Romans Chapter 12 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 I call upon you, therefore, brethren, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, sanctified, acceptable to God your intelligent service; I beseech you – This exhortation is based upon the preceding statements of the 11th chapter. R5422:2

I entreat you. (Diaglott) R328:2*

Addressing the consecrated and believers only. R5422:2; A198; F122, F447; CR1:6; 407:1; OV316:3

Would apply equally to both classes, those who had presented their bodies, and those contemplating doing so. R5422:2

To you who have justification, "peace with God," and have come into harmony with the principles of righteousness, we rejoice; and we do urge you to abide in God's favor by going on to full obedience. F116

The antitypical priests are invited to join with the High Priest in the work of sacrificing necessary to the inauguration of the Mediatorial Kingdom. R4537:5

This is not calling sinners to repentance, but repentant sinners who have already accepted Jesus as their Savior. SM509:2

Nowhere does God command anyone to make a consecration. R5422:3

The divine commands end at the line of justice, righteousness. Sacrifice, self-denial, taking up the cross to follow Jesus, are away beyond the divine law. R4835:3

"Now is the acceptable time." (2 Cor. 6:2) F444

As Isaiah's lips were touched with a live coal from the altar, it illustrated how the saintly ones during this Gospel age have had the required blessing upon their lips to proclaim this divine invitation. R4787:6

It is proper that each one should decide for himself positively, whether or not he has ever accepted the divine invitation to give himself: "My son give me thine heart." (Prov. 23:26) R4783:6

We urge the Vow (as we advised the original consecration vow of this scripture), as in full accord with our original covenant to be dead to sin and self, but the vow is not a test of brotherhood. R4326:6, 4312:1, 4265:5

Therefore, brethren – Therefore, because of the preceding eleven chapters of argumentative, logical, beautiful, instructive, blessed reasoning. R2213:1, 1586:2, 328:2*

Those of class "p" in the Gospel age fail to use their justification to go on and present themselves acceptable sacrifices, but they are called "brethren" in the same sense as all in harmony with the Father. A237

Brethren, because justified and thus brought into fellowship with God. F122

Believers--justified by faith in Christ--Levites. T118:T

All who have accepted the redemption that is in Christ. R5837:1

An exhortation to those already justified by faith in Christ, and who are therefore brethren of the household of faith. R1586:2; A237; T117

Those addressed are "brethren" of the household of faith, justified believers. Otherwise, being still under condemnation to death, they would have nothing acceptable to offer in sacrifice to God. R1585:3

No one is "called," or invited into this "Body of Christ" except those who already are believers. The blemished of the flock were not acceptable on the Lord's altar under the Law. R1542:2

Believers in Jesus as their Savior, already reckoned restored or justified through faith. R742:2

Because of believing on him who "taketh away the sin of the world," "the propitiation for our sins," they desire to be perfect, and are so reckoned on his account; Paul invites these "brethren" to consecrate. (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2) R469:2*

Paul was exhorting those who were "brethren" in Christ, having been "planted together in the likeness of his death" and yet not having made a complete sacrifice. (Rom. 6:5) R99:3*

The Apostle was here urging progress on the part of the believers (already brethren, partakers through Christ of divine grace), advancement from "justification by faith" to full consecration. R2285:6, 1586:2

The epistle was written to those already consecrated. But some connected with the Church at Rome had not yet made a consecration. So these words apply to both kinds of believers. R5422:2

These words are properly applicable to two classes: (1) those who are no longer opponents, but sympathetically in harmony with the consecrated; (2) those who have made their consecration. R5031:2; Q156:5

Brethren are: (1) Those who have pledged themselves to the Lord for a reformation (typified in the Levites), and (2) those who have consecrated their lives even unto death (typified in the priests). R3219:5

Who hope to be of the Bride class and to attain the spirit nature. R4629:6

Christ becomes endorser for these who have turned from sin, believed on the Lord Jesus, consecrated themselves. He covers their Adamic sin and guarantees his continued merit if they are faithful. R4634:1

The Lord has pledged to these who have consecrated their lives to him, even unto death, that he will hear them and give to them, according to his wisdom, the experiences and blessings most helpful. R5692:5

Paul is addressing the "elect" body of Christ, Jews and Gentiles, who should know what are the terms and conditions upon which God hath "called" them: suffer and reign. R2213:1

In the strictest sense of the word, the household of faith is the family of God; those who have offered their bodies to God in sacrifice and have been accepted by him and begotten of his holy spirit. SM638:1

By the mercies – Which have been discussed in the preceding eleven chapters. R2213:1, 1586:1

In reviewing God's plan of salvation, Paul had told in Romans 10 of the mercies of God toward all his creatures. The eleventh chapter told of the mercies of God toward both natural Israel and spiritual Israel. R5422:2

The forgiveness of sins already experienced. F122

In the covering of your sins through faith in Christ. F486

Already received. R2486:4

A share of which you have already received in your justification. F448

Justifying you by faith. R4537:5, 4494:4, 4390:2; SM140:T; Q457:T; CR1:6

Paul urges consecration to God on account of the mercies of God as displayed in their justification. Truth relative to the high calling is unfolded to the consecrated later, by degree. R657:6

For centuries granted only to the Jews. R5423:3

Your reconciliation, already accepted. R3918:3

No longer aliens, strangers, foreigners, but redeemed and accepted of the Father. R3265:4

In making provision for our sins, our redemption, and for our restitution as a race. CR406:6; 402:4

These mercies that you have been enjoying while you have been drawing near to God. Q400:T

God sent us an invitation to become associates with his Son. R4631:1

Overwhelmed with an appreciation of God's goodness to us, we are ready to hear and obey Paul's exhortation. R4455:2

The individual is typically represented as being a goat that comes and goes clear up to the door of the Tabernacle, and there the High Priest accepts it and kills it as a sacrifice. CR386:6

Of God – In covering your sins through your faith in Christ. F486; R2734:4; Q457:T; CR1:6

Manifest through Christ in our justification. T118:T

God's mercies are to a certain extent over all. He sends his sunshine and his rain upon the evil as well as upon the good. (Matt. 5:45) R5423:3

That ye present – Any consecrating after the heavenly class is complete, will find that the Lord has plenty of blessings of some other kind still to give. F157; R4836:4

Do your best. It may be that there is an opening. Consecrate your time, your talents, all that you have, to the service of God. He is a good paymaster; whatever reward he may give you will be a prize. R5168:6

God always gives large rewards to those who manifest their faith and loyalty towards him and his cause. R4836:4, 4574:6

Mal. 3:3 speaks of the "offering in righteousness." The offering now being made to God is the offering of the Church. R4709:4

None but justified believers are thus privileged to present themselves or to be sacrifices upon the Lord's altar. OV316:3

His invitation to become members of the Body of Christ. R4614:3, 2772:5

By consecration. OV242:T; R5775:5, 5035:2; Q609:4

On the basis of faith in the Redeemer's work, the believer may consecrate himself to the divine service, in acceptance of the divine invitation. R5284:3

We hear God's message that he is now selecting a class for the purpose of blessing all the earth. This message reaches our hearts, so we take the Apostle's advice and present our body a living sacrifice. OV403:1

It is not the new creature who does the presenting; there is no new creature at the time the body is presented. R5423:5

Present your body every day. CR407:2; R5532:3, 5422:6

Laying down our lives daily, and hour by hour. R5422:6, 5423:2, 4632:5; CR407:2; Q147:3

Includes not only the primary presentation but a continuation. R5126:3, 5532:3; CR295:6

As our High Priest "offered up himself to God" (Heb 7:27; 9:14), so the under-priesthood must all offer up themselves to God, also. F122

The priestly class are specially devoted to God and his service. This class is sometimes pictured by Aaron's sons and sometimes by the body of Aaron, Christ being the Head. R5873:4

Our Lord has been offering sacrifices for sins as the antitypical High Priest. All of the antitypical priesthood must offer up sacrifices, else they cannot be of the Royal Priesthood. R4354:4

Our Lord Jesus Christ first offered himself up, and then the Church. He as the High Priest first killed his human nature, represented by the bullock in the type. Then he kills the human nature of his Church. CR486:6

On the Day of Atonement, the two goats represented the household of faith, all of God's people who have offered their bodies living sacrifices: (1) willing sacrificers; (2) unwilling sacrificers. R4855:1, 5196:5

There was enough merit in the antitypical bullock to have been applied for the sins of the world. But God's arrangement permitted the Church to share in the sacrifice in order to share in the glory. R5622:2

