Isaiah Chapter 9 [YLT]

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1 As the former time made light The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, So the latter hath honoured the way of the sea, Beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. Nevertheless – This verse should property be the last verse of chapter 8 (Leeser). R2550:1, R3686:1

The dimness shall not – There will be no gloom (RV). R3468:2

Be such as was – Omit these words (RV). R3468:2

In her vexation – In her that was in anguish (RV). R3468:2

Zebulun and ... Naphtali – The names of the principal districts of Ephraim. R3468:2

Grievously afflict – Hath he made it glorious. R3468:2

In Galilee – Jesus did most of his mighty works in these lands of Zebulun and Naphtali, called Galilee. R3468:3, R5135:5

Of the nations – Of the Gentiles. In Isaiah's time Galilee had been denuded of its Jewish population and had been settled by Gentile emigrants. R3468:3

Subsequently, outside of the Samaritan district, Galilee became repopulated by the Jews. R3468:3

2 The people who are walking in darkness Have seen a great light, Dwellers in a land of death-shade, Light hath shone upon them. The people – Applicable, first, to the people of Galilee; but also to all peoples who have had the eyes of their understanding opened during this Gospel age. R3468:5

Walked In darkness – Galilee, separated from the great religious center of their day, was in greater darkness than their brethren. R4557:1

The world has walked in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for 6,000 years. R1746:3

Seen a great light – Of divine truth. Local fulfilment was in Galilee, in the ministry of Jesus; but the real fulfilment lies in the future Millennial Kingdom. R5135:3, R2550:1

Which flared forth in Galilee, where the people were more amenable to the teachings of Jesus than many of their brethren in Judea. R4557:1

The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor. 4:6) R2550:2

"The Sun of Righteousness shall arise." (Mal 4:2) R3686:1

Shadow of death – Fleshly Israel, under the condemnation of their Law covenant. R1746:6

The death-darkness that was upon the Gentiles. R4557:1

On the whole world, ever since the first transgression in Eden. "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death." (Psa. 23:4) R3468:6

In the deadly shade, properly a title of hades; those who are in hades, in darkness. R3686:4

The light shined – Will shine with special brilliancy first on fleshly Israel. R1746:6

As a lamp, to the class that now walk with the Lord. R3468:6

The light must shine upon every member of our race: "The true Light which (ultimately) lighteth every man that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) R3686:4

3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, Thou hast made great its joy, They have joyed before Thee as the joy in harvest, As [men] rejoice in their apportioning spoil. Thou hast multiplied – Israel; a reference to their gathering together again as a nation after the long dispersion; and the resurrection of their Ancient Worthies. R1747:1, R3469:2

Nominal spiritual Israel has phenomenally increased, but there are many false children (tares) there. R5135:6

Multiplication by resurrection of the world of mankind during the Millennium. R3686:5

The nation – The world of mankind under the new administration of the Millennial Kingdom. R2550:3

Not – Omit this word (RV, Leeser). R2550:3, R3686:5

Increased the joy – Their joy in their great deliverance is not yet accomplished. R3469:2

To the joy – The hilarious joy. R2550:4

The joy of Israel when the blessings of their restoration to divine favor are realized. R1747:1

In harvest – In the midst of plenty. R2550:4

In the Harvest of this age the faithful will rejoice. R5135:6

This is the joy of harvest, and such shall be the Church's joy. R303:5*

Divide the spoil – Dividing something which is not theirs by right, but which has fallen to them as a divine bounty. R3686:5

Dividing the fruits of victory. R2550:4

4 Because the yoke of its burden, And the staff of its shoulder, the rod of its exactor, Thou hast broken as [in] the day of Midian. Yoke of his burden – Satan's yoke of sin, pain, sorrow and death. R3686:6

The burdensome yoke of creedal superstition will be broken. R5135:6

And the staff – Of affliction and slavery. R3686:6

Rod of his oppressor – The rod of the oppressor, Satan, will be broken as was Midian's by Gideon and his band. R5135:6, R536:5

Satan himself will be a captive. R2550:4

The heavy burden of oppression imposed upon Israel and the persecutions inflicted by their Gentile enemies during their exile will be broken. R1747:1

The day of Midian – When Gideon's band, typifying the Royal Priesthood, by letting their lights shine out, achieved a great victory upon the hosts of the enemy. R3686:6, R2550:5, R5135:6

Prefiguring the great victory for truth and righteousness through a time of trouble, eventuating in the release of all the oppressed. R3686:6

Picturing the deliverance by which the Lord will bring in the new dispensation, the hosts of sin being utterly discomfited by self-destruction in anarchy. R2550:5

The Midianites typified the world, the flesh and the devil. R4083:2

5 For every battle of a warrior [is] with rushing, and raiment rolled in blood, And it hath been for burning fuel of fire. For every battle – Every ordinary battle. R2550:5

But this – This great time of trouble is described as being more severe, more intense, than all preceding troubles. R2550:5

With burning – The complete destruction of all the weapons of Satan and his associates. R3687:1

"He maketh wars to cease to the ends of the earth." (Psa. 46:9) R3469:3

Fuel of fire – A more furious destruction, best likened to a consuming of fuel in the fire. R2550:5

