1 Corinthians Chapter 6 [KJVwc]

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1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Matter against another – Applies only to differences between brethren in the Church; amongst the consecrated. R2945:1, 2430:6, 954:3*; F413

Paul more than once appealed to the law for justice and protection from his enemies. (Acts 16:37; 22:25-28; 23:17; 25:10-13 R954:3*

In the Post Office case, Br. Russell appealed to the President of the U.S. R2945:2

Go to law – Greek: krino, judge, examine, try, test. R2430:6, 332:5

Before the unjust – Speaking of the impropriety of the saints appealing to earthly Courts of Justice for adjustment of difficulties between themselves. HG728:6

Before the saints – The Apostle asks if there is not in their midst a single person in whose wisdom they could rely. R2430:6; F413

2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do ye not know – We do know it. Our experiences now are fitting us to judge the world later, that we may do it successfully, courageously. R5414:5, 4986:2; NS745:1, 833:2

That the saints – The Body of Christ, now being selected. R2375:4, 2338:1, 1383:6, 829:5

The Church, the Royal Priesthood. R3056:4, 5030:2, 4515:5, 3085:3

Those who successfully pass their trial and shall not come into judgment with the world. A145; R5442:2, 1748:2

Those whose judgment is successfully completed in this age. R569:4, 4990:6, 699:5, 519:5*; PD62/73; NS423:5

The social, moral, religious, political, and financial standards of the world will be in their hands with full power and authority to execute justice and judgment and to lift up the poor and needy. R3113:1

The elect; consecrated believers. R3026:5, 1748:1, 954:1*

These will offer every inducement to the world of mankind to come into harmony with the gracious requirements of the divine law of love and justice. Q853:4

Shall judge – Greek: krino, judge, examine. R2430:6, 2426:4

To govern, to test. R1679:3, 332:5

A time when punishments and rewards shall be meted out. R5442:2

The judging will be in the nature of a trial or testing, to determine how many of humanity can be helped up to perfection. SM175:2; NS643:2

We will judge of the measure of the guilt of all in respect to their course in the future as well as in their past lives. HG299:5

After we shall have been changed in the first resurrection. R4991:3, 5776:2, 4198:6, 3832:5, 2733:6, 2691:2, 2338:1, 1510:1; HG232:2

Christ Jesus and his glorified Church will together judge the world. R4996:6, 4986:2, 4084:4, 3994:1, 2611:6, 1211:1; OV165:4; NS393:5, 678:3; HG684:6

During the Millennial age the whole world of mankind will be before Christ's judgment seat and be separated into two classes, sheep and goats. R4084:4, 3528:4, 2303:6, 892:6; HG439:3; 273:2; OV165:4; NS179:6, 678:3

When they shall sit in the Great White Throne with the Redeemer, as his Queen. OV311:5, 255:5; HG186:6; OV165:4

The true Church does not rule the world now. R3113:1, 5776:2

Justice is not the Lord's rule for his people in the present time when their judgment of others would necessarily be imperfect. "Judge no man before the time." (1 Cor. 4:5) R4198:6, 3778:3

The fact that the followers of Christ are not judging now proves conclusively that the world is not on trial for eternal life at the present time. Q853:4; NS161:3, 333:5

"God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness." (Acts 17:31) Q853:4; R4990:6, 4986:2, 3305:1, 2733:6, 2434:5, 2398:5, 2338:1, 1073:4; HG273:2; NS161:3, 285:2; OV40:T

The judging of the world is commonly supposed to signify a condemning, or damning of it. Having condemned the world through Adam, God has arranged a full, fair, personal trial for life or death. R4996:6

The judgment day, in place of being a time of terror, distress and sorrow, is represented in the Scriptures as being a special time of joy and gladness for the world. (Psa. 96) Q853:4

As Joseph was the judge of his brethren, so The Christ, Jesus and the Church, will be the judges of the world. He judged them according to their attitude of heart at the time. R5234:1

