Psalms Chapter 72 [YLT]

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1 By Solomon. Give the king – Christ during the Millennial age. B138

This King whom thou hast appointed. R1415:5

Thy judgments – The execution of thy grand designs. R1415:5

Unto the king's – Jehovah's. R1415:5

Son – Messiah's Kingdom is to rule the world in righteousness. R5706:4

The Body of Christ is, collectively with their Head, the King's son. R49:1*

O God, Thy judgments to the king give, And Thy righteousness to the king's son.
2 He judgeth Thy people with righteousness, And Thy poor with judgment. Thy people – For thy people. R1415:2

With righteousness – In due time, God will establish righteousness in the earth. R5115:3

And thy poor – And for thy afflicted. R1415:2

With judgment – With justice. R1415:2

3 The mountains bear peace to the people, And the heights by righteousness. The mountains – New ruling powers of Christ's Kingdom. R1415:2

The little hills – The tributary powers under the main government. R1415:2

4 He judgeth the poor of the people, Giveth deliverance to the sons of the needy, And bruiseth the oppressor. He shall save – Shall give help to the children of the needy. R1415:2

Break In pieces – This will be the beginning of the purgatorial judgments of the Millennium--in favor of the poor and against the wealthy. R1470:4

The oppressor – All oppressive systems and institutions-- civil, social, financial and religious. R1415:1; OV46:3

break in pieces – This is what is accomplished by the Lord and His church. Consider the smiting of the image (Dan. 2:44-45) and the work done by the 6 men of Ezekiel 9 (Eze. 9:2, 5-7) [Note: in Eze. 9:2 the 'slaughter weapon' is 'a weapon of his breaking in pieces' - margin.]
5 They fear Thee with the sun, and before the moon, Generation generations. Sun and moon endure – The glorified Church will have no need of the sun or moon (Rev. 21:23) literally, because they will be spirit beings. Symbolically, she will not need the light of the Gospel or Jewish ages because of her more excellent glory. R2833:6

Nothing in the above indicates that the world will not have need of both sunlight and moonlight during the Millennial age and subsequently. R2833:6

6 He cometh down as rain on mown grass, As showers sprinkling the earth. Like rain – Symbol of truth, refreshing--"showers of blessings." (Ezek. 34:26) R5575:5

Upon the mown grass – The world of mankind, after they have been shorn of all that has encumbered them and prevented the showers of grace from reaching their hearts. R5575:5

Water the earth – "Times of refreshing." (Acts 3:19) R1414:6

7 Flourish in his days doth the righteous, And abundance of peace till the moon is not. In his days – In "the world to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (Heb 2:5; 2Pet 3:13) A67

In the reign of Christ. R492:5

Righteous flourish – Temporally, mentally, physically, morally. R2763:5

The reverse of what we now witness. R1412:3, R2406:2; HG538:2; HG681:2

The same rule as in the Jewish age--faithfulness brought temporal prosperity. R2060:6

The very circumstances which now make sacrifice necessary will be gone; consequently, the opportunity for sacrificing will be gone. R443:1

The rewards and punishments will be equitable. An appeal will be made to the hearts, supplemented by stripes, judgments and chastisements. R3304:6

This has not been fulfilled yet. R5853:5

Abundance of peace – Because the King, the Lord's Anointed, rules in righteousness and princes decree justice. (Isa 32:1) R3114:1

so long as the moon endureth – The moon here refers to the New (Law) Covenant.
8 And he ruleth from sea unto sea, And from the river unto the ends of earth. From sea to sea – While there is a work of grace now going on in the hearts of believers, a veritable Kingdom of God is yet to be established under the whole heavens. A282

Ends of the earth – Christ's Kingdom will be without an opponent. R4974:4, R1415:1

After every evil thing has been destroyed, every creature in heaven and in earth will be heard praising God. (Rev 5:13) R5183:2

"As truly as I live, the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." (Num 14:21) R1415:1

9 Before him bow do the inhabitants of the dry places, And his enemies lick the dust. In the wilderness – Beyond the pale of Christendom. R1415:1

And his enemies – Those who, after full knowledge, oppose the Kingdom and its laws. R1415:1

Wilful enemies--not the ones referred to by Jesus when he said, "Love your enemies." (Matt. 5:44) R1176:1

Shall lick the dust – Be destroyed. R1415:1, R1176:1

Signifying the destruction of Satan, symbolized by the serpent. "Dust shall be the serpent's meat. (Isa. 65:25) R5574:4

10 Kings of Tarshish and of the isles send back a present. Kings of Sheba and Seba a reward bring near. And of the isles – Symbol of republics. R511:3[R511]

11 And all kings do bow themselves to him, All nations do serve him, Yea, all kings – The prominent and influential among men. R1415:1[R1415]

12 For he delivereth the needy who crieth, And the poor when he hath no helper, Deliver the needy – By causing the general leveling of society. R1955:1

When he crieth – Pray, pleading our need. R5380:5*

13 He hath pity on the poor and needy, And the souls of the needy he saveth,
14 From fraud and from violence he redeemeth their soul, And precious is their blood in his eyes. Shall their blood – Their lives. R1415:4[R1415]

15 And he liveth, and giveth to him of the gold of Sheba, And prayeth for him continually, All the day he doth bless him. He shall live – Receive all the blessings of everlasting life which God has made provision for through Messiah. R5706:4

Of the gold – Representing obedience. R3703:4

Have we laid at his feet our earthly substance, our gold? R3703:5

16 There is a handful of corn in the earth, On the top of mountains, Shake like Lebanon doth its fruit, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth. An handful of corn – An abundance of corn. R1415:4

Top of the mountains – As a blessing from the King. R1415:4

The fruit thereof – The fruitage of our Lord's death was the bringing forth of the Church. The dying of those grains is to bring forth the appointed crop. R4354:3

Like Lebanon – Like the trees of Lebanon. R1415:4

And they of the city – Those blessed by the Kingdom of God. R1415:4

17 His name is to the age, Before the sun is his name continued, And they bless themselves in him, All nations do pronounce him happy. Endure for ever – Be as that of a son, continuing his father's name forever. R1415:4

As long as the sun – As the sun's brightness increases to noon, so shall the honor of the Messiah grow brighter and brighter as the mists and gloom of sin are driven away. R1415:4

Blessed in him – Blessed through him; it will be in and by the blood of the Lamb that this opportunity for cleansing shall come. R1415:4

Christ, Head and Body. R238:4*

All nations – Including the half -civilized and savage tribes. R1415:1

18 Blessed is Jehovah God, God of Israel, He alone is doing wonders, Doeth wondrous things – Whose wisdom alone devised the wondrous plan. R1415:5

19 And blessed [is] the Name of His honour to the age, And the whole earth is filled [with] His honour. Amen, and amen! With his glory --The whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. B99

20 The prayers of David son of Jesse have been ended. Are ended – Summed up. R303:2*

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