Romans Chapter 11 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 I say, then, Did God cast away His people let it not be! for I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin: I say then – In view of the declarations of Moses and Isaiah, showing that Israel will have to be thus dealt with and disciplined. R1970:6

Hath God cast away – Then comes the reply in verses 23-24; and proof in verses 25-27; grand climax in verses 28-29. R793:4

God did have great indignation against Israel. OV80:3

Deut. 32:26 means that a pleasant remembrance or scent of Israel--"Jews"--has very generally ceased (except with themselves and true spiritual Israel), driving them into their own land as predicted. R2125:2

Trust in the Lord and wait patiently for him, and he will bring to pass all that he has promised. But do not expect it before his time, his fixed time. R1769:5

God forbid – God hath not utterly cast away his people. R1970:6

An Israelite – "Salvation is of the Jews" in the sense that a remnant of Jews (the apostles, the early Church, etc.) became ministers of reconciliation to bear the message to the Gentiles. C293; R1341:2

Paul, "of the tribe of Benjamin," speaks of "all the house of Israel" living in his day--not lost, but well known, called "Jews"--living at Jerusalem and scattered throughout the world. R2125:3, C252

Of the tribe of Benjamin – Probably more of those at Pentecost were of the tribe of Judah. Q172:2

2 God did not cast away His people whom He knew before; have ye not known in Elijah what the Writing saith how he doth plead with God concerning Israel, saying, Hath not cast away – Forever. R2212:6

He has merely turned them aside temporarily during this Gospel age. R4453:1

God will yet open their eyes to see Christ. R1729:6

God will remember his Covenant and fulfill all of its gracious provisions. OV80:3

Israel was cast off from God's favor while the Bride of Christ was being selected, but will be reinstated when that work is accomplished. A108; R545:4; OV226:3; HG345:1

Israel is still outcast from God's favor, showing that the Body of Christ is not yet completely sacrificed. R4453:3

John the Baptist and his disciples and Jesus and his disciples announced that the foreordained time when the offer of the Kingdom would be made unto the Jewish nation had arrived. R4969:1

The coming blessings will be abundant to the blessing of all mankind, but to the Jew first. OV66:3

His people – The children of Israel were under the Abrahamic Covenant long before they entered into the Law Covenant. They are still under those Covenants. R5162:5, 4452:5

Pictured by the rich man in the parable of Lazarus; although the parable does not go on to tell of the release of the rich man (Israel) from his condition of torment, and his blessings which God promised. HG161:6

Which he foreknew – Formerly recognized and favored. R1970:6

God foreknew and foretold the rejection of Israel for a time, but not forever. OV80:5

The coming blessings will be to the Jew first. OV66:3

Wot ye not – Call to mind Elijah's prayer against Israel. (1 Kings 9:10) R1970:6

Against Israel – The same Israel that was blinded because of rejecting Christ; the same Israel that is to be saved from that blindness at the second coming of Christ. R2085:6

3 'Lord, Thy prophets they did kill, and Thy altars they dug down, and I was left alone, and they seek my life;' They seek my life – Greek, psuche, being. E338

4 but what saith the divine answer to him 'I left to Myself seven thousand men, who did not bow a knee to Baal.' Seven thousand – This probably does not mean there were exactly seven thousand Jews whom Paul considered to be a faithful remnant in his day. Q380:3

5 So then also in the present time a remnant according to the choice of grace there hath been; Even so – The nation was given up to desolation, but the remnant were to be saved out of the fire. R116:5*

There is a remnant – A comparatively small proportion of the whole; the great majority being stumbled through pride and hardness of heart. B215

Even as God reserved seven thousand men who did not bow the knee to Baal in Elijah's day, at Paul's time there was a remnant who through God's favor accepted the glad tidings and would not stumble. R1970:6

"He came unto his own, and his own (as a nation) received him not, but as many as received him (individually) to them gave he liberty to become sons of God." (John 1:11, 12) F461; Q172:2

Isaiah spoke of a stock or stump or substance remaining although many Jews would be scattered (Isa. 6:13); Jesus gave power (to the few who received him) to be sons of God; and Paul speaks of those few here. R2371:6

All the true Jews who continued to be recognized of the Lord--all the Israelites indeed--were the Christians who from Pentecost onward have been known as spiritual Israelites. R3194:6

There were several thousand at Pentecost, and each one belonged to one of the twelve tribes. These were transferred into Christ before the host of Israel was cast off. Q172:2

There would not have been so large a number in Israel ready to receive the Messiah had they not been passing through disciplinary experiences, which tended to keep them separate from the Gentiles. Q357:T

God went to the Jews to find enough to enlist under the banner of the Great Physician, showing them that they must be touched with the feelings of mankind's infirmities. However, he found but a remnant. CR209:4*

The remnant was the nucleus of the Bride class. R4969:2[R4969:8]

Those Jews who were desirous of doing God's will in the fullest sense of the word were allowed to remain as branches of the olive tree. Those who accepted Christ were made members of the spiritual seed. R5837:5

Only the "remnant" of that nation, which quickly made peace with their adversary (their accuser, the Law) in the way to judgment, (Matt. 5:25), were delivered by God's gracious provision, "the Lamb of God." R1713:2

"Salvation is of the Jews" or covenant-keeping Israelities in that the the early Church became ministers of reconciliation to the Gentiles. C293; R1341:2, 25:1*

The Jews ready to receive the Kingdom favor were fewer than the predetermined number. R2622:4

God proceeded as though he had not known the course the Israelites would take: The gospel was preached to them; all the saintly ones were found before a move was made to open the door to the Gentiles. R4969:2

In both the Jewish and Christian dispensations there have been a nominal Israel and a real Israel, chaff and tares undistinguishable from wheat until the harvest time of the respective ages. B205

It is from the remnant of both houses that the new house is formed. R518:5*

A remnant only of nominal fleshly and spiritual Israel stands the test, while the great mass stumble. R862:5, 2371:6

Election of grace – Who through God's favor will accept the glad tidings and will not stumble. R1970:6

"An election according to grace." The Apostle is speaking of the elect Church, particularly referring to the Jewish remnant out of all the tribes with which this elect Church was started. R3586:4

6 and if by grace, no more of works, otherwise the grace becometh no more grace; and if of works, it is no more grace, otherwise the work is no more work. By grace – Favor. R542:3

This remnant is not saved by the works of the Law, nor because they almost kept it, but by accepting of God's favor through Christ. R1970:6

No more of works – Not on account of our own merit. R3166:4

7 What then What Israel doth seek after, this it did not obtain, and the chosen did obtain, and the rest were hardened, Israel – The whole twelve tribes. B206; C297, C293, C252; R2380:3, 1696:3

The natural seed of Abraham was the holy nation; had they been in a right condition of heart to receive the Lord, he would have received them and they would have been the spiritual Israel. Q172:2

Paul is not confining this word to mean only the ten tribes which revolted from Rehoboam. R2085:6

Hath not obtained – "The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you." (Matt. 21:34) B119

Because unable, through the weakness of heredity, to keep the spirit of God's perfect Law. R5003:3

The stumbling of Israel, their temporary rejection as a nation. R4969:2

Through unbelief and lack of consecration. R2086:4

Israel failed because they sought the blessing not by faith but by works, this fall being foreknown of God and declared by him through the prophets. R2212:6, 1970:6

According to God's Covenant with their fathers (Acts 3:25, 26), the gospel of the Kingdom was to be to the Jew first. Yet God knew beforehand that, as a nation, they would not appreciate nor accept it. R1795:1

Fleshly Israel lost this, the cream or choicest part of the covenant--the spiritual. R4370:3

Messiah's Bride will be only partly Jewish. PD65/77

The Kingdom heirship was taken from "Israel," the "Jews," and transferred to the nation (the holy nation, a peculiar people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood) bringing forth proper fruits. R2125:5

But the losing of this better part does not cut them off entirely from having a part in that Covenant. R4370:3

Which he seeketh for – The best God had to give. D625

To have the best position. R5837:2

The chief blessing through Abraham. R201:2

A share in Messiah's Kingdom. OV342:5, 193:4; R5227:1, 4958:3

The chief place in divine favor and service. A298; B215; R2072:6

The destination sought by the Jews was fellowship with and relationship to God. R5029:1

The best of God's gifts, the privilege of becoming members of the spiritual Israel. R4958:3

The Israelites were seeking for the spiritual, whether they understood it or not. R5295:6

The plan was laid out on the Israelitish basis, even though God knew in advance that Israel would reject the Lord and crucify him and thus not obtain that which it sought (the chief blessing). R5231:6

Although we see yet to be fulfilled certain gracious earthly promises to the natural seed of Abraham, they nevertheless have missed, have lost, as a nation, as a people, the great prize. R2442:6

But the election – Those of the Jews who came into Christ became of the elect. R5837:4

The Little Flock selected from both Jews and Gentiles. D625; R3026:1

Only the faithful will constitute God's elect. R5345:5

Jesus began his work of selecting spiritual Israel, the spiritual seed of Abraham. He accepted first the loyal Jews. PD35/46

The first opportunity to be Abraham's seed was granted to his natural seed, Israel. An elect company was gathered. This accomplished, God set the Jewish nation aside to select elect from other nations. R5302:1

A remnant of them (Israel) would be the nucleus of the Bride class; the remainder would be made up of Gentiles. R4969:2

During the forty days after Jesus' resurrection, he doubtless showed them that natural Israel was not worthy to constitute the Kingdom class, that therefore only those accepting him had been chosen. R3910:6

Paul points us to the elect "remnant" selected from the nation before its complete disintegration; this remnant being less than the number which God predetermined, is to be completed from amongst the Gentiles. R2615:3,4

Not a sufficient number of Jews were found worthy to complete the Kingdom class; the entire work of the Gospel age has been the calling of this "elect" company from the Gentiles. OV342:6; SM90:1; PD35/46, 58/70

The special invitation went forth to the Gentiles, to "take out of them a people for his name" (Acts 15:14), to complete the predestinated number of the elect 144,000 (twelve thousand accredited to each of the tribes). R3586:4

In Rev. 14:1, the number of these very elect overcomers is given as 144,000; and in chapter 7:4 the same ones are shown as filling up the special election first opened to fleshly Israel. R3026:1

A remnant of the Jews (the apostles, the early Church, etc.), called a remnant of Israel, became ministers of reconciliation to bear the message to the Gentiles. R1341:2

The remnant, the few, in connection with the Gentiles. R201:2, 3586:4, 1970:6

The "Lazarus" class died, ceased from their former condition, and were received into God's favor. Accepting of Christ, they were received to Abraham's bosom--esteemed the true children of believing Abraham. R1087:1

The carrying of Lazarus to "Abraham's bosom" symbolically said that the outcasts of Israel and the worthy Gentiles became children of God and heirs of Abraham, who typified God. R5005:1

Luke 16:23-31--the Gentile nation ceased to be a beggar, and was brought into a place of favor (Abraham's bosom); the Jews as a nation are dead and tormented in the flame of persecution. R802:3*

The Gospel Church is the higher, spiritual Israel, which gets blessings which natural Israel never possessed, though she was given the first opportunity, but failed through lack of consecration. R2086:4

Rom. 9:23-26, quoting Hos. 2:23 and 1:10, explains that the spiritual class is selected during the time when fleshly Israel has been cast off. C297; R1341:6

Christ is the glory of the Church, the true Israel of God, of which Simeon said, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of thy people Israel." (Luke 2:30-32) R2126:1

Hath obtained it – "As many as received him." (John 1:12) F177; R3910:6

Became heirs or inheritors of the glorious promise made to Abraham. OV193:5; R793:5

As many from the different tribes of Israel as were worthy at the first advent were received and given the begetting of the holy Spirit at Pentecost. But the full number was not found in natural Israel. R5371:5

Gentiles are invited to fill up the deficiency in the elect number of Israel, and will be, so to speak, divided amongst the twelve tribes; according to what rule of distinction the Scriptures do not show. R3586:4

The remnant of Israel and those heathen who receive the glad tidings, being justified, not by works, but by faith in Christ, thereby gain the privilege of becoming sons of God on the divine plane. R1970:6

What the nation of Israel rejected was accepted by a remnant of that people, and the foreordained number is being completed from among the Gentiles--the Bride and joint-heir of the King of Glory. R1373:3

On a chart, the plane of human perfection is designated "the prize won by the Christ and sacrificed." R4538:2

Rest were blinded – Supposing the chief favor to be the earthly blessings, and in pride of heart claiming that as their natural birthright, merited by their works, they blindly rejected the greater favor. B215

To "them that are without," outside the pale of believing disciples, these parables of truth were as dark as the truths themselves, to which the unworthy allowed prejudice to blind their eyes. R1742:4

The nation, through its representatives, the rulers, instead of receiving Jesus, rejected him, and thus identified themselves for the time with the Adversary. F461

In due time, Jesus came, the promised Messiah, not in glory as they had expected, but in a lowly condition, to die for sin. "He came unto his own (nation) and his own received him not"--they crucified him. (John 1:11) PD35/46

