Romans Chapter 5 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: Justified by faith – In the sense that ours is merely a reckoned or faith justification. F104, F106; A124; R5470:2, 4476:1, 1262:1, 400:5, 199:2; CR470:4; 467:3

The word means to be made right, to pronounce free from guilt. CR470:4; R660:2, 441:1; 440:3; 391:1; Q408:2

The word justification has two meanings: to prove that a thing is right, or to make a thing right which is wrong. These terms are used in these two senses in Scripture. R659:3, 440:3

Faith in the blood of Jesus as our Redeemer. R4435:3, 4390:2, 2720:2, 2220:3, 1262:1, 1231:1, 759:2, 391:2; SM474:1

Not because of our faith, but through faith and because of Jesus' work of sacrifice as our ransom. R759:2*

Our sins are forgiven, covered by the merit of the ransom. R1231:1

From sins past and present, also all future sins that are directly or indirectly the results of Adam's transgression. R1231:1

In the real gospel of God's love and favor to us and toward all in Christ. R1502:4

By the acceptance of Christ as the Bread of Life--preceded by the realization we have no life in ourselves. R2652:1

We must by faith grasp the agency of God's grace--the ransom. R660:2

We are not justified by prayers or works. R2548:2

Faith is the ground or base of justification. R2852:1

It is faith not water that justifies. R1969:3

Simple as faith is in the abstract, yet God has been pleased to honor it with results, which are glorious. R471:1*

Only the justified are called to the "high calling." R4435:3, 4442:6, 1231:2, 648:5

As we are drawing near to God and are said to be in a justified condition. Q409:T

Such are invited to present their bodies a living sacrifice. SM509:2

They shall be counted perfect, counted righteous, so long as their hearts, their wills, their best endeavors, are for righteousness. R3322:6

Brought into fellowship with God as justified human beings. R199:5, 648:5

Partaking of the human rights, privileges and blessings of restitution--in this age faith justification. R2652:1

Having accepted the promise of actual justification, we hold so to speak, a check in the bank of heaven for full justification or restitution payable in the Millennial age. R1262:1

After repentance. R2941:2, 2225:6

The first step, coming to Christ for rest; the acceptance of him as the satisfaction for our sins. R2625:2, 3512:5, 3201:1, 2652:1

The first step of faith restores the believer to all privileges originally bestowed upon Adam, though their full realization does not belong to the present age. R1585:2

Our peace or harmony with God began with our faith. Our justification by faith began with the first element of our faith, when first we saw the Lord even imperfectly. R4901:1

Lifted to plane N. A232; R274:3

Neither the Ancient Worthies nor the Body of Christ are justified by a covenant or by a mediator. R4388:5, 4476:1

A reckoned justification attained instantly by the imputation of the merit of Christ. R5776:4

We reckon ourselves as God reckons us, justified freely from all things. R1262:1; Q408:2

In the perfection of his offering. R94:4

Abraham needed no mediator to justify him. "He was justified by faith." R4476:1

And by it also we enter into all other favors of the divine provision. R2220:3

Many have believed in the precious blood and have had joy and peace in believing and heard the call to the privilege of self sacrifice with Christ; but few responded. R1231:5

Very few lay hold upon justification fully. R199:5

The Apostle prayed for a certain church that their faith fail not. He knew if their faith was gone, all would be gone. R471:4

We – The fully consecrated. R5960:1

Have peace with God – From the time we first approach God we begin to have a measure of this peace and it continues with us as long as we are walking in the right direction, growing in knowledge and obedience. R4901:2, 4579:3; PT391:1*

From the time we accept Christ we have joy and peace through believing. R2625:2

The immediate effect of faith is a blessed realization of peace with God. R1585:2

Applies to those fully consecrated, justified, accepted of the Father by the begetting of the holy Spirit. It would not apply to any who are merely approaching through the Court. R5960:1

Implies a good degree of harmony with the principles of righteousness, for faith in Christ is always reformatory. F116

In the Tabernacle arrangement, from the time of entering the court condition of faith, the peace continues with each onward step of obedience. R4579:4

One who merely believes in the Savior and wishes to do right, cannot enter into full peace with God. R5133:3

A condition that means one has become reconciled to God. It means the estranged is now in harmony with God--he has turned his back on sin and is seeking to walk in the path of righteousness. R5431:3

The "peace of God" can come only to those who have given themselves unreservedly to God. R5432:1

If faith and obedience extend to full consecration and begettal, it becomes the "peace of God which passeth all understanding, ruling in our hearts." (Phil. 4:7) R4579:3

Rest with God. R391:3, 930:1

Realizing that our sins and imperfections are covered. R2941:2

Implies some discernment of the future blotting out of the sins of the believer. F116

No longer enemies, but justified human sons, reckoned so. R274:3; A232

The first step toward holiness brings one into a condition of peace with God. T21

As respects their former sins and condemnation under which they realize that they had rested. But still have not yet become servants of God. SM509:2; R2941:2

Those whose faith or obedience stop find their peace with God diminish. R4579:3

The truth gives us this peace--believing that Christ died for our sins, rose for our justification; reckonedly being brought from death unto life. R3512:5

Until Christ's reign, the experiences of the believer are the joys of faith and hope of the present peace and communion with God. R1585:2

When we believe the "good news" of our justification, it causes us joy and peace to realize we may now come to God. R199:5

Through our Lord – By Christ's blood, by the life he laid down for us. R1231:1

Something Jesus has done for us, and not something for us to do for ourselves. R391:4

Not through personal worthiness of his favor. R1585:2

By whom we have received the atonement, his righteousness being imputed to us by faith. R1585:2

All things are of the Father and by the Son. (1 Cor. 8:6) E54

Anyone attempting to climb into the family of God otherwise "the same is a thief and a robber." (John 10:1) R3120:2

Jesus Christ – Not through other mediators. R2548:4

Our sins were laid upon Christ our Redeemer and his righteousness is transferred to our account. R1262:1

2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. By whom also – Through Christ. R1262:4

Because of the price which he paid for us. C202

Reference to a second privileged step of faith: the step of consecration. R1585:3, 4243:1, 3201:2, 2941:2, 2720:2, 2285:6, 930:2

We are not only justified out of sin, but are also brought by operation of our faith in the glorious standing of members of Christ. R4989:2

We not only have faith-fellowship with God but complete and actual justification to life and our begetting of the holy Spirit. R4640:2

We – "Brethren," of the household of faith; justified believers. R1885:3

All who by faith are reckoned alive from Adamic death during the Gospel age. R1231:6

