Ephesians Chapter 5 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Become, then, followers of God, as children beloved, Be ye – An exhortation to the Church. R121:5*

Followers of God – Faithfully persevering to the end of the race course. R3721:5; SM629:2

Accepting the Lord's invitation to enter the Father's service with him. R3721:1

Not looking back. R3721:4

Our Lord Jesus is the great Shepherd and Guide of his followers. SM629:1

Worldly ambitions and hopes must be forsaken if we would be his disciples. R3721:4

The Lord evidently intends to instruct as his disciples the majority of the called while they are about their ordinary duties and responsibilities of life. R3721:2

The very humblest of the sheep are included in the rewards promised to the faithful. SM629:2

We cannot serve God and mammon. R3721:2

Let us, as wisely as possible, arrange life's affairs so as to more completely give all our time and energy to the service of God. R3721:1

The Apostle shows the importance of holiness of heart and life. R121:5*

Dear children – The new creation. R4189:5

Under the guidance and instruction of our elder brother, Jesus. R3721:1

Glory, honor and immortality are for those who love the Lord supremely, more than they love houses, lands, business, wealth, family or self. R3721:4

2 and walk in love, as also the Christ did love us, and did give himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odour of a sweet smell, Walk in love – Which is the spirit of our Father, of our Lord, and the spirit of all who are truly members of the Body of Christ. R2649:6

The law of the new creation. R4189:5

Progressing as we walk in it. R4189:5

Not only toward the brethren, but affecting all the affairs of life. R2649:3,4, 4189:5

As the spirit of loving zeal was demonstrated in our Lord's case, so in our case; otherwise we should not be permitted to be members of that Body. R4922:2

Undoubtedly, love is the principal thing to be studied, appreciated, copied and practiced in our lives. R2649:4

Not according to the course of this world. R1790:5

Our words, deeds, everything with which we are connected is to be governed by the law of the new creation--love. R4189:5, 5519:4

Ultimately bringing us to that blessed condition where we can love our enemies, and be glad to do good to them. R4189:5

Hath loved us – Christ's special love for his Church. R1254:5

Hath given himself – His shed blood secured our release from sin and death. E446

For us – We do not go into the Holy as individuals, but as members of his Body. R4922:3

An offering – Our Lord, in offering up his own perfections, was offering up that which would, by imputation, be our perfection, as his members. R4922:3

The burnt offering represents the value of Christ's work. R84:1*

And a sacrifice – He was sacrificed for us. R416:6*; E446

The blood of bulls and goats could not take away sins. (Heb. 10:4) E446

He rendered obedience day by day. R4922:2

To God – To whom the price was paid. E450

God did require the death of Christ as man's ransom sacrifice. E450

Sweetsmelling savour – The sweet incense burned by the High Priest represented the perfections of the man Jesus. R4922:2

As members of Christ's Body, we are in Christ, a sweet savor to God, though a bad savor to the world. (2 Cor. 2:15) R4922:3; Q342:6

The Lord counts the sufferings of the faithful as very precious, as a sweet odor, an evidence of their love and devotion. SM782:1

There is nothing in the account in Leviticus that says that the incense was offered a second time. R4922:2; Q342:6

3 and whoredom, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as becometh saints; Fornication – An evil. An unclean thing. R2967:2, 4188:6

A gross evil which was very prevalent in the Apostle's day. R2480:3

Uncleanness – Means anything that is not pure, not chaste, not holy, not clean. R2480:3

The consecrated saints should be clean of heart, pure of heart. R2480:4

Covetousness – An unclean thing. R4188:6

4 also filthiness, and foolish talking, or jesting, the things not fit but rather thanksgiving; Foolish talking – An unclean thing. R4188:6

Course, lascivious talking. R2967:2

One of the things of sin and death from which the Lord's people must arise. R2967:2

If we fill our minds with jokes, foolish sayings, we shall not be able to fill them with the things of the holy Spirit. R5518:6

Avoid this. R1790:5

Nor jesting – Half suggestions of profanity or vice. R2967:2

Obscene jesting certainly is to receive no encouragement, to provoke no laughter; but rather to call forth a gentle, loving rebuke. R4189:1

Which are not convenient – Things not proper to the child of God. R5519:1

But – Seeking to put these away. R5519:1

5 for this ye know, that every whoremonger, or unclean, or covetous person, who is an idolater, hath no inheritance in the reign of the Christ and God. Covetous – All covetousness is idolatry. R1836:1

Who is an idolator – Idolatry is willful, sinful devotion to degrading self-gratification. R1835:6

The sin of idolatry is most prominently set forth in the Jewish Law, the very first commandment being, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exod. 20:3) R1836:1

Only God is worthy to be enthroned in our hearts. R1836:4

The idolatry of money is the great sin of Christendom. R1836:1

As was fleshly Israel in the worship of the golden calf. R1836:2

As Moses was a type of Christ, his return from Mt. Sinai corresponded to the second coming of Christ, marking the idolatrous worship of the golden calf as corresponding in time to the present worship of mammon by Christendom. R1836:4

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols." (1 John 5:21) R1836:5

"Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24) R1836:1

Any inheritance – Only those who have laid up the treasure of a character like that of the Lord Jesus will be fit for an inheritance in the Kingdom of heaven. R5519:4

6 Let no one deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the anger of God upon the sons of the disobedience, Deceive you – Twisting the Scriptures, turning the truth of God into a lie. R1575:3

With vain words – That such things are natural, proper, excusable. R4188:6

This should not be understood to signify that God's wrath comes because of vain words. R4188:6

Let no cunning sophistry of the evil one persuade us to ignore our Christian common sense in the study of the divine Word. R1782:4

Of these things – The unclean things, fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking. R4188:6

The unclean things which have become second nature to many of the fallen race. R4188:6

7 become not, then, partakers with them, Partakers with them – With the world in their sins. NS214:5

If we fill our minds with jokes, foolish sayings, etc., we shall not be able to fill them with the things of the holy Spirit. R5518:6

Faithful believers should turn away from false brethren in their midst. R1320:5

8 for ye were once darkness, and now light in the Lord; as children of light walk ye, Sometimes – Once. R5718:3, 4188:6

Formerly. R1320:5, 1776:3

Darkness – In darkness. R4188:6; D45

The world's condition is not that of light, but of darkness. R5099:5

Ignorance and misunderstanding of God--in unbelief. R5719:1

The darkness comes either directly or indirectly from the Adversary. R5718:3

In the darkness class, confused with the gloom of the Dark Ages. R5719:1

In order to keep mankind away from God, Satan has put light for darkness and darkness for light. R5718:6

God permits for a time the sin and darkness which envelop mankind. R5719:1

Now are ye light – This transfer from darkness to light is gradual; we are transformed in mind and finally perfected in the first resurrection. R5719:1

Walk – With our Lord and Master. NS214:6

The new creation should walk in good works, as representatives of the Lord and Master. R4189:6

The Christian's course of conduct, including thoughts, words, acts. R4189:3

The walk of the Church is on the narrow path. Whoever tries to keep pace with the world will find himself leaving the narrow path, disadvantaging himself as a new creature. R4189:4

Children of light – New creatures. R4189:6

Lifting up the light of truth. R4189:2, 753:6

To these, old things have passed away and all things have become new. R5099:6

Whose course in life is in harmony with the divine character and Word. R4189:6

Lovers of truth and righteousness, purity, goodness. NS88:3

Opposers of everything unrighteous, impure, sinful. NS88:3

All the children of God, so far as they have received the holy Spirit of begetting. R5099:5, 5719:3

