Scripture |
Expanded Comments |
1 The children! obey your parents in the Lord, for this is righteous; |
Children – The Apostle writes to those children who are already justified by faith in their Redeemer. R1731:4
It would not be possible for a mother to produce a perfect child; but with her own ideals, fixed upon things pure, noble and good, her mind may impress the character of her unborn child. R5700:6
Obey your parents – The parent is to give the child proper conceptions of life, proper instruction. R5700:5
It is the parents' duty to see that a child is conscientious, just, loyal to God and to the principles of righteousness. R5700:5
Because their youth and inexperience stand in need of parental guidance and control. R1464:4*
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6) R5700:5
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!" R5700:1
This rule applies to children during their minority only, though the duty of honor and reverence to parents may never be relinquished, but should the rather increase as age advances. R1464:4*
Is right – The law of love is the only law that ought to rule in the home; and that law should be written in the heart of each member. R1464:6*
2 honour thy father and mother, |
Honor thy father – It is quite proper for the new creature to quote from the Law or any other part of the Scripture that which will help to make clear the Father's will concerning us. R1731:4, 976:5
And mother – It never was a command to parents, but to children. R976:5, 1731:4
Commandment – The Apostle Paul quotes one of the Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20:12) R1731:4, 976:5
3 which is the first command with a promise, 'That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live a long time upon the land.' |
4 And the fathers! provoke not your children, but nourish them in the instruction and admonition of the Lord. |
Fathers – The office of the father, as head of the family, is worthy of honor both from wife and children. R1555:6, 5168:4
Recognizing your responsibility, duty and obligation which divine law has laid upon you. R5168:4
If any ride rough-shod over the rights of others, this course is contrary to the divine law and spirit of love. R5168:4
Providers, whose care should include provision of spiritual as well as natural food and raiment for his wife and family. R1555:2
His responsibility often requires the sacrifice of his own time and preferences in the interest of his family. R5168:4
Provoke not – Study your conduct toward the members of your own family. R5168:5
Study to let the beauty of holiness be manifest. R1554:4
Your children – It is not always that religious parents have religiously-inclined children. R4399:5
But – Let charity begin at home. R4399:5
Bring them up – With loving interest, looking out for their welfare. R5168:4
Do your duty and leave the rest to the Lord. R5168:4
In the nurture – The parent who is consecrated to the Lord and guided by his Word has generally a good influence upon those nearest to him and directly under his care. R4399:5
5 The servants! obey the masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to the Christ; |
Servants – This is Paul's counsel to servants. R3958:5*
He that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman. R1083:5*
If you are called being a servant, you need not ignore the duties and responsibilities of a servant, or esteem yourself too highly to meet a servant's obligations. R1083:3*
Communism is not the Lord's arrangement. D478, D479, D480
Be obedient – Servants should obey their masters. D480
That are your masters – Treat them with respect and Christian courtesy. R1464:2
6 not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but as servants of the Christ, doing the will of God out of soul, |
From the heart – Greek, psuche; soul, being. E335
In singleness of your heart – Each should render service. R1464:3*
7 with good-will serving, as to the Lord, and not to men, |
With good will – Servants should render service with a double good will if the master were also a brother in Christ. D480
Doing service – Fulfill them with dignity and grace. R1083:3*
Do the best we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. R1083:6*
As to the Lord – All service, in whatever capacity, should be rendered unto the Lord. R1083:5*
There is no servility in such service, however humble the task may be. R1464:3*
8 having known that whatever good thing each one may do, this he shall receive from the Lord, whether servant or freeman. |
9 And the masters! the same things do ye unto them, letting threatening alone, having known that also your Master is in the heavens, and acceptance of persons is not with him. |
Ye masters – Those in authority. R1464:2*
This is Paul's counsel to masters. R3958:5*
Those who must themselves give an account to the great master, Christ. R1862:4
Do the same things – Treat your servants as those who must give account to the great Master, Christ. D480
Serve them with kindness and compensation, and do it with good will as unto the Lord. R1464:2*
Unto them – Servants. D480
Respect of persons – God regards no distinction of Jew or Greek, bond or free, male or female, because are all one in Christ. R1464:2*
10 As to the rest, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might; |
My brethren – This is Paul's counsel to the Church. R2031:1
All the Lord's people. R5816:5
New creatures in Christ Jesus. R4089:4
Because the time of your testing is here. R4688:2
Be – We should grow. R5651:3
Strong in the Lord – Strong in faith and in character. R1882:5, 5751:1, 4089:5, 2568:5
By faith in God and in his promises. R5113:6; SM395:T
Having strong confidence in him. R5497:5, 5113:6
And not weak. R5816:5
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." (1 Cor. 16:13) R2031:1, 1882:5
Trusting in God and not relying on ourselves. R5113:6
By keeping our eyes continually fixed on him. R5497:6
By not loving the world, by laying aside besetting sins, by assembling with the Lord's people, and by searching the Scriptures daily. F729
An exhortation applicable to the people of God at all times and under all conditions and circumstances. R4089:4
By these stumblings they learn of their own weaknesses, and then fortify themselves. R5218:3, 5751:1
Through trials and battlings against the world, the flesh and the Adversary. SM394:3; R2568:5
Some of the noblest characters are those achieved through earnest striving against inherited weaknesses. R1882:5, 5751:1
After reasonable instruction in the ways of righteousness, the Lord has a right to expect strong characters. R1882:4
As new creatures, in the spirit of our minds. It is this determination of the new creature against sin and for righteousness that God desires. SM394:3; R5751:1
To do valiant service as soldiers of the cross. R1487:6, 1171:6
So that we take joyfully every trial, persecution, difficulty which God permits for our testing of character, which is of paramount importance. R5497:6
In order to stand in the evil day now upon us. R5816:5
By feeding more and more upon the precious truth. 1171:6
Developing character through exercise in resisting evil. R2568:5
By positive resistance of temptation and positive standing up for the Lord and his cause. R4814:1
Because of the struggle between truth and error. R266:6
Because these are "taught of God," they become marvelously strong. R5113:6
By utilizing the strong meat of God's promises. HG442:3
Our hope is firm; it is indeed an anchor to our souls. R5497:5
By setting the Word of the Lord above all other messages. Buy the truth at any cost and sell it not for any price. R4089:6
In the power of his might – Mighty power. R1487:6
Courageous. R4817:6
As we should be. R5816:5
Our hearts have good courage. R5497:5
The Lord will give courage to his people. He encourages us through each other, as we build one another up in the most holy faith. R4817:5