Only the High Priest had the authority to sacrifice on the Day of Atonement. We should give ourselves to the Lord, as the goat was tied to the door of the Tabernacle for the High Priest to sacrifice. Q576:4

Should not be confounded with the Lord's presentation of us. R4966:1

You can merely do the presenting; the High Priest has to do the offering. CR408:1; R4998:2; Q614:T, 489:6

Since Pentecost Jesus has been accepting and offering as his members such as present their bodies living sacrifices. PD47/59

While we are in a justified attitude, God waits for Christ to present us, our sins forgiven; and this happens when we are ready to be his disciple. Then Christ says, I am ready to be your advocate. Q408:T

The Father accepted the gift of Jesus' consecrated life, and permitted that gift to constitute a sin-offering for others. Through this age, the brethren are invited to give themselves to God. R4915:2

We are not making a sin-offering to God, for this we could not do. The divine arrangement accepts our gift through the merit of Christ. Later those gifts will constitute the great sin-offering for the world. Q609:5; R5423:6

Now is the time appointed of the Father as the "acceptable year of the Lord" (Isa. 61:2) when God is willing to receive first the sacrifice of Jesus and then the sacrificing of those justified by his blood. R4505:2

We have entered at this strait gate and upon this narrow way, and have made this covenant of complete sacrifice to the Lord, giving our wills and all earthly rights to him, that his will may be done in us. R5055:3

Be our sacrifice ever so lame and imperfect, it is reckoned holy and without blemish; but it must be a free-will offering, and it must be a whole burnt-offering--not the smallest piece can be kept back. R1133:1

When Paul requested money for the poor at Jerusalem (2 Cor. 8), he wished to inculcate giving from the heart, resulting in giving themselves more completely than ever to the Lord. R4526:4

"Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it": "Present your bodies," "Love as brethren," "Run the race set before you," "Add to your moderation, God-likeness," "Let your light shine before men." (John 2:5; 1 Pet. 3:8; Heb. 12:1; 2 Pet. 1:6; Matt. 5:16) R3163:6

"Save yourselves from this untoward generation" (Acts 2:40) by having all the desires of the flesh (those proper and right, as well as the sinful ones) under subjection and laid daily on God's altar. R1151:4*

We consecrate our body (Rom. 12:1), mind (Rom. 8-9), influence (Phil. 3:7), reputation (Luke 6:22), time (1 Pet. 4:2), talents (Rom. 12:6), and substance (1 Cor. 16:2). R465:4*

To present our bodies a living sacrifice means to be crucified with Christ, baptized into his death, dead with him as men but alive unto God as new creatures. R328:5*

"I lay down my life. No man taketh it from me." (Men might seem to take his life by crucifying him, but they did not.) The believer also sacrifices voluntarily. "And I will raise him up at the last day." (John 10:17, 18; 6:40) R198:3*

We are responsible to be immersed if we understand baptism. If we hold back, understanding, we are not fully dead to our own will. If we never understood the symbol, we have no obligation for water baptism. CR412:1

May apply to us from two standpoints, either before we become consecrated (the initial step of consecration), or afterwards (continuing to present our body every day). CR407:1; R5423:1

After an individual has made the presentation of his body for sacrifice, and he has been begotten of the holy Spirit, he is reckoned as a new creature, and God accepts him as a son. R5035:2

It may be that some circumstances awaken them to the need of consecration before taking the step that will enable them to become sons of God. But they must be called of God. R5134:1

Many would rejoice to present their bodies living sacrifices in God's service if a leader would rise and break in pieces the great creed idols of Christendom and liberate the people from bondage to them. R5734:1

Your bodies – Each is to present his own body: "I beseech all ye brethren that you all present your bodies." Q155:4

It is your mortal bodies which you are to sacrifice in the Lord's service. R5422:6, 5423:5

We begin laying down luxuries and worldly advantages and end the service with the actual death of our human self. R942:3

To become members of the Royal Priesthood means a participation with Jesus in the sacrifice of earthly life. PD25/36

Consecrating to God's service every power and talent you possess, thus becoming priests. A226; T118; Q614:3; R4634:1

Includes all you have, your thoughts, words and doings. Q614:3; R5423:6

Full surrender of the flesh and its interests. R4980:1

We have bodies which we are willing to coerce into submission. Q489:T; R4797:6

Their sins that are past are all cleansed; but attaching to the flesh are certain imperfections, which from time to time crop out; the new will must regulate the mortal body. SM430:2

The term "bodies" seems to include all there is of our earthly existence. Jesus gave his life (Matt. 20:28), his body (Heb. 10:10). His all was given as ransom (1 Tim. 2:6). R328:3*

If you by faith will present your body a living sacrifice, even if that body is not worth the full value of human perfection, God will impute enough of Christ's merit to supply your deficiency. R5196:2

Such a one gives up all hope or right in a future restitution. R5423:6, 4535:5

Additionally, we forego our share of restitution privileges. However, it is not necessary for one to have an appreciation of the coming restitution blessings in order to sacrifice these. R4900:1

In "the times of restitution," our title to life would have been made good, but we have consecrated that life (reckoned as restored). R914:3

The step which will enable them to become sons of God. R5134:1

According to the flesh, we are no more. We are in the spirit. We have ceased to be, from a human standpoint. We sacrificed our humanity. Q457:T

The death of Christ releases us from the Adamic penalty. We die to complete the sacrifice. Not only dead to the world, but really dead. If we have been planted in his death, we shall so be resurrected. R128:2*

The Redeemer and Restorer is spiritual, having given up the human a sacrifice for all, and from this spiritual class when highly exalted all blessings must proceed. A294

The Prince of Peace is followed by an army of saints walking in his footsteps, not having slain nor wounded others but having conquered by dying themselves, sacrificing self. R5495:4

Jesus permitted sinful men to take his perfect earthly life without resistance, although he had the power to call for legions of angels for protection. His life, not sinful weaknesses, was his sacrifice. R4835:3

If we would be so honored by a share of his resurrection, we must be faithful now and make our calling and election sure by walking in his steps and finishing the sacrificing of our flesh. R4108:6

Our stewardship is over what we have and not over what we have not. Many let talents they do possess lie idle, while they make unprofitable endeavors to create and use others not given them. R1047:2

Each who has presented himself to God must consider how he can most fully use his all in the service to which he has consecrated it; and he cannot decide by likes, fears, preference or convenience. R1029:2

If your first love has begun to cool a little, thank God for his special message of meat in due season which wonderfully awakens and encourages. Take for your examples Jesus and Paul. R946:3

The goat which was slain represented the bodies of the saints, which they are called upon to sacrifice. The Gospel age is an age of suffering, beginning with the personal sufferings of Christ the Head. R157:2*

Pictured by the goat that goes all the way through the court to the door of the Tabernacle, and there the priest accepts it and kills it as a sacrifice. CR386:6; R5423:5

They had not yet apprehended that for which Christ had apprehended them. (Phil. 3:12) That is the "mark"--the winning post--"for the prize of the high calling." Sacrifice is demanded for that. R99:3*

The Lord cares for our joy and comfort. He asks only what is for our good--"reasonable service"; and yet he asks all--"your bodies." Self denial, under the Lord's direction, is the surest means of happiness. R21:4*

We have been called of God to be joint-heirs with Jesus Christ in all the things that the Father has given him. But if we would share those things we must be faithful unto death; the flesh is to be sacrificed. CR248:3

Thus we are reckoned dead with Christ. CR2:1

Whereas Mormons believe that if they do not at least take one wife they will not be counted worthy, Jesus and Paul commended these sacrifices of earthly rights and privileges. HG732:2*

The Apostle asks, "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this dead body?" He answers himself by saying that the deliverance comes through a full surrender to Christ, "Present your bodies." (Rom. 7:24, 25) OV316:2

A living sacrifice – The term "sacrifice" is translated from the Greek word, thusia, and means a slaughter, or an animal slaughtered. R328:2*

Not merely abstaining from sin; nobody ever had a right to sin. F158

The Scriptures draw a sharp distinction between the natural man and the new creature. Some natural men have very fine characters. A new creature has presented his justified life a living sacrifice. R3913:3

However contrary the desires of the flesh may be to "the law of the Spirit of life," this law must have supreme jurisdiction, and they that are Christ's must crucify the flesh with its passions. R814:2*

When we get the scriptural measure of a Christian, it compels us to recognize the fact that there are not many in the world. He not only walks in the way of righteousness, but presents his body a sacrifice. CR62:2

