1 John Chapter 3 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Behold – Greek, eidon, consider, know, understand. A278; R837:3

Did you ever think of that? Called to be sons and daughters of the loving God, adopted into the family of God, with Jesus as our elder brother, to share with him all the glories of the heavenly Kingdom. R31:3*

What manner of love – Greek, agapee, disinterested or divine love. The highest type of love when used respecting the Lord and his people. R3949:2

God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5

It astounds us to know that the same love is exercised toward us--the same love that he had for our Lord Jesus. R5082:6, 2466:4

Our Lord expressed and fully manifested the Father's love. R5082:6, 2466:4

"The Father himself loveth you." (John 16:27) R5082:6

Even worldly physicians, skeptics, are coming to recognize the fact that the peace of God ruling in and keeping the heart is not only an excellent medicine, but a great preservative of health. R2083:5

Us – Consecrated new creatures. R991:2; NS79:2

The sons of God – Christians. R761:2

We are his and the King of Glory is supervising our experiences. R4465:6

God has granted us the privilege of witnessing, as his servants and ambassadors. B264

While the sons are being perfected, it is not expected that the world will understand it. R50:3*

"And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." (Rom. 8:17) R4465:6, 2352:1

Therefore the world – Because we make the Gospel the all-absorbing theme of life. A347

A mystery to the world. R368:6; A85; NS399:6

They can never understand. CR410:2

The world in general is growing more and more atheistic and pantheistic. NS328:1

Knoweth us not – As new creatures. F437; R368:6; NS51:3, 337:1

As Christ's joint-heirs. A85

Members of his Body, parts of his sacrifice. F467; R5455:3; NS79:2

Understandeth us not. R1653:2, 991:2

Understands us not, appreciates us not. HG264:5; NS61:5; OV359:6

Comprehends nothing of the change by which we are risen with Christ. NS337:1

Because they realize not that they are united to their hidden Lord. R3797:6

"Your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col. 3:3) NS639:4

God's saintly ones have not been generally the great, the influential. OV194:5

The selection of a Little Flock was unexpected of the angels and of men and hence was a mystery, and still is to mankind. R4398:5, 1653:2; NS399:6

The great religious teachers have not recognized the members of the Body of Christ. R4755:1

The world does not yet understand that the Church of Christ is not to be found in any of the professed churches. OV359:6

The fact, as well as the philosophy, of the Church being members of Christ is to the world a hidden mystery. OV124:1; NS337:1

The world reckons the Little Flock as a part of the filth and off-scouring of all things, knows them as fools for Christ's sake. R4133:6, 962:2; A347; SM9:1

This which we now have is a bitter foretaste; but coupled with this there is a joy which the world cannot give. R4841:6

For eighteen hundred years this has been true--Christ and the Church have been only the incipient Kingdom. R5455:3; NS79:2

These new creatures are all sons of God, though the world does not understand that they are in any way different from others in their relationship to God. R5439:3; CR132:1; NS51:2, 337:5

They see no reason why we should sacrifice or consecrate our wills to the Lord. NS51:2

Some highly esteemed among men, are not highly esteemed in God's sight; and some not much esteemed among men, are highly esteemed of God. R5259:1

The true Church, the Body of Christ, is disesteemed amongst men. NS682:4

If humble of mind we shall not expect great things for ourselves, or special attentions. R4466:6, 2556:4

How often, while endeavoring to walk in Jesus' footsteps, and to overcome evil with good, we are misunderstood and our purposes maligned. R255:2

Let us feel more content to be sharers for the time in the blasphemous reproaches and misrepresentations which come to us in connection with our endeavors to show forth the praises of him who hath called us. NS557:4

As Joseph's brethren were blind to the fact that their brother would be their savior from famine, as well as the savior of the Egyptians; so the world fails to realize that only through the Messiah will any have eternal life. R5215:3

When the last members of the Lord's Body announce the parousia of the Lord and that his Kingdom is at hand, there is a beauty in the message in the sight of the household of faith, but not so with the world. R3762:5

he minds of the majority of mankind as they have at present. NS468:2

Few will be able to comprehend our message in the full, nor are we to parade our ambassadorship before the world. NS466:1

Because – For the same reason that. A85; R962:2

"The god of this world hath blinded the eyes" of the vast majority of men. (2 Cor. 4:4) R1653:2; NS331:5

It knew him not – The Master. R5439:3

The Forerunner and Captain. R3797:6; NS61:6

They knew not the great religious Teacher and Redeemer whom God had sent. R4755:1

The world did not know Jesus to be begotten of the holy Spirit, the son of the highest, etc.; nor that he is highly exalted at the Father's right hand. CR132:1

The disciple must not expect to be above his Lord. R2556:5

2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Now – Consecrated believers are actually sons of God. R4932:3[R4932]; Q665:1

Even in our imperfect condition. HG449:2

We already enjoy this blessed relationship. CR109:2

The Lord's faithful, consecrated ones, though hampered with unfavorable surroundings and imperfect conditions. NS527:2

But not glorified. NS187:5

Are we – The saints, the truly consecrated. R1006:2

His Body. R659:5*, 447:5*

Reckoned by faith--faith in the ransom; in promises of grace to overcome; and a desire to do the Father's will. R1006:3, 197:2; NS336:2

The sons of God – Begotten of the holy Spirit. F365; NS458:5

We have come into this blessed union with him through consecration. CR109:2; R4932:3; Q665:1

Reckonedly, hoping by divine grace to "become partakers of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) E69; R5317:1, 4014:6, 2843:5

In embryo. R5317:1; CR432:1; Q405:4

Our present sonship is tentative. The actual sonship will begin after we shall have passed our probationary trial. R5317:1, 4014:6; Q405:4

The fact that we are called sons of God implies the beginning of a new life. The new life which we have received is not from Jesus, but from the Father. R5623:5

God owns and accepts all who have come unto him through Christ. These will continue to be owned as sons to the end of the present journey, to the end of the present time of sacrifice. R3203:6

To all three different natures--human, angelic, and divine--Jehovah is Father, yet only one of them is of his own nature. R354:5, 1052:5*, 816:5

The only ones who have a right to call God "our Father" are those who have come into covenant relationship with him through Christ. R5219:1; CR499:5

Jesus was the first son of God after Adam; and since our Lord's time the Church have been called sons of God. R5623:5

Just the same as a child adopted into a family takes the name of the family, so we have taken upon ourselves the name of the sons of God in accepting the divine proposition to this effect. R4014:5

With these sons of God, the new creature is the special thing, in God's sight. The flesh matters little. R5624:2

When Jesus said he was a son of God the Jews were about to stone him, reasoning that if a son of God, he was making himself to be also a God, or of the God family--just what we claim. R301:3

"The God and Father of our Lord Jesus hath begotten us." (1 Pet. 1:3) R301:3, 474:1

