Ephesians Chapter 3 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 For this cause, I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you the nations, For this cause – For the building up of the Church, the Temple of God. F217; R1523:3

I Paul – Am. F217; R1523:3

The most learned of the twelve apostles. R5941:3

The one who took the place of Judas. R5941:4

The Lord's mouthpiece to the Gentiles. R5941:6

"He is a chosen vessel unto me." (Acts 9:15) R5941:5

A well-educated man who had fully given up his own will. R5941:5

Spirit-begotten children of God are amazed at the logic, wisdom and power of St. Paul's writings. We know of nothing in the world that will compare with them. R5941:6

St. Paul's mind grasped more quickly than did the minds of the other apostles the things pertaining to the new dispensation. R5941:6

You Gentiles – Paul perceived that the Gentiles were to be fellow-heirs with the Jews in the Kingdom privileges. R5941:6

2 if, indeed, ye did hear of the dispensation of the grace of God that was given to me in regard to you, To you-ward – The Gospel Church. R435:4

3 that by revelation He made known to me the secret, according as I wrote before in few [words] By revelation – Special revelation. R435:5

From the Lord. R435:2, 2033:2

God gave Paul wonderful revelations concerning the mystery. R369:1

His writings are especially inspired. R435:2

Granted to instruct them concerning things to come. R1525:6

Paul's vision of the third heavens or Millennial Kingdom, wonderfully influenced his writings. R1525:6

The sights shown to Paul concerning the development of the Body of Christ and its future work. R365:1

St. Paul had visions and revelations more than had all the other apostles of the Lord together, giving him wonderful insight into divine things. R5941:5, 435:6

If we reject Paul's testimony regarding this revelation to him, we should reject all of his teachings on every subject. R435:5

He – God. R435:4

Made known – Paul writes of God's favor to himself. NS398:6

Unto me the mystery – Unto Paul, as our Lord's instrument. R369:4

A great mystery--a great secret. NS142:2; F199

This secret is "Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27) NS295:6

"The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." (Psa. 25:14) SM152:2

The high calling. B202; R1523:3

The Church. R369:4

The peculiar relationship between Christ and the Church. R5100:2

The Messiah was to be, not an individual, but a company gathered from amongst many nations under one headship. R5549:2; NS697:1

The deep truths of the gospel concerning the high calling of the Church, The Christ. R1523:3; F217

The Gospel age has been devoted to the development of the Body of the Mediator. R5300:5

Hidden from previous dispensations and ages. R5549:2, 2208:6

That which had not been known previously. R435:4

The due time had come for revealing to the Church the divine plan respecting her participation with Christ in the blessing of all the families of the earth. R2490:2

That Messiah will be spiritual, not earthly. NS697:1

That Messiah was to be a spirit being and that the Church, selected during this Gospel age, are to be with him and like him on the spirit plane. NS443:1

Our Redeemer proved himself worthy to be the Father's agent in carrying out all the great mystery of God. R2208:6

Of the divine plan, hidden in parables, figures, symbols from the world and from the nominal Christian, but not hidden from the consecrated children of God. R2208:5

It will not be finished until the end of this Gospel age. R368:3; F199

4 in regard to which ye are able, reading [it], to understand my knowledge in the secret of the Christ, Ye may understand – Only a special class can understand this mystery. R5549:3

We are indebted to Paul for a clear record of how we may become members of this mystery band. R369:4

My knowledge – Paul's knowledge of God's plan. R365:1

A knowledge of the mystery. R435:5

He possessed a knowledge of "the deep things of God," casting a reflection upon all that he wrote. R435:6

Paul recognized his own favor from God in respect to the knowledge of Christ. NS506:3

Paul's writings have a rich depth possessed by no other New Testament writer. R365:1

In the – Of the. R435:4

Mystery of Christ – The close, intimate relationship between Christ and his faithful followers. R4434:3

No one can appreciate this mystery unless he is begotten of the holy Spirit. R5100:2

5 which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it was now revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit Which – The high calling. B202

These truths relative to God's plan for the blessing of all mankind. R682:2, 414:2

In other ages – Past ages and dispensations. F199; R217:5; NS295:6

In the Patriarchal and Jewish ages. R368:2

Before the Gospel age. R1533:4

God has not been selecting the Christian Church from the beginning of human existence. B202