A class of saints who have not only been justified by faith but have obtained the begetting to the divine nature. R648:6

Have access – The privilege, invitation or opportunity of the Gospel age, is the door. C206

No one ever entered in without the robe. C203

To the Father. R1227:3

By reason of the opportunity which our justification gives us of becoming members of the High Priest, sharers in his sacrifice. R4390:2

Not until we became justified human sons of God were we invited to sacrifice our human rights and reckon ourselves heirs with him of future glories. R925:6

An access by faith of a still higher grace, or position of favor. R1585:3

The call to joint-heirship with the only begotten Son and heir. R1387:1

Are privileged also to hear of a prize or high calling during the Gospel age to be living sacrifices. R1231:6

"The second blessing." R1262:2

"Favor upon favor." (John 1:16--Diaglott) R1262:3

Into this grace – Of justification. R422:2, 339:1

Into this further grace. R2285:6

Favor; the "high calling." C206; R1585:3, 1262:3, 1231:6, 1007:5, 434:4

The privilege of sonship. R3201:2, 4901:1, 4640:3, 4390:2, 4243:1, 3020:2, 1387:2, 648:6

The place of God's peculiar favor, a step beyond mere justification, consecration. R4243:1

The privilege of being "transformed" to a higher nature. R1585:3

The access into this higher grace cannot be obtained except from the standpoint of the previous grace of justification. R1585:3

The invitation to be the beloved Bride of Christ to be made like him and to be in his glorious presence forever. R1262:3

Rejoice – We rejoice in the fact that we are already sons of God without rebuke, and to be changed and share his glory. R4640:3

We have good cause for rejoicing, it means not only blessing ourselves but participation with Messiah in blessing all the world of mankind. HG374:3; NS374:3

In hope of – In hope of sharing, as Christ's joint-heirs. R2720:2, 2941:2, 2225:6, 1387:2, 1263:4, 1007:5

Sharing the divine nature and the Kingdom power with our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus. R1231:6

The glory of God – Which is to be revealed in our Lord and in us as his members in his Kingdom. R4434:4

High exaltation of Christ beyond the glory he had with the Father before the world was. R1262:4

A glory of office, what is second only to that of Jehovah, the great Emperor of the universe. R1262:4

Glory of character. R1262:4

A glory of power of "All power in heaven and in earth." R1262:4

The privilege of becoming heirs of glory, joint-heirs with Jesus on a specified condition; if they would suffer with him. R925:6

3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Glory in tribulations – Brought upon them by their faithfulness to Christ and his word. R3281:4

Happy in present trials, difficulties, and oppositions. SM386:1; R3309:6

Knowing that we must be tested, tried and disciplined to fit us for our future exalted station. R1007:5, 1585:5, 648:5

As joint-sufferers. R930:2

These experiences are similar to those of the Master, thus we have evidence that we are walking in his footsteps. R3281:4

Because it is God's method of chastening and polishing us for a share in the Kingdom. SM371:T; R1585:5, 648:5

Not because we love tribulation but the patience, the experience, the character, which God assures us are a fruitage of tribulation, if we are rightly exercised thereby. R2737:3, 199:4

If our sufferings be the way by which the Lord would attract and bless others of his true sheep. R5365:5

The Christian's life is not a sad or morose one, but a most joyful one, even in tribulation. R4592:4

In proportion as we are able to realize our own imperfections and the perfect will of God concerning us. R2213:5

We have tribulation because the world is traveling in the opposite direction to righteousness; in the way of selfishness and gratification of the flesh. R5218:2

Whoever escapes experiences that would develop the fruits of the holy Spirit will never gain a place in the Kingdom. R5779:6

Knowing – If rightly exercised. R1585:5

It is the knowledge that makes such a difference. CR432:4; 387:4

Tribulation – Tribulation is necessary for the development of patience. R1721:3

Tribulation works out the fruits of the holy Spirit. R5951:3

The favorable results of tribulation follow, on account of a genuine consecration. R3281:5

Worketh patience – We learn to cultivate patience in trial. R5879:2

Patience in submitting to trial will lead to large and valuable experience. R1585:5

"Let patience have her perfect work." (James 1:4) R2737:3

"Yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteousness." (Heb. 12:11) R1721:3

Worketh the various facets of the jewel essential to it in the eyes of him who is shortly to gather his jewels. R2405:1

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: Patience – In the exercise of patience the lessons of experience have made you stronger, increased your faith, zeal, and gratitude. R1721:3

Experience – Of God's love and wisdom and grace and comfort, which will strengthen our confidence in God. R1585:5

He who would relate an experience of what the Lord has done for him, must at the same time narrate what he has done for the Lord. R1022:1*

Will brighten our hope and strengthen our confidence in God. R1585:5

According to Webster it is "wisdom gained from experience," appropriate for Christian as well as worldly experience. R1022:1*

Christian experience is not sitting down letting the Spirit of God work in our hearts--it is eminently practical. R1022:1*

Christian experience is not the exaltation of feeling only inspired by ardent songs, prayers, Christian fellowship. He who is dependent on such for his vitality is an infant in experience. R1022:1*

Christian experience is putting off the old man; growth in grace, building character, laboring in the vineyard, visiting the widows and fatherless, keeping unspotted from the world. R1022:1*

Hope – This does not mean we get all our patience first: then all our experience, then all our hope; but that they are all developing together. R5779:5

This deepens the sense of fellowship with God and gives confidence to the hope of final and full acceptance with him. R1721:3

The embroidery work adding stitch to stitch in its development. NS449:6

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us. Maketh not ashamed – Those inspired by this hope experience no sense of shame under the discipline and trials they must endure, but glory in tribulations and rejoice to be counted worthy to suffer for his name's sake. R1585:5

In the glorious message they hear there is nothing to be ashamed of, it is the power of God unto salvation. R1585:6

Love of God – Because with this hope we have the realization of God's love. R5779:6

Shed abroad – Made known. R197:5*

Enlarging our hearts. CR446:4; R3933:1

By the holy Spirit. R1007:5

The love of God grows in our hearts and fills us. R3933:2

Producing love for the brethren and all the good fruits of the spirit. R2456:1

Displacing the spirit of the world, the spirit of selfishness. R3281:2

We are led to still wider love beyond the household of faith, for whom we delight to lay down our lives. R3933:2

In our hearts – This is conditional to those who, hearing his commandments, are moved by responsive love to do them. R2456:1

Given unto us – Imparted to us from the truth. R1007:5

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Without strength – The sin of Adam left mankind in this condition. R77:6

