Matthew Chapter 15 [Diaglott]

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Matthew 14   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 16

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1 Then came to the Jesus those from Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees, saying:
2 Why the disciples of thee transgress the tradition of the elders? not for they wash the hands of them, whenever bread they may eat.
3 He but answering said to them: Why also you transgress the commandment of the God, through the tradition of you?
4 He for God he commanded, saying: Honor the father and the mother; and: He reviling father or mother, death let him die.
5 You but say: Whoever may say to the father or the mother, A gift, whatever out of me thou mightest be profited;
6 then not not may honor the father of him or the mother of him. And you annul the commandment of the God through the tradition of you.
7 O hypocrites, well prophesied concerning you Esaias, saying:
8 The people this with the lips me honor; the but heart of them far off is removed from me.
9 without profit but they reverence me, teaching doctrine, commandments of men.

10 And having called the crowd, he said to them: Hear you and be instructed.
11 Not that entering into the mouth pollutes the man; but that proceeding out of the mouth this pollutes the man.
12 Then having come the disciples of him, said to him: Knowest thou, that the Pharisees, hearing that saying, found a difficulty?
13 He but answering said: Every plantation, which not has planted the Father of me the heavenly, shall be rooted up.
14 Let alone them; guides they are blind of blind. Blind and blind if may lead, both into a pit will fall.
15 Answering and the Peter said to him: Explain to us the comparison this.
16 The and Jesus said: Yet also you unintelligent are?
17 Not yet perceive you, that all that entering into the mouth, into the belly passes, and into a privy is cast?
18 Those but proceeding out of the mouth, from the heart issues forth, and they pollute the man.
19 From for the heart comes forth purposes evil; murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, evil speakers.
20 These is the (things) polluting the man; that but with unwashed hands to eat not pollutes the man.

21 And departing thence the Jesus withdrew into the confines of Tyre and Sidon.
22 And lo, a woman Canaanitish, of the parts those coming out, cried out to him, saying: Pity me, O lord, O son David; the daughter of me sadly is demonized.
23 He but not answered her a word. And coming the disciples of him, besought him, saying: Send away her, for she cries at the back of us.
24 He but answering said: Not I am sent, except to the sheep the perishing house of Israel.
25 She then coming prostrated to him, saying: O lord, give aid to me.
26 He but answering said: Not it is right to take the bread of the children, and to throw to the dogs.
27 She but said: True, O Lord: even for the dogs eatest of the crumbs of the falling from the table of the masters of them.
28 Then answering the Jesus and to her: O woman, great of thee the faith; let it be to thee, as thou wilt. And was healed the daughter of her from the hour that.

29 And departing thence the Jesus, came near the sea the Galilee; and ascending into the mountain, he sat down there.
30 And came to him crowds great, having with them lame, blind, deaf, maimed, and others many; and they laid them at the feet of the Jesus, and he healed them;
31 so that the crowds to wonder, beholding deaf speaking, maimed sound, lame walking and blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.

32 The then Jesus, having called the disciples of him, said: I have compassion on the crowd, for already days three, they have remained with me, and not they have any thing they may eat; and to send away them fasting not I will, lest they may faint in the way.
33 And they say to him the disciples of him: Whence to us in a desert place loaves so many, so as to satisfy a crowd so great?
34 And says to them the Jesus: How many loaves have you? They and said: Seven, and few small fishes.
35 And he directed the crowds to recline upon the ground.
36 And taking the seven loaves and the fishes, giving thanks he broke and he gave to the disciples of him, the and disciples to the crowd.
37 And they ate all, were filled; and they took up that over and above of the fragments, seven large baskets full.
38 They and eating were for thousand men, besides woman and children.
39 And having sent away the crowds, he went into the ship, and came to the coasts of Magdala.
Matthew 14   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 16
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