John Chapter 7 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. After these things – At least six months later, quite possibly a year and six months later, than the previous chapter. Evidently there was a considerable time in which our Lord "could not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him." R3509:4, 2437:2

In Galilee – His home, to the extent he ever had one, most of his time being spent there. R2448:1

Not walk in Jewry – Judea. R1069:3*, 2437:2

Sought to kill him – The scribes and Pharisees were jealous of his popularity, ashamed of his following and afraid that he would yet become the center of a futile movement antagonistic to the Roman government and their own prestige. NS629:5

They had greater animosity toward Jesus than toward John the Baptist, for in him they recognized a superiority over themselves, and because the ignorant, common people heard him gladly. R4130:2

Later they also sought the death of Lazarus, who was a living witness to his Messianic power. R2448:1; NS629:5

2 Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand. The Jews' – The usage of the Jewish people on this occasion is described in lengthy quotes from Edersheim and others. R3509:1, 2438:5

Feast – From the 15th to the 22nd of Tishri, the seventh month, corresponding closely to October 1, but varying according to the Jewish calendar, which was calculated on lunar time. R3508:3

Of tabernacles – Held in connection with the Day of Atonement and its sacrifices for sins, which typified the better sacrifices of the Gospel age and the ultimate atonement for the sins of the whole world. R3508:6

Dwelling in booths. R3508:3

Instituted at the time Israel passed from the wilderness into the land of promise. It commemorated the wilderness life and the entrance into Canaan, where they were privileged to enjoy their inheritance. R3509:1

Really the festival of the New Year, and a kind of thanksgiving occasion for the ingathering or harvest of the year. R3509:1

This and the Passover Feast divided the Jewish year. On these occasions people from all over the kingdom were expected to visit Jerusalem to spend a week in fellowship, in thanksgiving to the Lord and the making of vows. R3508:3

These two festivals represent the beginning of a year--the one the civil year, the other the church year, yet both might be termed religious since the entire national government was built upon a religious foundation. R3508:3

Was at hand – This was the last feast of Tabernacles attended by our Lord, occurring just six months before the crucifixion. R3509:4, 443:2*

3 His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. Go into Judea – Where the most learned men of the nation would have an opportunity for seeing, criticizing and fault-finding, and if possible, refuting his claims and miracles. R3509:5, 2437:2, 1069:4

4 For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, show thyself to the world. If thou do – Either do something, and make yourself great in the eyes of the whole world, or give the whole matter up and admit that your claims to Messiahship are fraudulent. R2437:2

Shew thyself – Their interest all along had been rather of pride than of faith. R2437:2

5 For neither did his brethren believe in him. Neither did his brethren – His kinsfolk. R2437:2

Probably his cousins, for cousins at that time were called "brethren." R3509:4

In olden times the expression "brethren" signified kinsfolk, including cousins as well as brothers. R2424:6

They seemingly could not understand why he was so revolutionary in his teachings and so antagonistic to all the recognized religious teachers of his day, while his mother doubtless still pondered the mystery in her mind. R1736:5

Persecution from his earthly kindred was not lacking. He was unwelcome in the home of his childhood. (Matt. 8:20) They seemed ashamed of the unpopular notoriety which his course brought upon them as a family. R1069:3*

So it will probably be in the end of this age with the Body of Christ. The separation must come closer and closer, with friend after friend departing. R1069:4*

Mark 3:20,21,31 (Diaglott) seems to indicate more a spirit of fear and anxiety on the part of the Lord's mother and brethren, than of opposition. R1736:5

His mother was doubtless always in sympathy with him, though she could not fully understand him. With a mother's love as well as that of a disciple, she shared his reproach and followed him to Calvary and the tomb. R1069:4*

6 Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is always ready. Is alway ready – They might go at any time, but he was under certain restrictions. R2437:2

7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. Cannot hate you – They had not drawn upon them the murderous animosity of the most influential and powerful class of the nation. R2437:2

Me it hateth – And they seek my life. R1069:4*

Because of his faithfulness to the truth, which he came to the world to serve. R2437:2

In proportion as you "let your light so shine" (Matt. 5:16) the world will hate you as it hated me. Q321:4

If we are finding no opposition to the world it is because we have not been faithful to our Father's Word, and to our appointed mission in connection with it. R2437:3