Greek, asthenes; sickness in the sense of moral or spiritual form. R4099:6*

To help ourselves. R1585:6

In due time – "The fullness of time." (Gal. 4:4) E451

God's appointed times and seasons are an important feature of his plan. B25; R598:3

The time of the payment of our ransom price was definitely prearranged. R1585:6

When God sent forth his Son as the man Christ Jesus. E451

There was a particular appointed time for the payment of our ransom, as well as every other feature of the wondrous plan. R1586:1

Just as surely there is a due time for the second advent. R598:4

Christ died – Our Lord's mission to earth at the first advent was to undo for the race, legally, the results of Adam's transgression, and to secure the right to resurrect them. R1125:4; NS293:6; HG292:6

This was Jehovah's original plan, and before sin entered even before the foundation of the world, love provided the "Lamb of God." R788:3

7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. Will one die – That would be a great stretch of love. R197:6*

Peradventure – Possibly. R197:6*

For a good man – The greatest love amongst men is to lay down his life for his friends, but for his enemies is certainly a much higher type of love. R2648:3

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Commendeth his love – Greek, agape; disinterested or divine love. R2807:4, 3949:2

Pity-love, the sympathetic love of a benefactor. R1693:6

This can be no more than pity-love, it cannot be fellowship-love. R1693:6

The Bible, alone, tells of a God touched with the feeling of human infirmities and with sympathy toward sinners. R5032:1

God devised the plan, provided the ransom, and sent his Son to die for us, because he loved us. R77:1:*

Not until then was the divine love manifested to mankind, although it had existed all along. E451

God does good even to the unthankful, giving sunshine and rain and food to all. R1693:6

We must have the mind of the Lord, but we are to have no sympathy with the evil. Q322:T

God loved us while we were yet sinners and Christ died to commend that love. R77:2*

Until then the world knew nothing of God's love. There it was demonstrated. R2120:6

Undoubtedly God's love was known to the angelic hosts before, but not to the same extent. SM472:2

Here is manifested pure, unselfish love. R31:5*

The proof of the love of God is not only the most conclusive on record, but it is also the most conclusive conceivable. R1328:3

Salvation is an act of God's free grace, an act to which he was impelled only by his abounding love. R1266:6

This is a grand ennobling love which, without having the least fellowship with the impure, pities the fallen and longs for their rescue from degradation. R4766:4

How much more does he love us now that we are no longer aliens, brought nigh by the precious blood and begotten by his holy Spirit. R4277:6

Both the Father's and the Son's love, but primarily the Father's. R9:5

While we were yet – Hence the reconciliation is not the result of our "slaying the enmity in us." R728:4, 1231:1

In Jesus' case, it was more than any earthly love or friendship. R5664:5

It is because God saw that the hearts of humanity are not really in that deplorable condition intentionally or deliberately that he has provided the way of escape. R5275:5

If God so loved the world, even while they were yet sinners, then love and benevolence toward the world on our part cannot be out of harmony with his will. R4766:1, 1955:3

If God loved us while we were yet sinners to make such careful provision for our redemption, much more now that we are no longer rebels, we may have confidence in his love and providential care. R2556:3

Sinners – Enemies. R405:3*, 1175:1, 728:4, 404:4*, 290:2*, 222:2*

Christ died for the ungodly. Q510:T

Once we are accepted of God in Christ, we need no ransoming, having no sins to expiate. It was while we were yet sinners we needed a ransom. R1590:1

Christ died – To open up a way of reconciliation with God. E446

By the one sacrifice of himself once for all, he expiated the sins of all the ungodly. R1590:1

The method by which the change is effected from the curse of sin and death to the blessings of divine favor and life. R866:4

So love can go beyond justice. R5644:1

"The Son of Man came--to give his life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45; Matt 20:28) R866:4

Deadness to sin is not the ground for forgiveness of sins past, it does not take the place of Christ's sacrifice for sins. R728:2

While the death of Christ does not secure spiritual life for any, it makes it possible for all. R77:3*, 42:5*

For us – Those who turn from sin and have accepted God's provision in Christ. Q392:2

Children of wrath even as others--parts of the world. R1590:1

9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Much more – Saved by his life. R197:1*

We are not reckoned in the fallen condition as the world, but recognized as brethren. R197:1*

Being now justified – A "making" right. PT391:2

To life. R16:3

By his blood – By the death of Christ paying the penalty for Adam. F105, SM725:2

Blood shed as the evidence of death. R1336:1*, 1337:4, 1459:1, 441:1, PT391:2*

In the blood of him: in the human life of him. PT391:2*

The death of the man Christ Jesus, his blood that secured our release from sin and death. E446

The blood of Christ, the anti-typical sin-offering, reaches unto all that are in their graves and secures for all mankind an awakening from death. R1395:6

The classes saved during this Gospel age do more than believe, repent, live righteously, they make a covenant to follow in Jesus footsteps. SM725:2

Became the basis for the forgiveness of our sins, made peace for us, opened up the way to reconciliation, transferred us back to sonship with God. R1230:3

Regarding Jesus as an "example" would be of no profit or advantage. Jesus was "nothing" if not a Redeemer--a justifier from sin and its penalty. R1459:1

Saved from wrath – Restored to the proper condition of sons--liberated from sin and death, the manifestation of God's wrath. R1586:1

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. Enemies – All mankind are opposers of God and righteousness, so far as their imperfect conduct, though all are not such at heart. R1175:1

The whole race were reckoned and treated as enemies condemned to death because represented in Father Adam. 1028:1*

Convicts before the Judge. R504:1

Reconciled to God – The atonement being finished as far as he is concerned. E26, E25

The opposition and curse of his violated law was lifted. R587:5

One of the prominent features of God's plan, by which his love manifested, is Christ's death. R483:1

The death of Christ reverses the curse that came on all by the first Adam. R197:6*

Death of his Son – Our justification, without his death as our ransom price would have been legally impossible. R1247:1

Both the death and resurrection of Christ were indispensable to God's plan for human salvation or justification. R1247:1

His death justified us to human life. R253:3

The laying down of the blood life or psuchee. R53:3*

This was the point of reconciliation between God and man, hence Christ is our "Mercy Seat." R39:1*

Much more – Much more easily believed, is the promise that. R705:5

Being reconciled – Guiltless, acquitted by the Judge who once condemned us. R504:1

Being justified and reckoned as sons of God. R1586:1

Atoned. R43:1

Reconciliation for the sins of the whole world was made, (Heb. 2:17) but all have not yet accepted the reconciliation through faith. R677:4*

