Romans Chapter 8 [KJVwc]

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1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Therefore – This word carries us back to the preceding argument, and shows us that our freedom from present condemnation is the result of our Lord's sacrifice on our behalf. R3201:1

No condemnation – Under the law given in Eden, or that given at Sinai. R1726:2, 4869:3

So long as they are in Christ, they are free. R1726:2

Being justified by faith. R1438:1

The sins of the Church are forgiven. CR364:4; R5621:3, 5597:5, 3201:1, 2573:6, 689:1, 387:6; OV281:1

The new creature needs not to apologize for, nor remember, the weaknesses of the flesh, appertaining to the period preceding the sacrifice. CR97:1; R4642:6

The Church alone has escaped from the condemnation upon the world. R5621:3

The original condemnation passed upon all men through Adam's transgression is still upon all except the few. R1286:3

If we have pure and fervent love and walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit, the Law is reckoned fulfilled in us. R1188:1

Only those justified by faith have escaped condemnation, consequently only these could be again condemned. R387:6

If he should turn again to walk after the flesh he would incur condemnation as a new creature. R4656:1

Although a prisoner and outwardly restrained, Paul had gained great liberty and blessing, and also freedom from divine condemnation. R3201:1

In Christ Jesus – Under the precious blood. E121

Being begotten of his Spirit and members of his Body. R4657:4

Covered by the robe of his righteousness. F104; R5027:6; OV281:1

By faith in his blood. R1527:3

The law of life in Christ made such free from the condemnation of death. R332:5

Who walk not – These words, to the end of this verse, are not found in any of the oldest manuscripts, but are properly a part of verse 4. R3201:2

They are being judged according to their minds, their hearts, their intentions. R4799:6

After the flesh – If we are not walking after the Spirit, we are not hearkening to the Lord; and while we are in that condition, he does not take pleasure in what we do. R5431:4

The old man. R42:4*

Down toward the flesh. R192:4*

After the Spirit – Walk in obedience to the new mind. T122

The new man. R42:4*

According to the Spirit. R192:4*

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Law of the Spirit – Not the law of "Thou shalt" and "Thou shalt not." R1729:4

The law of love; supreme love to God, and love to the neighbor as to self. R1498:3, 2684:6

The operation of this law accomplishes in man what the Law of Moses could never do. R1322:6*

Restraints of the will of the flesh, under the law of love. R3018:1

A provisional law under which the Church is placed, whose conditions take cognizance both of our infirmities and also for our discipline. R1463:5

Hath made me free – So far as the original sin in concerned. SM721:2

Reckonedly. R1463:5*

New creatures are not under any law of sin or death, nor have they any imperfections. R5006:5, 1463:5*

From the law – From the Law Covenant. E121

Of sin and death – Which convicted all imperfect ones as sinners and condemned them to death. E121

3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: The law – The Law covenant. R4608:1, 4869:4, 3201:3, 2121:4, 1404:2, 542:5; E121

Strict justice, without mercy. R3201:3

Could not do – For us Jews. R2121:4

The Law could never justify them. (margin) R1458:6

The giving of a right to life. R455:4

In that it was weak – Greek, astheneo, used to denote moral or spiritual weakness. R4099:6*

Powerless. E121; R4608:1, 3201:3, 2124:4, 998:6, 455:4

Because it had an insufficient Mediator who could not give a ransom to God for mankind. R4869:4

Not weak in the sense of being defective, but in the sense of being ineffective. R4608:1

Our flesh was too weak to withstand the tyranny of sin. R998:6

The Law given to Israel, could not give life because of the weaknesses or depravity of their fallen nature. R2611:5

The Law was perfect, but the Law Covenant was weak. R4869:4

Through the flesh – Because all flesh was depraved through the fall and incapable of perfect obedience to the Law. E121; R4608:1, 2611:5, 2121:4, 1404:2, 455:4

Human nature. R998:5

Conscience is no exception to the other elements of the flesh, all are weak and all are sinful. R1323:1

God – Accomplished in another way. R2121:4; E121

His own Son – Jesus was a Son of God before he came. R316:1*

In the likeness – The human likeness, but in its perfection. A230; R454:3, 37:5

Simply means not angelic or divine, but the human form. R454:3

Of sinful flesh – Of the flesh of mankind. (That had come under the dominion of sin.) E121

Literally, "In the likeness of the flesh of sin," i.e., in the likeness of humanity, of which the tyrant, sin, possessed control. R4608:4, 1404:2, 998:6, 455:4; A230; E121

In the likeness of Adam, who voluntarily became sin's servant. R999:1, 3201:4

Jesus was as much a direct creation of God when born of Mary as Adam was when born in the womb of the earth. He no more partook of a sinful nature by association with Mary, than did Adam by his previous association with the earth. R104:6

All men bear the image of the earthy Adam. (1 Cor. 15:49) So Jesus, in taking the form of a perfect man, would, of necessity, be in likeness to sinful flesh. R104:6

Jesus experienced the woes and sufferings of humanity without sharing in the imperfections and sins. R454:3

"In him was no sin." "He knew no sin." (1 John 3:5; 2 Cor. 5:21) R104:6

Greek, hamartia, sin. This should not be translated sinful. (See Diaglott.) R998:4

And for sin – As an offering for sin. E121; R3201:4, 2121:5, 998:6

On account of the sin condition, sin in the flesh. R4608:4

Because of sin's power over us. R998:6

By a sacrifice. R429:6, 3201:4, 1336:6

Condemned sin – Greek, katakrino; sentenced to overthrow, by reason of the ransom. R999:2

The more we see of sin and its contaminating character the more we appreciate the divine justice which on account of sin condemns sin in humanity. R3729:4

Our tyrant, not humanity. R998:6

To an overthrow. R1404:2

By proving that perfect flesh could keep the Law. R4608:4; E121

Sentenced sin and made possible its overthrow. R4869:5

In the flesh – Through Christ's flesh, given as our ransom. R998:6

4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The righteousness – The full, whole, complete meaning. R3190:4, 5404:3, 4982:6

True import or spirit. R5287:4, 5947:2, 4597:2

The true keeping of the Law. R5071:4, 4982:6, 4597:2

The spirit. R4869:5, 315:2

The Church is not under the Law of Sinai, but looking at the spirit of it, she sees a perfect pattern. R5287:1, 5404:3, 5027:4

Jesus' life set the seal or mark of approval and righteousness to the Law. R455:4

God deals with us according to our mind, our will, our intentions. R4982:5, 3201:6

The meaning, the purport of the Law being in our hearts, God accepts this as instead of absolute fulfillment of the letter of the Law. R2684:3

Not righteous in the absolute sense of being perfect, but in a relative or accommodated sense of doing right to the best of their ability. R3947:3

Of the law – Of God's demands. R2304:3, 5947:2, 5465:5

As expressed in the golden rule. R2689:3

No Jew could keep the Law in its spirit, perfectly, neither could any of any other nationalities keep it. R5005:2

The same Law that once condemned us has not changed, but our position has changed. We have come into a place where we are able to comply with the requirements of the Law and to fulfill them. R3201:6

While the Church is not under the Law Covenant, we are under the general instruction of the Ten Commandments. R5404:3, 5027:4

The work of redemption and reconciliation effected, opened to every Jew an opportunity for release from bondage to the Law by becoming dead with Christ. R4504:6

The highest attainments under the Mosaic Law may be made by spiritual Israelites. R4052:4, 5887:5, 5027:4

Faith, good intentions and good efforts, by the grace of God, make good their deficiencies. R5005:2

Might be fulfilled – Reckonedly fulfilled. R2304:3, 3201:6, 193:6

As new creatures; God knows us not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Q602:2; R5887:5, 5295:5

God accounts us according to the intention of our minds; Christ's death makes good to us the difference. Q728:T; R3238:1

The fulfillment of the Law is love supreme for God and love for our neighbor as for ourselves. "Love is the fulfilling of the law." (Rom. 13:10) R5099:6, 2757:1

In his heart, his mind, his endeavor, he can, as a new creature, keep God's law perfectly. R5887:5

We are counted as fulfillers of the Law so long as our daily walk is in that direction to the extent of our ability. R3753:1

"Be ye perfect." (Matt. 5:48) "Conformed to the image of his Son." (Rom. 8:29) R2754:1

In us – Christians; footstep followers of Jesus. R5027:6; OV281:T

Holiness people, complete in Christ. R3190:4; OV281:T

Upon the new creature. R4869:5, 5885:5, 4580:1, 2440:4

To become new creatures we must become dead, not to the Law Covenant alone, but to all earthly interests, hopes and prospects. R5885:5

The Law is very precious to the Church; for looking at its spirit of it she sees what she ought to be if perfect. R5287:1

Represented by the jewels imbedded in gold in the High Priest's breastplate, and upheld by the golden chain of divine promises. T36; R72:5

The work of redemption and reconciliation effected, opened to every Jew an opportunity for release from bondage to the Law by becoming dead with Christ. R4504:6

The Church is being measured by the divine law standard. R4442:1

The Church keeps the Law for it does not apply to our flesh, but to our spirit. R5073:4

Having the imputation of Christ's merit to cover our imperfections. R5465:5, 5885:6, 5756:1, 4157:3, 455:5

First, through the imputation of his merit to their mortal bodies, our Redeemer covers natural imperfections. Second, because that body is sacrificed, he reckons them dead as human beings. R5918:3

Those who are walking after the spirit of the Law, give evidence that if they had perfect ability, they would keep the divine law perfectly. R4442:5, 5005:2, 4869:5, 3201:6