8 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast: for my time is not yet full come. I go not up – Evidently not for fear of death. He felt it to be his duty not to ignore the Father's plan, so as to require a special miracle for his deliverance, that the divine plan might not be frustrated. R2437:3

While realizing that he had divine protection until his "hour" should come, nevertheless he did not tempt providence by going unnecessarily in the way of danger, rather shaping his course according to the conditions he found. R3509:4

We should not needlessly place ourselves in positions of jeopardy, expecting the Lord to miraculously intervene for our preservation; however we are not to deny the truth or forsake a duty for the preservation of our lives. R2437:4

Yet – For our Lord to have gone up early to the feast might have provoked the animosity of the religious teachers the more. R3509:5

His delay in going was no injury to the publicity of his teachings, because the people naturally inquired for him, expressed wonder, discussed his claims and told one another what they had seen and heard in their own areas. R3509:5

Full come – Neither the time for manifesting his power to the world, nor to lay down his life as a sacrifice. R1069:4*

9 When he had said these words unto them, he abode still in Galilee.

10 But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. Not openly – Seemingly avoiding the very means of centering public attention upon himself which would favor the sentiment of making him the King. In the triumphal entry, he deliberately does the opposite. R2296:2

11 Then the Jews sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he?
12 And there was much murmuring among the people concerning him: for some said, He is a good man: others said, Nay; but he deceiveth the people.
13 Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.

14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. About the midst – He may have known that the rulers would seek to apprehend him at the beginning of the feast, during the commotion incident to the arrival of the pilgrims. Thus he deferred going until after the multitudes had gone. R2437:5

15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? How knoweth – As a perfect human being his mind was active and strong, his reasoning powers astute, his perceptives awake to educating influences, his moral perceptions discarding all evil and his memory treasuring up all of worth. R1682:2

They knew of Jesus' power with the people through the spirit of the Lord and of his straightforward presentation of the truth. To this day this is true of the followers of Jesus. R5840:1

Having never learned – In any of their schools. R5840:1

His humble birth gave him none of the advantages of education or social culture, yet even at twelve, all that heard him in conversation with the learned doctors of the Law were astonished at his understanding and answers. R1682:1

The class chosen to announce Jesus as King of the Jews was not a prepossessing one (being "unlearned"--Acts 4:13). It was so unlike the expectations of the Jews and out of harmony with their religious teachers, that they failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. R748:1

Similarly the perfect minds of the resurrected Ancient Worthies will quickly grasp present-day knowledge and inventions. And as Jesus taught positively, definitely and clearly, so it will be with these. D626

16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. My doctrine – My teaching. E50; R3726:5; NS773:5

Not mine, but his – Our Lord's discourses were along the lines of divine revelation--the Law and the prophets. We should teach, as his representatives, along the same line; not human speculations and philosophies, but the Word of God. R3726:5

17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. If any man – Obedience is important if we want the Lord's help to understand the plan. R85:4*, 74:2*

Mere depth of knowledge, power of discernment, or even prophetic insight, must be qualified by love of the truth, faith in God and devotion to personal holiness. R782:1*

The intimation is that wrong-heartedness is intimately associated with wrong-headedness, as respects doctrines. R4334:2

If obedience to the Lord and to the truth brought us into the light, disobedience or loss of the Spirit of the Lord undoubtedly will lead us out of the light into the darkness prevalent all about us. R4334:3

Whoever, therefore, loses the doctrines of Christ after once having them, has surely done more than get his head confused; his heart must have been separated from the Lord previously. R5948:3

Will do – Wills, or wishes to. R285:5, 210:5*

Fully consecrated to God and fully desirous of knowing his will and his plan. R5137:5

The Jews and the majority of professed Christians do not understand his words now; only such as have consecrated themselves to the Lord and have received the holy Spirit. R2419:3

For those who have made a covenant with him by sacrifice, a provision has been made whereby the willing, all desiring to do the divine will, and manifesting efforts so to do, are counted as righteous. R5137:5

If we are advanced in truth, we should also be advanced in holiness; and obedience to God's will is an important aid in knowing the truth. R24:6*