We may readily believe and accept of all the marvelous favors promised us as followers of the Lamb who justified us. R930:2

We shall be saved – Brought back to perfection and harmony with God and his law. R587:5

Recovered fully from the imperfections and penalties of sin. R705:5

As we continue to trust in the merit of our Redeemer, accept the free gift of God's love, we have the Scriptural assurance of salvation. R1586:4

The higher and spiritual form of salvation. R197:6*

By his life – Now he ever liveth as a divine being, with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to accomplish the remainder of the plan of our Father. R1028:4*

Christ is thus shown to be both the restorer of old, and Giver of the higher life--the second Adam. R197:6*

His example and aid enables us to become partakers of the divine nature. R257:3

By the impartation of his spiritual nature and the benefits that follow by his zoee, life. R53:6*

11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. By whom we – The Church, alone, as yet. E19, E37; R190:5

Have now received – Having this reckoned standing now. R1586:4

We who believe have now received the atonement. R1586:4

We are now reckoned of God as perfect through Christ, and as worthy to be called his sons, and receive favors of sons. R1586:4

The atonement – Greek, kattalage; the satisfaction of justice and the restoration of God's creatures to harmony with himself. E19, E20, E488

Perfect and restored in God's sight. R190:5

We and our Father are in full harmony and communion. R37:2

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Wherefore – Relating back to the atonement of verse 11. R43:1*, 483:3*

Contrary to the teachings of Evolutionists. A61, A162; R2395:3

As by one man – Father Adam by his disobedience involved himself and all the race in what the Scriptures designate a "curse" or penalty; death penalty. SM28:2, 779:2; R5372:2, 3093:1, 2100:5

The responsibility of the fall was in Adam. R5716:6, 5402:6, 4552:2, 930:3; E189; PD10/17

Satan's falsehood was the cause of the disobedience of the first man. Q799:2

The effect of Adam's fall upon his offspring, through heredity. R5719:6

Only imperfect dying beings could be produced from diseased sperm or life-seed from Adam. E102

Father Adam once had life, but he lost it through disobedience in Eden, and instead the death sentence rested upon him. R3475:2

The condemnation of Adam as a man has not condemned his children in a separate way, but counted them all as members of the one man. R4499:4

Adam's children are as sure to get a blessing from Christ's redemptive work as they surely did share in the curse that came upon Father Adam. R3686:4

It is better that all are condemned in Adam, than individually to death, that all may be released by one man--Christ Jesus. HG731:2

In whom all sinned. R2050:3, 13:1

Adam was originally perfect and pleasing to God. OV383:3

The tomb represents the penalty on Adam for his transgression, and this has been inherited by all of his children. R5463:3

Adam created, or brought this "hell," or condition of death, upon the race by his disobedience. Q785:T

The death of the race depended not upon Eve but wholly upon Adam. E102

Adam was not deceived, therefore had greater responsibility than Eve. PD10/17

Although Eve was "first in the transgression," her act did not imperil the race; because the race was not in her, but in Adam. R2100:5; Q264:2

Eve's identity was so linked with Adam's that, even if she had not sinned in partaking of the forbidden fruit she would, as part of him, have shared his penalty--death. R2100:5; A124

Had Eve alone sinned the race would not have died. Adam's offspring would have been the same, the imperfections of Eve would not have affected them. R776:6

As death depended not upon Eve, yet she shared in the bringing of it, so the restored life depends not on the Bride of Christ, but upon Jesus, but she shares in the work of restitution. R777:1

Through Adam's sin, condemnation was precipitated upon the entire human family--and his bride, mother Eve, was a participant with him in the entire matter. R4138:5

Adam and his bride were one, not twain, hence Eve shared the sentence which her conduct helped to bring upon Adam. A124: R2100:5

God purposed that the entire race should be born from one pair, in order that when sin entered and involved the whole human family, so the death of one person would suffice to redeem the entire race. R5900:1

The propagating of the species did not begin until after the fall--a merciful providence that every member of the race might share in the redemption. R1552:1

If ministers of all denominations do not believe Adam's condemnation passed upon all, how can they believe in the redemption accomplished by our Lord Jesus once for all for Adam and his posterity. R4017:2

Sin entered – There was no sin or death in the world prior to Adam's transgression. R2395:3, 4972:6, 981:4

Adam sold himself and his race into sin. E452

The cause of all earth's woes and sorrows. OV295:1

"The fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children's teeth are set on edge." (Jer. 31:29; Ezek. 18:2) R2608:5, 2611:4

The sin was disloyalty, disobedience, and its penalty was death. R5979:2

At Eden, and manifested its tendency to be continually downward, except as God introduced the "salt of the earth," (Matt. 5:13) whose influence has been to keep the social mass from utter corruption. R1091:3

The evidence that sin and death and all the train of evil came by one man's disobedience, is certainly a positive denial that God is the author of it. R871:3

Into the world – Adam's sin was the world's sin because he was the world--the race of natural men being in him. R145:2*

This is far from the teaching of Evolution; the Bible teaches the very reverse. R5140:3

And death – The death sentence, or curse, or the wrath of God. HG228:4; NS228:4

The wrath of God is revealed in the death sentence that has been on our race for 6000 years. Q328:T; NS231:6

Entered. R1196:4

The race was doomed to extinction. R875:2

The whole world of mankind was judged unworthy of everlasting life by Jehovah. F395

The sentence being not to die merely, and after a period live again, but to remain dead, eternal death. R875:3

The wages, penalty, sentence of sin. E452; F395; R1026:2

Everywhere the penalty of sin is described as destruction. R1026:3

It was not eternal torment that passed upon man nor upon all men, but death. R4552:2; 1085:2, 1026:2; CR209:1; 21:1; NS586:3, 119:6

If eternal torment were the penalty would the Apostle be justified in making such a statement? R1026:3

The curse of death is much more reasonable than the mistaken creed of eternal torment. HG650:2

All the aches, pains, sorrows and sickness which we experience are parts of this dying process. R4972:6, 3921:5

Adam lost eternal life and divine fellowship, and instead got sickness, pain, sorrow, death. R4552:2

God, who gave the opportunity for life eternal, had the full right, the full power, to terminate that life when used contrary to his divine injunction. SM29:T

God's wisdom and justice cannot be impugned--the sentence of death is justly upon all men through Father Adam. R1506:6

Adam and Eve before they sinned, and our Lord Jesus who was sinless, alone had life, ever lived; all others born under condemnation are properly speaking, dying, not living now. R1105:5

