Romans Chapter 4 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?
2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. Were justified – To fellowship with God, not to life. F111; R4574:1

A narrow or a broad view of justification may be taken and both be true. R5474:1

This implies three different steps--two which were Abraham's and one the Lord's. R4574:1

3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Believed God – Though even the type had not yet come in his day, Abraham, as a justified believer, was a member of the "household of faith," typified by the Levites. T27

Concerning the Gospel: "In thee shall all nations be blessed." (Gal. 3:8) R217:2, 2873:6

The process by which all nations were to be blessed was not understood by Abraham except that it should be through his offspring, but he believed the fact without knowing how. R217:3

Abraham felt in some manner God would roll away the curse. OV428:1

It is only by the exercise of faith in our Redeemer that we are reckoned as covered with the robe of righteousness, and made acceptable. R4003:2

For righteousness – Faith will hide a multitude of defects. R4003:2

The Church's justification, like that of Abraham, is by faith. R4442:6

4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Faith – There is no merit in faith; it is not righteousness, nor does it justify us; but we are justified through faith. R555:3

Counted – Reckoned. R2854:2, 193:3

Although, perhaps, not blameless in character at the time, yet Abraham possessed that which would result in holiness, and God counted the work begun in him, as finished. R76:2

For righteousness – Justification. R193:3

The Ancient Worthies' reverence for their Creator and obedience to his Word of promise implied they had hearts full of trust and the proper spirit that God could count it perfection. R4386:1

Abraham was justified by faith and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. R76:2

Our endeavors to walk after the spirit are counted to us for righteousness. NS244:5

By Jesus; who became our willing substitute. R657:2,5

6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Righteousness without works – Justification by faith. R2194:3

Righteousness which he had not worked out. R2194:3

7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. They – The consecrated, spirit-begotten, probationary member of the Body of Christ. R4842:1

Iniquities – The word carries with it the sense of wickedness, lawlessness. R2295:1

Sins – The word has merely the thought of transgression. R2295:1

Uncontrollable weaknesses, resulting from the fall. R1698:2, 2295:1

Are covered – Sin while not blotted out is covered. R2295:1

By the ransom. R1698:2

Concealed beneath the robe of Christ's righteousness, until the time for their blotting out in the first resurrection. R2194:3, 4842:1, 1654:2

The covering of sin takes place instantaneously, as soon as the believer has accepted of the redemption in Christ Jesus. R2194:2

Those justified by faith, who do the best they can are acceptable to God as though they were perfect. R3366:5

The sinner is forgiven the moral obliquity connected with the sin, which they no longer sympathize with, and the sin itself, while not blotted out is covered. R2295:1

The robe of righteousness does not cover, as some seem to think, the sins of the new mind. R4842:4

Even though the believer's sins are covered he still battles against those imperfections. R2194:3

All with faith in Christ's sacrifice, and consecration to God's service, come under the covering of the New Covenant. R1654:1

8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Not impute sin – Reckon. R1654:1

To the reckoned sons, Jesus' brethren, no sin is imputed. R489:4*

God does not regard them as they really are but imputes their sins to Christ who imputes his worthiness to their account. R1654:2

9 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.
10 How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. In uncircumcision – Circumcision was instituted after the Covenant was made with Abraham. R4370:5

11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also: Sign of circumcision – Not as a requirement to his justification. R2720:1

A seal – Or mark of justification and harmony with God to which he had already attained. R2720:1

12 And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised. Faith of our father Abraham – The Jews have no right to the land of promise except as they hold to the promise of the oath-bound Covenant made with Abraham. R5178:1

13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Heir of the world – Lord Jesus. R1063:1*

Righteousness of faith – Abraham was justified by faith; reckoned in God's sight a perfect and righteous man. R196:3

It is faith, not water, that justifies. R1969:3

14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. No transgression – No one could transgress a law that was not given to him, that was not applicable to him. R5070:2

The world has not yet come under individual condemnation. For the world has not yet been placed under divine law. R5071:2

In Paul's discussion of the Jewish view of the Mosaic Law, he uses this statement to show the Jews misunderstood the matter. R5070:2

"Sin is not imputed when there is no law." (Rom. 5:13) R5071:1

The world is under Adamic sentence and only those lifted out of that condemnation can come under another sentence. R5071:1

16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all, Therefore it – The Abrahamic Covenant, covering the Church. R4366:1, 4606:3

By grace – The spiritual seed is developed according to the spirit, according to grace, favor. R4606:3

Sure – There were no conditions with the Covenant, therefore it cannot pass away, nor be altered, nor added to. R282:2

To all the seed – All the children. NS287:3

Two seeds; the heavenly seed of Abraham and the natural seed of Abraham. Q642:2; R4453:1, 3259:5, 793:2, 282:2, 220:1, 201:3