They will rejoice even in persecution and tribulation; letting the light, the truth, shine out; exposing error. R5719:4

"God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5) R5718:3

The holy Spirit of God operates in his people and shines forth upon the darkness of the world. E293

Spiritual understanding is a guiding light to new creatures. R5719:4

Let us think and discuss what is pure, lovely and of good repute; putting away everything defiling to ourselves or others. R4189:1

No one of us as yet has full light, but some grow more rapidly than others in grace, knowledge and love. R5719:1

Loyalty to the light will bring difficulties and trials to prove them. R5719:2,4

The children of darkness hate the children of light and will persecute them as they did the Master. R5719:4

Who rejoice even in persecution and tribulation. R5719:4

Whoever, having received the Spirit of the Lord, allows a wrong spirit of the flesh to return and to displace the spirit of the new creature, will in that proportion go into darkness. R5100:1

9 for the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth, Fruit of the Spirit – Of the light. (So read old manuscripts.) R1998:4

Of God. R1782:4

By cultivation. R1998:4

These are developments of heart and character, which come more or less slowly, according to personality and environment. R5224:2

The riper the Christian, the riper these fruits; and if no fruits, then no Christian. R5224:2

These fruits of the Spirit can be seen; they are meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, love. R5224:2

Wherever it is found. R4188:6

The holy Spirit never prompts to badness, unrighteousness, untruthfulness. R4188:6

The fruits and graces of the holy Spirit of Christ are prominently set forth in the Bible. OV196:5

Goodness and righteousness and truth – So far as possible, the new creature's heart will be in accord with these. R4189:1

Whose effects reach on into eternity. R1776:6

Remember this always. R1782:4

10 proving what is well-pleasing to the Lord, Proving – Coming more and more to an appreciation of what God desires in us. NS214:6

Finding out more and more, day by day. NS214:6

Unto the Lord – To God. NS214:6

11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of the darkness and rather even convict, And – We are admonished. R1285:1

The saints should. R1577:1

Those exercised by true love should. R753:6

Have no fellowship – Have nothing whatever to do. R1482:6*

Because we are children of God, begotten of his Spirit. R2967:3

God tells us to hate sin and love righteousness. R1251:1

Have no affectionate love for evildoers. R1251:1

No fellowship with one who denies the ransom. R1336:5*, 538:1

Show your disapproval by withdrawing. R4803:2

Separate from sinners. R537:6

Refuse to hear gossip and slander. Stop a brother or sister at once, kindly but firmly. R4803:2

We cannot serve two masters. R1321:2*

With the unfruitful – On the contrary, the tendency of the new mind of Christ is toward fruit-bearing, development, blessing. R2967:3

Sin is destructive in its tendencies instead of productive. Its tendency is toward death. R2967:3

Works of darkness – Unscriptural doctrines. D173

Evil works contrary to the Lord and righteousness. R5038:1

Secret societies. D45

Light and darkness are not brethren, they are everlasting foes. R753:5

Because there is no concord between Christ and Satan. R538:1

Satan is styled the "prince of darkness." R5038:1

Let us not only put off the works of darkness, but put off all that pertains to darkness and error. NS615:1

God has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. R3199:6

We cannot espouse the cause of truth and the cause of error as well. R1321:4*

We cannot retain the friendship of God and the friendship of advocates of error also. R1321:4*

One of which is evil speaking. R3783:3

"God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5) R5038:1

God hates evildoers. R1251:1

The Bible is a light to the path of God's people in the midst of darkness. R5038:2

Let those on the Lord's side rally around the Lord's standard. R1321:4*

Our homes should be well lighted: even the natural light is a foe to the darkness of sin. R2967:4

Sin is figuratively represented by darkness. R2967:3, 5038:1

Rather reprove them – By the spirit of holiness in the consecrated Church. E293; R375:3

A godly life is always a reproof to the ungodly, even where no word of truth may be possible. E294

Our reproof of sin may always be through our daily lives which reprove by manner, look, act and tone everything tending toward darkness and sin. R2967:3

No fellowship with them. More than this, we must not be content with a negative opposition, but must reprove them. R5038:4

Refuse to listen to, or to have any share in evil reports of others. R3595:3, 4803:2

Failure to reprove is a measurable endorsement of the wrong. R4189:1

The word of reproof should be wisely and lovingly given. R4189:2

Not necessarily by word, but certainly by conduct, by having no fellowship with them. R4480:6

Preachers who scatter doubt and stab at faith. R1004:2*

12 for the things in secret done by them it is a shame even to speak of, Those things – Uncleanness, impure practices. R5038:5

Of them – Persons of the world. R3783:3

In secret – That are done in the dark. R4189:2

13 and all the things reproved by the light are manifested, for everything that is manifested is light; Made manifest – Shown to be wrong. E293; R375:3

Our lives shall be so contrary to all sinful and impure practices that all may take knowledge that we have been with Jesus and have learned of him. R5038:5

By the light – Truth. (Psa. 97:11, 119:105) A20; E293

The light which shines from a saint's sanctified life is the holy Spirit. R375:3

Is light – Illumination to the eyes of our understanding as Christians through Bible study helps. NS805:6

And special light is due at this time to God's consecrated people. NS805:6

14 wherefore he saith, 'Arouse thyself, thou who art sleeping, and arise out of the dead, and the Christ shall shine upon thee.' Awake – Referring to the prospective Church. Q591:2

To righteousness and not to sin. NS672:5

Referring to the thoughtless. R1512:3

From their stupor. R4189:2; NS156:3

Get the eyes and ears of your understanding open. R2966:6; CR374:3

To spiritual consciousness, responsibility and activity. NS669:5

To what is important. R1490:4

And see the true situation of things. R2966:6; NS156:3

And think about God and the meaning of the Word of God. CR374:3

To the gospel message. NS669:3

And realize they are sinners. R4189:2; NS156:6, 157:3

And seek to walk after the Spirit. R2967:5

To a realization of the goodness and justice, the wisdom and love of the Almighty. NS157:1

It is necessary that the mind should first be awakened. R2966:6

As a rule, some great trouble awakens the conscience, causing the individual to get awake to his need for a Savior. NS156:6

Those who are well-satisfied with the good things of this life are not easily awakened to an appreciation of righteousness. NS157:1

Let us be glad that we have awakened; let us help to awaken others. NS157:4

Many who get a little awake prefer rather to fall asleep again. NS160:2

The world still lies under original Adamic condemnation; they have not yet been awakened to see the grace of God. NS163:2

In God's due time, the whole world will be awakened. NS160:2

Thou that sleepest – Addressed not to the wicked, but to Christians. R2966:3

Babes in Christ, fallen asleep under the spirit of the world and of the nominal church. R2966:6

Asleep in respect to spiritual things. NS669:5

Respecting right and wrong. NS156:3

These are not awake; they seem to be going about as in a dream. They think of the trivialities of life, what to eat and drink, clothing, entertainment. CR374:3

Some are asleep and do not realize the distinction between light and darkness; they might be glad to know of Christ. R5038:5

New converts, like newborn babes, are much inclined to sleep, but while this in nature is profitable, in grace it is dangerous. R2966:6

The Apostle Paul himself was asleep in respect to truth and righteousness, but being sincere at heart, the Lord shook him awake. NS159:2

The world in general is in a state of lethargy, asleep. NS156:2

This comatose condition is otherwise spoken of as blindness and deafness. NS156:2

And arise – Those who do awaken should arise. CR375:2

Figuratively. R2968:2

From the condemnation which is upon the world. NS163:1

From things of sin and death. R2967:2,4

Completely. R2967:2

From all low conditions of thought, word and deed. R2967:3

Separate themselves from the world and its spirit. R4189:3; NS669:6; CR375:3

Put forth the energy of the new mind and new will in directing and controlling the mortal body. R2967:1; NS672:5

