Isaiah Chapter 52 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion, Put on the garments of thy beauty, Jerusalem the Holy City; For enter no more into thee again, Do the uncircumcised and unclean. Awake, awake – Describing the resurrection awakening of Zion in the Harvest time. R3596:3[R3596:15]

He who sleeps now neglects his duty to his brethren and puts himself in jeopardy. R2463:5

O Zion – The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God, the Church. R3596:3; A297, T33

2 Shake thyself from dust, arise, sit, O Jerusalem, Bands of thy neck have loosed themselves, O captive, daughter of Zion.
3 For thus said Jehovah: 'For nought ye have been sold, And not by money are ye redeemed.' Shall be redeemed – Gaal, set free by payment of a price. E438

4 For thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'To Egypt My people went down at first to sojourn there, And Asshur for nought he hath oppressed it.
5 And now, what to Me here, An affirmation of Jehovah, That taken is My people for nought Its rulers cause howling, an affirmation of Jehovah, And continually all the day My name is despised.
6 Therefore doth My people know My name, Therefore, in that day, Surely I [am] He who is speaking, behold Me.' Know my name – Understand and appreciate my true character. R3589:3

In that day – In the Harvest of the Gospel age. R3589:3

7 How comely on the mountains, Have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings, Sounding peace, proclaiming good tidings, Sounding salvation, Saying to Zion, 'Reigned hath thy God.' How beautiful – How beautiful are those proclaiming good tidings of good things. HG307:1

Those who bear the truth have a special force and influence at the present time. R5259:2

The "feet" members of the Body of Christ reflect a measure of transcendent glory, their faces shining with heavenly joy. C301

Upon the mountains – Kingdoms. A341; C236

The feet members go heralding to every nation (mountain) the good tidings of Immanuel's reign begun. C301

Are the feet – The last members of the Body of Christ. A341; B253; C236, C301; R287:2, R757:2, R3298:4, R5257:6

While there has been a hand and foot class all along, in every age of the Church, yet of the Church as a whole, the last members are the feet. R514:6, R2827:2, R3298:4, R5257:6

While Jesus and the dead saints are shown as in the heavenly condition, the living saints who are not yet changed, are used as his mouthpiece. R328:4*, R514:6

Who sing the restitution song of Moses and the Lamb. R498:1

The beauty and honor connected with their proclamation does not appear to the world. R757:3, R287:3

The feet are figurative, as also in other Biblical passages. "His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives." (Zech. 14:4) B157

"The dead who die." (Rev. 14:13) C241

These same feet, as representatives on earth of the entire Body, are to pour out the seven vials of Rev. 16. R498:1

All who are of the "feet" shall be thus engaged. C237

Of him – Christ in the flesh, the Elijah. A341; B253; C236, C301

Good tidings – The sweetest notes of the glad tidings of restitution are reserved until now during the sounding of the seventh trumpet. R757:2, R287:2, R328:4*

Not inflaming either real or fancied wounds, thus doing injury to those we should be helping and blessing, spreading their discontent, and hence their trouble. A341

Publisheth peace – Millennial joy and peace. C302

By preaching the good tidings of the ransom for all and its consequent blessings, we shall be true heralds of the Kingdom; ambassadors of peace. A341

Publisheth salvation – A ransom for all and consequent blessings for all; deliverance. A341; C236

That saith unto Zion – The message is going forth, "Behold the Bridegroom," (Matt. 25:6) and further announcement to Zion, "Thy God reigneth. R2645:3

The glorified saints beyond the veil are active participants in the work assigned members of the same Kingdom class this side the veil. D624

As in the Jewish Harvest, the Lord's instructions confined the special work to Israel, so here the special work of his messengers is confined to the household of faith--spiritual Israel. R1742:3

Thy God reigneth – The reign of Christ, which shall bring deliverance, is begun. B142; D624; C236; R1379:5, R2201:3

The oft-repeated prayer of the Church has been answered; the Kingdom of God has indeed come. C301

The Lord is present, the Kingdom is being set up. R514:6; D624; C301, C236

Now the rule and government has been assumed by "Him whose right it is." (Ezek. 21:27) He has taken to himself his great power and his reign is commenced. R287:5, R757:5

The time for the Kingdom reign is practically here, the time for this message of God is at hand. The Kingdom of God is in process of erection and the gathering of the saints in process of completion. With the completion of this class will come the inauguration of the Kingdom. R5259:4[R5259:4]

That the Millennial Kingdom is already beginning its rule. R1379:5, R2201:3

The new regime is only opening. After our Lord shall have delivered and glorified the Church, then he will begin the work with the world. But, since 1878, we are making this proclamation. R5258:1, R287:4, R328:4*, R757:3

As there was a proclamation of Jesus in the flesh as King, so there must be correspondingly a proclamation of Jesus, the New Creature, as King of Glory. R2645:3

This declaration is due now before the feet are joined to the same Body. R757:5, R287:5

The present Harvest Message. R2645:3

Only the feet have been privileged to utter the whole message, including "the Day of Vengeance of our God." (Isa. 61:2) R757:3, R287:3

8 The voice of thy watchmen! They have lifted up the voice, together they cry aloud, Because eye to eye they see, in Jehovah's turning back [to] Zion. Thy watchmen – In the Harvest of the Gospel age. R3596:3

See eye to eye – Clearly, as one man, harmoniously singing the new song of Moses and the Lamb. C237