To understand God's dealing in the present time, nominal Christians or mere professors must not be confounded with the Little Flock who have responded to the Gospel call for self-sacrificing saints. OV344:1

You cannot be members of the Body unless you sacrifice. CR49:4; R5465:5; SM140:T; Q610:4

Human sacrifice. PT391:2*; R5086:5

Paul, as well as the Master, intimates that there is a more difficult sacrifice than the offering of praise (Heb. 13:15) and thanksgiving (Psa. 116:17) when we forsake all and take up our cross. R4535:2

The "elect" are to be dead with him, "immersed into his death." OV242:T

Dead to the flesh, to self, and everything worldly. R5837:1, 1586:2

"If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them" (John 13:17). The "high calling" costs all we have, though it is also worth all it costs. Some are not willing to pay the price, obedience. R1802:2

A constant surrender of self-will. R5423:2; SM273:1; OV344:1

You shall consecrate and give every power which you possess to God's service; then you shall live not for self, nor for anything but for and in the service of him who bought you with his own precious blood. A226; R273:3

The Little Flock walk in the steps of our Savior and present their bodies living sacrifices in the service of truth and righteousness. SM42:2

Loyal, faithful covenanters consecrate their little all of time, talent, influence, prospects, and maintain this attitude of consecration daily, hourly. R5947:4, 5423:1

Not that you are to commit suicide and destroy your body, but day by day using your strength and life in the Lord's service. R5423:1

The present call of the Church is for those who have the "same mind which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5)--a call for sacrificers. This sacrificing is to forward his cause, to minister, not just to suffer. R5324:1, 2, 1586:2

Presenting your bodies includes not only the primary presentation but the continuation of the living sacrifice to the completion of the work. R5126:3

We lose forever all right to life on the human plane, and all right in earthly interests. R5197:1,2; 5423:5

These will not be included in the restoration to Adam's original perfection because they are called out of the world and invited to become new creatures in Christ, sharers in the divine nature. R5318:4

We have been called of the Lord not to restitution, but to sacrifice, and the healing of Paul's eyes would have been a restitution blessing. R4433:4

The only exceptions to the rule of restoration to Adam's original perfection will be those who are now justified by faith in Christ and given the opportunity to present themselves as living sacrifices. Q682:4

It is not necessary to have an appreciation of restitution blessings in order to sacrifice them. Some in the past did not have a full knowledge of the ransom; but they gave up everything. R4900:2

The call was first to a justifying faith in Christ. Then the privilege was offered to these to present themselves as living sacrifices and thus go forward to battle. That is more than weak faith can endure. R1876:4

Not all of the justified have responded to this call or invitation of the Gospel age. The great majority have been satisfied to simply have a measure of reconciliation, and have ignored Paul's exhortation. HG378:4

A Christian goes beyond faith in the precious blood and righteous endeavors and striving against sin to a voluntary surrender of the will and all we possess to the service of God. SM273:1

Our sacrificing does not make us brethren, for all who are freed from sin are brethren; justification, reckoned purity, is on account of Jesus' sacrifice. But the heavenly prize requires our sacrifice. R742:3

Full justification can come to us only after we have made a complete consecration to the Lord. R5775:6

Only by sacrifice could any come into the spirit-begotten relationship with God as "new creatures in Christ Jesus." R4646:2

The only way to obtain justification in God's sight is by the acceptance of Christ and by a full consecration to be his disciples and to join with him in his covenant of sacrifice. (Psa. 50:5) R5027:4; OV280:1

Sinning against the blood that justifies (justified by faith in the blood of Jesus) does not merit second death. Sinning against the blood that sanctifies (sanctified by consecration) merits second death. R4321:4

The call of this age is for sacrificers only--to follow our Redeemer's footsteps of self-denial even unto death. (Matt. 10:39, 2 Tim. 2:12) R4920:3

When we sacrifice ourselves wholly and unreservedly, it includes not merely our hearts, our wills, our intentions, but all they control: our mortal bodies, health, strength, time, talent, influence, money. R3844:5

As the Shepherd (the King's Son) himself was sacrificed as the Lamb of God, the sheep of the Little Flock now being called are to suffer with Christ--with the Lamb of God--are all to be "living sacrifices." R2442:4

A sharer of the sufferings of Christ. E487

The Gospel age call has been, Who will take up the cross and follow me? Who is willing to ignore himself and suffer with Christ? Who will present this human nature a living sacrifice and become dead with him? R442:5

It is our privilege "to be dead with him" and "suffer with him" (2 Tim. 2:11, 12), "to fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ" (Col. 1:24). R3683:3

Those begotten of the truth, who hear and obey this call to become joint-sacrificers with Christ Jesus, thus become heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant, joint-heirs with Christ, members of the "seed." R905:5

Our Lord having provided a ransom for Adam's race with his own life, can justly give a new offer of life to all. This offer to the Church is under the covenant of sacrifice. A141

The spiritual nature and reward can be attained only by faithfulness to our covenant of sacrifice even unto death. R5806:6, 4646:2

In view of the sacrifice of the human nature, the gift of God in exchange is, a spiritual nature, and hence the term "new creatures." R2980:4, 4784:3

The Father invites us to come in and be living sacrifices with Christ, partakers of his sufferings (even though Christ is sufficient as a ransom-price for the sins of the whole world) so we may be glorified. R4855:5

Because we are promised to be glorified with Christ, our way is "narrow," difficult, in contrast to the "high way" to eternal life in the Millennium. R4434:4

We are to take up the cross and follow him. We are to suffer with him if we would reign with him. We are to join with him in his covenant of sacrifice. R4807:2

We are assured that if we suffer with him, and be dead in his sacrificial death, we shall also live with him and reign with him in his Mediatorial Kingdom. R4497:6, 5638:4, 4855:5, 2616:6

Those are truly wise have sought the divinely appointed King and bring to him the incense of their devotion, and as gifts all their talents and powers. They lay their very lives at the Savior's feet. R4534:6

The Church is honored in that she is permitted to suffer with her Lord. R4630:1, 1586:2

You consecrate wholly, thus becoming priests. T118:T

Those called to be members of the Body of Christ, the under priesthood, of which Christ is the High Priest, could consecrate to their office only by sacrifice. R5299:3

The Apostle did not mean that the brethren were to present all their bodies as one sacrifice, but each to present his own body. Q155:4

Jesus has, since Calvary, been completing his "better sacrifices" by presenting the bodies of his saints acceptable to God. R5285:6

Typified by the sacrifice of the Lord's goat. R4035:1

The "better sacrifices" are the antitypical ones begun by our Lord Jesus when he consecrated himself to death at baptism, and participated in by his faithful footstep-followers. R3318:6

The Body of Christ is joined with our Lord in the atonement sacrifice; their sacrifice could not have been acceptable without Jesus' merit. When it is complete, the work of suffering for sin ends. R3000:1, 1262:5

We do not do our own killing, sacrificing ourselves. He does all the sacrificing. Q410:T, 552:3

Keep in sight the intimate relationship and close resemblance between the bullock and the Lord's goat; it should continually stir us up to see that we are being crucified with him if we would reign with him. R245:6

"Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins"; God provided the sacrifices of the Law as foreshadowings of the "better sacrifices" of Christ and his followers. (Heb. 9:22, 23) HG418:4

The sacrifice of the antitypical goat class has been in process from the Day of Pentecost. This Gospel age has been the antitypical Day of Atonement in which "the better sacrifices" have been offered. OV106:5

The two goats of the Atonement Day represent God's people who have offered their bodies living sacrifices. Only one of them became a follower of the bullock and had experiences exactly the same as his. Q659:1

Let us lay aside everything precious to us of an earthly kind, that we may run with patience the race set before us (Heb. 12:1). R2702:5

By faithfully exercising your ambassadorship. E490

When God accepts our consecration, he sanctifies or sets us apart to whatever work or office he pleases. R441:3

If you are willing to give time in the Lord's service as part of your "living sacrifice," labor in the vineyard through love of the brethren still in Babylon. They are in danger, but do not realize it. R2456:3

"Love less" your family, your own life; bear your cross; forsake all you have. The terms are plain. No one failing to do this is recognized of the Lord as his disciple or can enjoy the privileges of being one. R2072:1

Keep a sharp lookout on how you can sacrifice your own interests wisely in the competitive business world, even to making a change to some less competitive means of livelihood. R2033:1

