Matthew Chapter 26 [Diaglott]

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Matthew 25   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 27

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1 And it happened, when had finished the Jesus all the words these, he said to the disciples of him:
2 You know, that after two days the passover comes on; and the son of the man is delivered into the to be crucified.
3 Then were assembled the high-priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, into the court of the high-priest, that being called Caiaphas;
4 and they consulted, that the Jesus with deceit they might seize and might kill.
5 They said but: Not in the feast, that not a tumult there should be among the people. On the feast day – The chief priests were only concerned that there would be an uproar amongst the people if they took Jesus "on the feast day." The fact that they were in violation of The Law did not seem to concern them in the slightest degree.

The feast day was Saturday Nisan 15 (beginning at sunset on Friday of what we would refer to as the 14th.) Nisan 14 (daylight) fell on Friday in the year 33 A.D. It is clear that our Lord celebrated the Passover one day before the nation of Israel.

6 The and Jesus having arrived in Bethany, in a house of Simon the leper,
7 came to him a woman, an alabaster box of balsam having great value, and she poured upon the head of him being reclined.
8 Seeing and the disciples of him, were displeased, saying: On account of what the loss this?
9 She was able for this to have sold of much, and to have given to poor.
10 Knowing and the Jesus said to them: Why troubles present you the woman? a work for good she was wrought for me.
11 Always for the poor you have with yourselves; me but not always you have.
12 Having cast for she the balsam this upon the body of me, to the to prepare for burial me she did.
13 Indeed I say to you, wherever may be published the glad tidings this, in whole the world, shall be spoken also what did she, for a memorial of her.

14 Then going one of the twelve he being named Judas Iscariot, to the high-priests,
15 said: What are you willing to me to give, and I to you will deliver up him? They and paid to him thirty pieces of silver.
16 And from then he did seek opportunity, that him he might deliver up.

17 The and first of the feasts of unleavened bread came the disciples of the Jesus, saying to him: Where wilt thou we make ready to thee to eat the passover?
18 He and said: Go you into the city to the certain one, and say to him: The teacher says: The season of me nigh is; to thee I will make the passover with the disciples of me.
19 And did the disciples as commanded to them the Jesus; and they prepared the passover.

20 Of evening and being come he reclined with the twelve.
21 And of eating of them, he said: Indeed I say to you, that one of you will deliver up me.
22 And being grieved exceedingly, they began to say to him each one of them: Not I am, O lord?
23 He but answering said: He dipping with me in the bowl the hand, this me, will deliver up.
24 The indeed son of the man goes as it has been written about him; Woe but to the man that, through whom the son of the man is delivered up; good it was to him, if not was born the man that.
25 Answering and Judas, he delivering up him, said: Not I am, rabbi? He says to him: Thou hast said.

26 Eating and of them, having taken the Jesus the loaf and having blessed, broke, and did give to the disciples, and said: Take you, eat you; This is the body of me. bread – "In a word, the bread representing our Lord's body teaches our justification through the acceptance of his sacrifice." R3879:11
27 And having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave to them, saying: Drink you out of it all;
28 this for is the blood of me, that of the new covenant, that about many being shed for forgiveness of sins.
29 I say but to you, that not not I will drink from now of this the product of the vine, till the day that, when it I drink with you new in the kingdom of the Father of me.

30 And having sung a hymn, they departed to the mountain of the olive-trees.

31 Then he says to them the Jesus: All you will be stumbled at me in the night this; it is written for: I will smite the shepherd, and will be scattered the sheep of the fold. I will smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered – Quoting Zech. 13:7
32 After but the to be raised me, I will go before you to the Galilee.
33 Answering and the Peter said to him: If all shall be stumbled at thee, I never will be stumbled.
34 Said to him the Jesus: Indeed I say to thee, that in this the night, before a cock to have crowed, thrice thou wilt deny me.
35 Says to him the Peter: And if it may behoove me with thee to die, not not thee I will deny. In like manner also all the disciples said.

36 Then comes with them the Jesus into a place being called Gethsemane, and says to the disciples: Sit you here, while going away I shall pray there.
37 And having taken the Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and to be in anguish.
38 Then he says to them: Extremely sorrowful is the soul of me to death; remain you here and watch you with me.
39 And going forward a little, he fell on face of him, praying, and saying: O Father of me, if possible it is, let pass from me the cup this; but not as I will, but as thou.
40 And he comes to the disciples, and finds them sleeping, and he says to the Peter: So not could you one hour to watch with me?
41 Watch you and pray you, that not you enter into temptations; and indeed spirit ready, the but flesh weak.
42 Again, a second time going away, he prayed, saying: O Father of me, if not it is possible this, the cup to pass from me, except it I drink, be done the will of thee.
43 And coming he finds them again sleeping; (were for of them the eyes weighed down;)
44 and leaving them, going away again, he prayed a third time, the same word speaking.
45 Then he comes to the disciples of him, and says to them: Sleep you the remainder and rest you? lo, has come nigh the hour, and the son of man is delivered up into hands of sinners.
46 Arise, let us go; lo, has come nigh he delivering up me.