His will – The Father's will. R4334:2, 5948:3, 3188:4, 2453:6, 923:1

Whosoever will resolve that he will no longer fear man, neither be in subjection to the creeds of the Dark Ages, but accept the Lord as his Shepherd, and listen only for the voice of his Word, walking only in accordance with its directions, fearing God and not fearing man, shall be blessed. NS400:4

God's will represents actual perfection of thought, word and deed toward God, the Body of Christ and all mankind. This is the divine standard set up, but we are no more able to fulfill its demands than were the Jews. R5137:5

He shall know – Only from the "inside" can the great plan of God be seen and appreciated, and only the "brethren" are admitted to this inside view. R2453:6

In proportion as not only the Jews, but all others, come into close accord with both the letter and the spirit of the divine Word, will they find in them the keys of the mystery of God. R2419:3

He is revealed in one sense in the statements of his Word, but he is revealed to the heart when his statements are understood; and the spirit of obedience is essential to understanding. We are to grow in grace and in knowledge. R74:2*

"Light is sown for the righteous." (Psa. 97:11) R4809:4, 1114:6

They shall not walk in darkness. R1114:6

These will learn faster to be able to prepare themselves for regal employment in the royal family. R285:5, 210:5*

Those who sacrifice, suffer and endure most in the cause they serve--the Lord and the truth--are "always rejoicing" (2 Cor. 6:10) because, having done the Father's will, they know of Christ's doctrine. R1103:2

While education and thought-habits have much to do with our way of looking at matters, yet to suppose that honest-minded men, whose whole desire is to learn the will of God, could each go to the Bible and arrive at dissimilar religious views, implies either that God's Word is not a revelation, or that fallen man is so twisted that it is impossible for him to reason with the Creator. R922:6

Of the doctrine – We are living in a day when the very word "doctrine" seems offensive to the majority of Christians. Each denomination realizes its own system of doctrines is imperfect, and the same is believed in respect to all others. R5136:3

Our Lord associates his Word and doctrine with true discipleship. R3188:4*

Instead of shunning doctrines, we should realize that they are the very things needed to cause the scattering of our darkness and superstitions, and to draw all of God's people nearer together. R5136:6

Evolutionists certainly cannot hold the fundamental teaching of Christianity. CR119:6

Whether I speak of myself – Whether Jesus merely made up these teachings himself, or whether he was the active agent of Jehovah in what he did and in what he taught. R5137:6

What we all need as God's people is to put away human theories and other gospels and take hold afresh on the Gospel of Christ. These other gospels are other messages of hope, aside from the one which the Bible presents. R5137:2

18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. That sent him – Our Lord Jesus was and still is the Great Teacher of men by the appointment of the Heavenly Father, the great Master, Teacher above all. Likewise our Lord appointed special teachers under him, the apostles and others in the Church, to be under-shepherds of the Lord's flock. E50

19 Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me? Moses give you – God dealt only with one man in connection with the making of the Law Covenant; and that man was Moses, who stood in the position of a father to the whole nation, the nation being regarded and treated as children under age. R5046:4, 1725:3

As God's representative on the one hand, and as Israel's representative on the other, Moses could be and was the Mediator of the Law Covenant between God and that nation. R5046:6, 1725:4

Was our Lord deceived respecting Hammurabi's law, palmed off by Moses as of divine origin? No! R3177:4

None of you keepeth – Our Lord's censures of Pharisaism were not of their endeavor to keep the Law blamelessly, but for hypocrisy, claiming perfection and holiness with an outward cleansing, while their hearts were still impure, unconsecrated. B84

Since the Law was the measure of a perfect man's ability, no Israelite or any other man could get the blessings which it promised. All got more or less the curse or punishment, which failure to keep it threatened. R5946:3

They could not keep it, could not be justified by it. R4014:2

While the Jews had a blessing in the way of divine instruction through the Law, yet because unable to keep its requirements, they were specially condemned by it. NS18:5

20 The people answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?
21 Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel.
22 Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man.
23 If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day? On the sabbath day – So, during the antitypical sabbath, the Millennium, it will be declared to all the world that "whosoever will" (Rev. 22:17) may have life and health eternal if they take the steps of faith and obedience. B40

24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Judge not – The "doctors of divinity" of that time not only ignored our Lord's teachings, but opposed, and spoke evil against him falsely; warning and cajoling the common people, who heard him gladly, until they cried for his blood. R2432:3

