Isaiah Chapter 28 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Wo [to] the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory, That [is] on the head of the fat valley of the broken down of wine. Woe – Pertains to both natural and spiritual Israel. R4287:2

Crown of pride – Worldly prosperity. R1357:3

Self--sufficiency. R3455:2

The drunkards – Those intoxicated with error, false doctrines and theories. R4287:3, R3104:2, R588:3; D614

Ephraim – Christendom. R1357:3, R3455:2, R3104:2; D22

The word means "fruitful" and indicates the numbers, influence, power and wealth of Babylon. R1357:3

Applied to the ten tribes who revolted against the Kingdom of the Lord and established a different mode of worship; an apt illustration of the nominal Gospel church. R562:2

Glorious beauty – Pride, or exaltation. R1357:3

The glory of the nominal church is in numbers, wealth and worldly prosperity. R562:3

Fading flower – Her glory in numbers, wealth and power is fading; her beauty and fragrance will soon pass away. R3104:3, R1357:3, R3455:3, R562:3

The fat valleys – World mindedness; worldly possessions and pleasures. R1357:3, R3455:2, R562:2

Overcome with wine – The spirit of the world. R1357:3

2 Lo, a mighty and strong one [is] to the Lord, As a storm of hail a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand. Strong one – The Lord. R1357:4

A tempest of hail – Truth put in a hard, forcible way. R1357:5, R1774:5

As a flood – The conflict of the Day of Vengeance. D528, D527

God is now permitting the Adversary to bring in error like a flood. R2875:6

Of mighty waters – Symbol of truth, destined to cover the whole earth. "The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2:14) R1357:4

Shall cast down – Casting down to the earth, with power, the crown of pride. D528

3 By feet trodden down is the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, Crown of pride – The wealth, fame and prestige of these great systems of Babylon. R1357:5

Trodden under feet – Humbled in the dust. R1357:5

By the lawless ones, the anarchists. R3104:3

4 And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory That [is] on the head of the fat valley, Hath been as its first-fruit before summer, That its beholder seeth, While it [is] yet in his hand he swalloweth it. A fading flower – The beauty of the great system named Christendom will quickly disappear. R4287:6

As the hasty fruit – Sour and bitter, forced, immature. R1357:3,5

Nominal churches have great fruitfulness in numbers, but the fruit is immature, not good. R1357:3

God's plans come to maturity by slow and steady development. R562:3

Like the early fruit, the earthly beauty of the present systems will disappear. R4287:6

Eateth it up – Babylon's sudden destruction at the hands of anarchists. R3104:3

5 In that day is Jehovah of Hosts For a crown of beauty, and for a diadem of glory, To the remnant of His people. In that day – Now, in the end of this age. R4287:6, R3455:3

The very day of Babylon's fall. R562:6, R4287:6

A crown of glory – Even in the present life his truth in their hearts shall cause their faces to shine. R3104:6

They are his betrothed and will shortly be exalted as his Bride and joint--heir. R1357:6

They shall receive the crown of life-glory, honor and immortality. R3104:6

Diadem of beauty – To the faithful ones the Lord will become more glorious as they see the breadth, height and depth of his love. R4287:6

Unto the residue – The remnant, the Little Flock. R3455:3

Those who are truly consecrated to the Lord. R1357:5

6 And for a spirit of judgment To him who is sitting in the judgment, And for might [to] those turning back the battle to the gate. Spirit of judgment – The Lord's people will have sounder judgment, even in the present life. R3104:6, R4287:6

The Lord will give judgment, discretion to discern between truth and error, to those who bring all things, both new and old, to the test of his Word. R562:6, R1357:6

Sitteth in judgment – When made partakers of the Kingdom glories, these will be amongst the judges of the world. R3104:6

Strength to them – The Lord will be a strength and power to them, inwardly they will have peace. R4287:6

To all who battle against the forces of error. R562:6

Turn the battle – May be viewed aggressively or defensively. R2662:1

To the gate – Possibly a symbol of dominion, representing Satan's stronghold, the doctrine of eternal torment. Possibly representing the restraint the enemy has exercised over mankind to hinder them from the truth. R2661:3*

