Scripture |
Expanded Comments |
1 Call upon you, then, do I the prisoner of the Lord to walk worthily of the calling with which ye were called, |
The prisoner – Who left all to follow the Master, counting home comforts as loss and dross, enduring stripes, imprisonments and hunger. R832:5
Beseech – Exhort. (Rotherham) R768:1; F239
You – The new creation. R4189:3
Members of the Body of Christ F239
Believers. R2020:1
Not the world, but the saints. R1594:3
Walk worthy – "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord." (Col. 1:10) R2020:1
And not stumble. B28
Let us not forget him who set us an example that we should walk in his footsteps. R832:5
In Jesus' footsteps of self-denial. R832:2
So that you will be an "overcomer." R2020:4
To share the throne and glory of the great overcomer Jesus. R832:2
Whereunto all living believers have been called. R2020:1
Being fully consecrated. R2020:3
By a full surrender of themselves to the Lord. R2020:3
Making their calling and election sure. R2020:1
The Little Flock (Luke 12:32), shall be esteemed worthy to share the throne and glory of the great overcomer, Jesus. R832:2
So that you may not be rejected by the Lord as unworthy of becoming his Bride. B28
We become dead to the world and alive toward God. R2020:3
If we love houses, lands, wife, children or any other thing more than our Lord, we are not worthy of a place among his disciples to whom he promised the Kingdom. R832:3,4
"That ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things that shall come to pass." (Luke 21:36) These will escape by being gathered through death to glory before the terrible severity of the world's trouble comes. R2020:4
It is because the Great Company does not walk worthily that it fails to receive the great reward. R2020:1
The vocation – Our vocation is that of servants of God. R4189:4
The calling. (Rotherham) R768:4
Of divine service. R2020:1
For the glory of their King. R2020:1
The very highest of all; the representative of the Lord and Master. R4189:3; CR36:1
No earthly avocation should be permitted in any degree to hinder the service which we have undertaken as children of God. R4189:4
Wherewith ye – To these belong all the exceeding great and precious promises of God's Word. R2020:1
Are called – To glory, honor and immortality for the future, with Christ, the Lord. R2020:2
Our Lord desires us to make our calling and election sure, to win the great prize he has set before us. R832:2
2 with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love, |
Lowliness – Of mind. (Rotherham) R768:4
The Lord Jesus was meek and lowly in heart. (Matt. 11:29) R1921:1
And meekness – The Lord has always chosen the meek for every great work. R1921:1
Meekness was a marked characteristic of all the prophets and Ancient Worthies. R1921:1
Moses was the meekest man in all the earth. (Num. 12:3) R1921:1
Remembering your own unworthiness and insufficiency except as God is pleased to work through you. R1920:5
And not in a combative spirit. R1920:5
Longsuffering – Greek, makrothunia, corresponding to the common thought of patience. R2790:6
Forbearing – Bearing with. (Rotherham) R768:1
Not chiding and marring the joy of others. R3214:6
In love – Affecting all the affairs of life. R2649:4
3 being diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of the peace; |
Endeavouring – Giving diligence. (Rotherham) R768:4
Doing all in our power. R4391:5
Earnestly. R1895:4
The Apostle exhorts all of the saints. R1594:2
To keep – To maintain. R4391:5
Preserve. F282; R1278:1
That the Church might be preserved entire, without schism. Q837:2
Unity of the Spirit – The oneness of the spirit. (Rotherham) R768:4
The spirit of love. F239
Unity of the faith. R1895:4
Oneness of mind. R1278:1
To avoid any schism in the Body of Christ. R1895:4, 1130:5*
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory." (Phil. 2:3) F282
The Bible teaches the unity of the Church. OV122:2
The possession of the spirit of Christ is an evidence of vital union with Christ. R81:3*
Christian union is a possibility. R768:3
True Christian union is advantageous and an end greatly to be desired and sought for among God's children, yet it is of great importance that we have union on the true and Scriptural basis. R768:1
This union is felt and is strengthening among the consecrated ones. R768:2
What steady cooperation there was among the apostles and elders of the early Church, preaching the sound doctrine of the truth! R1895:5
Apollos did not discount the teachings of Paul. R1895:5
The apostles and elders of the early Church did not endeavor to eclipse one another by new theories of their own. R1895:5
If fervent love for the Lord and the truth prevail, it will generally be found easy to unite in judgment respecting the divine will. F282
The advantage of Christian union is not fully appreciated by all the Body. R768:2[R768:2]
May we more fully realize this unity. R81:4*
In the bond of peace – In the uniting bond of peace. (Rotherham) R768:1,6
"Having peace with one another." (Mark 9:50) "Be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." (2 Pet. 3:14) R2947:1,4
Being firmly bound together by love. R769:1
This is the kind of bondage under which we are laboring. R157:1
We honor as one of the chief Christian virtues the spirit that differs in opinion and yet lives in harmony. R156:6
4 one body and one Spirit, according as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; |
There is – The Apostle Paul assures us. R4878:3
Paul enumerates the elements of that unity. They are seven units. R1435:3*
One body – The Body of Christ, the Church of the living God, the Little Flock, the Seed of Abraham. R1278:1, 2, 4878:3, 5393:2
Christ in the flesh. Q364:5
Anointed, or begotten of the holy Spirit. R5393:2, 5134:2
The Church, Christ being its Head. R67:1*, 768:1, 81:1*
Of many members. F239
This is a truth in the Word of God. R1130:5*
Separated from the world to the Lord and the Millennial work. R4354:4
Our Lord and the apostles never recognized any but one Church on earth. R1571:2
The Church triumphant is to be one Church, and not many churches. R1570:6
The least as well as the greatest is a member of the Body and vitally connected with Christ the Head. R81:1*
The apostles are important members of the Body. R67:1*
All who have fallen asleep in Christ are as much a part of the one Body as those who live at any time. R81:5*
The Church, which when complete and filled with glory will shine as the sun in the Father's Kingdom. R67:1*
The Church is being selected for the great work to be accomplished during the Millennial age of restoring "whosoever will" back to their former estate. R1571:1
The members of the Church should work in unity and harmony in doing the will of the Lord and witnessing to the truth of the Gospel. Q837:2
All true Christians should unite in abolishing sectarianism which separates God's professed people into various more or less antagonistic, little companies. R4878:3
The sects say that Christ has many churches, and ignore Christ's statement that there is but one Church. R4879:1
Every sect is a sin, and every division a proof of disobedience. R1130:5
Divisions of the probationary Church were denounced by the apostles as schismatic, sectarian and contrary to God's will. R1571:2
The human institutions called churches, while containing some of the members of the true Church, are merely social clubs. There is but one Church, and it is scattered everywhere. R4878:6
That during the Gospel age God has been selecting a Church is admitted by all Christians except Universalists. R1570:3
"The household of God" is no longer composed exclusively of Israelites, but of those out of every nation; and its one foundation is occupied by Israelites and non-Israelites alike. R1435:3*
And one Spirit – Aim, mind. R768:1
One sentiment or disposition. R1278:1
The spirit of the truth, of holiness, of love. F239; R1278:2
To us there is one holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord. NS774:2; Q837:2
The Spirit of God which actuates and governs all who are of the one Body. R1278:2
Which unites the many members. F239
Consecration brings to us divine acceptance, manifested by the begetting of the holy Spirit. R4547:6
As long as this Spirit abides in us, it is a witness and a guarantee that we are still the Lord's. R5393:2
The same Spirit is promised for the guidance of every member of the Church. R768:3
The promise of the Spirit belongs to the whole Church. R67:1*
Whoever has that Spirit gives evidence of membership in the Body, and therefore of acceptance with God. R81:3*
Each individual believer, by his possession of the Lord's Spirit, will be related to every other similarly consecrated believer. NS376:2
All who possess it are fellows, whether they know it or not. R81:3*
Even – According. (Rotherham) R768:4
Ye – Spiritual children of God. R772:1*
The Church, the elect of God. R5060:2,3
New creatures in Christ Jesus, still in the flesh. R1548:3
The consecrated. R5864:3
The Lord's flock. R4784:3
All of the Lord's people of this Gospel age. HG752:3
Those who have "an ear to hear." R1951:3
Those who have accepted Jesus as their ransom-sacrifice and consecrated themselves wholly to God. R5916:3, 4548:1, 772:1*
Through the one Word of truth; are one class, one Church; under one Lord, faith, baptism. R5864:6
Are called – Of God during this Gospel age. NS371:3; R5134:1
To come into God's family. R5134:1
To belong to the Body of Christ. R5393:2
During this Gospel age, God has been calling the Church to glory, honor and immortality. R5060:2; F92
To self-sacrifice; to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Q309:5; R5060:2, 4784:3, 1669:1; F125
The only call yet made is to membership in the Little Flock. R1046:4, 5060:2, 4547:6, 1951:3, 1668:6; Q307:3
Some fail to respond obediently, losing their justification, in the sense that it fails to become vital, divinely approved. R4547:6
During the Gospel age the Lord has but one Church, one flock who follow him. R4784:3, 1668:5, 399:4; NS379:6
Invited to enter in. R1951:3, 5060:2
Invited to the divine nature and a heavenly mansion. R4784:3; Q39:T
There must be the invitation. R5134:1
"My sheep hear my voice." (John 10:27) R4784:3
This invitation is not just to do the best we can, but to sacrifice. R5134:2, 1669:5
And begotten of the Spirit. R5864:3
To be new creatures. NS592:1
To joint-heirship with our Lord in the glory, honor and immortality of the Kingdom. F125; R5232:4; HG745:2
To be heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ as the Bride, the Lamb's wife. NS20:4
To both suffer and reign with Christ. R791:1
To sacrifice the earthly nature and become partakers with the Master of the divine nature. R4784:3, 791:1
None come to God in this Gospel age except those who make a sacrifice. R5134:2
The call of the present time is a call for willing sacrificers to present themselves as joint-sacrificers with Christ in the service of God, his people and his truth. R1669:5
God is selecting a Little Flock from amongst mankind to be joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom. R2732:1
The Lord has attached a greater prize to the call made during the Gospel age, which selects not only those who love righteousness, truth and divine favor, but who so love them that they would sacrifice all else for the sake of these. R1669:1
Called to be of the "seed"--The Christ which shall bless the world. R791:1
To take the Lord's yoke and be associated with him in the bearing of his burdens. NS379:6
We were counted new creatures when we heard God's call and accepted the same and consecrated ourselves unto death. F125
God wishes us to attain that to which he has invited us. NS373:5
The acceptance of this call includes not only faith in the Lord and in his promises, but also obedience--full consecration. NS371:3
Called to become dead to all earthly interests, as well as dead to sin. R4547:6
To enter upon a period of schooling under the tutelage of the Lord Jesus, their Redeemer. NS642:4
To whole-hearted loyalty to the Lord. R5916:3
Only one class is called, and that is the Church. NS20:3
There is but one call during this age. Q309:5
And now it is a matter of development in the spirit of the Lord. R5393:2
These are said to be in the school of Christ, receiving discipline, learning lessons, being taught of God, fitted and prepared for usefulness in the Kingdom during the Millennial age. NS371:4
Only those who are filled with his spirit will be able to come off conquerors and attain to the glorious things whereunto they are called. F92
It is for each of us to make our calling and election sure. R5394:4, 4547:6
The path of the Little Flock is narrow and difficult at present, but it is God's path--the right path, the path of life. R1668:6
The place to ascertain what is God's call is in God's own Word of revelation. R3634:4
This call comes through the proclamation of the Gospel. R5134:1
Those who receive the call may accept it before this age of sacrifice ends. R5134:1