The word is sometimes used in a figurative sense, but behind all this is the actual death which passed upon all. R891:2

Adamic death was the penalty for sin inflicted after and because of that figurative death of righteousness, sin. R911:4

Adam became a slave of sin, and as a result, a slave of death. R5355:3

Death and sin. R5372:2

By sin – As the result of sin. E309; F333; R3391:2, 3256:4, 2395:4, 2100:5, 2050:3, 1718:2, 1196:4, 1026:3; SM779:1

As a consequence of sin. R1085:1

Or as a penalty of sin. R1026:3

Before sin entered the world there was no death. R981:1

Condemnation of death resulted from Adam's willful sin. R1452:6

There would have been no such thing as death in the world aside from sin; thus sin and death constituted the curse. SM799:2; NS643:2

Sin, disobedience, brought the penalty, death, which has impaired the image of God, and in every way degraded man. R1374:4

Thus the death sentence and all its concomitants passed on Adam's race, because all were infected by the disease of sin. R4426:3, 4138:5, 1374:3, 1105:5

This teaches that sin, sickness, and degradation are evils; not due to poor workmanship on the part of our Creator, but by heredity through Adam's transgression. R2395:3

Adam lost his powers of perfect manhood and all right to their perfection through disobedience. R1228:4

Adam was rejected from divine fellowship, expelled from Eden, and subjected to dying conditions. SM612:1

Jesus' ransom-sacrifice affected Adamic death and Adamic sins and none other. R1454:2

Willful sin is not Adam's sin in any sense of the word. The ransom from Adamic sin would therefore not affect a release for willful sin. R1454:2

And so death – Adamic death, the first death as opposed to second death. HG356:5; NS357:5

The sentence of death came upon Adam, and indirectly affects all his race. E331; R2847:5

Human longevity has decreased, while mental, moral and physical ailments have increased. OV128:1; HG586:3

From the divine standpoint everyone is dead who is either under the sentence or whose life to any extent has been impaired as a result of the curse. R3417:5

The wages of sin is death--including trials, weaknesses, and sufferings of the present life incidental to the dying process. R2847:5

As death was caused by sin, so all calamities spring from the same cause, and are under control of him who has the power of death, the devil. R583:5

As death is a curse, so is sickness the death-poison working in our system. R2000:1

All sickness is part of the dying process and hence is foreign to man's natural condition, as designed by God. R2000:1

As death is a mark of sin, and would not come except as a penalty for sin, so is sickness because it is part of the dying process. R2000:1

The worst, therefore, that could befall the children of the wicked would be--death. R3133:4

The first death comes upon the entire human race (Adam excepted) independent of individual will. R1324:1

There is a radical difference between the law regulating the first death and that regulating the second death. R1324:1

The resurrection will be the only actual salvation from death. R1253:2

Had God not provided redemption through Christ, the death penalty which came upon our race in Adam would have been everlasting, but all have been redeemed from death. R1086:1; HG586:3

The penalty is the just expression of the will and law of God toward man--"The wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) R723:2

Passed upon all men – All the human race. R838:3

Before they were born. R1780:1

The world of mankind may be regarded as a convict race under sentence of death. Q764:4

Rendering all men convicts, with whom God has been pleased to deal variously. F174

Thus the whole creation was made subject to frailty (to the inherent taint of sin and its condemnation to death). R1780:6

Adam's fall extended in a natural way, and with increasing force and momentum, to his posterity. F395

Under God's law the entire race was judged representatively in Adam. R723:2

It extends to all mankind not merely the hoary-headed sinners, but to the newborn and unborn babes as well. R1477:5

The infant of but an hour shares in the pain and dying process as well as those who live longer and participate in the transgression of the laws of righteousness. F333

Hence all being sinners, all have infirmities, sicknesses and dying. R4138:5

"Born in sin and shapen in iniquity, in sin did my mother conceive me." (Psa. 51:5) NS351:5

Adam's children were born to him after he forfeited his life-rights and he was unable to give to his children more than he possessed--a dying nature. R5972:2

As all of Adam's children were condemned before their birth, so all of them were redeemed, and the majority of them before their birth. R3686:4

Although purity should be cultivated from infancy, the hope of the world does not lie in the purity of infancy and the avoidance of sin. The hope of humanity is in Christ. R2049:4

The downward or sinful tendency inbred in our very constitution is so strong that none is able to fully overcome it. R4812:1

All of Adam's posterity have inherited weaknesses, mental, moral, and physical. R4552:2, 4982:1, 3921:5, 3391:2, 2256:4; PD11/18; NS650:2

The death penalty was inherited by all Adam's children, so that not a man in all the world of Adam's race had life. R3475:2, 1565:6

Heredity has much to do with every member of our race, nevertheless there are counter-balances in nature. R4812:1

Since the children of Israel, as well as the other nations, were Adam's posterity, they shared his sentence of death. R5046:3

In that all were condemned in the one transgression, the sin of one man. PT387:4*; SM662:2; Q760:4

God had a charge of disobedience against mankind, and justly placed a ban or condemnation upon Adam and his race--"Dying thou shalt die." R3915:3

The death sentence passed against Enoch and Elijah, as well as the remainder of Adam's children, and wherever they are they must still be under the death sentence. R3417:5, 2153:5

Enoch was preserved from actual dissolution in death--although already under that sentence legally dead. R3378:4

For that – In whom. (Margin) R1477:5*, 1324:1*, 690:2*, 483:4*, 43:3*

By reason of inherited sin and sinful dispositions. E24, E484; R2759:2, 2395:3

All have sinned – Every human soul sharing in Adam's fall and loss. E428; R5719:6, 5372:2, 4982:1; OV207:1; Q264:3

All are sinners. E24; R4812:1, 5372:2, 3391:2, 2759:2, 2395:2; OV207:1; SM699:T

Not all individually, but as represented in Adam. R3654:3

Not willingly. R1781:1

It is not true that infants, idiots, etc., are innocent of sin. Although they have not committed willful, personal sin, as members of the race of Adam, they are sharers in original sin. R2050:3, 192:4

"The fathers ate a sour grape and the children's teeth are set on edge." (Ezek. 18:2) E309

If you have lived just as morally and as carefully as you could, you have fallen short of perfection, because of the weakness inherited through Adam's fall. R604:5

Degeneracy began at once, and affected the offspring according to laws of nature. R3391:2

The lesser degradation of some and the greater depravity of others, even though all have sinned, some have indulged more willfully and fell more deeply than others. R3256:4

