John Chapter 15 [YLT]

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1 'I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman; I am the true vine – The vine of Jehovah's right-hand planting. (Isa. 60:21) R3544:3

Some infer that this was an object lesson either suggested by the vineyards on the route or that their journey led past the golden gate of the Temple on which there was a large golden vine which Josephus describes. R3544:1, 2464:3

Probably suggested by the drinking of the "cup" representing the blood of the New Covenant, and may have been uttered after Judas had gone out, and before the Lord and the eleven went to Gethsemane. R2464:3

Suggestive of a false vine, and this thought is accentuated and elaborated in our Lord's last message to his people in the symbols of Revelation. (Rev. 14:9) R3544:2, 2464:6; B234; F207; NS59:1

The vine of the earth is the nominal Christian system organized along the lines of earthly wisdom. Its branches are the various sects and parties of Christendom. Its fruitage is temples, political power, etc. R3544:3; F207; NS376:5

There is a difference between the fruits of the true vine and the fruits of the vine of the earth: one bears the form of godliness without its spirit or power, the other transforms the mind. NS377:1

We who live at a time when both the true vine and the false vine of the earth have developed, have opportunity for noticing the difference between the two, that the one is a counterfeit of the other. R3544:2

God gave Christendom the advantage of the "choicest vine," Christ, and when he looked for justice and righteousness as the fruits, behold oppression and a cry. (Isa. 5:7) R2804:3*

The grapevine was honored of the Master in that he used it in this parable to symbolize himself and the Church. R4666:1

My Father – Nevertheless the disciplines and prunings are accomplished in us and toward us through our Head, as the Father's agent. F401

The husbandman – Who planted, who owns, who cares for the true vine, and to him it yields its fruit. The word signifies not merely the caretaker, but rather the vineyard-owner. R2464:6, 3544:2

Whatever the channels or agencies employed by the divine power in the care of the vine, the entire matter is, nevertheless, of the Father, the husbandman. NS377:6

Therefore it is God, not Christ, who is the judge of the Church. R2425:3*

2 every branch in me not bearing fruit, He doth take it away, and every one bearing fruit, He doth cleanse by pruning it, that it may bear more fruit; Every branch – Not every nominal Christian, every professor, nor even "justified" believers, ready to become branches, but only those who, by consecration, have been "immersed into Christ." R2465:1

In me – Being "in Christ" gives the thought of membership in his Body; in the Vine, partaking of the nourishment therefrom; "Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27) R5227:3, 140:2

While God in Christ has opened up the way and made it possible for us to become members of his Church, yet the joining of that Church is our part, and can be accomplished only by a full consecration. R1301:4, 374:1; Q303:2

The apostles did not join each other, but each was united in heart. So we should not join the apostles, but each should individually join the Lord as a member, each must have the sap if it would bear fruit. R3544:5

The sap of the Vine corresponds to the holy Spirit of the Lord, which invades the entire Church. NS378:1

Beareth not fruit – More than the mere making of a consecration is necessary. Consecration opens the door and gives us the standing. But to maintain this standing requires that fruits be produced, evidencing love and devotion. F78

The fruit of the spirit. R1414:6, 1301:6

They are all the same fruit, love, only in various stages of development, just as the flower and the green grape are developments toward the fully ripe grape. R1301:6, 2667:3

Jesus used the fruit of the vine to symbolize his death, and the fruit expected of every branch of the vine is the same, namely, a giving of your life for the world. R140:2

Some may become true branches in the Vine and yet overlook and not possess the fruit-bearing disposition. R3545:2

At the beginning of our existence as new creatures the fruits of the holy Spirit germinate within us, but these must grow to maturity. We must bear fruit. R5208:5

All the branches of the vine have a tendency to spend their strength upon themselves, in branch-making rather than in fruit-producing. R2465:2

If the transforming work is not going on within us, we are either dead or dying branches that must sooner or later be severed from the vine. R1414:6, 1081:5

The branch was in the Vine and yet did not bear fruit, did not make the effort to become Christlike. R5901:4*

He – The Father. R5023:4, 1301:4; Q404:2

No one is competent to say of another that he has ceased to make his consecration. It is not given us to determine who are and who are not. It is the Lord's own work, and it is for him to determine who are in the Body. Q106:T

Taketh away – As a "sucker," cut off from further affiliation and privilege. E206

Cuts it off from fellowship in the Vine. R4494:5, 5208:5, 4663:4, 1698:5

The present state of our membership is not final, but probationary. R1698:5, 1570:3, 1302:1; E230

There is a danger to those members of the Body who are failing to fill their office, of their being finally cut off from the Body, and others more worthy appointed in their place. R732:2

Everyone who becomes a branch in the true Vine obtains a possession without works, without merit of his own; but, having become a branch, it is required of him that he should bring forth fruit. R4494:4

Cease to be recognized in any sense of the word as branches. They may retain their freshness for a time, but eventually lose every evidence of fidelity, wither away. R2465:2

The husbandman with a trained eye discerns between buds which would bring forth grape clusters and buds which would only have leaves, "suckers," because they merely suck the juice and bring forth no fruitage. R3545:2

Under circumstances of unfaithfulness, the Lord not only permits us to leave him, his work and his Word, but, indeed, forces us to do so. R2287:1

Since Christ's character, the standard to be reached, is reached gradually, we must get busy developing this character, or sooner or later we shall become completely and forever separated from the Lord. R5901:4*

This conditional promise depends upon faithfulness to the end, patient endurance. R4911:1

Many, not only of the nominal church, but many members of the true Church, are weak and sickly, and many have gone asleep entirely, become dead to spiritual things, and, as dead branches, are cut off from the vine--the overcoming Church. R467:5

The Great Company, by their failure to carry out the contract of self-sacrifice, cut themselves off from the "Royal Priesthood," from membership in the Body of Christ. T69

Touching our high calling in Christ Jesus, to be his Bride, they become castaways. R140:2

Of course the husbandman would trim off dead branches, or rather, they would cut themselves off, representing those who commit the unpardonable sin. R140:3

Since fruit-bearing is the very object of coming into the Vine, not cultivating the fruits of the spirit is cutting yourself off, for your failure to bring forth the fruitage God is requiring. OV303:2