Christ offered himself to this nation of Israel, and (in harmony with the divine foreknowledge) had been rejected. R3139:5

The blind ignorance of crucifying the Messiah was referred to by Paul who pointed out that Israel was blinded and did stumble and fall into the ditch and did not attain the great prize which it was seeking. R2615:3

Stumbled; turned aside from divine favor. R4942:5

The entire Jewish race was blinded and turned aside; fell into confusion, darkness, and separation from God. R5029:1

God was agreeable to their being blinded. R4781:6

Those who discerned not the time of their visitation were blinded, and were forced to pay the "uttermost farthing." Only the "remnant," which made peace in the way to judgment (Luke 12:58, 59) were delivered. R1713:2

The blissful condition of the early Church was calculated to draw the attention of Israelites indeed; thus did the Lord draw some out of the unfit, blinded, rejected nation into the Gospel Church's blessings. R1421:5

By his prophet Isaiah, God foretold that only a remnant of the nation would prove worthy of the Covenant favor, and that the rest would be blinded (as they were by their prejudices and hardness of heart). R1795:1

Israel had declared that they would be all that God wished them to be, if only they might have the promise made to Abraham their father. What it was they did not know, although they thought they knew. R5837:2

Those not of the remnant were blinded and broken off from the Covenant promises until after the Gospel age shall have selected the "elect," spiritual Israel. R2380:3

The remainder would be made up of Gentiles. R4969:2

The god of this world will blind both Israel and all nations to the gospel glories. R1971:1

The Law Covenant lives in the sense that its blessings and curses still cling to Israel, as so many assets and liabilities. They are still bound to it, blinded, unless they have died to it. R5047:1

Modern Judaism attempts to neutralize Christianity by claiming that Jesus' teachings (and Peter's, James' and John's) were Jewish teachings which preceded him; all anti-Jewish teachings are of Paul. R2419:2

The Apostle Paul was in some sense of the word a likeness of his race, and the opening of their eyes now shortly due to take place. Amongst the Jews are many who seem to be Israelites indeed, merely blinded. R2118:5

The blinded Israelites are still cast aside, but not forever. OV342:5, 193:4

Not forever, but until the election of the spiritual seed, the Kingdom proper, is completed. D625

Until the completion of the spiritual class. R4958:3, 5302:1

Until the end of the Gospel age. R1729:6, 5047:3; D625

Until Jesus' second coming. SM90:1

8 according as it hath been written, 'God gave to them a spirit of deep sleep, eyes not to see, and ears not to hear,' unto this very day, As it is written – In Isa. 29:10. R3962:3

This change in the divine operation was foreknown to the Lord, and was a part of his plan, as revealed through the prophets--that the Gentiles also should be fellow-heirs of the same promise. R2615:4

Isaiah's vision (Isa. 6:10) is somewhat comparable: now again, after the first advent, the nation as a whole was rejected of the Lord and scattered and only a "remnant" were received into the gospel's favor. R2371:6

Spirit of slumber – Carelessness in heavenly things and carefulness for earthly things. E199

9 and David saith, 'Let their table become for a snare, and for a trap, and for a stumbling-block, and for a recompense to them; And David saith – In Psa. 69:22. R4287:6

Their table – So bountifully spread with the rich promises and blessings offered them through Christ. B215; R5444:3, 4782:1

Of divine mercies and promises. HG440:2

Table of divine favors and truths. R2150:2, 4782:2; OV163:3

The table of divine truth, which God spread for them from the Law and the prophecies. R4288:2

The "rich man's" bountiful table (Luke 16:21) represented the divine promises given, up to that time, exclusively to the Jew. OV163:3

To them alone God had committed the oracles of truth, the prophecies and the types which shadowed forth the sacrifice for sin, and the blessings following that atoning sacrifice. R1971:1

The special promises of God to his Chosen People, who concluded that God must keep his promises to Abraham, and that they would be the Kingdom to bless the world. R4782:1

God's prediction, that Israel would be blinded by their Law, was fulfilled in a natural way. They study Rabbinical fables instead of the Bible, lamenting that they have no Temple, High Priest, altar. C256

Israel has been without spiritual food or drink since its encounter with Jesus three (1,000-year) days ago; Saul neither ate nor drank for three days following his encounter with the glorious risen Christ. R2118:5

A snare, and a trap – Israel stumbled over Jesus, failing to recognize him as the Sent of God. Of the nation in general the prophet Isaiah declared, "They shall fall backward and be snared and taken." (Isa. 28:13) R4942:6

It was God's goodness and favor toward them that stumbled and entrapped them and prejudiced their unconsecrated hearts; they presumed upon God's favor. R4782:1

Making them proud and arrogant instead of humble, and thus showing their unfitness for a share with Messiah in the spiritual part of the Kingdom. HG440:2

The stumbling, trapping, snaring in the harvest of the Jewish age foreshadowed a similar sifting out of all except a faithful remnant here. R4782:3

Stumblingblock – The Israelites became proud and vain and imagined that God's favor would not pass them by, and thus they stumbled as a people. R4288:2, 1971:1

They stumbled over the very graciousness of God's plan shown to them in types. R1971:1

And a recompence – Because of their hardness of heart. B215

The "rich man" class was cast out of favor, into trouble. From then till now, the Jews as a people have been in torment; hindered by their Law prejudices (as a great gulf) from accepting Christ. R1087:1

10 let their eyes be darkened not to behold, and their back do Thou always bow down.' Let their eyes be darkened – Jews are still proud, their words still stout against Jesus as the Messiah; it is merely their race-pride perhaps which now leads them to acknowledge the great Teacher's greatness, because he was a Jew. R2420:5

Bow down their back – They were bowed down to see only the earthly promises. R1971:1

They trusted in themselves and despised others; they became arrogant, haughty and self-confident, and hence that much the less the humble-spirited, that the Lord sought, for his spiritual Israel. R4782:1

11 I say, then, Did they stumble that they might fall let it not be! but by their fall the salvation [is] to the nations, to arouse them to jealousy; Have they – The fleshly seed. R1696:3

Stumbled – The prophets foretold the stumbling of Israel. R4969:2

Admitting that Israel will stumble and is stumbling as foretold. R1971:1

Should fall – Irrevocably. R1971:1

Utterly. R1696:3

God forbid – That they should forever remain cast off. R1971:1

Through their fall – Their failure as a nation to become members of the new creation. F461

Their temporary fall from favor. R1971:1

As the natural seed to which the promise first was made. R1696:3

If all the Jews living in Jesus' day had loved God with all their heart, with all their being, and had made a full consecration, we understand that God would have accepted that sacrifice on their part. R5837:5

The stumbling and fall of both the houses of Israel should be regarded rather as a blessing than otherwise. The rejection of the nominal house was necessary before the call could go to the Gentiles. R177:6

Salvation – The significance of their fall is rather to be a blessing to the Gentiles than a permanent injury to Israel. R1971:1

The great Covenant blessing would be accepted and realized by some from among the Gentiles, who should be accounted the seed of Abraham to whom pertain the promises--children according to the Spirit. R1795:1

As soon as the elect class shall have been completed from amongst all nations (for probably only ten or fifteen thousand of Israel became Jesus' disciples), the Jews will arise again to divine favor. R4942:6

All the unready of Israel were broken off from divine favor for a time, while the call to the Kingdom was sent to the Gentiles, to take out of them a people to complete the foreordained "Body of Christ." PD58/70

To jealousy – It has had, and will have, this effect. Since the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles, Israel no longer goes after idolatries. They seem to be growing jealous of Christianity, claiming Jesus as a Jew. R1696:5

12 and if the fall of them [is] the riches of a world, and the diminution of them the riches of nations, how much more the fulness of them The fall of them – Israel. R3685:1

Paul does not mention Judah separately, but quotes prophecies against Israel, applying them without qualification or limitation to "all the house of Israel" living in his day. R2125:3

Be – Is. R1696:6

Results in. R1971:1

Becomes a channel for. R3685:1

Riches of the world – The enlightenment and blessing of the world. R3685:1

Riches to the Gentiles. R1971:2

It resulted in throwing open to the world in general the opportunity of the high calling. R177:6, 3685:1

The diminishing – The selecting of only a few, a remnant. R1696:6

The riches – Bringing in Gentiles to be joint-heirs in the Abrahamic promise and Covenant. R2196:1

The Kingdom was taken from Israel to be given to a people bringing forth the fruits thereof. (Matt. 21:43) R107:3*

The proportionate enrichment. R1696:6

Of the Gentiles – Jesus said (Matt. 3:8, 9) "God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." Because the Gentiles had the faith of Abraham, they were raised up. R1795:1

God assured childless Abraham that his children would yet be multitudinous as the stars of heaven, a promise evidently applying to the spiritual seed--The Christ, the elect of God, Head and Body. R2854:1

Their fullness – The blessing which begins with the return of fleshly Israel to divine favor, will not end with them; through the seed of Abraham all the families of the earth are to be blessed. R2196:1

Israel, like Paul, is soon to be the "chosen vessel in the Lord's hand," as connected with the earthly agencies in bearing the message which shall bless the Gentiles and all the families of the earth. R2118:5

Their restoration to favor, which God's promises guarantee, will imply an abundance of divine favor both to Jew and Gentile. R1971:2

If the cutting off of that people resulted in such blessings to others, how much greater blessings may we expect as a result of Israel's ultimate full regathering to God. R1696:6

The Apostle is pointing down to the end of this age, when God will give to Israel the fullness of his promise under the New Covenant. Q355:2; R2196:1

The Jews will recognize the great Messiah in God's due time--yea, all nations shall recognize him--"The desire of all nations shall come," (Hag. 2:7), after his completion--after the last saint shall have been glorified. OV157:3

By God's grace, the blood of the New Covenant is efficacious for the house of Jacob also, and upon all who desire harmony with God. F461

In the Song of Moses and his blessing of the nation (Deut. 32, 33), he prophesied of Israel's final victories, which shall ultimately be attained by the Jew first and also the Gentile, during the Millennium. R3078:2

"Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap." (Jer. 30:18) HG336:2

The removal of the Jewish ban from the New Testament will mean the reading of it, and the reading of it will mean the gradual turning away of their blindness. R2420:4

If AD 1915 should pass with the world's affairs serene and without the restoration of natural Israel to favor, we could still worship a God so great and grand that none other could compare with him. R5368:4, 4067:6

That Israel's fullness will finally embrace the dead as well as the living is intimated in verse 15. R107:3*

13 For to you I speak to the nations inasmuch as I am indeed an apostle of nations, my ministration I do glorify; Of the Gentiles – The twelfth apostle. R2823:2

Although Paul was a Jew. R179:3*

Magnify mine office – Being the Apostle to the Gentiles, I desire to show the importance of the Gentiles in God's plan. R1971:2

14 if by any means I shall arouse to jealousy mine own flesh, and shall save some of them, Provoke – Stimulate. R1971:2

Save some of them – Recover some of them from blindness. R1971:2

15 for if the casting away of them [is] a reconciliation of the world, what the reception if not life out of the dead Casting away – After 1845 years of favor, their rejection of Messiah demonstrated their unworthiness, and so they were given over to blindness until their double, 1845 years, of disfavor should be accomplished. R5533:1

Thus is seen the breadth of God's plans. We know that there are certain promises made to Israel, which must yet be fulfilled; they are being temporarily postponed. R1971:2

Just as soon as the last few of the "fullness of the Gentiles" (verse 25) have finished their training and qualified, the blindness upon the Jews will be removed and that will mean the resurrection of the dead. CR209:5*

In God's providence the Jews have continued to have such tribulations throughout this Gospel age as to have kept them separate from the rest of the world. Q357:1

Of them – The bitter prejudice and blindness of natural Israel (rejecting Jesus as Messiah) have acted as a great gulf to separate them as a people from the Gospel message. R5533:2

Paul's comprehensive statement of the entire plan of God in this wonderful and logical epistle to the Romans ignores "another Israel" (the ten lost tribes) because all Jews were "men of Israel." R2085:6

Reconciling of the world – Receiving the Gentile "wild olive branches" (all nations received the opportunity, not necessarily all people of all nations) into the "olive tree," from which the majority of the Jews were broken off. R5533:3

This blessing (opening the door of favor) unexpectedly given to the Gentiles, argues that God's plans, as we now see them, are broader than we had at first supposed, and include Gentiles as well as Jews. R1971:2

Breaking down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile. R1374:1, 2086:5

Receiving of them – Back to divine favor. R1374:1, 5533:3, 177:6

Regathering of Israel. R3938:1

"Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn." (Jer. 31:8, 9) HG336:2

The restoration of natural Israel is to be brought about through the New Covenant, when their "double" is fulfilled, "their appointed time is accomplished, their iniquity is pardoned." (Isa. 40:2) R5533:3

Though the fleshly house fell, they are to rise again to all that was promised them as a fleshly seed of Abraham (in the Millennial age). R177:6

The true conversion of Israel to the Lord and the truth, will be the start of the world's conversion, when "Many peoples shall come and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord." (Mic. 4:2) R3249:5