Signifies public effort to withstand error with the truth, even in the stronghold of error. R1357:6

In defense of the Citadel of Truth; not permitting false doctrines to enter in, but insisting that every doctrine be decided by the Word of the Lord, squared by the Golden Rule and the Ransom. R3455:4

7 And even these through wine have erred, And through strong drink have wandered, Priest and prophet erred through strong drink, They have been swallowed up of the wine, They wandered because of the strong drink, They have erred in seeing, They have stumbled judicially. But they also – To whom the people look as leaders and teachers, the clergy. R1357:6

The ministry, as well as the membership. R1493:2

Erred through wine – Symbol of the spirit of the world. R1358:1

Intoxication of Christendom--of errors, false doctrines, human schemes. R3104:2

"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." (Eph. 5:18) R1502:5, 2, R3962:6

Verses 7 to 13 have an application to natural Israel at the first advent but, because of parallel dispensations, it is proper that we should expect similar stumblings in the present Harvest in nominal spiritual Israel. R3962:3-5

Strong drink – Being intoxicated with the spirit of the world. R1488:6, R1444:4

Are out of the way – Confusion prevails amongst religious teachers of every denomination. SM107:2

Priest and the prophet – The religious instructors of the people. R562:5, R1444:4, R1488:6, R3455:4, R1847:5

Err in vision – The intoxicating errors pervert the judgment and hinder a proper view of the divine Word and the simplicity of the Gospel. R4288:1, R562:5, R1358:1, R1488:6

Cannot see the riches of divine grace, but see instead the nightmare of eternal torment. R3962:6, R4288:1

Stumble in judgment – They are unable to discern and follow the truth. R1444:4, R562:5, R3455:4, R4288:1

Using it as a temperance lesson, Christendom cannot see that this Scripture applies to themselves. R1358:1

8 For all tables have been full of vomit, Filth without place! For all tables – Denominational creeds, "Tables of devils." (1 Cor. 10:21) R3455:4, R3963:1-3, R4288:2

How different the condition of those fed with "meat in due season." "My table thou hast furnished (supplied) in the presence (sight) of mine enemies." (Psa. 23:5) R3396:1

Are full of vomit – Doctrinal monstrosities and misrepresentations rejected by the more enlightened. R3963:2, R3455:4

Repulsive mass of mingled traditions and abominable errors. R562:5, R4288:2

Rejected matter--old errors swallowed in the past with thoughtless complacency. R1899:4, R3396:1

In reaction to the miserable husks of human tradition on which they have been feeding for centuries past. R1475:2

Vomiting forth the various creeds and theories of the Dark Ages which have produced their intoxication. SM107:2

No place clean – No table fit for God's intelligent children. R1358:1

A necessary realization before looking beyond Babylon's creedal fences and leaping the barriers to the feast of fat things spread now by our present Shepherd. R2913:4

9 By whom doth He teach knowledge And by whom doth He cause to understand the report The weaned from milk, the removed from breasts, Whom shall he – The Lord. R1358:2

God. R562:6; SM107:3

Asks the class mentioned in verse 7. R3531:2*

The majority who have vomited the creeds of men feel so great a disgust for everything in the way of doctrine that they are barely able to hear that word. R3963:5

Teach knowledge – Doctrine. R3963:5

A large proportion in Christendom are not true Christians, consecrated followers of Jesus. SM107:3

In Churchianity there is a superabundance of mysticism, ignorance and superstition, but a dearth of knowledge. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hos. 4:6) R3455:6

Understand doctrine – Pure doctrine, the deeper elements of God's Word and plan. R229:6, R3455:6

Weaned from the milk – Contained in the printed questions and answers in the International Sunday School lessons. C143

Those who have ceased to be babes and made some development, feeding upon the strong meat of the divine Word. R3963:6, R1358:2, R4288:6