Walk not after the flesh – Not seeking to please ourselves and our fallen tendencies. R3805:4, 5562:5, 5036:4, 2721:4; SM308:T

As new creatures we merely inhabit these bodies for awhile. R5325:5

To walk after the flesh is to walk after sin; to knowingly, willingly, intentionally, do those things which we recognize to be contrary to the divine will, even though we should not go to the extreme of wickedness. R3237:5

Which leads more or less directly to death. R5100:5

To do so would imply that we had lost the new mind, the new disposition, the new will, that we had become dead to those hopes which had led to our consecration. R5036:4

In order to become new creatures, the Jews must become dead, not to the Law covenant alone, but to all earthly interests, hopes and prospects. R5885:5

But after – Even though unable to walk fully up to its perfect requirements. F411; R4982:6, 4869:5, 3237:6, 3202:2, 3060:1, 2721:4, 2440:4 According to. OV280:2; R5027:4, 4869:5

The Spirit – In obedience to the new mind. T122; R4869:5

Christians should look back to the Decalogue and note the spirit of its teachings. OV280:2

In accord with the spirit of the divine law. R3805:4, 5431:4, 3753:1, 2121:5, 455:5; SM308:T; OV281:T

In harmony with the begetting of the holy Spirit. R5597:4

Which leads to everlasting life with our Great Redeemer. R5100:5

As new creatures, judged, not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit--according to the heart intentions. R5287:4, 5097:2

Doing more than the Law could require. The Law required no man to lay down his life for another, but merely to love his neighbor as himself. R5287:4

Those walking to the best of their ability after the spirit of God's Law, are reckoned as though walking up to the spirit of the Law. NS283:4, 316:5; R2440:4

We are to distinguish closely between walking after the Spirit and walking up to the Spirit. R3060:1

5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For – The Apostle proceeds to give in this verse a thorough and satisfactory answer to the difficult and highly important question of how we can tell of ourselves, and of others, whether we are new creatures, begotten of the holy Spirit. R3202:2

Are after the flesh – Have no ambition to keep the law of God, but simply try to please the flesh. R1404:2, 3202:5

Who live in accord with their flesh, which is depraved. R1223:6, 2162:1

Do mind – Indicate their preference for. R1223:6, 3202:5, 1404:2

Things of the flesh – The things which can be attained in this present life. R3202:5

After the Spirit – Who desire and endeavor to cultivate in themselves the spirit of God. R1404:2

Things of the Spirit – Those who live in accord with the spirit show their preference. R1223:6

He who is in Christ has new ambitions, and aims, his affections are for things that are just, pure, good and righteous, and he will show his hearts desires through his conduct. R3202:3

6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Carnally – Greek, sarx; flesh, not necessarily sinful; but since Adam's disobedience, the human race has been under sin. R1223:2

Minded – To walk after the flesh after we have been begotten of the spirit. R2721:4, 1748:2

Guided by the flesh. R4628:2, 1223:6, 636:5

Rebellious, "not subject to the law of God." (Rom. 8:7) R4475:6, 4628:3, 636:5

To be controlled by any other will than God's will, brings misery trouble and eventually death, according to the perfect law of God. R636:5

Is death – "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." (Matt 16:25) R1748:3

The just sentence of the Law. R1223:6, 3083:5

Brings distress, misery, trouble, and eventually death. R636:5

Serving our fallen fleshly natures is a course that leads toward, and, if persisted in would end in death. R2721:5, 5036:4, 4628:3, 1748:3

This scripture is equally true in its application to the unjustified; they are still in the death condition, not joined to the life-giver. R3202:5, 1404:2

An incorrect inference drawn is that the death which is the wages of sin consists solely and only in being carnally minded. R1223:2

Destruction; contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:5

Spiritually minded – Greek, pneuma; spirit; to have a mind controlled by God's holy Spirit or will. E313

Consecrated to the Lord, having the imputation of Christ's merit. R4628:2,4, 4968:1, 1223:6

Only such of mankind will be everlastingly saved as receive of Christ's spirit, mind or disposition. R1224:5

Spiritually minded – These are granted a spiritual insight into divine things. R4968:1

Is life and peace – God is now holding out a special prize to those who will live according to his will. R4628:1

The reward of obedience. R1223:6, 3083:5

"He that hath the Son hath life." (1 John 5:12) R3202:5

7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. The carnal mind – Sold under sin. R5117:1

The mind or will of the flesh. R1223:3

However polite or polished or well educated and decorous. R3202:2

Faith is not a matter of intellect alone, it is also a matter of the heart. R2162:1

Is enmity against – In opposition to God. R1223:6, 3202:5

It has its own ambitions and plans, and builds it hopes and aims chiefly upon what can be attained in this present life. R3202:5

Whoever is satisfactory to the Lord need not expect to be satisfactory to the world; for the fellowship of the world is enmity to God. R5738:1

Not subject to – Not in harmony with. R1223:6

The world is not subject to the divine standard. R5738:1

The inherited taint renders them unfit to live because with such a nature they cannot keep God's law. R527:2

The law of God – The divine standard. R5738:1

Neither indeed can be – For it is carnal, sold under sin. R5117:1

8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. In the flesh – Living according to their own wills. R3203:1, 5036:4

Whose existence is fleshly. R1223:6

The Apostle likens the great transformation of the present life to a resurrection from the dead. NS670:3

9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Ye are not – The Church. R3203:1

The consecrated. R1223:6

Reckonedly, from God's standpoint. A227; F366; R4494:6, 157:5, 102:6*

In every case the divine tests are not to prove our flesh, which is conceded to be imperfect, and ignored in this testing and counted dead. R4494:6

In the flesh – Human. T75

The old nature. R145:6*, 1981:5, 1223:6, 157:5*

We are reckoned dead as a human body, having been sacrificed with Christ. R5932:4

God does not look upon our imperfect flesh. R5447:4

The natural body is no longer we. R154:4

Reckoned dead, and daily dying to the fleshly human nature. R176:2

We must not mistake these new creatures and too closely identify them with the flesh. R5902:4

"Henceforth know we no man after the flesh." (2 Cor. 5:16) R3832:1, 4494:6

But in the Spirit – New creatures in Christ Jesus. R4869:3, 3832:1, 3768:5, 3203:1, 273:4; T75

Things may happen disastrous to the fleshly interests of spirit begotten ones, but they remember that no outside influence can mar their real interests as new creatures. R4767:5

Those in whom the good work of the Spirit is ever begun are counted on the living side, "risen with Christ." (Col. 3:1) R97:6*

The Spirit of God – The mind, disposition or spirit of holiness. R5036:4, 3251:6, 2721:5, 1223:6

From God. R371:5

Pictured in the holy place of the tabernacle, representing the Church not in its fleshly phase, but in its spiritual state. R102:6*

Plane M, on the Chart of the Ages, the plane of spirit begetting. R273:4

Dwell in you – God by his indwelling spirit works in us to will and to do his good pleasure. R3251:6

Bring every power of the body into subjection. Q506:3

The body is the servant of the new creature. R5325:4

If any man have not – In some measure. E188, E244

To whatever extent the Adversary may be able to inject into us an evil spirit, and to drive out the holy Spirit, to that extent he will be separating, alienating us from the Lord. R4388:2, 3985:5

Spirit of Christ – The same holy Spirit or disposition of the Father which operated in our Lord. E184; F367; R371:5, 2202:3

In sacrificing. R4536:4, 761:5, 759:4

The disposition of Christ, love. R2330:4, 3932:2; SM12:1

The spirit manifests itself in meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly kindness, love. OV367:4; R5829:5, 5224:2, 4377:3, 1114:1

The renewed mind. R455:5

The spirit of full surrender to the Father's will. SM351:1; R3894:4, 1141:2; CR229:6

Being one with the Lord; of one heart, of one will. R5348:4

Which would rejoice at the recovery of a wrongdoer at any step of the proceedings taught by Jesus in Matt. 18:15-18. F290

We cannot be in sympathetic accord with the fallen fleshly nature and its appetites and ambitions. R2721:5, 5036:4

The worldly may read the Gospel influence in the lives of professors before they give particular heed to the message. R5850:3

The warring kingdoms do not manifest this spirit, and are "none of his." R5829:5

The Holy Spirit or mind should not be confounded with the fruits of the spirit or the gifts of the spirit. R371:5

We look for evidences of the Lord's Spirit, disposition, character, in all those who profess to be his members. R4377:3

We will not find the Spirit of the master exactly duplicated in the members of the true Church; we will find at least a measure of that spirit in every member. R1103:2

In Christ, truth, humility, and love found an exponent, while at the same time he was bold as a lion in their true defense. R1103:2

This love may be of varying degrees, but it must be ours in some degree if we are the Lord's. R3932:1

He is none of his – And has not the parakletos (Greek), the divine aid. E203

Not of the Body of Christ. R2721:5

Being none of his he will surely not be permitted to share in the fruits and graces of the spirit of the present time, nor in the precious things of the divine provision which are yet future. R3836:4

And therefore will have no part in the Kingdom, whatever inferior blessing he may obtain under stripes and disciplines. R5346:2

None will be accounted worthy of everlasting life except he have the Spirit of Christ. R1673:3

Whoever has not given up his own will to the Lord is not his child. SM351:1

If the spirit of Christ were totally absent. F404

It rests with ourselves, largely with our use of the means which God has provided. D244

Because those things which the Lord loves are distasteful to the worldly, and those who love and practice such things lose his fellowship, they are not of his spirit. R2444:3