And every branch – Every individual member of Christ. R4663:4

There are two classes, fruit-bearing and non-fruit-bearing branches. R2465:1

Both classes are developments; every branch begins as a very small shoot, develops leaves, has the same opportunities for sap from the same stem, Christ, and the same root of divine purpose and promise. R2465:2

That beareth fruit – He does not expect to gather ripe grapes from the new vine-shoot when first it makes its appearance; rather, the great Husbandman (1 Cor. 3:9) waits for the gradual development of the fruit. R3020:5, 2465:2, 1301:6

Nevertheless, manifestations of a coming fruitage of love are expected of the Lord quickly after our union with him. R3020:5

Be it ever so little. R67:4*

He purgeth it – Cleanseth, pruneth. R4911:2, 5208:5, 3544:5; F401

The pruning is seen to be the trials and difficulties of life, but these are only for such as are branches in Christ. Q303:2; CR109:4

Cut us loose from all things contrary to his truth and to our best interests, and thus make us more faithful. R1302:2

He prunes away the earthly attachments and tendency to cling to earthly things. CR109:4; R4872:3

One peculiarity of the vine is that it seems to thrive the better in proportion as it is pruned. R2373:1

Aside from the suckers, there are branches which, while having fruit buds, would never bring forth fruit to ripe development. The wise husbandman pinches off the sprout of the vine beyond the bud to make it more fruitful. R3545:3; NS377:6

Vine-dressers tell us that they can very early discern the fruit-buds on the proper branches, and that the suckers lack these fruit-buds. R2465:2

Even fruit-bearing branches reach out and take hold of other things than those provided for their support by the husbandman. There is the same tendency among the consecrated to seek supports outside the Word of God and to lay hold upon the things of this world. R1302:1

As even the best branches in the vine require pruning, so even the most honest of the Lord's people require the Lord's discipline, otherwise they might soon run to woodmaking also. R2465:3; NS377:5

As it is proper enough that a vine should grow larger and larger, making new wood each year, so it is proper that the Lord's people should increase, spread and broaden year by year. NS377:5

But the important thing is the fruitage. Only so much growth can be allowed as will not interfere with the proper development of the fruit. NS377:6

Our Heavenly Father sees the sprouts of our ambitions in various directions, and knows, as we do not, whereunto these might lead; by his providence he nips in the bud many of our propositions. R2465:3

There is wisdom in shaking off some of our plans and arrangements and efforts for which we have little talent, and concentrating our efforts upon those which we can best bring to perfection. R2466:2

Many of the tendrils which were catching hold of all the various attractions of earthly life are pruned off. R2287:4

So if we have the trimmings and purgings that he gives to the fruit-bearing branches, let us rejoice that we are in the good Husbandman's care and are in good condition. R5023:4; Q404:2

Sometimes by taking away earthly wealth, or by hindering cherished plans and schemes, or permitting persecutions or sickness; for some were too busy and were laid aside for a season. R3545:3

There is more or less pain in the prunings and testings of loyalty and obedience, but every manifestation of obedience helps to prepare us for membership in the Bride class. R5208:5

Amongst the vine-growers of Palestine it is customary to cut back the vine clear to the roots yearly, in order to get fresh sprouts therefrom. R2373:1

Not that in every little company there would be so thorough a purging that only the true branches remain. R3545:1

Bring forth more fruit – We are on trial; and the trial is to prove our loyalty. If the trial time, or probation, is satisfactory, the membership is made permanent. R4911:4

3 already ye are clean, because of the word that I have spoken to you; Now – The pruning work had already been done on them up to date. In the Lord's providences they had been purged of an unfaithful branch, Judas. R3545:4

It remains to be proved that there was any place or provision for washing in the typical Holy place. The laver was in the court and not in the sanctuary. R103:4*

Ye are clean – Justified and accepted because of your faith, obedience and loyalty. R3545:4, 4436:4

Through the word – Through the teaching. R2465:4

The apostles had been with our Lord and under his influence for three years, and been greatly blessed by "the washing of water through the word" spoken unto them. (Eph. 5:26) R2449:6

"Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." ( John 17:17) May we never fall into the error of presuming that the sanctifying work can go on better without the truth than with it. R1628:5*

I have spoken – As the Father's representative, Jesus had been keeping the first branches of the vine. He had purged or pruned by his reproofs or counsels. R2465:3

4 remain in me, and I in you, as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, if it may not remain in the vine, so neither ye, if ye may not remain in me. Abide in me – The bearing of the fruit which the Father desires cannot be accomplished except as we are related to Christ and his fruit is born in us by our relationship to him and the power of his Spirit. R3545:5

Remain under the blood of sprinkling, abide in his love. R2456:4, 1008:2, 1007:2

Let the mind of Christ dwell in you richly, let his spirit control your mortal bodies and present them living sacrifices, partakers of his sufferings and death. R1008:6

As no man could join us to Christ but ourselves only, so no man could "pluck us out" or separate us from Christ but ourselves only. R1301:5

Bear fruit – Many, misguided, think of earthly temples, orphanages, etc., as being the fruits; sometimes taken to be activities in the service of the truth. Not so! The fruits are still nobler, the fruits of the spirit. R3545:5

The name of all these fruits and graces of the spirit is expressed in the one word, love. R3546:1, 4663:4; OV123:1

5 'I am the vine, ye the branches; he who is remaining in me, and I in him, this one doth bear much fruit, because apart from me ye are not able to do anything; I am the vine – In the Scriptures, a vine is a figure used for the Church. R5383:1, 5505:4

"The cup of blessing" (1 Cor. 10:16) is the precious fruit of this vine, the development of which represents the sorrowful part of our experience. R5341:2

The Head. R140:1, 2373:2

Ye are the branches – The vine is composed of branches, practically all branches, and this well illustrates our Lord's double declaration: first, that he is the Vine, and secondly, that this vine includes all his consecrated saints. NS374:2

The branches do not represent denominations and sects, but the individuals who are united to the Lord. R3544:5, 2465:5, 1573:3; CR68:4; OV234:2; NS374:2