Courage is necessary to faithful service in the good fight of faith. R2031:1
Faith is the power of God which enables us to endure all things as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. R4089:2
Because the Adversary will be on the alert to use any snare or trap for the undoing of those who are faithful soldiers of the cross. R4088:5
Through faithfulness to the vows of consecration. R4088:6
The Lord's people need strength and encouragement. R4817:3
11 put on the whole armour of God, for your being able to stand against the wiles of the devil, |
Put on – Paul is very specific, and warns us. R425:3; NS45:5
The Lord's Word cautions us. R3411:2
Not just find the armor, but put it on. R4042:3
This message to us is urgent. Get ready. R5678:4, 2310:1
As good soldiers. R4214:6
The Lord grants us a measure of grace and protection that we shall not be assailed before we have had time to put it on. Q456:T
All the "brethren" will be awakened in season to put on the armor. R2453:2
The Apostle urges all the faithful to appropriate, to meditate upon and to store up the truth in mind and heart--that they may be able to withstand error and evil in every form. R3332:1
We still have need of this Scriptural exhortation. OV285:1
Requiring energy to do this. R2453:3,6
Make progress in the way of Christ-likeness. NS541:4
The whole armour – The Christian armor. R4583:2
Supplied in his Word. R5800:6, 5184:1; Q456:T
Not an armor for the flesh, but for the mind--the new creature. F657
The Apostle Paul is very specific that we will need the whole armor because the conflict will be with the prince of darkness himself. R425:3
Which is a necessity in order to withstand the attacks of the wicked one. R2527:5
And use it faithfully. R4214:6, 2378:3
Or you will be unfortified. R4583:2
Not merely an intellectual knowledge of the divine plan. NS45:5
Soldiers of the cross fight against unseen spiritual foes, and the Lord has provided us armor. R5889:2
So armed, though many fall at your side, nothing can compel you to doubt the presence and power of our Lord. R36:6
This armor will be proof against all of Satan's delusions. F657
Every spiritual help and assistance we receive are parts of the Father's good providence for us. OV285:2
We are fully supplied with the whole armor of God, which will amply protect us against the fiery darts of the Adversary, if only we accept it and buckle it on. R4817:3, 3273:6, 425:3
An intelligent soldier sees that he wears it properly. R5404:4
As in contrast with the small pieces of armor worn by various denominations of the past. R2453:2
Some have not had on much of the armor. R5816:5
Until we realize its glorious completeness in the full discernment of the divine plan of the ages. R3215:5
Of God – Who supplies it. R1687:6
God is its maker. It is his provision. No other armor will avail. F657
Poor humanity need divine help to free themselves from the Adversary and his hosts of evil. R5896:4
That ye – All the saints. R425:3
Be able to stand – Safely; for greater is he than all that are against us. R1687:6
The faithful alone will stand. R5802:1,4
It will be difficult to stand and not fall before the attacks of the enemy. R425:3
By keeping close to our Shepherd. F609
Whatever the test might be. R425:3
And not be deluded. R4583:2
A testing work will be in progress in the Church, a time in which the question will be not so much, Who will fall? as, Who shall be able to stand in this evil day? R5249:4; NS621:2
God's children who have learned the lessons of his Word regarding moderation of thought, rest of heart in the Lord, patient waiting for his time and way with careful self-inspection and government daily, will be blessed and kept from the snare of the Adversary. R5250:4
Jesus forewarns us in Luke 21:36 that it will be difficult to stand and not fall before the attacks of the enemy. R425:3
Stand our ground, knowing that with every temptation God has promised and provided a way of escape. R5896:5
Because of the ample armor of truth, thou shalt stand and not fall. R3332:2
If the Adversary finds one well protected and resisting him with a firm will, he will at once retreat. R5896:6
By receiving the truth "in the love of it." NS45:6
Because we are living in a grand and awful time. R5249:5
The statement of the prophet is that one thousand will fall to one that will stand--"a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." (Psa. 91:7) NS621:1, 563:6
Against – We must contend against. R4214:6
Because the devil is against us. R4214:6
It is our conviction that the great time of trouble will come upon the world through the great Adversary, Satan, and his fallen host, exciting mankind to unwisdom and to passion. R5249:6
Waging a warfare against sin and the powers of darkness. R5404:2
We are now in the period of which he cautions us to be specially on guard against "seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." (1 Tim. 4:1) R2189:3
The wiles – Snares. R5250:4
Machinations. R5896:1
Besetments. F729
Or deceptions. R425:3; NS94:6
Satan is an ensnarer who seeks to entrap us. R2770:1
Although mankind cannot see Satan, yet he can see them, and by means of mental suggestion can gain control of them. R5183:6
Satan is too wily, too wise for us. R5183:3; F609
Manifested by miraculous powers of the fallen angels in the end of the Gospel age. R2189:3,4
Of the devil – Our great Adversary. R5925:6; F609
The prince of darkness. R425:3, 5896:1
Satan, meaning the hater; the accuser; once called Lucifer, Son of the morning. R5896:1
Of the enemy; our foe. R425:3, 4688:5
The evil one. R5896:1; F609; NS94:6
Satan, the opposer of righteousness and of Jehovah. Satan, the Adversary of the Church. R5183:3,6, 5896:3,4
Satan, who is cunning, deceitful and desparately wicked. R4214:6, 2378:3
Who was cast out of heaven and cut off from all association with holy beings. R5896:1
Satan, the great general of sin, a spirit being, much more intelligent than ourselves. R2309:4
He is a hypocrite, a deceiver, a tyrant and a merciless enemy of all who stand in the way of his ambitions. Beware of him! R1687:4
A mighty foe. A great intellectual giant, with an accumulation of more than six thousand years of knowledge and experience. R1687:3
The great Adversary is ever and always the agent in the propagation of evil. NS94:6
Satan, who was once a holy angel, but became an opponent of God by permitting pride and ambition to gain control of his heart. R5183:3, 5896:1
Our Adversary is sure to bring the test from an unexpected quarter. This has ever been his policy. R425:3
The Apostle was a firm believer in a personal devil. R3165:6
We know that we have no power with which to oppose Satan. None is sufficient for these things except the Lord. But the Lord is greater than are Satan and all his angels. R5185:4
Satan's constant endeavor is to lead the people of God astray from the Lord and their covenant of sacrifice. R5184:1
Our Adversary's opposition to truth is the fulfillment of Scripture, and we expect no cessation, but rather a further aggressiveness. R4583:5
The new creature is expected at all times to be on the alert against the wiles of Satan. R5404:4
"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) R5896:1
Satan seeks particularly to destroy our faith in God. R5183:6
Who lured our first parents into disobedience and misled a large number of angels into sin and opposition to Jehovah. R5896:1
Satan has sinned willfully against so great light, and has persisted in his evil course, that infinite wisdom can do no more for him. R1687:5
Whose destruction is plainly declared in the Scriptures. R5896:2
His days are numbered and his end is sure, for God will destroy him. R1687:5
12 because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places; |
We – God's people. R5043:6; NS124:2; OV294:4