The call and favor to those of past ages were to earthly honors, earthly glory, and everlasting life as human beings. B202

Was not made known – Hid from other ages. R435:5; NS697:1; SM152:2

These prizes of joint-heirship and immortality. R217:5

Immortality, promised to those of the Gospel Church who overcome, was never known of before this Gospel age. R252:3

Dimly seen until the Gospel age began to dawn. R414:2, 919:4, 658:2

To this day is understood by the truly consecrated only. R5549:3, 5320:3, 33:2

Since the gifts and callings of God are unmerited favors, no injustice is done in not offering others of past ages the same favor. B202

As it is now – During this Gospel age. R217:3, 5549:3

Since Pentecost. R368:2

"Now is the accepted time." (2 Cor. 6:2) R1533:4

"But now is made manifest to his saints." (Col. 1:26) R368:2

We can understand prophetic Scriptural statements only as they become due. R658:2, 919:4, 414:4

Revealed – Due to be understood. NS295:6

God's revelation of his plans is progressive. R919:5, 658:4, 414:4

God had never before revealed the mystery (secret) of his will. A26

The Apostle saw a prize that inspired his zeal to the point of fervency. R1533:4

His holy apostles – The Lord's chosen agents. R1524:4

His saints. R217:3; NS697:1, 295:6; SM152:2

Justified and consecrated; and so reckoned holy. R1523:3

Whom God set in his Church. R435:5

Twelve apostles, and we have their words of reproof, correction and instruction today. R435:5

Whose writings are the basis of proper Christian faith today. R435:5

They were not only to bear historic testimony of Christ, but were specially prepared through the holy Spirit to teach the deep things of God. R1523:3

God used them as his mouthpieces to communicate to the Church truth relative to his plans. A26

While Paul was not of the original twelve apostles, he was specially appointed to be an apostle, and his teachings prove it. R435:5

And prophets – Public expounders. R217:3

Teachers. R435:4

But not now understood by the world. R435:5

By the Spirit – The holy Spirit, a guide into all truth and a revealer of things to come. R3052:3

6 that the nations be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in the Christ, through the good news, The Gentiles – These called from amongst the Gentiles. R2126:4

Believing Israelites, as well as Gentiles, may be grafted into the spiritual vine by faith. R201:2

The Jews resented sternly the suggestion that any except their own elect nation could share Kingdom honors. R1095:2

Fellowheirs – Same nature with our Redeemer. SM152:2

Heirs of divine glory. B202

Joint-heirs and co-workers with Christ. B202

Any of the natural fleshly seed of Abraham may give up their earthly promises and become fellow-heirs with the Gentiles. R201:2

Of the same body – Members of Christ's Body, who will, if faithful, be given immortality. E396

The Messianic Body, under its anointed Head, Jesus. F199; R201:2

Priesthood, or holy nation, with the remnant of all Israel which received Christ. R2126:4

The Head of which has "Life in himself." (John 5:26) E396

It was not for some years after that they learned, that the Gentiles were to be fellow-heirs of the same promises. R1095:2

Partakers – Sharers in the first resurrection. SM152:3

The entire Church class is to be sharer with the Redeemer in the sufferings of the present life and in the glories of the future. SM152:3

7 of which I became a ministrant, according to the gift of the grace of God that was given to me, according to the working of His power;
8 to me the less than the least of all the saints was given this grace, among the nations to proclaim good news the untraceable riches of the Christ, Less than the least – The very lowest. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

Humility was a characteristic of the Apostle Paul. R3537:3

Paul frequently referred to his persecutions of the Christians with contrition. But, having accepted forgiveness in Christ, he put away the things behind him. R1885:4

Saints – The truly consecrated among professing Christians. R1139:1

Is this grace given – Was this favor given. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

Paul labored to testify to his appreciation of the grace bestowed. R1885:4

That I should preach – Announce the glad tidings. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

Devoting himself to the cause of the crucified one. R1885:4

Among the Gentiles – Among the nations. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

The Gentile can share equally with the Jew. HG79:5

Unsearchable riches – Boundless wealth. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