Our feelings or aspirations are not the call. Otherwise, it would imply that we do our own calling. R3634:4
He who "hears" the present call has no right to hope for another if he spurns what has been put within his reach. R1951:3
It is a mistake to suppose that the Apostle Paul and the early Church were called with any different calling from that which appertains to the entire Gospel age. NS615:5
Some receive a knowledge of God's mercy and of their own privileges without profiting thereby--without accepting the only call of this age. R4547:6
God did not call any to be of the Great Company class. Those, "saved as by fire," will get a reward to which they were never called or invited. Q309:5, 307:3, 298:T
In the Millennial age, there will be no call, but every creature will be required (not requested) to render obedience to that Millennial government. F93
To our understanding, no such call to restitution blessings will ever be issued. R3634:5
Our failure to rightly appreciate the great blessings which God has attached to the call of this Gospel age is not a sign that we have not received the call, but it is a sign that we have not clearly and fully appreciated it. R3635:1
Speaking of our priesthood, the Apostle declares, "No man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God." (Heb. 5:4) R3634:4
In one hope – "More than conquerors." (Rom. 8:37) HG752:3
"Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection."(Rev. 20:6) R5232:5
God sets forth in the present time only one hope, only the one calling, only the one invitation. NS415:5
Of being worthy to share in our Lord's glory, honor and immortality. R5232:4
Those who prove wholly faithful will be born divine beings. R5916:3
To become joint-heirs of Christ's glory. R1669:5
To sit with Christ in his throne. R2732:5, 5393:3
To be members of the Church of the first-born. R4548:4
We are not to think of different calls; we have no choice in the matter. F92, F93; R1668:5, 772:1; Q279:7; NS342:2, 20:3
The hope that we may be of the Lord's goat class. R4921:2
Of being a member of the Bride class and joint-heir with Christ. Q604:T; R3732:3*; NS371:3; HG752:3
To membership in Christ; to be of the Royal Priesthood. R4656:6
It is the hope of being made perfect in Christ; of being made partakers of the divine nature. R351:4*
There is but one prize held out by the Scriptures as an offer during this Gospel age, as there was a different one held out previously, and as there will be a still different one held out during the Millennial age. R1668:5
The ground of this hope is found in Jehovah's promises, confirmed by the ransom price for our sins, and by Christ's resurrection from the dead for our justification. R1278:2
This contradicts the thought that there might be two callings, an earthly and a heavenly, from which we might choose. R3634:4
The invitation given to the Church of the Gospel age was but one invitation. SM636:2
Whether you get it or not, it is one hope. Q39:T
The Little Flock will gain an abundant entrance into the Kingdom. NS371:6
Our trials, difficulties, weaknesses, are so different that only the Lord can determine who are worthy. R5394:4
The human perfection, physical, mental and moral, to which the world may attain in the next age, is now out of the question to these consecrated ones. R772:1*
The apostles constituted the nucleus of the family of God--whose hearts and hopes were one. R2449:1
Whoever willingly sacrifices his all may be as sure of the prize as any other one running the same race. R1046:5
Which inspires all the members of the one Body of Christ, who have the one spirit of the truth. R1278:2
Both classes, the Little Flock and the Great Company, receive the anointing of the Lord, the begetting of the holy Spirit. R5393:2, 5134:2; CR348:3; Q39:1
And there is no decision as to the two classes in the present time. CR348:3
No one is called to the Great Company class. R5924:6, 5060:2, 2732:6, 1046:4, 772:1; Q307:3; SM636:2; NS642:6
The position attained by the Great Company is an unpromised one, of the Lord's abundant mercy. R2732:6
It is not because the Little Flock of overcomers suffer more than the Great Company of tribulation saints, that they are to get the prize, but simply that they suffer willingly, self-sacrificingly. R1669:3,4
Those not wholly faithful will be born spirit beings of a lower order. They will miss the great "prize." R5916:3
There is not a second call during this Gospel age, though there is a second class of saved ones selected during this age--the Great Company. These of this second company have no separate and distinct call. F93
The Little Flock and the Great Company were not separately called. It was the one call, and each individual had the opportunity of making his calling and election sure. NS415:4
The Great Pyramid does not show a place for the Great Company, as though they had been invited to such a place. Q310:1
Some will not be accounted worthy to reign with him because they failed to progress. R5393:3
Those in covenant relationship must attain spirit nature on the divine plane, or a lower one; or lose all in the second death. R5759:1, 2732:4,6; Q307:3
The new creature is begotten to the divine nature. Q508:4, 38:7; R772:1, 2*
Many of these will fail to make their calling and election sure. R5916:3, 772:1*; Q307:3
There has been no change in the terms of discipleship or in the reward promised. R4784:3
There can no more be two hopes in "the unity of the Spirit" than there can be two Lords or two Gods in it. R1435:3*
Of your calling – God, during this Gospel age of nineteen centuries, has been calling the Church to glory, honor and immortality. That calling is the heavenly calling. Q309:5; R4784:3; NS342:2
The high calling of God in Christ Jesus. PT388:5*; R1046:5, 399:4
"I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, present your bodies a living sacrifice." (Rom. 12:1) F125; NS371:4
The high calling of joint-heirship with Christ in the Millennial Kingdom. R1951:3, 2732:6; NS642:6
The high calling, to divine nature and glory R1668:3
Such as have responded to Romans 12:1 are God's chosen. They are reckoned as members of the Anointed One. NS372:2; Q297:7
It is for us to appreciate this calling, to see how great it is; that no other invitation that God has ever given would be so wonderful as this call. NS20:4
"Let us lay aside every weight . . . and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Heb. 12:1) NS371:5, 20:4
All who have seen the prize and accepted the invitation can make their calling and election sure by complete self-sacrifice in the service of the Lord and under his direction. R1046:4
Unaided by divine grace, none of us can make our election sure. R773:4*
"Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." (Rev. 3:11) R1046:5
As new creatures in Christ, it is a question of eternal life or eternal death for them. PT388:5*
There is but the one call during this age. R1951:3
Let us make our calling and election sure and realize that God is giving us now a knowledge of his future blessings for the world of mankind. NS20:4
The privilege of becoming joint-heirs with Christ will end as soon as the elect number is completed. R5134:4
There was no high calling in the Jewish age. R5134:4
Before the restitution call, the Gospel age must first close, the sacrifices of the Church, Head and Body, must be finished to the uttermost and be accepted before God; then the great High Priest will lift up his hand (power) to bless the people. R1669:6
Full restitution is not yet offered as a prize, and cannot be offered until the Church shall first be perfected in glory. R1669:4
The high calling is not for all. R5134:1
There will be "other sheep" who will become the Lord's followers under different conditions and under a different call in the future. R4784:3
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, |
One Lord – Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 8:6); NS774:2; R5137:1
Who in all things has the pre-eminence in Jehovah's plan and work. R1278:3
Jesus Christ, by whom are all things. R3475:1; NS258:1
The Only Begotten of the Father. R3475:2
The first and the last of Jehovah's direct creation. R1278:3
The only Head of the Church. SM121:1; R1571:3
"For one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." (Matt. 23:8) R1523:4; F230
There is only one Head to the one Body. F229; R1571:3, 1523:4, 1278:3
Lord signifies master, ruler, governor. R61:1*; NS65:1
His name alone will be quite sufficient (we will need no sectarian name). SM123:T; R1571:3
Our Lord's prayer will be realized by the overcomers. They will be one with himself and with the Father. SM126:3
One, and only one, deserves all the honor of the Church, both now and forever, and that one is her true Lord and Master. R1571:4
"For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living." (Rom. 14:9) R61:2*
All the saints recognize the one Lord; whom they serve. R1594:5, 1046:5
To whom we render supreme reverence and obedience. R1571:4
He is the Redeemer of his Church, as well as her Lord. R1278:3
Christian union is a union in which all so united acknowledge the one Lord. R768:2
As only Christ died for us all, he alone must be recognized as our Savior. SM121:1; R5137:1, 4878:3
Jesus Christ. This title is expressive of a glorious fullness of power and love. R61:2*
No longer in the flesh, no longer a human being. He has finished the work of ransoming us, for which the taking of the flesh was needful. R1278:4
Of Jew and Gentile. R61:2*
The Son is not superior to the Father. R3475:1
As all ye are brethren, so the class distinction as between clergy and laity must be abrogated that we all may be one Church with one Lord. SM121:1; R5938:4
One faith – Faith is the power of God to every one that believeth. R1278:5
Faith anchors our hearts securely to the precious things of the future, though unseen. R1278:5
Based on his Word of promise. OV123:5
"There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." (1 Tim. 2:5,6) R1572:2
Of divine revelation through the apostles and prophets. Accepting no other, though it be preached by an angel from heaven. R1594:5
One so simple, clear and reasonable, that all--the learned and unlearned alike--could grasp it and comprehend it. R1572:1
The basis of this one faith is "that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, and rose again the third day." (1 Cor. 15:3,4) R1572:2
Belief in Jesus as a ransom for all must be insisted on as a test of Christian fellowship. R1572:3
True faith begins with the one kind of seed-faith in all, no matter what stage of development each may attain. R1572:3
We should contend earnestly for the "faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3) R4878:4, 1572:6
The gospel. This one gospel acknowledges man's fall, and God's mercy and love manifested through Christ's work of redemption, forgiveness and restoration of the willing and obedient. R1572:4,3
The simplicity of the gospel recognizes the broad outlines of the divine plan and allows each individual to see as many of the finer lines of the same as his spiritual development will permit. SM121:1
Through this faith we grasp the exceeding great and precious promises of God, appropriating them to ourselves. R1278:5
That we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. R1278:5
All should be of one faith and enabled to point out the waymarks so clearly that every earnest member of the Body may see light in God's light. R769:4
We are inspired by the one faith. R768:2
The true vine is united. It is not a sect, and its members are not sectarian. NS376:2
The early Christians were unitedly one and reprobated any division. SM121:1
Maintained only by abandonment of the creeds and a return to the words of Jesus and the apostles and the prophets. R5003:1, 4878:3; SM462:1
Not incongruous mysteries, inconsistent with themselves and inharmonious with reason. R1572:1
One baptism – Baptized (or immersed) into Jesus Christ. (Rom. 6:3) R1278:5, 768:1
Burial into Christ. R3356:3; SM123:1
Consecration into his death. OV123:5; R3356:3, 1046:5
One immersion. (Rotherham) R768:1
Begotten of the same Father. R768:2
And only one proper symbol of it, immersion in water. F452; R1278:6; SM123:1
Jesus and his apostles taught baptism. OV241:1; CR75:3
A feature of the gospel. The one Lord, one faith, one baptism constitutes the one gospel. R1572:4, 1571:2
One immersion, one Lord, one faith and one hope must be there as the primal basis of union. R768:5
An immersion even unto death. R1278:6
Thenceforth they live, not unto themselves, but unto him that bought them with his own precious blood. R1278:6
Justified believers attain membership in the Church of Christ through this immersion of their hearts, their wills, into the will of Christ. R1278:6, 1594:5
Not the symbolic one, but the actual one. R3356:3
All the churches were subject to the same regulations instituted by the apostles. R1895:4