The saints. R5053:2
The Lord's people need to be on the alert more than do others. R5248:3
New creatures whose earthen vessels are subject to like passions and storms as those which assail the world in general. R5248:3
Wrestle – Contend. R5908:4, 5043:6, 4400:5, 2590:6; SM102:T; OV294:4
Struggle. OV294:4
Battle. R4215:1, 2378:3
We war. R5896:5
God forbid that we should fight against our own kindred, the family of God. R559:2
Evil spirits had aroused the riot that Paul and Silas found themselves in. (Acts 16:16-24) R4400:5, 5908:4
Only those who exercise faith have been enabled to endure as seeing the invisible, and believing in a grace not yet made manifest in full measure. OV19:T
The brains and nerves of the civilized world are being trained by hypnotism for an onslaught from the evil spirits. R4396:5, 5250:1
Not against flesh and blood – Merely. F626; R5896:5, 5379:5, 5053:2, 4813:6, 4448:2, 2770:1, 2650:4, 1391:4; NS605:1, 597:1; OV18:5; SM102:T
Not merely against human beings. SM102:T; R425:3, 267:1
Not only with the weakness of the flesh which we have inherited. R2590:6; NS563:4
Not merely with our own mortal flesh and its blemishes or with imperfect neighbors and friends. NS597:1
Not merely against the visible tools of the Adversary. R1670:6, 1687:5
But – Our chief conflict is. R2770:1, 2590:6, 1687:5, 479:3, 425:3; NS597:2
We must also wrestle. R2590:6, 1687:6
We fight. R3518:4
Our warfare is. R1744:5
As new creatures, we must contend. NS597:2, 124:2
The Apostle instructs us who our foes are. R3274:2
We contend against something worse. R193:4*
With a demon host. R2378:3, 4215:1; OV294:4
With the cunning of the Adversary himself and his many agents. SM102:T
Against evil spiritual beings. R267:1
Our Lord wished to show an abnormal condition; that the tare seed was specially sown for the very purpose of choking the wheat. R3770:3
Remember the Apostle's words. R4208:2
Against principalities – Princely powers of darkness. R2174:5
Princedoms. R559:2
"Ne'er think the victory won, nor once at ease sit down." R431:5*
Against powers – Unseen spiritual powers. R1391:4, 2770:1, 5889:2
Occult powers. R4086:3, 5889:2
Mighty invisible powers plotting to stumble the "feet" of the Body of Christ. R1687:5
Satan himself, and the demons, his associates in evil, are really the great power working in and through mankind, in opposition to God and his plan. F626
Satan exercises powerful influence in the world. R3310:6
Power of the fallen angels in the affairs of men. R4086:6
In the present time there are two great opposing forces in conflict--Christ and the soldiers of his cross, and Satan and the powers of darkness. R1948:1
We are surrounded by many subtle and powerful foes. R3089:3
Have nothing whatever to do with occult powers. R4086:6
Satan is "the prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2), and is malevolent enough to exercise his power to the extent of divine permission. This might account for the great floods, cyclones and tornadoes of recent years. R2189:4
Powers of the world, the flesh and the devil are closely allied. R5488:6
God is testing his people, by permitting these conditions so that only the faithful will walk perseveringly to the very end. R5184:1
God has all along been master of the situation, but has permitted Satan and his legions to exercise power over the rebellious race, ultimately teaching lessons to both men and angels. R5910:2, 5896:1
The nations are now subject to the spiritual powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. HG33:3
Evil spirits, not allowed to materialize since the deluge, continue their deceptions by using human beings as mediums. R5910:1, 2582:1, 267:1
Against the rulers – Who fight against God. R5043:6
Satan, especially. A68; R5910:1, 5043:6, 4813:6, 4216:5, 1948:1, 1670:6, 267:1; HG538:4; SM102:T
He who was once called "Son of the Morning" (Isa. 14:12), became the prince of the "rulers of darkness." R5896:1, 425:3
Satan, the arch-enemy of God. The great deceiver. E189; OV50:2
Satan is now permitted to rule; and he works in the hearts of the children of disobedience. (Eph. 2:2) A68; R350:3*
Satan is the leader of sin. R4216:5
Satan, the first conspirator against righteousness, the father of lies and deceptions. E187
Satan and his deluded subjects will not meekly renounce their claims to earthly dominion and submit to the King of kings. HG681:3
Satan has planted seeds of errors and blasphemy against God, misrepresenting his character and plan. R3770:5
The Adversary is very alert to find snares for the Lord's people. R5925:6
The Word teaches that Satan is a spirit being and has an unholy spirit, mind and disposition, exercising an unholy influence through various channels and agents. The fallen angels also exercise an evil influence as they have opportunity. E188
Possessed of great intelligence, and wily. R4448:2, 4216:5; NS124:2; OV294:4
Fallen angels. R3490:1, 5910:1, 5043:6, 4521:2
Who wish to corrupt the whole world by idolatry and sin. R5910:1
Our enemy is a giant in whose presence we are feeble indeed. R4216:5
We realize the secret, subtle and persevering effort of the prince of this world to overcome the saints. R645:6
These spirit adversaries are especially on the alert to entrap and ensnare the consecrated followers of the Lord. R5248:3, 4477:3; OV18:5
We are to resist Satan's influence and deceptions to mislead us into error and sin. R2309:4
Fallen man is incompetent to defend himself against the Adversary, except by being thoroughly loyal to the Lord and attentive to his Word. F626
Our Lord taught us to pray that the Father "deliver us from the evil one." R4216:5
We need divine assistance. R4216:5
Satan, who puts evil for good, and darkness for light. (Isa. 5:20) He has general control, first of the masses through ignorance, and secondly, of the more intelligent through pride and selfishness. E189
Satan, toward the end of this age, will be granted special license to deceive by peculiar arts all who, having been highly favored with the Word of God, have failed to appreciate and use it. R2174:5
We realize that the contest is a very unequal one unless we lay hold upon the strength of Christ. R3053:2
Hence the saints will need to draw nearer and nearer to the Lord. R4477:4
God is able and willing to overrule the wrath of men and devils and to restrain whatever would hinder his grand purposes. R2189:5
When God's time for the establishment of Christ's Kingdom comes, Satan's kingdom will be brought to naught. R1687:1
Of the darkness – The prince of darkness now works in oppressing and opposing justice and truth, to the affliction of mankind. R264:5
Our Adversary is the prince of darkness, and his work of deception upon the human family is favored by ignorance. SM102:1
Satan presents himself as an angel of light, and not as a messenger of darkness. R5184:1
"Darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people." (Isa. 60:2) A68
Every effort to veil and obscure the truth, is the device of our unseen Adversary to retard our progress in the narrow way. R475:3
Any attempt to investigate any works of darkness tells of our lack of faith in the divine Word. R4087:5
Satan's favorite method of operating is putting darkness for light--by making good appear evil, and right appear wrong. R5183:6
Satan's methods and mediums are to deceive--to blind the minds of mankind, lest the glorious light of the goodness of God, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ our Lord, should shine unto them. (2 Cor. 4:4) R2174:6
The Adversary misleads, putting darkness in the guise of light and endeavoring to make the light of the dawning New Day appear as darkness. HG682:1
As the Adversary specially opposed the Lord, so he specially assaults the faithful members of his Body. R4477:4
The world was dark when our Lord appeared in it, filled with the Spirit of God, the light of divine truth, which constituted him "the light of the world." E189