10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. Christ be in you – Applies only to the Church. E305

The spirit of truth manifested in the Church. R160:2*

The new nature. R237:2*

The body is dead – Reckoned dead as far as earthly rights and interests are concerned. E305; F675; R5036:2, 2231:6, 2029:4, 79:6

If you are fully consecrated, your own natural will and desire all resigned to the will of "the Head." R79:6

The words "dead" and "life" are used in a relative sense of those justified by faith who are at once absolutely freed from death condemnation. E305

Because of sin – As to sin; not reckoned of God in considering your case. R1223:6

Put to death by the Spirit. R145:6*

The Spirit is life – Is reckoned as a new creature, as having obtained a new spirit of life. E305, E306

The intention or new will has life reckoned to it. R1223:6

The new mind in us shall take control and actuate these mortal bodies and make of them servants of the new mind. R4041:1

The Spirit mortifies the deeds of the body, and gives new life. R146:1*

Of righteousness – Of its righteousness. R1223:6

Imputed righteousness. F675; R2231:6

11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. But – Moreover. R1224:1

The Spirit of him – The power of God. R5748:6

It is the spirit that mortifies or puts to death the deeds of the body, and the same spirit that gives new life. R146:1; NS327:4

In proportion as the spirit of God is received in us the new nature triumphs and is able to bring the mortal body into subjection and quicken it. CR3:4

"Your Heavenly Father shall give the holy Spirit to them that ask him." (Luke 11:13) R2722:1,4

Raised up Jesus – Jesus could never have raised himself. R2795:2

Dwell in you – In sufficient measure, abounding. R2721:6

Shall also quicken – Energize, under the control of the new will; employ in God's service. A197; F487, F600; R4810:2, 4808:3, 3203:3, 2721:6, 2336:4, 2029:4, 1981:6, 1224:1, 1114:2-6, 962:5, 836:6, 385:5*

Vivify. R4842:1

The energizing of the mortal body. Q593:4; R5060:5, 5035:3

Development of the new life in us as new creatures. SM598:1

While reckoned dead, this body has been revivified to serve the new creature. R5932:4

In proportion as the Spirit of God is received in us, the new nature triumphs to such an extent that it is able to bring the mortal body into subjection. CR3:4

Reckoned as alive, our bodies are energized in opposition to sin and in harmony with righteousness. R5035:3, 2029:4

Does not refer to physical healings, or the resurrection of our present identical bodies. R2029:4, 2593:4

Prepared for the fullness of the divine nature when the present body shall give place to a spiritual one. R805:4

The same spirit by which we crucify the flesh, is able to subdue and control the mortal body; make it alive and active with our new spiritual nature. R93:1

The dead and alive conditions need to continually be maintained by opposition of the new will to any life or activity of the old will. F600

Deadness to sin should not be satisfactory to us, we should by God's grace get alive to righteousness. R2029:4

Into active and diligent service and the bringing forth of all the fruits of holiness. R1981:6

"You hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins." (Eph. 2:1) R3756:5

Your mortal bodies – To the extent the new will gains control of our mortal bodies, it might not be improper to consider the mortal bodies as temporary substitutes for the spiritual body waited for. F487

This animal body is to be quickened by the Spirit of God that dwells in us; and by degrees this resurrection process in which the new creature is engaged becomes stronger and stronger. R5060:6

The flesh quickened by the new mind, will be the Lord's, aggressively and actively engaged in opposition to sin and error, and in the service of truth and righteousness. R2336:4

Man is not immortal. R1642:5

Not your immortal resurrection bodies. R2721:6

By his Spirit – The power of God which was sufficient to raise up Jesus is surely powerful enough to operate in our mortal bodies so as to permit us to use them in God's service. R4005:3, 4041:1, 3913:6, 3203:3, 2721:6, 1224:1; Q506:3

Dwelleth in you – The same spirit by which we crucify the flesh is able to so subdue and control this mortal body that it will be active, in harmony with our new nature. R93:4

Permitting us to do more in his service than if not begotten. R5035:3

Take the spirit away from the Church, and they would be nothing but a company of mere natural men--men in the flesh. R120:5*

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. Not to the flesh – We do not owe anything to the flesh, it brings us no advantage, present or future. R1224:1

To live after – To follow its leadings and be its servants. R1224:1

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For if ye – Saints, consecrated believers. R1748:1, 5805:6, 5233:6

Spirit-begotten ones. R1753:5

Ye who have solemnly covenanted to sacrifice your very life in the service of God, for the eradication of evil. R4809:5, 1115:1

The consecrated Christians living at Rome, and Christian people living all down through this age. R5269:3

Those who, in the present existence, are on trial for life. R1748:4

The warning is not at all applicable to the world. R1748:2

Live after the flesh – Returns to sin again, "Like a sow to her wallowing in the mire." (2 Peter 2:22) R5270:2

We mind the will of the flesh when we permit the fleshly desires, which we have given up, to become again the ruling influence of our minds. Take that course of life which would be pleasing to our old natures. R4830:1

In conformity to and in gratification of the inclinations and craving of the fallen human nature: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these," etc. (Gal. 5:19) R1748:3, 5270:4, 4809:5, 1753:5, 1224:1, 1115:1

Even after we have come into Christ. R1224:1

To live in gratification of even the legitimate cravings of the human mind and human body. R5807:1

We must train our minds to desire only those things which are true, pure, loving and good. R5124:2

A garment spotted with the flesh shows that the carnal or fleshly nature is not wholly subdued. R50:4*

Ye shall die – Lose your life as a new creature. A213; R5270:4, 4830:1, 1224:2, 279:5

Such have no provision made for them. They have gone clear back on their covenant. R5270:2

God has no use or place for willful covenant-breakers and covenant-despisers. R4809:5, 1115:1

Because they have already surrendered their human life-rights. R4828:3, 5269:3

Indicates the danger to which we are exposed if we neglect (spiritual) eating and working. R23:5*

Second death. R5270:5, 5806:5, 1699:5

Not suffer endless torment. R5806:5

Through the Spirit – Through the power of God. R5931:3

Live according to the Spirit, the renewed mind, or Spirit of Christ. R1224:1

Whatever mortification is practiced by the child of God should be actuated by the Spirit of God, the mind of God. R5806:3

Do mortify – Put to death; refuse to gratify. A213; R5807:4, 4020:3, 1753:5, 1748:5, 279:5

Put to death natural practices not in harmony with the Spirit of God. Mortify every inclination of the body that is not indorsed by the new mind. R5584:3, 5932:3, 5806:4, 3203:5

First surrender your human will to death and adapt in fullest measure the mind of Christ. NS593:1

Essential to the attainment of everlasting life. R5931:2

Make our bodies a sacrifice. R157:2*

It is not merely that we shall covenant at the beginning of our Christian course to do this, but we must carry out to its completion this mortification. R5805:6

There will be no mortification of the flesh in the Millennial age. R5806:4

Deeds of the body – Disposition of the human nature. A213; R1748:5, 279:5, 237:3

Represents all the human interests; not merely the weaknesses and infirmities of our fallen condition, and our sinful tendencies. R5805:6

But not the body itself, without a purpose. R5806:3, 5932:3

The new creature's closest and most persistent adversary is his own flesh. SM392:4

Deeds of the body – Mortification of his own flesh and natural preferences. SM393:3

The animal nature ruling should be put to death. R1699:2

Ye shall live – As new creatures. A213

Become strong as new creatures and be acceptable of the Lord to eternal life. R4020:3

If we succeed in faithfully laying down our earthly life, with all its hopes and prospects. R5805:6

And thus obtain actual fullness of unending life. R5931:2, 5806:5

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. As many as are led – Guided. R1224:1

Even unto death. R164:6, 418:4

To sacrifice themselves that they may serve the truth. R5447:2

If we willfully refuse the leading of God's Spirit, we forfeit the relationship of sons. R1748:5, 5807:4

Those who covenant with God are begotten of the Spirit of God and thenceforth led by it. R1841:2

That spirit takes hold of them, guiding them in various ways, sometimes by putting property into their hands, sometimes by taking it away, sometimes by permitting sickness. R5583:3

By the Spirit of God – Divine disposition--power or influence from God--also called holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of truth, Spirit of a sound mind, Spirit of sonship, Spirit of holiness. R5582:3, 5447:1, 418:4

Was made manifest at Pentecost. R5582:6

It comes to us as a seal of sonship, and to enable us as sons to understand our Father's will. R261:4, 418:4

As a seal of sonship, to enable us as sons to understand our Father's will. R261:4

As each man has a spirit or mind, so God has a spirit. R373:6

The spirit of the Law that was given to the Jew is upon the new creature, but not the Law Covenant. R4869:5

The people in the Millennial age will receive it in the sense of a blessing. R5583:4

Sons of God – Those begotten of the Spirit. R5582:6, 1841:2, 50:3*

Spiritual Israel--a house of sons. B205

Begotten sons, waiting for the adoption, full sonship. R50:3*

It is our business to grow, to cultivate in ourselves those dispositions which are worthy of us as spiritual sons of God. R4808:3, 1114:2

As long as we have this Spirit of God, it is an evidence to us that we maintain relationship of sons. R5228:3

We cannot agree to the common fatherhood of God and the common brotherhood of men: for only those who have the Father's spirit are sons of God. R2323:6

15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Spirit of bondage – As members of the house of servants. B246

Spirit of adoption – As members of the house of Sons; brethren of Christ. B246; E143