The foretold "strong delusions" of our day are not actually strong, but have great power to delude because few are "weaned from the milk." R5801:4, R1644:1

To appreciate the doctrines of God we must leave the first principles and go on to perfection. (Heb. 6:1) C143

None may expect to understand the deeper things of truth, except they progress from being babes to becoming strong men. SM108:1; R562:6

The fruits and graces of the Lord's spirit cannot be obtained merely through the milk of the divine Word. R3963:6

"Everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the Word of righteousness, for he is a babe." (Heb. 5:13) C143

Few nominal Christians have even used the milk of God's Word. R5801:4

Drawn from the breasts – "Woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days." (Matt 24:19) R229:3

10 For rule [is] on rule, rule on rule, line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there, Precept upon precept – The same truth repeated over and over from different standpoints, thus enforcing its teachings. R563:1

The most saintly of the Lord's people need constant replenishment from the fountain of truth. R5805:3

As with the Gospel Church, the hearing of the voice of the Son of God is a gradual matter, so it will be with the world during the Millennial age. F709

If we cease to receive we will cease to have; hence we must continually renew and review our study of the divine plan of the ages. F316

Line upon line – The way in which the Lord's message would be presented. R4574:1

Here a little – Those awakened from error must accept the truth as God provides it for them. R4288:6

In the school of Christ we do not learn all in a day or a week. R5125:4

Our poor earthen vessels are very leaky and need constant replenishment. R5805:3

A little of truth here and little more there--little by little we gain strength. R563:1

There a little – In the end the harmony of the fragments of truth from Genesis to Revelation, often disconnectedly stated, become a demonstration of power to those who come to see their relationship, harmony and beauty. SM108:2

11 For by scorned lip, and by another tongue, Doth He speak unto this people. Stammering lips – Imperfect human lips. R2813:5

Despised or scorned. R563:2

Those who are proclaiming Present Truth are chiefly the common people, and in the eyes of the world are quite unqualified for their work. R3456:1

Divine revelation is given in a disconnected and broken form in the Scriptures. SM108:2

The Lord will not choose the most approved and pleasing instruments to human fancy, but despised or scorned lips, to proclaim the truth. R563:3

Another tongue – Other servants who will faithfully proclaim God's truth; other teachers not ordained of men. R1358:2, R563:3

Those awakening from error must be prepared to receive the message of truth because it is the Lord's, from other lips than those of their own denomination, and in quarters from which they had not expected it to come. R4288:6

It was necessary to speak to the Jews in other tongues in the early Church. R3962:5

As in the Jewish Harvest, the Lord used foreign tongues and inspirational powers instead of the tongue of the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees; so in the present Harvest, the Bridegroom's voice is outside of Babylon entirely. (Rev. 18:23) R3963:6

Applied distinctly by Paul to the gift of tongues in 1 Cor. 14:21. R3962:3

Instead of plain statements in our native tongue. SM108:2

Will he speak – He will raise up other teachers, teachers not ordained of men, but of God. R1358:2

12 Unto whom He hath said, 'This [is] the rest, give ye rest to the weary, And this the refreshing:' And they have not been willing to hear, This is the rest – The Harvest Message, containing God's plan of salvation. R3456:1

The Little Flock will rest in these promises and will be refreshed by them. SM109:T

The weary to rest – The only foundation of this rest is acceptance of the ransom. R563:3

The refreshing – Rest, peace, satisfaction, which he has provided for his true sheep. R4289:1

They would not hear – But the nominal church has refused to hear. R563:2

When teachers from God point out the true rest and refreshment of divine truth, they will not hear. R1358:3

God's warnings go forth to all the nations of Christendom, but go unheeded. D58, D60

The Harvest Message is sent forth throughout Christendom, but the majority will not hear. R3456:1, R4289:1

13 And to whom a word of Jehovah hath been, Rule on rule, rule on rule, line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there, So that they go and have stumbled backward, And been broken, and snared, and captured. Precept upon precept – Nagging upon nagging, to Higher Critics. R3531:5*