Possibly, manifestations of the powers of darkness, transformed to appear as angels of light and progress, shall be much more delusive than anything yet attempted. R2174:5
Of this world – Of this age. HG682:1
Present evil condition. E189
World-rulers of this darkness. R3493:5*
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36) A68
The kingdoms of this world are now subject to Satan. A68; R1744:5
From the standpoint of God the course of the world is sinful. R5117:1
There is a tendency in our flesh to go with the world. R5117:1
God's people must go in the opposite direction to that of the world. Hence to live godly is to live in opposition to the course of the world. R5117:1
To overcome the saints, no artifice or effort is left untried; opposition, ridicule, rejection, flattery, false reasoning to disprove the truth, cares of this world, bribery with good things of this world and various allurements are all used. R645:6, 475:6
Sons of God shall not be in darkness with the world, because they are "brethren" of Christ and walk in the light. R1948:1
Spiritual wickedness – Wicked spirits. E188; R5896:5, 5488:5, 5379:5, 5248:3, 5117:2, 5053:2, 5043:6, 4813:6, 4521:2, 4477:4, 4293:2, 4216:5, 4208:2, 4086:3, 3770:3, 3490:1, 3310:6, 3274:2; 3270:1, 2770:1, 2650:4, 1687:6; HG682:1; OV294:4, 50:5, 18:5
Of whom Satan is chief. E188, E189; R210:3*, 559:2, 350:3; NS124:2; OV294:4
The spiritual things of the evil one. R2174:5, 3310:5; F609
Which leads from the way of life into the way of death. R5925:6
Wicked spirits possessed of great intelligence, and wily. R4448:2
Satan and the fallen angels are very desirous of invading our minds, hearts and bodies with evil suggestions. R4477:3, 3770:3, 1151:3*
These wicked spirits are on the alert to oppose the Lord, the truth and all who are faithful to him. NS563:3
"We are not ignorant of his devices." (2 Cor. 2:11) R3310:6
Not Satan alone, but all the fallen angels, the demons, are foes of the Church. R2770:1
The great army of fallen angels under the captaincy of the devil, the prince of demons. R5896:5, 5910:2, 5421:2; NS563:3; HG682:1; OV18:5
The evil spirits wish to make men believe that people who have gone into death are not dead, but more alive than before. R5910:2, 3490:3; NS124:4
Hypnotism, another form of spiritism, seeking to break down the human will. R4521:2, 5250:1
Satan's kingdom, under invisible control, uses men and nations as visible agencies, and produces visible results of the most baneful and atrocious character. R210:3*
Spiritual hosts who perform mysterious happenings and trickeries. HG548:4
Fallen spirits whose power to incite malice, envy, hatred, strife, is very great. NS597:2
Fallen angels, disobedient angels, delighting in sin under the prince of demons, Satan, evil workers amongst men, operating through spirit mediums and obsessed persons. OV18:4
The fallen angels seek to break down the human will. R4521:2
These seek to enslave us and to make our battle with our old self constant. NS605:2
Wicked spirits have been plotting against the divine plan, trying to thwart it, all through this age. R3770:3
Satan, a spirit being, as the great master or general of sin, has largely to do with all the various influences with which we must battle. R2309:4
The deceitfulness of these wicked spirits is far too deep for humanity, and he who seeks communion with them in any manner does so in violation of Scriptural command of Lev. 20:6 and Isa. 8:19. R2582:1
These wicked spirits have the power in some degree to favor in us wrong sentiments; if we give our minds into any selfish, sinful or ignoble channel, these unseen adversaries may have power over us. R4208:2
This battle against adverse influences has continued throughout the night-time of this Gospel age, and yet the Church has not reached the harbor, nor has the storm abated. R2650:4
Unwillingly and unwittingly, we are wrestling with wicked spirits. R2582:1, 5117:2
This thought, that we are contending against principalities and wicked spirits in high places, would be appalling to us, did we not on the other hand realize we acquire help and assistance by other unseen powers. R4813:6, 5488:6, 5123:5, 4988:6, 4477:4, 4208:2, 3053:2; F626
We are no matches intellectually for the wicked spirits, and need to heed protections from the Lord's Word. R3490:2
Evil spirits would do injury to the servants of the truth if permitted. Evidently, they are under some restraint as respects the Lord's people. Later on, they may be permitted to operate through others, as Satan entered into Judas before the betrayal. (Luke 22:3) R3491:6
The Scriptures show that the fallen spirits would be held under restraint for a long time, but that those restraints would gradually be relaxed in the closing of this Gospel age, in the lapping of the Millennial age. R3490:2
These agencies have sought to represent Almighty God as base, vindictive, loveless, unjust and powerfully vicious. OV19:T
This warning restrains the Lord's people from "curious and dangerous investigations." R3490:1
To realize this will cause the Lord's people to tremble, but we are to remember the encouraging words, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31) NS563:4
Without the Lord we could do nothing in the face of opposition which we continually meet from the great Adversary. R4293:2
Who is sufficient for such an unequal contest with the prince of darkness and all the hosts of sin? Confidence in self would be unwise; we place our confidence in God. R4216:6, 5248:3
Beware lest we be entrapped. R4521:3
The evil spirits are coy in their deceptions, and the Lord's people need the holy Spirit, the spirit of a sound mind, the spirit of love, joy and peace protecting them. R3310:5,6
Meantime, they are but turning the polishing wheel, which, under our opposition, will polish us and fit us for Kingdom glory. NS605:2
In high places – Public influence of the fallen angels. R3490:1
And it is growing more emphatic every hour. R479:3*
No wonder, then, it is the hour of temptation. R4477:4
Paul warns the Church that her warfare is with wicked spirits in the heavenlies. R5183:3, 479:3*; F610
In exalted positions, in influential positions. E188; F626; R5896:5, 5117:2, 5248:3, 5053:2, 4813:6, 4477:4, 4400:5, 4216:5, 4077:3, 3274:2, 2309:4, 559:2; SM102:T; NS563:4, 124:2; HG682:1; OV294:4, 50:5, 18:5
In places of authority and power. R1687:5, 1686:4, 1391:4
Controlling places. R267:1, 264:6
Our only safety is in abiding close to the Lord--in obedience to him and his Word. NS597:2
Hence, the saints will draw nearer and nearer to the Lord and feel content only under the shadow of the Almighty. R4477:4
Nor is this all. Perhaps the greatest battle the new creature is to endure is the battle of the new self against the old, fallen self. R4215:1
13 because of this take ye up the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the day of the evil, and all things having done to stand. |
Wherefore – On this account. R267:1
In order to overcome. R378:1
Every soldier of the cross needs to heed the Apostle's warnings. R3331:3
Take unto you – Put upon you. R1659:3, 4087:2, 684:5 St. Paul urges the Lord's people. R5184:4; SM291:2
The people of God. R5851:4, 5267:2
You, the feet class. R3298:5
Diligently. With great care. R5678:4
The Apostle forewarned us we should specially need this armor as the evil day draws on. R3494:4, 5744:3; SM291:2
Arm yourselves for the battle of the great day of God Almighty. R5744:6
The Lord grants us opportunities to put on the whole armor. R3943:3
Put on, piece by piece, quickly. R2275:6
Put it on and wear it, feel at ease and at home in it, because the time is coming when it will be impossible to stand without it. R2275:3
Assist one another in putting it on. R4077:4