It is God's will that every member of the "Body of Christ" should be touched with a feeling of the world's infirmities, in order that, in the kingdom they may be very tender, sympathetic and generous. R2029:5, 1155:1

The world – During the Millennium. R2612:1, 3085:3, 3528:4, 3305:1, 2733:5, 2398:5, 2426:4, 1678:3, 1222:5, 409:4, 238:4; HG315:5

Establish the righteous inquisition or court of judicial inquiry into matters moral and spiritual; of which the Papal inquisition was so terrible, blasphemous and cruel a counterfeit. R1469:5

Bringing about all needed moral and social reforms. D633

Meting out swift and unerring justice and having compassion upon the weak. D519, D618

"The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning." (Psa. 49:14) E364

Individually, not representatively. R699:5

The judgment will be fair and impartial, with due consideration for circumstances and opportunities of each individual. R2612:6, 1941:1, 1655:1, 722:2

Our own trial takes place in advance, that we may be prepared to judge the world; and by the experiences through which we have passed, we may be assistful to them, as they shall be on trial and under our control. R4990:6, 5446:1

The Church's share in the work of mediation will be a great one; not only to invite the world to an appreciation of divine mercy, but also to judge, correct, and discipline in righteousness. R3917:3

The dishonorable will need proportionately more stripes in order to rise up out of sin, degradation and death. R4902:5

Be judged – Greek: krino, judge, examine. R2430:6, 2426:4, 332:5

By you – You who are now receiving in the school of Christ the instruction and discipline necessary to enable you to sympathize with others in their trials and troubles. C352; R1092:6; HG315:5

Those who hope to be entrusted with the judgment of the world in the future must qualify now by a development of a high sense of mercy and love, as well as of justice. R5274:5, 4558:1, 3113:1; HG299:5; Q805:3; SM354:2

Christ, Head and Body; the Royal Priesthood. R2117:1, 2434:5, 2029:5, 409:4

Are ye unworthy – There is no lack of harmony with this Scripture and Matt. 7:1 "Judge not, that ye be not d the spirit of adoption, while Paul addressed the Church. R954:1*, 664:2*, 416:2*, 207:1*

To judge – Paul judged according to God's Word and taught the Church to do the same. R416:2*, 664:4*

Smallest matters – If God is selecting the Church to be the future judges of the world, its members should certainly be no less fair and honorable and just in their decisions than the world, even now. F413

Since we are to be judges in the weighty affairs of the next age, we ought to be able to judge in the small matters of the present. R1531:4, 954:3*

3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? That we – The saints, in the divine nature, far superior in power and glory to the angels. R1265:1, 2612:4, 1542:4, 828:2, 486:4

Shall judge – Greek: krino, to govern, to test. R1679:3, 2426:4, 281:6, 143:4; HG728:6

Krino is used in referring to the judgment (trial) of the Millennial age. R2426:4, 2646:4

Grant trial to. R1155:1, 2399:1, 2185:3, 1833:4; Q19:4

The condemnation of the Millennial trial (destruction, second death) will cover a wider range of offenders than the penalty or curse for the sin of Adam, which passed upon all men. R2612:4

Angels – The fallen angels, fallen spirits, "The angels that sinned." (2 Pet. 2:4) R2185:3, 4068:5, 3771:6, 3727:2, 2646:4, 2612:1, 2582:1, 2399:1, 892:6

Those "angels which kept not their first estate," (Jude 6) of purity and obedience to God. R892:6, 3727:1, 2612:1

Refers to a trial or testing of these spirits in prison who were once disobedient, in the days of Noah; this implies a hope for them. The holy angels need no trial, no judging. R5044:4, 4879:3; Q672:T, 564:T; SM198:T; OV18:4

The fallen angels are to be granted a trial and hence it is stated that our Lord shall "judge (both) the quick (living) and the dead at his appearing and kingdom." (2 Tim. 4:1) R1854:1

The demon of Mark 1:24 seems to have had the thouglished and destroyed; that the time for the manifestation of power through Messiah was still future. R3727:2