Leading to the true union of the Church. R1572:5
Christian people in general are agreed that immersion in water corresponds most closely to the meaning of the Scriptural language. F452
Nowhere in the Scripture is infant baptism commanded or urged. CR75:3; OV241:1
6 one God and Father of all, who [is] over all, and through all, and in you all, |
One God and Father – This is the Apostle Paul's testimony. F452
The Eternal One, who is "from everlasting to everlasting." (Psa. 90:2) R369:6
The living God. The Almighty. Jehovah. R4878:3, 1268:5, 369:5
"To us there is but one God, the Father." (1 Cor. 8:6) NS258:1
Who is holy and separate from sin, and cannot look upon it with any degree of allowance. R1268:4
The power all resided in the Father; everything is of him, from him, through the Son; "that all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father." (John 5:23) R3475:1, 369:3
"Every good gift . . . cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." (Jas. 1:17) R1269:1
Who is only good. R1269:1
Who was pleased to recognize, honor and use the Son in his great work. R3475:1
God's work in the present time is not the salvation of the world, but the salvation of the Church; the world's salvation will follow during the reign of Messiah for a thousand years. R4878:6
Who has not only put into our possession wonderful Bibles and helps for Bible study, but has given us the ability to read and study the Word critically. NS774:4
We reject as totally unscriptural the trinity teaching that Jehovah, Jesus and the holy Spirit are three Gods in one person. R369:2, 3475:1
The doctrine of the trinity, which finds no place in the Scriptures, and is contrary to reason, was concocted during the Dark Ages. NS257:6
It is impossible for God to lie. R1269:4
Sin, crime and wickedness are to be understood as being the very opposite of God's character. R1269:3
Of – Literally, "out of." R1268:2
Over. R4878:3
All – All things are of our Father; he is the first cause of all things. R369:3
Above all – Over all. (Rotherham) R768:4
7 and to each one of you was given the grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ, |
8 wherefore, he saith, 'Having gone up on high he led captive captivity, and gave gifts to men,' |
He ascended – Our Lord Jesus ascended. R843:4; Q531:2, 42:7; NS783:6, 658:1
Christ's ascension, after his crucifixion, resurrection and 40-day period with his disciples. NS655:2, 3
Our Lord, duly qualified, was exalted as Jehovah's Prime Minister in the throne of universal dominion, being made a partaker of immortality, a dignity never before conferred upon any created being. R1829:4
Our Lord bestowed his earthly rights upon believers. Q434:T
He presented his merit as the satisfaction for our sins, to purge not only those who were waiting in the upper room at Pentecost, but also all others of the same class down through this Gospel age. R4667:3
Having to his credit the price or value sufficient to ransom the whole world. Q560:T
Our Lord's manner of going was secret, unknown to the world, known only to his disciples. He will so come in like manner; and none will know of his presence except his disciples. R5830:4, 5829:1,4
Up on high – Up to the throne of the Father. NS657:3
Where he was before--to the spirit plane. R5829:6
Above all heights. R5066:3
There to appear in the presence of God for us. And he presented his sacrifice on our behalf. R1829:4,5
This refers not so much to locality as to station, power, dignity. NS657:2
He led – Jesus leads forth to liberty and eternal life those who have been slaves of sin and death. R5066:3; NS782:1
Because of the great victory which our Lord Jesus gained over sin and death. NS784:4; R5066:3
Captivity captive – Death captive. R1829:4
The captivity that is on the world is the great captivity of slavery to sin and death. Q48:2
Literally, "A multitude of captives." Our Lord purchased the whole race of mankind, captives to sin and death. R5066:5, 5829:1, 5067:1, 1829:4, 182:5; Q48:2; NS783:6
The great Ransomer, owns the captives; and in his own due time, will say, "Come forth, show yourselves." (Isa. 49:9) Q48:2
A long procession of captives. In this procession are the Church of the first-born, with the twelve faithful apostles in the forefront, the Great Company, the Ancient Worthies, then the world of mankind who choose righteousness. R5066:5
It is yet to be the great work of the thousand years of the Messianic reign. R5066:5
These words are a pen picture representing a great king as a conqueror returning from a victory over an opponent, setting free those who had been enslaved. NS783:6
And gave gifts – Spiritual gifts; holy Spirit; "the heavenly gift," at Pentecost. (Heb. 6:4) E210; R2224:5, 1829:6; Q669:5; NS784:6, 657:4
Grant not only freedom, liberty and blessing but also confer certain gifts. R5067:1
These the apostle specifies in verse 11. Q669:5, 843:4; R5067:1; NS657:4
Our Lord Jesus was God's great gift to Israel and to the world. R2407:2
It was the custom in olden times that a king coming into authority and power should give gifts. R5066:6
To the Church. And we are blessed by the gifts. R5067:4,6
The ascension of our Lord to the right hand of power signified his ability to give gifts unto men. R1829:5
Our Lord sent the Comforter into the hearts of his disciples, and this gift of the holy Spirit has continued with the Church ever since Pentecost. R1829:6
To develop the Church. NS658:4
Arranged of God to do the work assigned, to guide the Church into truth. R182:6
God uses and provides various instrumentalities for communicating his instructions. Q843:4, 669:5
Not merely for a few years, but for this entire age until completion of the Church. R5067:4; Q843:4
All the blessings which our Lord Jesus is to shed forth are of the Father though through the Son. NS657:3, 4
Needed by the class being prepared for the heavenly joint-heirship. NS784:6
Through our Lord Jesus, all of God's gifts are promised and to be bestowed. R2407:2
The Master did not give these gifts for the conversion of the world. R5067:2
We will be his gifts to the world of mankind, when, in association with our Lord, we shall bless all the families of the earth. R5067:6
9 and that, he went up, what is it except that he also went down first to the lower parts of the earth |
He ascended – Above all heights to fulfill all things. R5066:3
His exaltation came as a reward of his loyalty to the Father's will. NS784:5
He also descended first – He first descended. Our Lord left the heavenly glory and nature to take the human nature. R5066:3
From the heavenly glory to the earthly nature. R5066:3
Lower parts – The grave. R1829:4
Lower condition. R5066:3
10 he who went down is the same also who went up far above all the heavens, that He may fill all things |
He that descended – Into the grave. R1806:2, 1829:4
He left the heavenly glory. NS784:5
Is the same – The very same Jesus. R1829:4, 1806:2
"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore." (Rev. 1:18) R1806:2
The change of nature from human to divine no more destroyed our Lord's identity in this case than did his change from the spiritual to the human nature. R1806:2
That ascended – He returned to a more excellent glory. In returning, he left the human nature to ascend again to that which he had before, with the additional glory of the divine nature. R5066:3
Above all heavens – To a more excellent glory. R5066:3
Powers of spiritual control. A318
He did not suffer loss of the heavenly nature as a result of his obedience in taking the human nature. R5066:3
That he – "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous." (1 John 2:1) R1829:5
We now have a great High Priest, that hath passed into the heavens; one who is now on the most intimate terms and in the closest possible favor with the Sovereign of the whole universe. R1829:4
Fill all things – To be Lord of all. NS658:6
The whole plan of reconciliation was of God, and is wrought out in Christ. R1829:5
That all things may be fulfilled through him. R5066:3
11 and He gave some [as] apostles, and some [as] prophets, and some [as] proclaimers of good news, and some [as] shepherds and teachers, |
And he – Our Lord, the great Head of the Church, the Chief Shepherd. F269, F240, F241; R4878:6, 3153:5, 3143:1, 2224:5, 1894:1,3,4, 768:5, 182:5
Christ. R1524:1
God. R309:6*
God through Jesus. Q43:T, 843:4
Gave – The great Redeemer dispensed gifts. R5067:1
Gifts to the Church--dating from Pentecost. F269, F240; R182:5
The holy Spirit comes through these several ways to the building up of the Church. Q669:5; R2224:5, 182:5
To assist us, God has provided helpers. R364:3, 1867:3, 1848:4, 768:5; A12; F241; NS784:6
If God gave these special gifts, it is the duty of the Church to use them; it would not be the wisest course for a Bible student to study the Bible by himself. Q43:T; E283; F241
As his representatives. R3142:6
An abundant and special provision made for the edification of the Church. R781:2*
By appointing of various members to various offices for the general good of all. R768:5
For the blessing of the general Body, as respects both their present and everlasting welfare. F241; R4878:6
The Lord's arrangements safeguard his flock and at the same time make ample provision for their needs. F270
Set these special gifts in the Church. E283
The Lord has faithfully performed his part, all along during the age, providing servants in his Church. R1894:2
God hath set the various members as it hath pleased him. NS657:4
Our Lord has marked out our course for us. "This is the way, walk ye in it." (Isa. 30:21) R1894:1
It is thus that the Chief Shepherd leads and feeds and keeps his flock. R3143:1
The Lord always has raised up, and will to the end raise up, such helps for the edification of the Body of Christ; but it is the duty of every member to prove carefully their teachings by the infallible Word. R3153:5, 1894:2
The Lord set these in the Church at the beginning, and thus gave us the ideal Church arrangement. His people would have proportionate blessings if they followed the pattern, or difficulties if they ignored the pattern. R1894:1
Divine truth is never found except in the divinely appointed channels. R3153:4
The Lord has the supervision of this matter and has been giving the gifts to the Church throughout the Gospel age as their services were necessary, and as believers were prepared to make use of their assistance. NS657:5, 6
These gifts are not forced upon the Church, and those who neglect them, when offered, experience a corresponding loss. F241
Here, only the chief gifts are mentioned. In 1 Cor. 12:28 we have these and other "diversities of gifts." R182:6
Some apostles – As apostles. (Rotherham) R768:1
Some (the gift to be) apostles. NS657:4
Some to be apostles. F269, F239
The Lord's chosen agents. R1524:4
Male apostles. F270; T102
The apostles having no successors, were all supervised by the Head of the Church. R5067:1,4, 1894:2
Twelve specially provided by the Father. They were not self-appointed. R5067:4, 1
Only twelve. The office is not prolonged in bishops, cardinals and popes. NS657:5
There were but twelve apostles, and their inspired ministry has been to the whole Church, even to the end of the age. R1894:2
We must remember that the apostles are first; "God hath set some in the Church, first, apostles." (1 Cor. 12:28) R1524:2
Among those chosen were some rather illiterate fishermen. Thus, Jesus has ever chosen the weak things to confound the mighty. R364:3
These, being dead, yet speak to us. R182:6
They are still performing their service in the Church, speaking as the Lord's mouthpieces to his people, through his Word. F240
We still have their instructions as fully as the early Church, "that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim. 3:17) R5067:4
Who set forth doctrines in their inspired writings. R5508:2
The early Church rightly reverenced the piety and superior spiritual knowledge and wisdom of the apostles, and sat at their feet as learners. R1524:4
Who preached the very same gospel of life and immortality brought to light by the Lord himself with amplification of details to the Church, under direction of the holy Spirit. R1524:5
They were not selected because of their learning or worldly wisdom, nor because of their natural gifts; but largely because of their entire consecration to his will and service. R364:3
The term "elder" seems to be applicable to any or all of these servants whom the Lord sets in his Church for its edification. Thus, the apostles classed themselves as elders in 1 Pet. 5:1. R1894:3
When the noble apostle to the Gentiles was about to finish his course, we find him committing the interests of the work to the elders of the Church, and his charge applied even to our day. R1524:3
The apostles never claimed a monopoly of the teaching of the Church. R1524:1
They did not cultivate a blind and superstitious reverence for themselves. R1524:5
Who made no effort to assist in moral, social and political reforms of their day, because they knew that such was not God's plan. R1564:1