Demonstrating loyalty and obedience to the Captain. NS62:4
No man puts on armor unless he expects to fight. R5098:1
Do not neglect to put on the armor. R4439:2
Do not cast aside. R5925:6
We should take it because the Lord will not force it upon any. NS62:3
There will be less and less opportunity for putting on the armor because of our great enemy. R1659:3
Many devote to frivolity the time which they could employ in putting on the armor which God has provided for his people. R5184:4
The whole armour – Never before needed or provided. R2275:3; NS62:4; HG317:6
Every piece riveted together with love. R4042:6
The full understanding and clear appreciation of the divine plan. HG317:6
The divinely-provided armor which will protect from the fiery darts of the enemy. R2275:2, 4077:4, 684:5
For all the soldiers of the cross. R4087:2
To be worn only by the redeemed. R2275:6
Because we shall need it. R862:3
Because more stringent conditions are before us. R5851:4
Gladly accept the armament and become faithful students. R4439:1
The truth alone will constitute the armor of God. NS778:4, 564:2
Some have buckled on every part of the armor, and today they stand completely clothed with the truth. R2275:3
An armor of truth, knowledge, information granted to them from the great armory, his Word, the Bible. NS62:3
God's truth shall be the shield and buckler of all those that stand. R862:4
We should be arming ourselves with the whole armor of God's Word, bracing ourselves for our own final testing. R414:6
The graces of character, meekness, patience, gentleness, brotherly kindness, faith, truth, hope. R4077:4
Take the whole armor of God, not merely one or two parts of the armor. SM291:2
Few have it all. R36:4
Without this complete armor, no child of God is safe in this evil day. R2275:2, 5184:4, 4042:3, 1659:5
We have come to this "evil day"; and the urgent message to us is: Put on the whole armor of God; prepare yourselves for the great testing that will come. R5678:4, 414:6
Some of us may feel too self-confident, and not sufficiently watchful. R5267:2, 4042:3
The protection which would be granted to a certain class. R4438:6, 3490:4, 862:3
This is the armor with which we are to withstand the attacks which appeal to the evil tendencies of the fallen nature. R5340:1
Not a useless weight, but a necessary protection in battle. R5098:1; NS62:4
Only those who have put on the whole armor of God will be properly equipped to withstand the assaults of the enemy. R5744:3, 5816:6, 5678:4, 4077:4, 2275:2; HG682:6
The armor cannot be put on at all until the body be washed and clothed in the garment of Christ's imputed righteousness. R1995:4
See that it all bears the imprint and marks of the Royal Armory--the Word of God. R684:5
Available to all of God's people; nevertheless, only those who put the armor on will be safe. R4436:6
God's people will have need of this armor to cope with delusions so strong as to "deceive the very elect, if it were possible." (Matt. 24:24) R2189:3
We obtain this armor from the Word of God, and it requires time and care to fit it and learn to use it. Do not use time for worldly things, except for the things needful. R378:1
Those of God's people who have been overcharged with the cares of this life to the neglect of the divine Word will find themselves lacking of the armor and vulnerable to error. NS564:1
Even armed with the whole armor, you will barely be able to stand--so fierce will be the assault. R684:5
Or we must surely fall as this conflict progresses. R684:4
Of God – Of God's Word. R414:6
Which God supplies. R1687:6, 378:1
Beforehand. R1659:3
Every piece of which bears the stamp of the precious blood of Christ. R2275:5
God has provided in his Word an armament full and complete for all the truly consecrated. R862:2,4, 2275:2
Which God has provided in preparation for the present and approaching tests of this harvest time. R4042:3
Do not take other men's philosophies instead of the Word of God. R5925:6
To boldly withstand error by clear and fearless presentation and defense of the truth. C212
Alas, how few seem to realize the importance of this armor which God has commended! SM291:2
That ye – The Lord's faithful ones. R4955:6
Able to withstand – In the conflict. R378:1, 4688:5, 684:4
Stand against the evil attacks. R110:3; SM291:2
The assaults of error. R388:2; SM291:2
Spiritual wickedness. R267:1
None will be able to withstand Satan without divine aid. R5184:4
By heeding the Apostle's words. R684:4
Able to keep standing. R5925:6
Whatever the test might be. R425:3
The encroachment of error. R3215:5
Seductive and evil influences. HG682:2
To stand unshaken in the midst of storms. R3053:5
By having confidence in God and in his Word. NS564:2
By understanding the Bible correctly. NS793:3
Those who will stand will be the very elect. R3358:6, 4477:4, 862:3; D66
God's Word will open up the eyes and sustain the faithful ones. R4955:5
The Adversary attacks the Bible in many ways, overthrowing the faith of those without the whole armor of God. R2034:5
Sustained from falling. R4955:6
Because God's Word has revealed a Creator infinite in wisdom, justice, love and power; a Savior, able to save to the uttermost all who come unto the Father through him; and a divine plan consistent with the divine character. R4955:6
For so strong will be the current against them. HG717:2
The nourishment that gives strength and ability to stand is the "good tidings" through the Lord and the apostles. NS43:4
If we would reign with Christ, we must prove our worthiness by loyalty, faith, zeal, patient endurance and unwavering trust in the power and purpose of God to deliver and exalt his Church in due time. R3331:3
Let us not flee from the battle. OV285:6
The battle will be hot and many will fall. R684:2, 5678:3
We all need to "hold fast the faithful word." (Titus 1:9) R3494:4
"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand." (Psa. 91:7) The thousand falling, to one who will stand, is as real and truthful as the statements of the prophet relative to the trouble coming upon the world. R684:4, 3328:5; D66
Possibly some faithful servants of God may live on, far into that dark night of trouble. C212
Those who are unable to stand the severity of the trials draw back from the light. R190:2
Whoever shall not be prepared to stand will make it evident that God did not find him worthy of the light of present truth. R2453:3
What a defense against doubt and every attack of the devil is the knowledge of the divine plan of the ages. R2034:5
"Let us fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it." (Heb. 4:1) R3331:3
The evil day – This day of the Lord's presence; day of trial. R267:1, 2275:3, 190:2, 110:3
With which our age will close. R4438:6, 4042:2, 2532:4, 190:2; D66; F657; SM291:1
We are now living in this evil day. R5744:3, 4042:2, 2532:4, 2453:2, 2275:3, 2218:3, 425:3, 338:1, 110:3; C212; NS97:1, 62:2, 43:4, 38:4, 12:4
This "Day of the Lord" in which we are living. R388:2
Now upon us. R5816:5, 3943:2, 460:3; NS793:3; HG316:6; SM287:1
Day of trouble. R862:3
This "hour of temptation." (Rev. 3:10) R5678:4
This age is the one in which evil prevails. HG681:2
Day of perilous times, snares, pestilences, subtle dangers and evil besetments on every hand. R3331:2
Now, more than ever before. R4154:4
It is a day more for defense than aggressive warfare--withstanding. R36:4, 2275:4
Which shall come upon the whole world as a snare. NS564:2
When giant errors so boldly and defiantly stalk about. C212
This period of special trial of severe testing in the end of this age. NS62:2, 4, 389:4, 43:4, 12:4; SM291:1
A day of danger, of victory for the few, of disaster for the many professing the name of Christ. HG681:5
Those who successfully stand in this evil day will prove the mettle of their Christian character. HG717:2