Line upon line – Prating upon prating, to Higher Critics. R3531:5*

Permitting repeated captivities to Israel, yet he kept hold of them, and when they repented and cried unto him, he heard them and delivered them. B88

The message is to be sent forth tract upon tract, here a little, there a little. R3456:1

That they might go – The Word of the Lord does not profit them, not being believed. R713:4

And fall backward – Into Higher Criticism and Evolutionism. R3456:4

Though the Word of the Lord has been plain for the instruction of his children, nominal church leaders have gone backward, substituting their own theories, deceitfully wresting the Scriptures. R563:2

A thousand will fall to one who will stand. (Psa. 91:7) R2295:5

Snared, and taken – Entrapped by the Adversary because they considered God's beautiful plan of salvation as merely prating and nagging. R3531:5*

In the general unbelief that is even now sweeping over the civilized world. R2813:6

Divine revelation is given in disconnected and fragmentary form so that all others than Israelites indeed may be ensnared and entrapped. SM108:2

A solemn warning of the responsibility of those who hear, but will not heed the truth; showing that when they are ensnared in the traps of error it will be due to their own improper condition of heart. R1358:3

14 Therefore, hear a word of Jehovah, ye men of scorning, Ruling this people that [is] in Jerusalem. Ye scornful men – Disdaining teachers. R2813:6

Unfaithful teachers of today. R563:6

Jerusalem – Symbol of the church. R563:5

15 Because ye have said: 'We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we have made a provision, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Doth not meet us, Though we have made a lie our refuge, And in falsehood have been hidden.' Covenant with death – Declaring that it is a friend, not an enemy. E370; R2599:6, R2813:6

God terms their theory that "death is the angel God has sent" an agreement with death. R563:6

And with hell – Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E369

Are we – All who believe that the dead are not dead. E370

At agreement – Not believing it to be the wages of sin. E370; R1774:2, R2599:6

The false doctrine that the dead are more alive than before. SM114:2

Overflowing scourge – The great time of trouble. Q166:2

Of infidelity. R2814:1

"An inundation of waters hath passed over." (Hab. 3:10, Young's Literal Translation) R1813:4

One of the most serious aspects of this overwhelming scourge will be the power of the evil spirits, the fallen angels. SM118:1; Q166:2

Not come unto us – Nominal church leaders have said: "We are safe in the ignorance of our people and their dependence upon us for their faith and hopes even though an overflowing scourge of infidelity come." R2814:1

Lies our refuge – System of false theories. R563:6

Nominal church leaders say: "As we succeeded in deceiving the people in the past, we shall continue to do so in the future." R2814:1

"From the prophet (orator) even unto the priest (minister) every one practiseth falsehood." (Jer. 8:10) C157

16 Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'Lo, I am laying a foundation in Zion, A stone a tried stone, a corner stone precious, a settled foundation, He who is believing doth not make haste. Precious corner stone – The chief cornerstone in a pyramid is the top stone, which is also the model after which the whole building is being fashioned. R3622:4

"Upon this rock (Greek petra, the rock in mass, the foundation rock) I will build my church." (Matt. 16:18) R1760:3

Christ, the top stone of the pyramid. "The stone which the builders rejected is become the head cornerstone." (Matt. 21:42) "He shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shootings, crying, Grace, Grace, unto it." (Zech. 4:7) C329; R1568:4

The Church is built up under him, fashioned in accordance with the lines and angles seen in him who is the model. R1568:5

"Unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious; but unto them which be disobedient the same is made a stone of stumbling and rock of offense." (1 Pet. 2:6-8) R1649:3

A sure foundation – Zech. 4:7 calls it the "headstone," not incongruous because, as a heavenly building it has a heavenly foundation and is held together by heavenly attraction. R1568:4

How appropriate that the stone in whose likeness the whole structure is to be finished should be laid first. A243

This is not all of the Gospel, but it all comes as a consequence of this fundamental or foundation truth, faith in Jesus our Redeemer. R429:2

Not make haste – Taking God's plan instead of hastily constructing theories of their own. R564:1