May we follow in the footsteps of the apostles by preaching God's Kingdom as the hope of the world. R1564:4
Some prophets – As prophets. (Rotherham) R768:1
Male prophets. F270; T102
From among our brethren in the Body of Christ. R3153:5
Divine truth is found only in the divinely appointed channel--our Lord, the apostles and the prophets. R5508:2, 1524:6
Orators; one who publicly expounds, literally a teller-forth. Q115:3; E283
Not the prophets of old. Q115:3
Some evangelists – As evangelists. (Rotherham) R768:4
Male evangelists. F270; T102
Amongst believers, all are under the supervision of the Head of the Church. R5067:1
Who make known the good tidings. R5067:1
Who represent the mission work. R365:3
Mark, Luke and Stephen gave testimonies as trustworthy as those of the apostles. R1524:3
God's instructions may come through his teachers and evangelists, etc.; but they must all be recognized as emanating from the Father through the Son. Q843:4
Some pastors – Male pastors. F270; T102
Shepherds, to individually visit, encourage, strengthen, hold together and defend from wolves. F246; CR339:1; R827:4, 768:4,5, 364:2, 182:5
We are to heed all the helps which our Lord raises up from among our brethren in the Body of Christ. R5508:2, 3153:5, 1524:3
Amongst believers, all are under the supervision of the Head of the Church. R5067:1
The Lord, from time to time, has raised these up to prepare the Church to be the Bride in glory. R5067:4
Who have Jesus' spirit of self-sacrifice for the sheep, and ability to feed them by expounding to them the Scriptures harmoniously. R364:3,5
With varying degrees of ability, able to instruct and care for the flock. R1894:2
Who esteem it a privilege to serve, feed, protect, assist and care for the Body. R365:5,3
God has always provided his Church with ministers and helpers. R364:3
And teachers – Possibly helpers of either sex, or else male teachers, previously mentioned in the verse. F270
"I suffer not a woman to teach." (1 Tim. 2:12) T102
If the teachers be of divine appointment, those taught are divinely taught. R380:1
Jesus was a teacher sent of God. R364:6
God raises up teachers for the Church. R364:5
Divinely provided teachers who give assistance. R5067:6
Faithful teachers R1025:4*
Amongst believers, all are under the supervision of the Head of the Church R5067:1
Apt at teaching. E284
All various members of the Body appointed to special services in it. F239
We should give heed to the Lord's Word and note how all of his true people will be taught of him. R4333:3
The Church has need of human teachers. E285
Teachers or elders are specially chosen, though always from among the males. F272
No fact could be more plainly taught in the Lord's Word than that it was his intention to make use of human instrumentality, teachers, in the development of his Church. R2224:5
The Word of God is to be the standard for everything we receive. Q43:T
After conversion, teaching is necessary. R1455:4
The Lord always has raised up, and will to the end raise up, such helps for the edification of the Body of Christ; it is the duty of every member carefully to prove their teaching by the infallible Word. R5508:3, 1025:4*
Every thought suggested and every exposition of Scripture advanced by these must be brought to the test of the Word. R768:6
He whose privilege it is to teach will not be offended by criticism if filled with meekness and lowliness of mind, but will desire and encourage it as long as it will be satisfied by a "thus saith the Lord" as a proof. R768:6
All the teachings represented in the name of the Lord and apostles are to be proven whether or not they proceed from the Fountain Spring without adulteration. NS658:1
The congregation sought to prove their teachers. R1848:4, 1524:4
Many now feel that teaching is unnecessary. R1455:4
Not angel voices guiding them individually in the understanding of the Scriptures. R4333:3
Many false teachers were raised up by the Adversary. R1848:4
Nominal Christendom has their teachers, having itching ears for the world's applause, but they turn away their ears from the truth. R365:4; E284
12 unto the perfecting of the saints, for a work of ministration, for a building up of the body of the Christ, |
For the perfecting – With a view to the fitting. (Rotherham) R768:1
The teaching, instruction, qualification. E284; R385:3*, 364:2, 182:5; T102; NS784:6
In the spirit. R5067:3
Bring to glorious maturity. R3153:6
For the complete qualification. R827:4, 385:3*, 364:2
Becoming fully equipped. R1894:4
Preparing the entire Body for the doing of the will of the Head. R365:3, 4026:6*, 385:3*
Making themselves ready. R2415:6
We must "go on unto perfection." (Heb. 6:1) NS658:3
Made perfect through suffering. R5067:2
Not by force. R4878:6
Now in the present age. R2331:5
The present mission of the Church. R5822:2, 5152:2, 4734:2, 4372:2, 4302:2, 3694:2, 3294:2, 2750:2, 2238:2, 2055:2, 1910:2, 1750:2
It is not sufficient that believers have a little knowledge, faith, sanctification, devotion; they still need instruction of the apostles, etc. R5067:2
We will not come into the knowledge of the truth at a single bound, but gradually, step by step. R3153:5
This Gospel age is for the very purpose of calling, testing, proving and selecting the Bride class. HG745:3; R4878:6
This increase and growth must not stop until the entire Body has been schooled for the work of service. R364:3
Our perfection will be demonstrated by our loyalty of heart and submission to the divine will. R5067:3,4
Every member is to be nourished and exercised, that the Body may be symmetrical, perfect. R1894:2
Each step leads to a higher vantage ground for further attainment both in knowledge and its blessed fruits of established character. R3153:5
Of the saints – The Body of the Anointed. R385:3*
The Church. R5900:6*, 5067:4, 4026:6*
The truly consecrated among professing Christians. R1139:1, 364:3
To be God's witness to the world; kings and priests of the next age. R5822:2,5; 4734:2, 5, 3694:2, 5, 2750:2, 5, 1750:2, 5
Earnest, sincere, true disciples. R3153:5,6
The saintly footstep followers. NS784:6; R4878:6
Consecrated believers. R1867:1
To the last. R5067:4
We may be saints before we have come to full harmony with God's plans, or reached our full development in knowledge and faith. R364:3
Now the individual Christians are called upon to make their calling and election sure. R4878:6
All the saints should be diligent students, with a view to thoroughness of development, rather than entertainment. R1894:4
Because they will need to learn obedience themselves before they can properly become teachers, judges, kings and priests unto God, governing the world of mankind to uplift humanity. NS658:4
The still, small voice is calling the saints to separation from the world, to fellowship with God, to joint-heirship with Jesus in the Kingdom soon to be established. R4879:1
Not only for the glorious service of the future, but also the essential service of the Church in the present age. R1894:4
Each of the saints should seek to do good, as well as to get good in their meetings and studies. R1867:1
When perfected, the Church shall pass beyond the veil and be forever with her Redeemer to share his glory, honor and immortality. R5067:4
Our object is not the gain of "filthy lucre." R3670:6
For the work – The future work of service. R5822:5, 5152:5, 4734:5, 4372:5, 4302:5, 3694:5, 3294:5, 2750:5, 2238:5, 2055:5, 1910:5, 1750:5
Let us work with the Lord as much as we can. R1564:4
For the future work of service for the world. R2415:6
Of the ministry – Of service; the glorious ministry or service of the Millennial Kingdom. F239; R2331:5, 1894:4, 827:4, 364:2, 182:6; T102; Q43:T; NS784:6
This service is to consist in redeeming, restoring, ruling, and blessing all the families of the earth, during the incoming age of a thousand years. R385:3*
Present and future. R1790:6, 3670:6
Serving it to others. R1900:6
The service of the Church, of the truth, and of the Body of Christ. Q532:T, 43:T; R385:3*
To the service of Christ, Head and Body. R768:6
Serving one another in the present life; but the special work of service will be that of the future, blessing all mankind in the Millennial Kingdom. NS658:3
All our assemblings together, either personally or by means of the press and mails, are ministerial conferences for the purpose of enabling each to do more efficient service for the upbuilding of the Body. R769:1
The understanding of God's Word is a prerequisite to this. R1900:6
In what further developments of God's plans they may be afterward engaged, we are not yet informed. But the divine family will always be engaged in carrying out Jehovah's will. R385:3*
The edifying – The building up. (Diaglott) T102
An upbuilding. (Rotherham) R768:4
The building up in the most holy faith. Q669:5; F239; R827:4, 781:2, 3*, 364:2, 182:6; NS784:6, 341:1
Instruction. R5900:6*
To develop every grace. R5822:2, 5152:5, 4734:5, 4372:2, 4302:5, 3694:5, 3294:5, 2750:5, 2238:5, 2055:5, 1910:5, 1750:5
The knitting of all together in the unity of the faith and in love and devotion to God. R1894:4
The entire Body of Christ builds itself up and grows strong by the use of spiritual food. R365:3
Both brethren and sisters can and should take part in meetings other than preaching discourses. R1867:1
Making use of ordinary or extraordinary public presentations of the truth by ones who have such ability. R1894:3
Great care and much wisdom is necessary. R781:5*
Whether in natural or spiritual things, we cannot reckon a man to be properly taught or trained unless he is built up within--in-structed. R781:2*
The individual Christian needs edification, instruction, building up in faith, testing, proving, chiseling, polishing, preparing before he is ready for a place in the Kingdom. R5067:5
He who rejects the Lord's way evidences the fact that he is not in the right condition of heart and hence is not taught of God. R4333:4
The body of Christ – The Church, the Bride class. R5067:2, 1524:3, 781:2*; Q669:5
The saints. R4878:6
The house of God. R781:5*
A special elect class gathered out from amongst mankind. NS379:5
The members are being raised up from the world, separated from the world to the Lord and the Millennial work. R4354:4
The Body of the anointed. (Diaglott) R385:3*, 827:4, 364:2, 182:5,6; T102
The elect Little Flock of this Gospel age, which alone will constitute the Bride class. NS371:2
"More than conquerors." (Rom. 8:37) NS371:2
Until the elect Body shall be complete. NS784:6
This figure signifies the closest possible intimacy and union of the elect ones with the great King of glory. NS379:5
Our Redeemer and Lord was raised up first to be the Head over the Church which is his Body. R4354:4
Which is to share with the Lord the Kingdom honors and glories. NS371:2
The endeavor of each member at all times must be to do everything in his power for the upbuilding of the Body. F240
This special elect class shall sit with the Lord in his throne, and with him be the judge of the world when the world's time of trial for life eternal shall come. NS379:6
As one body they might advance in the development of Christian character. R1894:4
13 till we may all come to the unity of the faith and of the recognition of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to a measure of stature of the fulness of the Christ, |
Till we all come – Until. R5067:4, 4878:6, 4709:5, 4537:6
Advance into. (Rotherham) R768:1
Till we all attain unto. F239; R2066:4, 781:2*, 492:6, 364:2; NS336:3
The Church shall ultimately come. R4495:6
Until the whole Church shall be brought. R2414:6
By the close of this age. R2414:6
Until the entire Church of Christ, as a whole, shall have reached. R5067:5
It is the divine will that all the various members should grow to full development. F239
The necessity exists for entering the school of Christ. R5081:6
The spiritual life in the process of development. This spiritual life is of slow growth--a plant to bloom in eternity. R1906:3
The spiritual new creatures in Christ must have and appropriate proper nourishment that they may continue to live and grow. R1906:3
The Lord's people require development, which time alone can accomplish. R5081:6
The work of growing up into Christ is necessary before the child of God would be fit for the Kingdom. R5082:1
Meanwhile, growing in grace, knowledge, love and all the fruits and graces of the spirit. NS336:3
Our first standing in Christ is that of babes, but we need to be nourished, strengthened, developed to perfection. NS658:2
The Lord uses these whom he is refining as co-laborers with him. R4709:5
Nothing is more plain than that the individual Christian needs a great deal of instruction, edification in the faith, testing, proving, chiseling, polishing, fitting, preparing before he is ready for a place in the Kingdom. R5067:5
Even the last member shall come into relationship as members of that glorious Body, by the processes of preaching, and various other gifts. Q532:T