The resurrection which we are not to experience in the present life. Q591:2

As a new creature. Q591:2

By the Lord's grace. R2967:2

Rising up out of one's weaknesses. Q591:2

Christ's call and assisting grace are only for such as voluntarily seek to arise from the dead and seek righteousness. NS671:1

Developing character. Q591:2

Be transformed by truth. R2966:3

Take a higher plane of thought and action than that of the world in general. NS670:6

Unless this arising to newness of life is accomplished, we cannot share in the first resurrection. R2967:6

This is a work of time, requiring days, months, years of energetic effort. R2967:2

Arising is not an instantaneous act, but a process requiring one movement after another, until fully accomplished. R2967:1

Even after the experienced Christian has risen fully up, he still must be on his guard lest he be entrapped by weakness of his mortal body, or by the world, or the Adversary. R2967:2

From the dead – This dead condition. NS157:5

The world in general is reckoned from God's standpoint. NS157:4

Rising from the old dead nature, alive unto God. Q591:2

Not relating to actual resurrection from the dead. NS670:2

By accepting Christ. NS158:2

By accepting the forgiveness and reconciliation which God provides for us in Christ. NS157:5

And be alive toward God through Jesus. NS157:6

Turning toward the Lord, the truth, the light. R4189:3

And walk in newness of life with the Lord, our Redeemer and Head. R2968:2

And realize peace, joy and blessing. NS158:2

In arising from the dead, they are getting upright, becoming upright in character. CR375:3

Superior to the fallen tendencies of your own flesh, common to the world of mankind. R2967:2; CR374:2

The death sentence that was passed upon all has been changed by the Lord to be a sentence to sleep for a while and then to be awakened. CR374:1; NS669:1

By the Lord's help, by the help of the brethren, by assistance of the precious promises of the Word and by the indwelling of the spirit of the Word. R2967:4

This text is also applicable to the Millennial age. CR376:2

Christ – The Lord Jesus. NS671:4

The Lord has promised. R4189:3

The great light-giver, the great enlightener of all mankind. CR376:6

The Lord is pleased to give light. CR375:3

Give thee light – Shine upon thee. (Revised Version) R2966:6; NS156:1

Light of favor. NS156:2

Great enlightenment. NS159:1

With its blessed, health-giving influences. R1490:5

In the great storehouse of truth, the Bible. NS160:1

And increasing knowledge and appreciation of truth and righteousness. R2967:4; CR375:4

And follow that light, otherwise the awakening is not profitable. NS672:2

The message of the Lord to us is full consecration. CR375:4

Not only on our own characters, but light upon the road we are to travel. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet." (Psa. 119:105) R2967:5

"Ye are the light of the world . . . Let your light so shine." (Matt. 5:14,16) R627:2*

As a child of the light, begotten by the Father of lights, he loves the right and hates the sin. R2967:5

Be thy light. NS671:3

This light is the glorious light of our Lord's presence. R627:1*

There is a great danger that after you have become thoroughly awake, understanding much truth, you might become overcharged with the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches. CR376:2

He does not give light to those who are not awake. "Light is sown for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart." (Psa. 97:11) CR375:3; NS158:4, 5

15 See, then, how exactly ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise, That ye – The Lord's people. R3594:4

The followers of Jesus. R5038:6

The new creation. R4189:6

Every member of the Body of Christ. R3593:3

Walk – After the spirit; by faith; in newness of life. R1753:5, 2967:5

This narrow way. R1490:5

In obedience to God's Word. R1753:6

With respect for God and his promises. CR358:4

"Commit thy way unto the Lord" (Psa. 37:5), and he will direct thy steps. R1753:6

With the Lord, by seeing Scriptural lines that must guide all. R3593:3

Do not stand still. R2967:5

Not after the flesh. R1753:5

Circumspectly – Circum, around; spectus, to look; to watch. R3593:3

Looking all around at every step. R4870:5, 4189:6, 3593:3, 2967:5, 2160:2; CR122:4; 358:2

Carefully; scrutinizingly. R4206:6, 5038:6, 4190:1, 1490:5; NS415:4

With close scrutiny on every hand, especially as respects thoughts, motives, intentions. R5956:3, 4206:6, 4190:1; CR156:1

To hearken to the instructions of the Lord's Word and to the leadings of the holy Spirit. R4190:1

Cautiously, with attention to guard against surprise or danger. R627:4*

Showing forth the praise of the great King. CR156:1

Carefully heeding God's Word and walking according to its light. R3596:5

Because we profess to be of the new creation and are separate from the world. R4190:1

Circumspection is necessary in order to walk wisely. R4190:1

Seeking divine aid, counsel and guidance that he make no mistakes. R4189:6

And in so doing develop the character pleasing to our Lord and Head. R4190:1

Seek to make paths for your feet having divine approval. R4189:6

So as to keep their garments unspotted from the world. R4870:5, 2160:2

He who neglects the Word as a lamp neglects one of the very important means of walking circumspectly. R2967:5

Because our Adversary is on the alert to ensnare us, and our tests are permitted to be the severer as we come nearer the goal of character. R4189:6, 2967:5

The Christian cannot live carelessly. R4189:6; NS415:4

Not as fools – Not like ignorant persons. R1490:5

Neglecting the Lord's commands. R3594:2

The Apostle suggests that any other course than this would be foolish. R2967:5, 5038:6

Or those destitute of understanding. R627:4*

Who seek the wisdom of the world. R4190:1

Careless, indifferent, overcharged with the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches and the affairs of this world. SM258:2

But as wise – Wise children of the Lord. R4190:2

The wisdom of God is to be ours, and we are to exemplify it in all affairs of life. R4190:1, 3593:3

The course which the Lord's Word directs. R4190:1

In harmony with our faith and consecration. R1753:5

Walking humbly before the Lord. R3596:1

Meekly attaining full development under divine instruction. R1566:3

Taking advantage of your opportunities. R1490:5

New creatures in Christ should be the wisest in managing their affairs, in governing their children, in eating, drinking and dressing. R4190:1

Let us commit our reputation to the Lord as a part of our sacrifice, rather than contradicting every adverse criticism. R3594:3,4

There is a wisdom with God which is foolishness to the world. R4190:1

Wiser than our fellow creatures of earth. R3593:3

Not that the world will always approve. R4190:1

The wrongs done toward us will never justify wrong-doing on our part. R3594:3

16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil; Redeeming – Greek, exagorazo, purchasing and securing out of. E431; R627:4*

This is an apostolic injunction. R4103:4

Purchasing it back from worldly cares and pleasures, to have the more to use in the Master's service. R5038:6, 4190:2, 4103:4, 2967:6; NS467:4

Buying it back, purchasing it away from other things. CR177:5; R4871:2, 4190:2, 4103:4; NS468:4

Taking advantage of your opportunities. R1490:5, 4103:4, 2736:4, 627:4*

Properly valuing. NS468:3

Such purchase will cost us something of self-denial. E431

Snatching time, opportunity, influence from the flesh and consecrating it to spiritual things. R2967:6

Being ready to sacrifice our earthly interests, customs, ambitions in favor of the heavenly. R4190:2

Because the choicest blessings of all time will soon be won or lost as far as we are concerned. SM258:2

This is a test upon us which shall demonstrate whether we love earthly things or whether our hearts are centered in the King's business. NS467:3

Not squandering. R5038:6

The time – To have the more to use in the Master's service. R5038:6, 4190:2, 4103:4, 2967:6, 627:4*