Present your bodies. Seek to do all things to the glory of God, that you may glorify him in spirit and mind which are his. Ask the Lord to permit you to be used in his service. Write letters, send tracts. Q614:1

"Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5) None are saints without sacrifice. Rev. 11:18 makes a distinction between those who fear God's name and the saints. R156:3*

Water baptism is the symbol of joining Christ in his death. It is a witness before the brethren that one has already repented, been justified, and consecrated. HG284:4

Abel's blood cried to God for justice. But Jesus' blood cried to God for mercy on the sinner. By a special covenant, Jesus and his elect Church lay down their lives sacrificially for Adam and his race. PD12/21

This is the only way that we could be with him on the spirit plane. If we retain the human nature, we can never get to heaven. Those not begotten from above may get an earthly blessing, but not the heavenly. Q610:4

"Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life." (Matt. 7:14) Now there is just one way. No one has the right to make the terms one whit less than God shows: deny self, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Q399:T

Those who accept this invitation are privileged to sacrifice their all of earthly time, talent, wealth, etc. SM430:1; R3870:1

The Great Company neglected opportunities for laying down their lives, their time, influence, money, in the Lord's service. R5423:3

Every member must finish the work of presenting his body a living sacrifice before the epiphania or apokalupsis of the Lord in power and great glory, but not before the parousia. R4543:6

In the end of this acceptable day will come the end of all opportunity to sacrifice the human nature and become partakers of the heavenly nature. SM49:T

The High Priest of the Melchizedek order does no sacrificing, but is a blessing priest. He had sacrificed in the days of his flesh. SM140:T

Few have heeded this message to the Church or the message to the world to live a good life; because the depraved or carnal mind is opposed to the law of God, as a natural consequence, the trouble will come. A309

Holy, acceptable – Whole or complete. Q457:T

Justified (reckoned perfect) by faith in Christ's redemptive sacrifice. R5318:4, 1262:5

Counted as holy, justified freely from sin through the merit of the blood of Jesus. R4464:1, 5836:6, 4966:4, 4759:2, 4640:5, 2987:5, 1586:2; Q69:2; CR58:6; SM430:1

Ransomed, justified, and therefore acceptable; otherwise we would have nothing to offer God. A196; F152

We must be justified by faith in Christ before we would have anything acceptable to lay upon God's altar; it must be accepted of God at the hand of our great High Priest before we are his Royal Priesthood. F122

Since God is unwilling to receive as a sacrifice anything that is blemished, we, as members of the blemished and condemned race, could not be acceptable until first we were reckoned justified from all sin. F116; R1586:2

The Church has her Redeemer's merit imputed to her by (because of) faith--to cover the weaknesses and blemishes of her flesh, so that her flesh may be presented holy and acceptable to the Father. R5079:4

Our sacrifice must be without blemish, not filthy nor sinful; we must be justified freely from all things, "holy" through the cleansing that is in the blood of Christ, if we would be acceptable to God. R882:5

The Church must first be "justified freely from all things" before they could in any degree come within the limitations of the high calling. R2629:6, 1262:5

The consecration of our all puts us in the way to be eligible to apply the merit of Jesus, put over us as the wedding garment covering our imperfection. His merit makes us acceptable to God. R5559:6

Our human nature having been redeemed by our Lord's death, must in the sight of Jehovah, be just as pure and perfect as was the human nature of Jesus, for his perfectness was imputed to us. R297:6

To those already consecrated, complete the good work which you have begun. R5423:1, 5031:5

To one who has not completed his consecration, God is willing to accept you through Christ's imputed merit, if you take this step of consecration. R5423:1, 4854:6, 4634:1, 4632:4; Q658:4

If they fall into line with the divine provision and present their bodies a living sacrifice, they are met half way by the Lord. R4629:2

The Master appeared in the presence of God, after finishing his sacrificial work, to impute to the believers his covering for their imperfections, and to give them a standing with the Father. R5003:5

Pentecost was the proof that the Church had been ransomed--that justice was satisfied, and that our sins were cancelled. Thereupon the High Priest began at once his secondary offering of his members. R4518:6

Jesus stands as the great Advocate for all those who desire to come in as members of his Body. Through the merit of the Advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous, the Father justifies us freely. CR173:4

Justification by faith is necessary because nothing unholy or unclean may come to the Lord's altar. R4398:2

Our Lord Jesus, as our great Advocate, makes us acceptable sacrifices; it is only upon our becoming acceptable sacrifices that we can present our bodies; this being done, the Father accepts them. R4764:3

Only because of our relationship to the great Advocate. R4632:4

We do not come to God directly, but through the great High Priest, who imputes his merit, and includes our sacrifice as a part of his own. We have been presented in God's way and have been accepted. R5423:6

Our offerings to Jehovah, our little all, would be unacceptable, because we were children of wrath; but our great High Priest's merit makes them acceptable. "Thanks be to God." (2 Cor. 9:15) HG595:4

When the High Priest presents us to God, covered with his own merit as a robe, we are assured that our sacrifices are acceptable. R5006:5

We are participants in sacrifice, our sacrifice being counted holy by God because of our faith in and relationship to the Great High Priest. R4390:2

Both sacrifices were made by the priest, not by the bullock nor by the goat; when our Lord shall present the blood of his secondary sacrifice (the blood of his Church), he will be presenting "his own blood." R4546:6

Our Lord's death, represented by that of the bullock, applied on behalf of the household of faith, justifies them freely from all sin and permits them to become acceptable sacrifices. R4340:4, 1262:5

Since our Lord sacrificed himself at Calvary (the basis of the New Covenant), he has been completing his "better sacrifices" by presenting the bodies of his saints, holy and acceptable, to God. R5285:6

The Redeemer imputes the merit of his sacrifice to the Church's and makes it acceptable as a part of his own sacrifice. Q376:3

Because Christ becomes endorser for these. R4634:1

Jesus needs his own righteousness, but he no longer needs his right to human life and the righteousness which goes with that right; and so he imputes that to the Church, sufficient to make holy their sacrifice. Q339:1

We have no right to everlasting life--merely a little unexpired scrap of life received from Father Adam. Jesus is empowered by his sacrifice to give the restitution life to us to present in sacrifice. Q141:T

Our wills are renewed, but we must bring every thought into harmony with God's will: first learning to follow righteousness; then that which is wholly acceptable to him; and, thirdly, his perfect will. R4830:6

The cleansing of justification by faith is for the very purpose of cleansing us that we might be acceptable sacrifices on his altar. R4493:4

Justification by faith is granted to us for a purpose and for a time--to furnish us the opportunity for sacrificing the earthly restitution rights which Jesus tendered to us. CR58:6

We are justified through faith in Jesus' blood. Thence we have a standing of justification, imputed to us for the purpose of permitting us to sacrifice our human rights. We are "immersed into his death." CR75:6

There is one standard which must be attained before any can be accepted of the Father as members of the Body of Christ. That step is consecration even unto death. Then the Redeemer imputes his merit. CR88:5

"He restoreth my soul" (Psalm 23:3) corresponds with our justification to life. By faith, a complete restoration of soul is granted to the believer, that he might have something to offer in sacrifice to God. R3269:5

"In Christ shall all be made alive." All who by faith lay hold upon this new source of life are reckoned of God as partakers of it so that they can have access to the gospel which began with our Lord. R875:6*

Our sacrifices are considered holy because of the imputation of Jesus' merit, which sacrifices God has accepted, begetting the offerer to the new nature as a new creature. R4591:6

Our willing services and sacrifices as new creatures. R4495:1

It is the spirit of the Head coming upon these that produces the sacrifice of the justified flesh. R4398:5

Being graciously reckoned of God as holy through Christ, from the hour of our entire consecration to his will, because our will and effort are to be so, we are to go on striving against our imperfections. R1739:2, 1262:5

Every day, Christians should keep their accounts squared with the Lord. If they come short, they should lose no time in obtaining forgiveness through the merit of the Savior's sacrifice. R5420:5

All members of the Body of Messiah came by way of the cross--through a recognition of their own imperfection, and of Jesus and his sacrifice as the satisfaction for their sins. SM186:T

Our sins are graciously covered through the merit of his sacrifice. Our chastisements, therefore, are not penalties for our imperfect flesh, but disciplinary to the intent that we may be complete in him. R3133:4

Many seem to think that all that is required is to give a certain portion of our time and substance. Cain came with such a sacrifice, and it was not received. Abel's better sacrifice was accepted. R328:6*