For "a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand." (Psa. 91:7) A thousand to one shows a large discrepancy between professed followers of Christ and those who are truly his. R414:6, 36:6; NS95:6, 62:5, 38:4, 12:4; HG717:2
In which many shall stumble and fall from their steadfastness of faith. R2532:4
The Apostle Paul looked down prophetically to our day. R4077:3
All of the apostles pointed forward to our day--to the conclusion of the present age and inauguration of the new Kingdom. HG681:1
The apostles knew this day was in the future. Evidently, it was a part of God's plan to keep his people uninformed concerning the exact time of the day of the Lord, until due. R5678:4
These are the days when the whole armor of God will be necessary. R5184:4
A time of thorough testing, a time in which the separation of the wheat from the tares will be most absolutely accomplished. SM287:2; R3943:2, 1644:5, 414:6
The trials of the "evil day," while beginning with the Church, will go out amongst the people of every nation, especially to all parts of Christendom. R5718:4, 4583:3, 4293:2, 4077:3, 862:3; NS621:1
The Lord wishes none to stand in this evil day except those who are thoroughly consecrated to his will. R5184:4, 2275:6
The Church has already been in this evil day for some years, and it still continues and will merge into the evil day upon the world. The evil day upon the Church began before the evil day upon the nations. HG681:2
Arrows of sarcasm will pierce some, infidelity will waylay others, destructive teachings will sap the strength of others, causing wasting away. R862:3
In which those who have been lukewarm in their love for the Lord and the brethren, overcharged with the cares of this life or deceitfulness of riches, will be overtaken. SM291:1
If we would escape the delusions of this evil day, let us see to it that we are, in deed and in truth, lovers of righteousness. R2276:4
Jesus forewarned us that it will be difficult to stand in this evil day. (Luke 21:36) R425:3
The trial of our time would be so critical, so crucial, that it would deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. SM289:1; F657; R862:3, 475:6, 36:6; NS95:4
In the midst of this evil day, call to mind the gracious promises of our Lord--"Let not your heart be troubled." (John 14:1,27) R3331:2
God's provision for his saints is equal to the emergency. R2275:3
In the struggle of this evil day, we must depend upon the Word of God--"It is written!" F658
Our day is a blessed one in respect to its wonderful opportunities and privileges, but it is an evil one in the sense of being a time of great trial and testing of faith to Christendom. NS793:3
The persecutions of the Church in bygone times may properly enough be considered as shakings and siftings, but the siftings with which this age will close will be the most momentous of any the Church has ever known. NS95:4
Lukewarm Christians will surely be overthrown in this evil day. SM291:2
The lapping time by which the present age will merge into the Millennial age. NS95:4
Having done all – That you can do, in the way of armoring, etc. R1659:3
Having reached the mark of love as quickly as possible. F190, F373
When we reach the mark of character which God approves. R5082:1, 4154:3
They make the Most High their habitation; they live in God; they abide under the shadow of the Almighty and trust in him, and not in self. (Psa. 91:9,1) R862:3
Do with your might what your hands find to do. R2143:4
Having fearlessly and clearly presented and defended the truth. C212
Having finished our appointed work. C230
Let your daily life be a witness for the Lord and an example of holiness. R2143:4
Doing perfectly is impossible, for there is none righteous, no not one. R2143:4
To stand – The shaking, sifting and testing that is coming. NS563:6
In this time of general falling away. R1644:5
Complete in him. R475:6
Firmly, strongly, condifently, intelligently. Being earnest, vigilant, watchful. HG682:6; SM288:1
Stand fast in the faith of the gospel and in loyalty of heart ot God. HG717:2; NS62:5; SM288:1
Not in our own strength, but in the strength of our Redeemer's assistance. F190
Enduring opposition cheerfully. R4910:3
Stand at the mark, do not run away from it; the Adversary will try harder to put you away from the mark than he did in preventing you from getting to it. Q456:T; R2275:6
Having reached the "mark," it is required of us that we stand up to the mark faithfully, cheerfully, patiently enduring the tests which the Lord will even then see fit to have come upon us. R4910:3, 2755:5; F373; C230
The test is not whether one can reach the mark, but whether one will remain at the mark. R5082:1, 5172:2
While one stands at the mark of love, the tests grow stronger. R5172:2; F373; Q456:T
His grace will be sufficient, if we constantly apply for it. R5651:4, 5184:4
Perfect love is the mark toward which we pressed; we can attain no higher standard. R5172:2, 2143:4
At perfect love. Love shall grow more rooted and grounded in proportion as it is tested. R4154:5
The faithful, who will receive the Kingdom and be joint-heirs of it with Christ, alone will stand. R1644:5, 5802:1, 2554:4, 475:6
To stand the trials of faith, patience and all the elements of love, faithful and complete in Christ. F373, F369
To stand the final tests and be acclaimed "more than conquerors through him who loved us" and bought us with his precious blood. (Rom. 8:37) R3943:3
Clad in full armor. C212; R2755:5, 1995:4
As representatives of God and of the principles of righteousness. R2755:6
Successfully. These will prove the mettle of their Christian character, for strong will be the current against them. D66
Dwelling in the secret place (of consecration, communion and fellowship) of the Most High. D66; HG717:3
Through sanctification of mind and belief of the truth. R475:6
Stand firmly and valiantly in the battle, defending yourself and those of the household of faith within your reach. R1659:4, 2554:4
Possibly the saints may be compelled to stand in idleness long enough to let faith and patience perfect their work even after the appointed work is finished. C230
Only those with true Christian devotion to God, zeal, courage and fortitude will be able to endure to the end. D66; HG717:2
These will not fall, no matter what the trial the Lord permits, because fortified by development of character. R5678:3
Only those who faithfully walk with God, partaking of his Spirit, and humbly relying upon his precious Word, stand fast. D65, D66
One of the final and most searching tests will be love for the brethren--all who trust in the precious blood of Christ for forgiveness, and are fully consecrated to the Lord's service. Many will fail at this point. R2453:4
The Lord will provide assistance to the feet members of the Body of Christ through his messengers or servants, for they shall sustain, strengthen and uphold them by the Word of truth. R862:3
These must "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3) R2453:4
Be on guard against the spirit which is envious of honors, privileges and blessings granted to another. R4154:5
The very elect will not fall, "because thou hast made the Lord, even the most High, thy habitation." (Psa. 91:9) SM289:2
Before the sifting ends, a thousand will fall to one who will stand. R1255:3, 1417:6, 862:3
A thousand shall fall into unbelief to one who will stand firm for the Lord and his Word. R3358:6; HG317:5
Our text indicates the fewness of those who will eventually stand. SM291:2
Not one grain of wheat will be lost. SM288:T
And be saved from falling with the great nominal church, Babylon. NS38:5
Those who fall are unworthy of the truth, unworthy of membership in Christ. R2275:6, 2453:2
The position thus suggested implies an attack, and the attack will surely come. R2275:6
14 Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about in truth, and having put on the breastplate of the righteousness, |