A spirit of sonship. (Diaglott) Q7:3

The holy Spirit. R2405:4

Adopted by God into his family. R1227:2

The only evidence, at present, that we are spirit-begotten. R5093:4, 375:2

This spirit, more and more permeating our lives, will make us more and more like unto our Father in heaven. R5613:3

To be followed by full adoption at the establishment of the Kingdom. E109

We cry – The children of God in a sense peculiar to this age; consecrated and begotten of the holy Spirit. R5149:4

Abba, Father – Those who are regenerated, spirit-begotten children of God, can call him thus. R5838:2, 520:6, 91:1*

God is not merely the controller of the universe, but our Father. R5149:4

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: The Spirit itself – Through the Word of God. E229

Beareth witness – The witness of repentance from sin and being drawn by the Heavenly Father to recognize Jesus as the Redeemer. E229

The witness of consecration of all we have to the service of God. E229; R374:1

The witness of chastisement, discipline. E231; R374:2

The witness of willing submission to God's will. E235; R374:3

The witness of separateness from the world and being hated and persecuted for letting our light shine. E235; R374:3

The witness of taking pleasure in acknowledging Jesus as your Redeemer and Master and faithfully presenting the Word of his testimony on every suitable occasion. E237; R374:4

The witness of prompt obedience and willing sacrifice. R759:5*

The witness of overcoming the world, being out of harmony with its aims, its hopes, its ambitions; by faith in spiritual and eternal things. E237-238; R374:4

The witness of growth in graces (fruit) of the spirit and in knowledge of things to come. E238-239; R374:2,5

"All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) R374:3; E235

With our Spirit – Some of the above witnesses in all the saints; all of them in the mature Christian. E261, E240

The first witness that the newly begotten may have is that they are accepted with the Lord. E240

The children of God – "As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Rom. 8:14) E163; R3203:6

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. And if children – When begotten of the holy Spirit to be sons of God. R5830:6, 5207:4

Made so by a display of divine sovereignty, which contradicts all Evolution theories. E395

We are bound to accept all our experiences as being of his providence. R5418:5

The only one directly begotten was Jesus. R5439:2

Sons of God. R5739:5

The faithful of the Gospel age are not children of Christ, but children of his Father, begotten of the Father's spirit and the Father's nature. E143

From Pentecost onward they were sons of God. R5830:6, 5207:4

Then heirs – Jesus, the Head, and the Church, his Body, constitute the antitypical spiritual seed of Abraham. (Gal. 3:29) R5450:2, 5207:4, 3937:3, 1493:5, 398:6

The sons have a right to the things which the Father has provided for his children. R5163:6

Heirs of God – A crown of glory is set apart for each son of the Father. R5532:3; A19

God has in his possession to give away, the divine nature and the honors of the Kingdom. R4751:1, 274:4; CR464:2

The Abrahamic promise. R5205:4

There is nothing in all the novels and romances in the world that in any degree compares with the marvels of this glorious grace of God bestowed upon consecrated believers of this Gospel age. R3988:6

The Father's equality of love for us as for Christ Jesus is made manifest. R3161:6

And joint-heirs – Otherwise styled the Bride the Lamb's wife. R5919:6

The only call going out during the Gospel Age. CR470:6; R5173:4, 2581:1, 1574:1

The high calling of the Gospel Church. R1566:1, 1262:3

Adoption into the family of God as sons. OV425:5

Partakers with Jesus of the divine nature. (2 Pet. 1:4) SM67:1; A196; R5562:4, 4998:6, 2409:4, 1881:4, 1360:4, 274:4

We are to share or participate with him in all that he has. CR215:1

In every sense, in the sufferings, self-denials, persecutions and sacrifices of the present life, as well as in the glories, honor and immortality of the future life. R5003:3, 2405:4

Of all things. (Heb. 1:2) R1617:4, 4071:3, 3161:6

Receiving "glory, honor and immortality." (Rom. 2:7) R5080:2, 2773:1, 2761:6

In the rulership of the Millennial Kingdom. D618; R4997:1, 2652:3, 2505:4

If so be – And only if so be. E233; F88

Our reign with Christ being conditional on our faithfulness in his service. C208

That we suffer – Death. F445: R270:5, F140:4, F134:6

As a result of letting our light shine. E294

As living sacrifices. R2409:5

Thus being "made meet for the inheritance." E121; OV425:1; R2761:1

The measure of our self-sacrifice and suffering for Christ becomes a measure, from God's standpoint, of our faithfulness. E490

With this opportunity of so great an exaltation go also conditions, limitations, trials, testings of faith and loyalty. OV379:4; R1652:6

The Heavenly Father wishes to prove the degree of our love. CR214:5; R2409:5

Show loyalty by faith and obedience to the divine law of love, even unto self-sacrifice, even unto death. R4799:2, 2074:5, 140:4

Lack of opportunity to suffer would mean the closing of the door, the barring of the narrow way to joint-heirship. C207

We are to go to him without the camp, bearing the reproach with him. (Heb. 13:13) R3917:4

Rejoice in tribulations and misrepresentations and whatever divine providence permits. R5008:2, 4398:5, 2000:3, 280:6

Only through great tribulation may they enter the Kingdom and be sharers with Christ in its glory. NS680:4

Those who suffer for the truth shall be esteemed worthy to share the throne. R832:2

If we reach the point of deadness to the world which will constitute us overcomers, we must die daily. R2123:2

In the narrow way of self denial and self sacrifice. R2074:T

The scorn, contempt, and opprobrium of the world. R1372:3

As members of the one loaf now being broken for others. R1787:5, 2773:1

We should bless God for an opportunity of sharing with Christ his "cup" of suffering and shame. R5192:6, 2272:2, 1637:2, 840:4, 467:1

This thought should be in the minds of those who participate in the Memorial. R5643:1, 5341:6, 3962:1

In the close of this age the Lord may take away his people in a fiery trouble. R5677:4

Those who avoid the fiery trials, by a compromising course, miss the joint-heirship in glory. T61

The sufferings of the Church are not coincident with her reign, but precede it. R2413:3

The brethren of Christ, his Body, the Church, are filling up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ. (Col. 1:24) SM783:1; R2760:6

The Church class in the Heavenly Father's school of discipline, see the necessity of the trial of the present to prepare for the glorious future. OV425:2

The prophets may have suffered as witnesses for God, their sufferings were not like that of the Gospel Church, reckoned as part of the sufferings of the Christ. R218:2

Fleshly Israel lost the chief favor, the spiritual Kingdom, because not ready at heart to receive it on the conditions attached to it--to suffer with Christ. D624

With him – Experience death-baptism with him as his Body-members. F439

Until the Covenant is faithfully finished in actual death. F445

Typified by the offering of the Lord's goat with the bullock. T61

In our Lord's case it was needful that he should suffer before entering into glory. R1782:6

"Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus." (2 Cor. 4:10) "Rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings." (1 Pet. 4:13) "That I may know him and the fellowship of his sufferings." (Phil. 3:10) T50; R80:3, 30:6*

"Fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) F632; T50; R5079:4, 4398:5, 2787:2, 2511:1, 2415:4, 840:4, 467:1; CR49:4

That we may be also – After the sufferings of the Gospel age are past. "After that ye have suffered awhile." (1 Pet. 5:10) T50

If we have not by a compromising course succeeded in avoiding the fiery trials. T61

Glorified together – Not at the same time, but with the same glory. R2156:4, 5838:1, 5822:2, 4973:3, 280:6

If the sufferings were of the whole body, so is the glory. R19:2, 579:5, 263:2, 218:2

They shall be a Kingdom of priests, or a Royal Priesthood. R5859:3

The saints shall reign and judge and bless the world in conjunction with their Lord, Jesus. D618

The glorification of all is to be the marriage of the Lamb. R169:3*

"When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory." (Col. 3:4) A86; R616:2*

"If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) T26, T50; R2787:2, 623:6*, 80:3, 30:6*

"If we be dead with him we shall also live with him." (Rom. 6:8) A212

"Knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation." (2 Cor. 1:7) T50

18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For I reckon – "Neither count I my life dear unto me." (Acts 20:24) R3001:3

The sufferings – Trials. R569:4

Losses, deprivations, self-denials. R443:4

The new creature is to suffer with Jesus. Q679:4; R443:4

Now are the sufferings, then (future) is the glory. CR379:2

Any sufferings that we have because of our membership in his Body are a part of the sufferings of Christ. Q679:4

Trials, difficulties, self denials. NS105:1

Are not worthy – To be compared; this is the proper thought. At most they are "light afflictions." (2 Cor. 4:17) OV189:2; R569:4

"I count all things but loss." (Phil. 3:8) F467

The glory – As the wife is the glory of the husband, so the Bride is the glory of Christ. R19:2, 579:5, 263:2

Which shall be – The sufferings of the Church are not coincident with her reign, but precede it. R2413:3

Revealed – Greek, apokalupto, uncovered, unveiled. R2979:2

At this appearing. R569:4

In us – The overcomers; the faithful. CR80:4; R3001:5; OV189:2

Christ could not come in the glory of his Kingdom (Church), until he has first gathered it from the world. R19:2, 2209:5, 579:5, 263:2

The honors of heaven as well as of earth shall be laid at the feet of The Christ. A292

19 For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Earnest expectation – The eager outlook. R873:1, 1225:6

Vague hope of everlasting life. E384

Of the creature – Greek, ktisis, the whole creation. R33:6*

Means man in the flesh, not cattle. HG31:1

Waiteth for – Waiting for the morning of the new and better day referred to by the angels, and by all the prophets, apostles, and the Redeemer. NS612:1; R4005:5