Which we had previously spent for worldly things. R4190:2

As though the time were already mortgaged. R4190:2

At the expense of the old nature. R2967:6

Devoting time to Kingdom interests. NS467:3

Because his main business in life is his ambassadorship. NS467:2, 4

Spend such time in the interest of ourselves and others of the new creation. Studying and refreshing ourselves with the blessings, promises and favors which are ours as new creatures. R4190:2; E431

To tell these good tidings to others. R4190:2

As new creatures, our hopes, aims and efforts are centered upon things above, the heavenly matters. R4190:2

Little of our time would be spent foolishly, in foolish talking, jesting, acts, thoughts, reading. NS468:5

Time is granted to us to make up our account. And blessed is he who is now putting forth redoubled energies. R2736:4

Not allowing the spirit of the world to direct us. R4190:2

The days are evil – Unfavorable to spiritual progress, presenting thousands of temptations for worldly pleasure, ease, fame, etc. R2967:6

Days of special trial and testing. R3593:6

The times are perilous. R1490:5

Because of the special activity of our Adversary. R3593:3

Making increased vigilance and steadfastness necessary. R627:6*

Multiplying the tests that come upon us as new creatures. R2967:6

In this evil day it is important that we be not deceived and led into darkness. R627:5*

In proportion as the Adversary seeks to stir up strife, let each of the consecrated be the more on guard to give no avoidable offence in word or deed. R3593:3,5

All our energies are needful to fight for the light and against the darkness. R5038:6

The test is upon us; if we yield to the spirit of the world, it means corresponding loss of favor with our King. NS468:3

The pride of life and desires of the flesh never had so deep and broad an influence over man's mind as at present. NS468:2

17 because of this become not fools, but understanding what [is] the will of the Lord, Be ye – Christian brethren. R1777:2

Unwise – Fools. R4190:2

Allowing the spirit of the world to hinder you from appreciating the proper walk in life. R4190:2,4

Cease trying to be everything the world will approve. R4190:4

Individually, every man in Christ is expected to use his own Christian common sense. R1777:2

Common sense is a common name for wisdom; but as to whether it is truly wise depends upon the right heart condition. R1776:3,6

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God." (James 1:5) R1777:1

But understanding – This requires study of the Lord's will. R5038:6

By studying principles and precepts of his Word, comparing Scripture with Scripture. R1777:2

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thess. 5:21) R1777:2

Because we have before us the open book of divine revelation. R1777:2

Thus himself rejoicing in the truth, he may be an aid to others to bring them to the same conviction. R1777:2

The Apostle is urging the exercise of this faculty upon the Church for her protection against errors of doctrine and of conduct. R1777:1

The Church must wisely discriminate between the false and the true, the bad and the good. R1777:1

The will of the Lord – Righteousness. R1781:6

Binding upon every Christian in proportion to his knowledge of it. R5947:2

Through the fall, we have lost appreciation of God's will, and hence are exhorted to study to prove what is the perfect will of God. R1781:5

The Lord's people are to be continually rejoicing, full of gladness. The basis for this is to be their faith in the Word of God by which they are nourished. R4190:4

Which leaves no room for the spirit of the world to intrude. R1490:5

Present evil is not of his will, nor of his government. R1781:6

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification." (1 Thess. 4:3) R1781:4

The mystery of God's will is hidden from the world, but fully appreciated by his saints. R1781:6

God is now letting men have an experience with doing their own wills and trying their own plans and theories, that thus the lesson of sin may be clearly seen by angels and men. R1781:2

Jehovah and his will are wholly on the side of purity, justice and truth. R1781:3

Is – As expressed in his Word. R1782:4

18 and be not drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in the Spirit, And – Christians and not worldlings are here addressed. R1489:3

Not drunk with wine – A bond of Satan which enslaves. R2533:3

Does not refer to literal wine, but to the spirit of the world. R1502:5

Not to become intoxicated with the spirit of the world. R1489:3, 4190:4, 2873:5, 1837:1

Intoxicated with false doctrines. D614

Intoxicated with the spirit of the world, the mixed wine of Babylon, of Churchianity, having a form of godliness and tending to stupefy and give illicit joy; love for sectarianism. R2968:4

Only by sobriety and the wisdom of meekness shall we be able to walk this narrow way to its glorious terminus. R1490:5

Under present conditions, men look for something to revive them--to counteract life's trials, burdens, sorrows. R2967:6

Desiring to abstain from every appearance of evil. R3248:4

We need sober watchfulness and attention to the will of the Lord. R1490:4

There is an intoxication in wealth, luxury, ease, pleasure and fashion. These stupefy the new mind, making us dull of hearing as respects spiritual things. R2873:5, 4190:4

If any had been addicted to the use of liquors to intoxication, he must become more sanctified to God, else he can never be accepted as one of the overcomers. R2533:3

Noah's drunkenness, purely accidental, was the result of the first vintage of grapes after the flood. R2533:3,4

As was Herod when asked for the head of John the Baptist. R2637:4

Excess – Confusing the mind. R509:4

The list of excesses mentioned by the Apostle; lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelries, carousings and abominable idolatries. R3247:1

To all intoxicating allurements the answer must be, No. R2873:5

Temperance and abstinence from evil in any form are the inculcations of holy Scripture for all who have named the name of Christ. R4188:2

Those who are filled with the Spirit cannot partake to excess. R2533:2

But – Do that which would be symbolized by it. Be dead to the world. R346:2, 3248:4

Be filled – The Church of Christ, the saints. R5912:1

You who are new creatures. CR397:6

Those who have made full consecration. R5912:1

Saturated with the spirit of holiness. R5982:4

Each consecrated disciple of Christ should reach this plane. R5913:1

The Apostle Paul's exhortation. R5982:4, 2456:1; SM608:1

Or else the spirit of the world will come in unsolicited and take possession. R1489:3

By first being emptied of the spirit of self-will. R2456:1, 3326:2; SM608:2

By keeping in close communication with the Lord, the Word and the brethren. E245; R5912:5

By giving heed to the instructions of God's Word; by giving heed to our Head. CR464:2; E205

As we are being filled and enlarged, our hearts are therefore filled more and more. CR313:6

It rests entirely with us. R376:3; E244

If we keep filled to our present capacity, this very infilling will enlarge our capacity; and so the expanding and filling goes on. R5912:2

The child of God is not merely to have a little of the Spirit. R2968:1

There are some differences of natural disposition by which some are less hindered than are others from receiving the spirit in large measure. SM608:T

The spirit of truth speaks to us through the Word, and by obedience to those words we shall be filled with the Spirit. R376:3

We should see that the holy Spirit of God abounds in us more and more as we go on in our heavenward course. Christian development should be steady and continuous. R5912:1

In proportion as we receive more and more of this holy Spirit, it will produce in us the peaceable fruits of righteousness, knowing the love of Christ. SM607:T

We must daily carry our earthen pitcher to the heavenly fountain to be replenished, for we are leaky vessels. R5912:5

By drinking of the Lord's cup and being filled with the spirit of our Master. R2968:5

Otherwise, we lose the power, the assistance, the strength and grace necessary for our aid, comfort and development. SM608:1

It is in vain that we seek to be filled with the holy Spirit if we neglect the Word of God, if we neglect our prayer privilege, if we neglect to assemble with the Lord's people. E245

Every man, woman and child should have a noble ambition and should labor constantly for the attainment of that ambition. R2636:3

With the Spirit – Greek, pneuma, the Spirit of God, spirit of the truth. E313; R5912:1, 1502:5; SM608:2

