Isaiah Chapter 11 [YLT]

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1 And a rod hath come out from the stock of Jesse, And a branch from his roots is fruitful. Stem of Jesse – The genealogical records prove him to be the son of David. The prophets foretold that the Messiah was to be the son of Jesse and David. R944:1

And not as the root out of David, because David himself is a type of Christ, his name signifying beloved. R2372:6

Here the Lord pictures natural Israel as entirely cut off, leaving nothing behind but the root of divine promise. R2372:6

And a Branch – When Jesus became a man. R809:6

The new spiritual shoot out of the Abrahamic promise. R2373:2

Our Lord Jesus. R1352:1

Had a fulfilment in Solomon, but only because Solomon was a type of the greater son of David, who was also the Son of God. R2372:6

Shall grow – Gentile governments are often symbolized by trees, their destruction as the cutting down. Many trees do not sprout again after being cut down. The Lord speaks of Israel as a vine, and one peculiarity of the vine is that it seems to thrive the better as it is pruned. R2373:1

Out of his roots – After David's genealogical tree had apparently dried up, new life was to enter one of the roots. R1663:1*

The root of divine promise, from which shall ultimately come all the blessings originally promised to Abraham. R2372:6

It is the custom of the vinegrowers of Palestine to cut down the vine clear to the roots yearly so as to get fresh sprouts. Thus Israel was cut off from the spiritual promises, except for the remnant privileged to become members of the house of sons. R2373:1

2 Rested on him hath the Spirit of Jehovah, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and might, The spirit of knowledge and fear of Jehovah. And the spirit – Not the "ghost," nor a person in any sense. E169

This prophecy begins with our Lord at the time he reached manhood's estate, made consecration, was accepted and was imparted the holy Spirit. R2373:2

The spirit of Christ and of Jehovah comes upon the Body of Christ from the Head. R2373:3

Jesus received of the Father's spirit unlimitedly, "without measure," but we, being imperfect, receive it only limitedly. R2373:4

Rest upon him – Preparing our Lord Jesus for the grand office of Royal High Priest for mankind. E52

Each branch in the vine, members of Christ, are likewise recipients of the holy Spirit through him. R2373:3

The anointing of Christ, antitypical to that of Bezaleel in Exo. 31:2-5. R4093:1*

Spirit of wisdom – Typed by the myrrh in the holy anointing oil. (Exo. 30:23) R4093:1*

God gives wisdom equal to our knowledge and understanding combined. Wisdom is knowing what to do. R4093. 2*

Understanding – Typed by the cinnamon in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*

Of counsel and might – Counsel here means advice, or how to do a thing; might here means the ability to perform. Same as the "workmanship" or deputyship of Exo. 31:2-5. R4093:3*

After giving us the wisdom to know what to do, God counsels us how to do it, and gives us the might or ability to perform it. R4093:3*

Typed by the cassia in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*

Spirit of knowledge – Based on his pre-human existence. "By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many." (Isa. 53:11) R2373:3

Making him alert in the use of his knowledge in reverence and submission to the divine will. R2373:3

Typed by the calamus in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*

Fear of the LORD – Reverence for Jehovah. D634; E52

3 To refresh him in the fear of Jehovah, And by the sight of his eyes he judgeth not, Nor by the hearing of his ears decideth. And shall make him – The Christ, Head and Body. D520, D633

As soon as the entire Christ, Head and Body, has been prepared for the work to be done, then the work itself will be commenced. R2373:4

Quick understanding – Christ will have a superhuman endowment of power by which he shall know the very thoughts and intents of the heart. R2373:6

A characteristic of those who have cultivated that spirit of love which "thinketh no evil." (1 Cor. 13:5) R5122:6

He shall not judge – Accustomed to misgovernment, it was necessary to give them some assurances that the new ruling power would have both good motives and possess superior knowledge and judgment. R2373:5, R5573:2

