Isaiah Chapter 22 [YLT]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 The burden of the Valley of Vision. What to thee, now, that thou hast gone up, All of thee to the roofs
2 Full of stirs a noisy city an exulting city, Thy pierced are not pierced of the sword, Nor dead in battle. Full of stirs – A crashing or loud clamor (Strong's 8663).

Tumultuous city – Mystic Babylon, Christendom.

A joyous city – Rejoicing, not knowing that she is about to collapse.
3 All thy rulers fled together from the bow, Bound have been all found of thee, They have been kept bound together, Afar off they have fled.
4 Therefore I said, 'Look ye from me, I am bitter in my weeping, Haste not to comfort me, For the destruction of the daughter of my people.'
5 For a day of noise, and of treading down, And of perplexity, [is] to the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, In the valley of vision, digging down a wall, And crying unto the mountain. Day of trouble – The Day of the Lord, the time of trouble.

Treading down – The crumbling of Christendom is clearly a thing brought about by the Lord.

Perplexity – "The Lord shall have them in derision." Psa. 2:4. Due to the various intertwining treaties between the kingdoms of Christendom, once the great battle began they were bound by these treaties to come to one another's aid. By this means, the battle was unavoidable.

Breaking down walls – The walls of Christendom are its protection. This comes largely from the civil powers. D40:1

Crying to the mountains – Pleading with the Kingdoms to save her, but this is the Lord's work and her cries will not be answered in the manner she hopes. Indeed, the kingdoms (at the time of this prophecy's fulfillment) are having just as much trouble as the ecclestiacal powers.
6 And Elam hath borne a quiver, In a chariot of men horsemen, And Kir hath exposed a shield. Elam – Strong's 5867 - Hidden, i.e., distant.
7 And it cometh to pass, The choice of thy valleys have been full of chariots, And the horsemen place themselves diligently at the gate.
8 And one removeth the covering of Judah, And thou lookest in that day Unto the armour of the house of the forest,
9 And the breaches of the city of David ye have seen, For they have become many, And ye gather the waters of the lower pool, Breaches – The various places where the strength of the wall (protection) is broken giving to the enemies of the city a means of coming into the city.

The city of David – Christendom, which claims to be the true city of David (Christ).
10 And the houses of Jerusalem ye did number, And ye break down the houses to fence the wall.
11 And a ditch ye made between the two walls, For the waters of the old pool, And ye have not looked unto its Maker, And its Framer of old ye have not seen.
12 And call doth the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, In that day, to weeping and to lamentation, And to baldness and to girding on of sackcloth,
13 And lo, joy and gladness, slaying of oxen, And slaughtering of sheep, Eating of flesh, and drinking of wine, Eat and drink, for to-morrow we die. Let us eat .. shall die – Quoted by Paul in 1 Cor. 15:32
14 And revealed it hath been in mine ears, [By] Jehovah of Hosts: Not pardoned is this iniquity to you, Till ye die, said the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts. Until you die – Thus the death of Christendom is assured.

Saith the Lord GOD of hosts – When the decree is thus signed by the Lord of all creation the results are absolutely guaranteed.

15 Thus said the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts: 'Go, enter in unto this steward, Unto Shebna, who [is] over the house:
16 What to thee here And who to thee here That thou hast hewn out to thee here a sepulchre Hewing on high his sepulchre, Graving in a rock a dwelling for himself.
17 Lo, Jehovah is casting thee up and down, A casting up and down, O mighty one,
18 And thy coverer covering, wrapping round, Wrappeth thee round, O babbler, On a land broad of sides there thou diest, And there the chariots of thine honour [Are] the shame of the house of thy lord.
19 And I have thrust thee from thy station, And from thine office he throweth thee down.
20 And it hath come to pass, in that day, That I have called to my servant, To Eliakim son of Hilkiah.
This section from vs 20-24 makes more sense if verse 25 is considered first.

In that day – The Millennial Age.

Eliakim – Strong's 471 = God of raising.

Hilkiah – Strong's 2518 = Portion of Jah.
21 And I have clothed him with thy coat, And with thy girdle I strengthen him, And thy garment I give into his hand, And he hath been for a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And to the house of Judah.
22 And I have placed the key Of the house of David on his shoulder, And he hath opened, and none is shutting, And hath shut, and none is opening. He shall open.. – Applied by our Lord to Himself - Rev. 3:7.
23 And I have fixed him a nail in a stedfast place, And he hath been for a throne of honour To the house of his father. I – Jehovah.

Will – Not at the time of this prophecy but "in that day" - vs 20, after the ending of the "Times of the Gentiles".

Fasten him – Securely place Jesus.

As a nail in a sure place – See additional comment vs 25. The rulership of earth by Jesus will completely topple the rulership of the Gentiles during their "times," and Jesus will truly have the support of all humanity.

He – Jesus.

For a glorious throne – His kingdom and rulership shall indeed be a glorious one.

To his father's house – i.e., For the glory of His Heavenly Father. The seeking to glorify the Heavenly Father has always been first with our Master and should also be with us. John 17:1
24 And they have hanged on him All the honour of the house of his father, The offspring and the issue, All vessels of small quality, From vessels of basins to all vessels of flagons. Hang upon him – i.e., Jesus will be the support that will hold all the things described in the remainder of this verse.
25 In that day an affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, Moved is the nail that is fixed In a stedfast place, Yea, it hath been cut down, and hath fallen, And cut off hath been the burden that [is] on it, For Jehovah hath spoken!' In that day – The Millennial Age.

The Nail – Strong's 3489. First mention is in Exo. 27:19 where it is described as a pin or peg. All the pins of the Tabernacle and the court were made of copper, signifying human nature. When in the court it would represent perfect human nature. Here it seems to indicate human support.

That is fastened in a sure place – The human support of Babylon had been fastened in such a sure place that it had existed for well over a thousand years. This nail seems to be the religious belief in the divine right of kings.

Shall be removed – No one today (2005) believes in that the kings rule by divine right any more.

Cut down – Not just simply fall off. It was the Lord who cut down the old arrangement. See Dan 4 and B93.

And fall – "Babylon is fallen" Rev. 18:2.

The burden that was upon it – "The load hanging on it" - NASB.

Shall be cut off – Completely separated from Christendom.

For the LORD hath spoken it – Jehovah God Himself has signed the decree. "I have spoken it, I will bring it to pass, I also will do it." Isa. 46:11
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