In – To. E284; F240; R5067:4; Q531:1
Unto. R781:2*
Unity of the faith – Oneness of the faith. (Rotherham) R768:1, 769:1
A blessed unity. R768:6
The Scriptural unity is upon the foundation principles of the Gospel: (1) redemption through Jesus' blood and our justification by faith therein; (2) our consecration and sanctification to the Lord, the truth and their service--including service of the brethren. F240
Unity of faith is desirable and is to be striven for. That unity of "the faith once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3)in its purity and simplicity with full liberty to each member to take different views of minor points. F240
One not in the unity of the faith would not be suitable. R5067:5
He that is independent of the Body is independent of its Head also, and is not a member of the Body, for in it each member is made dependent on others. R769:4
A necessity to the healthy growth and development of the Body of Christ. R768:2
Our present experience should approximate that description. R1802:6*
Too long has assent to human creeds taken the place of individual faith. R2066:4
The knowledge – The full knowledge. (Rotherham) R768:1, 5067:5, 769:1
God declares that knowledge of the doctrines which he has revealed in his Word will be of great value to us in our endeavors to grow in his grace. R1866:6
The wise love the truth and seek it diligently, while those who act foolishly, wickedly, love not the truth, hate knowledge. R493:1*
Unto a perfect man – Into a man of full growth. (Rotherham) R768:4
The full stature of a man in Christ. R4709:5, 4537:6, 2066:4, 1906:3
A full-grown man. F239; R781:2*, 364:2; NS658:1
All are to grow up as one harmonious body. R1594:5
The Christ, the Anointed, of which Jesus will be the Head, and the Church the members in glory. R4878:6, 4709:5, 4537:6, 4495:6, 364:2; Q531:2, 532:T
"And he is the Head of the Body." (Col. 1:18) F362
The refining work, the increasing of the Body of Christ goes on. R4709:5
The condition of manhood. NS658:2
To the condition of a perfect man. R5067:5
Till the Body is complete. R364:2
A man of full stature. F362: R4709:5
The great Refiner. R4709:4
The new creation, with Christ as its Head. F362
The Head representing Christ Jesus, and the members representing the Church, members in particular of his Body. F362
The use of the different members of the Body proceeds. R4709:5
That glorious man that is to have dominion of the world. Q532:T
That is the same man as in Eph. 2:15. "For to make in himself of twain (Jew and Gentile) one new man." Q532:1; NS658:5
The great Messiah; Jesus, the Head and the Church his Body. Q531:2
This one great man of which Jesus is the Head, is to be composed of Jews and Gentiles by nature. Q532:1
This is the Messiah of whom Moses spake, saying, "Moses truly said unto the fathers, a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you." (Acts 3:22) It has taken over 1800 years, and he is not completely raised up yet. Q531:2
That Christ is the Head of the Body is the picture uniformly set before us in the Scriptures. R4709:4
From the time of our acceptance and begetting of the holy Spirit, we are counted in as members of his Body in a prospective manner on the supposition that we shall make our calling and election sure. R4709:5
Unto the measure of – Toward. R1894:4
To the full development. R5067:5
Developed to the proper measure. R5067:5
The stature – The full stature of a man in Christ. NS341:1, 336:3; R1524:2, 364:3
The new creation is represented as a man of full stature. F362
Jesus, already glorified, has given these gifts to the Church that they may develop one another, until the whole Body will be completed. Q43:T
Fulness of Christ – Fullness of the Christ. (Rotherham) R768:1
The likeness of Christ. R1594:5
The increasing of the Body of Christ. R4709:5
As one Body under the one Head, Christ Jesus. R1895:5
Anointed One. R364:2, 5067:5, 4878:6, 1524:2
The Messiah, Head and members. R5067:5
Of perfection as the Body of Christ. R2414:6, 5067:5
The great Mediator of the New Covenant, of whom Jesus is the Head, the Church his Body. SM439:T; R4878:6, 4537:6, 2414:6; NS686:5
The full measure of Christ's character is the standard. R5900:6*
Harmoniously cooperating together in the doing of God's will under the direction of his Word. R1895:5
Not that each individual is to become of Christ's measure, stature and character, because nothing of the kind is possible. NS658:5
It behooves us then to examine ourselves, and see if we are abiding in the anointed Body, and as active, living members, contributing to the general health and activity of the Body. R365:4
When we all shall have reached that glorious consummation of the Church, then the world's reconciliation will be the great work of the Millennial age, to the praise of our Redeemer and Father, and for the blessing of all. NS386:2
14 that we may no more be babes, tossed and borne about by every wind of the teaching, in the sleight of men, in craftiness, unto the artifice of leading astray, |
We – New creatures. R5313:1, 5081:6
God's people. R5067:6
Each individual Christian. R2066:4
No more children – No longer be infants. (Rotherham) R768:1
Weak. R309:5*
"Such as have need of milk and not of strong meat." (Heb. 5:12) R3622:2
We are not always to remain babes. R21:5, 5313:1, 3622:1, 1568:1, 364:3
Who are never able to arrive at the knowledge of the truth. R651:2
At the time of consecration and begetting of the holy Spirit, the new creature is merely a babe in Christ. R5081:6
No longer a babe in Christian experience and knowledge. R2066:4
Every healthy child of God should be able to leave the foundation doctrines which are established in his mind and go on growing in grace and knowledge of the truth. R1568:1, 3622:1
We are to grow out of this infantile state up to the maturity of spiritual life. R3622:1,2,4, 1568:1,4
The babe grows into a child, and the child into a man. R5082:1, 3622:1, 1568:1
The difference between a babe in Christ and one fit for the Kingdom is that the latter has been tried and tested and has proved himself to be an overcomer. R5082:1
With the assistance of the divinely provided gifts of teachers. R5067:6
God wishes all of his people to be qualified for telling forth his truth. R5313:1
Tossed to and fro – Billow tossed. (Rotherham) R768:4
Because they have been negligent in the improvement of opportunities presented. R309:5*
Because not rooted and grounded in faith. R651:2
And carried about – And shifted around. (Rotherham) R768:4
Misled. R5067:6
Entangled in sects. R1130:6*
With every wind – Having been once convinced, we should not be easily turned aside from a properly grounded faith. R5913:5, 4409:1
Anything that would set aside or make useless the first principles of the doctrines of Christ should be promptly rejected. R5913:6
Winds carry about some that are unstable; they never get settled as to what anything means. Q737:3
Winds represent false doctrines. R4822:6; Q737:3
Of doctrine – Of teaching. (Rotherham) R768:1
It is the duty of every member carefully to prove their teaching by the infallible Word. R5508:2, 3153:5
By the sleight – In the craft. (Rotherham) R768:1
They lie in wait – Avoid the meshes of their captivity. R1130:6*
To deceive – Suited to the artifice of error. (Rotherham) R768:1
It is impossible to deceive the elect because they are guided by the spirit of truth. R1025:4*
The saints should give no heed to those who invite them to build their hope of salvation upon any other foundation than that laid down in the Scriptures--redemption through the precious blood of Christ. R1025:5, 6*
Allow no one to pen us up by human creeds; nor to lead us out beyond the bounds fixed for us by the Chief Shepherd, into liberties and licenses he never authorized. R3143:4
15 and, being true in love, we may increase to Him [in] all things, who is the head the Christ; |
But – On the contrary, being sincere and. R5067:6
Each new creature. R2227:4,5
Speaking – Pursuing. (Rotherham) R768:4
When the Christian has received the truth into his heart, he will esteem it a blessed privilege to speak it. R5978:2, 5720:3
Our power of speech, of communicating our thoughts to others, is the greatest power we possess; the most far-reaching. R5720:3
The speaking of the truth is absolutely essential to the life of the Christian. R5720:3, 2649:4
The spirit of the Lord will dictate. R2649:4
Those who have the truth are not to be ashamed of it, nor fearful, but to trust in the promises of the Lord for words and wisdom for the occasion. R2952:3
We are not advocating public debating of the truth, because opponents of the truth are apt to strive for victory, rather than to strive for the truth. R2952:2
"Expression deepens impression." R5978:4, 5720:3
The truth in love – "God is love." (1 John 4:8) God is the highest representation we have of love. Love is the overruling quality of his character. R5978:4,6
In order to be a servant pleasing to the Lord we must speak the truth in love without fear. R5978:3,4; R5720:1, 3 [R5720:1, 3]
It is the divine rule. R3195:5, 2157:4
According to the apostolic command. R2952:3, 2227:4
Love, inspired by a true knowledge of God. R5977:6
And sincerity. R5720:5
Being truthful. R827:4, 492:6
One for another. R2227:4
To confess Christ before men. R5978:3, 5720:3
Whoever speaks forth these things of God in love will receive a blessing in his own heart and mind. R5978:4, 5720:5
The truth is to be spoken humbly, but fearlessly; in a kind, generous, reasonable manner. R5978:1,5, 5720:1, 2952:3
To speak it out of love to God and love to the brethren. R5721:4
We come into the knowledge of truth gradually, step by step. R5508:4
Knowing the truth is the reward of continued discipleship. R5508:2
The truth becomes a sanctifying power bringing forth in our lives its blessed fruits of righteousness which time and cultivation ripen to a glorious maturity. R5508:4
We who have received the truth are no longer in Satan's bondage. R5508:5
We are to exercise our function of ambassadorship. R5978:3, 5720:3
When one receives the truth in the love of it, it has a healing effect on his mind. He will begin to think more correctly and to act more wisely. R5978:1
It is God's plan; we have nothing whereof to boast. R5978:5, 5721:4
We should present God's plan in meekness, gentleness, brotherly kindness and love. R5721:4
By doing this we advance our own spiritual welfare. R4281:6
The Christian with the spirit of love becomes more and more Godlike. R5977:6
The wise love the truth and seek it diligently. R493:1
The Christian is not at liberty to speak contrary to the truth. R5978:2, 5720:1
In harmony with love, it is our duty not to repeat evil speaking, but it is our duty to tell the matter to the one slandered so that he might overtake the falsehood, correct the slanderers and be truly courageous on the side of the Lord. R4282:3,4
Not in the spirit of bitterness and malice. R560:4
In many instances it is a duty to speak of another's false doctrines if there is danger of him overthrowing the faith of others. R4524:3
The severe, hard truths, should be stated as softly as possible. R2325:5
We are to see that our words are loving, kind, gentle, keeping self out of sight, that the beauty of the truth may be seen. R5720:5
Grow up into him – The foundation of all hope is laid not on earth but in the heavens. A243
Into membership in the Anointed One; coming fully into fellowship and obedience under the Head, Christ. R5067:6, 5604:5, 364:3, 320:4
Grow in the likeness of our dear elder brother, our pattern, our Head. R5720:3, 5978:3, 5313:2, 364:3
We must be developed. R5978:3, 5720:3
The Body must grow. R365:4
In grace and knowledge. R5978:3
The Church is to be prepared for joint-heirship with our Lord in his Kingdom. R2479:2
Gradually the new creature becomes stronger and stronger. R5313:1, 5067:6
We are to mature in the fruits of the holy Spirit; to be qualified to share in the glorious Kingdom which is to bless the world. R5978:3, 5313:1
As in physical life, so in spiritual life, there is growth and development; first, the babe in Christ, then the growing child, the young man, and finally the statue of a man in Christ. R1906:3, 21:5*
Become new creatures preparing ourselves for the glorious things to which we have been invited by divine promises. R5313:2
As we grow, the quality of love should be more and more manifest. Love must grow in our hearts and minds, permeating all our thoughts, words and actions. R5979:2
The child of God is to be very courageous, knowing that God will not permit anything to come to him that will not be for his good. R5977:3
The new mind must cultivate trust in the Lord. R5977:3
It is the duty of the Body of Christ now to point out present hindrances to growth in grace and knowledge. R559:6
Being preserved from any spirit of bitterness and malice. R560:1,4
In all things – Coming fully and completely into fellowship and obedience. R5067:6