That are in God's great gift--his Son. R1679:5

Christ – Anointed one. (Diaglott) R1679:5; HG729:3

9 and to cause all to see what [is] the fellowship of the secret that hath been hid from the ages in God, who the all things did create by Jesus Christ, And to make all men see – "Even to enlighten all." (Diaglott) ; HG729:3; R1679:5

Causing us to understand. R227:1

What is – What are the conditions of. R369:4

The fellowship – The method of administration or operation. R1679:5; HG729:3

The terms under which participation in the new creation may be obtained. F217

We must have fellowship in the sufferings of Christ if we would share his coming glory. R369:4

Wonderful grace is bestowed on those called to fellowship in this mystery. A88

Of the mystery – Of that secret plan. R1679:5, 3192:4; CR10:4; HG729:3

The Gospel Church, not our Lord Jesus alone, but the entire Church with him. R3192:4,5; HG178:6

The hidden mystery of God. R3192:4, 4531:5

God's redemptive plan. R1679:5

Of joint-heirship with Christ. R1523:3

Which is Christ in you. HG178:6

During past ages, this mystery of the spiritual seed was hid in earthly promises, until the Spirit through Paul revealed it to the Church. R218:6

The terms of fellowship in this mystery. R1523:3

So long kept secret, and hidden in promises, types and figures. A88

The fact that during this Gospel age God is selecting from mankind some to be joint-heirs with Jesus in the Kingdom. R3937:3

God did not intend that the mystery should be understood except by the faithful, until the great day of revealing. R3193:1

This mystery is not intended to be understood by the world or nominal Christians, nor even by the true Christian who is not fully consecrated to the Lord. R3192:4

Children of God are privileged to know more and more of the hidden mystery and appreciate the divine plan. R2074:6

The mystery will be finished when the Church is complete. R369:4

God has glory in reservation for this mystery Church of which Jesus is the Head. R369:4

We are just on the eve of the finishing of this mystery. R369:4

There was no mystery class before Pentecost. HG178:6

The work following the completion of this mystery must be an immense work, worthy of such great preparations. A88

It is God's method of dealing with Satan, and God's dealing with the whole Christ. CR45:5

The beginning – Our great Redeemer was the very first and chief of God's creatures. R1642:1

Our Lord Jesus existed prior to his incarnation, and in a more exalted nature and condition. R1673:3

Hath been hid in God – Kept secret. R219:1

Until the Gospel age. R1679:5; HG729:2

A mystery which has been hid so long suggests that the work that is to follow its completion must be an immense work, worthy of such preparations. A88

God arranged the earthly promises so as to hide the spiritual promises until the due time. R218:6

The sharing of the Body with the Head both in the sufferings of this Gospel age and also in the glory to follow. R227:1

Created all things – Including Satan, who was originally perfect and upright. F612

Including angels and men. R1642:1

By Jesus Christ – Our great Redeemer, the very first and chief of God's creatures. R1642:1

Our Lord Jesus existed prior to his earthly life in a more exalted nature and existence. R1673:3

10 that there might be made known now to the principalities and the authorities in the heavenly [places], through the assembly, the manifold wisdom of God, To the intent – In order that. (Diaglott) R1552:5

That now – Henceforth. R1679:6; HG729:3

In his own appointed time. R1594:2

During the Gospel period. R1149:2*

The principalities – Governments. (Diaglott) R1679:6; HG729:3

And powers – Authorities. (Diaglott) R1679:6; HG729:3

In heavenly places – In the heavenlies. (Diaglott) R1679:6; HG729:3

To the Church; not earthly. R1149:2*

Might be known – Might be made known. R3694:1, 3294:4, 2750:4, 2238:4, 2055:4, 1910:4, 1750:4, 1679:6

Is to be made known. HG729:4

By the church – Through the instrumentality of the Church. R1679:6; HG729:3

Congregation. (Diaglott) R1679:6; HG729:3

To lift up and bless the remainder of humanity through this trained, exalted and empowered few. R1594:2

The manifold – Much diversified. (Diaglott) E17, E413; F62; R1682:2, 1679:6; HG729:3

God is not limited in his operations. E413

Wisdom of God – Manifested in the creation of the rose, pink and pansy; cherubim, seraphim, angels and men. F62; E413

Manifested in choosing different methods of dealing with fallen angels and fallen men. E413; R1679:6; HG729:3