Like those who, in haste, discard the Lord's plans. R589:3

17 And I have put judgment for a line, And righteousness for a plummet, And sweep away doth hail the refuge of lies, And the secret hiding-place do waters overflow. Judgment also – When the Little Flock is complete it will not be "Judgment to come," but present judgment. E192

Justice. R5218:6

"He hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained (Christ, Head and Body)." (Acts 17:31) R5443:5

His judgment will be for the world's deliverance, for he wounds to heal. R1869:3

There will be sweeping moral reforms, great educational and philanthropic enterprises, wonderful faith cures from every disease and deformity, mental and physical. R1095:4

A spiritual police force will have humanity under absolute control by disciplinary judgments promptly executed. Every misdeed will be punished as soon as it is determined upon. R5760:4, R4758:5; SM421:2

Retributive justice similar to that manifested in the French Revolution and in the destruction of Jerusalem. D536

To correct sin and wrongdoing and to reward righteousness and well-doing. HG966:2

Woe will be unto them which call evil good and good evil. All errors will be swept away. R564:1; CR291:4

We are in the beginning of the great Day of Judgment--the Millennial age. R1037:6

Judgment shall begin at the nominal house of God. R5574:1

I lay to the line – He will make "justice the line and righteousness the plummet." (R.V.) R5917:4

A work already begun. B138

Now going on to the intent that ere long the equitable principles of his government may be established in all the earth. R5989:1

The Mediator's work in the world will be one of force, compulsions severe ordeal to those who love unrighteousness. R3915:5; SM16:1; OV154:2

"He shall rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev. 2:27) C369

In God's government great punishments following great offenses are not greater than is necessary to establish justice and effect a great moral reform. R2618:5, R723:1

His will shall then be done on earth as it is done in heaven. (Matt. 6:10) R1781:2

Only the agonies of the coming great social revolution will reveal the truth of this statement to all. D536

And righteousness – Which alone can secure the blessings all desire. B102

To the plummet – Reign of law under the New covenant. R4331:4

A severe ordeal to those who love unrighteousness and untruth. OV154:2

Every sinful act will receive punishment and every good act will receive blessing. R5760:4, R5770:5

Requiring those who steal to refund the stolen property with 20% interest added. R2613:4

All of earth's affairs will be squared and plumbed with righteousness and brought into strict conformity thereto. D632; R5989:2, R2992:6

And the hail – Hard cutting truth. R1692:5, R1774:5, R511:5, R2814:1

Crystallized and purified truths, perhaps in tract form. R1119:6, R1121:5

The same storm and flood mentioned by our Lord in his parable of the house built upon the sand. (Matt. 7:26, 27) R5443:4, R3748:5

Righteous judgment. A303

Unwittingly served by Doctors of Divinity, Communists, et al. R820:3

Shall sweep away – The dominion of the Prince of Light will supersede the dominion of the Prince of Darkness. SM733:2

An early feature of our Lord's reign resulting in great commotion. R2992:6

Sweeping moral and other reforms. R1095:4

Refuge of lies – Every refuge of error and misrepresentation. R1470:4, R4331:4

All the falsities and errors of those who exalt themselves. R249:4

Falsehood and deception of every kind will give place to clear knowledge of the truth. E192

Satan's deceptions shall cease. SM16:1; R564:1

And the waters – Truth. A303; R2814:1, R511:5, R1692:5

The Revised Version New Testament is a powerful element in the storm which already begins to sweep over the nominal church of all denominations. R249:4, R207:3

A mighty downpour of truth is now in progress throughout Christendom. R5443:4

Overflow – A flood, overthrowing the faith structure of those not built upon Christ. R5443:4

The hiding place – Expose all errors and subterfuges. R2814:1, R1692:5; A303

He will bring to light all the hidden things of darkness and correct private as well as public sins and selfishness. R1692:5

18 And disannulled hath been your covenant with death, And your provision with Sheol doth not stand, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Then ye have been to it for a treading-place. Shall be disannulled – The Lord will ultimately convince the world of the truth of the Scripture statements respecting death and the oblivion condition. E370