Sight of his eyes – Because he has been touched with the feeling of their infirmities, thus better enabled to succor all who come to God by him. E52

Hearing of his ears – He will not need to call up the testimony of human witnesses, as must all earthly rulers, however well-intentioned. R1352:1, R2373:6

4 And he hath judged in righteousness the poor, And decided in uprightness for the humble of earth, And hath smitten earth with the rod of his mouth, And with the breath of his lips he putteth the wicked to death. With righteousness – Absolute correctness. D634, D520; R5573:3; OV351:7

His reign is to be simultaneously a terror to evildoers and the consolation and joy of all the meek who love righteousness. R1352:2

The poor – The poor, the helpless, the despised of the present time will find in the new King a friend. R2373:6

As a result there shall then be neither rich nor poor, but all shall be brought to one common level. Q813:4

And reprove – The rich, in the time of trouble. R2374:2

As soon as a man finds the attempt to commit a robbery will bring upon him some physical punishment, he will desist. HG234:5

Equity for the meek – The meek, the backward, the modest, will have his special care. R2373:6

The meek who love righteousness will no longer be oppressed, but shall be exalted and blessed. R1352:2

Doing away with banking and brokerage houses, private capital, landlords and renting houses. D633

Smite the earth – The present social order. D549

Somehow the truth is either directly or indirectly to bring about the smiting of the earth, the "great time of trouble." R1352:2

Rod of his mouth – The .judgments which he has already expressed. R2374:3, R5574:1

Breath of his lips – Force and spirit of his truth. D19; R1352:2

Slay the wicked – Showing that there will be wicked persons in the earth at the time the Lord's Kingdom is established. R2374:3

His reign is to be a terror to evildoers. R1352:2

5 And righteousness hath been the girdle of his loins, And faithfulness the girdle of his reins. Girdle of his loins – The Messiah will be Jehovah's faithful, diligent servant. R2374:4, R5574:2

6 And a wolf hath sojourned with a lamb, And a leopard with a kid doth lie down, And calf, and young lion, and fatling [are] together, And a little youth is leader over them. The wolf also – Possibly literal, possibly referring to men of wolf-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4

It would be unnecessary to change the disposition of the brute creation if mankind were to be changed to another nature and become as angels. R2374:6

The lower animals which have shared in the disorder resulting from the fall will also share in the restoration of order accomplished by Messiah. R2374:5, R5574:2, R1352:3

With the lamb – Possibly literal, possibly referring to men of lamb-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4

And a little child – An earthly, not a heavenly scene, referring to the Times of Restitution, and having nothing whatever to do with the heavenly hopes of the Church. R2374:6

Shall lead them – Control them. The original disposition of the wild animals having been restored to what they were before men fell and lost control. R2374:6, 1, R152:3, R5574:3

7 And cow and bear do feed, Together lie down their young ones, And a lion as an ox eateth straw. Shall eat straw – No longer eat flesh. R2837:1, R5574:4

8 And played hath a suckling by the hole of an asp, And on the den of a cockatrice Hath the weaned one put his hand.
9 Evil they do not, nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For full hath been the earth with the knowledge of Jehovah, As the waters are covering the sea. They shall not hurt – But shall be forcibly restrained therefrom. D633; R5023:6, R5182:2

For instance, if someone wished to speak evil, paralysis of the tongue might come upon him merely for the intention, before he spoke the evil; thus teaching him not to think evil. Q118:4, Q438:1

The blessedness of the Millennial day could not be imagined, except Satan be restrained, not permitted to further deceive humanity. SM105:2

No longer will any evil be licensed; any spiritous liquors or other harmful thing be made or sold. R3469:6

Every misdeed will be punished as soon as it is determined upon, before it shall have been put into effect. D633; R5760:4, R5771:4

By the suppression of Satan and all his institutions of evil-- moral, social and financial--that now hurt mankind. R3469:5, R4768:1; SM534:2