"As the dust of the earth" represents the human family who, under the blessing of the spiritual seed, during the Millennium, shall attain Abraham's faith and its reward--life. R2854:1

Some believe that the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel were fulfilled at the close of the Babylonian captivity; but the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah and Jesus were all after that. R107:1

Be – Imply. R1374:1

But life – For all humanity. R3664:2, 2854:1, 2196:1

To the whole world of mankind. Q165:2; R5533:4, 3938:1; 1365:2

During the Millennial age. R3078:2

Israel's true conversion to the Lord will be the start of the world's conversion. R3249:5

The blessing of Israel under the New Covenant means, not only an opportunity of life from the dead to them, but also a similar blessing of opportunity for all the families of the earth. R2196:1

From the dead – By a resurrection of the dead. R1374:1, 177:6

To the Jew it will mean the resurrection from the dead--both nationally and individually, both symbolically and literally. R5533:3

The promises are to be fulfilled which were made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the prophets. R5533:4, 1365:2

In order for the seed of Abraham according to the flesh to realize the blessings God has promised, an awakening from the sleep of death will be necessary, since God is no respecter of persons. R3938:2

God's promises to Israel imply their resurrection from death; and the world in general being reconciled to God and their sin atoned for by the ransom, we conclude that "life from the dead" will come to all. R1971:2

16 and if the first-fruit [is] holy, the lump also; and if the root [is] holy, the branches also. The firstfruit – A faithful remnant of the Jewish nation was the first-fruit class of the Church of Christ. R5533:1

The firstfruit of the Abrahamic promise would be The Christ, Head and Body. R5533:5

Israel. R1374:1

Israel is merely a first-fruit of the world, the first-favor; and if God has a blessing for them as promised, it follows that he has the same blessing for other nations. R1971:2

The "first fruits" are not the "lump," nor is the "earnest" the "inheritance." The "first fruits" and the "earnest" are indications of the nature of the "lump" and of the "inheritance." R1324:4*

There must be other fruits--other creatures--to follow. R33:6*

Be holy – Acceptable and blessed of God. R1971:2

The lump – All of the race of Adam who will return to harmony with God. R5533:6

The mass, the world in general. R1971:2, 5533:5

The "first fruits" and the "earnest" are pledges that the "lump" and the "inheritance" will follow. R1324:4*

Is also holy – As the firstfruit growing out of the root of the Abrahamic covenant is holy, so is the entire fruitage. R5533:5

God will see that all the crop is holy. CR340:4

The root – The promise to Abraham (covenant). R5963:6, 5837:2, 5533:5, 3194:5, 2931:4, 793:5; CR48:2; HG440:2; Q172:2

All of God's blessings were in the Abrahamic Covenant which as a root had developed Israel as a nation--the seed of Abraham according to the flesh. R4497:4

The root of these promises is Abrahamic and Israelitish. R1971:2

The root promise bears both seeds of Abraham, but both are not developed at once. R793:5

Be holy – If the root or original promise of God made to Abraham and Israel retain its life, it must bring forth the promised fruit--the blessing of all the families of the earth. R1971:2

The branches – The Israelites had been the natural branches. R5963:6, 5837:2; CR48:2

The living Israelites were branches of that olive tree. Had they been in the right heart condition, "Israelites indeed," they would as a whole have been accepted by Christ as his members. R4497:4

John did not baptize into Christ, but merely unto repentance, bringing Jews back to a condition of harmony with Moses, who typified Christ; then, as natural branches they would not need ingrafting into Christ. F432

At Pentecost, Peter wished his hearers to wash away their sin against the Law Covenant and their sin of rejecting Messiah. Then they would be true Israelites, the natural branches in the root of the promise. R2931:4

Christianity, instead of being a split-off from Judaism, was the proper development of it. R3194:5

"I am the vine, ye are the branches." (John 15:5) R3157:4

17 And if certain of the branches were broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wast graffed in among them, and a fellow-partaker of the root and of the fatness of the olive tree didst become If some – Because of unfaithfulness many branches were broken off; the time that they were broken off was during that forty-year period which began with our Lord's ministry and ended with the destruction of Jerusalem. R5023:3; Q403:4

Nearly all of these branches were broken off because of unbelief, because of failure to accept the invitation to the great feast (of Luke 14:16), because of lack of appreciation of spiritual blessings. R3834:1

Nearly all the branches were broken off because of unbelief; and the unbelief was because of an improper condition of heart. HG440:2

Not all--our Lord, the apostles, and many others were not broken off. R2125:4, 793:5

Branches – The Jews. HG440:2

Natural Israel. R5837:2

The living Israelites. R4497:4

The people of Israel. R3194:5, 2931:4

Fleshly Israel grew naturally out of the root of the Abrahamic Covenant. A292

As branches already in that root they would not need to be grafted in, only to repent of their sins. R2931:4

Every individual Jew claimed to be connected with the Abrahamic Covenant. R5023:3; Q403:4

Representing the 144,000, but they were broken off and their places made vacant, and you and I were grafted in. Q607:T

A time of "fire" or tribulation came upon the chaff portion of the nation, and as a nation, burned them up. R704:3

None of the savages living at that time in Britain and Ireland (without knowledge of God or of Moses or of the Law, or of Abraham or of the promise, or of circumcision) could be here referred to. R2125:4

Be broken off – Natural Israel proven unworthy to become heirs of the Abrahamic promise. R5837:4

Because of lack of faith in the promised spiritual blessings. R3834:1, 3937:6; Q607:T, 403:5

All Jews refusing to progress and to accept of Christ are represented as branches that were broken off. R3194:6

God spared not the natural branches, but broke off the unfit ones. R2301:3

These branches had already been broken off when Paul wrote this epistle. Hence, any Jew coming into Christ would have to be grafted in the same as a Gentile. He would have no precedence. R5963:6

The olive tree existed complete in the Apostle's day--then some were broken off and cast away, in order that the wild branches from the Gentiles might be grafted in. R2125:4

When Jesus came to earth, the end of special favor to the nation had about come. If during his ministry they should fail to bring forth good fruit, they would be cut off from the root of promise. R704:3

During that forty-year period which began with our Lord's ministry and ended with the destruction of Jerusalem. Q403:5; R5023:3, 2931:5, 704:3

And thou – A Gentile, an alien from the commonwealth of Israel. F433

Wild olive tree – Gentiles. R5837:4

Now God was seeking a spiritual seed of Abraham--spiritual Israelites--to take the place of the broken-off branches of the fleshly house. R3139:5

Our baptism signifies or emblemizes our introduction into the body of Christ as wild olive branches grafted into the approved stock, to be partakers of the richness of the promises through the root. R2931:4

Wert graffed in – To take the place of natural Israel, the natural branches that were broken off. R5837:4

Believers from the Gentiles would be grafted in. R704:3

The Gentile believers were grafted into the root of the Abrahamic Covenant when the natural branches were cut off because of unbelief. A292

During this age, God has been grafting Gentiles into the places formerly reserved for Israelites according to the flesh. R2301:3

A Gentile may come into covenant relationship with God by being engrafted into the good olive tree. R5776:2

Only spiritual branches are grafted in. R5023:3; Q403:3

To the Gentiles, baptism meant more than to the Jews; it meant all the radical change that is pictured by the ingrafting of the wild olive branches into the good olive tree--a complete transformation. F434

The Apostle shows that the call of us Gentiles to joint-heirship is because those of the Jews ready to receive the Kingdom favor upon the Lord's terms were fewer than the predetermined number. R2622:4

Rev. 7:4 tells of 144,000 who fill up the special election first opened to fleshly Israel. R3026:1; Q172:2

The call of the Gentiles to be sharers in the Kingdom is merely the continuation of the original call. R2702:4

We were all Gentiles by nature, all grafted into the same spiritual seed, so that we make the antitypical spiritual Israel mentioned in Rev. 7, the 144,000, 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes. Q172:2

Among them – When Jesus was present, it was the harvest time; their age had reached its full. He selected with his "fan" of truth the wheat and "garnered" it in the Gospel age. R704:3

Those Jews that were fit to stay in were "cleansed by the washing of water through the Word," and transferred from Moses into Christ, and begotten of the holy Spirit. R5023:3; Q404:1

Partakest of – Ever since the Jewish branches were broken off, God has been gathering us who were by nature children of wrath, aliens, grafting us Gentile branches into the real tree through which the blessing is to come. R5023:3; Q404:1

Christianity, instead of being split off from Judaism, was the natural outcome and fuller, proper development of it--the fulfillment of the promises of God upon which the hopes of Judaism were built. R3194:5

The call of the Gentiles to be sharers in the Kingdom is merely the continuation of the original call, and we are called in to take the places of those who neglected so great salvation and privilege. R2702:4

Our call is to fill the places of those "natural branches" of the Abrahamic stock, by being grafted into and made partakers of the original root of divine favor--the Abrahamic promise. R2622:4

The work of this Gospel age has been the grafting into the original root of promise Gentile believers, through Christ united with the Abrahamic root of promise, and inheritors of its richness and fatness. R2442:5

The root – The promise to Abraham. Q403:5; R5963:6, 5837:2, 5776:2, 5023:3, 3194:5, 2622:4, 2086:5

Paul speaks of the Abrahamic Covenant as a root. This root-covenant bears two kinds of branches (earthly and heavenly); each will bear its own fruitage--the human and spiritual classes in Kingdom power. A292

The root of the tree is in the promise of God--the Abrahamic promise, that the seed of Abraham should eventually bless all the families of the earth. D651

Fatness – Their long period of disfavor and casting off is about ended, and they will soon be re-engrafted into the olive tree, again share the fatness thereof, and bring blessings to all the families of the earth. R4656:4

To the ransom, a "great salvation" was added; all who by faith lay hold upon it are reckoned of God as already partakers, as having received of the "fatness" of the new sources of life. R875:5*

Of the olive tree – The Jewish nation. R3194:5, 5023:3; Q403:4

Fleshly Israel; "A green olive tree, fair and of goodly fruit." (Jer. 11:16) D651

Our Lord and John the Baptist spoke of the Jewish polity, comparing it to a tree at whose root lay an ax. R704:3

The tree as a whole, then, represents spiritual Israel--a few natural branches (the apostles and all Jews who received Christ in sincerity) and the remainder the branches grafted in from the Gentiles. HG440:2

18 do not boast against the branches; and if thou dost boast, thou dost not bear the root, but the root thee! Boast not – Be not puffed up, but humbly and thankfully remember we are occupying the place originally belonging to the natural descendants. R1971:3

Against the branches – Israel. R5837:2

Bearest not the root – The Abrahamic promise. R5837:2

19 Thou wilt say, then, 'The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in;' right! The branches were broken off – The test was upon the Jews: Will you accept Jesus of Nazareth as your Messiah, and take up your cross and follow him? The great majority failed in the testing. Proven unworthy, they were broken off. R5837:4

Before they were broken off, the Jew had an advantage over the Gentile; he has no advantage over the Gentile since they were broken off. Q172:2

Though the parable of The rich man and Lazarus mentions no bridging of the "great gulf," other portions of Scripture indicate that it was to be "fixed" only throughout the Gospel age. R2605:1

Might be graffed in – God through Peter used the second key to the Kingdom three and a half years after Pentecost. Cornelius and his family accepted the terms of discipleship, the first Gentiles to be grafted into the "olive tree." PD75/89

When the call went to the Gentiles, several at Ephesus were baptized by John's baptism, as though they had been Jews. This was a mistake. Gentiles needed to be baptized directly into Christ's death. PD56/69

During this Gospel age the places of the broken off branches have been filled by called and chosen ones of every nation. R4497:4

20 by unbelief they were broken off, and thou hast stood by faith; be not high-minded, but be fearing; Because of unbelief – All except the few who became spiritual Israelites were broken off. R4497:4

God broke off from his favor only such of the natural branches as were out of harmony with the root of promise. F177

The promise was primarily spiritual. When the point was reached of making a positive decision as to whether they would accept God's conditions, few were ready. The cost was too much! R5837:4

Had they been in the right heart condition, they would have been allowed to remain branches in the olive tree, Abraham's spiritual seed. But they were not ready, and hence were broken off. R4497:4

The "rich man" class was cast out of favor. From then till now, the Jews as a people have been in torment, in trouble; they were hindered by their Law prejudices (as a great gulf) from accepting Christ. R1087:1; HG387:5

Israel was invited to be the Royal Priesthood. At Pentecost a few from the tribes responded, and became the nucleus of the Church. The door of opportunity was opened to the Gentiles to fill up the vacancies. R5532:6

Walk humbly, for if because of pride and unbelief they failed and were cast off, God would be as likely to cut off the wild branches under similar circumstances. R1971:3

How careful we should be lest we lose sight of the great value of this favor, and so fall after the same example of unbelief. R1422:3

Thou standest by faith – The natural seed of Abraham could not be considered his seed without faith, since Abraham was to be the father of the faithful. Some from amongst the Gentiles possessed the faith of Abraham. R2442:3

The "Lazarus" class died, or ceased from their former condition, and were received into the favor of God. Accepting of Christ, these were received to Abraham's bosom--heirs of the promise made to him. R1087:1