Stand therefore – The Apostle Paul urges. R5339:6
Loyal to the Lord. R5889:2
Unshaken, in the midst of the storms of this evil day. R3053:5
Maintain your standing. R388:3
Keeping on the armor. R388:3
Completely clothed with the truth. R2275:3
Stand your ground and battle for the truth. R2275:6
When you can do nothing more. R2143:4
And assist others to stand. R2554:4, 2453:5; NS38:5, 12:5; HG682:2
It is going to be hard to stay there. Q456:T
So that ye may be counted worthy to be a living stone in that glorious Temple of God and an heir of that Kingdom which cannot be moved. R3053:5
Your loins girt – With the precious promises of God's Word; the truth. R684:4, 2275:3
Symbolizing consecration to the service of the truth. F657
To brace and strengthen you. R36:5
Girding up the loins of our minds with the girdle of truth. (1 Pet. 1:13) R5925:6, 414:6
Become a servant of the truth, or, at least, have the spirit of service. F657
About with truth – Thus enabled to daily grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. R5678:5
A sustaining strength derived from an understanding of the Word. R36:5
Lest we become weary and faint. (Heb. 12:3) R684:4
And having on – We must be buckling on. R5925:6
The breastplate – Our dear Redeemer's death. R4042:6
Christ's merit recognized as covering our life, our vitals. R684:4
An appreciation of the covering provided in and through the merit of our dear Redeemer's sacrifice. NS98:4
Justification. F657; R4043:1, 3030:6
To protect the heart. R2453:3, 3273:6; HG682:2
Purity of heart. R4077:4
His love provided the redemption which covers and protects us (without which we would be discouraged; our heart would fail). R4042:6, 3273:6
All need this righteousness, not only Christ's imputed righteousness, but also of the actual righteousness of heart, of will or intent, which alone can appreciate and appropriate the imputed righteousness of Christ. R1659:5, 3273:6, 3031:1, 3030:6
Of righteousness – Of Christ's righteousness. R684:4, 5 475:6
Not the filthy rags of our own righteousness, but the righteousness of God in Christ. R3030:6
His merit recognized as covering our life, our vitals. R684:4, 2310:2
A righteous character, developed by the truth. R2275:3
15 and having the feet shod in the preparation of the good-news of the peace; |
And your feet – Figuratively. B157
Not literal feet any more than in the passage, "His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives." (Zech. 14:4) B157
All need the "sandals," consecration, patience and fortitude, in order to keep the narrow, rugged way and not become weary and faint of heart. R1659:5, 4077:4, 4043:2, 2453:4
Shod – For this narrow path. R475:6
Enabling one to walk firmly and upright. R192:6*
Prepare for the rough pathway by putting on the sandals of full consecration to the Lord, even unto death. R2453:4
Enabling them to triumph over adverse conditions of the present life with speed and comfort. HG683:1
Those who go unshod, go hunting trouble. F657
So as not to be a limping disciple. R192:2*
With the preparation – Which is needful. R825:2
Meekness, gentleness, long-suffering, patience, love. R36:5; NS98:4
Which leads us to expect and enables us to endure the sharp difficulties of the narrow way unflinchingly, as good soldiers. R684:4, 3273:6, 2310:2, 825:2
The gospel of peace – Peace of God. F657 The glad tidings. R475:6
To assist him over the rough places without compromising the truth. F657
For our work through life as valiant representatives of the Lord and his truth. NS98:5
Selfish ambitions will never carry us to the end of the narrow way. R4043:2
16 above all, having taken up the shield of the faith, in which ye shall be able all the fiery darts of the evil one to quench, |
Taking – Grasping. R5925:6
The shield of faith – The shield is a symbol. R3518:6
Faith in Christ's blood by which we have redemption. R475:6
For use on all occasions as necessity demands. R2453:3
Full confidence in the wisdom and power of our God and full trust in his Word. NS98:4
Of trust, of confidence in him who has bought us and redeemed us. R2310:2
A trust in God which will protect. R1659:5
"Without faith it is impossible to please him [God]." (Heb. 11:6) F658
The love of God, the mercy of God and of our Lord Jesus is the basis of our faith. R4043:1
Which is indispensable for protection. F657
Sufficient to cover every circumstance or condition that may arise. HG683:4
The Christian who has not the shield of faith, and a large one, is continually at a disadvantage before the Adversary. R5425:4
Which grows larger in proportion as it is handled and used. R3273:6
With no thought of wavering. R4688:6
Be on guard and cast not away our shield. R684:5
"This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5:4) F658
"His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." (Psa. 91:4) R3332:1
Wherewith ye – As an armed soldier of the cross. R1744:5
Fiery darts – Arrows. R36:6
Fiery trials. R1744:5, 1659:5
Skepticism, higher criticism, evolution and demonology. F657
Anger, malice, hatred, strife. F658
The wicked – The Adversary, Satan. F657, F658; R4215:1
The enemy. R1744:5, 1659:5
17 and the helmet of the salvation receive, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the saying of God, |
And take – Taking a firm grip upon. R5925:6
We must be fastening. R5925:6
The helmet – Knowledge. R3031:1, 4077:4, 4043:1
Our helmet is a faith-knowledge. R4043:1
An intelligent hope of salvation. R684:4
The covering of protection for the intellect. R5678:5, 5339:6, 3030:6, 2453:3, 684:5; HG683:1
Intellectual protection; our sanctified reasoning guided through the Word of the Lord. R3030:6, 2453:3, 2310:1; HG316:6
Intellectual appreciation of God's plan. R1659:5, 3273:6 3030:6; F658; NS98:4; HG683:1
An intellectual knowledge based not upon things that are seen, but upon things that are unseen. [Heb. 11:3] R4043:1
Which is indispensable because the Adversary is turning everything scientific and educational into a weapon of destruction. F658
Representing the truth. R3273:6, 5339:6
Do not allow your head to grow too big for it. R2275:5
Those who have put on the helmet only, who have merely a theoretical or intellectual knowledge of the truth, are in great danger. R1659:5
Less necessary in the past than now. F658
Of salvation – The acceptance of Christ's atoning work. R36:5, 475:6
From the snares and delusions of error. R2275:3
Sword of the spirit – Our weapons are not carnal. D542
In defense of the doctrines of Christ. R2275:4
Necessary to defend your shield and other armor. R36:5
Our weapon is always, "It is written." F658
Be not ashamed of the sword of the spirit, the Word of God; handle it with confidence, but not boastfully; it is not thine, but God's. R825:1
For both offensive and defensive warfare. It is sharp, and while one edge is presented toward the enemy, there is another toward him who wields it. R359:3*
When we lose the sword of the spirit we lose our only protection against error. R5184:4
That we may be ready for service in protection of others and in defense of ourselves. R5678:5; C212
This can only be possessed by careful study and leading of the Spirit after consecration. F658
All this is the armor with which we are to withstand the attacks that appeal to the evil tendencies of the fallen nature, so that we may be more than conquerors through Christ. R5340:1
The sword is an aggressive weapon. R5889:2
Sharper than any two-edged sword. R3273:6
Which is quick and powerful; let it do all the cutting. R4803:6
Becomes stronger and larger in the battles for the Lord and the truth. R3273:6
To be used in opposition to Satan and sin. R5889:2, 3030:6, 2453:3, 2310:2, 1659:5, 684:4
Refrain from using the Word of God in a belligerent manner. R3274:1
It is to be handled to accomplish good. R5889:2