Only if the divine mind and will were the only one alive. R309:2*

"They shall be all taught of God." (John 6:45) R3856:5

It is proper that we should wish that all might see eye to eye, but it is not reasonable to expect it when we know that all are fallen from perfection. F326

More and more. R3856:5

Not until the Bride is complete and Zion is brought back. R67:5*, R56:3*, R5359:1

Only the watchmen of Zion shall see eye to eye until "that which is perfect is come." (1 Cor. 13:10) R344:2

Regarding things to put off, and things to put on, as we get further and further into this Day of the Lord. R5770:2

In due time we shall be able to see and teach the same thing. CR250:4

Bring again Zion – Return favor to the Jewish people. R309:2*

When Israel rises, Babylon must fall. R115:5*

9 Break forth, sing together, O wastes of Jerusalem, For Jehovah hath comforted His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem. Waste places – Now becoming fruitful. R1044:2

Of Jerusalem – Earthly phase of the Kingdom of God. A297

His people – Natural Israel. R3589:3

10 Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm Before the eyes of all the nations, And seen have all the ends of the earth, The salvation of our God. The LORD hath – At the setting up of his Kingdom. E47

Made bare – Made bare and extended to help. R21:2*

His holy arm – The Lord Jesus. E47; R4792:6

Of all the nations – The time is near when the message shall be preached to every creature. It is even now being fulfilled. R5259:4

The ends of the earth – To the Jew first, but also to the Gentiles. R3010:2

Salvation of our God – God's original plan cannot fail in any particular. R99:1

11 Turn aside, turn aside, go out thence, The unclean touch not, go out from her midst, Be ye pure, who are bearing the weapons of Jehovah. Go ye out – Full, complete separation was not enjoined until the Harvest time. C187

The Lord now commands the "wheat" to be separated from the "tares." R2538:1

"Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) B240; R3596:3

Standing with God even if that should seem to imply standing alone. R1383:3

"Gather the wheat into my barn." (Matt. 13:30)

"Gather the good into vessels." (Matt. 13:48) R3589:6

Be ye clean – The Royal Priesthood. B240

From wrong practices and from false doctrines. C187

Justified in God's sight, pure and sanctified of heart. R5258:3, R5860:5

King Hezekiah directed that the priests and the Levites sanctify themselves afresh to the Lord and his service before the cleansing of the Court of the Temple began. R4812:3

As the typical priests and Levites were instructed to wash and keep themselves continually clean, so the spiritual priests should be pure in word, action and thought. R5860:5

In proportion as their hearts are clean, their spiritual vision is clear. R5259:5

No one is properly ready to render service to God in any form until he himself has come to a sanctified condition of heart in relationship to the Lord. R4812:4

Vessels of the LORD – The Lord's truths or doctrines. C187

In the Tabernacle and Temple, those vessels which were connected with the holy services--in the Court, Holy and Most Holy. These were only handled by the consecrated class--the priests. R5258:2

12 For not in haste do ye go out, Yea, with flight ye go not on, For going before you [is] Jehovah, And gathering you [is] the God of Israel!

13 Lo, My servant doth act wisely, He is high, and hath been lifted up, And hath been very high. Behold, my servant – Christ. R3589:6

Shall – In the Millennial age. R3589:6

Deal prudently – Prosper. (Lowth translation) R141:1*

Wisely. R4831:3

Extolled – Lifted up. R4831:3

During his Millennial reign. R3596:3

Be very high – Jehovah's promise to Jesus of the divine nature. R5066:1

14 As astonished at thee have been many, (So marred by man his appearance, And his form by sons of men.) As many – Of the Jews living a the first advent. E159

Were astonied – Surprised that he would submit to such abuse. E159

The world will be astonished when they see the reality of the Kingdom, more majestically grand than anything dreamed of. R4831:3

At thee – At the time of his crucifixion. R3590:1

His visage was so marred – "Deeply marred was his appearance, out of all human likeness, and his form out of all semblance to sons of men." (Cheyne's translation) R3590:1

"So shall his visage be inglorious among men." (Douay translation) R574:1

His features drawn with pain. R3590:1

Might refer to the marring of his beauty with the thorns, nails and sorrows. R574:1

Might refer to his character deficient in those qualities the world esteems in their depraved sight. R574:1; E159

Whatever of care, sorrow or pain marked that perfect lovely face was the self-imposed weight of our infirmities and sin. R575:1

More than any man – By man. E159

More than the – By the. E159

15 So doth he sprinkle many nations. Concerning him kings shut their mouth, For that which was not recounted to them they have seen, And that which they had not heard they have understood! So – Showing a contrast--his glory, honor, influence and power will be proportionate to the sufferings and ignominy which he experienced, not only as respects our Redeemer, but also as respects his Church. "If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) R3590:1

Shall he sprinkle – Startle; surprised at his patient submission to abuse. R4831:3; E159

"Deep will be the obeisance of many." (Cheyne's translation) R3590:1

Many nations – Others of all nations, now and in the future, have wondered and will wonder at such patience and meekness. E159

At him – To him. R4831:3

Had not been told them – Of others. E159

Some have told them that Messiah's reign was during the Dark Ages; others that it is now in progress; still others that it is an Evolutionary matter through moral reforms. R4831:3

Shall they see – Exemplified in him. E159

Consider – Understand. R4831:3

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