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God." (John 1:12) R1005:5

Partaking by faith of the glory to follow. SM147:2

Those who shall be of the Bride class will be changed in their resurrection to a new nature, the divine nature. R1510:5, 752:4*; NS551:6, 610:4; OV353:2; SM154:3

The Jews were afraid to call themselves sons of God, or to call him their Father; and it was not until some time after our Lord's death that their faith began to grasp the privilege. R5219:2

The world cannot call God their Father. CR499:5

Doth not yet appear – To our human understanding. B108

What a spirit body is, and therefore what our Lord is. B128; A182; R5547:5, 578:5, 454:1, 277:4, 206:1

The full completeness of the glory and blessing that shall come to us at his second advent. R2352:1, 1262:3; HG334:3; SM361:1

Whatever it may be, we know it is not composed of flesh, blood and bones; it is heavenly, celestial, spiritual. A182; B128

We do not know experimentally respecting the glorious conditions of the new nature promised us in the resurrection. NS458:6

It must be very different from our present animal body. R454:1

What we shall be – What we shall be like. R360:6

How glorious. SM619:1, 154:3; HG449:2; NS187:2

In the resurrection. R1996:1

How great our glory and exaltation in the resurrection change. NS256:5; SM154:3

How much of a change we shall experience when we shall receive the new resurrection bodies which the Lord has promised us. F365; R66:5*; HG390:1; SM532:1

"For we shall all be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51) R5299:2, 5589:6, 4914:3, 3075:3, 2798:6, 1873:5, 1693:1, 1496:6, 952:6, 242:2; E299; HG145:2; NS458:5; SM154:3

We shall be incorruptible, powerful, and have spiritual bodies. R3174:6, 5416:6, 2587:5, 1996:4, 1952:6

We do not know how grand and glorious a spirit being is. CR109:3

The new conditions will be so different as to be beyond the power of the human brain to comprehend. R5103:5, 242:2; F694; HG367:1

A human being is so totally different from a spirit being that the Scriptures do not even attempt to give us an explanation. OV353:2

It is but natural that we should have clearer ideas and keener appreciation of the restitution blessings than of the heavenly. R3891:3

The Church is to see him only with the eye of faith until that time when they shall experience their change, in the end of the age. R5589:6, 127:6*, 102:6*; C305; F694; NS638:4

This new life, begotten from above, continues to grow by the assimilation of spiritual nourishment, until it will, in due time, be born a fully developed spirit being, like unto our Lord. R5580:1, 1511:5

When perfected as sons, when our adoption shall be completed, as members of the Body of Christ. R2843:5, 69:4*

But – However the position of God's saints in the present life. NS822:4

We know – Our knowledge is purely a faith knowledge, dependent upon our confidence in our Lord and his promises. R3891:6

When he shall appear – Our Redeemer and Head. R5317:1; Q405:4

Our Lord and Master, the only begotten Son. NS256:5

Shall be revealed at his second advent, in power and great glory. R4675:3, 4966:5, 1881:6; CR117:4; 424:3*; PD71/85

The apostles expected glory at the second coming of Christ, not at death. HG334:3

"When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him, in glory." (Col. 3:4) R1881:6, 1669:3, 98:5*; HG334:3

Very little is known of the nature of a spiritual body. But we know many things they have done, and which, comparing spiritual things with spiritual, we know the saints will do. HG28:2

All who believe that Christ is a man since his resurrection and that he will come a second time as a man, thereby deny the ransom. Our Lord's humanity was never taken back. E299

We shall be like him – Made like him by our resurrection change from the human conditions to the divine plane. R5034:6, 4625:4, 3174:6, 2454:3, 659:5*, 447:5*; A200; CR250:4; HG366:6; NS458:6; SM154:3

The hope of the Church is that she may be "partaker of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) R5822:5, 5748:6, 5152:2, 4734:2, 4372:2, 3694:2, 3294:2, 2750:5, 2238:2, 2055:2, 1910:2, 1750:2; OV384:T, 427:2; SM361:1

The glorified, "changed" Jesus. F722, F729; R5440:5, 4966:5, 4675:3, 504:6; A182; CR117:4

Our Lord and Bridegroom. NS638:5

The Church will receive spirit bodies like to that of their risen Lord and wholly unlike their earthly bodies. E349; HG513:6

A change of nature. E175; HG366:6; SM733:T

By being changed from mortal to immortal; from flesh and blood to incorruption. R1857:4, 5623:4, 5575:1, 1996:4, 1952:6, 1496:6

We must all be changed that we may be like him. CR468:1; R5189:5

Far above angels, principalities and powers. CR109:4; 117:4; F722; R5711:1, 4675:4; HG366:6; NS395:5, 551:6, 610:1

We shall have individuality beyond the veil; but not as respects the glorious office. R4864:3

Hearts of flesh are promised to the world under the New Covenant. We are to be spirit beings like unto our Lord and not flesh beings like Adam. HG235:4

All that is revealed of Christ, is just so much revealed of our future. HG28:1

When the Church shall be changed, all the peculiarities of male and female will be obliterated, for there is neither male nor female in the glorified Church. Q461:5; R4914:3

The Church will not be like either the white or the black man, no longer flesh and blood. HG513:6

This promotion can be received from no other quarter than God himself, on his own terms. R5711:1

"There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body." (1 Cor. 15:44) A200; R1996:1

"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50) OV353:2; HG145:2; 231:4; NS199:5; SM154:3

"Now the Lord is that spirit." (2 Cor. 3:17) A powerful and invisible E175; NS6:6, 32:6

"The express image of the Father's person." (Heb. 1:3) T67; A200, A211; F722; R2587:6, 1872:5, 1585:3, 1262:4, 1210:6*, 277:4, 206:2; CR19:4; HG449:2

"He called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thes. 2:14) A211; R5748:6

This, according to popular theology, would mean that we must all bear all our scars and blemishes throughout eternity. But this is not the case. B132; R1857:1

For we – The Church. R1817:2; B108; HG513:6

The Little Flock. T86

Who are now in the spiritually-minded condition typified by the Holy. T21

Men will not see The Christ by physical sight, because on a different plane of being. T86

Shall see him – Jesus, in the perfected spiritual condition, typified by the Most Holy. T21

We must all be changed and made spirit-beings like our Lord before we can ever do this. D600; R5299:2, 4914:3, 1904:1, 1693:1; OV353:3; Q461:5

The change comes to us not to him. R159:1*

Not as the man Christ Jesus, nor as he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, robed in flesh. R5103:5

Others, not changed from human to spirit nature, will not "see him as he is," but only as he shall be revealed in his providences and judgments, which every eye shall recognize. R4966:5; HG628:1

The spiritual rulers will be unseen by the world. R1872:5; SM226:1

The fact that Aaron met and saw Moses in the mount, indicates that we must go up, or into the spiritual condition before we can meet and see Jesus. R169:1*