"Thy seed shall be as the stars of heaven (the spiritual class, the heavenly, the Church); and as the sand upon the seashore (the earthly seed)." SM368:1

One a heavenly class, the other an earthly class, with Messiah the head over all. CR157:4

Two seeds, one developed under faith, the other under Law and works. R5300:2; 1140:6; T35

The two elect churches, Jewish and Christian, are to be unitedly the agencies for blessing all the families of the earth. R1316:2

The promise, to bless all nations, will be fulfilled not only to Christ and the Church, but also to Abraham personally and his natural seed who come in harmony with the divine plan. R1140:6

Children according to natural process of generation, and children by special power of God, not actually children of Abraham, but of him whom Abraham typified. R793:2

There will be two phases of the Kingdom of God which is to bless all nations; an earthly and a heavenly phase. R1140:6

After Israel in the flesh receives mercy through the glorified Christ, they will be used as the Lord's instruments for blessing all the families of the earth. C299

The spiritual seed is developed during the Gospel age. The fleshly seed, the restitution class, will be developed under the New Covenant (the Ancient Worthies were developed before the Gospel age). R4366:1

Refers also to the faithful worthies of the past who will receive a share in the original promise and participate in blessing the Gentile world. R2375:5, 1156:6

Typified by Isaac and Ishmael. R793:2

The promises to the natural and the spiritual seeds are more or less intertwined. R3259:5

Those who now walk by faith are the true seed of Abraham. R1753:4

Israel cannot come into the bosom of Abraham, into the true rest and peace, because they failed to rightly apprehend and use God's promises and dealings. R1042:6; HG386:6

By the end of the Millennial age, his seed will include all the saved on the human plane. R4606:5; CR98:3

Which is of the law – The natural seed: the restitution class. T35; R5300:2, 1140:6, 201:3

The Abrahamic Covenant and the Law were distinct. T35

Those who will become the seed of Abraham under the New Covenant arrangement during the Millennial age by obedience to the Law under the better Mediator than Moses--Christ the Head and the Church, his Body. R4606:5, 4438:3; C299

"Sands of the sea." R4606:4

Pointing back to the Law Covenant given to Moses, and forward to the Law Covenant of the future. R4606:4

The earthly seed of Abraham will be developed under the Law. R4606:4

The old Law Covenant brought not forth the seed of Abraham, but the New (Law) Covenant will bring forth many children. R4453:1

The Ancient Worthies cannot be included in the spiritual seed, but logically be included with the natural seed. R4606:6

Is of the faith – The spiritual seed. R5300:2, 1316:2; T35

To whom pertain the Covenant and the exceeding great and precious promises in their largest fulfillment. R1753:4

We are counted Abraham's seed because of our faith and we become members of the spiritual seed. R4606:1

"The stars of heaven." (Gen. 22:17) R4606:4

The only children of Abraham thus far developed are those who are the seed of Abraham according to faith. R4453:1

Father of us all – Who are of the faith of Abraham. R1623:6

As Jehovah will be the Father of all the saved, not only the Church, but also the restituted world. R4366:1

Abraham's life was a long discipline of faith and patience; for he was to be the father of the faithful, a type of the fatherhood of God. R1915:3; SM201:2

Abraham was the father of the seed, only in the typical sense. R905:2

A worthy example to all his children, both those under the Law and those under the new covenant of grace. R1915:3

The father of the faithful. R1905:3

His children--all those who are of the faith of Abraham, whether of the fleshly or spiritual seed. R1905:3

17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Made thee a father – In the end of the Millennial age, all the perfect race will be "the seed of Abraham" under the New Covenant arrangement. CR98:3; R5388:5, 4646:1; Q196:3

All the families of the earth will become children of Abraham, who represented God in a figure. R5909:5, 5178:5, 1140:6

Abraham was a type of God, therefore, many nations would become children of God. R3601:1

"I have made thee a father of many nations." (Gen. 17:5) R5909:5

The Lord said to Abraham: "In becoming thy seed shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves." R5909:5

"Thy seed shall be as the sands of the sea-shore for multitude." R4646:1

The Abrahamic Covenant was to have a double fulfillment--first, in a literal sense to him and his posterity: second to the spiritual children of Abraham. R1630:1

Many nations – Seeds. R793:2

All kindreds and families of the earth will be blessed by the opportunity to become children of Abraham, children of God. R5909:5, 4646:1, 4366:1

It will be necessary for the people of all nations to become Israelites, thus become children of Abraham. NS724:4

These will be blessed under the New Covenant when the Abrahamic Covenant will be fulfilled to Israel and all. R5909:5

The blessing of the Lord will be upon them all. R5388:5

By the end of the Millennial age all the perfect race will be "The seed of Abraham." R4646:1