The Christian is a branch from the moment of his consecration, and is a partaker of the sap from the root; yet it is not expected that he will instantly bear all the fruits of the Spirit. E206

The first evidences of the relationship to this Church-vine will be association with other branches, a connection with the root, and evidences of life. E206

Next will be tendrils, by which progress will be attained; next, the leaves or professions; next, the flower; and later, the fruit. The fruit is extremely small at first, and requires time to develop. E206

When our justification has progressed to the point of full consecration, we are recognized as begotten of the Spirit, and as branches in the Vine. R5023:3

Many illustrations of oneness: from the mineral kingdom, living stones built up into him; from the animal kingdom, a Shepherd and his sheep; from the family, true husband and true wife; again, the Creator as the Father, himself as the elder Son, and all we as brethren; from the human body, the Head over the Body. R3544:6, 30:3*; NS374:1

Illustrating oneness, and indivisibility. A82; R81:2*

The Vine and its branches have such a oneness that wherever we touch a branch we touch the Vine itself. It is one vine composed of branches, and so is the Body of Christ one body, composed of many members. R2465:6

Century after century these have been planted by baptism into death with their Master and have been bringing forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness. R5505:5

The body. R140:1

Abideth in me – Only those who both eat his flesh, appropriate his merits, justification, and drink his blood, share with him in sacrifice, dwell in him as members of the "true vine." R1016:1

That a perfect knowledge constitutes one a member of the Body of Christ is an error. It is in the Vine, not separate from it, that the young and tender branch becomes a strong branch bearing abundant fruit. R118:3*, 67:4*

Without me – That is, separate from me. R118:3*

A branch without connection with the vine is of no value. NS378:4

The divine power which operates through our Lord Jesus, through the Word of truth, through the followers of Jesus, can operate in the weakest member of the Body of Christ as well as in the strongest. R5942:4

To abide in Christ means to be subject to all the will of the great Husbandman, and gladly and meekly submit to all the prunings which his wisdom has seen best to permit. R2466:1

"In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov. 3:6) "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil. 4:13) R4064:1

Each should more carefully watch for the leadings of divine providence and realize that only as he is a co-worker together with God can he accomplish anything. R2191:5

Ye can do nothing – Even after exercising humility and coming to the Lord and being accepted of him, if the humility be lost our gracious standing in Christ is forfeited. R3842:6

Some imagine that they would become so perfect in the flesh that they would no longer need the robe of Christ's righteousness. This would be a serious mistake. R5902:2

6 if any one may not remain in me, he was cast forth without as the branch, and was withered, and they gather them, and cast to fire, and they are burned; If – There is an "if," a contingency, upon which the scales of divine judgment as to our worthiness or unworthiness of the inheritance must turn. R2154:4

Abide not in me – Even when drawn, by the opening of our mental eyes to the truth, under the unfavorable conditions of the present time, we are not compelled to follow; we may "go away." ( John 6:66,67) R1056:2

All who come into Christ submit themselves to his will and voluntarily make it their law; and those who willingly violate this law thereby cease to "abide in him" and will be "cast forth" as dead branches. R1726:2

Willingly violate his law. R970:6

Is cast forth – Not the worldly class, for they were never united to Christ, never were branches in the Vine; only those who have made a full consecration to the Lord. R3546:2

Not the household of faith, which, though believing in Jesus, never come to the point of becoming branches; nor the Great Company. R3546:3

As rejected branches "twice dead, plucked up by the roots." (Jude 12) R1056:2

As a branch – Burned as branches, destroyed as members of the company to which they originally were by covenant attached, but not necessarily destroyed individually to all eternity. R3546:3

And is withered – The cut off branch (v. 2) is not the one which has withered. R140:3

The branches here mentioned as cut off are what vine-dressers call "suckers," and fitly picture many who make only professions, and never bear its fruit--self-sacrifice to death. R140:3

Cast them into the fire – Seems to imply the second death, utter destruction of the class indicated. R3546:2

They are burned – The fact that they were branches avails nothing after they cease to be branches, for the wood of the vine is of no practical value. They are burned, destroyed. R2465:2

Implying that as branches they are destroyed, so they could never be reingrafted if once cut off. NS378:2

"Delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit (life) may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." (1 Cor. 5:5) R140:3

7 if ye may remain in me, and my sayings in you may remain, whatever ye may wish ye shall ask, and it shall be done to you. If – The conditions are two: abiding in Christ and his word abiding in us. R4983:3, 4913:2

Only one condition or limitation, that they give attention to the Lord's Word that they may ascertain what is his will and what they may ask according to his will. R3546:4

Even to those who have become sons of God, Jesus intimates a danger of losing the privilege of prayer. R5692:3, 1998:6

Ye – It is limited to certain people under certain conditions. It does not say that anybody may ask what he will. OV400:2

Showing who may ask: ye believers, who are in me, whose wills are buried or immersed into the will of Christ Jesus. R1998:6

Abide in me – Only those can abide in Christ who are in Christ. F679; R4983:3; OV400:2

More than this, he must continue to abide in Christ as a member of the Body, a member of the new creation. F680

We abide in him by continuing as we began. We suggest that every morning we make a fresh presentation of ourselves to the Lord, not as making a new sacrifice, but as confirming the one already made. OV403:7

Pointing out the necessity for our continuance under his care. F120

If we abide in him it will mean that we abide loyal to his will, and are desirous of having his will done in us, and not our own will. NS226:1

Entirely subject to my will and plan, even as I abide in the Father's love, and seek not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me. R1999:3

Those who abide in Christ must have gotten into him by faith, repentance and consecration. R3663:2, 5708:2

Our Lord Jesus kept the incense continually burning, so the under-priests will be heard always if they continually offer the incense of faith, love and obedience to God. T120

This means that the petitioner has turned from sin, has accepted Christ, and the terms of discipleship. R4913:2

Not only that they have entered into a consecrated relationship, but that they are remaining there, dwelling there; that they are members of the Body of Christ in good standing. R5311:2, 5708:2

To abide in him means that their faith will abide, their repentance for sin and opposition to it will abide, and their consecration to the Lord and his service will abide. R4983:3, 3663:2