We may reasonably suppose that, after perfection is reached, there will be no more accidents nor catastrophes. Q6:T, R5318:1, R5031:3

"He shall rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev. 2:27) A302

Therefore it is merciful on God's part to destroy the incorrigibly wicked. R3083:6

"No lion shall be there." (Isa. 35:9) A217

Every improper, injurious and useless thing will be utterly destroyed. R894:4, R2609:6

The Great Company being the police force, looking out for the whole people. Q438:1

No radical, permanent results will be reached until Messiah's Kingdom shall take full control of earth's affairs. R5795:3

At the close of the Millennium. R5694:6

In the perfect condition of humanity, when fully justified, not only reckonedly, but actually. R1117:2*

Mankind will be compelled to be obedient. SM440:T

Nor destroy – The microbes of disease and pestilence shall be restrained. R1771:6

Even human perfection would not bring happiness if cyclones, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, earthquakes, famines and pestilences continued. R4768:2

Mountain – Kingdom. A318; Q5:T, R5182:2, R5574:4, R5575:4, R5771:4

The stone which smote the image on its feet and afterwards became a great mountain. R2375:1, R5575:4, R5182:2

Earth shall be full – At the close of the Millennium. D656; R5442:2

This is not true in this age. A75; R2610:3, R2520:6, R4990:3; HG113:5; HG540:6

From the flood of Present Truth which has been rising higher and higher and will continue to rise. R6015:3*

Caused in part by the telegraph, telephone, improved printing presses and rapid mail service. R1155:3, R5363:6

Because the whole world of mankind will be under the instruction of the Lord and his Bride class. R4158:5, R5461:4, R5780:2

All must come to a clear knowledge of the conditions of life and death before they can be condemned or justified. R2117:4

Including all the heathen and all those of imbecile mind and all infants who have died before they could know of God. It includes the dead as well as the living. R5575:5, R5407:1

Typified by the giving of sight to blind Bartimaeus. (Mark 10:46-52) R5485:5

Provision for this recovery was made in the divine purpose before the foundation of the world. R5338:2

Light and truth are yet to be universal. R2633:1*

In that day an intellectual unbelief in Christ and the offer of salvation will be an impossibility. R1772:3

Because mankind will no longer be invited to accept Christ and give their hearts in obedience to him, but they will be compelled to be obedient. CR51:3

With evil restrained and Satan bound. R256:4, R542:2*

This is the very purpose of the Millennial age. HG316:2

Of the knowledge – Knowledge ocean-deep to every creature; no longer confined to the spirit-begotten. R4908:6, R6013:5; SM791:2

Which will not then appear to men as foolish. R2610:1

"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped." (Isa. 3:5) R2432:6, R1988:3, R2408:1

The most wonderful thing the Bible tells us respecting the New Day is the great intelligence and enlightenment which it will bring to every creature. SM791:2

Much that we now receive by faith will then be demonstrated to the world by sight. R2610:2, R553:2

Before the awakened sleepers can be regenerated they must be brought to a knowledge of the truth. OV382:T

It is the will of God that all men come to the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved. (1 Tim. 2:4) There can be no salvation without knowledge. (Rom. 10:14, 15) R2375:2, R5575:4

Forgiveness of sins and being awakened from death would profit little if there were not provision for a recovery from present mental, moral and physical weaknesses. HG443:3

But this knowledge is now coming to people who at heart are unprepared for it. R5363:6

There will be then upon man a different test--not of faith, but of works--backed by faith. F113

Then faith will be to a considerable extent different from the blind faith necessary now. F113

As the "kingdom of darkness" now operates through the servants of sin along the lines of ignorance, superstition, sin and death; so the kingdom of light will operate through earthly agencies in harmony with the principles of righteousness, truth and knowledge. OV45:2

As the Gospel age is closing and the Messianic age is dawning, darkness, ignorance, superstition are fleeing and knowledge is filling the earth. R5363:6