Until made perfect and complete through his grace. R5604:5, 5797:5
So that they may be his representatives and agents in the work of blessing the world of mankind. R2479:2
We are to proclaim the truth, and at the same time to grow and develop in character so that it will make us more like God. R5978:3
While each new creature may be considered as a complete member of Christ, all the new creatures are to recognize themselves as members one of another, and of the Body of Christ, the Church. R2227:5
Which is the head – Who is the Head. (Rotherham) R768:1
Christ, our glorious Head. R5604:5, 5979:5
The Anointed One. R827:4, 493:1
Of the Church. R5978:3, 5720:3
The principal one; the Lord of this Little Flock. R2479:2
The method by which he was prepared for his present high position was an illustration of the method by which his Church is to be prepared for joint-heirship with him. R2479:2
Jesus never gave this office to any one, but claims it himself; any others who claim it are usurpers. R320:4
"But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." (1 Cor. 6:17) (Not to some sect.) C186
Even Christ – Our Lord Jesus. R2479:2
To whom the chaste virgin is espoused. R399:4
16 from whom the whole body, being fitly joined together and united, through the supply of every joint, according to the working in the measure of each single part, the increase of the body doth make for the building up of itself in love. |
From whom – Out of whom. (Rotherham) R768:1
The whole body – Of the Anointed. R5067:6
Of Christ. R2227:5, 1594:5
The Church. R92:3*
Apart from the world and its spirit. R1594:5
It is so only in a preparatory and representative sense. R92:3*
All members must be properly joined to the Head, by a proper covenant, intelligently made. R5067:6
The members are being raised up from the world, separated from the world to the Lord and the Millennial work. R4354:4
As Eve was the glory of Adam, and his complement, so of the Church in relation to Christ. R92:4*
Joined together – Framing itself together. (Rotherham) R768:4
United. R5067:6
The Captain of our Salvation has accepted us as his joint-heirs. R5067:6
"How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psa. 133:1) R2227:5
Not by creeds of men, but by love begotten by the one Spirit of truth. R322:1
Compacted – Connecting itself. (Rotherham) R768:4
Separate from the world and not in affiliation or alliance with it. R1594:5
That the whole Body may be one--symmetrical, beautiful, cooperative. This union requires the entire Gospel age. R5067:6
By that – Through means of. (Rotherham) R768:4
By that lubrication. R2227:5
There should be no friction amongst those who are the Lord's people and who have all received of the same Spirit. R2227:4
Every joint supplieth – Every joint of supply. (Rotherham) R768:1
By means of every assisting joint. R827:4
Every joint taking part. R322:1
Every member of the congregation. E245; R322:1
Benefits and helps. E245
Not the clergy only. R322:1
The effectual – An inward. (Rotherham) R768:1
Of every part – Of each single part. (Rotherham) R768:4
In its own place. R227:5
Maketh increase – Is securing the growth. (Rotherham) R768:4
Affects the growth. R827:4
Completion in numbers. R2227:5
Of the body – The Church. R2080:4
In its members. R5067:6
The Apostle clearly shows that the work of the Church in the present time is for the completion of the Church--the Body of Christ. R827:4
Edifying of itself – Upbuilding of itself. (Rotherham) R768:1, 827:4
Its own upbuilding in the graces. R2227:5
Growing in grace and knowledge and character-likeness to the Head. R5067:6
In love – Having all parts of his own character thoroughly lubricated with the spirit of love. R2227:5
Thus coming to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. R322:1
17 This, then, I say, and I testify in the Lord; ye are no more to walk, as also the other nations walk, in the vanity of their mind, |
That ye – The Body of Christ. R1594:5 The new creation. R4189:4
Walk – In obedience to God's Word. R1753:5,6
Having the Spirit of the Lord. R4189:4
Humbly in love before our God. R1151:3*
As children of light. R4189:6
"Commit thy way unto the Lord." (Psa. 37:5) R1753:6
Circumspectly, by faith, in newness of life, as wise, "redeeming the time." (Eph. 5:16) R1753:5
The walk of the Church is on the narrow path; the walk of the world is on the broad road. R4189:4
In obedience to the principles and precepts of God's Word. R1753:6
Whatever we do, we are to do to the glory of God. R4189:4
Progress in Christian experience. R4189:4
After the spiritual instincts of the new nature, and keep down the stronger impulses of the old nature. R1753:5
The children of God walk by faith and not by sight. R1753:4
In newness of life, after the Spirit and not after the flesh. R1753:5
Not as other Gentiles – Who are influenced by a worldly spirit. R4189:4
Who pursue their hopes, aims and ambitions. R1753:5
Because the saints have received the spirit of Christ. R1594:5
Not as fools, not by sight, not after the flesh. R1753:5
But contrariwise, they are to set a proper example for the world in gentleness, kindness, patience, faithfulness to the Lord and to duty. R4189:4
We are to have the spirit of a sound mind to direct us. R4189:4
It is impossible to maintain the life of both the spirit and the flesh since they are at war one with the other. R1753:5
Keeping pace with the world. R4189:4
18 being darkened in the understanding, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart, |
Being alienated – Under the Kingdom, the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, and many will know and obey God and be alienated no longer. R3726:1*
The ignorance – Without doubt, ignorance alienates men from God. R3726:1*, 3725:1*
19 who, having ceased to feel, themselves did give up to the lasciviousness, for the working of all uncleanness in greediness; |
20 and ye did not so learn the Christ, |
But ye – The saints. R1594:3
Not so learned – As to observe no difference between themselves and the world. R1594:5
21 if so be ye did hear him, and in him were taught, as truth is in Jesus; |
22 ye are to put off concerning the former behaviour the old man, that is corrupt according to the desires of the deceit, |
The old man – The old sinful dispositions inherited from Adam. R1594:5
The old will, and he is to be dead. Q605:T
Their former selves. R1594:5
23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, |
And – Though our outward man perish. (2 Cor. 4:16) R192:4*
Be renewed – Not speaking to the world; but only to the brethren. R4830:6
The wills of these brethren were already renewed, yet it is another thing to bring every thought into harmony with the will of God in Christ. R4830:6
After the begetting of the holy Spirit. R4830:6
Day by day. R2231:6, 192:4*
Gradually developed, following righteousness. R4830:6
So that we will be members of the Bride class. R4830:6
Not walking down toward the flesh, but according to the spirit. R192:4*
The work of transformation of character. R4830:6
Though renewed, the new creatures still have to keep the body under, crucify the flesh and war a good warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil. R1594:5
The righteous man may stumble many times and yet recover himself. (Prov. 24:16) R4830:5
In the spirit – Greek, pneuma; character, disposition. E319; R1906:6
The inward man. R192:4*
God knows us not after the flesh but after the spirit of our new minds. R2231:6
Of your mind – "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Rom. 12:2) R4830:6
Christ-minds. F675; R2231:6
Through lack of knowledge, the new mind may for a time lie dormant, but the Apostle warns us against this state. R4830:3
24 and to put on the new man, which, according to God, was created in righteousness and kindness of the truth. |
Ye – New creatures. F675
Put on the new man – "The hidden man of the heart." (1 Pet. 3:4) F675; R2231:6
They have become new creatures in Christ Jesus. R1594:5, 2231:6
The duty and privilege of such is to grow, to develop as new creatures in Christ. R1906:6
The new creature has an outward man that is perishing. R2231:6
We are reckoned sons of God, babes in Christ. R1906:6
The new nature of the saints, begotten by the Word of truth, is really only the new "will," which, however, is thenceforth addressed as the real person, and it alone is recognized of God. F675
We have much to learn both of revelation and experience. R1907:1
Going on to perfection. R1906:6
Others of mankind have not duality of nature. F675
After God – God supplies all that is needful in the way of nourishment. R1907:1
Who knows us not after the flesh, but after the spirit of our new minds. F675
25 Wherefore, putting away the lying, speak truth each with his neighbour, because we are members one of another; |
Putting away lying – Falsehood. R5020:2
Speak – Politely. R5020:5
Send forth good influences for happiness and helpfulness. R5020:6
The new creature can use his lips to show forth the praises of God and to bless his fellowmen. R5021:4
The golden rule needs to be applied to our speech as well as to our actions. R5021:4
Many Christians fail to fully appreciate their responsibilities for every word they utter. R5020:5
Every man truth – Tell the truth. When you say yes, let it be yes; when you say no, let it be no. (Matt. 5:37) R5020:3, 2
God desires "truth in the inward parts." (Psa. 51:6) And any who have not this quality of honesty, truthfulness, cannot be pleasing to God. R2943:6
Be so truthful in all that you say that it will be unnecessary to swear to its truthfulness, or to use any kind of specially forceful language to prove your sincerity. R5020:3
This does not require, however, that we should tell all we know in all cases. Some people ask questions they have no right to ask. R2944:5
A fountain cannot send forth pure and brackish water at the same opening. (Jas. 3:12) R5021:4
Do not overstate or understate matters. R5020:3
With his neighbour – He who is honest with himself will be honest with God, and honest also with his fellow-man. R2944:4
26 be angry and do not sin; let not the sun go down upon your wrath, |
Be ye angry – Have a Godlike displeasure and opposition to something wrong. R439:4
Love for truth, love for God and love for the people being deceived by error can be the cause of anger. R439:2
A perfect man could be angry at evil or injustice, and his anger would be controlled by reason, justice, love. R439:4
Anger fired by the higher impulses is noble and manly. R1248:6
If we saw the principles of righteousness being outraged. R5417:5
Over injustice done to a dumb brute. R439:3, 5417:5
Injustice and wrong should be met with indignation and rebuke by God's true children. R439:3
Anger in itself is not sin. R5417:5
No one can live in the present age, in which Satan has control, without finding just cause for righteous indignation. R439:2
Where an innocent person is suffering wrong, and we have full knowledge of the matter, it might be our duty to manifest anger. But these cases would probably be very rare. R5417:5
The ancient prophets were angered when they heard the name of God blasphemed. R1249:1*
It is a possibility even when filled with the holy Spirit, as was Paul in Acts 13:9,10. R439:2
And sin not – Anger prompted by love should be controlled by love. R439:3
Do not teach your children never to be angry, but teach them how to "be angry and sin not." R1249:4*
Do not allow yourself to sin. R1665:4*
The danger is in extremes. R439:3
We should use a great deal of discretion. R5417:5
The sun go down – No matter what provocation we have, we should see that the matter is settled quickly. R5974:1
Your wrath – Wrath must not be harbored or cherished, for it is sure to lead to permanent bitterness and hatred. R5974:1
27 neither give place to the devil; |
Place to the devil – A sinful extreme. R439:3
The great Adversary, Satan; a cunning wily foe. F609; R3165:6
Who deceives, bringing darkness and delusion. R3165:6,5
Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609; R3165:6
The Apostle was a firm believer in a personal devil. R3165:6
Let not truth fall in the streets and error triumph over it. R439:2
Some get angry to the extent of bitterness and personal hatred. R439:3
By the spirit of retaliation. R1665:4*
Permitting personal expediency to hinder us from nobly upholding the right. R439:3
We must keep close to our Shepherd if we would be delivered out of temptation and from the power of the evil one. F609
28 whoso is stealing let him no more steal, but rather let him labour, working the thing that is good with the hands, that he may have to impart to him having need. |
Let him – The former self. R805:4
Steal no more – He must give back that which he stole. R747:3*
This shows amendment of life. Godly sorrow for the wrong, turning from the wrong, and then, as far as possible, making the wrong right--that is repentance. R747:6*