Which is heavenly, holy. SM608:T; R5038:6

A blessed influence which we receive from the Father through the Son. SM607:1; R2456:3

With the mind of Christ. R5038:6

In Hebrew--anything of influence or power that is invisible. CR397:2; SM607:1

It is not a holy person that is put into us, but a holy disposition, a holy mind, a holy will, a holy influence of God. CR469:5; E244

Sanctified; set apart wholly to the Lord. R4458:5

The spirit of obedience and of a sound mind. R1837:1, 2456:1, 1489:6; SM607:T

The spirit of love. R1489:6, 5982:5, 5912:5; SM607:1

Filled with a peace the world knows not of. R346:2

Manifested by a submissive acceptance of the will of God, sweetness under provocation, and calmness in the midst of turmoil and bustle. R5913:1

If it were an impossibility for us to be filled with the Spirit of God, the inspired Apostle would not have so instructed us. R5912:2

Our ability to understand spiritual things depends not only upon our study of the Scriptures, but also upon the measure of the holy Spirit we possess. R5982:4

The new wine, the new exhilarant, the new antidote for care and pain and trouble. R2533:2

The result of the fruitage of the vine which the heavenly Father planted, of which Christ is the central stock, and of which his followers are all branches. R2968:4

"If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his." (Rom. 8:9) E244

"Let the spirit of Christ dwell in you richly." (Col. 3:16) E184

Of the Lord, so that they may bring forth its precious fruits in abundance. R1502:5,6

A spirit of joy, peace, benevolence, goodness, mercy, brotherly-kindness, love. SM607:1; R2968:4

The spirit of meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness, love. R5982:5

A peace-producing and light-giving influence. SM607:T

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 4:6) R5982:4

This is granted only to the new creature in Christ Jesus. SM607:1

The gift of the holy Spirit is to all that obey the gospel. R199:1*

To be the Lord's people. E244

Developing that inward life. R5913:4

Our contact with the holy Spirit will quicken our mortal bodies and energize our faith. SM606:2

For the purpose of sanctifying our hearts and lives, and separating us from those who have the spirit of the world. E244

As the Spirit of the Lord comes in, it will be operating in you. CR402:4

We become more and more spiritual. CR469:5

Whose healthful tendency is to illuminate the understanding and to invigorate every noble faculty. R1489:6

He who has the new spirit will seek to purify himself in thought, word, deed. R2456:2

So that our chiefest joy will be to give thanks to the Lord for this goodness and fellowship of heart. R4190:4

This dependence upon the Lord and filling with his Spirit makes us humble, and we think soberly. R2968:4

The deepest pains and sorrows of the heart are more than counterbalanced by the joys of the Lord secured through the possession of a fullness of his Spirit. R2968:1

A correct understanding of the Lord's Word comes to those who are of a meek and teachable heart, who study it, live it and absorb its spirit. R5982:4

To a be leader of the Lord's people, one must have a knowledge of the Lord's Word and the possession of a good degree of the spirit of the truth, being trusted as an ambassador of the Lord. R5982:5

So that the intoxicants of earthly joys will have less and less attraction for us. R2873:6

It is useless for us to pray for the Spirit, and neglect the Word of truth from whence that Spirit is to be supplied. R376:3

Instead of needing alcoholic spirits for refreshment, the Christian has the Spirit of the Lord which exhilarates. R4188:3

19 speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, Speaking – The Lord's followers are to realize that they have a special privilege of fellowship in speaking to one another in psalms and hymns. R3806:2

To yourselves – One to another. R4190:4

According to their several ability. R1890:3

In psalms and hymns – Of praise and thanksgiving ascending before God from his people. R2511:4

The holy Spirit refreshes and will lead us to psalms and hymns. R5038:6

For hymns and psalms should be regarded as union or concert prayers. R2345:5

Life itself is the proper hymn of praise to be continually rendered to the King of kings. NS755:2

Spiritual songs – Greek, pneumatikos, in accord with your new spirit. E313

The Apostle commends these three kinds of songs. R2345:4

Doubtless, the Lord accepts the offering of song, whatever its form, so long as it comes from the heart. R2345:5

Singing – Lifting voices in praise. R1890:3

This necessarily finds expression in all the acts and words of life. R2511:3

Making melody – The Lord's people are not be be morose, sullen, unhappy, always in tears, but rejoicing. R4190:4

The joy and rejoicing of the new nature. R2511:3

"My life flows on in endless song." R2511:4

In your heart – Heart-thankfulness to the giver of all good. R2511:3

To the Lord – In praise. R4190:4

Showing our appreciation of God's grace. NS755:2

For the privilege of having fellowship with Christ in his sufferings. NS625:1

20 giving thanks always for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the God and Father; Giving thanks – Prayers of thanksgiving. R1489:6

Every day should be with us a day of thanksgiving. R1490:1

For privileges of spiritual enlightenment and needed discipline. R1490:1

For the trials, as well as for blessings; for adversities, knowing that God is able to make all things work together for good. R4190:5

Where the spirit of joy and thankfulness reigns, pride finds no place. R1490:4

For all things – For God's favor in Christ. R5038:6

This is a happy frame of mind to be in. These have reached an enviable attitude of Christian character. R1490:4

We can receive all the valuable experiences of life--the painful and pleasurable--with joy and thanksgiving, realizing that these are fitting us for the Kingdom. NS107:1

Even trials and vexations as part of the refining process. R1490:4

Because all things work together for our good. R1489:6, 4190:5

God and the Father – God, even the Father. R4190:5

21 subjecting yourselves to one another in the fear of God. Submitting – The grace of humility or submission; for helpful, loving counsel or criticism. R1490:4; 1553:4

Those who have the Lord's spirit will be willing to defer to each other's preferences in things not contrary to the principles of righteousness. R2968:4

The first duty of submission is to the infallible Word, and afterward to each other in that secondary sense which first proves all things by the Word. R1553:3

We should submit ourselves as far as possible to every reasonable regulation. Q102:2

To have a certain amount of willingness to fall in line with everything that is not a matter of conscience is a good thing. Q102:2

Looking to note the Lord's leadings and providences. R4190:5

So that we do not think of ourselves above what we ought to think. R2968:4

Not being dictatorial or too self-assertive. R4190:5

One to another – In the reverence of the Lord. R2968:4

This duty of submission is enjoined upon the whole Church individually, in their relationship one to another. R1553:3

Fear – Reverence. R4190:5, 2968:4

22 The wives! to your own husbands subject yourselves, as to the Lord, Wives – As types of the Church. F495

Woman, the weaker vessel. R1076:1*, 766:1*

A man's partner in life. R1075:4*, 765:3*

Have that spirit which characterizes the true Bride of Christ. R1553:6

The Christian wife seeks to lighten her husband's toil and share his cares. R1553:6

Submit – According to the divine command. R2100:6

Be in subjection--of a meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God. (1 Pet. 3:4) F498

Developing along the lines of true womanhood and true wifehood. F500

A submission which savors love, reverence, trust and humility. R1553:4

This duty of submission is specially enjoined upon the wife in the domestic relation. R1553:3,4

Love is not ashamed of its submission. R1075:6*, 765:6*

A reasonable submission, compatible with a moderate expression of the wife's sentiments and a proper consideration of the same by the husband. R1553:5

Many women are superior to many men; if such become wives of such men, they must either violate the divine order, or else submit themselves to an inferior, which is also out of harmony with the Lord's design. R1076:1*, 2100:6, 766:1*; F495

It is not the dwarfing or degrading of her powers, nor the clipping of her spiritual or intellectual opinions, nor to attain any selfish ends. R1552:6