Waiting for the complete passing over of the Church of the first-born in the first resurrection. F460; NS74:2

Waiting for the High Priest, Head and Body, typified by the glorious garments of the Jewish high priest. R4428:2

Messiah's Kingdom and its long-promised blessings. OV179:1

The Kingdom which will crush out evil and bless and heal all nations. A306

"The times of restitution." (Acts 3:21) R1881:5, 675:1, 544:2, 257:4, 6:2

The world, the groaning creation, must wait until God's due time. SM143:2

The whole creation is not waiting intelligently, because the god of this world has blinded their minds. R2049:2

In ignorance. OV202:4; R2049:2, 1164:4, 1007:6, 675:1, 419:4, 165:6; T89

The manifestation – Greek, apokalupsis, uncovering, revealment. R2979:3

In their Kingdom power and glory, the Royal Priesthood. SM143:2; R5032:2, 4005:5, 2129:4

The Church must enter into her reward before the blessing of mankind in general can proceed. SM154:2; R356:6, 238:4; F460; OV430:2

Revealing of the saints to the world. R5008:2

The coming into power of the spiritual Christ constitutes the second advent to mankind. R2563:3, 4512:5

In the glorious morning of Messiah's Kingdom. OV176:1; R2122:6; CR426:1

An appearing with Christ in glory. (Col. 3:4) R4512:5, 56:2*, 32:6*

In Kingdom power, as kings and priests. D424, D637, D618; B210; E26; F78

Their shining forth in truth and righteousness will scatter all the darkness of sin and error and awaken and revivify the world of mankind. R4644:2, 2122:6

"Then shall the righteous shine forth," (Matt. 13:43), be manifested. R6:2, 3749:5, 369:1, 257:4, 33:6*

In Kingdom power for which we, the sons of God are to be manifest for the blessing of all the families of the earth. R1675:2; OV20:5; SM143:2

The appearing in glory, and the descent of the New Jerusalem. R56:2*

As soon as it shall have been completed the glorious Redeemer with his exalted Bride class will inaugurate his glorious being of a thousand years, by binding Satan and ushering in the new dispensation. R5079:2

Of the sons of God – The Church in glory. OV202:4; R5576:3, 3749:5, 1226:1, 419:4, 165:6

The Little Flock, the elect, the saints. R873:1, 1881:5

Comparatively little known, and considered "peculiar people," at present. OV176:1; R4892:1, 616:2*

They shall bring life and liberty to the groaning creation, through the New covenant arrangement. R5909:5, 2972:1

The Head and Body complete. R60:2*; CR426:1

The Sun of Righteousness which arises with healing in his wings. (Mal. 4:2) R165:6, 2122:6, 419:4, 369:1

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." (1 John 3:2) CR250:4

These sons are not now manifest, but when in the harvest they are separated, then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom. R257:4, 6:2

The promised seed of Abraham in whom all the families of the earth are to be blessed. A88; R1164:4

They are not waiting in hope that they may be found amongst those sons of God, but waiting for the blessings which those sons will bring to this earth. F78

At the same time the world shall have learned the need of the perfect government, which shall be established through these. R743:5

20 For the creation was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, For the creature – This verse, except the last two words, is well shown in Rotherham's translation to be a parenthesis. R1225:6, 873:1

Mankind. R616:4*

Subject to vanity – Frailty--mental weakness, moral weakness, physical weakness; by heredity. CR429:3; E26, E189; R5576:3, 1226:1, 873:1, 616:4*

Subject to an oppressive bondage. R780:3

Creation was made to submit to its present state of lifeless inability and impotency, frailty. R873:1

Individual sin, except in the first man, has nothing to do with hereditary death, it extends to all mankind. R1476:5

Contrary to the teachings of Evolutionists. A162

Not willingly – On account of sin. R780:3

God was responsible, he cut us off from fellowship with himself, and justly so. R429:3

Mankind did not voluntarily choose this dying. God put him under it. R616:5*, 1226:1; CR431:2

For both the taint of sin and the condemnation to death passed upon them all before they were born. R1781:1, 5066:6

The permission of evil. R873:1

By reason of him – Jehovah. R1781:1

By reason of Adam's transgression. SM613:1; R1226:1, 873:1

The same in hope – That many after having experienced would appreciate and shun sin and its wages. R724:1

God gave man a basis for hope for a future deliverance from bondage to sin and death. R1781:1

Hope is a quality which belongs to finite creatures. God never hopes, he knows. R1225:6, 1781:1

Connecting verses 18 and 21. R1226:1

21 Because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. The creature itself – The world of mankind, or as many of them as will accept the liberty. R2310:4

The groaning creation; mankind. CR431:1; SM613:2

True Christians are already set free, so far as their hearts are concerned. CR431:1; OV387:1

Does not refer to lower animals, nothing in the divine Word indicates redemption or restitution for lower creatures. NS434:5

Not the lower animals, as suggested by John Wesley. CR431:1

Also – Not the Church alone, but the entire groaning creation. R5018:6, 60:2

Shall be delivered – Liberated. R1316:2

Through Christ. R1781:1, 5706:4

To life; the grand work of the New Covenant. R5909:5

If willing and obedient under Messiah's reign. R4891:5, 5378:6, 5240:5, 5018:6, 4996:5, 816:6; OV388:3

Not only the living, but also those who have fallen asleep in death. R5706:4

Into that freedom from pain, sorrow, and dying which is the provision for all the Sons of God. R1176:4

The world's blessing tarries until the completion of the Church. OV387:2

After the Church is delivered, the groaning creation is also to be delivered. OV430:2

From the bondage – Everyone, not the world merely but also the Church, are bound in a certain way, by our own ignorance, mental weakness, moral weakness, physical weakness etc. CR427:2

All of God's creatures who will, may eventually experience this liberty. CR427:2

All will be delivered, through the second Adam. SM614:1; R816:5, 3749:4

When the whole world shall have been restored and brought back to perfection. CR431:1

Of corruption – Condemnation, sin, death, selfishness and the general power of the evil one. T84; D377; R5818:4, 5356:2, 4931:6, 2440:6, 1007:6, 873:1; OV373:3, 388:2; CR431:4

Glorious liberty – The same that Adam enjoyed before he sinned. R5818:4, 5240:5, 816:3, 37:6

Perfection of life, and all the glorious privileges which belong to the perfect sons of God. R2310:4

Liberty to do good to themselves and others, in any and every way. A302; R616:4*

Glory of the freedom. R1225:6

"No more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away." (Rev. 21:4) R616:2*

Freedom from death, with all its concomitants of pain, sickness and sorrow. R816:2, 2440:6, 2310:4, 1176:4, 873:1, 838:6, 616:2*, 333:1, 37:6

Only those who have been set free know what real liberty is. CR427:2

There is a true liberty which God has provided, and that liberty is coming. CR429:1

Our prayers and desires should go up for this kind of liberty. OV122:1

All the groaning race of mankind, who will be obedient, will be delivered from sin and death conditions. R5240:5

To release men from bondage of death is to restore to original perfection. R816:3

Compatible with the duty of submission on the part of the wife in the domestic relation. R1553:4

Fully attained, means everlasting life. HG235:1

Children of God – On every plane, whether divine, angelic or human. R2310:4, 816:3, 616:2*

Though the race in general will not become sons of God, they may obtain, through the Sons of God, the liberty or freedom from death, pain, etc., the common heritage of all sons of God. R1007:6, 2440:6

Not spiritual sons, but earthly sons, human sons. CR328:3; R4931:6

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. The whole creation – Humanity; all of Adam's posterity. T84; R4552:2, 1881:5

Even including the animals, which have shared in the results of the catastrophe which came upon the earth in the flood; likewise they will be sharers with man, their king, in the great uplift. R2837:1

Groaneth – Comfort all that mourn. R1715:1

Under the curse. R2019:2

Ignorantly, for as yet they know not the righteous and merciful judge who redeemed them. R569:2, 413:1

Mankind's prayers and groans have been heard of Jehovah and he has permitted the Rock, Christ Jesus, to be smitten. R334:4

They would drown sorrows in pleasure, but cannot succeed. NS87:1

There are many of our race who do not sufficiently realize their condition to groan for themselves. NS188:2

Under the bondage of sin and death, during the 6000 years. B40; R4214:5, 2378:1

In the antitypical Atonement Day. PT389:2*

Typified by the condition of the nation of Israel, covered with sackcloth and ashes on the Day of Atonement, while the priests were offering up the sacrifices. R3709:4,5, 4428:2, 2821:6

The world groans aloud without alleviation. OV202:4

Because man is a prisoner and under death sentence. SM610:2; R2310:3

Sin, the great monarch ruling the world, has enslaved the entire human family; they get disease, sorrow, disappointment, death. R5355:3, 3101:6, 1091:3

Even under the best of rulers, while Satan is at the helm. R3447:5

Without God and without hope; groans in doubt and despair. SM618:T

It began with father Adam and has continued ever since as his posterity has become more and more depraved. SM612:2

It is the divine purpose that present trials and experiences shall prove useful as disciplines. R4552:3

The great thousand-year day is still future, and meantime the Apostle's words respecting mankind are still true. SM151:2

And travaileth – Waiting for the deliverance of the Body of Christ. C228

Its groaning and travailing must increase until the manifestation of the sons of God. D424

Waiting for the great Judge to deliver and bless the world. A147; R4269:3, 3053:4, 2049:2, 373:4