That the Christ-character and life are definitely formed in us. R3251:6

The majority, holding intercourse with evil, only occasionally flee to the Lord in some trouble, and that without entering into any covenant with him or receiving recognition as sons, and without desiring this. R5692:3

My words abide in you – My teachings. T120

If you remember and act upon my teaching. R5758:2

If he would have the wisdom necessary to ask, in harmony with the Lord's will, things which he would be pleased to grant. Otherwise, his prayers might go unanswered, because "amiss." F680; T120; NS225:6

The request must be in harmony with the divine will. Q774:3; R5219:6

If the Lord's words abide in us it will imply our love for them, and diligent study to know the words of the Lord, and the will of the Lord expressed in those words. NS226:1

Abiding in Christ implies that the will has been wholly swallowed up in the will of Christ; and if the suppliant's own will is gone, he surely would consult the words of Christ before framing a petition to the Father in Christ's name. R798:2

It is not only necessary that we seek divine grace, but it is equally proper that we avail ourselves of the divine revelation respecting what is the will of God our Father. R2466:3

We must study the Bible. This is the only way to know what God has said to us. OV404:2; R4984:1

They must search the Scriptures to know the will of the Lord; to know what he has promised and what he has not promised; to know what they may ask for and what they may not ask. R4983:3, 5311:2, 5480:5, 4913:2, 1999:3

In other words, petitions according to the Lord's will shall be answered, but those contrary to his will shall remain unanswered. R5202:6

Ask what ye will – Only those who possess both qualifications may expect to approach the throne of heavenly grace with full assurance of faith that their petitions will be answered--in God's due time. F680; R5219:6

The intimation is that the asking of the Father is a means by which we may more and more receive of the sap of the Vine, the holy Spirit, and be enabled to develop the fruits of the Spirit. R2466:3

It might seem at first as though we might ask for anything. But it has very particular limitations. R5311:2

Those thus abiding in him will ask chiefly for spiritual blessings. OV404:3

Our wills being in harmony with the will of God. R2163:6*

The province of prayer is to ask for only such things as God has already declared himself well pleased to grant. R4983:2, 798:1

Whatever would be asked by one thus well-informed respecting the divine promises and fully submissive to the divine will, would be things which God would be well pleased to grant. R3663:2

We may ask anything that is guaranteed in God's Word; for his Word dwells in us richly, and we would not think of asking anything not authorized therein. R5708:2, 5758:2; CR421:4

There are many things for which we may pray, the answer to which would not involve any change in divine plans. We are not to understand that all the little incidents of life are foreordained and predestinated. R4913:4

Not by way of intimating that the Father would change his plans to yours, and do your will, but intimating that you can come so fully into sympathy with the Father that you will never be dissatisfied. R1999:3

When we pray, "Not my will, but thine, be done," our prayers are always answered; but in such a condition the prayers will be very modest. (Luke 22:42) R4983:4, 1999:4, 798:2; NS226:2

Not as a begging arrangement, nor for instructing the Lord as to our wills; but communion of heart with our Father in which we may relieve our burdened and perplexed hearts by realizing divine sympathy. R799:2, 4984:1, 4983:2

Prayer opportunity is not for us to instruct Jehovah how to arrange matters for the best, but that we may be prepared to listen for his answer and advice through his Word. R4983:1, 797:6

The object of prayer is to bring the heart and the mind of the child of God into closer contact with the heart of God. R4983:1, 797:6

The fully consecrated will not want anything which is not in fullest harmony with the will of him we so love and adore, and who is so worthy of our love and loyalty. R5480:5

We may not ask for riches and honor, nor for fine food and fine clothing. To pray for these is contrary to the spirit of the Master. But we may ask, "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matt. 6:11) R798:3

If the least disciple were assured, on good evidence, that the removal of a tree or mountain would be a part of the divine will, and that it was his duty to do the commanding, he should have equally strong faith in the results. R1967:3

8 'In this was my Father glorified, that ye may bear much fruit, and ye shall become my disciples. Bear much fruit – The Lord will be glorified the more in proportion as our fruit increases. It is a part of our covenant relationship that we will grow in grace. R3546:4

Herein is my Father glorified – And this is exactly what we therefore need to pay close attention to. Our highest motive should be to bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father and His Son.

Bear much fruit – This is how we accomplish two vital things.

1) Glorify our Heavenly Father.

2) "Be my disciples."

9 According as the Father did love me, I also loved you, remain in my love; So have I loved – Our Master has toward us the same kind of love that the Father has toward him. R3546:5, 2466:4

Continue ye – Continue, and if possible, increase your consecration, and you shall have fresh evidences of his friendship by growing "in grace and in knowledge." R231:4

These words show that it is possible for us to forfeit the Lord's love and to become castaways. R2466:5

The sap which produces the fruit can only be obtained by continued union with the Vine and its root of promise. If ever separated, all hopes wither. R2465:4

Only those who prove the sincerity of their professions will be accepted as members of the Church glorified, symbolized by the golden vine of the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. R2466:4

10 if my commandments ye may keep, ye shall remain in my love, according as I the commands of my Father have kept, and do remain in His love; If ye keep – Love with an "if" in it means love that is conditional, or because of something. R1253:5

Next come the terms and conditions upon which we may continue in his love. R3546:5

The Lord expects obedience: full obedience so far as the heart or intention are concerned, and as complete obedience as possible so far as control of the flesh is concerned. R3020:3

Our Lord's continuance in the Father's love was because of his obedience to the Father's will. Following the same line, he must require that we be obedient if we would abide in his love. R2466:6

He must require that we should be obedient to him if we should abide in his love and share his throne and glory. R5082:6

As God's love shows itself in his works, so will our love show itself in our works. R21:4*

No mere outward formalistic obedience and piety. "I delight to do thy will, O God; yea, thy law is within my heart." (Psa. 40:8) R2649:1

How would it be if we disobeyed through ignorance? Carelessness respecting the word of the Lord is one evidence of the lack of love. R2466:6

My commandments – Not the Ten Commandments. Our Lord's commandments are less in the sense of requirements on our flesh; they are more as respects the requirements on our hearts. R3546:6

While justice is the first feature of the commandment of love, it is not the end of its requirements. R3020:6