As he is – A glorious spirit being. C305; R5822:2, 5103:5, 147:3; HG367:1; OV384:T; SM458:1

In the first resurrection. R5416:6, 5149:1, 3203:6, 3174:6; NS341:4, 351:4, 551:6; OV384:T; SM147:2, 733:T

See him and share his glory. R5326:1, 5570:1, 5416:6, 5149:5, 5103:5, 4914:3, 3075:3, 1996:4; A211; F467, F694; HG449:2; NS351:4, 483:2, 638:4; Q461:5; SM147:2

The hope of the Church. R5822:2

And this thought is satisfactory to us. F365

We shall be satisfied when we awake in the glorious likeness of our Redeemer. NS178:5

And with him scatter divine blessings to all the families of the earth. R4892:2; NS466:6, 822:4

Fullness of joy in its widest sense is reserved for that blessed time when we shall be in his presence and at his right hand. R1949:2, 1797:2; NS483:2

The Apostle Paul was the only one who saw our Lord "as he is." The Lord's spiritual presence, so far from being fleshly or human-like, shone with a brightness "above the brightness of the sun at noonday." (Acts 26:13) ; HG347:3; NS89:1

It will not hurt our eyes to see our glorified Lord. R5623:4, 5299:2; NS89:1

When we shall awake in his likeness. (Psa. 17:15) R1387:6

Not as he was, when he had for our sakes become poor, nor as he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. F694; B109; E349; R5589:6, 5416:6, 4185:5, 2798:2, 2789:6, 2479:4, 1952:6, 1873:5, 1817:5, 1693:1, 361:1, 262:3, 169:1*; NS6:6, 33:1

3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. That hath this hope – The hope that we shall soon experience our resurrection change, and be made like our dear Redeemer. R3193:6, 3280:5, 351:4*; NS351:4; OV205:2

That we shall be changed to spirit beings and shall see him as he is, and shall share his glory. R5149:5, 2517:5, 1138:3*

That we have been adopted as sons of God. R2517:5

The new hope, the new spirit. R2456:2

This knowledge of God not enjoyed by the world. F315; R829:5*

To become a joint-heir with our Redeemer in the Kingdom. R2314:4; NS329:4

Of being made perfect in Christ; of completing our adoption as sons of God. R351:4*

None but the pure in heart can honestly and truly entertain this hope. R3193:4, 830:1*

That we shall ultimately have a completeness of divine favor in life eternal, in the resurrection. NS302:2

Of the new wine in the Kingdom, the participating with the Master in the glories and honors and blessed opportunities for uplifting the world of mankind. R3880:4

Not only great honor and blessing in the Millennial age, but also in succeeding ages the exceeding riches of God's grace. NS338:6

Absolute perfection need not be expected while we have this treasure in imperfect earthen vessels, but perfection of purpose, aim and effort, should be manifest to those about us. R558:2

He who has not this hope may purify himself in some measure from other motives, but is not likely to be purified to the same degree as he would be purified by this hope. R3193:4

"That blessed hope." (Titus 2:13) NS408:3

Purifieth himself – Seeks to be in an attitude of heart and life pleasing to the Bridegroom. C192

He who would endeavor to purify himself, to cleanse his conduct, must, to be successful, begin with the heart, and progress, using the inspired promises; and this means a knowledge of the doctrines of Christ. F315

If we maintain our purity of heart by purity of mind, we may have the assurance of future blessings as well as of present favor and happiness. R5149:5

Seeking to be as much like Christ as possible now. R3280:2

Walking in newness of life. NS329:4

How carefully we must guard our every thought and act. R1139:1*

Although we cannot hope to be like him in the flesh, we can be like him in the spirit of our minds. OV205:3; R3193:5

Become more and more God-like, loving, gentle, compassionate, merciful. NS302:3

The Word of God, like water, is purifying, cleansing. R2671:4

Our faith and hope lead to a transformation of life. NS302:2

God provides the helps in the promises, etc., but leaves us to do the purifying. To the extent that we let his truth dwell in and operate in and control us, to that extent will the purifying progress. R830:1*, 1628:5*

Get the heart (mind) started toward purity, and the literal water will be used as well as the symbolical, and the outward man will soon be clean. R2022:3

It is necessary to the cleansing of our moral characters, that we have the pure water of divine truth, and not muddy polluted teachings. R2671:4

Not only in his thoughts, but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward. R2456:2

Controls himself, purges out more and more of the old leaven. R2037:3

Beholding the character of God as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ, we endeavor to eradicate from our own character and disposition that which is impure and out of harmony with the perfect pattern. R829:5*

Set our affections on things above, and seek to conform our lives to the divine requirements, that we may be counted fit for the Kingdom. NS31:4

The purifying process progresses from day to day in all who are truly God's children. R829:6*

The fine linen must not be mingled with other material, and must be kept clean and white. R351:5*

Quickened by "this hope," how we are strengthened to lay at the foot of the cross all our worldly desires. R1138:6*

"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves." (2 Cor. 7:1) R3986:6, 1849:4

"Cast aside every weight and every besetting sin." (Heb. 12:1) NS338:6

It is in vain to hope for future glory if we are not trying to subdue sin now. R830:1*

We cannot imagine our Lord reeking with the fumes of tobacco or putting into his mouth anything defiling. R1849:4

Even as he – Who called him. R2671:4, 2517:5, 2022:2

The Lord. R2517:5; OV205:3

Christ, our Redeemer and exemplar. R2063:5, 3280:2, 2692:3, 188:2; NS302:2

God. R829:5*

Is pure – He is our Exemplar, our pattern. We seek to copy him. OV205:3

As we seek to reciprocate the divine form of love and to copy it, the cleaning and purifying of our hearts follows. Our hearts (wills, intentions) become pure and we set a guard upon our words and thoughts. R2517:5

Few are so gross as to suppose that God would have any fellowship with that which is unclean and impure. R3987:1

4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. For sin – Unavoidable trespasses; unintentional violations of God's law. R5750:5

Whoever is consecrated to God is opposed to every sinful thing; for God and sin are in antagonism. God stands for his own righteousness, and sin is a violation of that righteousness. R5446:6, 1983:3

Any violation of divine law is sin; whether committed willingly or unwillingly. R1983:3

The law – The divine law was originally written in the very heart and character of man--Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. NS409:2

5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. He – Jesus. R211:6

Manifested – In the ransom. R864:1

First, Jesus was manifested, tried in all points yet without sin, that he might after being thus proved, act as our High Priest, and "put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." (Heb. 9:26) R93:6

Our sins – All were condemned to death because of sin. R94:1

In him is no sin – He knew no sin. R416:6*

When he died it was willingly a sacrifice for our sins. R608:1

"Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?" (Job 14:4) is not in conflict. In vieit is a reasonable deduction that if the father were perfect, the child would be perfect. E97, E100

"Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth." (1 Pet. 2:22) R2767:1*

"Holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners." (Heb. 7:26) E97; R1585:5

6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Him – Christ. R1250:6

Sinneth not – Sin in its full or absolute sense, willful sin. R5938:5, 2235:5

Sin is not charged up to the new creature. F369

So long as we remain willingly faithful to our vows of fellowship with Christ in his sufferings, in opposition to sin--reckonedly dead to sin and alive as new creatures, we have no sin. R3246:6

Maintain our justified standing before God. R1250:6

When we commit unintentional sins, we are so fully cleared by the imputation of the merit of Christ's sin-offering of our behalf. R1250:6, 4616:5

The new will is counted the new creature, separate and distinct from the flesh, so that while the will, the heart, is fully loyal to the Lord, in opposition to sin, the flesh is reckoned dead to sin. R3246:6

Any weaknesses and imperfections which are unintentional, not assented to by the new will, the new creatures, are not counted by the Lord who knows us not after the flesh, but after the spirit. R3246:6, 3154:4

Not that any of the Lord's people become perfect in the flesh, so that they never err in thought, word or deed. R3246:6, 3154:4

Whosoever sinneth – Willfully. R1250:6

Neither – Nor even. R5938:5, 2235:5

7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. No man deceive you – Heed my teaching. E284

After we have become new creatures in Christ. R3323:5

Many are thus deceived, professing to be the Lord's people, and yet blind to justice (righteousness), in many of the affairs of life. They exercise too much mercy in dealing with their own shortcomings and not enough in dealing with the shortcomings of others. R3323:2

Those who find themselves in any degree of sympathy with evil qualities (adultery, thievery, drunkenness, etc.), are deceived if they think themselves to be the Lord's people. R3323:3

Doeth righteousness – And not merely he that professes to be a follower of Jesus. R5427:5

To the extent of his ability, trusting to the Redeemer's merit to compensate unintentional shortcomings. R3323:3

The object sought in giving men the truth, is character--to bring men into a Godlike condition. R49:6*

Is righteous – Approved in God's sight. R3323:3

Moses imparted righteous words and righteous motives. In addition to these, the Righteous One imparts righteous life--the power which embodies righteous words in righteous deeds. R1323:1*

8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Committeth sin – Willingly practices sin. R3323:6, 5750:5, 2320:2, 1250:6

Practices sin knowingly, willfully. R4909:5, 3281:5, 2320:2

Meaning willful, deliberate, intentional sin; not merely shortcomings and faults due largely or wholly to imperfections of the flesh. R5938:5, 2235:5, 3154:3; NS243:6

It is evident that a full, deliberate sin cannot be committed while we are in the Body of Christ, possessed of the holy Spirit. To do so would mean our having left all. R3154:5

A willingness of the heart to sin, to do unrighteousness; not someone whose heart is loyal to the Lord and who is momentarily overtaken in a fault. R3323:6

"All unrighteousness is sin." ( 1 John 5:17) R870:3

Nevertheless, it may require years of schooling and discipline under the Great Teacher before some who were deeply sunken in the mire of sin and selfishness, and many consequent meannesses of disposition, become even moderately or passably good, noble characters. R2320:3

Is of the devil – Who was once a holy angel. The term Satan signifies Adversary, opponent; for the devil is the opponent of righteousness and of Jehovah. R5183:3

Satan, the adversary of the Church, is strong and lion-like, vigilant and fully awake. He lies in wait seeking to devour us. R5183:6

"In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." (1 Tim. 4:1) R1782:4

The majority of Christians in the churches manifest the spirit of anger, malice, hatred, envy, strife--works of the flesh and of the Devil. SM128:2; HG693:2

God is not the author of sin. R870:3

The devil sinneth – By permitting pride and ambition to gain control of his heart, Satan became an opponent of God and of righteousness. R5183:3

For this purpose – Because through sin mankind had become subject to death, Christ Jesus came to deliver us and save us from death. R2610:3, 1086:3, 453:4

Such a ransom and deliverance was a part of God's plan from the first. R164:1, 417:5

The Kingdom of Christ is to bring joy and peace, and the nations shall walk in the light of it. (Rev. 21:24) R430:6*

Was manifested – In the flesh. R1086:3

Jesus gave himself as the Redeemer of mankind. R3323:6

He might destroy – Satan and all who sympathize with him in their opposition to God and his righteous arrangements. R3323:6

The present domination of evil is to end, and the prince of darkness (Satan) is to be bound. R430:6*, 542:2*

"That through death he might destroy him that hath the power of death, that is, the devil." (Heb. 2:14) R2610:3, 701:2, 553:4, 453:4, 164:2

And thus release from his grasp all of the race. R164:2, 417:5

This means death, not eternal torment. R1085:5; HG609:4

The works – Envy, hatred, murder, are evil works of the flesh; they are of the devil. R1299:4*

Evil speaking, slanders, backbitings, bring anger, malice, envy, hatred, strife. NS565:2

All evil. R255:2

Sin and death. R164:2, 553:4, 417:5

Satan's reign has been one of terror under cover of the darkness (ignorance) of this world. R430:3*

Malice, envy, hatred and strive, are the kind of works which Satan supports and into which he endeavors to lead mankind. R5184:2

His methods are deceptive. His suggestions come along the lines of pride and self-conceit. R5184:2

He started those works, it was through the sin that he introduced, that all these depravities came to us. CR447:2

Of the devil – Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

9 Whosoever is begotten of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is begotten of God. Is born of God – Is begotten of God. A278; T54; R5938:5, 5742:2, 5451:3, 5438:2, 5197:4, 4810:6, 4614:3, 3476:3, 3323:6, 3246:6, 2941:3, 2235:5, 1697:6, 837:1

Improperly translated "born"--should be "begotten" because the new creature is at this time but an embryo, it has not a new body. R4614:6, 2440:3; Q808:4

Merely a new mind, a new will, a new disposition, which has been engendered by the spirit of truth and accepted of the Father as a begetting to the spirit nature. R4614:6, 5439:2; Q809:T

To be begotten of one signifies to be a son of that father. R5439:2

The Lord purposes during the Gospel age to develop creatures of a new nature. These are spoken of as begotten of the holy Spirit at the time of their consecration. R4614:3

God accepts one who has consecrated and begets him of the holy Spirit, thus making him a new creature. R5439:2, 4614:3; Q649:T

Doth not commit sin – "Doth not practice sin," (Diaglott) could not practice sin in their lives. R5742:5, 1151:4*; T54; Q808:4

"Doeth no sin." (R.V.) R5197:4

Willful sin. R5439:6, 4843:1, 4252:3, 3281:5, 3154:3, 216:6; Q507:8

Willingly, designedly, or preferably. R2941:3, 2440:3

As a new creature. R5439:6, 5440:1; Q649:1

Willfully; for the old will to thus triumph over the new would signify the death of the new creature. T54; E461; R5451:3, 5197:4; Q649:1

