344:5

Hath shewed me – "When thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not." (John 21:18) R3215:1

15 Yes, I will give diligence that at every time ye may be able after my exodus to call these things to remembrance. Ye – Peter wrote his epistles to the intent that his testimony might be with the Church. F225

After my decease – A clear evidence that Peter did not expect to live until the establishment of the Kingdom. F225

He committed his writings to holy men for the benefit of the Church after his death. R5829:6

In remembrance – The Church to this day may profit by his brotherly counsel. R4809:5, 1115:1

The Apostles laid up in store food for the Church in future days. R1899:2

16 For we did not follow cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eye-witnesses of his majesty. Fables – The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was no fanciful fable even though it should not be classed on an equality with divine revelation made through the prophets. R4890:5

The tendency of the world, the flesh, and the devil is to absorb our time, thought, interest and affections in worldly affairs; eating, drinking, marrying, building, planting, business, pleasure, sectarianism, and cunningly devised fables. R2303:1

The Higher Critics are greatly mistaken in their judging of the Word of God along the lines of external testimonies and Evolution theories. R3791:1

Coming – Greek, parousia, presence. B159; R1693:1, 559:4, 223:2

The vision represented the establishment of the Kingdom at Jesus' second presence. An illustration of the present time in which the Kingdom is being established. R559:4; HG186:4

Eyewitnesses – Three apostles witnessed the vision--Peter, James and John. (Mark 9:2-13) R5121:1, 3790:6, 2288:3; F675

The transfiguration scene was a "vision"--the unreal appeared real--and it was well suited for the purpose. R2288:3; F676

It was to establish the faith of the apostles, and the early Church. R3790:6, 3793:5, 3345:5

This vision, helpful as it was at the time, became secondary as Peter came to a better understanding of prophecy which describes our Lord's second coming and Kingdom. R4649:6, 3790:6

Of his majesty – The royal majesty. Q797:2

His Kingdom. R4649:6; HG186:4

A vision of Christ's dignity and glory in the Kingdom. R2659:2

His kingly glory. Peter was persuaded respecting the majesty of Jesus, of his dignity as the Messianic King and the fact that all there pictured in vision would eventually be fulfilled. R3793:5

A vision of the coming glory of Messiah's Kingdom. R5121:6,4, 1761:1,4; B20, B255; 205:4

A representation of Christ's coming glory. R5772:4, 598:5

The transfiguration vision was an illustration or presentation. R559:4

The central figure was Jesus himself. Moses and Elias were merely accessories to fill out the picture. R3793:5, 5772:4

Moses represented one class and Elijah another, as participators with Jesus in his Messianic glory. R5333:5, 5121:6

Moses represented the Law dispensation, and Elijah represented the Gospel dispensation. R5772:4, 3790:6, 3345:5, B255

Moses represented the Ancient Worthies who shall be the earthly representatives of the heavenly Kingdom, and Elijah represented the "overcomers" of this Gospel age. B20; F677; R5121:6, 3794:4, 2659:4, 2289:1

Moses represents the human element of the Kingdom, while Elijah represents the entire Gospel Church, the spirit house of sons. R559:4; Q260:1

A forceful teaching of the coming of our Lord in glory, in due time. OV203:2

There is no doubt, whatever, that the promised Kingdom will eventually come. The vision confirms this to us. R5121:6

The Kingdom is yet to come, for we have not the Kingdom of Christ. HG186:5

The entire Kingdom was represented in tableaux to Peter, James and John. R3790:6, 5121:1

17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there was borne such a voice to him by the Majestic Glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I was well pleased: Such a voice – The voice of the Heavenly Father. Q797:2

18 and this voice we ourselves heard borne out of heaven, when we were with him in the holy mount. The holy mount – Of transfiguration. B20; F675; R3790:6, 2288:3, 1761:1, 598:5, 342:2, 123:6

A picture of Messiah's Kingdom. R5333:5; Q713:2; PD64/74

19 And we have the word of prophecy made more sure; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts: We – The Church. R4988:1; B141; NS88:2

The child of God. The worldly will be in darkness as to God's purpose and methods. R820:5

More sure – A more sure evidence than the vision. R4649:6, 5772:4; HG186:4

Surer even than these outward signs of the transfiguration. R454:5, 4890:5, 1761:4, 454:5

The Apostle was honoring the Bible above any vision. OV203:2

So highly did Peter esteem the prophecy of the Old Testament that he considered it better evidence than his own sight. R598:5

Word of prophecy – Of divine revelation. E205; R4890:5, 3162:3

Through the prophets. R4890:5, 1408:2

With the written Word of God in our possession now, we neither have need of traditions of men nor of old wives' fables, nor of astrologers; guides. R3703:1

One Scripture helps to elucidate another. R5339:2

The "vision" was a symbolic view of the Kingdom, but without the "sure word of prophecy" it would have been unintelligible. R1761:4

As we see it today--by faith. R1432:6

Discerning the Lord's second presence will not be by miraculous revelations, nor dreams, but through the Word of testimony, the Bible. R2972:3, 1401:5