Briefly summed up, he tells us that his law is love with all our heart, mind, soul and strength to the Father and for our neighbor as ourselves. R3546:6

Our Lord's statement of these commandments briefly comprehends them all in one word, love. Dividing the matter, we find that it has two parts: love for God and love for our fellows. R3020:5

Whoever is not sufficiently in sympathy with the principles of righteousness expressed in the Lord's commandments, would not be a fit person to enforce the divine laws during the Millennial age. R3020:3

"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." (1 John 5:3) R3546:6, 3021:1

Ye shall abide – Implying that previously he has come to a knowledge of God's grace in Christ, and has accepted his share in the same as one of the sons of God, begotten by the holy Spirit. R3020:2

It implies that getting into God's love is by no means the end of the Christian way, but merely the beginning. R3020:2

We may abide in his love at first under other conditions, feeling through our love the restraints of his commandment of love, but as we grow in knowledge we must grow in grace and outgrow these sentiments. R3021:3

In my love – The love of Christ is as the love of a bridegroom, as typified by Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel and prophetically told in the Song of Solomon. R139:6*

As I have kept – By way of showing us that this is not an unreasonable proposition, our Lord declared that these are the same terms on which the Father deals with him. R3546:5

Our Lord's continuance in the Father's love, with all which this implies, was because of his obedience to the Father's will. R5082:6

As we look at the character of our Lord we perceive a love for the principles which lie back of the Father's commandments. He obeyed, not through restraint nor fear, but from a perfect love. R3021:3

In exercising mercy we but copy divine love; for our Heavenly Father not only deals with all his creatures according to justice, but going beyond the lines of justice he provided a Redeemer for sinners. R3020:6

11 these things I have spoken to you, that my joy in you may remain, and your joy may be full. Your joy – "Enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." (Matt. 25:21) We enter now into these joys through faith and anticipation, but by and by we shall enter upon them in the actual sense. R3547:1

Those who give surest evidence of living nearest the Lord well know that obedience to the Lord's words is the greatest joy, a joy which wholly outweighs all the trifling pleasures the world has to offer. R5082:6

If our joys were dependent upon circumstances of this life merely, we should be without joy. F678

Blessings come through tears, sorrows and disappointments; the blessings of a realization of divine approval, a joy superior to that of the natural man, the joys of the Lord. F678

An increasing joy, which day by day and year by year becomes more nearly complete, a joy which will not be complete, however, until that which is perfect shall come. R3547:1

It is when hope has laid firm hold upon the promises of God that joys spring up as flowers in a desert. But the joy which springs into being through implanted hopes, must be nourished by prayer and activity. F678

Our Lord's instructions and commandments are not intended to terrify us, nor to deprive us of happiness. R2466:6

The Lord cares for our joy and comfort. He asks only what is for our good, "reasonable service," and yet he asks all--"your bodies a living sacrifice." (Rom. 12:1) Self-denial, under the Lord's direction, is the surest means of happiness. R21:4*

In harmony with this we find the Scriptures testifying that the followers of Jesus were always rejoicing, in everything giving thanks, even in trials, difficulties and persecutions. NS191:1

Might be full – We are not to expect the full results of joy in doing the Father's will in the beginning of our experiences, nor are we to feel discouraged if in the beginning the motive be duty-love instead of a love for principles. R3021:6

12 'This is my command, that ye love one another, according as I did love you; My commandment – The Law of God demands not only justice, but also love, love supreme to God, and love to our fellowman. It demands mercy, kindness. (Ex. 23:4,5; Prov. 25:21,22) R5643:6

If love so broad and so comprehensive as this is demanded by God's Law, and was obligatory upon natural Israel, to what degree should spiritual Israel possess and manifest this noble quality! R5643:6

Not that in order to prove ourselves worthy we shall not kill, nor steal, nor bear false witness; but that we follow after "the law of the spirit of life," (Rom. 8:2) the law of Love, to God and to neighbor. R1498:3

I command and direct that you love one another. Q180:4

Love one another – All who belong to the Church have the spirit of love at the time of their spirit-begetting, If progress be made that spirit will increase. But how frequently brethren fail to provoke to love and good works. R5921:1

Brotherly love is the one important test of membership in the Body of Christ. R4267:2

The new law given to us is the law of sacrifice. R4850:2

The New Commandment of the Master given to those who would consecrate their lives with his, even unto death. R4540:6

Have this text in each room so that you will think continually upon brotherly love, assured that it is the final test of character in God's sight. R4540:6

As I have loved you – I have loved you to the extent of laying down my life for you sacrificially. You must have the same spirit and cast in your lot with me in self-sacrifice or you cannot be my disciple, nor share my glory. R4549:2; Q180:4

The love of God and of Christ was a sacrificial love. Those who are invited to become members of Christ's Body are to have this same love. It is not merely the love demanded by God's perfect law, but more. R5644:1

Impossible at first, but as we become more and more filled with the spirit of the Lord, we approximate more nearly to this standard of perfect love. R3547:4

The love that would give up life itself for the brethren may certainly be expected to sacrifice smaller things in their interest. R4253:4

Love was not obligated to make provision for the redemption of fallen man. The act was purely of grace; and if redemption was of grace, it was not of justice. R5644:1

To do this would be far more than to do no injury to another. It would be laying down our lives for one another. This is far beyond any requirement of the Law. R4850:2

Justice could not say, "You must go over and clean the snow from your neighbor's pavement"; but justice would say, "You must not throw any snow upon your neighbor's pavement." Love says more than this. R4850:2

13 greater love than this hath no one, that any one his life may lay down for his friends; Greater love – There is far more love displayed in God giving his only begotten Son up to death than there would have been in God dying himself, had that been possible. R1328:3

If the love and sufferings of Christ do not move people, no love and sufferings would. R770:5

Hath no man – It is surely true that none of the Lord's people are more generous-hearted than the Lord himself. NS99:3

Lay down his life – Greek, psuche, soul, being. E337

Jesus demonstrated his unselfishness as respecting earthly things. His laying down of his life not only proved his loyalty to righteousness and to the Father's will, but proved also his unselfishness. SM189:4