Be not highminded – Humility is the first of the graces. Allow no feeling of self-righteousness to spring up in the heart. R4524:6

The great time of trouble near at hand will include "Jacob's trouble" as well as "Babylon's fall." R2420:5

But fear – Perfect love casts out slavish, but not reverential fear. R2986:6, 2289:4,5

Many sheep from among the Gentiles may lose their high privileges, if they walk not by faith. R2072:6*

It is not strange that the present harvest witnesses the separation of true Christians from mere professors, as God's Word shows the rejection of the mass, as Babylon. C180

21 for if God the natural branches did not spare lest perhaps He also shall not spare thee. Spared not the natural branches – The Lord rejected, cut off and cast away from favor, into a fire of trouble, many of the "natural branches" of the olive tree, preserving only the Israelites indeed as branches. C180

They were partakers of the merits of the Lamb--yet they refused to eat of the antitypical Lamb; so they lost the opportunity of becoming as a nation the peculiar people of Messiah, the firstborn ones. F461

For centuries the Jews have been bitterly persecuted by pagans, Mohammedans and professed Christians; and much of "Jacob's trouble" is just as hand. R2605:2

Lest he also spare not thee – In the harvest of this age, God's wisdom tests the "wild branches," and cuts off from favor and fatness of the root (the Abrahamic promise) this great mass of professed branches. C180

Our Lord likened his followers to the branches in a vine, and pointed out that "every branch in me" that bears not fruit, the Father, the husbandman, taketh it away--it becomes refuse, to be destroyed. (John 15:2) R3157:5

We see this fulfilled in the breaking off of the Gentile branches--the nominal church--now blinded and cast out and only the elect few branches, the Little Flock, remaining. R1971:3

22 Lo, then, goodness and severity of God upon those indeed who fell, severity; and upon thee, goodness, if thou mayest remain in the goodness, otherwise, thou also shalt be cut off. Behold – Greek, eidon, consider, understand. R837:3

Know or be acquainted with. A278

Goodness – Love. R1971:3

The same merit which has all through the present age been efficacious for the Church class is to be efficacious for the whole world, those in their graves as well as those now having a measure of life. R5777:4,5

And severity – Justice. R1971:3

God is abundant in mercy and goodness, but will by no means clear the guilty. R1971:3

Thus far the world in general has seen only this side of our Heavenly Father's character. R3321:3

Which fell – From their high privileges. R2036:2

They lost the opportunity of passing over and becoming the Royal Priesthood, the holy nation, members of the new creation, with life more abundant in glory, honor and immortality. F462

Severity – In the cutting off from those favors of all the unfaithful. R1971:3

Toward thee – You Gentiles. R2036:2

Goodness – We get the choicest portion of blessing proffered to fleshly Israel. R2086:5

Manifest by the promise and the blessings it contains. R1971:3

If thou continue – If you heed and continue to walk in the light. R2036:2

In the harvest of this age, the same wisdom tests the "wild branches" and cuts off from favor the great mass of professed branches whose character and aims and dispositions are different from the root. C180

Shalt be cut off – From the divine favor and left to stumble in darkness. R2036:2

"So, then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue thee out of my mouth." (Rev. 3:16) C180; R1971:3

23 And those also, if they may not remain in unbelief, shall be graffed in, for God is able again to graff them in; And they also – Verses 23 and 24 answer the question in verse 1. R793:4

Not still in unbelief – An acceptance of Christ. R5837:5, 953:2

Shall be graffed in – Any Jew, seeking to come into Christ since the day of wrath upon his nation, AD 70, could be re-engrafted only under the same terms and conditions as a Gentile. R2931:5

Graff them in again – During the Gospel age the Jew has had the same privilege of coming into the Body of Christ as the Gentile. R5964:1, 2931:5, 953:2; A299; Q172:2

"The middle wall of partition" between Jew and Gentile was broken down. (Eph. 2:14) Jews could not now come into relationship with Christ on any other terms than could Gentiles. R3356:3

Even in cutting Israel off, God is merciful and kind; even though cut off, they may be re-engrafted if they exercise the needful faith. R1971:3

If a Jew accepts the real Lamb of God, in season--during the "call"--an acceptance of Christ would bring him fully into every favor enjoyed by Gentiles; the broken-off branches may be grafted in again. R953:2

As a nation they lost those spiritual promises and were cut off from them; but believing Israelites, as well as Gentiles, may be grafted into the spiritual vine by faith. R201:2

If broken off, Jews would have just the same process of engrafting as if they were Gentiles. They have no patent or inside way. Q172:2

They will soon be re-engrafted into the olive tree, under The Christ glorified. R4656:4

24 for if thou, out of the olive tree, wild by nature, wast cut out, and, contrary to nature, wast graffed into a good olive tree, how much rather shall they, who [are] according to nature, be graffed into their own olive tree Tree which is wild by nature – Gentile converts are compared to wild olive branches grafted in where the natural branches had been broken off. D651

Good olive tree – Fleshly Israel is compared to the original cultivated olive tree. D651

The good olive tree was in existence long before Jesus came into the world. It was not the new covenant arrangement, but represented God's favor to Israel as the seed of Abraham. Q172:2

Be graffed into their own olive tree – After the close of their 70th week (36 AD) there was no difference in the way by which a natural branch could be restored than that by which a wild branch could be ingrafted. R5963:6, 2931:5

God's favor toward Israel as a nation ended at the time of Christ's rejection, 33 AD. A personal favor continued with true Israelites for a further 3 years to the end of their 70 weeks (36 AD). Possibly some sort of special favor continued with them until the end of the Jewish harvest, 69 AD, but certainly no longer. R3356:2

Eventually the same root will bear two kinds of branches--the ingrafted wild olive branches, and the re-ingrafted natural branches: when fleshly Israel shall have his blindness turned away. D651

25 For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this secret that ye may not be wise in your own conceits that hardness in part to Israel hath happened till the fulness of the nations may come in; Would not, brethren – Brethren of the Church, spiritual Israel. B210; R201:2

This mystery – This secret. (Diaglott) R4370:3

The mystery is this: The blindness and breaking off of Israel will not continue forever. It will only last until the choicest, fittest branches from the Gentiles have been properly engrafted on the root. R1971:3

The selection of the Church, the Body of Christ; the carrying out of a part of that plan not previously revealed. R4625:4

Gathering out a special few of the Jews, and of all nations, to constitute spiritual Israel. R4624:3

God is not now trying to save the world, but he is finding the seed of Abraham. CR48:4

In your own conceits – "That you may not be conceited with yourselves" (Diaglott), thinking all of God's favor and covenant are taken from them and given to you. R4370:3

God's plan is more comprehensive than you have yet appreciated. By showing you that you have not all wisdom, it will enable you to keep humble and to search for the further unfoldings of God's plans. R1971:3

Blindness in part – To the larger part. R201:2

"Hardness in some measure." (Diaglott) R4370:3

Temporary blindness. R1696:6, 5231:6, 3685:1

The blindness which God sent upon them at the beginning of this age. R4464:2

The Jewish nation was blinded and rejected until spiritual Israel's selection. (A part of a chart entitled "God's Everlasting Law Covenant--Perfection and Obedience Rewarded with Everlasting Life.") R4538:5

In their blindness, the Lord allowed the Jews to stumble, which stumbling would continue until the full election of spiritual Israel. R3962:5

No doubt many Jews are now faithless and unbelieving because of the long period of blindness upon them. R4624:5

Pride, on the part of the learned and wealthy, the religious leaders and theologians, led them to consider the humble Nazarene and his unlearned followers, as impostors. R5926:3

Israel, not having zealously inquired for the new heart and the right spirit, not having sought if of the Lord, was unprepared in heart to receive Messiah, and as a result stumbled into blindness. R2503:4

Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:36-50) was like the prejudiced nation, blinded with false traditions of men; the woman sinner with the ointment was like the nation will be, receiving forgiveness, mercy. R2626:6

They failed to attain the glorious hopes of participating with Messiah in the promise made to Abraham. R4537:3

God declared and reiterated that the period of Israel's rejection would be seven times. OV80:6

The Jews of our Lord's day who rejected him did not have a full chance because "they were blinded" and "through ignorance" they crucified him. R2116:5

They will leave their national death and come, the first of the nations to be blessed by the true seed of Abraham, which is Christ, Head and Body. R2605:4

The "veil" of prejudice still exists, but it will be gradually taken away as the light of the Millennial morning dawns. R2605:2

The Jews, blinded, prejudiced, with hardness of heart, rejected Christ as Lord and Redeemer, but the Lord will open their eyes and give them a heart of flesh so they may believe and live. (Ezek. 37:12-14) R1467:1

Israel's attempt to keep the Law brought them great uplift of heart, so that when Jesus came a considerable number of them were ready to receive him. But the rest were blinded. OV342:5, 193:4

At his first advent, our Lord awakened faith in those who had the eye of faith to see. In due time, all the families of the earth shall be saved from this blindness, "All the blind eyes shall be opened." R3501:2

When Peter cured the cripple at the Temple gate, his sermon about the "fathers" and Israel's hope and Jehovah's promise drew devout Israelites, "wheat," before the blinding of the nation. R2096:4

The Lord added to the early Church daily such as were in a condition to be saved from the blindness of their nation, the "wheat" ready to be separated from the "chaff" and gathered into the "garner." R2090:4

That the Law Covenant with Israel is still binding upon that nation is evident from the fact that upon their national rejection of Christ they were nationally blinded until the end of the Gospel age. R5047:2

When this Gospel age is completed, the Lord's favor will turn again to Israel, and blindness shall be turned away from them, not for anything of merit on their part, but because of God's mercy and compassion. R3348:5

Israel's cause is hopeless from a human standpoint; but it is in the will and plan of God that "Jacob" will be favored with Millennial blessings as the first-fruits of the nations, saved from blindness. R2076:5

God shut Israel's door to their only hope, but he will open their blind eyes and cause them to see Christ as their Redeemer from sin and their Deliverer from death and their covenant of death. R1725:5

The heart-blindness to the truth which led to the rejection of Israel, and which has ever since stood more or less related to their trouble, is to pass away, shortly, during the second presence of our Lord. HG303:3

The blindness which happened unto all Israel except the elect remnant (after the nations and individuals rejected Christ) began to be turned away in 1878 when the time to favor Zion began. R1769:5

Gradually, as the full number of "the Lamb's wife" is nearly completed, the "blindness" which has rested upon "Israel after the flesh," according to divine prediction, begins to pass away. R1819:5

When their blinded eyes shall be opened, they will fear. It may require time for them to become fully persuaded that the One feared is their best friend who will free them from sin-slavery. SM425:2

Were it not that the Lord has favored us with a share in the work of gathering out the Bride and helping to make her ready, we would be in Jerusalem turning away blindness from Jacob. R1395:5

This is the gospel that must open the eyes of the "blind": that in Christ the sin-offering types of the Jewish Law have their fulfillment and in Christ the promises to Abraham must all be fulfilled. R1786:4

Happened to Israel – Natural Israel, the whole twelve tribes. B206, B210; C252, C293; R2124:3, 2085:6

Except the remnant which accepted Christ. R1696:6

The majority of the people of Judea were of the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin. Few of the ten tribes returned from Babylon under Cyrus' general permission. But all of the tribes were represented. HG387:1

Until the fullness – Not at the end of a literal "seven times," not at the end of the seventy years in Babylon, but when the elect Gospel Church, the Body of Christ, has been perfected as their deliverer. B92

The full number to be selected from among the Gentiles to complete the Body or Bride of Christ. B77, B210; A108, A300; C283; R5836:5, 5832:4, 4969:2, 4593:6, 4537:3, 3685:1, 2605:4, 748:5, 384:4, 284:4, 258:6; OV226:3; Q756:2

The full predestined number of the Church to be gathered from the Gentile nations. R5721:4, 3685:1; Q357:3

Blindness will last until the elect Church is complete. R1696:6, 2237:2; C278; CR50:1; PT367:1*

The full number to complete the elect Kingdom class must be first found, and then, these being glorified in the first resurrection, natural Israel will obtain their great earthly blessings. R5101:5

If faithful and obedient to the Lord, the Israelites would have been the Royal Priesthood, made up from the twelve tribes, twelve thousand from each tribe, but they lost the privilege to the Gentiles. Q756:2

In their blindness the Lord allowed the Jews to stumble, and the Apostle Paul assures us that this stumbling would continue until the full election of spiritual Israel. R3962:5

We are now at the dawning of the new dispensation, the Church class will soon be completed and glorified with the Savior in his Kingdom, and then God's mercy will begin to operate toward the Jews again. R5832:4

The time is now about here; the Gospel Church is about complete. R5533:3, 5964:2

Who can doubt that God still loves his people whom he foreknew and whom he has promised shall be regathered back to their own land and back to his favor under the New Covenant! R4931:4

While the Jews were cast off as a people for 1845 years, from AD 33 to AD 1878, was the time appointed for the selecting of the Bride of Christ. This is the Gospel dispensation. R599:6