The holy Spirit of God is opposed to sin. In proportion as we have the mind of Christ we will not only love righteousness but also hate iniquity. R3154:3, 2440:3; Q808:T

Those begotten of the good seed of truth, begotten of the holy Spirit, cannot, so long as that seed of truth and the Spirit of the Lord is alive in them, willfully, deliberately turn to sin to practice it. R3323:6, 5938:5, 5439:5, 4830:2, 4810:5, 4614:6, 2941:3, 2440:3, 2235:5; Q649:1

As the new mind controls, and we love righteousness and hate iniquity, we shall have strength in battling with the conditions of the present time, and the greater success in battling with our own flesh. R5439:4, 4615:1

The righteousness which is imputed to the members of the Church is imputed to their flesh. The new creature itself is perfect. R5439:6, 5197:4, 4616:1

But we have this treasure of a new mind in an earthen vessel. We are a combination of a heavenly will and an earthly body. R5440:4, 1698:2; Q649:1

Whoever has this embryo of the new nature could not sin willfully, could not take pleasure in sin, could not give himself over to sin. R4742:6, 4843:4, 4810:6, 2440:3; Q507:8

The person having the new mind, the new will, and desiring to be in harmony with God, cannot sin the sin unto death. R5451:3, 5751:1, 4810:6; Q809:T

If any of those who were once begotten of God should get into the attitude where they would willfully desire to commit sin, it would indicate that they had ceased to be sons of God and had become sons of Belial. R5439:5, 4843:1; Q507:8

Step by step of indulgence in sin gradually leads away from God, until the new creature ceases to exist. R5439:6

The Scriptures ascribe no sin to the new creature--and no perfection in righteousness to our fallen flesh. R4810:6, 2440:3; Q649:T

All unrighteousness is sin. R4614:3

The great Advocate appropriates to us a share of his merit to justify us from Adamic sin and the imperfections of the flesh, which we no longer approve. R4614:3, 4616:1,5, 4615:5, 4614:6, 3281:6

This Scripture is not in conflict with 1 John 1:8-10 which applies to the fle R5440:1, 5938:5, 4615:2, 2440:3, 2235:5

For – Because. R1697:6; Q808:4

His seed – The seed of truth, the seed of the power of God. R4615:1, 3281:5, 2440:4, 1698:1

The begetting power of the holy Spirit. R4252:3, 4810:6, 4252:3, 2941:3, 2440:4; Q809:T

The heavenly seed; the seed of the new nature. R5742:5

So long as any of the holy mind of God is present, there is life. R5742:5

So long as the "seed" of God abides in the individual. R4830:2, 4842:6; Q507:8

The truth-seed is incorruptible, but not so the newness of life begotten by it. The truth may be let slip, and leave us as though we had not known it. R1698:2

Remaineth in him – Abides in him. Q808:4

While it remains he cannot love or willingly serve sin. R2941:3, 4843:4, 1, 4830:2; Q507:8

Being begotten of the Heavenly Father by the holy Spirit, we are new creatures, and the flesh from this standpoint is counted out of the way, and the new creature is the only one that God is dealing with. Q649:T

You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be the Spirit of Christ dwelleth in you. Q649:T

So long as the begetting seed of the new nature abides, so long as the spirit of truth rules in the heart, there can be no love of sin and no willful sinning there. R1250:6, 4842:6; Q507:8

Just as a person could not go north and south at the same time. R4830:2

The new mind is in harmony with God and anything which might distract it in any degree would be merely a temporary matter and would not necessarily mean our imperfection as new creatures. R4615:4

But if he sins willfully, this holy seed is dead--the individual is dead as a new creature--the second death. R5742:5, 5439:6, 4616:2, 4615:1, 4252:3, 3323:6, 3246:3, 2440:5, 1698:2

He cannot sin – He cannot intentionally and knowingly approve or practice sin. R4615:1, 5751:1, 5742:5, 4842:6, 4810:6, 2440:5; Q507:8

Everything connected with the new creature is pure and sinless; it has none of the Adamic condemnation nor imperfection. It cannot agree to sin because it is out of harmony with sin. R4614:6

The Redeemer forgives and pardons, counting all blemishes of thoughts, words and deeds as a part of the original sin and its depravity, still working in our flesh through heredity. E461

The new creature might be overtaken in a fault; but it could not be a new creature and yet have a will or intention to do that which is evil. R4615:2, 5197:4

For it would mean that one had turned again, as a dog to his vomit, and as a sow wallowing in the mire. (2 Pet. 2:22) R4252:3, 5742:6

Our natural preference for sin by reason of the fall having given place to a preference for righteousness, we cannot sin willfully. R1698:1

God is not judging the body; he is not noting what you as a human being did, because you no longer exist as a human being, from the divine standpoint or records. R4615:2

Because he is – Your whole standing with God is as a new creature. R4615:2

Born of God – Begotten of God. R5438:2, 3323:6, 3246:6, 1697:6, 837:1; T54; Q808:4

Greek, gennao. Should be translated begotten when the active agent is male. A278

Begotten of the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of holiness and truth. R5938:5, 2235:5

10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. Children of God – All who are on the side of righteousness are on God's side. R3324:1

Are manifest – There is a possibility of misconception, miscarriage, etc., after the spiritual begetting; and it is therefore possible to fall from grace. R1698:1

Of the devil – Who love darkness and who thus show that they have the spirit, or disposition of Satan. R5938:6, 2235:5, 1180:1, 97:6*

Such shall be destroyed with Satan in the second death, symbolized by the lake of fire. (Rev. 20:14) R1180:1

Doeth not righteousness – Like the sow that was washed returning to her wallowing in the mire. R5742:6; Q507:6

Not of God – All who love sin and willfully do it are children of darkness. R5938:5, 2235:5

Not his brother – The perversion of love for the Lord, for the brethren of the new creation and sympathetic love for the world of mankind is self-love, self-importance, self-honor, self-glorification. F411

If men do not obey the truth, and fail to express love in their lives, all is vain. R49:6*

11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Love one another – Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. Not as Cain – Cain was not rightly exercised by his experience. He went about sullenly for a time, brooding over the fact that God had not recognized his offering, and had recognized Abel's. R3928:3

The curse of God was upon Cain, the murderer--divine condemnation rested upon him; he was cut off from communion with God, previously enjoyed; and according to his own language felt his condemnation severely. R3930:4

Typifying Ishmael, Esau, fleshly Israel, and the tare class. R2777:5, 2778:2

Cain failed to heed the Lord's warning and allowed the crouching enemy, sin, to enter into his heart and to make of him a murderer. R3928:4

Of that wicked one – Cain willingly copied Satan's disposition, became a son "of that wicked one." R1175:6

Of his spirit or disposition of ambition and pride. R2777:3, 3928:4

As Satan was a murderer from the beginning, so his spirit in Cain was a murderous spirit. (John 8:44) R3928:4