According to the appearance – We cannot judge each other's hearts. We are incapable; and, besides, we are forbidden. R4334:2

If we see one doing something improper, we might say, "Your conduct would seem to be contrary to the Word of God." If he should reply, "It does not seem to me that I am doing wrong," we must not judge or condemn his heart. R5245:5; Q384:5, 385:3

Righteous judgment – There is a difference between judging the heart, which we have no right to do, and judging the conduct, which is right to do. But it does not follow that our judgment of another's conduct must always be right. R5245:5; Q384:5, 385:4

25 Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?
26 But, lo, he speaketh boldly, and they say nothing unto him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? Do the rulers know – The fact that he was teaching publicly, and the rulers did not interfere with him, led to this inquiry. R2437:6

The common people always referred to the learned. R5087:2

27 Howbeit we know this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is.
28 Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not.
29 But I know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me.
30 Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come. Then they sought – When the rulers saw that their timidity was really advancing the cause which they hated. R2437:6

No man laid hands – Because they feared the people, that too large a proportion would have at least a sympathy for his teachings. R2437:5

He seems to have exerted that power which belonged to him as a perfect man over weaker, imperfect men--the power of his mind alone, we believe, which overwhelmed and cowed their fierce passions. R1715:6

However great a power Satan may exercise over the world, we know that his power does not extend to the Church. In Heb. 2:14 his "power of death" should evidently be translated "dominion of death." R1271:3

His hour was not – Everything that God does is in accordance with a definitely prearranged plan; and his appointed times and seasons are no insignificant or unimportant part of that plan. B25

The type could never pass away until its antitype had come, and the antitype of the killing of the Passover lamb must occur on its anniversary, the fourteenth day of Nisan. R2771:6, 3526:1; F461, F481; NS77:5

When the appointed time came for the sacrifice of the Son for the redemption of the world, then the rulers of the darkness of the world had their way. R1682:1

But when his hour was come he opened not his mouth, nor resisted in any degree the throngs that sought his life. R1715:6

31 And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done? More miracles than these – Many of the multitude were favorably impressed and wondered if they could expect any greater miracles from Messiah than Jesus had done. R2437:5

32 The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him; and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. The chief priests – The special opponents of our Master were not the unbelieving world, but the unfaithful professors of holiness and of devotion to the divine Law. So our special opponents are to be looked for within the nominal Christian church. R2437:3

Sent officers – Similar to the ones they sent to arrest him in the Garden of Gethsemane. R2467:6

33 Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. Unto them – Apparently they felt they must hear some rebellious, anarchistic or blasphemous utterances from his lips or they would not be justified in the eyes of the people in making his arrest. R2437:6

Yet a little while – Only about six months longer. R2438:1

I go – Jesus had in mind the murderous designs of his enemies, and that it behooved the Son of Man to suffer and to rise from the dead. R2438:1

34 Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. Ye shall seek me – The Jews have been seeking the Messiah during the eighteen centuries of trouble experienced since that time. R2438:1

Ye cannot come – Meaning, he was going to heaven. R2438:2

35 Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will he go, that we shall not find him? will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles? Whither will he go – The apostles did this afterward, preaching to the Jew first, and afterward to the Gentiles. R2125:3

The dispersed – There were probably more "Jews" living outside Palestine, among the nations, than resided in Palestine. R2125:3

The scattered Jews amongst the Greeks, speaking the Greek language, and not the Syrian, the language of the Jews in Palestine. R2438:2

It was to these "dispersed Jews," "Israelites" of "our twelve tribes" that James and Peter wrote epistles. R2125:3

Contrary to the teaching of "Anglo-Israelites," the scattered Jews were not considered lost in the Lord's time. R2438:2

Teach the Gentiles – It would not occur to a Jew that anyone claiming to be the Jewish Messiah would go to the Gentiles. R2125:3

36 What manner of saying is this that he said, Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come?

37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. In the last day – The eighth day. R443:2*, 2438:4

The seventh day. R3509:3

Seven days were devoted to sacrificing, seventy bullocks being burned upon the altar, and understood to be sacrificed for the whole world; but this eighth day was especially a Jewish day, the most joyous of this thanksgiving feast. R2438:4