The wife is not at liberty to assume the headship of the family and to order her husband as a servant. F499

Not by domestic tyranny and slavery. R1553:1

Your own husbands – Or head. R2100:6

As types of Christ. F495

Man's superiority consists mainly in his greater strength, both physical and mental. That is God's order. R1076:1*, 766:1*

Who will desire the help of his wife, her cooperation, her views, her sympathy, her love, and will appreciate them highly. F497

23 because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ [is] head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body, The husband – By divine arrangement. F497

The husband should be the protector, provider and director in the affairs of life. R765:3*, 1075:4*

The head of the family must be watchful of the interests of all under his care to such an extent that he should sacrifice himself, his own comfort and convenience for their proper care. R2783:5

Head of the wife – The headship remains with the male. T101

And head of the family. R2783:4

A willing co-worker in harmony with her husband's will. R765:3*, 1075:4*

"The head of the woman is the man." (1 Cor. 11:3) F270

"God called their name Adam." (Gen. 5:2) T101; R139:1*

This is the divine order for the highest good of all. R1075:4*, 765:3*

This rule that the husband is the head of the wife is always maintained in the Scriptures. R766:5*

The responsibility of headship is upon the husband, and he must not avoid it. It is part of his stewardship. F497

God himself instituted marriage as between our first parents. R2418:3

The Lord set his seal of approval upon marriage when he instituted the relationship and blessed the union of the first pair in Eden. R1553:6

And no man should marry a woman his superior. F496

Headship in the family will be far from tyranny. F497

A new creature in Christ Jesus should not be unequally yoked with one who is of the earth. F496

This union between man and woman was designed to be an illustration of the union between Christ and the Church. R2418:3

Many who see clearly the headship of Jehovah, and the headship of Christ, fail to see the headship of man in the domestic relation. R765:3*

Although the wife should not be imposed upon and overworked for the sake of visitors. R2783:5

The worldly husband is not the head of his wife as a "new creature" espoused to Christ. Her first allegiance is to her Lord, and in so far as may be consistent with this new relation, she should endeavor to fulfill the old also. R765:5*

Christ is the head – The husband, "of the bride, the Lamb's wife." (Rev. 21:9) E48

The heavenly Bridegroom. R2418:3

The forerunner; none preceded him as members of the Christian Church. B202

Jesus never gave this office to any one, but claims it himself; and any others who claim it are usurpers. R320:4

He likens the Church to husband and wife, exhorting husbands to love their wives, and wives to reverence their husbands, and thus exemplify the beautiful relationship between Jesus and his Church. R399:1

He plans, directs, supervises and cares for the various members of his Body, the Church. R1387:5

As every member of the human body moves under the control of the head, so every member of Christ is controlled by the will or spirit of the Lord, the Head of the Church. R397:6

And knows our every weakness. R397:6

Of the church – Which is his Body. B202

The Bride. R2418:3

This beautiful figure of the Church's relationship to Christ is very prominent in the Scriptures. R1386:1

The Church of the firstborn all follow the example of the Head. R158:5

In Biblical usage a woman symbolizes the Church. F270; HG409:2

The distinctive titles of soldiers, priesthood, disciples, Body members, living stones, chaste virgin, refer, not to different classes, but to the same class. R399:4

The saviour – Preserver, care-taker. R1076:1*, 1552:5, 766:1*

Of the body – Of his Body. R139:1*

Of the Church. R158:2*

24 but even as the assembly is subject to Christ, so also [are] the wives to their own husbands in everything. Subject unto Christ – The subjection of the Church to Christ is a willing subjection; it is inspired by love, veneration, gratitude and implicit confidence and trust in the Lord's love and care for us. R1552:5

Because he can do better for us than we could do for ourselves. R1552:5

As his Church, we are permitted to be helps meet for his use; to do a lesser part and yet an acceptable part, well pleasing to God. R766:6*

The wives – Exercising humility. R3537:5

Be – Subject. R1552:5, 1075:6*

To their own husbands – This does not imply a servile subjection of the wife to the husband. R1552:4

In every thing – As helpmates. F495

Because she recognizes such to be the divine arrangement for their mutual good. R1075:6*

In everything tending to holiness and purity and true nobility of character; not in everything unholy, impure and selfish. R1552:6

Everything should be done, not from the standpoint of force and demand, but rather from the standpoint of love. R2783:5

25 The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it, Husbands – Be capable and willing to fill this position after the divine pattern. R1075:4*, 765:3*

Cultivating and exercising humility. R3537:5

The true Christian husband has the mind of Christ. F496

It is as right for the husband to consider the future welfare of his wife, as for the heavenly Bridegroom to provide for the Church. R1828:4

The head of a house has a responsibility which divine law has laid upon him requiring sacrifice of time and preference in the interest of his family. R5168:4

It would be a mistake to think, when one is entering into marriage, that he is marrying somebody who is perfect; neither one is perfect. R5900:4

Love your wives – This is apostolic counsel. R1552:6

Forsaking all others, cleave only unto her as the beloved and cherished companion. R1464:5*, 1386:1

Remembering that you have covenanted to cherish her. F496; R854:6

The husband will delight to honor and bless the wife. R1075:6*

What God has joined together, let no one attempt to interfere with. R5900:5

There is neither servility nor tyranny where love rules. R1075:6*, 765:6*

Even as Christ – The only-begotten of the Father. R4528:2

The Bridegroom. R29:2*

Christ's special love for his Church, clearly distinguished from the world. R1254:5

They become one, "the new creation of God." R257:3, 6:1

Also loved – And cherishes. R854:6

With great love and tender care. R1386:2

Setting forth the unutterably tender relation between Jesus Christ and those who are his. R29:2*

The church – The Bride of Christ, the Bride class. R595:3, 3917:1, 29:2*

The Bride of Messiah. R4528:2

The special possession, which he purchased, which still awaits redemption. R593:3

Gave himself for it – Self-sacrificingly. R1552:6

The Church, the primary object. R139:1*

For us, the Church. R147:3, 4528:1, 158:2

He could have bought the world just as easily, but he followed the divine plan and bought the Church. R4528:2

It required all of the Lord's merit for the Church, and left none unappropriated. R4528:2

Our Lord Jesus "bought us with his own precious blood"--with the merit of his sacrifice of earthly rights. R4528:1

No part of the great plan of God, either toward the Church, or the world, could have succeeded without the death of Christ. R3917:1

The merit of Christ's sacrifice and the restitution rights which it is able to secure for every man, has been temporarily diverted from the world to the Church. In God's due time it will be available for the world. R4528:1

Husbands should lay down their lives for their wives--should provide not only for her food and clothes, but also for her mental and moral interests. R5900:2, 5168:4; F495

26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed [it] with the bathing of the water in the saying, That he – Christ Jesus, who knew no sin. T29; R375:1

Sanctify – Set apart. R375:1

"Sanctify them through thy truth." (John 17:17) E243; R2671:5

The holy Spirit of God, operating through his Word, does this. SM585:T

The sanctifying is in progress now. R844:5

A glorious possibility. R5901:2*

All thus sanctified are reckoned new creatures in Christ. R375:1

"Both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." (Heb. 2:11) R375:1

We shall be wholly sanctified by keeping close to the Heavenly Father by prayer and study of the Word. SM585:2

And cleanse it – The Church. R5258:5, 375:1

Through the precious blood of Jesus. T29

The cleansing of our moral characters. R2671:4

"Having our bodies washed with pure water." (Heb. 10:22) E445

No one can thus cleanse us or help us into divine favor except the Redeemer himself. R2201:6