In proving that Israel's "double" is completed, that her blindness is about to be taken away, and that her exaltation is near, we are also proving that the full number of the Gentiles will soon be completed. SM403:2

We now see that their long period of disfavor is about ended, and they will soon be re-engrafted into the olive tree. R4656:4

The Gospel age is to be seen as a parenthesis. As soon as it shall be finished, God's dealings with natural Israel will again be resumed. R4646:3, 1729:6; CR98:6

Israel's rejection from divine favor is not perpetual except in respect to this high calling to the spiritual seed of Abraham which will be complete in the end of this age. R4497:5

As soon as God shall have a sufficient number to fill up the 144,000, all the work of this Gospel age will terminate quickly. There will never be another one added to the spiritual seed of Abraham. Q629:T

Israel is merely disfavored of God for a limited period--during the time of the calling and approving and acceptance of the elect number of spiritual Israel. R4453:6

Divine blessing shall come to natural Israel just as soon as spiritual Israel is completed. OV342:5; R3854:6

As soon as the great Mediator shall be completed, his work will begin--the New Covenant will be sealed between God and Israel. OV80:2

When the work of selecting the spiritual Church is complete, God's favor will again cover Israel as a people. Now, favor is beginning to come to them, a proof that we are in the lapping time of two ages. R400:2

A Jewish State cannot be restored until the gathering of spiritual Israel beyond the veil. R3855:4, 2237:2

That the Law Covenant with Israel is still binding upon that nation is further evident from the fact that upon their national rejection of Christ, they were nationally blinded until the end of the Gospel age. R1729:6

After the long period of Israel's punishment (2520 years, the period of Gentile dominion), the blessings will be fulfilled. God will remember and fulfil to Israel the covenant made with their fathers. B90

Of the Gentiles – From among the Gentiles. B77, B210; C283; R5721:4, 3469:1, 2072:6, 1696:6, 599:6; Q642:2, 357:3

Until the Bride selected from the Gentiles has been completed. R4370:5

The Gospel Church. R4624:3, 545:4

The elect company, the Gospel Church. R258:6

The elect company, the Bride of Christ. HG345:1; OV226:3

Until we spiritual Israelites shall first have been sought and found, polished and fitted and brought to perfection. R4464:2

The first members of spiritual Israel were gathered from among the Jewish nation, and the completeness is to be made up from amongst the Gentiles. R4453:6

These have been taken out of every nation: Americans, Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians--in order that no person will be able to state that his condition is such that none can understand it. CR209:4*

Let no one mistake the "Times of the Gentiles" of Luke 21:24 (when the four Gentile kingdoms are to rule over and tread down Jerusalem) with the "fullness of the Gentiles" of this text. They are not the same. HG20:1

Be come in – To the spiritual blessings. R201:3

Have come into the chief place of favor. R2072:6

Has been selected. A300; B77, B210; R1696:6, 748:5, 599:6

Until the completion of the gathering of the elect. R5231:6

When the elect class is complete, all Israel shall be saved from its blindness. R2213:1

Until the Bride selected from the Gentiles has been completed. R4370:3, 2124:3

As soon as the Gospel Church is completed, God's favor will return to the Jews in the full sense. R5721:4

As soon as the Gospel age is completed. R3348:5, 5047:2

When the new creation shall have been completed and the Millennial age ushered in, God's special favor will pass again to natural Israel, from whom it was taken at the beginning of this Gospel age. F119

After the spiritual Israel will have been completed by the change from earthly nature to heavenly nature, God's blessings will begin to come once more to the natural seed of Abraham. R5273:4

Israel is to be recovered to the divine favor lost eighteen centuries ago. R4958:3; Q642:2

All but the elect were blinded until the members of spiritual Israel--the antitypical Moses and his house--should be delivered by the power of God in the first resurrection. R4537:3

Generations after. Blinded Israel is still in hell (the grave), where there is no consciousness; but their blindness will be removed and their sins forgiven, with their living descendants in the Kingdom. R4781:2

The Head, our Lord Jesus, was brought to the birth more than eighteen centuries ago. His Body, the Church, is now being born in the end of this Gospel age by having a share in "his resurrection." R4464:2; CR59:2

Israel was blinded until all of the elect members of spiritual Israel--the antitypical Moses and his house--should first be delivered by the power of God in the first resurrection. R4537:3

The Gospel age and its call might be viewed as an interruption in the divine plan and purpose for Israel and the world. As soon as it shall be finished, God's dealings with natural Israel will again be resumed. R4646:3

As soon as the Gospel age is finished, God's dealings with natural Israel will again be resumed, only on a higher and loftier plane, through the antitypical Mediator, The Christ, replacing Moses. CR98:6

As Isaac was provided a bride before God's people (Israel) were called, so the nation will be blessed, but not until the Bride takes her place with the heavenly Bridegroom. R752:1*

The time of returning favor to fleshly Israel will indicate the fullness of the Gentiles has been gathered in. R599:1, 2831:6, 2361:5

The Gospel Church must be fully come--filled up--before the trouble can begin, seeing that they assist in pouring out the plagues. R389:2*

The time when Israel will bear fruit will be after the fullness of the Gentiles have come in. R127:2*

When the requisite number have been selected from among the Gentiles to constitute the Kingdom class, as promised, then God's favor will again be shown to the Jews as a people. Q793:T; HG387:5

Present indications point to this as a matter of speedy accomplishment. OV364:3

At God's appointed time, a Jew was Premier of England, the famous Berlin conference took place allowing the Jew to own land, and persecuted Jews are returning to Palestine. R357:1

The time is evidently not far distant when their national hope will be rehabilitated and they shall rejoice again as a people. PD53/65

26 and so all Israel shall be saved, according as it hath been written, 'There shall come forth out of Sion he who is delivering, and he shall turn away impiety from Jacob, And so – "And then." (Diaglott) R4370:3

Thus, or, then. R1696:6, 384:4, 201:3

All Israel – Living and dead. A113; HG346:2; OV228:1

The whole twelve tribes. C252

Note in Young's Concordance where the word Israel is used in the New Testament; the House of Israel was no longer regarded by our Lord and the apostles as the "ten tribes" merely, but "All Israel." C293; R1341:1

"This is the whole house of Israel. I will bring you up out of your graves and bring you into your own land." (Ezek. 37:11,12) R258:6

The decree of Cyrus permitting return from captivity ignored any division and was to all Israel: it was the remnant of Israel and not merely of Judah that was gathered into the Gospel age. R2380:3

Paul specially addressed some living at Rome, but he quotes prophecies against "all the house of Israel" living in his day, without qualification or limitation; not lost, but well-known as "Jews." R2125:3

"The promise might be sure to both the seeds," not only that which is according to the spirit, but also that which is according to the Law. There is a double allotment of divine mercy and provision. R3937:5

Two Israels, of the flesh and of the spirit, were typified in Isaac and Ishmael, and in Jacob and Esau. The inheritor of the promise was the younger; spiritual Israel would be developed after natural Israel. R2443:1

After spiritual Israel has been developed as the true seed of Abraham, through Christ, then divine favor shall return to natural Israel, and she shall obtain mercy, according to the terms of the divine Covenant. R2357:6

Means every creature in the outcome. Q505:T

The root contains a double set of branches: first, the select branches (natural and engrafted)--The Christ which is to bless all nations; and secondly, a lower order of re-engrafted branches (Israel restored). R1971:4

Shall be saved – Recovered from their blindness. A113; R5269:4, 3539:3, 3348:5, 3249:5, 2882:5, 2213:1, 2212:6, 1696:6, 1615:5; HG346:2; OV228:1

Recovered from the blindness and stumbling which came upon them when God thrust them aside. R4453:6

Recovered from the blindness into which they are now going--the blindness in which they have been for nearly nineteen centuries. R3685:1

Delivered from blindness. R2882:5

From their blindness, their ignorance, their misunderstanding at his presentation of himself at his first advent. R5269:4

Recovered to favor. A300; B217; R4820:4, 4593:6, 3854:6; Q756:2

Brought back from their cast-off condition. OV226:3; A108; R545:4, 258:6; HG345:1

God's favor will return after the remaining members of the elect class have been found. R5302:1, 5837:5, 4497:5

They were cut off from his favor while the Bride of Christ was being selected, but will return to favor when that work is accomplished. R258:6

Not to heavenly glory, or to eternal life. Israel will be saved from the blindness and rejection of God which came on them as a nation when they rejected Messiah. HG440:3; 4

They shall yet share in the very blessings they expected when they were broken off, viz.: the natural or earthly part of the blessings. R1971:4

Receive the things promised them as the natural seed. R201:3

After the spiritual Kingdom of God shall have been exalted, God's favor will return to natural Israel and they will be the first nation to be blessed under the new order of things that will then prevail. R4594:1

All Hebews condemned to death under the Law Covenant may be released from it as soon as the elect, the Body of the great Deliverer, the great Mediator, the great Priest, shall have been completed. R4512:1

The "great gulf fixed" will remain unbridged until spiritual Israel has been "sealed" and "garnered." Then Israel will be first to receive the blessing of the "latter rain." R2800:5

We are not to expect their blessing and enlightenment except through the great trouble in which they will share with all others, and out of which they shall be saved and blest by the glorified spiritual Israel. R2631:2

The fact that favor is now beginning to come to Israel is an incidental proof that we are in the lapping time of the two ages. R400:2

The Parable of the rich man and Lazarus only tells that the rich man (Israel) would pass away as a nation (although it remained as a people); it does not tell of the release from that torment. HG161:6; 387:5; R1000:5, 284:4

The rejection of Israel is not permanent. R5495:3

Hosea 6:2 refers to one-thousand-year days. The first thousand of the text began when the Jews experienced their judgments. The third will be when they will be raised to favor in Messiah's reign. Q795:2

Hosea 6:2 refers to the early morning of the third day--the thousand years of Messiah's reign, when the seasons of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, with rain (Hos. 6:3). Q789:T

The thought in this passage is not that all Israel shall be saved eternally, but merely that all Israel shall be saved from their blindness which came upon them as a people when they rejected Messiah. E469

As it is written – In Psalm 14:7. R107:3*

Come out of Sion – The Gospel Church. R4497:2

Spiritual Israel--the Church. R4370:3

The spiritual Church. T33

The glorified Gospel Church, spiritual Zion. R5721:4, 4370:3, 2605:5, 1000:6, 284:4; HG387:5; Q357:3

Mount Zion, the glorified Church or Kingdom, to some extent began in 1878, when our King took to himself his great power to reign, although the "feet" class were not yet fully developed and glorified. C278

"And the Deliverer shall come to Zion (the Church, 'the body of Christ') and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord." (Isa. 59:20) D558

Before the New (Law) covenant could become effective, the Deliverer must come out of Zion (the new Jerusalem; Sarah, mother of Isaac; Rachel, mother of the child of promise and the child of tribulation). R4454:1

Zion is another name for the New Jerusalem, of which the Apostle says, She is the mother of us all. (Gal. 4:26) Zion was typically represented in Sarah, Abraham's wife, who was the mother of Isaac. R4454:1

The term "Zion" is sometimes applied to Jerusalem, also to its inhabitants; in the Gospel age, it is applied to the entire body of professed Christians, on probation for membership in the true Zion. R1648:3

The man-child of Isa. 66:7 is the Little Flock--the true Zion in God's estimation, the ripe wheat of the Gospel Church separated from the tares in the nominal church here referred to. R1649:1

The firstborn of Zion's offspring--the overcomer and heir of all things. Before the promised blessings come to Jacob (fleshly Israel) the heir of the spiritual blessings must first be developed. R1971:5

"Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion." (Psa. 53:6) R238:4*

In this great day of the Lord, nominal Zion will bring forth the man-child and these later children (Great Company). Following the birth of these two classes, will come the birth of the Jewish nation. R5574:5,6

Thus the spiritual children of Zion will be complete, and the blessing will turn to natural Israel. R4454:2

Spiritual Israel has not taken the place of fleshly Israel: her hopes ("better promises") are spiritual, not earthly. She rejoices that fleshly Israel shall inherit the chief earthly blessing. R2086:2

The Deliverer – The spiritual seed. R201:3, 1615:5

The spiritual Son of Zion and his Body, composed of overcomers. HG440:4

The Messiah, The Christ, Jesus, the Head, and the Church, his Body. Q642:2, 357:3; R5721:4, 5608:3, 5371:5, 4625:5, 2882:5, 1971:5, 1696:6, 384:5, 102:4; A300

The Lord and his faithful brethren. F462

Christ and his Bride. R3916:5

Mediator, Prophet, Priest, King. R4497:2

This great High Priest, the servant of the Covenant--Jesus, the Head, and the Little Flock, his Body. T33

Taken from Jew and Gentile. R4624:4, 384:5; B210

Christ the Head and the Church his Body will be the ones who will bless all who become Israelites. R5371:5, 2882:5, 1649:1, 102:4

The 85th Psalm applies to Israel's deliverance by Cyrus from the Babylonian captivity, and to the great Messiah who is about to give full liberty for the return of God's ancient people to divine favor. R4892:2