Learning from Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, let us seek to bring to the Lord such sacrifices as he is pleased to receive, in the proper spirit, as did our Head. He is our perfect Pattern. R2778:5

Not a tithe, but all that we have (Luke 14:33). So Christ magnified the Law. We are to give all that we can in as direct a way as we can, and the remainder is to be given him in a more indirect way. HG583:1

Sacrifice is not an obligation or requirement. The Father never forces sacrifices; but he accepts them, and now is the acceptable time to present them, and these are the terms of fellowship with him. R5422:3

The 144,000 are justified through faith in Jesus' blood, making their sacrifices acceptable. Their sacrifices are not compelled by justice, and they receive a high reward. R4262:5

As sons and heirs. R1008:4

The Ancient Worthies presented their bodies, their lives, but God was unwilling to accept imperfect creatures at his altar. Jesus' followers have been acceptable because they are made perfect by the Redeemer. R4836:1

Three and a half years after the cross, when God sent the Gospel message to Cornelius, his favors became as open to the Gentile as to the Jew--"the middle wall of partition" was "broken down." (Eph. 2:14) R5101:1

Now is the time that God will accept us. It will not always be an acceptable time. It will cease when the last member of the Bride class has been gathered, and there will be no more sacrifice. CR55:4

Our High Priest will not make application of his ransom-merit for the world until the end of this age when he has finished the use of it for the Church--enabling those drawn of the Father to present themselves. R4832:2

At the end of this age the blood, "holy and acceptable" through Jesus' merit, will be applied "for all the people." R4537:6

Unto God – To whom the price was paid. E450; R685:4

Because our Lord's sacrifice was every way acceptable to the Father. R4546:3, 4965:2, 4390:2; Q489:6

Reasonable service – Faith in the Redeemer, accompanied by a consecration to follow righteousness, brings justification--but does not imply sacrifice. Sacrifice is a voluntary act--not demanded. F152

Every other course is unreasonable, irrational, unwise. R3326:4

To refuse to accept this offer would show a puerility of judgment, a weakness of mind. R5424:1,4

If it was a reasonable service for Jesus, then surely ours is most reasonable. R5423:2

It would be very unreasonable to accept God's marvelous favor and then neglect to live up to the conditions attached. R5423:4

Consecration is the normal attitude for all of God's intelligent creatures. R5134:2, 5477:3, 5423:1

The thankful leper was an example of the character God is seeking. If we have been justified, cleansed, covered, blessed and favored, we should return and prostrate ourselves before him, living sacrifices. R2723:1

Anyone possessed of a sound mind, able to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the present life compared with eternal life in God's Kingdom, must confess that it is reasonable to lay down our lives. R2659:4

Our surrender to the Lord was "the answer of a good conscience toward God." (1 Pet. 3:21) SM345:1

If it was proper that the Israelite should give one-tenth of all his income to benevolent purposes, it is much more proper that we, who have been still more highly favored, should render all unto our God. R2486:4

Would be so if no reward were promised. R1586:2

The only safe course for any of the justified lies in consecration; i.e., in a voluntary and full surrender to Christ. All who realize freedom through Christ's pardon should submit themselves to him. R1066:5

The Lord does not invite us to sacrifice ourselves (now) without any reward. R5423:2

The prize which he attaches makes it unspeakably desirable and precious. R5423:4

Having surrendered our will to the Lord and having started out in the narrow way, we should seek to know what our reasonable service to him would include, what things are approved and disapproved. R5745:1

We should endeavor to find out what the Bible calls "reasonable"--an earnest desire to render thanks to the Lord for his great mercy and love, and to know what is the Lord's will for us that we may do it. R5677:6

Having come to the place where we are recipients of the blessings from heaven and the privilege of this association, we should consider it a reasonable service to present our bodies living sacrifices to him. R3966:2

Thank God that we are not any longer outsiders, that we have heard the Master's voice, and have accepted the Lord's grace provided for us in our Redeemer's sacrifice, and entered into the holy place. CR35:1

This chapter is linked with Psa. 121 and Matt 6:33 as readings for "Happy conclusions." HG474:5

After we have responded to the divine "call" and entered into a covenant of sacrifice with Christ (Psalm 50:5) to be dead with him, then works, self-denials, sufferings, are required. R4494:4

The entire Church is pouring out its soul unto death, a sharer in all of the Lord's sufferings, and she will be a participator in all of his joys and blessings. SM783:1

Reason is continually appealed to and satisfied with reference to divine truth: God expects his people to exercise a reasonable faith, drawn by logical deductions from established premises. R1566:1

Only a new mind, secured through a consecration of one's being to God, will transform the depraved heart. In relying on a burnishing of the intellect only, the world is leaning on a broken staff. R1189:6

People who claim to be Christian have not been taught how to approach God in the right way. They have never passed from condemnation to justification, through faith in Jesus and consecration to God. CR494:5

If some should present themselves after the acceptable time, they would be honored with the Ancient Worthies. Sacrifice is a reasonable service, and God gives large rewards. R4836:2

2 and be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what [is] the will of God the good, and acceptable, and perfect. Be not conformed to – Patterned after. R1586:2

Fashioned after. R1096:5*

Or bent down to this world. CR4:2

Do not be entangled with the things of this world. The chief duty of the Christian is to devote himself to preparing for the Kingdom of the Lord. Q850:1

Paul does not say, "Do not conform yourselves," but "Be not conformed." We do not conform ourselves; we submit ourselves. R627:1

This world – Our Lord said of his disciples, "They are not of the world even as I am not of the world." (John 17:16) A269

Its ideas, hopes and aims. R1586:2

Be ye transformed – Formed over again. R5325:2, 3674:2; SM431:1, 229:2; CR394:3

Remodeled, changed. R1586:2

Turned upward. CR4:2

We do not transform ourselves; we submit ourselves to the will of God to be transformed by heavenly influences through the Word of God. A203; R5482:4, 627:4

Into his glorious image in our hearts. R5641:3

This does not signify a perfection in the flesh, which is an impossibility, but a perfection of heart, intention, will, endeavor. R5902:1

The Word of Christ has entered into our hearts. Our minds, our aims, our ambitions--everything--are being transformed, are being set on heavenly things. OV429:3

Reach the mental attitude in which divine regulations are not grievous, but really joyous. R4346:1

Our minds are to be filled with holy thoughts of the Lord and his service. R5739:1, 5246:6, 4808:2

The renewing of the mind, not a work in the flesh; although it will affect the flesh to some extent. SM431:1

All who are slaves of the Lord Jesus are voluntary slaves; you can renounce this bondage if you please. But you will find that every time you had to give up your own will you had a greater blessing in return. R5726:4

Divine assurances make strong the weak and give courage not only in respect to the future life but also in the affairs of the present. R5114:4

So that eventually we come to hate the things we once loved and to love the things we once despised. CR475:1; R5739:1, 5726:3

Thereafter matters are to be decided not according to their preferences, but according to principles of justice and love. SM431:1; R5482:4, 4909:4

A second privileged step of faith, beyond the hope of human restitution, is the access into a still higher position of favor, the privilege of being transformed to a higher nature. R1585:3

Made new creatures by the holy Spirit of God. R371:1

To the heavenly nature. A198

There is a transformation of character (from sin to righteousness); but the transformation in this text is a transformation of nature (promised to believers during the Gospel age, on conditions). R626:1

"Mind-cure" teachers realize the power of the mind over the body, thinking this is something new. Satan assists these theories by granting blessings of health, but these are occult powers. SM322:1

By the renewing – The gradual bending heavenward of that which naturally bends earthward. A198

Having it made over. R5246:6

Through faith. R4982:5

It is not until the old creature submits and we are transformed, so far as the will is concerned, that we become new creatures. R4810:2

Through a sanctified will the mind is renewed, transformed; and the desires, hopes and aims begin to gravitate toward the spiritual and unseen things promised, while the human hopes die. R626:2

The process of mortifying the deeds of the body involves a separation from the world. "Though the outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day." (2 Cor. 4:16) R100:1*

Of your mind – Will. R2505:4

"We have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor. 2:16) R2130:6; CR4:2

The new mind is the new creature that is being raised out of the dead body. CR469:5

New hopes, aims, ambitions, desires, affections. OV379:1; CR394:3

The Christian's most important life-work. R2123:6

Particularly in the development of benevolence, veneration and spirituality. R2540:6

God wishes to appeal to our reason, because we are thus better developed than in any other way. We are learning to do his will from the teachings of our Lord Jesus and the writings of the apostles. R5482:5