The Bride is to be cleansed and made fit for joint-heirship with the heavenly Bridegroom. R4662:6

This cleansing is in progress now. R2279:4

The object of the Church's submission to Christ is for the sanctification and cleansing of the Church. R1552:6

So long as we are in the flesh, we must have the robe of Christ's righteousness, in order to be clean. R5258:3

The Word of truth cleanses our hearts by showing us our imperfections. R4662:6

The Church as a betrothed virgin is under strictest obligations to purity and faithfulness. HG409:5

The holy Spirit of God, operating through the Word, produces in us cleansing, justification, sanctification. E243

By purging away the defilements with which each comes daily in contact in the world. R2279:5, 2201:6

Every unholy quality of disposition is to be cleansed away. R5901:1*

Nothing in this provision indicates a cleansing from willful sin. R5258:6

With the washing – The purifying of the flesh, so far as possible. R2571:2, 2160:4

An illustration of a great truth. R2201:5

Typified by the washings of the Levitical priesthood. T29

Of water – Representing truth. R5846:2, 3600:6, 2671:4, 1695:5, 290:1

Not the muddy and polluted teachings of the Adversary, or of those whom he has blinded. R2671:4

The use of which is for refreshing and cleansing the Lord's people; and it is through this very cleansing agency that the Church is to be glorified and the world blessed. R1695:5, 4662:6

To help keep each other separate from the world, and clean. R2201:6

He washes us from our past sins by his blood; but it takes the Word, and constant obedience to it, to sanctify us. R5901:1*, 2671:4

By the word – Through the Word. R4662:6, 2671:3, 2571:2, 2449:6

Of God. R4662:6; E243

The truth. R1076:2*, 4662:6, 2160:4

All the instruction which we receive from the Lord comes to us through the written Word. SM584:2

These words signify that unless one be first begotten "by the Word of truth," he cannot be born of the Spirit to the new nature. R3600:6

Taking heed unto the Word of the Lord. R2202:4

Keep close to the written Word. SM584:3

The Word of God, like water, is purifying and cleansing. R2671:4

God provided his Word for the sanctification of the Church by the spirit of the truth. E243

The basis of our faith and hopes. R4662:6

That ye may be clean through the word spoken unto you. R844:5

"That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim. 3:17) SM584:2

We are frequently taught lessons by God's providences which we could never learn from instructions of God's Word alone. The lessons are impressed upon our hearts and do us lasting good. R4663:1

A part of the duty and privilege of all the Lord's people throughout the remainder of the earthly lives. R2671:4

He grants his consecrated ones the cleansing power of his truth. R2160:4

Every child of God should beware of any teaching independent of the inspired Word of God. SM584:2

27 that he might present it to himself the assembly in glory, not having spot or wrinkle, or any of such things, but that it may be holy and unblemished; He – Our Lord, our dear Redeemer. R5197:5, 2587:6; NS483:1

Might – Will. <NS483:1

Present it – Present her. R158:2*

Our Lord's elect Bride. R2160:4

The Church. R5197:5

The purchased possession. (Eph. 1:14) R593:3

Before the Father. R5942:4

Introduced to our Heavenly Father by our dear Redeemer. R2587:6

Without fault--perfect characters. R5901:1*

All discipline in the Church is properly under the direction of the Head of the Church only. R953:6*

Rebekah did not occupy the position of Isaac's bride until conducted by Isaac himself to that position. R752:4*

A glorious church – Christ's glorious Bride. R1386:1, 1211:1*

Jesus and his Bride made one. R252:6

His Church. NS483:1

A Little Flock. NS358:4

The heavenly Jerusalem. R1386:1

The true Church is a virgin; (the Church of Rome poses as the true, virgin Church of Christ). R2047:1; C209

The wise virgins will be faithful to the espousal vows. R1386:1

Because they fully submitted to the guidance and discipline of Christ. R1340:4

Everyone in that glorious company will have been a faithful soldier; not a deserter, nor ashamed of the Lord or his truth. R5942:4

The Lord's virgin Church was espoused to him at Pentecost, and has been awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom and the resurrection change to glory, honor, immortality--the marriage. HG409:4

Unquestionably, there we will have fullness of joy. NS483:4

We are seeking now to prepare ourselves for that great event which shall complete our joy and usher in the world's blessings. R2429:4

Once she was a sinner under condemnation of death, but she was justified, washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb--redeemed by her beloved Lord and sanctified by his truth. R1211:1*

Not having spot – Spotless. R158:2*

On the robe of Christ's righteousness. R2782:6, 5197:4, 2160:4; HG409:5

If it would be a wedding garment, it must be spotless, clean and white. R2782:6, 5924:1; HG409:5

Wrong-doings which we recognize as contrary to God's will. R5197:4, 4870:5

The Lord's children see their spots, and by faith apply the provided cleansing, through penitence and prayer. R2783:1

If any spot comes on the wedding garment we have to get it off again and thus keep ourselves in readiness for the marriage supper. Q604:4; R4615:6

We must prove that we possess a consuming love for the Bridegroom, and an untiring devotion to his name and principles. C209

The Little Flock keep their garments unspotted from the world by daily applying for their share of the precious blood. NS358:6, 4, 5

The precious blood is the antidote for every stain. R2480:4, 5006:6, 4974:3, 1211:1*

We were cleansed from past sins when the robe was given us; and there is a provision for continued cleansing of all sins that are due to weakness, temptations, and unavoidable failures. R5258:5, 5006:6

The robe is to be wholly without filthiness of the flesh. R4974:6

Gloriously complete and perfect in the most absolute sense. R5863:1

Only those with tender consciences will keep their garments unspotted by going immediately to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and forgiveness. R5197:5

Because of the spots upon their robes and their carelessness, some will be unready to be of the elect class. These will go through a great time of trouble which will demonstrate to which party they really belong--righteousness or unrighteousness. R2783:2

Or wrinkle – Carelessness, indolence, neglect of using an opportunity. R5197:5, 2783:2

The blood of Jesus Christ our Lord cleanseth us from all of our errors and misdeeds of ignorance. R4336:4

Our wedding robe must be without spot or wrinkle if we would be acceptable as members of the heavenly Bride. NS357:3

In our present imperfect condition, it would be a miracle if we should never come so closely in contact with evil as to spot or wrinkle our garment. R2782:6

Guard the robe zealously. R2160:4

If, through weakness or ignorance of the flesh, we err, our Advocate, whose ransom-merit was applied to us, will appear for us (figuratively apply his merit) for the cancellation of our unintentional misdeeds and thus maintain us in the Father's sight. R4516:6

Or any such thing – Because our Lord, out of the abundance of his merit, has applied a portion on our behalf, that we may be reckoned perfect. R3917:1; C209

St. Paul gives us the thought of the absolute purity of the class that will ultimately be presented to the Father by our Lord. R5197:5

Because the Redeemer will, upon application, impute his merit for the cancellation of such imperfections, that they may be maintained in their standing with the Father. R5006:6

Holy – Blameless, irreprovable, in his presence. NS483:1

Reckoned holy by the merit of the precious blood of our Lord. R2279:5

Holiness, or Christ-likeness, is set as the standard. And it is possible. R5901:2, 3*

Only that which is holy is acceptable as a sacrifice, and we are so reckoned through Christ, our Redeemer. R905:5

"Be ye holy; for I (the Lord your God) am holy." (1 Pet. 1:16) R5902:1*

These, and these alone, walk with the Lord and are overcomers. R2160:4

"Whosoever is begotten of God doeth no sin." (1 John 3:9 Revised Version) R5197:4