Their experience under the Law Covenant taught them that nothing they could themselves do would deliver them from the power of sin and death; Messiah would be their Deliverer. R5608:2

It is the Messiah that Israel needs. Thank God that the set time to remember and bless Israel is nigh. R1764:2

All Hebrews condemned to death under the Law Covenant may be released from it as soon as the elect, the Body of the great Deliverer, Mediator, Priest, shall have been completed. R4512:1

Christ, the Great Deliverer whom Moses promised, shall deliver from all evil, from death, from pain and sickness, from ignorance and blindness, from every oppression of the Devil. R1971:5

Israel and the world have been waiting for the development of this great Deliverer, the great antitypical Mediator like unto Moses. CR59:2; 98:6

The Deliverer, The Christ, born out of Zion, shall begin the work of blessing "Jacob"--natural Israel. R4454:2

Turn away ungodliness – Ungodliness will be turned away from Jacob first. R384:5, 5273:4, 3834:1, 2037:4, 1373:3

But not until God himself shall "take away," or "put away," or "blot out" their sins. R1971:5

In the favored and protected valley of Zech. 14:4, ungodliness shall be turned from Israel; and they shall come to the inheritance of the land, and promises vouchsafed to Abraham. R286:6

With the true Priest and the offering of the "better sacrifices," the types were obliterated. By and by fleshly Israel will recognize "him whom they pierced" as the great priest who "offered up himself." R3454:1, 2

The prophesied restoration of God's people to divine favor is to be at the end of seven times. OV80:3

From Jacob – Referred to as a representative of natural Israel. R3965:3

Natural Israel. R4497:2

Fleshly Israel. R4370:4, 5721:4, 4454:2, 1971:5, 1696:6, 1649:1, 1000:6, 286:6, 284:4, 201:3; Q357:3

The natural seed of Abraham. B217; C278; D558; F355; T33; R2605:5

My people. R5371:5

Spiritual Israel is never called Jacob. A300

They will have a glorious opportunity of accepting the Lamb of God, of eating, appropriating, his flesh, his sacrifice, and of thus escaping the bondage of sin and death under the leadership of spiritual Israel. F462

The spiritual seed will principally operate in blessing all nations through the natural seed of Abraham. R1971:4

In Gen. 28:15, the Lord told Jacob, "I will bring thee again unto this land," signifying the regathering of Israel to the land of promise, a blessed assurance which is even now beginning to be fulfilled. R1630:2

27 and this to them [is] the covenant from Me, when I may take away their sins.' This is my covenant – Agreement. R102:4, 1696:6

"The covenant with them from me." (Diaglott) R4370:3

The natural seed of Abraham are still heirs of a certain promise of God, which in due time will come to them--the great privilege of being the foremost nation amongst men during Messiah's glorious reign. R5101:5

Abraham will be "a father of many nations," who will be blessed by the Mediator of the New (Law) Covenant, under which they will come back into harmony with God and obtain eternal life through obedience to it. R4436:6

The New (Law) Covenant. R4758:4, 4612:6, 4575:4, 4505:1, 4464:4, 4453:6, 4371:3, 4322:2, 4319:5

The New Covenant with Israel, which will operate more favorably than the Law Covenant. R4497:1

God declares that he has not cast away his people of that Covenant, but that under the New Covenant he will open their eyes to see Christ as the only door of hope of a new life, purchased with his own blood. R5047:3

Paul taught that some blessings of God yet remained for the Jew, but, instead of looking for God's favor through the types and shadows, they should look to Christ and his antitypical fulfillments of the Law. R4484:6

The earthly phase of the Kingdom of God when set up will be Israelitish; for such is God's engagement or Covenant with Abraham and his natural seed. D624

Who lost his higher, spiritual promises, but are still the possessers of certain earthly promises, to become the chief nation of earth, etc. R2605:4, 1000:6, 284:4

Israel as a nation had certain inalienable promises yet to be inherited as a nation. R1365:1

A future favor for Israel according to the original covenants. R868:3; CR47:2

His promise made to the fathers. SM533:1

Israelites still have this earthly promise of becoming the chief nation of earth. R284:4, 2605:4, 1000:6

"I will build again the tabernacle of David, and the ruins thereof, that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called." (Acts 15:16, 17) HG336:4

I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant. (Ezek. 16:60; Jer. 32:40, 31:31) OV43:3: R259:3, 8:1

Compare Jer. 31:29-34 and Ezek. 18:2,4, 20. The New Covenant, the everlasting covenant, is to be confirmed to Israel and Judah, under which they will obtain their long-looked-for portion. E332

Israel has suffered torments since the rejection of Messiah, and will so continue until she shall be restored to divine favor, according to the conditions of the divine covenant. E377

A New Covenant is due to be introduced "after those days"--after the interim of this Gospel age specially set apart for the development of the antitypical Isaac. R4682:6

The New (Law) Covenant promised to Israel, in which their sins will be cancelled and remembered no more, comes at the close of the Gospel age and not at its beginning. R4453:6

This cannot go into effect with Israel until the end of the Gospel age. R4659:2

The promises wait until the multitudinous Mediator shall be finished (in sacrifice and in resurrection glory); then Israel will receive the inheritance for which they have waited thirty-five centuries. R4548:6

Israel and the world shall obtain mercy under the provision of the New Covenant put into operation as soon as the Royal Priesthood shall have completed the appointed work of sacrifice. R4681:2

As soon as the spiritual seed shall be completed, the blessing of the Lord shall proceed from and through the spiritual seed to the natural seed, fulfilling God's promises of an earthly kind so long deferred. R4543:2

God makes no covenants with sinners. After Christ shall have purchased the world by the satisfaction of justice on their behalf, he will have the right to open to them the blessed privileges of the New Covenant. R4520:5

"The time of Jacob's trouble" will soon be over --the time when they will enter into the New Covenant relationship with God will soon be at hand. R4670:1

Messiah will inaugurate this Covenant at the establishment of his Kingdom. R5533:3

Jesus is the Mediator of the New (Law) Covenant, under the terms of which he will shortly establish his Mediatorial Kingdom for the blessings of Israel and the world. R4476:1

We surely have a very joyful restitution message for them--to be attained under their New Covenant. R4523:4

When the sacrificing finishes, the blessed fellowship with God and Covenant privileges will then be given to Israel again, by a Law Covenant which the Lord will make with them at that time. R4354:6

It is the New Covenant which is to be made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. R3916:5

He cannot mean the Abrahamic Covenant because the spiritual seed inherited it and took the place of the natural seed. R3916:6

He cannot mean the Law Covenant for it passed away--the bond woman and her son were cast out at the end of the Jewish age. R3916:6

With Isaac and Ishmael, and Jacob and Esau, the inheritor of the promise was the younger; so spiritual Israel, heir of the chief blessings (not the only blessing) is developed after natural Israel. R2443:1, 2

Their "double" being ended, the recovery of Israel is due and is in progress, and as soon as the spiritual Israel is complete and glorified the light will begin to shine upon fleshly Israel. R2526:1

There are earthly features of the promises reserved for the natural seed of Abraham, and through them to extend to all the families of the earth, that "whosoever will" may become "the sand of the seashore." R2522:5

The prospects of all the unsaintly are entirely earthly--the very same blessings that are promised to the Jews, only these blessings will come "to the Jew first." OV157:1

God's Covenant is in two parts: One, he will write his law again in the heart of flesh, fully realized under the New Covenant; Two, the Abrahamic Covenant shows that the seed of Abraham will bless all. R792:6

The Jews had every reason to expect that God had honored their nation as the seed of Abraham with especial relationship to his Kingdom. Nor will that expectation prove false. The Lord has not changed his plan. HG439:3

Persecutions in various lands are the prods, the "staff" of their Shepherd, to awaken Israel and direct their hearts toward the promises of which they are the heirs. R2946:5

As the Jews begin to really appreciate the land of promise, the rich promises in connection with that land must become theirs, and the inspiration of those promises' end will lead them back to the land. CR157:6

There will be ample space and abundant provision made for the Israelites in the promised land--promised for an everlasting possession to Abraham and his descendants. Q792:2

Israel will have a share in that work of blessing the world, but on a lower plane than that of the spiritual seed. As the natural seed of Abraham, they will be the first to receive those blessings. R4497:5

The losing of the better part does not cut off fleshly Israel entirely from having a part in the covenant. R4370:2; HG387:5

The blessed opportunities of the New Covenant will be opened to Israel, as God promised. Then they will gladly accept the Mediator of the New Covenant and begin at once to share that Covenant's blessings. R4505:1

All nations will be privileged to become Israelites and share in the blessings of Israel's New Covenant. OV72:T; R4436:3

Israel is the nation which God has foreknown to be the one he will use in connection with his work of blessing all the families of the earth. R4624:3

Shortly, Abraham's natural seed will be saved from their blindness and become the beneficiaries of the New Covenant and share the work of dispensing divine mercy to all the families of the earth. R4478:4

Unto them – With them. R4624:3, 4370:3, 2605:4, 1000:6, 284:4

The nation of Israel, not Gentiles. R4497:5, 4319:5, 2605:4, 284:4; SM368:T

As a prodigal returning to the Father's house. R3361:2

As soon as the Gospel age work shall be finished, God's dealings with natural Israel will again be resumed, through the antitypical Mediator. R4646:3

The orthodox Jews, those who still hold to the teachings of the Law and the prophets, and have faith in God, will be the first to receive the blessings of the new age. R5721:5

With the second presentation of the blood of atonement in the Most Holy, at the end of this age, the New Covenant with Israel will be sealed and the blessing of the Lord will begin to Israel. R4320:4

When I shall – When God will. R4625:5

After divine wrath has burned out their national transgression. E357; R2526:1

The Apostle was referring to the New Covenant promised to that nation, and the fact that their sin should be taken away at the time when that Covenant is sealed--made operative. R4464:4

The time has not yet come. Israel is still under divine condemnation, though we are now privileged to speak comfortably unto them and to assure them that the time for their deliverance is nigh. R4322:4

It is after the Gospel age, when they are pardoned freely for Christ's sake, and restored to the condition of sinless perfect manhood, that the New Covenant comes into force. R4371:3

The Redeemer and his associates will be the Mediator of the New Covenant. R4354:6, 4476:1

The promises are sure as God's word. They merely wait until the "mystery" of a multitudinous Mediator shall be finished (in sacrifice and in resurrection glory). Q179:1

As the great High Priest appeared in the presence of God "on our behalf," so, in the dawn of the Millennium, he will, with his Body, present the ransom-price "on behalf of all the people." R4520:5

As soon as the Church is completed, God's Covenant with Israel, the New Covenant, will be instituted. R4646:5, 4612:6, 102:4; CR99:4

"Until that day ye shall see me no more." Then they shall look upon whom they have pierced; then the Lord will pour upon them the spirit of prayer and supplication; then their blindness will be turned away. (Zech. 12:10) R2438:1

Whoever touched Israel was dealt with by the Lord while they were in covenant relationship with him. Today, the nation is cut off from the divine protection which was with them, but it shall return. R5626:6

Take away their sins – Israel is still in its sins and will not be recovered until after the Church shall have been glorified. R4634:4, 4612:3, 4322:4

The time has not yet come, when he (the great Mediator of the New Covenant between God and mankind) will satisfy the demands of divine justice on behalf of the world. R4322:4

Then all Israel will be recovered from their blindness and their alienation from God. R5626:6

Their sins will be cancelled and remembered no more. R4453:6

Their sins will be forgiven, their iniquities pardoned and they will be received back into divine fellowship. CR99:4

To the Jews this will mean their "double" is fulfilled, "their appointed time is accomplished." (Isa. 40:2) R5533:3

Their sins will then be atoned for by the same precious blood which now atones for ours. R4575:4

The sins of the world are not put away until the close of the Gospel age, until the sufferings of the Body of Christ are ended. He who now justifies believers will then justify them--believers in the ransom. R1971:5

Our Lord became the sin offering for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him--channels through whom his merit would be applied for the propitiation of the world's sins. R4542:6

With the end of this age the great High Priest will antitypically offer the blood of "the Lord's goat" "for the sins of all the people"; and this will include the sins of Israel. (Lev. 16:15) R4505:1

The first part of the taking away of Israel's sins is the satisfaction of justice on their behalf. Their condemnation must be cancelled from the divine standpoint. Then their sins will be put away gradually. R4520:5

The individual sins of the Jew, similar to those which are upon all humanity, not their national sin; it will be a gradual matter. R4612:3,6

"That your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ." (Acts 3:19,20) Israel's return of favor will be at the second advent. B211

God will open their blind eyes and cause them to see Christ in his true character--as their Redeemer from sin and their Deliverer from death and their covenant of death. R5047:4

The blotting out of sins for the world during the Millennial age will begin with fleshly Israel. R2196:1

The taking away of their sins is a necessity for them, before they can receive this New Covenant. R4497:5

"I will pour upon the house of David the spirit of grace and supplication." (Zech. 12:10) R2800:5, 5234:5, 3361:2, 3249:5, 2438:1