This is contradicted by Christian Science with their theory that there is no sin, no evil, therefore, no divine sentence against Adam and his race and no such thing as death. R3900:2

13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. For – Notice verses 13 to 17 are parenthetical, used to offset a misapprehension of the Jews; the main line of the Apostle's argument passes from verse 12 to 18. R3654:2

Until the law – Previous to the Law Covenant with Israel. R3654:6

There was a law previous to the Law of Moses. It was the law of God originally inscribed upon the heart of the first perfect man. R3654:6

That law, whether ignored or recognized, has always been in the world, and sin against that law has always been imputed to men. R3654:6

Sin is not imputed – The sinner was conceited until the Law came. Sin was not properly known as "exceedingly sinful." (Rom. 7:13) R99:4*

The world has not yet come under individual condemnation. R5071:1

Only those who are lifted out of Adamic condemnation can come under another sentence. R5071:1

The only ones who have, in any sense, been released from this Adamic condemnation are two classes; the natural Israelites and the spiritual Israelites. R5071:2

When there is no law – There can be no transgression. R4868:3

The world has not yet been placed under divine law. R5071:1

14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the pattern of him that was to come. Nevertheless – Because justice recognizes only perfection. E484

Although the Mosaic Law had not yet come to revive in the Jews the knowledge of God. R3654:6

Even over them – Over those who did not know the Law and did not sin according to Adam's transgression; including infants. R4868:6, 3655:1

That had not sinned – Willfully; for it reigned over infants as well as over those capable of personal sin. R3655:1

The figure – A type. R3655:1, 257:3, 29:2*

The first Adam, was instituted to be to the race natural, what the second Adam is to the race spiritual. R29:2*

That was to come – Christ, the second Adam. R3655:1, 257:3, 29:2*

15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one the many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto the many. Not as the offence – The results of the offence and the free gift are entirely different. R3655:1

Is the free gift – "The gift of God is eternal life." (Rom. 6:23) E285

The offence of one – Adam. R3655:1

Many be dead – Under the condemnation to death. R3655:1

All men were either dead or dying--under condemnation to death reckoned of God as dead. R729:1

The many. R3655:1

Grace of God – The gracious plan of God. R2285:4

Gift by grace – Christ, as the exponent of that plan. R2285:4

By the divine favor. R3655:1

The Apostle is speaking of the gracious plan of God, and Christ as the exponent of that plan. R2285:4

God's favor in Christ. R37:3

This grace has not yet gone to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles in general. R4634:5

Hath abounded – Speaking from a prophetic standpoint. R4634:5

The only way in which it has abounded is through the promise of God that the death of Christ will yet be made efficacious for all. R4634:5

Unto many – Effects for "Israelites indeed." R4504:5

16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. For the judgment – Greek, krima; sentence. R1853:4, 3655:1

Was by one – By one offence. R3655:1

Condemnation – Condemned to death. R391:1

Man was condemned 6000 years ago, and if a Jew, he was additionally bound by the Law Covenant, and has not escaped the condemnation that is in the world. R1726:1; HG231:6

The penalty still remains and is strictly enforced. R688:6

Being unclean, all are cut off from fellowship and communion with the holy and righteous God. R391:1

Is of many – Is the forgiveness of many. R3655:1

Note the contrast of the one and the many here, the object of which is to increase our estimation of the value of the free gift. R3655:1

Offences – The sacrifice of Jesus is the basis of forgiveness to only such offences as come more or less directly as a result of Adam's disobedience and fall. R723:3, 1984:4

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Death – God decreed death as the penalty for sin. R1230:6

The sentence of death--extinction. R1230:6

With all its attendant miseries and troubles, is the just penalty for sin. R787:2

Exposure to the disorders of nature as experienced in earthquakes, cyclones are adjuncts of the curse. R787:2

Individual sin, except in the first man, has nothing to do with hereditary death. R1477:5

Reigned by one – By that one, Adam. R3655:1, 5779:3

Over all, for 6000 years. R2050:3, 5779:3, 2907:4

The past 6000 years have been a dying time in which death has reigned. R1105:6

God foresaw the results that leaving Adam to his own will--that in his inexperience he would not submit his will to the Creator's will. R1230:6

Abundance of grace – Divine favor. R3655:1

Of righteousness – The righteousness of Christ, imputed to us by faith. R3655:1

Shall reign – As sin and death have reigned for 6000 years, now soon grace and truth shall reign unto righteousness and life. R2907:4

A reign of righteousness and life is to succeed the present reign of sin and death. HG627:5

It is the Adamic death that he shall destroy during his reign. R764:1

In life – The Millennium of Christ's reign is to be a re-living time, a time in which life will reign. R1105:6

Father Adam will be one of the last to be awakened from the sleep of death. R4499:1

Eternal life. R2720:3

By one, Jesus Christ – Who paid the full corresponding price. E444; R1230:5, 809:3, 776:2, 770:5

Who will completely eliminate sin from our nature, so that men will have an actual righteousness of their own. R3655:4

By his death destroyed the enmity (curse) for all who have been cursed in the first man's disobedience. R448:2

Jesus ransomed no one from the second death, the ransom was in settlement of Adamic death only. R763:6

Showing how broad a foundation he has laid in the ransom of all by the second perfect man, even as all had come under sentence through the first perfect man. R1265:1

18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Therefore – "For God shut up together all for disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all." (Rom. 11:32) A300

As by the offence – The things to be restored are the things that were lost through Adam's transgression. A177; R329:2, 235:3*

Sin. R1218:3

The world's first crisis trial. R669:4, 2856:4, 891:6

Of one – Adam. E25; R857:6, 332:5

A perfect man had sinned and forfeited all right to life. R464:2, 642:1

Judgment – Sentence. R3654:3, 3261:2, 891:6, 669:4

The sentence or decree of death which came upon Adam was merely the judicial sentence, not the degradation which followed as a consequence. R2856:5

Came – Extended to all the seed of Adam. A156; R1450:1

Upon all men – Sharers of Adam's death sentence. R5596:6, 454:5

Condemning them as unworthy of life. R430:5, 911:4, 676:6*

As all lost life in the first Adam, so all may receive life by accepting the second Adam. A108; HG344:6

All lost life, not of their own will or choice--in the first Adam. R545:3, 258:5

The entire race of Adam was in him when he was sentenced, it was condemned with him. R5293:3

Adam's children were begotten after his humiliation. Through the law of heredity they have been "born in sin and shapen in iniquity," (Psa. 51:5) and accordingly under condemnation to death. R4018:6*