That great day – The last day of the feast, early in the morning, a priest with a golden pitcher led a procession to draw water from the Pool of Siloam, to pour on the altar, apparently symbolizing the outpouring of the holy Spirit. R3509:3

When the religious sentiments of the people were at their highest pitch he called their attention to the deep spiritual things symbolized by them year by year continually. R3509:5

The feast – The Feast of Tabernacles; about six months after the third Passover which was observed by our Lord: about six months before his crucifixion. R443:2*, 3509:4

Jesus stood – Presumably it was just at the close of the pouring of the golden pitcher of water on the altar, with the multitude in the warm climate probably thirsty, aggravated by the sight of water, that Jesus made his announcements. R3509:5, 38:2*

Using the pouring out of the libation as his text. Presenting himself as the giver of the water of life, as in the more private discourse to the woman of Samaria. ( John 4) R2438:4

And cried – At the moment of the water offering there arose, so loud as to be heard throughout the temple, the voice of Jesus. He interrupted not the services, for they had for the moment ceased; he interpreted, and he fulfilled them. R2438:6*

If any man thirst – All have some conception of natural thirst, but there are other thirsts and cravings of the human nature which need satisfaction; cravings for rest, peace, joy and fellowship. R3509:6, 2438:5

All who have sought to satisfy the earthly desires of fame, pleasure or wealth have found that they do not satisfy, but those who have received the water of life have received the only satisfying portion. R2438:5

Before anyone can come to the Lord he must thirst, he must have an appreciation of that which the Lord has to give--the water, the refreshment of eternal life. Our thirst is our desire. R4132:4

Only those who have such thirsts are called upon; "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst." (Matt. 5:6) R3509:6

In the present time our thirst is in one sense of the word insatiable, in the sense that the Lord's blessings are so great and so good that we can never in the present day and present condition have enough of them. R4132:5

Nevertheless, there is a measure of satisfaction in our drinking, even in the present time. As a thirsty one at a fountain drinks with relish, with appreciation and satisfaction, only to take more and more. R4132:5

Let him come – The coming to the Lord is the approach of faith. R4132:4

Unto me – Let us see to it that we recognize no other fountain than the Lord Jesus, no matter how much we may appreciate the channels through which the supply may have come to us. R4132:5

And drink – The receiving of the Spirit is the satisfying of our thirst. All through life we are drinking at this fountain. We will not be satisfied until we awake in the Lord's likeness. (Psa. 17:15) R3510:1

Water is the symbol of truth. R4132:4

38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. He that believeth – In the present time those who drink are merely the sanctified. In Rev. 21 we have the picture of the Body of Christ in glory, the New Jerusalem, from which issues the water of life which our Lord referred to in his discourse. R3509:2

Out of his belly – While the Lord will lead the Great Multitude to waters of life, they will not be, like the Bride, possessed of immortality, which the Lord describes as water springing up in his people. ( John 4:14) R5865:5

Not fulfilled at Pentecost. There the Lord's followers began to drink and be united into one body. It is from this one body that the stream of water of life shall flow during the Millennium for the blessing of the world. R3510:1

Shall flow rivers – In each member of the Temple class already is a well-spring of truth and grace. When these well-springs shall be united to the great Head and Fountain, the results will naturally be a stream of good proportions; a river. R2508:3, 3510:2, 2424:4

Now a well of water in each believer's heart, overflowed many times, then the pure river of the water of life flowing wide and deep from out of the city and over the world. R118:1*

The river of water of life does not flow at the present time. It cannot flow out to the "nations" until all the Little Flock as well-springs shall be brought together in the Kingdom. R2424:4

In order to be of the class from whom the great river of water of life will usher, it is necessary first that we come to Jesus and drink of him. As a result, all of the elect Church shall become minor well-springs in due time. R2508:4

Living water – Water of life--truth. R3510:2, 2424:4; E386

39 (But this spake he of the spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) They that believe on him – They were not waiting as sinners for power. They were already believers in the Lord and already consecrated to doing the Father's will, but they had not yet been acknowledged by the Father. NS201:3

The holy Spirit was given as a guide and comforter of the heirs of immortality, ever since Jesus was glorified. R385:4*

The Holy Spirit – Variously called the holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of a sound mind, the Spirit of sonship. The various qualities are all applicable to the same class, the spirit-begotten. R5582:6