One of the lessons from the book of Hosea is that all "Israelites indeed" must be repentant: "Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously: so shall we render the calves of our lips." (Hosea 14:2) R2491:4

"In that day (when the Gospel age of sacrifice is ended) there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness." (Zech. 13:1) R102:4

He has not taken away their sins yet. They are still in blindness; but the sins of the whole world are to be blotted out. The new dispensation will be ushered in, and the Lord will favor the nation. HG275:6

The Lord purposed to take away all sins--the sins of Israel, the sins of those who were to constitute the Gospel Church, and the sins of the whole world. For this cause Christ was manifested and died. Q357:4

God will forgive the sins of those coming into harmony with the New Covenant arrangements and remember their iniquities no more and will graciously deal with them as if they had not crucified the Son of God. Q171:3

"I will take away the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them a heart of flesh." (Ezek. 11:19) SM368:T

28 As regards, indeed, the good tidings, [they are] enemies on your account; and as regards the choice beloved on account of the fathers; Concerning the gospel – The high calling of this age. B211; R2605:5, 1000:6, 284:4; HG387:6

The spiritual part of the Covenant. T33

The remnant who returned from Babylon were separated from idolatry; had they continued to seek the divine will, they might have been ready to receive the new heart required for the spiritual seed. R2503:6

The special favor of the Christian age--a few have received it (verse 5)--but the nation as a whole have been cut off from it. R793:4

They are enemies – The natural seed is cast off. B211; R2605:5, 1000:6, 284:4; HG387:6

They, the literal seed. T33

Treated as enemies of God. R793:4, 2086:2

For the present. R1971:4

For 1800 years they have been counted as enemies and blinded to the gospel. R4370:3

In the year AD 70, the "rich man," as a nation, died at the hands of Titus and the Roman army. Nationally, the "rich man" is buried, but as people the Jews have been alive, ostracised, persecuted, tormented. R5004:5

For your sakes – The Church's sake. R5721:5; HG162:1; Q357:5

That you Gentiles might become inheritors in the Abrahamic promise. R793:4; B211

For your exaltation--the better or spiritual part of the Abrahamic blessing being conferred upon the chosen, who through much tribulation are counted worthy of the chief honor. R1971:4

They were cast off from his favor while the Bride of Christ was being selected. A108; HG345:1; OV226:3

The election – The natural election. R5721:5; Q357:5

The original promises of earthly favor to Israel. HG162:1

By which they were promised, through Abraham, together with other earthly promises, that their nation should become the chief nation of earth. B211; E332; R2605:4

They will be reinstated when the Bride of Christ has been selected. A108; HG345:1; OV226:3

They shall become the "princes" of the spiritual Kingdom through all the earth during the Millennium, which will be to the advantage of many natural Israelites who are now in alienation and darkness. F178

They are to be first blessed by the spiritual or true Seed and may later become associate laborers. T33

Israel according to the flesh will again take first rank in divine favor. R5839:5

God promised that Israel should bless all the nations of the earth. The spiritual seed was not mentioned; the natural seed were right in line for that which was specified--to be blessers of the world. R5836:2

They are beloved – They are still beloved. T33; R793:4

Even though Israel (except a few) made a failure respecting the election. R5302:1

They are soon to return fully to God's favor. R5470:6

In the Millennial age, God's special favor will pass again to natural Israel, from whom it was taken at the beginning of this Gospel age. F118; R5000:5, 1971:4

When the feast of fat things (Isa. 25:6) for all nations shall be spread, Israel will have the first opportunity of participating in it. R3834:1

They are still beloved because whenever God gives a gift he means it; he would not have promised the Abrahamic Seed anything according to the flesh that he was not able to give them in his own due time. CR48:3

Preeminence in the Messianic Kingdom will not be granted to all who are Jews by blood, but only to those who prove loyal to the Law and the prophets. R5964:3

The fathers' sakes – The fathers of Israel are the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Jews are under the Abrahamic Covenant. R5162:5

The Lord will bless fleshly Israel, not because of their worthiness, but because of his promise made to the fathers. HG390:4

The "fathers" were the patriarchs of old--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc. They are referred to in Psalm 45:16 and Heb. 11. Q750:4

The first returning prodigal under the new dispensation will be the poor Jew. R3361:2

Moses, father of the nation, admonished the Israelites with warnings and encouragements, and foretold their final victories, which shall be attained by all who will become by faith the children of Abraham. R3078:2

They are now gradually rising to political freedom and influence; and as a people, they will be very prominent among the nations in the beginning of the Millennium. R2605:2

God has blessings yet in store for natural branches, as promised to their fathers. R1971:4

The tried prophets and patriarchs of past dispensations will take first rank in the blessings of the repentant world under the Millennial reign of Christ. R1365:2

The orthodox Jews, those who still hold to the teachings of the Law and the prophets, and have faith in God, will be the first to receive the blessings of the New Age. Q357:5

29 for unrepented of [are] the gifts and the calling of God; The gifts – The gracious gifts. HG346:3

Calling of God – God having called the Jewish nation to be his peculiar people, having made them definite promises respecting the blessing of all nations, has no thought or intention of abrogating those promises. R4624:3

Paul specifies that God's gifts and callings from the remote past included the restoration of the Jews to divine favor at the close of the Gospel age, which blessing must come through the spiritual seed. R3937:6

The promise is sure to both the earthly seed and the heavenly, the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven, its proper part to each. R3259:5

The natural seed of Abraham had been selected as the line through which divine blessings were to be carried eventually to all the families of the earth. R3139:5

Without repentance – Cannot fail. R1919:1

Not things he will repent of. T33; R5964:2, 4624:3, 3685:1; OV228:1, 66:3

These earthly blessings are just as sure to them as our spiritual ones are to us, because God so promised or covenanted, and never changes. R4370:3

He who knew the end from the beginning knew exactly what Israel would be and do, and was not disappointed, and all of the plans and promises to that nation were made from the standpoint of this knowledge. R4320:3

Any free gift and promise which God makes is sure of fulfillment. He knew all about this temporary lopping off, knowing the end from the beginning, before he made his promises concerning Israel. R1971:5

God has no thought or intention of abrogating his promises. Every promise he has ever made, he has foreknown its full import and its results, and he has done nothing hastily. R4624:3

It is on this unchangeableness of the divine character that the Apostle predicates all of his hopes respecting the restoration of Israel to divine favor and blessing through the glorified Church. R3685:1

At the inauguration of the new age of blessing, natural Israel will be granted a special place and privilege. R5964:2

Tribulations have kept the Jewish minds in that condition of humility in which they will be best prepared for the Lord's service when the time of their complete restoration to favor shall come. Q357:1

As the punishments predicted had been meted out to Israel as a people, so assuredly the promises of the regathering could be relied upon implicitly. R2525:6

Compare Deuteronomy 30:1-9. R1729:6

Favor will return to Israel after the Bride of Christ is selected. R258:6, 545:4, 7:4

As soon as the elect are glorified, the present age and its objects will have ended. Then the restitution work will begin, and Israel according to the flesh will again take first rank in divine favor. R5839:5

When the Mediator will have sealed Israel's New Covenant by his death as its Testator, then the "called" nation of Israel will "receive the eternal inheritance" for which they have waited. (Heb. 9:15) Q179:1

The Jews are waking to the voice of the prophets calling them to Palestine and to fresh hope in God and in the promises to which they still are heirs as the natural seed of Abraham! (Matt. 24:32). R4706:1

Ezek. 16:63--The promised restitution is not based on the merits of the Jews, Samaritans or Sodomites. "That thou mayest remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more." R259:4, 8:1

The gracious promises to Israel in the flesh must yet be fulfilled. OV81:2; R4706:1, 793:4, 107:4*; CR48:3

30 for as ye also once did not believe in God, and now did find kindness by the unbelief of these: For as ye – Gentiles. A300; R1971:6

Not believed – Not obeyed. R107:4*

Have now obtained mercy – For a long time you were strangers and aliens from God, seemingly unloved and uncared for, yet now you have obtained favor. R1971:6

31 so also these now did not believe, that in your kindness they also may find kindness; So have these also – Fleshly Israel. C299; R2605:4

Not believed – No favor could have come to "the ten lost tribes," as the Anglo-Israelites believe, because those Israelites deserted the Israelitish Covenant and became idolaters, unbelievers. C252

God would allow "a great gulf" to be fixed by their prejudices between them and spiritual Israel. R4781:6

The "veil" of prejudice still exists, but it will be gradually taken away as the light of the Millennial morning dawns. R2605:2

Through your mercy – The mercy of the complete and glorified Church of Christ. A300; C299; F355; R5964:2, 5101:6, 4942:5, 4820:5, 4498:2, 4475:1, 3658:5, 2605:4, 2209:6, 1000:5, 284:4; CR49:5; HG387:5

The mercy of The Christ, the spiritual seed of Abraham. R4436:6, 4592:5, 3938:1, 201:3

The mercy of God operating through Jesus, and the mercy of Jesus operating through the Church. R4625:5, 4646:6, 4464:5, 4454:3

Both Jew and Gentile shall obtain mercy through your mercy. R126:6

When the Church is complete, the sacrifice will be finished, the merit of which is to go to Israel and the world under the terms of the New Covenant. R5000:1; Q435:1

Israel is to be the beneficiary of the testament, the legacy, the will, because we laid down our restitution right in sacrifice; this is like the dying of the Testator's Body. R4498:2

As soon as "the elect," the Church of Christ, shall have been completed by the power of the first resurrection. R4942:5

It is a high honor conferred upon the Church to become members of the Body of the great Mediator of the New Covenant, sharers with our Redeemer in his great work of sealing and executing the New Covenant. R4457:1

The King is the Head of the "seed," to which is committed the work of blessing. Israel, natural seed of Abraham, supposed that they would inherit the privilege; but when the King came, they received him not. R2128:6

The Church will be first in the Kingdom, natural Israel with the Ancient Worthies at their head will be the second. R5721:5

Through the Ancient Worthies of Heb. 11, under the New Covenant, Israel and all the nations will receive their intended share of the same divine mercy, passed through Christ and then through the Church. R4513:3

When the Church shall have attained the prize as spiritual Israel, the gulf separating natural Israel from God's favor will have been passed. Favor returning to natural Israel will extend to all nations. R5444:6

No "drop" of refreshment will be afforded the "rich man" in his misery until the Messianic Kingdom shall be established, when Israel (both dead and living) shall obtain mercy through the elect. R5005:4

God will destroy the "great gulf," turning away the blindness of fleshly Israel. He will receive back to favor all of them who will then come--showing mercy through the glorified spiritual Israel. R4781:6; HG387:2

They shall obtain divine forgiveness shortly, after Messiah's Kingdom is established. Theirs will be a true sorrow, and the Lord "will pour upon them the spirit of grace and supplication." (Zech. 12:10) R5234:3

The 144,000 are blessed now with the fellowship of God, even in stormy times; and through their instrumentality (as joint-heirs of the Lord) their companions in these storms of life will ultimately be saved. R4506:4

The nation has passed through severe ordeals. Ere long the famine for the word of the Lord will reach them and cause them to come to the great Governor Joseph (Jesus and his followers) for the bread of life. R3982:2

Israel shall obtain the Father's mercy through Christ and through the Church; his mercy will proceed until all the families of the earth have received his blessing. Q435:1

Jacob and Esau were twins, and so were the Jewish and Gospel dispensations. The elder (Esau, the Jewish church) should serve the younger (Jacob, the Gospel Church) and receive mercy from the younger. R1624:6

Messiah, Head and Body, will be the Mediator of the New Covenant. OV44:2

The whole world of mankind (all who have ever lived) shall be blessed with an opportunity of return to divine favor and everlasting life by God's grace, operating through the elect Church, Head and Body. R2398:4

We are glad that our acceptance will not mean their everlasting loss, but they will be profited through the blessing of spiritual Israel, "qualified servants of the New Covenant." (2 Cor. 3:6) R4592:5

During the Gospel age, we have been privileged or invited to become members of that spiritual seed of him whom Abraham typified (Jehovah), and as such to be the cause or instruments of the coming blessing. R345:1

We have a lot of blessings and mercies to give away. Now you and I individually have no right to give anything away; our Lord has all the right. When we will be glorified, they will get God's mercy from us. CR49:5

Through the saintly few who, during this age, become identified with the glorified Messiah as his Bride. It was not the divine intention that the Jew should be amalgamated in the Christian systems of today. OV116:2

They also – Israel, both dead and living. R5005:4, 5234:3, 4942:5, 1000:6

Restitution rights will be made available to natural Israel and to the world under the New Covenant arrangement. R4492:5, 2209:6, 127:1, 126:6; C299; HG387:5

Divine mercy shall go forth from the Church to bless the world and shall rest first of all upon Israel according to the flesh. R3469:1

They will be the foremost nation amongst men during Messiah's glorious reign. R5101:5, 284:4

Jesus secured earthly life-rights by his obedience; during this age he has made them available to his Body, and soon he will be ready to give them as a legacy to natural Israel and the world. R4497:1