"Sanctify them through thy truth." (John 17:17) It is an error to presume that the sanctifying work can go on better without the truth. R1628:5

Endeavoring to think as Christ thought and to do as he did or would do in your circumstances. R1586:2

The spirit of the Lord God is the power or influence exerted upon the minds and hearts of those who have surrendered their own wills and are obedient to the divine will. Q808:4

God is dealing with our spirits, our minds. Through the transforming influence of his Word, he is giving us a new mind; and it is this new mind which he receives into his family. This becomes the new creature. SM350:1

The change of mind from human to spiritual which we experience here is the beginning of the change of nature. It is a very small beginning, but the begetting is always a small beginning. R626:5

We must show the Lord that our mind is continually striving for those things which are good, kind, loving and generous. SM229:3

Prove – Know. R4909:4, 2131:1

An exhortation to study. R1273:1, 1781:5

Come to a knowledge of his will. SM350:4

Good – What is God's will as to our following righteousness. R4830:6

And acceptable – What is wholly acceptable to God. R4830:6

And perfect – He leads us, not contrary to our wills, but in harmony therewith; to prove what is the good, next the acceptable, and finally, the perfect will of God. R5654:3

Those who have thoroughly learned the lessons of this school will be those who have been obedient children. R5482:5

This gradual development is to proceed with those who are spirit-begotten. R4830:6

Will of God – As expressed in his Word. R5489:4

Through the fall, we have lost appreciation of God's will, and hence are exhorted to study to prove what it is. R1781:5, 1273:1

All his ways are perfect, righteous. "He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness." (Psa. 23:3) He causes me to learn to appreciate the desirableness of his ways and the undesirableness of every other way. R5654:3

It is all-important that our will be entirely consecrated to God and righteousness; and that it strengthen itself in the Lord as it determines the will of God, as expressed in his Word. R5489:4

The divine will now having become our will, we begin to reason, to judge, to think, from the divine standpoint: God's plan is our plan, and God's purposes and ways are ours. R626:2

If, in the very beginning, we have a desire to do God's will and to go on unto perfection, we shall understand it better and be more and more able to perform it. Q53:T

Since God expects every member of his family to have a perfect will, it becomes a personal question as to what is the will of God for us. We seek diligently to prove what it is. SM350:3

3 For I say, through the grace that was given to me, to every one who is among you, not to think above what it behoveth to think; but to think so as to think wisely, as to each God did deal a measure of faith, Grace given unto me – Paul foresaw that one of the greatest temptations would be ambition to be highly esteemed. R1586:3

More highly – The truth of God is in accord with the highest development of human reason; but human reason cannot attain full development except under divine instruction. R1566:6

Some may be proud of having the truth or of their ability to serve the truth. R5842:3

The quality of self-conceit is dangerous to Christians. Many of the Lord's people have stumbled into evils by thinking the Lord was giving them private lessons and information not vouchsafed to others. R2461:2

Some overestimate their talents, and waste valuable opportunities in trying to do things for which they have little or no talent, and neglect the exercise of other talents which they do possess. R1628:3

Than he ought – In endeavoring to decide what gifts we possess, the Apostle suggests modesty. R733:3

To think soberly – Not according to the flesh, but according to the new nature. E255

To seek to justly estimate actual talents of ourselves and others, and hence the measure of stewardship and responsibility. F243

A sober estimate of self is a humiliating, not an exalting, exercise; yet it is healthful and beneficial. R2094:3*

Such must be the spirit of all who will be permitted to enter into the Kingdom of heaven, on the philosophical principle that humility leads to greatness, and is of itself a great achievement. R1767:2

God's Word and providences bring all followers of Christ to oneness of heart and mind: one is humbled, another exalted. Both learn not to trust in self, but in him who is able to do for them exceedingly. R5114:1

Think of himself soberly. Some are inclined to undervalue their own abilities, and hence fail to be as useful servants of the truth as they might be. R1628:6

Take a sober estimate of one's talents, neither overrating nor underrating them. R1586:3, 1566:6

It is the intoxication that comes from imbibing the spirit of the world that leads to foolish boasting which a man in his sober senses would be ashamed; such intoxication is an abomination in God's sight. R1972:2

As God hath dealt – Through his Word and by his providences. R2811:3

Each of the Lord's servants should seek to use the talent which God has given him. R1638:2

It is the height of presumption for a steward to seek to use talents which the Master has not given him to use. R1047:2

If any man has received much of God's grace, it was because he needed it. R5114:1

To every man – The consecrated ones. R2811:3

The measure – The capacity for faithfulness. R733:4

"God gave not the Spirit by measure unto him." (John 3:34) but his followers receive it by measure, or limitedly. E185

Of faith – Greek, pistis, otherwise translated fidelity, assurance. R2811:2

After we have received of the Lord's Spirit our faith may grow exceedingly, so that we will be able to walk by faith and not by sight. R2811:2

4 for as in one body we have many members, and all the members have not the same office, Not the same office – Each should seek faithfully to use the talents which he possesses. R5225:1

Each should fill his own appointment in the Church, remembering that these gifts are of God who hath set the various members in the Body. R733:3

5 so we, the many, one body are in Christ, and members each one of one another. One body in Christ – The Head of the Body, Jesus, controls the Body, thinks for it, plans for it, and uses the various members to assist each other. F73; R5227:3, 1574:5, 295:3

Jesus is Head and ruler of the entire living Church. Where two or three meet in his name he is the Head, ruler and teacher. R295:4, 1574:6

This one body of many members is viewed by the world as inglorious, but Paul anxiously sought membership in the body even at great cost, especially the chief resurrection it will enjoy. R827:6

There must be no schism in the Body of Christ. R4241:2*

The mind dwells with delight upon the necessary difference between the individuals constituting the members, and the differences between the members themselves, and yet the beautiful oneness of the whole. R437:4*

Every body except one must be spurious and an imitation of the true; yet some deem it wise to unite with "other Christian bodies," and they forget that Papacy is a false "body" under a false "head." R3458:6

One of another – All are useful and needful one to another and each should seek to know his place and to do his part in it for the edification of the Body. R1586:3

6 And having gifts, different according to the grace that was given to us; whether prophecy 'According to the proportion of faith!' Gifts differing – While certain servants are chosen by the Lord for special services, yet others are permitted to serve as did Mark, and still others may serve the Church at home, as did Simeon and Lucius and Manaen. R2141:6

Each of the Lord's servants should seek to use the talent which God has given him, and study how best to use his talents for the edification of his hearers. R1638:2

Consecration includes: body (Rom. 12:1), mind (Rom. 8-9), influence (Phil.3:7), reputation (Luke 6:22), time (1 Pet. 4:2), talents (Rom. 12:6), substance (1 Cor. 16:2). R465:4*

7 or ministration 'In the ministration!' or he who is teaching 'In the teaching!' Or ministry – Serving. R1628:6

Or he that teacheth – He who has a talent for exposition, for making the truth plain. F251

8 or he who is exhorting 'In the exhortation!' he who is sharing 'In simplicity!' he who is leading 'In diligence ' he who is doing kindness 'In cheerfulness.' On exhortation – He who finds himself possessed of a good talent of exhorting should exercise that talent rather than let it lie dormant while endeavoring to exercise a talent which he does not possess in any special degree. F250

He that giveth – Giving of means. R1628:6

Jehovah is not impoverished, and his cause shall not suffer from lack of funds, but the blessing will be to those who are faithful stewards. R450:5

With simplicity – Without ostentation, but with wisdom. It should not go to assisting error. Know what you are assisting to promulgate as truth. R1629:1

He that ruleth – Presiding. R1628:6

He that sheweth mercy – There are honest people who are mean, truthful people who tell the truth in a combative and repellant manner; in the true Christian, love should produce so generous a sentiment as would ennoble every virtue. R2196:6

With cheerfulness – "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) R450:4*

9 The love unfeigned: abhorring the evil; cleaving to the good; Let love – Toward God and toward all, in proportion as they are godlike, or striving to be so. R2213:1

Hypocrisy can be a profession of love which fails to warn of immediate or approaching danger. R416:4*, 664:4

Without dissimulation – Obeying the truth unto unfeigned love of the brethren; love one another with a pure heart fervently. (1 Pet. 1:22) R3603:3, 1586:5

Paul puts us on guard against a merely feigned love (hypocritical) which would only outwardly appear kind and polite. R2213:2, 4895:1