The Spirit in the sense of a witness of our sonship; as a guide into all truth. R218:4

Not yet given – No manifestation of the Spirit of God, prior to the first advent, was exactly the same as that upon our Lord Jesus, from baptism to crucifixion, and upon his Church from the day of Pentecost until now. E176

The holy Spirit exercised upon the prophets and under which influence they spake and wrote is different from the holy Spirit granted to the Gospel Church since Pentecost; a spirit of adoption and not the spirit of prophecy. R3510:1; E177

Throughout the Jewish age God was the instructor of the Israelites through Moses and the prophets; but they were not sons of God. They did not have the Spirit's begetting to sonship, but were only a house of servants. R5582:6

The begetting power of the new nature was given after Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension, to those who waited to be adopted from the house of servants into the house of sons. R2788:2, 2584:1

Previously the holy Spirit simply signified a holy energy and meant no begetting to sonship. Only persons fully consecrated are spirit-begotten now, but any person might be used of the Lord as a servant. R5637:3

Even the angels, sometimes used of the Lord as his channels in communicating with the prophets, were not permitted to understand the meaning of their communications, any more than were the prophets. E178

Jesus sent out the twelve, and afterwards the seventy as his personal representatives. He gave them of his own spirit. But they had not been recognized of the Father, they must wait for the spirit-begetting and anointing. R5587:5, 4593:2; NS201:3

The power by which the disciples did miracles then, while it was holy spirit or holy power, was not their own, but the Lord's. He gave them power, but they received no power direct from God until Pentecost. R1416:6

No wonder the people were astonished at such doctrines as Jesus gave forth, for none could perfectly understand except through the enlightening influence of the holy Spirit, which was not yet given. R5408:2, 4146:6

They could not expect to get his deepest meaning until after the Master's ascension. R5088:5, 2456:5

Thus even the disciples understood not his statements of his coming death, and feared to ask explanations. They were only natural men; none were begotten of the holy Spirit until Pentecost. R5361:3, 5291:2, 2657:4

The Spirit dispensation began at Pentecost, after our Lord was glorified. R4908:5, 4593:2, 4146:6, 1962:2; OV407:3

This added to the difficulty of proving his resurrection to still natural men. It was needful to make this lesson relating to spiritual things so plain that the least of them might be fully convinced. R666:1; B129; D618; NS198:1, 655:6

At that time they must be taught spiritual things in a natural manner, in pantomime. NS198:2

Nor could they understand the times and seasons. B120

Jesus had many things he desired to make known to his disciples, and that were necessary for them to know, but they could not receive them as yet, because the holy Spirit had not yet come upon them. R2456:5

They were justified human beings, but not begotten new creatures, thus Jesus' teachings refer but little to the highest things. Though justified men, they must be begotten of the Spirit to comprehend spiritual things. R412:2

Thus there may appear to be, at times, a lack of harmony between the words of Jesus and those of the apostles. Our Lord addressed those who had not yet received the spirit of adoption, while the epistles were to the Church. R954:1*

Thus the choosing of Matthias as an apostle was not a selection by the Church under the direction of the holy Spirit, for this was before Pentecost, and the disciples were not recognized of God as the Church. R1891:5

Jesus was especially alone in the world; even his disciples could not enter into fellowship with him in respect to spiritual things. R2649:6

Thus, although our Lord proved to his hearers that his pronouncement of forgiveness was backed by power and authority, he did not explain the how and why of his conduct, and hence left their questions unanswered. R2584:1

They were still natural men, not fully begotten of the holy Spirit, hence unprepared to understand spiritual things "for the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God." (1 Cor. 2:14) R2981:6, 5065:6, 666:2

Thus the dying thief, while having an abundant reward for the words of comfort spoken to our Redeemer in the hour of his trial, will surely not be rewarded with a place in the throne. R2788:2

Hence, though their prayers were answered, they could not "worship in spirit"; neither in "truth," for the truth would only be revealed by the spirit's guiding them into it. ( John 4:23) R2070:2

We are to tell the heavenly things, but not to the natural man. R5065:6

The period from Jesus' baptism to his ascension differs from the period after Pentecost as the Millennial age differs from the Gospel age. The consecrated in these two periods, to a considerable degree, walk by sight. R4908:6, 1962:3