The world will be cleansed of every evidence of opposition to the divine government and the law of righteousness. R3687:1

6 For a Child hath been born to us, A Son hath been given to us, And the princely power is on his shoulder, And He doth call his name Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. For – Because; an explanation of the process by which the foregoing gracious prophecy of blessing and release from the oppressor shall be accomplished. R3687:1, R2550:5

Unto us a child – This prophecy is a continuation of that in Isa. 7:14--"a virgin shall conceive and bear a son." R452:3

A prophecy of Jesus' birth. B227

The humble beginning and earliest manifestation of the Sun of Righteousness. R2550:1

Is born – The prophet takes a future standpoint. B227; R1970:1

The birth of Jesus was a gift of divine love. R5135:2

A son is given – The gift of God's dear Son. "God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son." (John 3:16) R2550:5, R5135:2

The great heavenly King, the Son of David. SM502:1

The Old Testament associates the works of the first and second advent together, as if they were one and the same-treating the Gospel age as a parenthesis. HG52:4

The government – The right to govern the world is his since he died on our behalf; but he awaits the Father's time for taking to himself his glorious power to reign. R5136:1

Upon his shoulder – The figurative epaulets of authority and honor will be upon the Lord Jesus. R3469:4

The responsibility falling upon him as a royal mantle from the heavenly Emperor, Jehovah. R3687:2, R2550:6

His name shall be – The many titles indicating various features of his greatness. SM502:1; CR113:4

In the eyes of those who rejected him. R1747:2

During the Millennial age. R3912:5

Called Wonderful – His is the most wonderful career and the most wonderful character of which we have any knowledge. Wonderful was his life amongst men; wonderful also was his resurrection. R3912:2

He is the most wonderful of all the Heavenly Father's family. E141

He is eventually to bear many titles in commemoration of the many wonderful offices he will fill and services he will accomplish. R5136:1

Wonderful love, condescension and grace, and wonderful exaltation, glory and power. R1747:4

His revelation to the world will be as the Wonderful One, the embodiment and expression of divine justice, love, wisdom and power. R5136:1, R2550:6

Counsellor – Whose instructions in righteousness will be respected by all the world of mankind seeking a return to divine favor and full restitution. R2550:6, R1747:4

The world's instructor. R5136:1

Guide, teacher, miraculous pattern. E46, E141

The leader, guide and instructor of his people. R3912:3

The mighty God – Very Mighty, Very Great--Mighty, Mighty One. R1515:4, R5136:1, R296:3

Ruler. "Arise, O God, judge the earth." (Psa. 82:8) E69; C126

The Father's representative, voice, mouthpiece, the well-beloved Son whom he has clothed with glory, honor and immortality and given all power in heaven and in earth. R3687:3

The whole body of Christ under his headship. R298:4

"Mighty to save." We need such a mighty Savior. "Able to save unto the uttermost all who come unto the Father through him." (Heb 7:25) R3912:3

The mighty powerful, and so he is, for to him the Father hath given all power in heaven and earth. (Matt 28:19; 11:27) R296:3

If angels were called Elohim, gods, if Elohim signifies a mighty one, surely he is above the other mighty ones, properly termed, the mighty Elohim, the one mighty amongst the mighty. R3912:3

Thus the devout Jews believed that he would set up an earthly kingdom at the first advent and, when he rode into Jerusalem, hailed him with glad Hosannas as their king. HG512:5

Everlasting Father – Father who gives everlasting life. E141; C126; CR113:4; CR472:2; OV124:6; OV321:5; Q207:T, R4832:1, R296:5, R5583:5

The successor of Adam, the temporary father of the race, who failed to give his posterity- life. Q722:1[Q722:1]; R3654:5, R3912:5

Age-lasting Father. OV321:5

This, in Hebrew, signifies just what it does in English-a father forever. R296:5[R296], R1855:2

The word "Savior" in the common language of Palestine, Syriac, spoken by the Lord and his disciples, means "Life-giver." (Luke 2:10, 11) R2407:3

He who was cut off childless becomes the everlasting Father. R1359:5, R1438:5

To all who obey him. R5136:4, R3912:6, R2116:3

Jesus, the successor of father Adam, the regenerator of the human family. Q722:1; R2833:5; E141, E142

As the giver of restitution life to the world by virtue of his own merit-his ransom sacrifice. R4556:6, R2833:5

If the Lord Jesus did not possess the right to an earthly life as an asset he could not regenerate the race. Q444:4; OV46:T

Life-giver of the world in the thousand-year day of the Messianic Kingdom. R5623:5, R5582:3, R5136:2

The Christ, Head and Body. T102; R298:1

The Church is his Bride and joint-heir, in contradistinction to the saved of the world of mankind who will be recognized as the children of Christ. R2652:3

All who would have life in the Millennial age must become children of Christ, begotten of truth. R1219:2

Of the Ancient Worthies also. "Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth." (Psa. 45:16) R4555:2

So Jesse will, in the "Times of Restitution," become the son of Christ who is called the "Root," or father, of Jesse. (Isa. 11:10) R1352:3