The day of the Lord is called a day of darkness, and we, unless enlightened by the word of prophecy, would stumble as the others of the church are doing over the stone of stumbling, in this dark place. R176:6

The Pope is encouraging Catholics to study the Bible. We urge Protestants to likewise to begin an investigation of God's Word. Protestant and Catholic Bibles are not materially different, but practically alike. HG541:6

Whereunto – To the eye of faith the Lord is now revealed by the prophetic lamp. C133; B20, B141

That ye take heed – In respect to his plans, present and future. R2979:5

Urging a watching attitude on the part of the saints--not a watching of the sky, but a watching for the fulfillment of all that God had spoken by the holy prophets concerning the "times of restitution." (Acts 3:21) B20

Return to Bible study with our hearts uplifted to God that he may give us the light promised to his faithful people in the end of this age. R4778:4

A comparatively small number have done well to wait the Lord's time, at heart longing for Messiah's Kingdom. SM237:2; OV276:T

He comes secretly and unknown to the world, but those believers who are taking heed to the sure word of prophecy need not be in darkness. (1 Thes. 5:2-4) R579:3, 1401:5, 341:4*; B141

Such as give no heed are not watching and will not know. R2303:1

So now, the prophecies are more convincing than if Jesus were to appear as a man. R123:6

As unto a light – We have the Gospels, recording our Lord's words, parables, dark sayings, etc., the Epistles of the New Testament, comments of the inspired apostles on the Old Testament writings and the prophecies of the Old Testament. R5224:5

The Word of the Lord is the only light and guide for his people. SM243:T

The prophetic testimony respecting what great light will usher in the golden age. R2313:6

This same light is exposing the corruption and falsity of many long-venerated theories and institutions, religious, political, social and financial. R2979:5

The Lord's presence shall affect nominal Christians, and the civilized world in general, also, but in a totally different manner. R2979:5

That shineth – With knowledge of God. R493:1*

The holy Spirit is the light of the Church by which we are specially guided into the truth. R5339:1

With their lamps trimmed and burning, the saints will not be in darkness respecting the momentous events of the impending battle; but they will be of good courage, knowing the outcome portrayed in prophecy.

We are receiving more of the spirit of the truth, the spirit of love, the spirit of God, and proportionately the weary shadows of the earth are fleeing away. NS498:6

The Bible is a light to the path of God's people in the midst of this darkness. R5038:2

One Scripture throws light upon another, and thus with increasing brightness the Word of the Lord as a lamp gives light upon the pathway of his Church. NS817:1

During the night-time the faithful of the Church are represented as walking in the light of God's Word. NS749:5

As the Lord's people become illuminated, the world is proportionately blessed. R4305:1; SM560:3

The Church is able to point out to the world the cause of the trouble, to announce the presence of the new Ruler, to declare the plan. She becomes the light-bearer and instructor of the world. B142

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psa. 119:105) D617; R5038:2, 4988:1, 4305:1, 176:5; HG113:6; NS88:2, 749:5; SM560:1

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is heaven." (Matt. 5:16) ; NS88:3; SM560:1

In a dark place – Sin and selfishness still abound. The golden rule does not control. R2313:6; NS88:3

We are still in the dark place and shall be until the darkness gives way and the day is here. R5339:1

Those who are not God's people and who do not have the light are walking in darkness. SM243:T

In this night-time the elect are different from the majority of those around them--they desire God's righteousness and pray, "Thy kingdom come." NS749:5

The night-darkness is not scattered. HG113:6

The darkness of the world. HG113:6

The darkest features of the night are past; and the errors which impelled our forefathers to burn one another at the stake no longer fetter--bind our hearts and minds. NS498:6

How many read these words as though they were written "prophecy is a dark place which we do well to avoid." R2012:5*

Until the day dawn – Prophecy will have freshly important truths for us, all the way along until day-dawn. B20

Until the Millennial morning dawn. R4649:6

Until the darkness gives way and the day is here. R5339:2

The "night" of sin has been upon the world for centuries. The "morning" is at hand, but not yet fully come. NS749:5

When the harvest has been accomplished, and the purposes of the Lord have been done. CR251:5

We are in the dawning of that new day. CR267:3

The new day of divine blessing is dawning, and the manifold blessings and inventions of our day, both in temporal and spiritual matters, are but foregleams of the coming glory, which will transcend our brightest dreams. HG542:4

The gross ignorance and superstition of the "Dark Ages" is gradually giving place to the dawn of the Millennial morning, which is shedding light upon the divine Word and the pathway of the Lord's faithful. NS498:5

A new day is divinely arranged for, which shall dawn in its proper season. We are now in the night-time preceding that new epoch. SM243:T

The Millennial morn is already here, but it is early--not yet light except to the prospective waking, watching Bride, who receives the light of the Morning Star. R348:6

The new Millennial dispensation is the morning in which the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his beams, and in which the shadows of superstition and works of darkness shall all be driven away SM560:2; HG113:6