Before him – Like unto him. (Margin) A likeness of the Father; Abraham represented God. R220:1, 1623:6, 905:2

As a type of him. R2908:3, 3601:1, 1156:6, 1140:6, 905:2, 793:2

Foreshadowing him whom he believed. R3601:1

Typifying him whom he believed. R3601:1

Foreshadowing, allegorizing. NS287:3

Quickeneth the dead – Maketh alive. R1436:3

God purposes their awakening, and speaks of the present condition of Adamic death as merely a suspension of life, not extinction. R5041:4, 666:6; Q211:4

Things which be not – God's plan for a resurrection is fixed. God speaks of things to come as if already come to pass. E353[E352:2]; R32:3*

As though they were – Using them as types. R1623:6, 3601:1

What is to be and is being developed is spoken of as already existing. R32:3*

Abraham was not the father of many nations at the time, God was not referring even to his natural seed, but to Christ. R3601:1

In many prophecies the standpoint of the future is taken and the things are spoken of as accomplished facts. R1754:6

God not only speaks of things past as still present but also of things to come as if already to come to pass. E353; R1881:3; HG333:5

Death is really extinction, but because of God's plan to ransom and restore all through Christ Jesus, he calls Adamic death a sleep. R666:6

When in the process of accomplishment, as time is nothing to God. R117:3*

Looking down prophetically to the end of the age. R4657:1

God thus spoke of the resurrection. PD32/44; R4657:1, 1881:3

Thus we need not quarrel with those who say that the world is now bought with a price. R4998:6

18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. Against hope – But for God's grace and providence, Abraham would many a time have made shipwreck. R751:6

Believed in hope – Abraham believed God in his statement that in his seed (later shown to be Christ) all the families of the earth would be blessed. R2873:6

19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb: Not weak – Greek, astheneo; without strength, as in "Is any sick?" (James 5:14) R4099:2, 6*

In faith – It was such an active, obedient, faith as would have accepted Christ personally, as it accepted the promises concerning him. R2874:1

Dead – Abraham, at the age of one hundred, received Isaac as one born from the dead. R751:6

20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; Strong in faith – Even though literally he had seen but a scant realization of God's promises. R751:6*

21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. He had promised – Let not your faith stagger at the promises of God. R905:6

22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; It – Righteousness. R4442:6

24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Us also – The Church does not need a mediator or a covenant for her justification. R4438:1

Believe on him – Faith in God is the basis for our justification, and for Abraham's, though today faith in God includes faith in Jesus as our Redeemer. R2873:6

Raised up Jesus – "God hath raised up." R1005:5

Christ could never have raised himself. R2795:2

25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Who was delivered – To death. R391:3, 1247:3, 705:5, 393:4

"I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:15) R1247:5

A weighty suggestion of the love of God, who thus freely gave him up for us all. R1247:6

For our offences – Bearing the condemnation which those offences implied and involved, the very offences or weaknesses of the flesh which hindered the Jews from keeping the perfect Law given at Sinai. R2720:2

Since all men inherited imperfection and consequent condemnation in Adam, they also share in the redemption. R1247:6

Was raised again – Out of death. E442

Had he remained dead he could never have been the channel of our justification. F106, R1248:3, 1247:1

If he had not had a resurrection, our hope would have perished. R1248:3

The resurrection of Christ was necessary for the great work of justification, salvation and restitution. R1248:4; E442

Christ's resurrection is the pledge of our resurrection; "Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept." (1 Cor. 15:20) R1248:6

Our justification – Salvation or restitution. R1248:4

The word "justify" means to declare or make right. R1246:3; CR467:3

Clearing from guilt and condemnation. R930:1

Unblamable condition. R391:3

In order that he might justify us. R705:5

Our hope of reconciliation to God is based upon the fact that "Christ died for our sins," (1 Cor. 15:3) and he "was raised for our justification." R1878:3

God will now justly, justify freely all who call upon him for it through him who redeemed us with his own blood. R925:5

Our justification without his death as our ransom-price would have been legally impossible. R1247:1

Jesus rose again that he might make satisfaction to divine justice. CR467:3

Our justification, like that of Abraham, is by faith. R4442:5

Forgiveness came not only to those under the Law (Israel), for Abraham received the promise of a blessing to all nations. R930:1

The plan of God embraces all who believe. R930:1

Our justification is not accomplished until, in each individual case, the necessary steps of faith and full consecration have been taken, as a result of which the merit of our Redeemer is imputed. R5854:6; E444

God will not be unjust to withhold that right to life which has been purchased for us according to his own plan. R393:4

The great work of actual justification is the work God purposed for the world; to this end the death and resurrection of Christ are all-important. R1247:1

The bestowment of this blessing upon the world waits for the election of the Church to be joint-heirs with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom. NS5:1

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