Greek, tartarus, the place or condition in which the fallen angels are reserved, waiting for their trial in the Millennial Age. R2399:1, 4879:3, 3727:1; Q19:5

When the prince of this world is cast out. R519:5*, 433:5*

We cannot think that God will allow this trial of the angels during the Millennial reign, for then, Satan will be bound and all evil influences restrained. R4880:1, Q17:T

Judgment is to be extended to those angels that fell, with the exception of Satan, the leader and instigator of the whole conspiracy. R1833:5; SM198:T

When Satan shall be bound, the judgment of the fallen angels shall proceed. The Lord's grace is sufficient for the delivery of all who shall demonstrate a thorough conversion to righteousness. R3771:6

In order to be tried, these fallen angels must have certain liberties granted, to prove them. Their trial, after the same manner as before the flood, is near future--perhaps to some extent already begun. R4880:1, 4068:5

Fallen angels learn from the Church; the things we see and declare become a test to them. Q18:T

Once the fallen angels get the information respecting the Lord's will and the time in which we are living the test will come on them that they may see what is right and what to expect. Q18:T, 19:T

Some of them will have an opportunity of benefiting by that trial. Q19:4, 17:T; OV18:4

The work of The Christ pertains to all things in heaven and in earth. A289

The condemnation of the second trial will cover a wider range of offenders than under the first trial. It will be an utter destruction of every being and every thing which will not glorify God. R893:1

It will be a part of the work of The Christ to rule over and direct both human and angelic sinners; fallen men, restrained in death, and also fallen spirits, now restrained alive. R1679:3; HG729:1

4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. Least esteemed – If they have lost confidence in the leaders whom the Lord has set in the Church, they should at least choose as judges the least esteemed in the Church as preferable to a court of unbelievers. R2430:6

5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? Wise – Such as both the accuser and the accused would recognize, and whose judgment they would respect and follow. R2431:5

6 But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Before the unbelievers – If they had no confidence in each other, they at least should not manifest more confidence in outsiders. R2431:1

7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Go to law – Greek, krimati, (trials) referring to law suits. R49:1*

For brother to go to law with brother would not indicate that either has much of the spirit of Christ, or much love for the cause they represent. R954:3*

To be defrauded – We should rather suffer wrong and take injury from a brother in Christ than take the matter before the world of unbelievers and thus risk a general odium upon the Lord's cause. R3266:5, 2431:1

To suffer injustice rather than bring reproach. R954:3*; F413

8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Know ye not – The Lord speaks to the New Creation. R3322:5

The unrighteous – The unjust. F414

God's severity consists in his insistence upon absolute righteousness; his refusal to approve sin in any sense or degree. R3321:1

To those who exercise the requisite faith the Lord imputes righteousness, which offsets the unrighteousness or natural blemishes of the flesh. R3322:6

The Apostle enumerates various sins in speaking of the forgiven Church. NS248:2

As these unjust things are examined individually they are all found to contain a weakness in favor of self at the expense of others; they all imply an injustice to others for the pleasure or advantage of self. R3323:3

Not inherit the kingdom – Not be joint-heirs with Christ in the kingdom--not inherit the glorious things which we have hoped for by the Lord's grace. R3322:5

The kingdom will not be made up of babes in Christ, but of overcomers, by spiritual development of growth in grace, knowledge and love. R3323:1

This indicates that the Apostles hope was still in the future Kingdom; in no sense of the word did he consider that the Kingdom had been set up in any but its embryo or preparatory form. HG368:5

Be not deceived – Some take advantage of God's grace and mercy, and while willingly, knowingly indulging in sin, hope for justification in sin instead of from sin. We might deceive ourselves but we cannot deceive the Lord. R3323:1

It behooves us to see that the sentiments of our hearts are continually in opposition to unrighteousness, to sin, to all in-equity. R3323:1

Many are deceived, professing to be the Lord's people and yet blind to justice. They exercise too much mercy in dealing with their own shortcomings and not enough in dealing with those of others. R3323:2