We see confusion, wars between nations, helplessness of statesmen, discontent of lower classes, excessive luxury, extreme poverty, lying, heathenism, decay of vital religion over the whole globe. R1072:3

No part of creation is subjected to more intense pain than is woman. "A woman in travail" has been a symbol of agony throughout all ages. R1476:5

After the Church is delivered, the groaning creation is also to be delivered. OV430:2

In pain together – With little to palliate the wounds, aches and smarts. F77

Mental, moral and physical imperfections are manifest everywhere. OV295:1

In slavery which was pictured by the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt under Pharaoh. R5355:6

Until now – The promised day of judgment, a glorious and desirable day. A147

The deliverance from selfishness and the power of the evil one is nigh at hand. D377

Not even with the inauguration of the Millennium will this prophecy be fulfilled: not until its close. R3702:2

The birth of Zion, the exaltation of the Body of Christ to Kingdom power, will be cause for rejoicing on the part of all people. R1649:4

Waiting for the Millennial morning, which shall accompany the shining forth of the seed of Abraham. R2122:6, 369:1

Waiting for the great fulfillment of the Oath Bound Covenant. HG389:1

"Waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God." (vs. 19) CR250:4; R1649:4

23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. They – The world. R2049:2

But ourselves also – The faithful Church, the new creation. A197; E434; F160, F664; R373:4, 2049:2

The Apostle distinctly marks as separate the salvation of the Church and the subsequent salvation of the world. E25

The firstfruits – The begetting. R200:4, 2064:6*

The hand-payment, binding the covenant. E247

Groan – By reason of our surroundings. E27; R1759:2

For the deliverance into Christ's likeness. R373:4, 2064:6*

Being burdened by weaknesses, by consciousness of wrong in ourselves, and by wrong-doings of others. CR462:5; R1738:3

Our physical, mental and moral weaknesses at times assert themselves so strongly that we cannot as new creatures do as we would. SM618:1; R2064:6*

The Christian is not exempt from the conditions upon the world. R1759:2

Within ourselves – Not outwardly before the world. R2948:4; SM618:1

It is a subdued, modified groan, because of the offset of our glorious hopes. SM618:1; R4214:6, 2378:2

We cannot exult in tribulation even though in our hearts we may rejoice. SM618:1

We sorrow not as others who have no hope. (1 Thes. 4:13) OV202:4

Waiting – For the glorious epoch. R1164:4

For the Father's time and the Father's manner of bestowal. D516

The time for these blessings is now at hand, and will be introduced by scourging the world with an awful time of trouble. D516

Waiting for the deliverance of our Body, the Church as a whole. SM618:2; R3749:5, 369:1

For the adoption – We become new creatures not by adoption, but by the begetting of the Holy Spirit. Q7:2

God does not adopt us in the flesh, he only has to do with us as new creatures. Q7:2

Full introduction to the glories and honors of our Father. R1164:4, 2088:2

The full recognition of our sonship. R2049:2, 69:4*

"Ye have received the spirit of adoption." (Rom. 8:15) E109

The redemption – Greek, apolutrosis; deliverance, in the first resurrection, at the second advent. E434; F77, F160, F664; R2066:4, 2064:2, 60:1*

The deliverance of the Church from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of full sonship. R2194:6, 2973:2

Being caught away to meet Christ and to be forever with him. Same as, "Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away." (Cant. 2:10, 13) R127:5*

We will not attain our redemption in full until then. F160

Nothing in this statement has the slightest reference to the redemption accomplished at Calvary, it refers solely to the deliverance of the Church. D434

Of our body – The Church, the Body of Christ. C228; E434; F77, F160, F664; R5802:2, 3053:4, 2926:5, 2028:5, 1164:4, 593:3, 361:2, 200:4, 69:4*; OV190:2, 202:3

The physical union of the Church, the entire Body of Christ, will be in glory, at the completion of the first resurrection. R2066:4

Of which Jesus is the Head or chief and we are symbolic members or an underpriesthood. OV202:5

According to Jehovah's arrangement, the new order of things cannot be established until the new ruler, Christ complete, Head and Body, has come fully into power. C228; R3053:4

24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? For we are saved – From the thraldom of sin and the corruption of death. A107

By hope – We may, by faith, think of ourselves as new creatures, perfected. E289; R373:4

We now enjoy salvation by faith and hope. R1736:2, 603:6*, 373:4*

We are not actually saved yet, but merely in an anticipatory sense. F664; R3701:4, 1316:1, 364:1; Q603:2

Not merely of hope--our salvation begins to take hold on us mentally, morally and physically. R2932:6

We will not be actually delivered from the power of death until the resurrection. F697; R3165:5

The faithful of the Patriarchal, Jewish, and Gospel ages, are saved only partially, awaiting the Kingdom. R1316:1

The advantages which now accrue to believers are not actual, for they share the miseries of the curse, but they are by faith. R364:1; NS279:6

We have hope as an anchor which keeps us from drifting doubts of the world. R346:1

The special salvation which believers now enjoy in hope and the reality, which will in the Millennial age, be revealed. A107; 344:5

Why doth he yet hope – When that which is perfect shall have come, when hope is lost in full fruition, we shall not need to hope as now. R5786:3

25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. The Spirit – Our new, holy mind. E289; R373:5

Also helpeth – Maketh up for. E289; R373:5

God is developing in us by his providences the quality of firmness for righteousness. R2404:6

Our infirmities – Our bodily infirmities. E289; R373:5

Greek, astheneia; moral or spiritual sickness. R4099:6, 3*

For we know not – Even so simple a thing as what to pray for. E289; R373:5

The Spirit itself – The spirit that maketh intercession for us is our own spirit, which supplicates God and often fails to express itself properly. E288; R373:4

Maketh intercession – Therefore, sometimes God answers very improper prayers in a very gracious manner, though not according to the asking. R202:4

For us – Omit these words; not in the oldest manuscripts. E289; R373:5

With groanings – "Even we ourselves groan within ourselves." (Rom. 8:23) E289

Cannot be uttered – Formulated by us in words. E289

If the spirit is a person, equal in power with the Father and the Son, why must he interpose for us with them, with unutterable groans? E287; R373:3

27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because it maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And he – God. E289; R373:5

What is the mind – Greek, phronema; inclination. E289; R373:5

Of the Spirit – Of our spirit. E289; R373:5

Because he – Because it, our spirit. E289; R373:5

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. And we know – God has promised that nothing can happen to us but what is for our highest good. R5403:1, 4628:5, 4219:6

We realize that all of life's experiences are under divine supervision. R5403:1, 5781:5, 5132:3, 2412:6, 2083:3

This is to the Christian a source of power, of strength. R5977:6

It constitutes for us the true "second blessing"--it ushers our hearts into a profound rest, into a full confidence in God. F134

That all things – Even the seeming delays, difficulties, troubles, persecutions, and seeming disasters. R2025:5, 5781:5, 5403:1, 5402:3, 5333:4, 5217:2, 5118:5, 4983:4, 4926:6, 2699:1, 2356:6, 798:2

Even financial disappointments. R5589:1, 2699:1

That come to us in the line of faithfulness. R5811:4

We may have tests of love for the brethren, for our own family, for our neighbors The Lord might even hide his face from us for a time to give us a test of love for him. OV422:2

It is our privilege to rejoice at all times and under all circumstances, and our pleasure always to give thanks to God for all things. R1489:6, 4200:5

The trials and difficulties of life are shaping and fitting us for glory, honor and immortality. R5713:6, 2083:3, 2061:1; CR307:4

As strength of character is developed, the tests applied serve only to develop more strength, beauty and grace, until it is finally fixed, perfected. R4767:5, 2465:6

The exceeding great and precious promises are briefly comprehended in this one promise. F134

All of the affairs of his truly consecrated spirit-begotten children are henceforth God's affairs and concerns. The world may be subject to accidents, but God's little ones are his peculiar care. HG294:6

Whatever may occur in their experience will be of divine knowledge and permission. R5781:5

This includes even the things that seem to be very contrary, very evil, very disadvantageous. R5118:5, 4219:2

Even the failures which, subsequently recognized, lead to greater fortification against the wiles of the Adversary, may be overruled by our Lord for our blessing. R4790:4

God is ordering all the affairs and interests of his Church and also those of the world. R5249:2

Work together – God loves us, and will make everything work out for our good as new creatures. CR461:2; R5561:6, 5402:3, 4660:2, 2699:4, 738:6

This promise is sure to all those who are his children according to the spirit. CR461:2; R5645:5

If we know this, we shall receive all that comes to us in the spirit of submission and trust. R5759:5, 3208:5

A seeming accident could not have occurred had God not seen a way to make it the channel of a needed lesson or blessing. R5425:5

The more faith we have, the more we appreciate this text. R5118:5

God's mercy and goodness follow us (Psa. 23:6) to accomplish this. R5654:6

As long as we abide faithful to God. R5645:5

The Lord will not permit us to be tempted, or tested, above what we are able to bear. (1 Cor. 10:13) R5569:6

Such as realize this providential supervision, are not only kept more humble and trustful, but are not vexed and soured by the vicissitudes of life and misconduct of others. R1646:4

Even the weaknesses of heredity may work out for the faithful that "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." (2 Cor. 4:17) R4712:4

Causing all things to work together for good. R5132:3

Through the agency of the "ministering spirits sent forth to minister unto those who shall be heirs of salvation." (Heb. 1:14) F76