Without pretense. R3830:2

Abhor – Not merely to avoid that which is evil. R4895:1, 2213:2

We should intensely oppose the untrue, the impure, the sinful. Sin and selfishness and "the spirit of the world" should be distressing and repugnant to us. The intense hatred of impurity should be cultivated. R2213:2

That which is evil – Shams and pretense. R3830:2

Cleave – Resolutely adhere at all hazards. By the Lord's grace, be cemented to that which is good and pure and noble--the truth, the way, the life. R2213:2

10 in the love of brethren, to one another kindly affectioned: in the honour going before one another; Kindly affectioned – Cultivate among yourselves that kind of affection which properly belongs in a family, where the blessing or honor of one member signifies the blessing, honor and advancement of all. R2213:3

Make due allowance for inherited weaknesses; deal patiently and helpfully as wisdom may dictate. R4809:2

We must have love and sympathy, and not merely justice. SM433:2

With increasing light and knowledge and privilege, make progress in all the fruits of the spirit. R3112:4

It is a privilege to entertain brethren. Prepare for "pilgrim" brethren to serve, for they are fervent in spirit serving the Lord. Arrange meetings, and invite your friends and neighbors. R2093:1

With brotherly love – "Love as brethren; be pitiful, be courteous" (1 Pet. 3:8,9). "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love" (1 John 4:8). "Let us not love in word (merely), but in truth (sincerely)" (1 John 3:18). R1845:1

Gratefully remembering the love of Jonathan, David lavished affection and kindness on Jonathan's only survivor, loving him "in deed and in truth." (1 John 3:18) R2010:6

God's love pervades our hearts so that selfishness has no room there; we should emulate our Lord who, instead of feeling jealous that others should be exalted to the divine nature, expressed joy to have it so. R3553:1

Express your affection with only such manifestations as would be proper between brethren. (1 Pet. 3:8) R2213:3

Dignified, simple, pure, maintaining a proper reserve towards the opposite sex. R1586:5

In honour preferring – Cultivate in yourselves the spirit of humility and loving service. R1987:3

By such kindness as is entirely consistent with the most refined modesty and purity. R1586:5

The apostles would strive amongst themselves before their begetting of the holy Spirit; but that spirit disappeared after Pentecost, and then they loyally supported and upheld and encouraged one another. R5959:1

So long as teachers were recognized as having been God-provided, and so long as they approved themselves by conduct and the Word of God, to the congregation, they had more honor than others. R1848:5

One another – "Let each esteem other better than themselves" (Phil. 2:3). R2011:4

Rejoicing more if honor comes to another than if it came to self. Take pleasure in seeing prosperity come to another. R2213:3, 5959:1

11 in the diligence not slothful; in the spirit fervent; the Lord serving; Not slothful – Not indifferent to the duties and responsibilities of the present life, such as providing for the family, etc. R1533:4, 2488:1, 873:3

"If any provide not for his own...he hath denied the faith." (1 Tim. 5:8) R2488:1, 873:3

Adjust your temporal affairs as not to be overcharged with the cares of this life. It is right to be charged with them to the extent of diligence. R1865:6

Not overcharged, "But of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7) E259

Not careless, lazy, nor indolent; but prosecute faithfully your duties. Any matter proper to be done should have the intelligent and active attention of him whose duty or privilege it is. R4871:2, 5167:3

It is necessary for us to engage in some kind of occupation in order to secure a livelihood. But we have a nobler business. We devote to the Lord our time and talent and energy. R5335:1

"Do all things as unto the Lord"; and nothing done for the Lord should be done in a slovenly manner. Knowing that few are on the side of God and righteousness, we should battle error and darkness energetically. R2213:3,4

Serving the truth in any and every manner open to us. R2990:1

In business – A very broad signification; any occupation approved of the Lord. R4871:1

Every affair--eating, drinking, and all of this present life. R2213:3

"Let him labor, working with his hands, that he may have to give." (1 Cor. 4:12) R873:3

Especially the Lord's business. R2241:5, 2213:3

Fervent – Greek, "Hot," "Boiling." "I would thou wert cold or hot." (Rev. 3:15) R2213:4, 4871:2

Not nervous, giddy, childish, letting trivial things excite us, but a well-balanced composure which we study and attain in our endeavor to bring ourselves into harmony with the divine arrangement. R5167:3

Immediately at Pentecost, the brethren were privileged to begin a service for the Lord; and the Father allows opposition so that none but those who are fervent in spirit will stand the tests. R5334:5

Only by the exercise of much fervency of spirit, much zeal for the Lord, for the truth and for the brethren, can we hope to stand faithfully and be of assistance to others. R4930:4

In spirit – Greek, pneuma, mind, disposition, character. E318

Serving the Lord – Doing with our might what our hands find to do. R5875:4

The Lord is to be served, and on this account we are to be careful to learn what kind of service is acceptable. R5334:2

Those who have more opportunities for service are less liable to be led into temptation than are those who have fewer. R5201:6

To those who are the Lord's consecrated people it is the greatest privilege imaginable to serve the Lord. R4871:6

Let us use to our best ability the gift or gifts possessed, rather than fail by trying to use other gifts not granted to us. R1628:6

"Fear God, and keep his commandments." (Eccl. 12:13) Solomon had all the selfish comforts that wealth could bestow upon him, but he perceived that there is no comfort except in the thought that God is above all. R1533:1

12 in the hope rejoicing; in the tribulation enduring; in the prayer persevering; Rejoicing in hope – The trial will not continue forever. R3830:2

We are not to expect to have much in the present life to rejoice in, but our rejoicing is in looking ahead into the future. Doctrinal knowledge is necessary to inspire such hope. R2213:5

In tribulation – Greek, tribulum, a machine used for threshing and cleaning wheat. R2213:5, 4910:5

Paul gloried in physical disasters as parts of the sacrifice he was permitted to make, part of the sufferings he was permitted to endure for the Lord's sake, for the truth's sake. F633

In order that the wheat may be made properly ready for the garner, it is necessary that each grain shall pass through the tribulation necessary to remove those qualities which would render us unfit. R4910:6, 2213:5

Some will continue to walk with the Lord; some will not be driven from him by any of the arts and wiles of the evil one. They are such as are at heart fully the Lord's, not their own. R2258:4

Instant in prayer – God wishes us to be persistent, and our persistence measures and indicates the depth of our desires. R2865:6

Patiently waiting for the Lord's due time, in an attitude of entire sweet submission to his will, assured that if the answer be delayed, the Father has a reason for it. R5481:3

"The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers." (1 Pet. 3:12) R1865:2

For grace which is promised according to our needs. R3830:3

We should have stated seasons of prayer and should be continually in the spirit of prayer. R917:1*

The degree of our appreciation of the privilege of prayer indicates very well the degree of our love for the Lord. R2213:6

Whoever loses the desire to thank and worship and commune with the Father of mercies may rest assured that he is losing the very spirit of sonship. R2004:6

There is a difference between the "vain repetitions" of the heathen, which our Lord condemned and "in everything giving thanks," and "praying and not fainting," which our Lord and the Apostle enjoined. (Matt. 6:7; 1 Thes. 5:18; Luke 18:1) R5020:1; Q539

13 to the necessities of the saints communicating; the hospitality pursuing. Distributing to – The Greek signifies, "To make common." R2214:1

Those who have more than they need should share with their brethren in necessity. R917:1*

Necessity – Distresses. R2214:1

Of saints – The truly consecrated among professing Christians. R1139:1

The greatest necessities of the saints are spiritual ones; the truth, therefore, is the greatest gift to such. R917:2*

In ministering to our brethren in Christ, we minister to Christ himself. R917:2*

Given to – Going out after, seeking opportunities for. R2214:1

Hospitality – It is toward the brethren of Christ that we should be particularly careful to exercise hospitality. R3432:1

If what we have is plain or common, the hospitable use of it will show our heart-intentions as though it were the best; and some are inclined to entertain lavishly, cultivating pride and going into debt. R2214:1

The reception and entertainment of strangers or guests without reward, or with kind and gracious liberality. R917:4*

We lose nothing by the practice of hospitality. The Lord enriches us with his grace. Our hearts are made better. R917:4*

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (Heb. 13:2) R909:6

14 Bless those persecuting you; bless, and curse not; Bless them – The mark of perfect love. R2879:5

Only a heart full of love, sympathy and pity could truly bless its persecutors. R2214:2