Not yet glorified – The ascension of our blessed Lord to the right hand of power signifies his ability to "give gifts unto men." (Eph. 4:8) R1829:5

Being under condemnation, none could be adopted into God's family, begotten as sons, while they were yet sinners. Our Lord's death could not benefit them until he ascended to God and presented the price on their behalf. R2819:2

Until after the ransom price had been made at Calvary and offered in the Holy of Holies. R2456:5, 5088:5

He went into "the Holy Place" unglorified. HG23:2

He had received his glorious body in the resurrection, as shown in 1 Cor. 15:43, 44; but it remained for him to be honored, and officially receive divine approval. R2819:2

It was not possible until he had ascended up on high and presented the merit of that sacrifice on our behalf to the Father; not until it had been accepted by the Father. R3510:1, 5831:1, 218:4, 182:4; B120

The Pentecostal blessing was of the Father, but by the Son. It was the Father's recognition of the merit of the sin offering. R1416:3

Referring to the installation into the majesty of power. When the Scriptures speak of a glorious body, the glory of grandeur of the person is referred to, and not the glory or power of office. R262:2

The glorification, or instalment in honor and power, should not be confounded with the change, which occurred at our Lord's resurrection. Likewise the Church will be given spiritual bodies before sharing his glory. R2156:5, 169:5*, 168:5*

From the time our Lord ascended up on high until the descent of the holy Spirit was ten days. R2075:5

The Scriptures speak of the Spirit of God as a special influence coming from God upon a special class, in a special manner, since a particular event, and not before that event. R5582:6

Since glorification, the Lamb has been breaking the seven seals (Rev. 5), thus opening the divine plan before men and angels. We share this knowledge most because, the last seal having bean broken, the scroll is open to all. R2156:4

Hence, the holy Spirit poured out upon the Church at Pentecost became a sure indication that at that time our Lord had been glorified. R2155:6

40 Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet. Many of the people – How many, how few of the multitude who heard could gain any reasonable understanding of this message! R3509:5

41 Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?
42 Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?
43 So there was a division among the people because of him. There was a division – Some approving and some opposing. R3510:3

Because there is no fellowship between light and darkness, there can be no peace nor truce between the two. In proportion as the one obtains control, the other is excluded. R3510:3

With us, too, if we let our light shine, those who love truth will be attached in proportion as their hearts are sincere; those who love error will become antagonistic in proportion to their lack of sincerity. R3510:4

44 And some of them would have taken him; but no man laid hands on him.

45 Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him? The officers – Representing the Sanhedrin; present in the Temple amongst the people, charged with finding some fault with our Lord's teaching and making it the pretext for a measure of insurrection, and further, the arrest of our Lord. R3510:4

And Pharisees – What a sad commentary, that the men seeking the apprehension and death of Jesus were the most influential men in the holiest nation of earth; Doctors of Law, corresponding in Judaism to Doctors of Divinity in Christendom now. R3510:5

Why have ye not – Is it possible that any man could speak in public and that keen-minded men such as you would be unable to entrap him so as to form a charge against him in violation of the Law of Moses or the Law of the Romans? R3510:6

Similarly, the soldiers who came to take him in Gethsemane were overpowered for a time by the majesty of his presence and obliged to retreat before him, though he rebuked them neither in word nor act. ( John 18:6) R575:3

46 The officers answered, Never man spake like this man. The officers – The very men that were commissioned to lay hands on Jesus and deliver him to death. R646:5

Never man spake – The man Christ Jesus "holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners." (Heb. 7:26) R5003:2; E154

The teachings of Jesus has a positiveness quite different from the various speculations of the scribes. So it is always with the truth. Wherever there is confusion and mysticism, there is error and ignorance. R5408:2

While recognizing that he was far above their plane, they nevertheless were drawn to him because he was the burning (warm, glowing and sympathetic) as well as the shining light. R4967:3, 4675:5

He told the people that God loved them, that he did not despise them even though they were miserable sinners. R5275:6

They had never before seen one in whom was life: all others whom they had met, like themselves, were dying creatures, nine-tenths dead. R4107:4

We can reason together with God when we take the voice of his Son and reject the voices of the "Dark Ages." R3795:3