The spirit of Satan took the place of the spirit or disposition of the Lord, which was Cain's originally as one closely in the likeness of God, not greatly marred as yet by the fall. R3928:4

Slew his brother – In Cain's case, he was not counted as having sinned at the time he thought of his brother in angry mood--his sin was in the outcome of that angry mood--murder itself. R3928:5

We are not to think of Cain's crime as a first-degree murder, deliberately plotted and executed; but rather as "man-slaughter," a crime committed on the spur of the moment and under the influence of sharp disappointment. R2777:3

13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. The world hate you – Including the nominal church. NS135:5

Especially the religious world. R5545:3, 5872:1

Because it cannot endure the brilliancy of the clear, searching light of the true gospel--the great light of the holy Spirit shining in and through the Lord's fully consecrated ones. R2415:2, 4813:3

Darkness hateth the light. R4967:5, 4813:3, 4677:1

The powers of darkness serve to test us as new creatures. R4967:5

The effect of the light of truth upon the darkened world is to awaken opposition, antagonism, and thus to disturb and make uncomfortable those in sympathy with darkness. R4813:3, 943:1

Because Satan, the god of this world, is your implacable opponent. R3300:1

All through the Gospel age, those who have been burning and shining lights in the world have been hated and persecuted. R4813:5, 4675:6, 2415:2; SM9:1

We are not to expect any special sympathy from the world, but rather that they will misunderstand us. SM704:2

It is a mistake to suppose that letting our light shine before men could convert the world. R4677:1, 4967:5; CR126:2

Jesus was hated chiefly by the most prominent, the most influential amongst the people. In time their hatred extended to the common people. R4813:2, 4814:1, 4677:1

The Lord's followers are called upon to suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, to test, prove and polish them. R4813:6, 4677:1, 2415:3, 969:5

The more faithful an elder, the more sure he will be to have enemies--not Satan and his messengers only, but as many also as Satan can delude and mislead. F293

An ambassador of a hated government is more critically and unsympathetically watched than under other circumstances, and such ambassadors would endeavor to be all the more careful as respects their every word and action. R3330:4

The Church has always been persecuted. R4818:3

"All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) R2415:3, 4813:5, 3223:2; SM9:1

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." (Matt. 5:11) R4369:6, 943:1

"Ye know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18) F293; R4967:5, 4813:5, 4677:1, 3330:4, 3281:4, 3223:2, 2778:5, 2415:3; NS71:1, 135:5, 743:2

14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. We know – One of the surest signs by which the Lord's people may know positively that they have been begotten of the holy Spirit. R5948:4

One of the prominent evidences. F468; NS79:4

We have passed – Speaking of the Church class exclusively. R4657:1

A very essential test. The best sign is that you love all other children of God, no matter what their color or sex or position in life, rich or poor, bond or free; you must love all those whom the Lord loves. Q450:4

From death unto life – From the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear Son; from a condition of condemnation and death, to a condition of justification to life. SM705:T

By faith we are reckoned dead with Christ, counted members of his Body. That future life is reckoned to us. R4989:2

Reckoned free from sin and its condemnation. R1738:3

Only those who have made a consecration, and have the merit of Christ imputed to them, and are accepted by the Father. R4656:6, 1738:3

Everlasting life is already considered ours while we abide under the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5931:2

If we love the brethren fervently out of a pure heart. R32:1*

It is one thing to pass from death unto life, but you may pass back again from life unto death. CR449:1

Because we love – Love as new creatures. R5348:4

As the truth opens the eyes of our understanding it enables us to see our own and others imperfections more clearly. Unless there be a large amount of love, this will mean a disposition to find fault, to criticize. R5346:3

One of the final and most searching tests and the one under which probably most of those once awakened and armed will fall, will be love for the brethren. R2453:4

The brethren – Love all the brethren. CR448:6; R5348:4

Because they are brethren, even if they have not all the lovable qualities. CR166:3

How strange that love of the brethren should be the crucial test, as we fear will be more manifest as we come down toward the consummation of our hope. R5948:4

Seemingly many will fail at this point and be therefore accounted unworthy of an abundant entrance to the Kingdom on this score. R2453:4

Intimating that a love of the brethren will be so difficult as to constitute an absolute proof to us that we have passed from death unto life, from the death state in Adam, and have become new creatures. R4253:6, 4995:5, 4863:1

Some of the brethren would be hard to love, and, unless we had passed from death unto life, we would be unable to love them. R4995:5

It is more difficult sometimes to exercise the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit toward the brethren than toward others. Such a development of character is essential as a proof of our acceptance as new creatures. R4863:1

The more the Lord's jewels come together, the more opportunities there will be for friction, and the greater necessity there will be that all be thoroughly imbedded in and covered with the holy Spirit to prevent friction. R4995:6

One of the most beautiful experiences of the Christian. Whoever finds he has full love and sympathy for all the brethren, has a specially strong Scriptural proof that he is a new creature--passed from death unto life. R5346:5; Q155:6

A true loyalty to God includes a love for all those whom he has recognized by the begetting of the holy Spirit, and is a part of our loyalty to him and to the Captain of our Salvation. R4863:1

The measure of our love for the Lord will be indicated by our love for the brethren, the fellow-members of his Body. F468, F137; NS79:4

If you love the Lord you must love all those whom he loves and has chosen. We all belong to the Lord and every member of the Lord's family must be loyal to every other member of his family. Q450:4

The willingness and desire to be broken for the good of others is the result of our first feeding upon our Lord's broken body and receiving of his spirit, mind, disposition, love. R2292:3

Who are the brethren? If by their fruits we shall know them, there are not many brethren of this kind in the world. SM705:1

If we lose our love for the brethren it is not a favorable sign. Q450:4

The test is whether or not we love all the brethren because they are his--because our Heavenly Father loves them. CR166:5, 3

One of the highest tests of character development. CR447:1

As our sympathies grow and go out toward the whole world of mankind, they must grow especially toward the Lord, and, consequently, especially also toward those whom he recognizes. F468, F137; NS79:3

Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

We will do them no injury, we will speak no evil respecting them unless of absolute necessity; and we will not even surmise evil in respect to their words and deeds. R5348:4

In proportion as we can come into harmony with the divine principles, we shall be at peace one with another, joyfully assisting each other toward the Kingdom. R5348:4

All the exercisings of our energies for others are merely so many ways in which our own sanctification may be accomplished. As iron sharpeneth iron, so our energies on behalf of others bring blessings to ourselves. F137

Any lack of fellowship with all who love the Lord and are consecrated to him should be considered as a sure sign of a spiritual decline, and should be correspondingly opposed with all our energy. R2241:4

The apostles, and many in humble stations followed closely in the Master's footsteps; and all the way down through the centuries, and today, in all denominations and outside of them--have this general character likeness; but they are few. SM705:1; R1309:2, 811:2