It requires grace to bless those who persecute us, but grace shall be given if we seek it. Nothing will so break down those who ill treat us as to manifest a Christian spirit toward them. R917:4*

Persecute you – For the truth's sake. R2214:2

And curse not – Greek, kataraomai, speak evil of. R2443:3, 701:5

To curse our fellow mortals does not become us. R917:5*

Signifying the very opposite of blessing. Webster defines "cursed" thus: "Deserving a curse; execrable, hateful, detestable; abominable." Apply any of these synonyms in the place of "cursed." R701:5

15 to rejoice with the rejoicing, and to weep with the weeping,
16 of the same mind one toward another, not minding the high things, but with the lowly going along; become not wise in your own conceit; Be of the same mind – The same disposition. Be sympathetic toward the very humblest brother, as well as the most refined. R2214:2

The oneness of thought, mind and action required of the Church of God. R1130:6*

Mind not high things – Of the world; they exalt themselves against the things which are truly high, which are of God. R5889:5

Do not allow your affections and sentiments merely to go out along ecstatic lines. R2214:2

Popular ideas, methods, etc. R1783:5

But condescend – Come down to them in speech and conduct, for the uplifting and enlightening influence of the truth. R4085:5

As illustrated by our Lord Jesus in preaching to the woman by the well. R2574:4

Like our Master, regard with highest esteem and Christian love those who do the will of our Heavenly Father. R1956:4

Not in a condescending patronizing way, but with true sympathy and love. R1104:3*

Men of low estate – Financially and intellectually. R2214:2

The despised, poor and unpopular. R1783:5

For the privilege of helping them up. R1104:3*

In your own conceits – There is no more dangerous thing than a high opinion of one's own wisdom. This is one of the greatest stumbling-blocks of the ministers of the nominal church. R2214:3

Compare with Prov. 3:7. We may well esteem the proverbs to have been supernaturally prepared inasmuch as Solomon was granted a supernatural wisdom in order that he might represent Christ Jesus. R2053:2

17 giving back to no one evil for evil; providing right things before all men. To no man – Not merely to your brethren, but to all mankind. R5897:5

Evil for evil – Do not follow your natural inclinations to vindicate justice and punish evil-doers. R2214:3

The natural, fallen, unbalanced tendency of all is to render evil for evil, to give as good as we get--and a little more if possible. R5172:3

Seeing that the Lord will equitably adjust human affairs, we can well afford to endure hardness for the present and resist evil with good. R2613:5, 723:1

Provide things – "He that provideth not for his own...hath denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1 Tim. 5:8) F578, F488

We are not to rob our families of things needful for their proper care. F577

A reasonable provision should be made for a steward's household, but a faithful steward does not hoard and accumulate so that he can hand down selfishly to his own posterity. R2762:2

Under present conditions, the new creature cannot in all matters do as it would prefer, but must in certain affairs be governed by the obligations of the flesh. F488

We are to "Owe no man anything" (Rom. 13:8). F564; R2214:5

God's people should provide for their own their necessities and such provision shall be honestly made or not at all. R5572:1, 2214:4; OV357:6

In serving an earthly master, we are not to think of this service as conflicting with the service of our Heavenly Father. We are to see that we have been directed to provide things decent. R5313:5

Honest – Few things bring more dishonor upon God's people than dishonesty. God never authorized anyone to go into debt for him. R2214:4

18 If possible so far as in you with all men being in peace; Live peaceably – It is not possible to live peaceably with all and still be true to the principles of righteousness, but the interests of peace should be conserved in every proper way by the Lord's representatives. R5980:2, 2214:5, 1068:3; F601

Paul shows in the previous verses the effort we should make for peace; but it is not always possible to secure peace with those about us, even with the most careful manifestation of such a disposition. R1068:3

Though we find things we cannot endorse, we may avoid denunciation of them--especially things having no bearing on the Lord's Word. R4978:6, 2621:6

If we must contend, let us contend for only such things as our Redeemer would have contended for. R4900:4

The children of God should be peacemakers and not peace disturbers. R3348:1

We can in the interests of peace sacrifice our preferences to the wishes of others if we see some good can be gained by such a course. R3266:5

The influence of every word and act should be in accord with law and order and peace. R3242:2

"God's Message on Peace" includes a list of 28 helpful scriptures. R2946:3

If circumstances have placed you among contentious and disagreeable people, here is a good opportunity to show them in your actions, and without the least ostentation, your spirit of self-sacrifice. R756:2

The ambassadors of the Prince of Light are cautioned by him that they must not use carnal methods, but must in meekness correct those who oppose them. They must be subject to "the powers that be." (Rom. 13:1) SM184:3

19 not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it hath been written, 'Vengeance [is] Mine, Avenge not – The object of our actions is to secure the repentance and reform of an erring one of an ecclesia--to reclaim the transgressor. Punishment is not ours, but God's. F290

Instead of judging in an avenging spirit, the new mind will try to cover the fault. R4241:3*

Even if you must treat a critic as a heathen and a publican, outside of your religious and social company, do not cast him outside of your love and care and desire to help. R3801:3*

Place unto wrath – Get out of the way of your opponents and their wrath. R2214:6

Vengeance – God will take care of the vindication of his own justice. R2214:6

We cannot ignore nor deny the wrath of God against sin and sinners which necessitates Christ's role as mediator for man's sin toward God. R787:5

In the Day of Vengeance, that generation will be held responsible for the transgressions of preceding times because, instead of using their advantages to denounce "Dark Ages" doctrines, they re-endorse them. OV58:5

Is mine – The Church has no authority to punish. F290

Instead of attempting to take vengeance upon our adversaries, we should commit our way and theirs to the Lord's keeping. R4488:3, 3798:2

I will repay – Jehovah is the Supreme Judge, and his Law the supreme standard, according to which all decisions must be made respecting life eternal. F396

Many professed Christian ministers ignore the plain teaching of this text and resort to slander, misrepresentation and vilification, even disregarding truth and honesty in making their charges. HG712:4

Feed all enemies and trust to the Lord who will in his due time render vengeance to his enemies. (Deut. 32:41) R1176:2

While the Lord declares himself to be a God of peace, order and love, he also declares himself to be a God of justice, and shows that sin shall not forever triumph in the world, but that it shall be punished. D549

The swelling waves of social and political commotion will spread and involve and engulf all; thus the whole earth will be swept with the besom of destruction, and the haughtiness of man will be brought low. D73

The second advent of our Lord will be a time of tribulation to the world. R3841:5

In the time of trouble, the Day of Vengeance, beginning in 1874. R247:5

"God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." (Eccl. 12:14) R1653:3

20 I will recompense again, saith the Lord;' if, then, thine enemy doth hunger, feed him; if he doth thirst, give him drink; for this doing, coals of fire thou shalt heap upon his head; Feed him – "If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee." (Prov. 25:21, 22) R2053:2

Not to show how badly you can make him feel, but because love is the principle of your nature. R2214:6

Illustrated by Elisha's feast to the Syrians who came to take him captive. R3441:5

Whoever are our Lord's enemies must be our enemies, because enemies of the light, the truth, the way; although if they are destitute, we should feed them. R1861:4

In time of war, Christians try to starve their "enemy" Christians. Wrong is perpetrated in every direction, divine laws entirely set aside by so-called Christian nations. R5825:2

Thou shalt – When the Millennial age brings everything to light. R1655:1

Fire on his head – We shall by and by do this to those who now persecute us, by blessing them, opening the eyes of their understanding, and helping them onward and upward to a greater knowledge of God. R5145:3

Make him ashamed of his conduct in contrast with yours. R3830:3

When all that are in their graves shall come forth, criminal and victim must face each other, and the heaping of coals of fire on the head will accompany the shame and confusion. R1655:2

21 Be not overcome by the evil, but overcome, in the good, the evil. Overcome of evil – Do not allow the trials of life to make you sour, vindictive, cold or unsympathetic. R3830:3

But overcome evil – Our preparation for our future work will be gained by experiences which touch us with the infirmities of the groaning creation; we must resist evil--not with evil, but with good. R5779:6

Root out; destroy evil by good. R4241:3*

Joseph exemplified this advice (Gen. 45:1-15). He took God's view of matters: that it is proper that a certain amount of retribution shall come upon evil-doers, but pity and love should be back of all. R2895:1

With good – Love is the principal thing. R4241:3*

It is practicable, and it is preferable. R2215:1

Evil can be overcome with good, in many instances. R2215:4

Keep on doing good, whether it melts the opposition or not. R2215:4

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