The laying down of our Lord's life was accomplished moment by moment, day by day, in teaching, in healing the sick, the deaf, the blind, and in instructing his disciples. R5375:5

This kind of unmerited, sacrificing love is wholly different from anything that is known to fallen humanity. R2648:3

The brethren could not demand this of us, nor we of them; but we should all do so gladly, as we have opportunity. R5644:4

Only with the few is God first. Only with the few is there the spirit of full consecration to do the divine will. Only with the few is there love of the brethren and a willingness to lay down life for one another. R4795:5

For his friends – For another! R5430:4

Christ died only for his friends, those at heart the friends of righteousness, while in fact they were all, more or less, opposing righteousness, unintentional enemies, by reason of the weaknesses. R1176:1

But to lay down his life for his enemies is certainly a much higher type of love, unselfish, gracious, heavenly. R2648:3

It is a beautiful friendship which in stress forgets self and thinks only of the interests of the friend. Nevertheless, in the case of Jesus, it meant more than any earthly love or friendship; for "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8) R5664:4, 1175:2

There are throughout the world today millions whom God regards as his "friends," though he has not yet revealed himself and his plan of salvation to them. R1180:3

This love will be manifested to all men in the incoming age, now very near at hand. R5439:4

14 ye are my friends, if ye may do whatever I command you; Ye are my friends – While the enemies of God are thus the enemies of God and his righteous laws and regulations, let us not make the mistake that the friends of God can all be easily recognized now. R1174:6

If we submit our wills completely to his will he reckons us as friends. We may judge whether he reckons us among this class of "special friends" if he reveals his works and plans to us. R231:4

At this time the disciples were not begotten of the Spirit, though they were justified by faith. R231:1

If ye do – Following Jesus, in the best sense, means that we walk in his paths, strive to do as nearly as we are able what he would do today, taking our lessons from what he did and the instructions he left. R2418:1

15 no more do I call you servants, because the servant hath not known what his lord doth, and you I have called friends, because all things that I heard from my Father, I did make known to you. Not servants – Servants, or infants, under laws. (Gal. 4:1-6) R1735:1, 976:1

When the holy Spirit would come upon them it would be the spirit of adoption, of sonship, as no longer servants, but sons. R1416:1

Knoweth not – Excuse may be made for those who lived and died before the dawning, but for those now in contact with present truth, what shall we conclude? If servants at all, they are not such as knoweth what the Lord doeth. R3120:4

What his Lord doeth – His plans, etc. R231:1

Called you friends – A term for those who obey him, thus obedience is important if we want the Lord's help to understand his plans. R85:4*

All things – Though justified men, they must be begotten of the Spirit to comprehend things above the human plane. R231:2

Heard of my Father – Brought forcibly to our attention in Rev. 1:1, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass." R2434:3

Made known – Making known to them his future plans. R2599:1

He has been telling them things regarding their new and high privileges, their new relationship toward God. R231:1

One of the evidences of our relationship to God, our sonship, is that he is more and more revealing to us his plans. R740:2, 50:6*

If he is not making known his plans to us we cannot be his friends. R493:1*

While it was not possible for Abraham to fully comprehend, and Jesus at the first advent spake in parables to the nominal house of Israel, yet a certain few, consecrated to the Lord, were treated as "friends" and had much explained to them. R2208:4

First the Lord comes, is present; next comes the revealing of his presence. Until the revealing, none will know of it except his saints, to whom it is revealed by faith through the testimony of the Scripture. R764:6

Therefore he kindly gives us, through Paul, a clue as to how and when his promise will be fulfilled. Rom. 16:20 reads, "The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." R11:2

16 'Ye did not choose out me, but I chose out you, and did appoint you, that ye might go away, and might bear fruit, and your fruit might remain, that whatever ye may ask of the Father in my name, He may give you. I have chosen you – Out of the world, chosen and separated from the world by the divine call and spirit-begetting. R5760:5; F132

He who has begun the good work in us will complete it unto the day of our glorification. R5862:6

The few are not chosen merely because he purposed to call them, but he calls them for a purpose. He has an object in view, a use. The few are chosen for the good of the many. R25:1*

Ordained you – Appointed you. (Revised Version) R5002:2

A different Greek word from that used in Acts 14:23; here it is the word tithemi, used in 1 Tim. 2:7, "I am ordained a preacher and an apostle." F276

Not applicable to all of the Church, but chiefly to the apostles. R2658:1

It was the Lord who appointed the apostles and recognized their work. F204

Every member of the anointed Body, the Church of Christ, is anointed to preach the Gospel. (Isa. 61:1-3) R2157:1*

Bring forth fruit – The fruits of the spirit are manifest: meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly kindness, love. (Gal. 5:22,23; 2 Pet. 1:5-11) R5760:5; CR444:1

The gifts of faith, hope and love which the Apostle declared would abide were not miraculous gifts but growths, "fruits" as he elsewhere describes them. E207

Grow in holiness. R5901:5*

That whatsoever ye shall ask – The more we bear fruit the more successful we will be in prayer; the more we can serve the brethren by obtaining blessings and enlightenment and mercy for them through prayer. R5901:5*

In my name – This means more than merely by his authority. It means that the petitioner must realize his own actual unworthiness, and therefore he presents himself in the name and merit of Christ, his Redeemer. R1410:5

This excludes Jews, excludes Mohammedans, excludes the heathen, excludes all who have not a knowledge of Christ and a faith in him as the Redeemer. R2252:3

17 'These things I command you, that ye love one another;
18 if the world doth hate you, ye know that it hath hated me before you; The world – Jesus referred to the religious world; and realizing this, we know that it will be the religious world that will hate us, his followers. R5872:1, 5642:6, 5545:3, 4326:2, 3776:6

Not Gentiles, all the peoples not in covenant relationship with God, but the present order of things, and therefore the people of the present order, those who had religious influence. R5676:1, 4488:5, 4607:2

Including the nominal church. NS135:5

Including the scribes, Pharisees and Doctors of Divinity of his day, so the Lord's people should expect their trials chiefly from the worldly-spirited amongst the professed people of God. NS604:2; R4488:5

Today, as in the days of our Lord's first advent, there is a religious system which is more or less mixed up with politics. R5676:4