Of the LORD – The curse shall be rolled away; instead shall come his blessing, his light. R5338:2, R5780:2; SM105:2, SM172:2

No conflicting creeds then. R1352:3

"They shall all know me from the least to the greatest." (Jer. 31:34) R1363:6, R3026:3

His knowledge is the power by which the Lord shall accomplish the blessing of mankind after he has crushed the power of evil R2375:2

This knowledge is for all who have ever lived. R5407:1; SM172:2

"God shall have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) E20; R2519:5

Not the knowledge of mankind, sin or human philosophy. Life eternal is not gained by a knowledge of astronomy, geology, mathematics or chemistry--but by the knowledge of God. HG434:5

The world will be made to know about God's wonderful character and plan. OV424:1

As we copy our Heavenly Father's character, each additional step of progress means a clearer knowledge of the Father. HG434:6

Cover the sea – Full, broad, ample and ocean-deep. R1352:3, R2375:3; CR270:4; SM791:2

The blessed truths and principles of Christianity shall then permeate not only all nations, but all hearts. R624:5*

A downpour of truth and grace will produce a flood of righteousness and knowledge of the Lord worldwide and ocean-deep. HG432:2

10 And there hath been, in that day, A root of Jesse that is standing for an ensign of peoples, Unto him do nations seek, And his rest hath been honour! In that day – When he is filling the earth full of the knowledge of the Lord. R1283:6*

Shall be a root – Another root, the Ancient Worthies. R2375:5

Or father of Jesse. Christ is now to be "the everlasting Father." R1352:3

Christ. R1063:1*

For an ensign – When Christ is thus exalted in the earth there will indeed be a great turning to him. R1352:3

Standard for all the people to pattern after. R2375:4

And his rest – His executive authority and power not merely established, but permanently established. R1283:5*

His rest is not one of "masterly inactivity," but the very opposite. His rest is in the strength of his nature, in the security of his position, in the satisfaction of his work, and in the certainty of his ultimate and complete success. R1283:6*

Shall be glorious – Blessedly satisfying; so different from the miserable resting places now afforded by human creeds. R1352:4

11 And it hath come to pass, in that day, The Lord addeth a second time his power, To get the remnant of His people that is left, From Asshur, and from Egypt, And from Pathros, and from Cush, And from Elam, and from Shinar, And from Hamath, and from isles of the sea, It shall come to pass – Not necessarily after Israel comes into existence as a nation. R2125:2

In that day – Judgment day. R433:6*

To recover – The deliverance from Egypt will seem insignificant when compared with the great deliverance which the Lord will accomplish again, the second time. R608:4

The remnant – The old house of Israel was condemned and left desolate, a type of the second house. It is from the remnant of both houses that the new house is formed. R518:5*

12 And He hath lifted up an ensign to nations, And gathereth the driven away of Israel, And the scattered of Judah He assembleth, From the four wings of the earth. Shall assemble – If Israel would repent, the Lord would return his favor to them. R1496:4

Of Israel ... of Judah – A statement to cover all Israel, not merely the two tribes. To guard against any misunderstanding, both are included. Q354:1

Mentioned separately because this prophecy was written before all had gone into captivity. R2125:2

Cast off and dispersed mean practically the same. He is going to count them all in as one nation. Q354:2

13 And turned aside hath the envy of Ephraim, And the adversaries of Judah are cut off, Ephraim doth not envy Judah, And Judah doth not distress Ephraim. Of Ephraim – Applied to Christendom. D22

14 And they have flown on the shoulder of the Philistines westward, Together they spoil the sons of the east, Edom and Moab sending forth their hand, And sons of Ammon obeying them.
15 And Jehovah hath devoted to destruction The tongue of the sea of Egypt, And hath waved His hand over the river, In the terror of his wind, And hath smitten it at the seven streams, And hath caused [men] to tread [it] with shoes.
16 And there hath been a highway, For the remnant of His people that is left, from Asshur, As there was for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt!
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