True repentance must always be accompanied by restitution for the wrong to the extent of one's ability. R805:1
Let him labour – In faith. R2488:2
"If any would not work, neither should he eat." (2 Thess. 3:10) F651
Even while praying for daily food, we are to put forth the labors of our hands, and to expect that the Lord's blessing will be upon the same, according to his wisdom. F653
Not to accumulate great wealth. R2196:6
Many are bold to pray for things they will not work for. F651
The Apostle did not go to the Lord with requests for temporal good things, money, houses, lands, food, raiment, etc. F651
It is very doubtful if labor was at any time in the past as well housed, as well clothed, and generally comfortable, as at the present time. R2513:2
Working with his hands – Doing with his might what his hands find to do, as unto the Lord. R2488:3
When he sometimes lacked, the Apostle Paul worked at the ordinary trade of sail-making and tent-making, a humble occupation. F651
The thing which is good – At useful employment. R2196:6
We should not cultivate in ourselves or in each other a spirit of discontent, which can do no good, but is likely to work injury. R2513:2
That he may have – Laying up provision in advance of necessity. R2488:2
By economy and frugality. R2241:2
This implies forethought and provision in the way of laying up of money earned. R2488:1
Provision for the necessities of our own household, and generosity toward others, is the Lord's counsel. R2241:2, 5572:1, 854:6
"Owe no man anything." (Rom. 13:8) R2241:2
Not because of selfishness and a desire to hold and accumulate. R2435:6
The Christian is not to take anxious care respecting the future, in matters beyond his control. R2488:1
To give – To the poor and for the Lord's cause generally. R854:6
A proper realization of our sacrifice of all, reverses the tables upon selfishness. R855:5
Those who distribute will find in the end their own vessels full. R2436:4
A joyful service, as Jehovah's steward. R855:5
It is a steward's place to find places where he can dispose of the talents and moneys consecrated to the Lord to the best advantage, as his sanctified judgment, under the guidance of the Lord's Word, may dictate. R855:4
We may do good and lend according to our abilities, but are not to obligate ourselves beyond what we could give or lend outright. R2241:2
That thus we may have opportunity to be imitators of our Heavenly Father, who is continually giving to the needy. R2435:6
We need not become paupers to make others affluent. R855:1
Fleshly Israel was instructed to lend, but not borrow; this principle applies to spiritual Israel. R2196:6
We are to prize every spiritual morsel and to gather up in store for future needs of ourselves and others. R2435:6
To him that needeth – To those in need. R2488:1, 1390:5, 854:6
To those who lack. R5572:4
Buying on credit should be avoided by the Lord's people. R2196:6
The Christian should strive to have need of nothing, and, so far as possible, not to be dependent upon charity. R2196:6
29 Let no corrupt word out of your mouth go forth, but what is good unto the needful building up, that it may give grace to the hearers; |
Corrupt communication – The spreading of evil report or message instead of good. R4770:2
Evil communications. R4770:2
Carnal sentiment. R2443:6
Unkind words. R2157:4
Evil-speaking, slander, something of a gossipy flavor connected with it. R2443:5
Evil speaking ministers evil to the hearer. R4770:5
Which does injury to others. R2444:1
If corrupting information comes to us, we should see that it goes no further. R4770:2
Whether the matter be true or false. R4770:2
In uttering an evil thing, even if true, one may do a world of evil. R2588:2
Strive earnestly against these. R2588:2
Do not be a strife-promoter. R2588:1
Let your conversation be such as becometh saints. (Phil. 1:27) R2443:5
Because the influence is corrupting, degrading, tending even toward immorality. R4770:2
Avoid gossip, fault-finding and cynicism, which are evidences of deficiency in the likeness of Christ. R2588:2
Let us shun them and hold fast only to that which is edifying. R4770:2
Proceed – Because you are children of light. R2443:5
Reasoning is seriously defective when righteousness is ignored. R4770:5
Christians should learn the length and breadth and depth of this injunction. R2588:2
Out of your mouth – The mouth of God's true children. R2588:2
Doing Satan service. R2588:2
"Speak evil of no man." (Titus 3:2) R2588:2, 2443:6
Using the tongue to the disadvantage of others. R4770:2
Our tongues can spread contagion all around, doing much injury. R4770:2
However refined his methods or words. R4770:5
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." (Matt. 12:34) R4770:6, 2444:1
Strife-making is chiefly stirred up with the tongue; though it may be aroused by a gesture or a glance. R2588:1
Even amongst the Lord's people there is a tendency to make remarks which, while not necessarily sinful, tend to cause sprouts of evil to develop. R4770:2
Let us redouble our energy in subjugating our tongues. R2157:4
We have sometimes wondered whether evil spirits have something to do with this. R4770:2
But – Hold fast only to. R4770:2
That which is good – Good tidings. R646:3
That the Lord would approve. R2588:3
Showing our peaceable dispositions. R2588:3
It is an old and true saying that "kind words can never die." R2157:4
Peace-making is chiefly done with the tongue, though it may operate through the eye. R2588:2
"Whatsoever things are of good report . . . think on these things." (Phil. 4:8) Those thinking on good things will speak to each other of the same. R2588:3
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt." (Col. 4:6) R646:3
These have been sanctified with the truth. R2588:3
There is surely broad scope for conversation among Christians on the subject of God's grace in Christ Jesus in the precious promises of the divine Word. R4770:5
It showers blessings on every hand, so far as the new creature is concerned, and assists in deadening the old nature. R2443:6, 4770:5
The subject of the riches of God's grace in Christ Jesus expressed in the exceeding great and precious promises of the Word. R2443:6
Of edifying – Assisting others, as much as lieth in us. R2875:6, 2588:2
The thought of an edifice, a building, the up-building of each other. R4770:2
Minister grace – Blessing. R2588:3, 2157:4
A heart filled with the spirit of love, the spirit of God, the spirit of truth, will be sure to bestow it upon others. R4770:6
"Show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness, into his marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9) R4770:5
Scandal does not minister grace to the hearer. R4770:5, 2443:5
The first duty of everyone who would obey the call to preach is to become an earnest, faithful, diligent student of God's Word. R646:3
Unto the hearers – All with whom we come in contact. R2875:6
And adds also to the grace of the speaker. R4770:5, 2443:6
30 and make not sorrowful the Holy Spirit of God, in which ye were sealed to a day of redemption. |
Grieve not – "Quench not the Spirit." (1 Thess. 5:19) R3434:6
Quench not the spirit of holiness in the heart. Every Christian should press on toward perfection of holiness. R5391:1
Efface not the seal. R2065:2*
Implies that it will not leave suddenly without being grieved. R5099:6
Do nothing that would violate your covenant, or cause grief or smiting of conscience to your new mind. E265
While the quenching and the grieving are not instantaneous works, they are the paths which lead to the second death. R5391:1
So as not to be cut off from fellowship with God. R5391:4
Those who enter into this real spirit of God are proportionately prepared to comprehend the meaning of the prophecies and revelations of the Lord which are hidden to the worldly-wise. R3435:6
Even advanced disciples of Jesus are in danger of grieving the holy Spirit. R5391:1
This is the nearest suggestion to reproof in respect to the holy Spirit's dealing with the Church. R3434:6
Holy Spirit – This blessing. R3510:1
The very spirit of truth. R3435:4
Mind of God in you. R372:1; E265
The Comforter. The grand provision made for the comfort of the Lord's people clearly indicates a necessity for such comfort. R3434:5,6
Which is your seal of divine sonship. E265
None could be begotten of the Spirit until the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf had been accomplished, and the merit of that sacrifice presented to and accepted by the Father. R3510:1
Which brings success in interpreting the Word of God. R3435:6
We are made partakers of this one spirit. R3510:1
There are various degrees of the spirit of holiness which may be possessed by the child of God at various times in his experience. R5656:1
We are not to think that all begotten of the holy Spirit are exactly on the same plane in their spiritual development or knowledge of God's plan. R5656:1
Let us have the holy Spirit abounding in us more and more, for this is the Lord's good pleasure. R3436:6
Little things may be the wedge in the displacement of the Spirit. R5099:6
Warning against losing the light that has illumined us; the Spirit of our adoption. R5099:6, 2279:3
Those who grieve the Spirit are spiritually sick. R5391:4
There may be some who have less of the holy Spirit than before, implying that they have not been growing spiritually. R5656:1
The Spirit granted to the Church at and since Pentecost is the Spirit of adoption, the Spirit of understanding, not the Spirit of prophecy. R3510:1
Of God – And submit in all things to the will of God. E264
The real spirit of his truth. R3435:6
Where the spirit of God is, there all the fruits of the spirit grow luxuriantly. R2065:4
Ye – Children of God, new creatures in Christ. E264; F159
The saints. R593:3
All the house of sons. R2279:3
Truly consecrated children of God. R2064:3* The overcoming Church. R2064:3*
All accepted to membership in the Body of Christ. R3510:1
Advanced disciples of Jesus. R5391:1
Are sealed – Marked or indicated by the holy Spirit given to you. F132; E264; R2064:2*, 372:1; Q23:1
The assurance that we shall inherit the exceeding great and precious promises after we have faithfully endured the tests of our love and devotion, this is the very cream of Christian experience; let us be careful not to quench or extinguish this precious treasure. E247, E248; R2064:2*
Sealing signifies the imprint of the Lord's character upon us. The sealing is still going on. Q23:1
The seal of our adoption into God's family. R2225:3
"Sealed with that holy Spirit of promise." (Eph. 1:13) T37; R2064:2*
As sons of God. E437
The seal is the spirit (mind) of God. R372:1
Only those who are in Christ Jesus are partakers of the anointing which seals. T37
And are to maintain this seal of sonship, this begetting of the divine nature, and not to lose it. E437
From the moment of true consecration to God, the sealing may be noted in words, thoughts and conduct, growing more distinctly as the new mind grows in grace, knowledge and love. E264; R372:1
The sealing of the Spirit is all that is communicated during this present life; for the full measure of the blessing of the divine nature we must wait until the day of deliverance. E437
While the impression is distinctly felt upon the heart of the believer and is a testimony to himself of his divinely recognized kinship with God, it is also outwardly manifest to others. R2065:4
Keep this seal ever bright and fresh. E248
Unto – Until. R3510:1
Day of redemption – Greek, apolutrosis; deliverance in the first resurrection. F159; E247, E436; R3510:1, 2225:3, 2064:5*
The Millennial day. E437; R2064:3*
The time appointed of the Father. E437
Early in the morning of the Millennial day. R2064:3*
The sealing with the holy Spirit will continue unto the day of redemption. Q23:1
At an appointed day all the sealed ones will be delivered. R2064:2*
Christ shall ultimately give us the complete victory by making us perfect in his own likeness. F160
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all malice, |
All bitterness – Of spirit. R4759:6
The opposite of sweetness. R5974:1
Rancor in the heart, very closely allied to malice, granted an entrance in the heart is very likely to make complete shipwreck of the new creature. R5974:1
It would seem the Apostle is mentioning one of the worst traits first. R5974:1
Bitterness is frequently represented by brackish water; not pure water, but alkaline, unpalatable. R4759:3
As soon as the bitter spirit has found place, all the faults of that person will be exaggerated and all his good qualities minimized. R4759:6
"Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled." (Heb. 12:15) R4759:3,6
Which leads to evil works. R5125:2, 4759:3
We are not to permit the dangerous root of bitterness to grow. R4759:3
How impossible it would be for the Lord to have love for one who has such a disposition. R4760:1
Wrath – Deep, determined and lasting anger, something that is resentful, retaliatory. R5974:1