It is in vain that we profess to be the Lord's people, profess to be the servants of righteousness and truth, and love these principles; if our conduct clearly demonstrates that we love unrighteousness. R3323:3

Nor idolaters – What is idolatry but selfishness, the idolizing of money or fame or influence or child or self or some other creature, exalted to, and receiving the honor due to the Almighty. R3323:4

Nor effeminate – Not merely gross violations. The words effeminate, covetous, revilers, extortioners, take in a vast multitude of proceedings more or less countenanced by the world; things with which we can have no sympathy. NS173:6

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Nor covetous – Desiring to have, possess or enjoy something at the expense of others. R3323:3

Nor drunkards – No saint should ever be intoxicated. R5098:6, 3454:6

We are not to understand this to mean that no one who has ever been drunk can enter into the kingdom of God. R2533:2; NS745:5

The class who have become dead to sin and alive toward God will desire to abstain from "every appearance of evil." (1 Thess. 5:22) R3248:4

In a figurative sense drunkenness represents an addled condition of the mind; as, for instance, Babylon's cup made all the nation's drunk. (Rev. 18:2,3) NS745:5

Nor revilers – Injurers of the feelings or reputations of others. R3323:4

We must not retaliate and revile our foes, nor even wish to do so. R2412:5

Evil speaking against others is a part of the filth of the flesh from which we must be cleansed. R3092:1

Nor extortioners – Accepting from others, either because of ignorance or stress of circumstances, money or valuables which are not fully, justly, righteously due. R3323:4

Inherit the kingdom – This statement of offenses which would debar from the Kingdom is to be a guide respecting offenses which should debar from fellowship in the Church. F414

No one of a murderous condition of heart, seeking to do evil to a brother, could possibly be of suitable character to be a joint-heir with his Master. SM221:1

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Were some of you – Speaking of some very vicious traits of character. R5246:6

When you loved sin, you were aliens from God and he had nothing to do with you. Q620:4

The Apostle intimates that he knew full well that many who were of the Church had at one time been quite disreputable characters. He is not suggesting inquisition into their past lives. R5275:1

Ye were once in darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord. (Eph. 5:8) R4188:6

But ye are washed – Whatever you were through the fall, you have been redeemed from that condition. R5461:5

"The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." (I John 1:7) E445

Ye are sanctified – A setting apart or separation; first, a consecration, and second, the performance of that consecration in our daily life. R374:6; E241

This sanctifying comes not merely through the reading of the truth, or mental application of the truth, but through heart-thinking on the truth. R5246:6

When we come to the knowledge of the truth, it gives us a sympathetic feeling for the world. R5260:2

God sanctifies by the truth, by giving an opportunity to share in Christ's sacrifice. R4493:3

"Sanctify them through thy truth." (John 17:17) E243

Ye are justified – Ye are holy. E241

Or cleansed from Adamic sin by accepting in faith the testimony of God. R374:6; NS734:3

The cleansing of justification by faith is for the purpose of cleansing us that we might be acceptable sacrifices. R4493:4

It was after you turned from sin, that you were brought into the position of a son. Q620:4

Jesus was treated as a sinner on our behalf, and we are now treated as just persons on his behalf. R199:3

If the mercy and grace of God have been such toward us, during this Gospel age, why should we object if his mercy and grace abound to the remainder of the race in due time? NS248:3

In the name of the Lord Jesus – If you had not turned from sin, then Jesus would not have received you and acted as your Advocate. Q620:4

By the Spirit – The spirit of truth. E244

Through the channel of the spirit of holiness, the spirit of God, which we have received. E242

The power which enables us to live up to our consecration vows is the Spirit or mind of our God of which we receive. R374:6; E242

12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. All things – Paul did not consider that "absolutely all things" were lawful unto him; nor did he suppose that any sane man would so interpret him. R1778:1, 1269:2

Some so misconstrued the Apostle's words at the time, declaring that evil might be done if good would follow. R1269:2, 1778:1

Are lawful unto me – I have as much right to the protection of the civil law as any other man. R1778:1