The world will be privileged to come into him, as their Father, by consecration. F698

"His seed also will I make to endure forever." (Psa. 89:36) R1936:5

"For the seed of the blessed of the Lord are they, and their offspring with them." (Isa. 65:23) R4411:5*

This will be the relationship of the great Mediator to all the people. R4840:6

Not to the Church, who are begotten of the Heavenly Father. R5136:4, R4840:6, R297:2, R1515:5, R3912:5, SM780:1

Some imply that the Church will be the mother. "Be thou the mother of thousands of millions." (Gen. 24:60) PD27/38, SM348:2

Prince of Peace – Messiah; Prince who establishes sure and lasting peace. OV118:4; E141

Not only making peace between God and man by the blood of his cross; but also by overthrowing all wrong and evil and establishing peace on the sure basis of holiness. B85

"Ye shall die ... like one of the princes." (Psa. 82:7) F724

The claim that present kingdoms are "kingdoms of our Lord and his Anointed" is a gross libel upon the true Kingdom and its "Prince of Peace." A269

The one whose reign will be undisputed and unmolested. R5136:4

Will not apply at the beginning of his reign when he will be breaking in pieces every human system out of accord with divine standards. R5136:4, R3687:4, R3912:6

He will put down, subdue, all enemies, all sin, all unrighteousness. R3687:4; Q752:T, Q812:2

His glorious reign will bring peace, joy and everlasting rest. R1747:4, R3912:6

Note the omission of "Jehovah" from these titles. E46

7 To the increase of the princely power, And of peace, there is no end, On the throne of David, and on his kingdom, To establish it, and to support it, In judgment and in righteousness, Henceforth, even unto the age, The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts doth this. Of the increase – The continuous success. R3687:6

The Kingdom will be spreading for the thousand years. R4974:2, R5183:2

Extending over all the nations and families of the earth. R453:3

The great redemptive work was the foundation for all his future work. R5136:1

His government – The right to rule the world is his since he died, but he awaits the Father's time for taking to him self his glorious power to reign. R5136:1

And peace – His government shall be at peace, and in control of all. R453:3, R3470:2

Certainly did not come to pass during the eleven centuries of the Papal vicegerency. R5853:4

Shall be no end – It will conquer everything before it. Nothing shall stop it. R4974:2, R5183:2, R5136:4, R3470:1

Throne of David – Inheritance and royalty are reckoned through the mother as well as the father; Jesus' mother was a daughter of David. R453:1, R944:4

God established his kingdom in the hand of David, first over Judah (type of all fleshly Israel); and secondly over Israel as a whole (type of the whole world). R453:6

The Messiah was to be the seed of David, according to the prophets; and the genealogical records as given by Matthew and Luke prove that Jesus was the son of David. R944:1

Type of the authority of the glorified Christ; Messiah's Kingdom. B255; R5136:4

As David sat upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord, the greater than David, Messiah, will sit upon the throne of the Kingdom of Jehovah. R5136:5, R3687:5

To establish It – It has been overturned ever since the days of Zedekiah. R3687:4

With judgment – With punishments for wrong-doing and rewards for right-doing. R3687:5

Zeal – Love. R5136:5

Of the LORD – Jehovah, showing that he is not the one referred to in the previous verse. E46; R3687:5

Will perform this – Will accomplish this prophecy; operating through Messiah. E46; R5136:5

8 A word hath the Lord sent into Jacob, And it hath fallen in Israel.
9 And the people have known all of it, Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, In pride and in greatness of heart, saying,
10 'Bricks have fallen, and hewn work we build, Sycamores have been cut down, and cedars we renew.'
11 And Jehovah setteth the adversaries of Rezin on high above him, And his enemies he joineth together,
12 Aram from before, and Philistia from behind, And they devour Israel with the whole mouth. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

13 And the people hath not turned back unto Him who is smiting it, And Jehovah of Hosts they have not sought.
14 And Jehovah cutteth off from Israel head and tail, Branch and reed the same day,
15 Elder, and accepted of face, he [is] the head, Prophet, teacher of falsehood, he [is] the tail. The head – Babylon's laws emanate from their heads or rulers instead of the true Head of the Church. R295:2, R365:4

16 And the eulogists of this people are causing to err, And its eulogised ones are consumed.
17 Therefore, over its young men the Lord rejoiceth not, And its orphans, and its widows He pitieth not, For every one [is] profane, and an evil doer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

18 For burned as a fire hath wickedness, Brier and thorn it devoureth, And it kindleth in thickets of the forest, And they lift themselves up, an exaltation of smoke!
19 In the wrath of Jehovah of Hosts Hath the land been consumed, And the people is as fuel of fire; A man on his brother hath no pity, Fuel of the fire – The Day of Vengeance. D527

Spare his brother – It used to be considered proper to sell an enemy bread. Now it is not. This is the spirit of anarchy and it will spread from nations to individuals. OV419:4

20 And cutteth down on the right, and hath been hungry, And he devoureth on the left, And they have not been satisfied, Each the flesh of his own arm they devour.
21 Manasseh Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh, Together they [are] against Judah, With all this not turned back hath His anger. And still His hand is stretched out!
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