To condemnation – The death sentence. E25; R2395:4, 903:1, 391:1, 15:5

Excommunication from God, and final extinction of being. R688:6

The justice of God is manifest by rewarding sin with death. R496:1

First death entered and spread throughout all the race entirely independent of human will or personal act (except Adam's). R1450:1*

Man's first chance in Eden resulted in total loss. R704:2

Adam could only bequeath to his posterity the remainder of the ever-declining inheritance which he himself possessed, a spark of life under condemnation. R3654:3

The only exception being in the case of children where one or both of whose parents are believers. (1 Cor. 7:14) R2719:1

Even so – So the results of Christ's obedience will be shared by all who believe into him. R1601:6

By the same law of heredity. R3654:3

Righteousness of one – Of the one who gave his life a ransom. R3654:3, 2272:2

Life for life, (Jesus' life for Adam's life). R2051:1

A spotless Redeemer. E444

Jesus gave himself, unblemished with a perfect seed or race in him unborn, untainted with sin, as a full ransom-price. HG395:2

Jesus, another perfect man, bought back the forfeited rights by giving his unforfeited human existence a ransom, an equivalent price. R464:2, 642:1, 432:4

All but Jesus died because of the inherited taint. R441:2

The actual death of Christ. R911:4, 2720:2, 676:6*

The love of God is manifest by the death of his Son to release us from that just condemnation. R496:1

Herein the economy which pervades all of the divine plans; God condemned all in one that he might have mercy upon all through one. R381:1, 363:6

This generation all die on account of Adam's sin, but will live again on account of Christ's righteousness. R351:1

Our Lord's offering of himself a sin-offering and corresponding price for Adam and those who lost life in him. R1725:2

Jesus, by the payment of the penalty upon Adam, gained the legal right to restore him and his posterity to life. R3654:3

The death of Jesus was a complete settlement toward God of the sin of Adam. A128

The most economical arrangement that could have been made. R5429:6, 381:4, 363:6

Adam's trial was a personal one and not a representative one; our Lord's trial was a personal and not a representative one. R1601:6

The world's second crisis trial. R669:4, 2856:4, 891:6

"The man Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." (1 Tim. 2:6) A131

God provided the Redeemer for the very purpose of lifting the death-penalty upon mankind. R5293:3

It was by giving up his life as a ransom for the life of the Adamic race, which sin had forfeited, that a right to life may come to man through faith and obedience, under the New Covenant. R5192:5

Notice the contrast of the first man, Adam, and his failure with the faithfulness of "the man Christ Jesus." R2395:4

So far as the divine law was concerned Jesus paid the full penalty of the whole world rescuing mankind from the tomb and completely raising those willing out of sin by the close of the Millennial age. R2759:3

God is not dependent on sinful flesh and blood to perfectly carry out the divine plan of justification of life. R1151:5

The free gift – Life became a free gift because we had as a race forfeited our right to the life originally given to Adam. R430:5

This free gift will come to the world in the next, the Messianic, age. R4760:2, 3261:3

It will not be their gift at once, but will become theirs as they come in harmony with the Lord during the thousand year reign under the New Covenant. R4760:6

Of forgiveness, which, if accepted, still constitute a justification or basis for life everlasting. A156

All will be awakened from the tomb, thus receiving some benefit from the New Covenant, irrespective of acceptance of Christ. R5293:1, 2759:2

First to the Ancient Worthies, next to the Jews, then to all the families of the earth. R4760:6

As a gift, it will have certain conditions attached to it, it will be under the terms of the New Covenant. R4760:3

This revival from the dead is to all men unconditional, but a revival to immortality and eternal life is conditional. R630:2*

Jesus redeemed all men in order that all men might have a second chance. R704:2

It is too late to avoid being condemned, our object must be to escape from the condemnation that is in the world. R688:6

Christ has abolished death, annulled it; made it void, or powerless to hold one of Adam's race. R630:3*

The things to be restored by and through Christ, are those things which were lost through Adam's sin. R329:2

Came upon all men – Who shall come into Christ, the new head of the race. A128

The sentence of Adam's sin is settled by Christ for all who accept his sacrifice and come into covenant relationship which eventually all must have a chance to do. R1378:1

The world in general, not the Jews only. R2720:2

This word "all", occurs in 1 Cor. 15:22, 28; 1 Tim. 2:3, 6; 4:10; Heb. 1:6; 2:8; Rev. 15:4. The same Greek word is translated "every" more than one hundred times. Eph. 1:21; Phil. 2:9; Rev. 5:13; Col. 1:15. R838:4

All came under Adamic sentence without choice or knowledge, and latterly came under the benefits of the redemption similarly without choice or knowledge. R2197:3

First death entered and spread throughout all the race entirely independent of human will or personal act (except Adam's). R1450:2

All receive life at the hands of the second Adam equally without their will or choice, with the privilege of retaining it forever on specified conditions. R545:3

We are now in the dawn of the Millennial day. The day in which right will rule and wrong be fully subjected, man will be restored by natural processes. R470:4

The cancellation of sin through the merit of the precious blood of Jesus affects not only Father Adam, but all of his children. SM307:T; R4760:3, 145:2*

The remedy for sin was co-extensive with the penalty. R3655:4

Israel, as well as the other nations, were redeemed by our Lord's offering himself a sin-offering and corresponding price for Adam. R5046:3

After the Day of Atonement (Gospel age) shall have closed, forgiveness will reach the whole world through Christ--a remission of the sentence pronounced upon the world in the person of Adam. R3261:3

The long delay since the giving of the ransom until the release from the sentence of extinction, has perplexed many of the Lord's faithful during the Gospel age. R1178:1

Unto – Permitting their attainment unto. R2720:3

Justification of life – The appropriating to ourselves of the "flesh and blood" of Jesus, justifies us from sin and its penalty death--justifies us to human life and its privileges. R611:5

Forgiveness of many transgressions. R4504:5

Right to life may come to men through faith and obedience under the New Covenant. R1637:2, 840:4, 838:3, 467:1

Justifying their living again. R15:5, 676:6*, 252:1

For the law of life in Christ made such free from the condemnation of death. R332:5

Man's only hope is in a resurrection, a re-vitalization or recreation from the dead. R1642:5

A justification to life is one thing, and a justification to more or less friendship with God is another: the latter is all the Ancient Worthies had. , F111

If Israel or any of the race were justified to life by the mediation of the death of bulls and goats as a sacrifice for sins, then the Apostle was in error. R792:4

The great High Priest will sprinkle the blood upon the mercy seat a second time, and that will fulfill all demands of justice. R4760:3