For good – Developing in us the peaceable fruits of righteousness. F181; R1646:4

The interest, the good of the new creature. R5606:1, 5402:3

Nothing can harm us, aside from our Father's will. R5546:6

Whatever cannot be overruled for good must be hindered, must be stopped, cannot proceed. R4133:6

Each of God's children should be helped by his defeats as well as by his victories. R4307:6, 5811:4

The powers of evil cannot harm the elect, therefore let us put away fears as marks or evidences of lack of faith. R4736:3, 4069:5

Our Heavenly Father wishes to give us the good things. Sometimes he sees best that we wait before getting an answer to our prayers. R5480:4

Few lessons are harder to learn than this one--that God supervises the affairs of all who are truly his. R5264:4

The consecrated shall have all needful instruction, grace, comfort, discipline, training and care; and such measure of temporal good as will be most conducive to highest spiritual and everlasting blessing. R1396:3

Sometimes our Heavenly Father sees best that we wait a long time before getting the answer to our petitions; at other times he may give us a speedy answer to our prayer. R5480:4

"There shall no evil befall thee." (Psa. 91:10) R3332:2

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." (Psa. 23:1) R1396:3

It would be a mistake, however, to suppose that the Lord would in every case make things work together for our temporal advantage. R2130:3*

Nothing can harm these, except as the Heavenly Father sees that the earthly injury or disadvantage would prove profitable to the individual new creature or the Lord's general cause. R4926:6

Even if God should permit him to use his judgment in a way that afterward appeared not have been the best, nevertheless the Father may use it to bring some profitable lesson. R5212:6

Our Heavenly Father would watch over their every interest, temporal and spiritual. NS654:6

However vexing or perplexing or trying they may be. R1489:6

Not (necessarily) for the best. R5118:5

To them – Who have become new creatures in Christ; not the world. CR149:1; R5403:2, 4386:1

One class is under special supervision and to these nothing out of God's order could happen. R738:6

God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5

The spirit-begotten ones have much advantage every way. R5681:5

He who has buried his own will completely in the will of the Lord can know no disappointment; but in every affair of his life he sees by faith divine appointment or supervision. R2412:6

Little does the world realize the important place in its affairs and interests occupied by this Little Flock. R4133:6

That love God – Love him supremely. R5633:5, 1911:2; F154

With loyal hearts. R4308:1

In proportion as we love God we get the good out of our experiences. R5759:5

These can be calm and serene in the midst of all the storms of life. OV200:5

Who are the called – "And chosen and faithful." (Rev. 17:14) C232

The Kingdom class. SM369:T

To be the Bride, the Lamb's wife. R4784:2, 5249:2

Who are promised a share in the First Resurrection. OV231:T

This elect class will be God's instrumentality for the blessing of the non-elect. SM91:1; R2538:6

Applies to the Church of the Gospel age, but there is a sense in which it was applicable to the Hebrews, since the time of Abraham. R5217:2

According to his purpose – The glorious purpose of making them his agents for the blessing of all mankind. R2538:6, 25:2*

29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. For whom – "A Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation." (1 Pet. 2:9) E30

Wholly respecting the Church; the new creatures. CR156:5; R4975:6, 4213:6, 2377:2; OV35:4

Not the Great Company. R4401:1

He did foreknow – In the Abrahamic Covenant, God declared his purpose to find a seed of Abraham. R5301:4

This special class was foreknown from before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 1:4) R4492:4, 4855:5, 4213:3, 2376:5; Q657:6

God foreknew us also by Jesus, not as individuals necessarily, but he foreknew a Church, a class. R4855:5

Nothing in any Scripture implies divine foreknowledge of the individuals. F179; Q657:6, R3282:1, 2652:3, 1141:2

He did predestinate – Determine or decide. R5900:6

Predetermine. OV35:4; R5900:6*

As to qualifications of character. E137; F180; R5346:3, 3281:1, 2940:6, 2652:3; OV237:2; CR69:5; Q456:T

God foreordained that he would have a Church. R5001:6, 5838:4, 5269:6, 5056:1; CR69:5

God's election of a saintly Kingdom class is the work of this age. The elect in glory will in the next age extend God's free grace to all. (Rev. 22:17) PD86/99

Not that some should go to heaven and others to eternal torment. R2376:6, 4213:4

God not only prearranged to have a Church as a Bride of Christ, but also fixed certain limitations of character. NS545:3; HG377:6

To be conformed – The golden rule is necessary in such formation of character, to develop in us not the principles of justice only, but also the spirit of love. R2689:3

The Church must each individually in character become copies of our Lord. R534:3

It is the new creature, the new mind, the new will, that is in the school of Christ, that is to be brought into full accord with the divine will, to become a copy or likeness of the Lord. R2439:5

We aid each other in the cultivation of those traits of character which the Lord has stipulated shall distinguish all who become his joint-heirs. R845:4

Whoever of the called ones fail to attain the character likeness of Christ, fails to make his calling and election sure. OV35:6

In purity of heart, purity of intention; sincerity of efforts toward God and men. R2587:5

The attainment of the character-likeness of Jesus. SM390:1; R5968:5, 5859:6, 4975:6, 4928:5, 4501:3, 3985:6, 3586:4, 3307:1, 2754:1, 1166:1; C210; F67, F180; CR69:5; 444:2; Q429:5

This implies, as its cost, the sacrifice of earthly interests. SM390:1

Whoever of the "called" ones fails to attain the character likeness of Christ will be rejected. OV35:4; R3586:1, 1802:2

The very object of the begetting of the new creature is to develop and crystallize character. R4975:6

It means the losing of the mental and moral likeness to the world. R1007:1

Not partly conformed, but fully conformed. R4975:6

To the image – A copy--not in the flesh, but in the spirit. R5902:6, 2439:5

Copies of the likeness of God's Son. (Diaglott) C210; F67, F180; R5056:1, 5002:1, 4213:4, 2737:5, 2538:6, 2439:5, 2376:6

The new creature, the new mind, the new will, is in the school of Christ; to be perfected, to be brought into full accord with the divine will, to become a copy or likeness of the Lord. R4810:4, 5003:3, 4975:6

Glorified character likeness. CR38:3; R5580:1

God's message of grace once accepted must be considered either a message of life unto life, or of death unto death. R4647:3

"Holy, unblameable and unreprovable." (Col. 1:22) E395

Every member of the great Mediator must have the spirit of Jesus, the Head. CR49:6

All must have his likeness, be meek and lowly in heart, desiring only to know and do the will of God at any cost. R1141:1

In proportion as the likeness of our Lord is fixed in our hearts, upon the basis of truth and the divine nature, can a lasting likeness be hoped for. R2137:6

Spiritual likeness. R1879:4

Heart-likeness. R3985:6

Their trials have made them more nearly, as new creatures, copies of God's dear Son. SM631:1

The epistle of Christ written in their hearts. Q429:4; R5968:5

Christ's likeness in heart, and as much as possible that likeness in outward living and in thinking. R5849:6

There is only one way to seek for this great prize successfully, and that is by patiently and perseveringly cultivating and developing in ourselves the character-likeness of our Redeemer. R4501:6

Of his Son – "We shall be like him." (1 John 3:2) T67

Heroes. R4533:3

"Who is the image of the invisible God." (Col. 1:15) R41:3*

That he might be – None could precede him; only by noting and following in his footsteps can we hope to share his glory. F181

The firstborn – "The firstborn from the dead." (Col. 1:18) The resurrection of our Lord was his birth from the dead, to the full perfection of spiritual being. B134; R3912:2, 3174:4, 2618:5, 2573:1, 2422:2

The heir. R134:3, 270:3

The raising of Jairus' daughter was not a resurrection, nor were any of the other cases of awakening from death recorded in the Scriptures. R2618:5

This is a progressive matter; first there is the beginning, then the period of gestation, then birth. R5580:2

Among many brethren – Who have received the spirit of adoption. E109

The faithful of this Gospel age are not the children of Christ; our relationship to our Lord Jesus is that of brethren. E143; R2652:3

30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Moreover whom – The Apostle here traces backward the development of the Church. F182

He did predestinate – As a class, not as individuals. A194

He also called – To obedience, to present their bodies living sacrifices. R2378:6, 5838:4, 4215:5, 1141:3

The glorious opportunity of the high calling. R5838:4, 1141:2

Accepted to the grand position of the glorious elect. F182

Invited to that honor through the Gospel. R3282:1, 810:3*

No man takes this step of consecration unless he is called of God. R5134:1

Only the justified are called. R4783:5, 4214:2, 4213:6, 3282:1, 2377:1,3, 1141:2

He also justified – Covered with the robe of Christ's righteousness. C198

Through the imputed righteousness of Christ. R1141:3

Those who accept the light by repentance and faith. R2377:5, 5838:5, 4214:3, 1141:3

He also glorified – Greek, doxazo; honored; it is more of an honor to hear of God's grace than many suppose. F182; A194

Honored by sending to them the Gospel message. R3282:1, 4213:5, 2377:1,3, 1141:2

By begetting them with the holy Spirit. R5838:5

After Pentecost it was not Africa and Asia that were chiefly honored with the Gospel, but Europe, and later America. R2377:3, 4214:1

No man, without being invited, could think of aspiring to the great honor of the position to which the Church is elected: "So, also, Christ glorified (honored) not himself to be made an High Priest." (Heb. 5:5) A194

Tracing the steps in the reverse order, this is the first step. R2377:1,3, 4213:5,6

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? What shall we then – In view of God's ignoring of our weaknesses and imperfections in conduct and in prayer, and blessing us according to the spirit of our minds. E290-291