Agreement with hell – Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E370

Overflowing scourge – Whip, rod; chastisement. R564:2

The trouble will commence with the nominal church. R229:2

This overwhelming trouble will soon reach the entire world. Indeed, it has already begun among all nations to some extent. R5443:5

Then ye – False teachers. R5443:4, R2814:2

Trodden down – Oppressed. R564:2

19 From the fulness of its passing over it taketh you, For morning by morning it passeth over, By day and by night, And it hath been only a trembling to consider the report. That it goeth forth – In its very commencement. R564:2

The trouble will commence with the Church. R229:2

By day and by night – Increasing like a flood of waters. R229:2

A vexation – Distress, perplexity. R564:2

The overthrow and destruction of venerated theories. R564:3

Vexed and perplexed only until they come to understand God's Word and plan. R229:2

Only to understand – It shall be a vexation only "until he shall make you to understand doctrine." (See margin) R564:2, R590:6*, R207:3, R230:2

The report – The message of Present Truth; true doctrine. R3748:6, R2814:2, R5443:4

Doctrine--or "to eat meat," margin. R230:2

When liberated they will rejoice in the overthrow of every form of error and its replacement with truth. R564:3, R229:2

20 For shorter hath been the bed Than to stretch one's self out in, And the covering hath been narrower Than to wrap one's self up in. The bed – A place for rest and refreshing; symbolizes a faith--a creed. R564:3, R215:4, R229:1, R513:5, R339:2

Creed-bed, or crib for spiritual babes. D608, R229:2, R564:3, R2814:2, R4706:4

Where nominal Christians have been put to bed and to sleep. R1476:5

"I tell you in that night (before the day has dawned, yet a part of that day) there will be two in a bed; one will be taken and the other left." (Luke 17:34; Diaglott) R229:1, R4706:4; D608

God provides the good and suitable resting place of faith in his Word. R564:3

Is shorter – The erroneous teaching (of hell fire) is like a short bed. CR20:3

Than that a man – A fully developed Christian. D608; R1352:4, R2814:2

Can stretch himself – Exercise his mind and heart so as to find rest therein and grow more. CR20:3; R1352:4, R564:3

Fine for those curled up in selfishness and fast asleep, but when they awaken and attempt to stretch themselves they will find it no longer a resting place. R215:5

The covering – Doctrines. R207:4

God's promises, narrowed by a wrong theology. D609

Narrower – He knows so little of the divine plan that he is constantly subject to doubts and fears. R1352:4

The assurances offered by the nominal church are vague and their knowledge of God narrow and meager. R564:4

Fear will creep in just as the chilly winds upon the person who has too narrow a bed--covering. CR20:3

21 For as [at] mount Perazim rise doth Jehovah, As [at] the valley in Gibeon He is troubled, To do His work strange [is] His work, And to do His deed strange [is] His deed.' The LORD shall rise up – The great decisive battle cannot begin until the great "Michael," the "Captain of our Salvation," stands forth and gives the word of command. (Dan 12:1) D548

In these battles God was not dependent upon human skill or generalship, but fought his battles in his own way. So in this battle God will bring deliverance in his own time and way. D555

As in mount Perazim – Referring to the Lord's deliverance of Israel from the Philistines at Perazim, and from the Amorites at Gibeon. (2 Sam 5:19-25; 1 Chron 14:10-17) D555; R564:6

He shall be wroth – The catastrophe, though imminent, cannot occur until the "elect" have all been "sealed" and "gathered." D548

Valley of Gibeon – The standing of the sun at the overthrow of the Amorites was evidently typical of the power to be displayed in the "Day of the Lord" at the hand of him whom Joshua typified. (Josh 10:10-15) A61; D555; R564:6

May do his work – Setting up his Kingdom. R2904:6

It will mean for a while the general destruction of faith. All church systems will go completely to pieces. R5718:5

The separation of the wheat and the tares, the rolling together of the heavens as a scroll, the preparation of the elements for the melting with fervent heat. R1488:1,4