While our Redeemer's ability to teach came through the anointing of the holy Spirit, the public knew not of this. His right to teach consisted in the fact that he could teach, that he could make plain the Word of God. OV159:1, 151:5

The common people heard Jesus gladly, but did not clearly comprehend his teachings. Nevertheless, there was something very attractive in the Master's style, so that they would say this, though not fully comprehending. R3803:2

They perceived that he was a remarkable character. "All bare him witness and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth." (Luke 4:22) R4107:4, 3803:2, 1937:2, 1682:2; E154; NS629:2; SM263:1

He had allowed his words and his works to testify for him. R3788:2, 4308:1

However much we appreciate the miracles wrought by our Lord, that which appeals to us as the most wonderful manifestation is his teaching, his doctrine. SM263:1

As in John 6, they did not believe, although they recognized Jesus as a very wonderful personage. R4147:5

Truth, rightly divided and fairly presented, commands the respect, even of its opponents. Its symmetry and beauty will irresistibly stamp itself upon the mind. Paul's eloquence was this eloquence of truth; the result of a thorough understanding and conviction of truth. R646:5

The Lord's people are to set a guard upon their lips that they sin not with their mouths. (Psa. 39:1) In proportion as this is true, it will also be true that they will be wiser and more discreet in their language than others. R3511:1

It should be true with all of the Lord's followers that their speech should be with grace, well within the limits of reason and righteousness, and strictly in conformity to the Word of the Lord. R2437:6, 1937:3

It is so easy to say what ought not to be said, to cast reflection upon the character of another. Let us seek to be more like our Lord in this particular also--to speak as other men do not speak. R3511:4

"Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips." (Psa. 45:2) SM55:1

Like this man – Even his opponents recognized him as far beyond the ordinary of our race. E154

47 Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived? Are ye also deceived? – Jesus' teaching of the people was weakening the power of the scribes and Pharisees and of the traditions of the elders. R5561:2

48 Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him? Have any of the rulers – The Jewish clerical class--priests, scribes and Pharisees--represented that system as a whole. Our Lord so recognized them. He rarely rebuked the people for failure to receive him, but held responsible the "blind leaders." C168

Pharisees believed – In accepting their suggestions and blindly submitting to their leadings, some missed their privilege, and failed to enter into the blessings of the new dispensation. So it will be with a similar class in these last days of the Gospel dispensation. D65; HG717:1

The secret of Israel's blindness was that the religious leaders relied so implicitly upon their interpretations, that they could not regard the humble Nazarene and his unlearned followers except as imposters. R5926:3

49 But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed. Who knoweth not the law – Jesus perceived that those who sat in Moses' seat received not the message, and gave most of his time and attention to the lower classes who had not heard the invitation to the wedding feast. (Luke 4:16-22) R342:6, 2438:2

The theory of erroneous religious teachings is that ignorance and superstition are necessary for the preservation of sacerdotal power. Thus always has error hated the truth, and darkness hated the light. R5561:2

50 Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them,) Nicodemus – In his heart believing Jesus to be a teacher sent from God, though doubtful of his being the Messiah. R2437:6

Mentioned three times in connection with our Lord's ministry: here, visiting Jesus by night ( John 3), and in connection with his burial ( John 19:39). R4173:6

Carefully excluded later from the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. R1809:2

Saith unto them – Defending the officers. R2437:6

Nicodemus cautiously interposed on Jesus' behalf when an attempt was made to seize the Lord. R4174:1

Being one of them – Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin. R2437:6, 1809:6

51 Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth? Doth our law judge – Nicodemus was making a plea for justice. R2437:6

52 They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet. Art thou also – We should not be content with neutrality in connection with the truth and its service, but be positive as far as possible, taking our stand for righteousness and on behalf of the Lord's cause and his brethren. R4174:1

Out of Galilee – Even this plea for justice was met with a sarcastic remark. R2437:6

Ariseth no prophet – Jonah, a prophet of God, whose prediction at another time came true (2 Kings 14:25), was from Gath-Hepher, in Galilee, contradicting the unscrupulous, or else ignorant, Pharisees. R3568:2*

53 And every man went unto his own house. Every man went – The meeting disbanded, the conspirators angry because they were foiled in their murderous attempt. R2437:6

Nicodemus was not ready to affirm discipleship. R3485:3

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