Say to these things – Paul has been arguing justification as a basis or step to glory and heirship. R504:1

If – If I have proved that. R2378:2, 4214:6

God – The Lord of Hosts is with us, his promises and providences are walls of salvation and protection on every hand. R1653:5

With all of his infinite wisdom and power, and all of the heavenly powers. R2377:5, 4214:3

Be for us – If God be thus for our election. E291; F183; R4213:2, 2376:3

On our side. CR461:1

The Little Flock. R2377:5, 4214:3, 2378:1

In that he spared not his own Son, but redeemed us with his precious blood, and called us to his "elect" Church. R3052:4, 1141:4, 504:1, 393:4

If we have the peace of God ruling in our hearts, it is beyond all human comprehension. R4708:1

God being on our side, none of the oppositions need cause us fear or trepidation for he is absolutely abundantly able to carry us through them all. F183

It means almighty wisdom enlisted in our interest, almighty power exerted on our behalf, almighty love and infinite goodness watching over us and caring for and helping us. R4212:3

This blessed assurance gave the Master courage. R4708:1

For the people of Europe and North America, who accepted the Gospel message; and especially for those of the called ones who make their calling and election sure. R2377:4, 4214:2

Not for everybody, everywhere, as taught by Methodism, Universalism and Unitarianism. R2375:6, 4212:3

Who can be against us – Who can prosper against us. R3052:4

However numerous, however strong, whether demons or men. R4379:6, 5043:6, 4214:6, 2378:2-5

Within and without. R1985:2

To any avail, to thwart our hopes. R1956:2, 3155:6, 3052:4

Even adverse experiences are of divine permission. R4325:4, 1956:2

Notwithstanding all our adversaries, our assurance is that all wisdom, power and love shall be exerted on our behalf. R2378:5, 4215:4, 2880:5, 1141:4

All our adversaries must be resisted with the sword of the Spirit. In due time God will right present wrongs and falsehoods. R2378:4, 4215:2

Those who believe verses 31-39 teach "once in grace, always in grace" lose sight of numerous texts which declare that they must "abide in Christ." R2286:3

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? But delivered him up – To death. A155; E197

The ignominious and cruel death were at the expense of the fondest affection of him who loves as never man loved. R1696:5

Give us all things – Needful for us in our race for the prize. E197; F411

Abundant cause for thankfulness and rejoicing. R1911:2

33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. To the charge – If God ignores the infirmities of our flesh, we should so regard one another, considering not and charging not against one another the infirmities of the flesh. R5802:5, 3587:1; F184

So long as we are striving against sin. F369

Only as we are able to realize an obedient faith are we able to apply these gracious promises to ourselves or to rest therein. R3944:5, 2466:5

When the infirmities of the flesh are cultivated, without effort to correct them, then they are charged against us. R5802:5

Some may find fault with us for having imperfect judgments, and being sometimes imperfect in our conduct or words; but what will it matter if the Lord approves. R3052:4

Of God's elect – Who are to be associated with Messiah in his glorious Kingdom. OV146:1

It is God – The firmness of whose justice can no more condemn the redeemed than it could previously excuse the guilty. A295, A157

It was God who condemned. Q410:3

That justifieth – "Shall that God that justifieth." R5802:5, 1456:2*

Young--"to make, or declare right"--not necessarily a state of perfection. PT390:5*

Through the blood of Jesus. Q410:2; R5959:2; CR173:5

An imputation of righteousness. R5881:2, 193:4

Justification of the Church is an instantaneous work. R5959:2

Freed from the condemnation of all inherited weakness and sin. R504:2, 225:3

The One who "condemned sin in the flesh" has accepted us as new creatures, justified us, and has admitted us as members of the family (prospectively) of the Royal Priesthood. R4656:4

"The Father himself loveth you." (John 16:27) R3944:4, 1141:4; F184

"Their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord." (Isa. 54:17) R3052:4

God receives to everlasting life and to his family on any plane of existence only those who are perfect. R5959:6

Consequently, if God justifies, no one has a right to condemn us. R393:4

There is no appeal from this, the judge of the supreme court of heaven says that we are justified freely from all things. R193:2

34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. He that condemneth – It is the Adversary. R1141:5

Who shall succeed in condemning? R3052:4

Dare anyone claim that I am still guilty. R504:2

God no longer condemns because Christ died. R485:2

It is Christ – Will that Anointed One?...Nay. R3280:1

"Shall Christ that died." R5802:5, 1456:2*, 1141:4

That died – Paying our penalty in full, making good all our deficiencies. E197; R5597:5, 225:3

The followers of Jesus know that their sins are forgiven, and that nothing in the past can stand against them. R4656:1

Jesus was man's substitute, in the sense that he met in his own person the penalty which God's broken law had charged against us. R485:2

It is the merit of his great sacrifice that speaks our justification. R3280:1

That is risen again – The glorified and highly exalted Christ. E197

At the right hand – In the position of favor and power. A92; R1141:4; CR451:5

Intercession for us – Applying on our behalf a sufficiency of his own merit to cover all our blemishes. F184

Not in the sense of pleading with the Father to do for us what he already planned and arranged to do. R1141:4

The Greek word signifies to deal or to show cause. R791:5

For us, Christ Jesus does not pray or entreat with the Father for our acceptance. R791:5

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Who shall – The blessed assurance of faith. R2093:2, 1949:2,4

Only our loss of confidence in the Lord and our unfaithfulness. R3232:1

Separate us – The conduct of one could not send another into the second death without his cooperation. R4831:1

Neither should any of these things (poverty, sickness, loss of friends or other ill) separate God's children from one another. R657:4*

Love of Christ – Christ's special love of the Church, clearly distinguished from the world. R1254:5

Cease our love for the Lord, renounce his name and his cause and follow no longer in his footsteps. F184

"In the world ye shall have tribulation, but in me ye shall have peace." (John 16:33) R1141:6

36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. For thy sake – For Christ's sake. R212:1*

We are – A prophecy from Psa. 44:22 applicable to the entire Christ. R5173:4

Killed – We have no time for concerts, games, science, art, music, etc., because all our time, money and talents are consecrated to be sacrificed from self to the Lord's service. R443:4

All the day long – The Gospel age. R5173:2

The antitypical Day of Atonement. R5173:2

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. We – The Little Flock only. R3868:2, 5947:2, 5865:1; Q522:2

The glorified Bride class. R5439:4; CR17:3; SM126:2, 361:2, 727:T

By knowledge. R5065:6

By more grace from the Lord. R2590:6, 2568:5

More than conquerors – "More than overcomers." R5584:5

Victors in the highest sense. R5285:2

Loyal in the highest degree; in thought, word and deed. R4325:2, 5865:2, 5439:4, 5359:1,4, 5094:6

The selected ones, the ones who stand the tests, and prove faithful. R4745:5, 4904:5

Those who put away all things contrary to the divine will--to the end. R5584:5, 5002:1

They must have that love which inspires to the willing, joyful sacrifice of every earthly hope and ambition and which gladly lays down even life itself for the brethren. R5757:6; Q522:2

Much more than merely refraining from sinful things. Q138:2

Those who go into this self-sacrifice voluntarily. R5371:3

Represented by the Lord's goat. R3868:1

Those who exercise faith, hold to the divine promises, walk to the best of their ability in the footsteps of the Lord, and trust in the covering of the merit of our Redeemer. SM763:1

To do something more, something greater, than to enter eternal life by the skin of the teeth. Q138:2

"The Little Flock"--and the conquerors, the "Great Company"--we recognize both of these as being of the Church of Christ, the Church of the first-born. R4654:1

All who now enter the narrow way are compelled to fight a good fight, to contend earnestly for the faith, to resist the devil, if they would secure the greater prize of our high calling. R2590:6

Instead of palm branches representing victory, they have crowns which represent victory on a higher, grander plane. SM727:T

Perfect love can bear up under all circumstances and by God's grace, bring us off conquerors. R4919:1

Not all who love righteousness and hate iniquity would be so zealous for the service as to be esteemed worthy of the Little Flock. HG752:3

Different degrees of blessings have been promised to the faithful overcomers and special blessings to the still more sacrificing. CR11:3

The priestly tribe of Israel was divided into two classes, the priests and the Levites, and likewise the Church is composed of two classes. R5166:6, 3868:1

Through – In. R1007:3

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, That neither death – Which often consigns to forgetfulness the friendships of this life. R1820:3

Which to his loved ones will mean our blessed "change." R5862:5

Nor life – Which means further opportunities for suffering with him that we may also share his glory. R5862:5

Nor angels – With all the superior charms of their purity and glory. R1820:3

Nor principalities – These cannot harm us who are sheltered in Christ. R5862:5

Nor powers – The powers of darkness arrayed against us. R1820:3

We may not surely know how many grades of angels there are. SM487:1

Nor things to come – For "all things shall work together for our good." R5862:5

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nor height – Of temporary exaltation. R5862:5, 1820:3

Nor depth – Of trouble or sorrow. R5862:5, 1820:3

Any other creature – For he has promised to keep the feet of his saints. R5862:5

Separate us from – Each member is at liberty to go back wallowing in the mire, like the sow that was washed, yet if he choose to remain, none shall be able to pluck him out of the Father's hand. SM11:T

Love of God – Grace. SM11:T

His love will not permit others to separate us from his favor contrary to our own will. R1458:3

Not only should we be inseparable from the love of God, but we should love those begotten by God. R31:5*

In Christ Jesus – All God's love and mercy and blessings come to the race in and through Jesus and his work. R687:2

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