47 And while of him speaking, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a crowd great with swords and clubs, from the high-priests and elders of the people.
48 He and delivering up him, gave to them a sign, saying: Who ever I may kiss, he it is; seize him.
49 And immediately approaching to the Jesus, he said to him: Hail rabbi; and kissed him.
50 The but Jesus said to him: Companion, for what art thou present? Then coming they laid the hands on the Jesus, and they seized him.
51 And lo, one of the with Jesus, stretching the hand, drew out the sword of him; and striking the slave of the high-priest, cut off of him the ear.
52 Then says to him the Jesus: Return thee the sword into the place of her; all for the taking a sword, by a sword shall perish.
53 Or thinkest thou, that not I am able now to entreat the Father of me, and will furnish to me more then twelve legions of messengers?
54 How then should be fulfilled the writings, that thus it must be done.
55 In that the hour said the Jesus to the crowds: As upon a robber came you out with swords and clubs, to take me; every day with you I did sit teaching in the temple, and not you seized me.
56 This but all has been done, that might be fulfilled the writings of the prophets. Then the disciples all, leaving him, they fled.

57 They and seizing the Jesus, they led to Caiaphas the high-priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.
58 The but Peter followed him at a distance, to the palace of the high-priest; and having gone in, sat with the attendants, to see the end. Peter followed him – How confused Peter must have been at this time. Earlier he had declared he was willing to die for Jesus. Then he tried to defend him with a sword and Jesus told him no. While his disciples were afraid, yet Peter still followed.
59 The and high-priests and the elders and the high-council whole sought false testimony against the Jesus, so that him they might deliver to death. Chief priests .. elders .. the council, sought false witness – What a condemnation! This attitude is still with us. Consider what the religious leaders of Pastor Russell's day did to him. - Exactly the same thing!
60 And not they found, many false-witnesses having come. Afterwards but coming two false-witnesses
61 said: This affirmed; I am able to destroy the temple of the God, and in three days to build it.
62 And rising up the high-priest said to him: Nothing answerest thou? what these of thee testify against?
63 The but Jesus was silent. And answering the high-priest said to him: I adjure thee by the God of the living, that to us thou tell, if thou art the Anointed, the son of the God.
64 Says to him the Jesus: Thou has said. Besides I say to you, from now you shall see the son of the man sitting at right of the power, and coming upon the clouds of the heaven. Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man – When Jesus said this, what did he mean? Is he saying that the high priest, Caiaphas, was not guilty of the second death (for if he had been, how could he, in any manner, 'see' the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power?)
65 Then the high-priest rent the clothes of him, saying: That he blasphemes; what further need have we of witnesses? see, now you heard the blasphemy of him. He hath spoken blashpemy – To the corrupt high priest who was so used to flatteries and praises, to hear Jesus speak the truth was too much for him to take.
66 What to you thinks? they and answering said: Liable to death he is. He is guilty of death – How dare Jesus tell them the truth! This is something they were no longer accustomed to hear. Naturally they would consider him worthy of death. - Clearly this displayed their true condition of heart. It is not Jesus, but they who were worthy of death.
67 Then they spat into the face of him, and beat with the fist him: they and struck with palms of their hands,
68 saying: Prophesy to us, O Anointed, who is he striking thee?

69 The and Peter without sat in the courtyard. And came to him one maid-servant, saying: Also thou wast with Jesus of the Galilee.
70 He but denied in presence of them all, saying: Not I know what thou sayest.
71 Going out and he into the portico, saw him another, and says to those there; also this was with Jesus of the Nazareth.
72 And again he denied with an oath; That not I know the man.
73 After a little and approaching those having stood by, said to the Peter: Certainly also thou of them art; even for the speech of thee manifest thee makes.
74 Then he began to curse, and to swear. That not I know the man. And instantly a cock crew.
75 And remembered the Peter of the word of the Jesus, declaring to him; That before a cock crows, thrice thou wilt deny me. And going out, he wept bitterly.
Matthew 25   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 27
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