I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder (miracle). "For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." (Isa. 29:14) R2813:5

His strange work – (The Lord permits) the prospering of error and unbelief. R2813:5

Overthrowing the nations. R1439:3

Strange to those who do not understand the dispensational changes due at the introduction of the seventh Millennium. D548

The overthrow of Babylon and the anarchy incidental to the establishment of the Kingdom. R2904:6

The world will not be able to understand it. OV429:5; R1487:3; C122

The events of the time of trouble will fill the world with fear and dread. C122

God's procedure will seem most strange to men when they see all religious systems go down. R4977:1, R5823:6, R1357:5

Very strange to the great ones of ecclesiasticism. D547

His strange act – Strange to them. Spewing "Laodicea" out of his mouth, rejecting the nominal church systems and casting all but the faithful into the outer darkness of the world. R1439:3

(The Lord permits) the prospering of strong delusions. R2813:3

Destruction of venerated systems of error, civil and religious. R565:4, R1357:5, R590:6

Confusion and anarchy incidental to the establishment of the Kingdom. R2904:6

The deliverance of regathered Israel. D555

22 And now, show not yourselves scorners, Lest strong be your bands, For a consumption, that is determined, I have heard, by the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, [Is] for all the land. Be ye not mockers – There are many despisers of Present Truth. Let us beware of that spirit which despises the instruction of the Lord. R1487:3, R1488:6

Some seem inclined to treat lightly the predictions of the overthrow of the present order of things. R565:1

Do not oppose the Vow. R4238:5

Be made strong – The bands which bind the tares in bundles were never so strong as now. C145

Those who mock at the truth become more tightly bound in Babylon. R565:4, R878:5

A consumption – An expiration, a consummation; the time of trouble. D548, D273

An end, a "harvest." R207:4

A short work will the Lord make. (Rom. 9:28) D272

23 Give ear, and hear my voice, Attend, and hear my saying:
24 The whole day plougheth the ploughman to sow He openeth and harroweth his ground! Doth the plowman – The prophet borrows an illustration from the work of an intelligent farmer. R576:1

Plow all day – Always. R576:1

Break the clods – The previous age has been an age of preparing men by the plow and harrow of bitter experiences with sin and law. R576:1

25 Hath he not, if he have made level its face, Then scattered fitches, and cummin sprinkle, And hath placed the principal wheat, And the appointed barley, And the rie [in] its own border Made plain the face – He first prepares the soil of humanity and breaks it up and makes it ready for the seed of the truth. R576:1

Cast abroad – Then follows the sowing of seed and the harvest of each in its season. R576:1

26 And instruct him for judgment doth his God, He doth direct him.
27 For not with a sharp-pointed thing threshed are fitches, And the wheel of a cart on cummin turned round, For with a staff beaten out are fitches, And cummin with a rod. Threshed – The time of trouble coming upon the Church should be recognized as the Harvest, the threshing time, the time for separating the real grain from the chaff and tares. R576:2

Threshing instrument – With saw-like teeth. R576:3

Fitches...and...cummin – Small aromatic seeds used for medicine and food, growing in little pods and requiring only gentle threshing to separate them. These represent a class of saints quickly separated from the world and its systems. R576:2

28 Bread-[corn] is beaten small, For not for ever doth he sorely thresh it, Nor crushed [it] hath a wheel of his cart, Nor do his hoofs beat it small. Bread corn – Grain which clings closely to the chaff, representing some who cling closely to the world, its forms and institutions. R576:2

Is bruised – In Bible times cart wheels were passed over such grains repeatedly until the separation was effected. R576:2

Not ever be – Though the Lord will use stronger measures to separate some of his children it is not his design that the time of trouble shall destroy them. R576:3

Nor break it – Grind it. R576:2

29 Even this from Jehovah of Hosts hath gone out, He hath made counsel wonderful, He hath made wisdom great! Wonderful in counsel – Enabling us to understand the present threshing and sifting among God's children and to be co-workers with him. R576:3

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