The appreciation of the true relationship between the elder and the class should help the elders to cultivate meekness, gentleness, patience, brotherly kindness, long-suffering, love. R5347:4

In their endeavor to measure up to the divine standard, some are in danger of erring in an opposite direction--of manifesting a brotherly love where it should be withheld, and that in the interest of the brother. R3033:3

Whoever then does not love the brethren cannot be sure that he has passed from the death condition to the free condition of mind and heart. SM704:2

Whoever has any other sentiment than love to any of the brethren surely lacks proof, or demonstration, along this line of his relationship to God as a new creature. R5346:6, 4863:1

15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Whosoever – Applies to the Christian. R4728:3, 5151:4; NS745:3

Crucial words! Let us not lose their import, their value, let us test our hearts, our standing with the Lord, by our love or our lack of love for the brethren. SM705:T

Hateth his brother – Hatred would be murder for the new creation. R3928:6, 5151:4

The new creature cannot deliberately entertain a feeling of hatred toward a brother--it would mean the spirit or disposition of murder, and thus the reverse of the Lord's Spirit. R3928:6

We can see that that spirit in a Christian which would content itself with hating, instead of killing, a brother, would be a very evil condition. R4728:3

Let us fear any approximation of a feeling of hatred, anger or malice against a brother in the Lord or against anybody. R3930:5; OV281:T

What any of God's agents do, according to God's estimate, is what they intend to do, and not what they accomplish. R423:6*

"Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment." (Matt. 5:22) R4226:4, 3595:4, 2444:6, 2249:2; HG582:5

Is a murderer – In the Lord's sight, hatred is murder. R5123:1, 5151:4, 2777:4, 2710:6, 2444:6

By this standard every slanderer is a murderer. R3595:4, 2444:6

The spirit or disposition of murder is the spirit or disposition of the Adversary, who was the first murderer. R3928:5

Alas, how many are guilty along these lines. How many murderers and thieves in the Church! A thorough renovation in many is needed. "Let none of you suffer as a murderer." (1 Pet. 4:15) NS580:4

Many who outwardly claim to be governed by the law of love seem to have a morbid craving to speak evil one to another. This is the spirit of murder. R2460:1

One may hate his brother though he outwardly violates no law and is esteemed among men. Yet such a one is a murderer at heart, restrained from outward violence by fear of the consequences. R1655:4

Thou shalt do no murder would be violated by anyone's becoming angry and manifesting in any degree an injurious or murderous spirit. R5027:5; HG582:5; OV281:T

Envy is closely related to and apt to be followed by malice, hatred and strife, which under some circumstances mean murder, according to our Lord's interpretation. R2249:2, 5151:4

To render evil for evil; to assassinate our neighbor, our brother--to kill his influence, his reputation, etc. R4226:4; SM220:4

Whatever elements of the spirit of murder may still lurk in our flesh must be determinedly warred against. R5151:5

Fear of sectarian fences, gates and bars is seizing some whom the Bible denotes as "hypocrites" (Isa. 33:14). Wild, lest their hypocriian brother. HG557:6

They that preach the golden rule and profess to believe that everybody who breaks it is going to everlasting torture, do they forget that their course is, in the sight of our Lord, really murder? R5172:4

Hath eternal life – No one of a murderous condition of heart, seeking to do evil to a brother, could possibly be of a suitable character to be a joint-heir with his Master in the Kingdom. SM221:1; R3930:4; NS745:4

For willful and deliberate hatred toward a brother to be engendered in the heart would seem to mean the perishing of the spirit of love there, and if so would mean the second death. R3930:4

This would not signify that one who had been a murderer might not, by a sound conversion and by faithfulness in the School of Christ, become a member of the Kingdom class. NS745:3

16 Hereby perceive we the love, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Hereby – The Apostle caps the climax of the subject. SM705:T

Perceive – Discern. R2648:3

The first blessing that comes to us, as the eyes of our understanding open and we come to some knowledge of the divine character and love. R2648:3

"Hereby we know love." (Diaglott) R2442:4; SM705:T

The love – The higher type of love. R2648:3

Of God – Not in any manuscript. R735:5, 1329:3*

Italicized words in the Bible indicate that such words are not in the original Greek, but have been supplied by the translators. R735:5*

He – Christ. R2648:3

Laid down his life – Greek, psuche, soul, being. E338

"He poured out his soul unto death; He made his soul an offering for sin." (Isa. 53:12, 10) E338

The giving of his life as the purchase price for ours. R2343:5, 128:1*

He bore the infirmities and cares and griefs of others. R4138:3

Not merely for his friends, but even for his enemies. R5562:1

God required and accepted the death of Christ as man's ransom sacrifice. E450

For us – "On our behalf." (Diaglott) R2442:4

And we – Who have received the begetting of the holy Spirit and have grown to some extent in the knowledge of him. R2330:5

Ought – Also. R4540:6, 4138:4

Following the example of our illustrious Redeemer and glorified Head. R4540:6, 4568:4, 4526:4, 2507:4

After we have perceived the love of God, the effect upon the good-ground heart is that it decides it could do nothing less in return and thus willingly lays down life itself in God's service. R2648:3

"Love as brethren" ought to love. (1 Pet. 3:8) HG447:5

The brethren could not demand this of us, nor we of them; but we should all do so gladly, as we have opportunity. R5644:4

Lay down our lives – Greek, psuche, souls, beings. E338

Our human lives. R4692:4

This is our Lord's new commandment to us. R4475:5, 4501:6

What a brotherhood is thus implied! Where else could we hope to find such love. F468; NS79:5

In small affairs of service, temporal or spiritual, the spiritual being the higher and therefore the more important. F469

In preaching the Gospel, building one another up in the most holy faith, and in doing good to all. F137

We are to have a love which will gladly lay down the life purchased for us by the death of Jesus. This life is laid down as a sacrifice with our Lord and Head. R5644:2, 2722:6, 2518:4

Suffer for one another. "if we suffer, we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) HG230:1

We lay down our lives in service for the brethren, and this sacrifice is acceptable because the merit of Christ is imputed to us, making us reckonedly perfect before God. R5644:1

Classes should seek to avoid captiousness and faultfinding. They should esteem the spirit of the Lord, the knowledge of the truth and talents for its presentation, and should gladly help one another to opportunities for development in grace, knowledge and utterance. R5921:3

Forbearance, one with another, a willingness to wash one another's feet, symbolically, and to esteem each other for all Christ-like qualities, should be cultivated. R5921:4

Voluntarily; willingly. R2457:1, 2751:6, 2518:4

Every member of the Melchizedek priesthood must sacrifice his life in the interest of the order. SM10:1; R5947:5; Q10:2

Self-sacrifice even unto death. R4568:4, 4540:6

Be ready to die for a brother, to seek to win him, not to cast him off nor excommunicate him. R4209:1