Hate you – Those who are faithful to the Lord are not only in a small minority, but are discredited with the majority and obliged to endure hardness as good soldiers. NS71:1

Opposition from the world we are to take as a matter of course, and not be surprised at the fiery trials which shall try us, but to consider that the Lord is wise in permitting such experiences. R3801:3

The world does not love those whom the Father loves, whom Jesus loves, whom the Apostle loves. R5737:6

Not because it is reasonable or proper, but because the Lord, wishing to test, prove and polish his people is willing to permit the evil to serve his cause in the preparation of his elect for a future work. R2415:3

Although the world disowns and despises this class, it recognizes, nevertheless, in them what it terms an impractical spirit, which does not bring prosperity and success at the present time. SM384:1

It is the Church, not the world, that is being tested at the present time. The opposition of the world and all the powers of darkness serve to test us as new creatures, to test our loyalty to God and his truth. R4967:5

In proportion to their faithfulness as followers of the Lord Jesus, the Lord's people are hated and persecuted. R5676:3, 4488:1

The more faithful and capable the brother, the more nearly a copy of his Master, the more sure he will be to have as enemies, not Satan and his messengers only, but as many also as Satan can delude and mislead. F293

Their marks of sanctification may be discerned by the world, but they will consider these evidences of the holy Spirit as evidences of weakness and effeminacy. F132

It did not hate them originally. It might have ignored them, but it did not hate them. But they hated the light and the light-bearer and now these had become sharers in holding up the light. Q321:4; R2501:2

An ambassador of a hated government is more critically and unsympathetically watched than under other circumstances. Such should endeavor to be all the more careful respecting their every word and action. R3330:4; NS384:6

Through this Gospel age those who have been lights in the world have been hated and persecuted almost exclusively by those who had some light, but whose light was darkness in comparison with the light of the Spirit. R4813:5

Counted as offscourings of all denominations: sometimes pitied, sometimes scorned. SM384:T

By the chief religionists, not because of evil, but because of faithfulness to God; because that faithfulness, as a light, rebuked, as darkness, the unfaithfulness of those who hated them. R2373:2

There is an outward religion today that is popular, just as there was an outward religion in our Lord's day that was popular. But true discipleship means alienation and separation. NS631:3

The depth of your message is not intended for the world, which is worshipping Mammon, but merely intended for the Elect. SM242:T

Does not fellowship with you. NS388:5

The friendship of the world can be bought only at the price of the sacrifice of truth. R5513:4

It is altogether a mistake, therefore, to suppose that the Lord's consecrated people, letting their light shine faithfully before men, could convert the world. Such was not God's intention. R4967:5

With spiritual Israel God's blessings and chastisements are spiritual, and do not extend to temporal affairs. R3223:2

The blessings from the Lord upon his faithful ones more than compensate for the losses of earthly friendships, wealth and fame, securable to them by their natural talents in other directions. NS104:2

But he also promised compensation for its hatred, even in this present life. R1346:2

The rewards of Christ's discipleship were not to be expected in the present life. All that we may now have in the way of compensation will be the peace and blessing of the Lord in our hearts, with glorious hopes for the future. NS602:4

The Great Teacher did not use the methods of modern revivalists. His methods were the very reverse. He set forth in plain terms the difficulties to be expected by all those who would espouse his cause. NS743:2

Ye know – Consecrated ones, realizing the object of present trials, glory in tribulation brought upon them by faithfulness, realizing that their experiences are similar to those of the Master. R3281:4

It hated me – He was hated chiefly by the most prominent amongst the people, the scribes specially, but also the Pharisees, chief priests and Sadducees. In time their hatred extended to the common people, for the lower classes are always led by the superior classes. R4813:2, 5676:1, 2415:2

Our Lord was not maltreated by either the Roman governor or the Roman soldiers of their own volition; for they were so totally blind as not to appreciate the light which he displayed. R4813:5, 2415:2

Our persecution may not go so far as unto death, as in the Lord's case, yet it will extend to every member in some manner, even if no more than that of mocking and speaking evil of them. R2778:5

Before it hated you – Consequently, by the operation of a natural law, we might say, it follows that "all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) F628

"If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household?" (Matt. 10:25) R1652:3

The same spirit prevails respecting all the Lord's followers. Those who are honored today were generally dishonored and spoken against in their own day. NS135:5

19 if of the world ye were, the world its own would have been loving, and because of the world ye are not but I chose out of the world because of this the world hateth you. Of the world – Sharing its sentiments, methods, policy, etc. R2002:5

Love his own – Greek, filio, "Duty love." Frequently translated "kiss" in the New Testament. By implication the kiss belongs to the family and implies a love that is more or less respect--exclusive and not for everybody, more of an individual or family love. R3949:5

Phileo or duty love is exercised by the worldly parent and child and neighbor on the selfish basis--"his own." R2807:3

But because – Because every effort made by these to cleanse themselves is a reproof to others who are not striving to cleanse themselves. R5737:6

Their standard is so different from that of the world, and their viewpoint of everything so different, that it breeds an antagonism, a conflict of interests. R5513:4

Our presentations are clear cut, Scriptural; and the Scriptures are thus shown to be opposed to all sects and parties of Christendom, and their creeds are shown to be out of accord with the Word of God. R3924:5

The darkness of sin and error is in direct antagonism to the light of truth. The effect upon the enlightened world is to awaken opposition and thus to disturb those in sympathy with darkness. R4813:3

Even those who have gotten out of the extreme darkness of moral pollution into a kind of twilight of civilized reformation and moral reform, cannot endure the clear, searching light of the Gospel. R4813:5

Not of the world – It is because they are justified, reckoned free from Adamic guilt, that they are in any sense of the word like our Lord Jesus, "his brethren," on a similar footing of divine favor and separateness from the world. E109

We are separate and distinct from the rest of the world. Our life comes from the Father--"the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Pet. 1:3) The world gets its life from Christ. R5108:4

The Spirit witnesses, through the Word of God, that those who are the Lord's people are separate from the world; their hopes, aims and general spirit are different. E235