Are not expedient – For the cause of Christ and my personal influence as a representative of that cause. R1778:1

Going to law has a tendency to bring the cause of Christ into disrepute. R1778:1

While nothing is forbidden the New Creature under direct divine law, it is true that there are many things that would be inexpedient, ill-advised, contrary to its best interests. R4006:1

"Marriage is lawful in all," (Heb. 13:4) even though this and other R916:2

The Christian is bound only by the law of love; but even under that, many things might be inexpedient, inadvisable, because of the mental and moral condition of those who might misunderstand his course. R3666:2

In the Apostle's day nearly all the meat sold in the butchers' stalls had been offered to idols. R3666:2

Paul felt that he had the liberty to eat such meat, yet it was decided to be wise to avoid eating it because of others who might consider it a sin. (See Acts 15:29) R3145:6, 5324:6, 3666:4, 2158:6

13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body. God shall destroy – Greek, katargeo, utter destruction. R2001:5

14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. God hath – Christ could never have raised himself. R2795:2, 2037:5

No agency of man, nor even of the angel Gabriel, was permitted in the work of our Lord's resurrection. R1005:4

Raised up the Lord – It was Jesus' soul that died; then he was wholly dead, and could have no power whatever to resuscitate himself. R2795:2

Also raise up us – We are to be resurrected by the Father. R1227:2

By his own power – Exercised through the Son as his representative. F399; R297:2

It is of God that the dead are to be raised, but by Jesus. Our Lord is the Father's agent in carrying out the entire plan of redemption. R2001:1

15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. Members of Christ – Speaking of our bodies from the standpoint of our new relationship in Christ. God no longer counts our fleshly body as the body of a human being. It is the property of the spiritual New Creature. R5918:4

Of an harlot – An unfaithful, worldly Church. C186

Compare this Scripture with Rev. 17:5 and decide whether you are R721:5

16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. Flesh – Greek, sarx, means flesh, simply and only, and is used in reference to Adam and Eve before they sinned as well as after. R1223:5

17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Joined unto the Lord – Bound only by the tender but strong ties of love and truth, outside of all human organizations. C186

Is one spirit – Christ and his Church have but one name, one body, and one spirit. R1130:5*

18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? Body is the temple – The antitypical temple. R5504:1

The new mind, dwelling in the old body and using it, constitutes that old body thenceforth a temple of God, and gives to that body a holiness or sanctity. R5504:4

God's holy Spirit constitutes its recipient a temple of God. CR457:4; 92:4*

Every faithful, consecrated child of God is a royal residence of the King of kings, a holy sanctuary. R1981:3

The Body of Christ, the spiritual house of Israel, "cannot be shaken," because it is firmly founded upon the Rock Christ Jesus. R3053:5, 5250:2

As the Church will be the temple of God, perfect on the heavenly plane, so each member begotten of the holy spirit as a new creature, has to that extent God dwelling in his mortal body. R5504:4

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God." (Rev. 3:12) B209, B239

Holy Spirit – Let us have the holy Spirit ruling in our mortal flesh; and then how can we have other than the peace of God ruling there. NS596:6

Which is in you – Wherever God's Spirit is there is a temple. CR457:4

Ye are not your own – The glad bond-servants of him who loved us and bought us. R5949:5

Your time, talent, influence, money, all that you consider precious or in any degree valuable, properly belong to God. R2098:6; NS451:6

God has ratified our decision. We are now under the most binding obligations. R5949:6; Q389:T

Not only do we owe the Lord a debt of gratitude for natural life and earthly blessings, but additionally, we now owe him a still greater debt on account of our redemption. NS451:4; Q390:T

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. For ye – The "ye" class; the Church. R4633:2, 4998:2; NS449:2

When addressing the New Creature the personality is still maintained. It is the same ego, the same personality as before. R5303:2

Our Lord, after his resurrection, ascended up on high, there to appear in the presence of God for us (Heb. 9:24)--for the household of fai R4998:3, 4633:2, 4601:3, 4519:1, 2098:4; CR490:5