The new creation are reckoned to attain it now in advance of the world, by exercise of faith. F111

Will eventually be open to all men. F111

The law of heredity will cease (Jer. 31:29), and each will be given the opportunity of justification unto life. R4018:6*

All of the accounts against humanity having been cancelled by justice mankind will be turned over to the Mediator. R5293:2

To those whose sins were reconciled for by our Redeemer's sacrifice--they were no longer under condemnation. R4504:5

St. Paul referred to the fall every time he mentioned justification or the ransom-sacrifice by which we were justified. R1794:4

That we needed to be justified or made right, proves that we were wrong, unrighteousness in God's sight. E444

The appropriating to ourselves of the "flesh and blood" of Jesus, justifies us from sin and its penalty death--justifies us to human life and its privileges. R611:5

19 For as by one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall the many be made righteous. For as by one man's – Adam's, the first Adam. E414; R408:3, 545:3, 258:5, 7:3; OV226:1

Not by one woman's, Eve's; the death of the race depended not upon Eve but wholly upon Adam. E102

Had Eve remained sinless, Adam's condemnation would still have affected the entire posterity. R777:1

The penalty all came through one man, therefore God can justly let the death of one man offset the death penalty. CR429:6; 430:1; R1395:1, 770:5

Adam's trial was a personal one and not a representative one. R1601:6

Disobedience – Includes not only the act by which sin got possession of the world, but everything incident to its penalty. R5356:3

Many were made sinners – All who were in Adam. E25

"The many (all) were constituted sinners." (Diaglott) R15:5, 827:1, 252:1, 164:2, 96:3

The results of Adam's failure were inherited by those in him. R1601:6

Though a man may shorten his life by violating the laws of the physical nature. R477:2

Obedience of one – Jesus. E414; R408:3

The very chief of God's creation, higher than angels and archangels, was selected to undergo the labors of redeeming humanity. R164:3

Thus the Son of God was delivered for our offences. R1247:6

Jesus' sacrifice was a full equivalent and offset in God's sight, for the penalty which came upon Adam and all his race because of his disobedience. R1395:1

Our Lord's trial, like Adam's, was a personal trial and not a representative one. R1601:6

He condemned all through one representative, Adam, that he might have mercy upon all through another representative, Jesus Christ. R408:3

The perfection of Jesus is proven by his ability to give himself a ransom or corresponding price for the forfeited life and rights of Adam, who was perfect until he sinned. R776:3

The restored life of the redeemed race depended on Jesus, but the Church will share in the restitution work. R777:1

The philosophy of the ransom--all mankind were included in one man's sentence, that the penalty could be paid on behalf of all by one sacrifice. R2713:1

The merit of his obedience is as far reaching in its effects for the release of the human family from death, as was Adam's disobedience to destroy that life. R96:3, 37:3

Christ's righteousness, and obedience even unto death, have become a ground of justification. OV226:1

Shall many – Those who get the first benefit of this provision in Christ are the Church. R5418:2

All who shall ultimately avail themselves of the privilege of the New Covenant. E25; R5192:5, 2856:5, 2272:2

Not many during the Gospel age, only a Little Flock, later the world of mankind. E414

This implies the resurrection of all the families of the earth that have gone down into death. OV250:4

A universal redemption from the curse. R1633:3

The results of Christ's obedience will be shared by all who believe into him. R1601:6

Be made righteous – Not "were made righteous." A156

"The many (all) will be constituted righteous." (Diaglott) R15:5, 827:1, 252:1, 164:2, 96:3

Justified from sin and death. R422:6

This grand deliverance is not yet, it is merely prospective. CR430:1

All, aside from personal demerit, may receive life by accepting the second Adam. OV226:1; R545:3, 258:5, 7:3

Every evil, whether in act, word, or thought, or every propensity toward evil inherited by us is fully atoned by Jesus already. R725:4

By being raised out of sin and death to perfection during the Millennial age. R2759:3, 417:6, 164:2

Made free from the death penalty--and ultimately shall have a resurrection. R5418:2

Everlasting continuance of life may be had only upon the condition of full obedience to divine requirements. R1642:5

Neither justice nor the new Judge will release the culprit from the difficulties under which he labors, except as he exercises obedience. R2856:5

20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: Moreover the law – The Mosaic Law. R3655:4, 930:3

The Law Covenant was added not to do away with sin, but that sin might be more distinctly seen to be sin. R2720:3

Offence might abound – The Law was given that sin and weakness might be more fully recognized; it did not cure sin, but exposed it, showed it up. R930:3

The Law brought with it a clearer knowledge of the will of God and therefore an increased sense of sin. R3655:4

Where sin abounded – Where the clearer knowledge of the will of God was given which enabled them to more clearly see their own short-comings. R3655:4, 2720:3, 930:3

Against our first parents and all their posterity. R2842:4

The Lord takes us just as we are according to the flesh. SM310:T

Sin abounds more in some members of the human family than in others. Q139:T

Grace – As illustrated by God's taking out of the world of sinners a Little Flock to become sharers of the divine glory with their Lord Jesus. R2842:4

God's grace in Christ, forgiving and justifying, or counting as righteous. R37:3; SM309:2

Realizing our forgiveness through him, let us cease from picking our own character and our fellow saint's to pieces by the Law, which Christ kept for us. R930:1

If we grasp God's forgiveness through Christ, we must let go of the Law and abandon all hope of self-justification. R930:2

In that he provided, through Christ, a recovery of all who will of mankind from the penalty of sin and death. R2842:4

Much more abound – Israel had many special favors as well as chastisements from God. R3655:4

Implying that God supplies his grace in Christ to each needy penitent in proportion to his needs. Q139:T; R930:3

God's grace through Christ is not evenly distributed in the sense of giving so much to each individual, but is imputed to each according to necessity. Q139:1

21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. As sin hath reigned – In the hearts or minds of men. E189

Both in Israel and in the world. R3655:4; SM789:3

The world has been under a reign of sin and death, not under a reign of righteousness and life. R6013:2

Sin and death are personified as great monarchs now ruling the children of men. SM611:1

Even so – Both in Israel and in the world. R3655:4

Might grace reign – In the Millennial age. R1772:1, 2907:4

A new order of things under control of Messiah will take the place of the present reign of the Prince of darkness. NS627:5

By – Through. R965:5

Jesus Christ – He instead of Adam, will be the father, life giver, or head of the new race. R3654:6

"He shall be called--the everlasting Father." (Isa. 9:6) R3654:6

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