Indicating that the morning is at hand and that the Sun of Righteousness will soon fulfill its mission of blessing all the families of the earth. OV203:2

God's Word is to shine more and more brightly down to the very end of the Gospel age. R4858:1

The fact that God's Word is now opening to his people who scan its pages in its own light is but another proof that we are in the closing days of the Gospel age. NS817:4

The light of the new age of Christ's Kingdom is accountable for the great blessings that are coming upon the Bereans of our day, as well as mankind, in temporalities. NS817:4

Shining brighter and brighter through our greater intelligence and more general education. HG542:1

After more than eighteen centuries the Church of Christ, under the guidance of the Father, has been walking in the path of the just, the narrow way, the path of life; and has had the light necessary at every step of the journey. NS481:5

"The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." (Prov. 4:18) A25; R5339:1, 5055:2, 2972:3, 493:1*; NS817:4; SM242:1

The day had not dawned in Peter's time. R519:4*

The day star – The revealment of our Lord's presence illuminates the hearts of his faithful ones and causes them to understand. R2979:5, 2550:1

The light of truth giving understanding as to where, how, and what to seek and expect. R1012:4

The light promised by the Lord as a precursory of the glorious sunrise of the new dispensation. R4482:6

The great light, the Sun of Righteousness, has not yet arisen, but the day-star is now shining in the hearts of the faithful. R2550:1

The eyes of our understanding have been enlightened because we see the day star (phosphorus--light bringer) has arisen. R341:4*

Arise – The glorious morning of the new dispensation is breaking and for all those in the right attitude of heart the day star is manifested, and soon all the members shall have passed "beyond the wall" of death. NS481:5

In your hearts – This light of knowledge, in our hearts, is the star of importance now, without which the Lord's second advent cannot be discerned. R1012:4, 2979:5

20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation. Private interpretation – To understand any science or book it should be read according to its own principles of interpretation. Moved by one Spirit it should be taken as a whole and not disconnectedly. We should compare Scripture with Scripture. R24:1*

Rome complains of the incredible obscurity of the Scriptures, not for the purpose of rousing men to diligence in studying them, but to bring them into hatred and contempt. R2012:5*

21 For no such prophecy ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit. The prophecy – Spoken or written by men inspired by the Spirit; not understood by them, but was for the Church--prophecy can only be fully understood when fulfilled. R66:3*, 349:6*

Many prophecies are highly figurative, symbolical; and their principal lessons were intended for spiritual Israel. HG408:6

Our Lord and the apostles in their teachings quoted continually from the prophecies and invariably applied the lesson to their day or to some future event of this Gospel age. HG409:1

By the will of man – As claimed by the Higher Critics. R1690:6

They were not the imaginings of longing human hearts. R1418:6

Holy men of God – Old Testament prophets. R4940:3, 3764:1, 3424:1; F219

The general character of these men was good. R349:6*

The Old Testament must be as true as the New. SM170:1; R1622:3

"Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the Gospel unto you with the holy Spirit sent down from heaven." (1 Pet. 1:12) R3424:1, 5536:1; E178; HG409:1

Such as God was pleased to use as his mouthpieces. R5616:1

As they were moved – Moved to speak by the holy Spirit of God. R1418:6, 3027:3

Mechanically; not in an explanatory and sympathetic sense, as in the case of the apostles and the Church. E178; F219; R3650:5, 2820:2, 2484:6, 370:5

The things which they uttered were not for themselves but for us upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Cor. 10:11) R3650:5, 5055:4, 2820:2

They uttered deeper and broader truths than they themselves comprehended--truths which only the future would fully reveal. R4940:3, 3650:5

They did not understand the things in the full degree. R4197:5; E177; HG133:4

They were inspired as to the words they spoke and wrote, and not as to the thoughts and sentiments. R1690:6

They were in some way, whether through miraculous or natural means, inspired by, or brought under the influence of God; so as to be used by him in speaking or writing such words as he wished to have expressed. R1148:1

God used them to express his mind, though his mind, his spirit, his thoughts, were not in them. Though they expressed it, they could not understand his mind. R370:5

God was the one who moved these prophets to speak and write. CR400:2

God was able to inspire the sentiments and leave much of the clothing of them to the judgment and taste and mannerism of the prophet, merely overruling where necessary to hinder any misstatement. R3210:5

By the Holy Spirit – By the mind or power of God. R370:5

Things which were not their own thoughts. R2521:2

Their minds were fecundated by God's power, causing them to bring forth thoughts such as God wished to have expressed. E175

Probably clairaudiently, after the manner in which evil spirits now speak through spirit mediums. R2400:5

God's holy power or influence operating upon the minds of the prophets caused them to speak and to write of future things in relationship to the divine purposes which even they themselves did not understand. Q787:4

The holy Spirit of God communicated information to the prophets through the holy angels, the invisible spirit beings who encamp round about them that fear God. R2349:6

Moved by one spirit, the Bible should be taken as a whole, and not disconnectedly. We should compare Scripture with Scripture. R24:1*

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