Any pleasure, no matter what, must be sacrificed if it conflicts with his duty and covenants to the Lord. It is this that leads to sacrifice: the world being out of harmony with God, his will and with those who are in harmony with God. R2461:3

The Church, consecrated believers, have escaped the condemnation which is still on the world. But the world is still under condemnation. SM665:1; NS356:1, 475:6

It is a mistake to reason as though the Church were part of the world, and, therefore, that the trial of the Church means the trial of the world. SM153:1

Since none of the various denominations is the true Church, therefore the history of none of these gives her history. Containing not many wise, scattered among many creeds, she is wholly unknown to the world. SM124:1

There are two great principles in operation: right and wrong, light and darkness. All the children of God are children of light. The world's condition is not that of light, but of darkness. R5099:5

We hold that the mixing of religion and politics is wholly wrong. The idea of opening political conventions with prayer, and appointing chaplains to offer prayers in Congress is farcical and hypocritical. R995:3

I have chosen you – He sent forth the twelve apostles as his special representatives in the establishment of the Church, a mission which entailed upon them special obligations and duties as well as special privileges and opportunities. SM629:1; NS591:5

Called, chosen, separated from the world. NS356:2; SM719:2

An especially called-out class. R5856:3

Out of the world – Or, to be separate from the world. R995:3

The Greek word ecclesia, translated by our word "church," signifies "the called out assembly;" those believers in Christ called out of the world, separated from its spirit, aims and ambitions. NS388:4

The Church class were of the world until they got out of it through Christ. Noah's ark represented Christ. Whoever comes into Christ comes into safety and salvation, out of danger and destruction. SM341:3

Therefore – The storms which come to the Church are specially peculiar and different in some respects from all that come to the world. They come to us because we are not of the world. SM744:T

The world hateth you – Whoever is satisfactory to the Lord need not expect to be satisfactory to the world. R5738:1

Someone has truly said, "Whosoever does well and is faithful and true, while others are dishonest and false, must expect to be opposed and hated. Envy is sharper than a serpent's tooth." R2501:3

If we wholly follow the Lord and so walk apart from the world in all things, as in it but not of it, we can only expect to be misunderstood and disliked. R2002:5

Not as some say: that a Christian life will not cost earthly friendships; that it is an extreme view of what is required of a Christian; that a course which produces such results is an unreasonable one. R5441:5

The peace of God is not an outward peace, for the Lord's people, individually and collectively, have most distressing experiences. The Church has always been persecuted. R4818:3

Where shall we go to find the world today? The civilized world is called the Christian world today. R811:3

Notwithstanding the fact that heretic-roasting has become unpopular and intolerable to the world, there are methods of privately and symbolically roasting, slashing, wounding and killing practiced by those estranged from God. CR80:3

20 'Remember the word that I said to you, A servant is not greater than his lord; if me they did persecute, you also they will persecute; if my word they did keep, yours also they will keep; Persecute you – These persecutions and oppositions from the world, the flesh and the devil are the hammer and chisel and polishing instruments of the Lord which he is using in the development of the New Creation. D628

An effect on the saints of Satan's reign. R492:2; OV343:2

If they have smitten and spit upon and buffeted the Master, none of his servants should be surprised or complain if they should have somewhat similar experiences. R2781:6

If we have no opposition we lack the evidence of acceptability with the Lord. R5512:5

21 but all these things will they do to you, because of my name, because they have not known Him who sent me;
22 if I had not come and spoken to them, they were not having sin; but now pretext they have not for their sin. They had not had sin – The light of his teaching gave a greater responsibility to those who heard it than to those who had not heard it. Their sin was greater in proportion to the greater blessing. R4988:6, 1962:3

No cloke for their sin – It was for envy that they delivered him up and called for his crucifixion, because his works were good and theirs were evil. R5215:2

23 'He who is hating me, doth hate also my Father;
24 if I did not do among them the works that no other hath done, they were not having sin, and now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father; Both seen and hated – The Scriptures plainly declare that blindness in part is upon all the children of Adam through the fall, yet from these words we must conclude that the Pharisees were not totally blind. None except idiots and maniacs are totally blind. R723:6

If the people had such responsibility because of what they heard and saw, how much greater was the responsibility of the twelve chosen apostles. R4909:1, 1962:3

25 but that the word may be fulfilled that was written in their law They hated me without a cause. That is written – Quoting Psalm 69:4, "They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head." R5215:1

They – In the case of Jesus and the early Church, the persecution came from their brethren according to the flesh, the Jews. Since then they have come from their brethren too, not Jews, but Christians. R5215:2

Without a cause – That is to say, without a just cause; they had cause enough to hate him, from their own viewpoint. R5540:6, 5215:3

So let it be with us, so far as possible, that the hatred, malice, envy and murder which may be poured upon us may be wholly unmerited by us, that our lives may be as nearly pure as possible. R2881:1

26 'And when the Comforter may come, whom I will send to you from the Father the Spirit of truth, who from the Father doth come forth, he will testify of me; I will send – The holy Spirit is Christ's representative in his Church. R158:1*

It was expedient for them that he should go away, pay the ransom price, be raised from the dead and ascend to the Father to make atonement for their sins, else the Comforter could not come. R2225:4

Spirit of truth – Not the letter only, but the very nature of truth, the truth itself, should be their guide. R526:6

The Spirit, in this sense of enlightening and anointing, is given only to the Body of Christ. R218:5; SM602:T

The holy Spirit is the spirit or power or influence which proceeds from the Father and from the Son, the influence or power with which we are anointed. SM602:T; R2818:2, 370:6

Proceedeth from the Father – Neither might they doubt the truth of the Comforter's teachings, for it is the spirit of truth, and proceeds from the Father. R372:2

In contrast, the spirit or influence of evil proceeds from the "father of lies." R370:6

Testify of me – Peter refers to prophetic testimony respecting the prophetic work; God himself more than once bore witness to his Son; Christ testified respecting it; and, on leaving the earth, spoke of other witnesses: the Comforter, the apostles, etc. R691:2*

27 and ye also do testify, because from the beginning ye are with me. From the beginning – Witnesses upon whom the people could rely as having been with him from the beginning of his ministry, and therefore manifestly acquainted with his doctrine and purpose. R1521:6

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