The great weapon with which a soldier of the cross will prove his loyalty and strength. R5098:1
The Word of God – The truth. B100; R2453:3, 2310:2
"Onward, then, and fear not, children of the day, for his Word shall never, never pass away." R5340:3
Absolutely indispensable for our protection. R3030:6
God has provided this armor complete. HG316:6
So as to defend themselves and others from the insidious attacks of the foe. R1659:5
"My word that goeth forth out of my mouth shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isa. 55:11) SM51:1
The Word of God is the only offensive armor of the Lord's little band. F658
We need to especially listen to what God says to us through his Word. R388:4
Let us heed the sure Word and be loyal, steadfast and true. R4688:6
Be zealous to search the Scriptures, preparing for the battle. SM291:2
Let us learn how to use the Word of God skillfully. NS98:4
Would that all Christian people awake to a proper study of the Bible--to see the object of divine dealings with the Jews during the Jewish age, with Christians during the Gospel age, and with the world during the Millennial age. SM286:2
All who handle the Word of God are in great danger of doing injury to themselves, except as they speak the truth in love. R4043:2
18 through all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and in regard to this same, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints |
Praying always – The offering of a petition. R5835:4
A wonderful privilege. R5480:1, 5835:2
We need to have much and close communion with God. R388:3
To be always in the spirit of prayer. R5480:6
Because prayer is the Christian's "vital breath." R5745:6
We will need, with all our armor, to cultivate and to use the privilege of prayer. R5745:2
Only those prayers are acceptable to God which come from those in covenant relationship with him through our Lord, Jesus Christ. R5745:3, 5480:1
We must come only in the name of Christ, the only way of approach. R5835:3, 5745:3
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." (John 15:7) R5480:5
In harmony with the Lord's Word--in the interest of the new creature. R5746:5
One for another. R5901:5*
A good soldier of the Lord Jesus must keep in close touch with headquarters. This he is privileged to do by coming daily to the throne of grace. R5745:1
The Lord's people are to approach the throne of grace daily, hourly, if need be. R5745:6
God wishes us to come to him in faith, in simple, earnest prayer. R5835:6
We should pray, above all, for God's holy Spirit. R5835:4
We are to pray for the things which we believe are God's will, really desiring what we ask for. R5745:4
The object of prayer is to benefit ourselves, and to bring us into the attitude of mind which will be in heart-readiness to receive our Father's blessing. R5745:4
One of Satan's chief lines of attack is to cut off our communication with the Lord. R5746:1
We could not be on our knees always; the matter of praying is not so restricted. Q546:2; R5835:3
How we shall come to God in prayer, whether standing, kneeling or bowing the head, is left to our common sense, although kneeling is a very reverential posture. Q546:2
The children of God are not to "say prayers," they are to pray. True prayer is the language of the heart. R5835:3, 5480:1
Anyone may express thanks to God or render worship, adoration, homage; but none may come to the Lord with recognition, except those who have come into Christ. R5835:4
All prayer – Any petition, great or small. R5480:2, 5745:3
Prayer is a necessity (for the Christian). R5382:4
Not just words, but from the heart. R5835:3, 5746:4
The prayers of the consecrated should be for grace to meet our various trials and difficulties. R5745:6
It is the prayer of a righteous man and the prayer of faith that is to bring results. R5901:5*
The greater our earnestness, the more acceptable will be our prayers. R5480:1
As new creatures, our requests should be for things pertaining to our spiritual interests. R5481:4, 5745:6
Our Father delights to give us his holy Spirit, his very best gift, if we pray for it. R5481:4
Secret prayer is absolutely essential to the life of a Christian, and the Scriptures commend both public and private prayer amongst the children of God. R5480:5
"Prayer is laying hold upon God's willingness." R5481:3
And supplication – An earnest entreaty. R5745:3, 5835:4
A spirit of deep appreciation, of earnestness and humility and reverence. R5480:1, 5480:3
With strong supplication we cry to our Father. R4688:5
In the spirit – With heart-appreciation of what we are doing; and concerning the needs of the new creature. R5745:3,5
Earnest and sincere. R5835:3, 5745:3
The Lord is specially pleased to have us pray for the needs of the new creature. R5745:5
Our prayers are to be along the lines of the spirit, and not of the flesh. We are to pray only incidentally for the earthly things, because we have consecrated our bodies to God. R5745:5
Let us never come before him with vain, meaningless repetitions. [Matt. 6:7] R5745:5
Heathen prayers are formalistic, vain repetitions, not "in the spirit." R5745:2, 5746:4
Watching thereunto – An attitude of mental alertness. R5480:2
After praying, be alert for answers. R5835:4, 5745:4, 5480:2
By watching and praying always (beside having on the whole armor), we will progress. R1802:4
Our Master's injunction: "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." (Mark 14:28) R5835:5
This will require our waiting on the Lord, which should be in perfect trust and patience for his good time. R5480:5
For fresh evidence daily of the love and special watchcare of our God over us. R5481:6
Perhaps there are lessons to be learned by the Lord's delay in answering our petitions. R5480:4
Perseverance – Day by day. R5480:4
At times, there may be a speedy answer to our petitions. R5835:5, 5480:4
Not just for a few hours or days, but until petition is answered. R5835:5, 5745:4, 5480:4
An essential quality in the sight of God. It includes patience, carefulness and interest. R5480:3
The Lord may defer to test our faith. R5835:5
Persistent, but not trying to force the Lord. R5835:6, 5481:3
We should not strive to induce the Lord to do anything that he is unwilling to do, but should wish that only his will be done. R5835:6, 5745:4
This is related to every fruit of the Spirit which the Lord's people are to cultivate. R5480:3
And supplication – A special agonizing desire for a thing; entreaty with intense yearning. R5480:2, 5745:3, 5835:4
An intense form of prayer. R5835:4, 5480:2
All saints – Do you pray in behalf of the brethren? Through prayer, we can serve the brethren by obtaining blessings, enlightenment and mercy for them. R5901:5*
And for the interests of the Lord's cause. R5480:5
The truly consecrated among professing Christians. R1139:1
19 and in behalf of me, that to me may be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom, to make known the secret of the good news, |
And for me – And, brethren, pray for me. R367:6
Mystery of the gospel – The Church and her special call; to the privilege of sacrifice now, and the privileges of glory by and by. R4434:5
20 for which I am an ambassador in a chain, that in it I may speak freely as it behoveth me to speak. |
21 And that ye may know ye also the things concerning me what I do, all things make known to you shall Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful ministrant in the Lord, |
Tychicus – Paul sent him to the Church at Ephesus to be their helper. R1570:5
22 whom I did send unto you for this very thing, that ye might know the things concerning us, and that he might comfort your hearts. |
23 Peace to the brethren, and love, with faith, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ! |
24 The grace with all those loving our Lord Jesus Christ undecayingly! Amen. |
In sincerity – Greek, aphtharsia, incorruptly. E397; R204:1