Jesus is represented as having paid the price to justice as far as the Church is concerned, and the Church is bought. But the world is not yet bought. Q555:4; CR490:5; R4998:2,6, 4633:2, 4536:2, 2098:5

Other Scriptures tell us that "Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man" (Heb. 2:9)--that he redeemed the worl R4998:2, 4601:3

Bought with a price – "Even the precious blood of Christ." (1 Pet. 1:19) E135; R4601:2, 2098:6, 1350:2, 1247:1, 1086:2, 876:2, 642:2, 464:4, 392:3, 387:2, 381:2; HG609:1

The ransom-price. R4519:1, 4157:5; OV23:3

At the very foundation of all Christian doctrine lies the doctrine of the ransom; a corresponding price for Adam's sin. R5948:5

The One who bought us not only risked his own life, but sacrificed it on our behalf, that we might be rescued from eternal death. CR491:1

He redeemed us, purchased us back out of death. R981:1, 2098:6; CR490:3; 491:1

Bought; redeemed, and ransomed seem to be used in the same sense. R13:2

The application of the ransom-price to us is provisional, conditional. R4536:2

We belong to one who has the right to command and require implicit obedience. R13:2, 2099:4; CR491:1

This seems to imply that we had something. Having recognized Christ as our Redeemer, we are called upon to renounce sin. R4798:1, 4601:3; Q489:1

Our justification, without his death as our ransom price, would have been legally impossible. R1247:1

The word from which "bought" is translated is agorazo and conveys the "commercial idea" in the fullest sense; it means to purchase in open market. Something was given for us, and to some one. R387:2, 642:2, 464:4; CR452:3

Our Lord's sacrificed life constitutes the price of redemption, but his having the price and the application of the price are properly considered two things. R4601:2, 4633:6

The price laid down by the Redeemer at Calvary is eventually to be made applicable to the sins of the whole world, but not yet. R4998:3, 4601:2, 4519:1

Personal responsibility to the Redeemer who purchased, and to the heavenly Father who provided the gracious arrangement, lies at the foundation of all true consecration to God in Christ. R2099:1

To the heart of the natural man these sentiments are very objectionable; but to the heart fully in harmony with God and the divine plan they are precious words, full of comfort and joy. R2097:1

Glorify God – To the very best of your ability. F91

When we consider the greatness, majesty and glory of our Creator, the proposition of our text seems astounding. In what way is it possible for any of our race to add to the glory of the Heavenly Creator? NS449:1

All should feel the responsibility of making some return to the One who has made so bountiful provision for our needs. NS449:2

Use all that you have energetically in the divine service. R5436:5

Allow nothing of selfishness or personal ambition to have place in our hearts. Seek exclusively to glorify God. R3885:4

This means holiness in the most absolute and comprehensive sense of the word; not only separation from sin to righteousness, but separation from self to the will of God in Christ. R2099:4

Our perfection and acceptance with the Father will be demonstrated by our loyalty of heart and the fullness and thoroughness with which we submit our all to the divine will. R5067:3

Our justification comes to us as a reward of faith--our glorification will follow as a reward for faithfulness. R5067:4

This is all the work of the new creature. R5671:6

In your body – By using it to God's glory and praise. NS452:6

By consecrating our lives, our bodies, to his service. R4798:1, 4601:3; Q489:1

The giving up of the will by which our lives and bodies are controlled. NS450:5

Any misuse of talents, either through intoxication or otherwise, would be a misuse of our stewardship. R2873:5

Not only consider whatever we eat or drink or whatsoever we do may be done to the Lord's glory; (1 Cor. 10:31) but also, our mortal bodi NS451:5

We give the Lord the money we spend for food and clothing, because our body belongs to him and is being used to glorify and serve him. The food gives us strength to do more for him. HG583:1; CR491:6

And in your spirit – Greek: pneuma, mind. E312

and in your spirit which are God's – This text is not found in the oldest mss – according to Prof. C. Tischendorf.
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