"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." (Jas. 1:19) R787:4
God's wrath is always of a proper kind. "God is angry with the wicked every day." (Psa. 7:11) R5974:2
Anger – Seems not to be so strong a word as wrath. R5974:1
Fleshly anger. R5603:6
God bids us beware of anger, lest because of our fallen condition, we err in judgment. R787:4
An angry feeling comes after the bitter spirit has found place in our heart, and if persisted in, leads to hatred for the individual. R4759:6
Those who have little love will be easily angered. R5604:1
Love is not easily provoked to anger. Love is patient and seeks to help the evil-doer. R5125:2
This does not mean that there would never be occasions for righteous anger. God is angry when injustice is committed willingly. R5604:1
That which people do not love is that which they hate. R4759:6
Must not be harbored and cherished; for it is sure to lead to permanent bitterness and hatred. R5974:1
In Mark 3:5, Jesus had a proper anger, a righteous indignation at hypocrisy and willful opposition to the light. R787:4
Our balance of judgment is so poor that generally we are too hasty. R5125:3
If we have been careless in our thoughts, words and doings, we might be angry with ourselves. But if the heart is right, we can learn a lesson from every mistake we make. R5974:2,4
It is good policy for anyone--Christian or worldling--to learn to give soft answers, even under anger-provoking conditions. R2325:4
There may be instances of wrong and oppression when we should be angry, when to be otherwise minded would be wrong, and would show either sympathy with the wrong, or a lazy fear of the result of opposing it. R787:5
Clamour – Strife. R5125:2
Evil speaking – The saying of anything that would be injurious to another. R5471:5
A more refined, a more subtle matter (than wrath), more deceitful, more malicious. R5974:1
The fruit of lovelessness and malice. R5974:4
We should daily, hourly, keep watch over our thoughts, words, deeds and underlying motives; evil words and deeds represent some wrong condition of heart. R4524:1
The Lord's spirit, as well as his Word, forbids evil speaking. R4281:2
The speaking of anything that is prejudicial to the character of another, whether truth or falsehood, is evil speaking in the proper acceptance of that term. R4281:2
What one used to do in the world. R5471:2
True or false, is contrary to love and is born of some evil motive. R4281:2
This is a dis-grace. R4759:3
The mischief that can be done with the tongue is almost unlimited. R5974:5
The sending forth of bitter waters. R5974:4
It should be painful to hear a defamatory tale about a fellow-pilgrim in the narrow way. R5974:5
One of the difficulties of Christians is to know how, when and where to hold our peace in respect to the reputation of others. R5471:4
"As we have opportunity, let us do good unto all men." (Gal. 6:10) R5471:6
Much evil speaking would be avoided by "doing all the good you can, to all the people you can." R5471:6
A hearer of evil is in the Lord's sight equally guilty with the speaker of the evil. The Adversary is near to assist in any evil work. R4281:6
Put away from you – Fiery trials, of faith and practice are now being permitted on the Church. R4521:3
Because these are works of the flesh and the devil. NS595:1; HG693:2
These fruits of the Adversary, these evil traits of character. R5973:3,6
So that we may inherit the Kingdom of God. R5973:3
So that the new creature may be victorious. R4760:1
To mortify, to put to death, these deeds of the flesh already reckoned dead. R3831:6
Each of us is to watch and guard himself, looking to the Lord for help, filling his heart and mind with the Word of the Lord. R5973:6, 4759:3
All who are cultivating character pleasing to God should put away every impurity. Whatever is wrong should be opposed by our new minds. R5125:1
Seeking daily to bring into subjection all the weaknesses of the mortal body, reckoned dead when begotten of the Spirit. R3831:6
Let us beware lest we be entrapped by the subtle influences of the great Adversary who incites to these snares. R4521:3
Each unkind, ungenerous, hard word or deed, is a testimony in opposition to our professions to be the Lord's people, begotten of his Spirit. R2325:5
The victory over this evil disposition must be won. R5973:6
Go before the Lord in prayer. R5471:4
New creatures in Christ are obliged to bring the old creature under control of the holy will, crucifying the flesh. R5973:3
Have no ungenerous sentiment. And if such intrude, it must be immediately repulsed, just as we would resist anything contagious. R4759:3,6
These would be put away if the very first sign of such feelings were heeded and dealt with. R4760:1
A special blessing comes to those who chasten themselves. R4760:4
Watch our hearts. R4759:3,6
Our time is short in which to complete our work of character structure. R5974:5
You, the Lord's people, the new creature. R3831:6
Far away from the Lord's children who profess to be God's ambassadors. R5974:1, 2
All malice – A resentful feeling. R4760:1
Old leaven. R2283:4
A malicious spirit is related to anger, backbiting, slander, wrath, jealousy, hatred and all the works of the (fallen) flesh and the devil. R1693:3, 5973:3, 4281:3, 3831:6, 2283:4
The spirit of the world. A part of the evil disposition common among fallen men. R1693:2
A willingness to do someone injury and to feel glad if some injury befalls them. R4760:1
The Lord's people should strive against all these weaknesses which are stimulated by the Adversary. We should fear these things as we would a plague. R5974:4
Which can be purged by the spirit of love in our hearts. R2283:4
New creatures have no sympathy with profanity, idol worship, dishonor to parents, murder, adultery, false witness, covetousness as stipulated in the Ten Commandments. Those whose hearts run in these directions have not the Spirit of Christ and are none of his. R3831:6
32 and become one to another kind, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, according as also God in Christ did forgive you. |
Be ye kind – Kindness is one of the elements of love. R4269:3, 5912:5
Our Heavenly Father is kind to the unthankful and just to the unjust. R5125:4, 4269:2
Seeking to put the kindest construction upon the words, the actions and the natural tendencies of one another. R5603:5
God delights in mercy, generosity, sympathy. R5135:2, 5912:5, 5206:5
To learn this lesson well ensures eternal life; relates specially to the consecrated, although others may apply it with profit. R5134:2, 5135:2
Follow the golden rule. R5471:5
It is much better to be a peacemaker than a strife-maker. R5125:2
Love for the brethren ought to be the blessed tie that binds no matter how much the conveniences of the class, or other reasons might make it necessary to subdivide. R5948:4
Speak a kind word sympathetically, lovingly to help some brother or sister to keep balanced. R4009:4
Have a special interest in. R4269:3
Even if it be no more than a cheering word. R4269:3
Not only to those we love, but even to our enemies. R4269:2
The followers of Jesus are not to be selfish and grudging, but generous. R5205:2
Do not neglect the cultivation of this fruit of the Spirit. R5206:6
Are we cultivating the love which is kind and forgiving? R5912:5
One to another – Especially to the Lord's family. R5206:5
Love as brethren ought to love. R5948:4
Tenderhearted – Gentle, considerate. R5948:4, 4009:4
Compassionate. R5134:6, 4269:5
We must have love and sympathy; not merely justice. SM433:2
Tender-heartedness must characterize those who would have a participation with our Lord in his Kingdom. R4269:3, 5206:6
Sympathetic and willing to suffer one for another. R3981:3
In the school of Christ the Church is prepared for divine service in association with our Redeemer. R5206:6
Forgiving one another – In accord with the divine requirements. R5134:2
Exercising mercy. R5135:1, 3981:4
It must be from the heart. R1694:4, 5135:5
A forgiving spirit is a part of the spirit of love, a part of God's spirit. R1693:2, 5912:5
We should be very ready to forgive the blunders and errors of either natural or spiritual childhood, and to all the weak and inexperienced; even before they ask we should manifest our willingness to forgive. R1694:1
It should not be a forgiveness forced out of us by importunity, nor by the appeals of many, nor by pity for the wrong doers' sufferings or sorrow. R1693:6
A forgiving disposition; a spirit of readiness or willingness to forgive. R1693:3
Not a lip forgiveness and a heart hatred. R1694:4
"Until seventy times seven." (Matt. 18:22) R1694:2, 5135:1
"If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matt. 6:15) R5135:5
The influences upon our hearts and lives will be ennobling. R5135:1
The trespasses of others against us are trifling indeed in comparison to our obligations to the Lord. R5135:1
Servants of God are required to have mercy upon their fellow-servants--upon other brethren. R5135:4
Forgiving the brethren of their trespasses and shortcomings. R5135:1
Because in many things we all fail. R4269:4
Any brother confessing his fault and asking forgiveness must be forgiven. Forgiveness is obligatory when asked for, and we should be willing to forgive. R5134:3,5, 5135:1, 4269:5
Else we will not be acceptable to the Lord as members of the Bride class. The larger our attainments of this God-like quality, the more pleasing we will be in the Father's sight. R3981:4, 3982:4
Becoming more merciful and generous toward the household of faith and all men. R5135:1
Whenever malice, willfulness and knowledge have been factors in the transgression, it is our duty to be proportionately slow to forgive and to require stronger proofs of repentance. R1694:1
We may not decide that any transgression against us is unforgivable. Our imperfect judgment forbids such a decision. R1694:2
The Lord assures us that unless we forgive those who trespass against us when they repent, neither will he forgive us when we repent. R1694:4
Even as God – Who waited to be gracious to us and who desired to pardon us, but who nevertheless first required our repentance. R1693:6, 1694:5
The forgiving of God's children is made dependent upon their having a spirit of forgiveness toward the brethren. R5135:4
"As God also in Christ forgave you." (Revised Version) R5205:5
Even as we desire that God should have compassion upon us. R5134:6
Whose sons we are. R3982:4
We will learn to forgive even as God forgives if we adopt as our own the spirit of God's sound mind. R1693:5
When we are forgiven or justified in God's sight, he is bound by his own justice to release a forgiven and justified one from death. R93:3
He who follows not this course is blind and cannot appreciate the blessings which the Lord has promised to those who faithfully copy him. R3982:4
For Christ's sake – Because he paid the penalty, satisfied justice. E462
The merit of Christ's sacrifice is the ground for our own forgiveness. R1694:4
"And became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Phil. 2:8), that we might be forgiven. R94:1
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8) R94:4
"The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) R93:6
Even the precious blood of Christ. R93:6
Our Lord Jesus freely gave himself as a substitute for the guilty. E462
Jesus Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man. (Heb. 2:9) R93:6
Christ Jesus paid the price of every man's natural or inherited imperfections. R1694:4, 93:6
By ransoming us from sin, Jesus obtained the right to destroy death. R94:1
Every new creature is held responsible for his own weaknesses; but divine power has provided for the cancellation of these freely for Christ's sake, upon their acknowledgment and request for forgiveness. R5135:5
Christianity is built upon the doctrine of "forgiveness of sins through Jesus' blood." R94:4
Hath forgiven you – Freely. E461
"We have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins." (Eph. 1:7) R93:6
And still forgives you. R5603:6, 5135:1
As we appreciate our own weaknesses, it will make us sympathetic with all. R5135:2
If not forgiven, we cannot approach God as "our Father." He is not the father of sinners. R94:4
We must first be forgiven before we can receive the holy Spirit. R94:1
God did not pardon, i.e., "refrain from exacting the penalty," but "laid upon him [our Redeemer] the iniquity of us all." (Isa. 53:6) E461
Ceased to impute to us what had been paid by our Redeemer. E461
For as God was just to punish for sin and would not clear the guilty, so also "he is just to forgive us our sins" since Jesus paid the price of our sins. (1 John 1:9) R94:1
If you could be released from death a thousand times, yet not forgiven the sin, you would again be obliged to die. R93:3
The more we each realize our own indebtedness to the Lord for the forgiveness of our sins, the more we should seek to copy his glorious character. R3982:4
And the righteousness of God is manifested most beautifully. R94:1