Not literally, but day by day, and opportunity by opportunity. R2751:6, 5642:4, 5127:6, 4128:5, 2807:5; F137

All who have the Spirit of the Lord, which Dorcas had, and which she so nobly exemplified, will surely find opportunities some way or other in the service of the household of faith. R2988:1

Let us make this a matter of personal study and of practical application to our own hearts, minds, thoughts, words, actions. R5948:5, 2649:5

After the example of Jesus. OV231:3; R5664:5, 2772:6

Jesus' followers are to emulate his example and spirit and from similar motives of generosity and kindness are to be burden-bearers, helpers, self-sacrificers. R4138:3

As he became obedient unto death, so ought we. R328:3*

The laying down of life frequently means the laying down of health and strength; self-denial in the interests of others. SM329:1

We should not merely refrain from robbing our neighbor, but be ever ready to share with him what we had. HG582:6

If the thought of the intimate relationship between the Head and the members could be always fresh before our minds, how often we would improve the opportunity of assisting in bearing fellow-members burdens. R2824:2

We begin laying down life by laying down luxuries and worldly advantages and end the service with the actual death of our human self. R942:3

Willing to sacrifice the comforts and advantages which, to the natural man, go to make up the sum of earthly life and happiness. R2751:6

Willing to lay down time, influence, or money for their assistance. R4526:4, 2807:5; SM329:1

Although a grand attainment was achieved when the love of the brethren reached the point of willingness to lay down our lives, yet it is not the full attainment of the "mark" for which we are running. R2754:6; NS417:4

The spirit of Christ will be the spirit of service. It will be a zeal, a warmth, an energy, prompting us to serve in the Church--be consumed as the Master was--in the service of his Church, which is his Body. R5250:2, 4524:4, 2988:2

Our love for the Lord, and for the brethren, will increasingly fill our hearts as we grow in grace, knowledge and obedience to the divine Word and example. R5127:6; HG447:5

Fight a good fight against sin in themselves, to defend others, to help others likewise to overcome sin. NS61:4

With a warm strong love in our hearts there will be no room for any selfish or envious thoughts, words or deeds. How blessed would all gatherings of the brethren be if such a spirit pervaded all of them. R2518:4

Even with good resolutions and intentions, we would still be in danger unless we observe to the full the Lord's direction as to how love should deal with the brethren if in our judgment they have committed any fault. NS566:1

We should gladly let our light shine and render every other assistance, even though it test our willingness to lay down our lives for our brethren in Babylon. R2507:4, 2457:1

"That ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Rom. 12:1) R2659:4, 2456:3, 2292:3

"We fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ for his body's sake (service), the church." (Col. 1:24) R4128:5, 2787:2, 2442:4, 128:1*; F468, F633; SM144:T; NS79:4

This does not mean that we could do sacrifice for the Church's sin. R4492:3; F468; NS79:5

If this is the love standard, how sorely some will soon be disappointed in respect to the Lord's will if they have ignored this requirement. SM222:3

For the brethren – In their service; the service for the world belongs chiefly to the Millennium. F468; R5726:5; CR475:2; NS79:5

For the fellow-sheep. R2442:4

In serving them. R4492:2

In copying the Lord Jesus. CR274:2

In seeking to assist the brethren out of difficulty and to bring them nearer to the Lord and to his standards. R5562:1

The mission of the Church is not to rule or judge the world now, but to "lay down our lives for the brethren." R2415:3

It is indispensable to those who have reached the mark of perfect love that they shall keep actively engaged in the service of the Lord, laying down their lives for the brethren. R2755:5; NS417:4

17 But whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? This world's good – Interests, affairs. R2649:2

The Apostle intimates differences in financial condition. R2932:4

Have need – The Lord's work and the Lord's poor are permitted by him to be in need sometimes, in order to furnish opportunities to test those who have means entrusted to them. R2102:3

He who is unfaithful as a steward of earthly wealth need scarcely expect to be entrusted with spiritual riches. R2102:3

Such a lack of love--such a restraint of assistance from a brother in need, would imply that the love of God either did not dwell in such an one, or that it was but slightly developed--far from being perfected. R2649:2

Shutteth up – An indication that he lacked the spirit of the Head, the spirit of love. R4358:5

18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. Not love in word – These words intimate that some do love merely in word--feigned words and smooth speeches. R4480:4, 1845:2

If we merely say that we love one another and yet pursue a steady course of self-seeking, wherein is the love manifest? R5116:3, 2011:4

Neither in tongue – Merely. R1845:2

Had the apostles loved the Lord with their mouths, or professedly only, and not acted in harmony with their profession, we know they would have been acceptable as members of the Body of Christ. R941:6

But in deed – The sincerity or truthfulness of our love is evidenced by our deeds. R4480:4

The quality of love is not merely a form of loving, kind words and smiles, but it goes deeply into our natures and includes our deeds and our heart sentiments. R4444:5

This willingness to sacrifice in the interests of the brethren will prove each one of us either loyal, faithful to our covenant, or unfaithful. R5948:5

Not merely to love one another and to serve one another in word, in profession, in title. R2343:5

And in truth – Sincerely. R1845:2

19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. Of the truth – He whose life is entirely given up to God and whose aim is to do God's will, and honor him, is supremely happy. R943:5

Assure our hearts – Let us put away every feeling of condemnation as respects the sins which God has freely forgiven. HG454:6; NS617:6

Let us set our affections, aims, purposes, zeal, on the things that are before, and make haste towards them, with full assurance of faith in him who promised them. HG454:6; NS617:6

20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Heart condemn us – If our course as new creatures is condemned by our own conscience it would also be condemned by God. R5425:1, 2671:2

Whoever would make progress in drawing near to God must seek continually to have a "conscience void of offense toward God and man," (Acts 24:16)--a conscience that is cle R2671:2

If we have not been living faithfully to the extent of our ability, then our hearts will condemn us, and what our heart condemns in us, God will also condemn. OV422:6

21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. Condemn us not – Do I use my time, strength, influence, and all that I have, sacrificially, to the best of my ability, not counting my life dear to myself? R5227:2; Q361:6

Have we confidence – If we are studying to know and to do God's will, are having trials and difficulties in the pathway and are being rightly exercised thereby, we may count ourselves as his faithful people. R5227:5; Q361:6

Thus we have confidence, in accordance with the divinely appointed conditions. OV422:6

22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. His commandments – The Jewish Law cannot here be referred to, for, "By the deeds of the Law shall no flesh be justified in his sight." (Rom. 3:20) R976:4, 1730:6

23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. Is his commandment – The commands which we keep, are not those given at Sinai. R976:4, 1731:1

Love one another – Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. Keepeth his commandments – The commandments under which we are placed, are not grievous and impossible, as the Jewish Law was to them under it; for his yoke is easy to all who have his Spirit. R976:4, 1731:1

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