This fitness of character to meet God's approval must be accomplished while in the flesh. R5902:1*

The very character of God demands that we become holy. We must be purified from all iniquity and evil before we can have the approval of God. R5901:6*

Christ makes the Church holy by making the individuals holy. R5901:1*

If we are fully persuaded that we can become like Christ in character, we will arouse ourselves to seek to attain it. R5901:4*

And may be accepted as his joint-sacrificers and joint-heirs in the Kingdom that is to bring the blessing to Israel under the New Covenant and through Israel to all mankind. R3917:1

The great work that the Lord has for us to perform in the coming age demands that we become Christ-like. No other character would do. R5901:6*

Blemish – Of character. R5901:1*

Weakness and imperfection of the flesh. R5197:4, 5901:1*

We need not permit a blemish to remain on our glorious wedding robe. R5924:1

God's requirement is that no sacrifice may come upon his altar, except such as is without spot or blemish. Hence, his first provision was that Christ's righteousness be imputed to us. NS770:5

The same merit of the same sacrifice of Christ may be used for cleansing every blemish. The blood of Jesus Christ keeps cleansing us from all sin. NS357:4

Blemishes would not be ours as new creatures, but would result from the fact that for the time being the new creature must tabernacle in the flesh, until given its new body. R5197:4

This figure represents perfection of mind; for our bodies cannot be brought to that condition, because of the fall of Adam. R5197:5

So that the sacrifice of Head and Body complete reaches the world. R158:2*

28 so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife himself he doth love; Men – Who were made care-takers or preservers of the female. T101

To love their wives – The Apostle Paul's epistles clearly show that he honored true womanhood. R4122:2

As their own bodies – As a part of his own body. T101

The wife is accepted as the flesh of her husband and her body as an addition to his members. R1387:1

Great love is this; that a man should do for his wife what he would do for himself. R5900:2

29 for no one ever his own flesh did hate, but doth nourish and cherish it, as also the Lord the assembly, Even as the Lord – Who did even more than this--he laid down his life for us. R5900:2

The church – His Bride. A82

His Body. R5900:2

30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones; For we – The Church, the prospective Bride. R399:1

Raised up from the world, separated from the world to the Lord and the Millennial work. R4354:4

Members of his body – Figuratively. NS332:1

The faithful, the elect, the new creation. NS78:6

God's chosen ones. NS372:2

The Body of Christ is a body corporate, each individual acting in harmony with each other and under the direction of Christ for the manifestation of God's love in the salvation of men. R48:4*, 4354:4

They become one, "the new creation of God." R257:3, 6:1

As though Christ were still in the world promulgating the message he declared while in the flesh. NS366:6

Members of the anointed Priest and King. R5392:1; NS372:1

Joint-sacrificers with Christ. NS803:1

Counted in with him. NS864:3

Begotten of the Spirit. F495

Because they walk in Jesus' footsteps. R5392:4

Faithful followers of the present time. NS858:1, 367:1

And have the mind of Christ. F495

Of his flesh, and of his bones – Members of Christ, as in the figure used. R48:4*

As Eve proceeded from out of Adam, so does the Church proceed from out of the second Adam. R29:2*

31 'for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall be the two for one flesh;' For this cause – For this purpose, to this end. R1386:1

Thus representing the heavenly union. R399:1

Leave – Forsake the former ties which united them to parents, brothers and sisters. R1386:1

Shall be joined – The marriage relation was instituted as a type of the marriage of Christ. HG100:2

Marriage is a very sacred obligation, and should be undertaken only after serious consideration. R5900:5

One flesh – One body. R399:1

As one person, having one mind and one common interest, purpose and aim. R1386:1

The Church has a great privilege to be counted in as a part of that flesh. R4491:2*

32 this secret is great, and I speak in regard to Christ and to the assembly; A great mystery – A secret, not easily understood. R5391:3, 3192:4

The mystery of God. R3192:4

Which few are able to understand. R4515:3

Hid from ages and dispensations. R2490:3

This mysterious work of the present age. R227:1 The preparation of Messiah, Head and Body members. R3193:1

A multitudinous Mediator. R4548:6

The Gospel Church. R3192:4, 368:6

"Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27) R5391:6, 5392:3, 368:6

The sharing of the Body with the Head both in the sufferings of this Gospel age and also in the glory to follow. R227:1, 4515:3

This is indeed a hidden mystery--that the Church is completely separated from the world and offered a great prize of glory, honor and immortality, the divine nature. R4434:3

A mystery to the world, which knoweth us not, because it knew him not. (1 John 3:1) R368:6

The relationship between the Gospel Church and its Head and Lord. R3192:4

God appointed Jesus as the Head, and elected certain saintly ones to be the members of his Body. R5391:6

That a certain class, justified through faith, are permitted to join with their Redeemer as participators in his sacrifice, his sufferings, his death, in order that they may be granted a share with him in his work of the Millennial Kingdom--blessing all the families of the earth. R4515:6, 2490:2, 369:4

The Spirit of God causes us to understand this mystery. R227:1

Understood by the true Christian, fully consecrated to the Lord. R3192:4

Blessed are our eyes if we see this mystery. R4515:4

The promised Messiah is not our Lord Jesus alone, but also with him the Little Flock--unitedly The Christ, which God is providing for the deliverance of the world. R3192:5

While the unfolding of the mystery of God commenced in the days of the apostles, it will not be finished until the end of this Gospel age. R368:3

The Almighty did not intend the mystery to be understood except by the faithful, until the great day of revealing. R3193:1

Which will be finished when the Church is complete. R369:4

When this great Messiah, Head and Body, changed and glorified, of the divine nature shall be complete--then shall come "times of restitution." R3193:1

Christ and the church – The Lord will always be the Head of the Church. R4515:5, 369:4

The Church--the elect class now being gathered. R4516:3

The Bridegroom and the Bride, between whom the union will be perfect. R1386:1, 5391:6, 257:3, 29:2*

This union between man and woman which God approved was designed to be an illustration of the union between Christ, the heavenly Bridegroom, and the Church, his Bride. R2418:3, 5900:2, 3991:1; F494

Next to the death and resurrection of Christ, the marriage of the Lamb is the most important event in the whole plan of redemption. HG100:3

All the merit belongs to our Lord. R4491:2*

When she is fully formed and perfected, they go in to the marriage. R257:3

The Church is to be associated with Jesus in the work of judging the world. R4515:5

The new creation should esteem the typical, earthly marriage and its responsibilities much more highly because of their appreciation of the antitypical union between Christ and his Church. F495

Those of the Church forget earthly hopes and ambitions and become wholly "his"--the Bride, whom he loves. R1387:2

Our Lord is the seed of Abraham under the original Abrahamic Covenant. We, his Church, are also the seed of Abraham under that Covenant. R4515:6

33 but ye also, every one in particular let each his own wife so love as himself, and the wife that she may reverence the husband. In particular – Individually. R1552:5

So love – Manifest love in all ways. R2783:5

Let love, and only love, hold the reins of control. R2783:6

And the wife – Every woman who usurps the place of the head of the household is doing injury to herself and the best interests of her family. R5168:5

She is not to wait for outsiders to admonish her. F498

That she reverence – Give wifely respect due according to the marriage covenant. F498

As the Church reverences her Lord. R5900:2

Not with a slavish fear, but a reverence of love and devotion. F498; R1552:5, 1464:5*

Reverence is possible where there is nobility of character. R1552:6

Her husband – As the head of the family. F498

Reverence toward the husband means much and enters into all of life's affairs, influencing every act respecting the home. F498

The woman who reverences her husband honors herself. F498

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