Even though our sacrifice includes laying down our lives for the brethren, the merit of our sacrifice and its application at the end of this age is "for the sins of all the people." R4492:5

The blessing will extend to all nations, in that all nations will be welcome to become "Israelites indeed" and sharers in the blessings of that New (Law) Covennant. OV80:2

May obtain mercy – Divine mercy. R4478:4

God's promised blessings. R201:3

The mercy of God and Christ through the Church to natural Israel, and to all the families of the earth. R4646:6, 2931:5

God is blessing them at the very time he is cutting them off, for in blessing you and preparing the Deliverer, he is making ready to bless them through you, when you as the Body of Christ are complete. R1971:6

When the great Deliverer will be complete, then will be the time when we will apply our earthly rights to Israel; then will be fulfilled God's promise to Abraham, "I will make thee father of many nations." CR50:4

If we be accepted as members in his Body through consecration unto death, we then shall be members of the spiritual seed of Abraham, through whose mercy natural Israel shall obtain mercy. R4475:1

The Son of Sarah secured earthly life rights, laid them down at Calvary; during this age has made them available to his Body, and soon will give them as a legacy to natural Israel and the world. R4497:1

This mercy will go to the Jews through the death of the testator, Christ, the Head, and the Church, the Body. R4625:5, 4528:6, 545:4

The Lord will yet have mercy upon them, and his favor will return to them after the full number from among the Gentiles shall have come into the chief place of favor which Israel failed to obtain. R2072:6*

Israelites according to the flesh will be the first of the restitution class to be blessed by spiritual Israel. C299; R1342:5

The condition of affliction in which the Jews have been throughout the Gospel age has really been a favor from God, preparing them for the blessings of Messiah's Kingdom. R5721:5

They are waiting for the New Covenant--for the blessed arrangement of the Millennial age, under which the Lord declares he will be merciful to them and remember no more their past sins and iniquities. R3916:5

Moses prophesied to Israel that as a result of disobedience they would be scattered throughout the earth, but God, in infinite mercy, would remember them and bring them back to himself. R3071:2

The Book of Hebrews is not addressed to Jews with the intention of converting them, but to Hebrew Christians. It may be a presentation of the gospel specially suitable to prepare Jews for future mercy. R2821:3

Bishop Ryle's Millennial Creed: I believe that the Jews shall ultimately be regathered, as a separate nation, restored to their own land, and converted to the faith of Christ. (2 Cor. 3:16) R2798:6*

The "rich man," having received the measurement of punishment for his sins, will walk out of his fiery troubles over the bridge of God's promises yet unfulfilled to that nation. R2605:1

"Ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jer. 29:13) When the Gospel Church is completed, the Lord's blessings shall be extended through spiritual and reclaimed natural Israel. R2402:5

Soon there will be the union of Bridegroom and Bride, and then the Kingdom of God will come in power and great glory; and fleshly Israel will be first of the nations to realize its Millennial blessings. R1373:3

As the spiritual blessings were offered to the Jew first, so, in the coming blessing to the families of the earth, the natural seed of Abraham are to be given a place or preference, a priority. R2209:6

After spiritual Zion has been glorified to shine as the sun, that true light will shine first upon the house of Jacob, to whom the call will come, "Arise, shine, thy light is come!" (Isa. 60:1) R2037:4

At the end of this age the re-engrafting of the original branches will take place. R793:5

"I will bring you up out of your graves, and bring you into your own land." God will "plant them again, and they shall be no more plucked up." R258:6, 7:4

With the end of this Gospel age, Israel will be delivered from the torments of these centuries and experience a national resuscitation under the glorious privileges and advantages of the New Covenant. HG429:6

Through our mercy (the spiritual seed of Abraham), natural Israel shall obtain mercy and become the earthly seed of Abraham under the New Covenant arrangement, dispensing the blessings of God to all. R4475:1

The spiritual Messiah, Head and Body, will be able to do for Israel and all who come under that New (Law) Covenant far better things than Moses, mediator of the old Law Covenant, could do. R4453:6

They had no hope; then came Zionism, hope for relief from suffering, but no faith in the Abrahamic promise. Later, we see the Jews growing in trust, strength, wealth, faith. The time for joy is not far off. PD53/65

Do you know that the driving of the Jews out of all nations and the resettlement of many of them in Palestine, now in progress, is another sign of the close of the Gospel age and the dawn of the Millennium? HG315:4

32 for God did shut up together the whole to unbelief, that to the whole He might do kindness. Concluded them all – He would make of them a spectacle before the world, and although outcasts from his favor for a time, they should, as a dead nation, be witnesses to his Word throughout the world. R4781:6

Cast Israel aside nationally, that he might bring them as a people to inherit the earthly promises made to them. R1971:6

The ten-tribe nation of Israel fell seven centuries before the time for the beginning of the mercy given at the hands of spiritual Israel (when Jesus came to die, the Just for the unjust). R4820:5

Shut up by Law. R556:4*

That he might – In the Millennial age. R3078:2, 1270:2

Have mercy upon all – All mankind. R1778:6, 1583:1, 1270:2

God will first bless Israel; through those of Israel who are in harmony with him, the blessing will extend to every nation. R4594:1, 3078:2

The rejection of Israel is not permanent--only until the complete number of faithful saints be gathered out from the Gentiles. Then God's favor will return to natural Israel and all the earth. R5495:3

Israel will come more readily into accord with their own leaders of the past than will others; and thus they will again take the most prominent place amongst the nations in the beginning of the Millennium. F178

Recovering every one of them from blindness, bringing them to that full knowledge which will render each without excuse, responsible for his choice of life through obedience to Christ, or "second death." R4781:3

Israel shall be saved from the blindness into which they stumbled in the rejection of Christ; and their recovery then will be the signal for blessings upon the whole world. R2213:1

After Elisha crossed Jordan, he may typify the ancient worthies, showing the New Covenant blessings to come to the world of mankind through the Jews from the glorified Church. R4758:4

The resurrection of "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the holy prophets" will be to perfect earthly conditions. They will indeed rule the world, and bless it, and Israel will be first to respond. R2983:1

The mercy of God and Christ through the Church to natural Israel and through natural Israel for the blessing of whosoever wills of all the families of the earth. R4646:6

Our Heavenly Father's plan provides not only the special heavenly salvation of the elect Church of this age, but also a general salvation--which, beginning with fleshly Israel, shall extend to all. R3066:2

Israel will become the leading nation of earth, representative of the spiritual Kingdom of God; the Gentiles will come and cooperate; a blessing shall proceed to all the families of the earth. R2996:2

The divine power will operate in and with Messiah's Kingdom, take hold of "Jacob," and lift up that people using them as beacon-lights for the world. R2882:5

One of our exceeding great and precious promises is that Israel according to the flesh shall yet obtain mercy and blessing through our mercy (the kings and priests of the Gospel age). R2138:1

We are to be sharers with Christ in the work of making the Covenant which will go to Israel and through Israel to the world. R4625:4

The New Covenant will be made directly with that nation, as foretold by the prophet Jeremiah (31:31)--"after those days" of the sealing of that Covenant by the great Mediator with his blood. R4497:5

His first work will be to pass to the credit of the New Covenant that same "precious blood" which, during this Gospel age, has blessed and comforted the Church. CR59:2

"In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by name." (Amos 9:11, 12) HG336:4

This condition of affliction in which the Jews have been throughout the Gospel age has been a favor from God, preparing them for the blessings of Messiah's Kingdom. Q357:5

"I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more." SM368:T

God's mercy extends to the natural Israelites, whom he declares to have been stiff-necked, hard-hearted and rebellious, and also to all who have not had the favors and privileges of that nation. SM533:2

The Lord will assume the guidance and control and blessing and uplifting and restitution of all the willing and obedient--to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. OV88:3

Jerusalem has gates in every direction, and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel inscribed thereon. Israel is the gateway through which may come the blessings of mankind. R334:1

Through the one man, Christ Jesus. R770:5, 429:3, 363:6

The only begotten Son of God took our human nature that he might be raised with all power in heaven and earth to accomplish the complete deliverance of all by the sacrifice of his humanity. R1583:1

"As the sands of the sea" represents the whole number of the human family who shall ultimately attain the obedience of Abraham, and full human restitution and the Lord's reward of life everlasting. R2854:1

The justice and wisdom of God institutes a law for the propagation of the race that involves all in the Adamic fall and penalty, and the redemption of all by the one offering of Christ. R1565:6

It was a merciful providence that the propagating of the race did not begin until after the fall, so that every member of the race might share the blessings of redemption through Christ. R1552:1

One Savior could not give a ransom for all except that in the case of Adam, there was but one perfect person tried; one only sinned willfully; and hence one perfect being was the corresponding price. R770:4

All die as a result of Adam's unrighteousness. "By God's grace (unmerited favor) we are saved." While we were enemies and sinners, God so loved us that he gave his Son, who tasted "death for every man." R429:6

God condemned all through, or on account of one man's sin, in order that he might have mercy upon all and redeem all by one sacrifice. R363:6

33 O depth of riches, and wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways! Depth of the riches – The lessons in the plan of salvation are not merely for humanity, but also for all the intelligent creatures of God, on every plane of being; and not only for a few centuries, but for all eternity. E486

How grandly systematic and reasonable and just is the divine plan of the ages. R4781:6

Such depths of wisdom and knowledge and grace prove that the plan of God is superhuman. R4455:4

The prophecy of Moses in Deut. 18:15-22 and the fulfillment of that prophecy ("the prophet like unto Moses") in Acts 3 is an example. R1324:5*

The boundless unsearchable riches of God's wisdom and favor will be manifested from the Church to Israel, then to the world in general. R793:5

The world was left in ignorance of God's plan until the Gospel age. God gives light and knowledge just as it is due. No wonder that people will be confounded (Ezek. 16:63) when they see how "God so loved the world." R546:1

These verses show that Paul is the clearest eye the Church ever had. What he saw deepened his knowledge of God's plan so that his writings have a fullness possessed by no other New Testament writer. R365:1

God's plan (bed) is longer and wider and higher than the creeds of men, and a man may stretch himself on it and rest, fully covered with the amplitude of God's mercy, love and grace. R207:6

Both of the wisdom – Oh, glorious covenant! luminous with divine love and wisdom. R2209:6

How unsearchable – How useless for us to try to discover his dealings except as he is pleased to reveal his plans to us. R5533:6, 1971:6

Are his judgments – His decisions. E486

His righteous acts. HG303:4

And his ways – His plans. HG303:4

Past finding out – Freedom and sympathy not begotten by the teachings of God's Word, and good desire for the heathen not inspired by God's revelation of his plan, get us far from the true plan of the ages. R1717:1

Past man's conception. HG303:4

34 for who did know the mind of the Lord or who did become His counsellor Who hath known – We are coming to appreciate something about how great our Heavenly Father is. CR87:3

First, in prayer and communion by going into fellowship with God; second, noting what he has to say in his Word. CR88:2

The Heavenly Father kept to himself his great plan and purpose. When our Lord Jesus was discussing some matters pertaining to the setting up of the Kingdom, he said that the Father alone knew his own plans. CR53:2

Those who have no ear to hear are not called. CR88:1

The mind of the Lord – The divine plan is outlined in the Scriptures. R4461:3

God has chosen the plan which most fully exemplifies his unalterable justice, and exhibits the exceeding riches of his grace--his love; his power will be forcibly illustrated in the restoration of man. R1681:5

Who knew that God's plan was so comprehensive? R12:4, 1972:1; CR92:3

He will take us into his banquet house and supply our needs and bring forth that which will strengthen and refresh us. CR87:6

No one ever knew God's mind or character or plan; God had not made a confidant of anybody. Our great Teacher (Acts 1:7) taught his disciples to wait for the Father to make known his plan. CR53:2

How wonderful is our God, infinite in all his qualities! How came all these wonderful things which are written in his book, unless by his own knowledge? SM474:3

His counsellor – Who suggested to the Almighty such infinitely wise arrangements? OV24:2

In this wonderful, economical, judicial, loving and generous arrangement by which we are permitted to share with our Lord in his great work of blessing the world of mankind? CR59:1

God needed no counsellor. R1747:4

God's plan is not of human device, nor assistance. R1778:6, 1270:2

No one had counselled God or directed him or given him the wisdom to make the great plan which he is carrying out. He permitted it and endured it to manifest his character and to test his creation. CR53:2

35 or who did first give to Him, and it shall be given back to him again
36 because of Him, and through Him, and to Him [are] the all things; to Him [is] the glory to the ages. Amen. Of him – The whole plan is of God. R324:2, 1778:6, 1270:2

The Almighty has favors to dispense, and it is a matter purely of his own business to whom he shall give them. F171

Only God could be the author of this plan. A Jew would not have planned to graft in Gentiles! A Gentile never would have arranged the original stock and branches to be Jewish and himself a graft. R1972:1

Let us build our faith on the rock foundation which God himself has laid, Jesus Christ, "The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world"--who "died for our sins," not on the sands of men's opinions. (John 1:29) R429:6

Are all things – Certain blessings and favors yet to come upon Israel. R1778:5, 1270:2

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