11 according to a purpose of the ages, which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord, The eternal purpose – A plan of the ages. (Diaglott) R1679:6, 1560:1; HG729:3; OV406:1

God's eternal purpose. NS544:3

No human mind ever originated such a great plan. It is surely divine, surely Biblical. It is of God. OV407:3

Billions of our race have had a great schooling time along the lines of sin during the past 6,000 years. OV406:2

All the experiences of the present life will have a bearing upon the members of the fallen race during their restoration in the incoming age. OV406:2

The divine purpose from the beginning was to gather out from mankind a Little Flock who will, with their Lord, bless, uplift and instruct mankind in the ways of the Lord during the Millennial age. NS544:3

When our race came under the death sentence, God might have cut us off more quickly had he not had this plan in mind. OV406:1

God planned to redeem man from the death condition, and to restore the race in due time. OV406:1

God planned that mankind should have experiences of pain and death to learn needful lessons. OV406:2

Final death will result from the continued practice of sin. OV406:2

God always maintains his justice, and he always maintains his love; and we are blessed by both. OV406:5

Which he purposed – Love had beforehand arranged a plan whereby redemption would come. OV406:3

As we study the matter, we can see great wisdom in God's course. OV406:3

Christ Jesus our Lord – Our blessed Lord Jesus, through whom the whole plan is consummated. OV407:1

12 in whom we have the freedom and the access in confidence through the faith of him, And access – To the Father. R1227:2

13 wherefore, I ask [you] not to faint in my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I bow my knees – The Apostle Paul prayed that the Church might attain more of God's love. NS622:1

He prayed for them and sent messengers and helpers to them. R1570:5, 2137:4; HG745:6

Unto the Father – And God. R3911:6

Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong in our addressing a petition to our Lord Jesus direct. R3911:6

Our Lord Jesus Christ – The Messiah, the Son of the living God, the Redeemer of the world. R3911:6

15 of whom the whole family in the heavens and on earth is named, Of whom – In whom. R3268:6

The whole family – Of God. R3268:6, 1833:1, 1116:5

All of God's creatures on various planes of being. R3268:6; C330

Will be fully recovered from the fall and established in righteousness. R1560:4

Then "there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (John 10:16) R2673:6

God bears a father's love to all his intelligent creatures. R1833:1

"For thy pleasure they are and were created." (Rev. 4:11) R1833:1

Is named – The world will be brought under the control and under the name of Christ. R4498:5

16 that He may give to you, according to the riches of His glory, with might to be strengthened through His Spirit, in regard to the inner man, That he would grant – He is speaking to the Christians, and not to worldly people. R3167:6

To be strengthened – That they might grow in the knowledge of God. R2137:4

The inner man – The new nature. R237:2*

17 that the Christ may dwell through the faith in your hearts, in love having been rooted and founded, That Christ – The spirit of Christ. E224

Dwell in your hearts – Sit as king, ruler, director of every thought, word and deed. E224

A measure of blindness continues with us for some time after we have accepted Christ. HG745:6

That ye – The Apostle writes to the Church. OV57:4; NS723:6

This enlightened class. R2712:2

Grounded in love – In the holy Spirit or disposition. E224

The Apostle Paul urges this class to grow in love. R2712:2

Love is the spirit of all who are truly members of the Body of Christ. R2649:6

Seeking to have love perfected in them. R2694:4

The great need of the Church today. NS622:4; R32:4*

Undoubtedly, love is the principal thing to be studied, to be appreciated and practiced in our lives. R2649:4

Growth in knowledge will keep pace with growth in love. R2649:5

Only those who take this standpoint can make thorough progress in grace and knowledge. R2649:4

When knowledge serves its proper purpose, it brings us to the appreciation of the love that is of God. R2649:4

From this attainment comes our blessing and the world's blessing. NS622:4

The word love is as warming and cheering correspondingly as the words hatred and selfishness are cold and discouraging. In every human being there is a craving for sincere love. NS619:2

18 that ye may be in strength to comprehend, with all the saints, what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, May be – So as to be. R2137:4

Able to comprehend – Enabled. R2587:6, 2581:4; SM425:3

To see more clearly. OV33:2

The secret of the Lord. R2210:3

By the holy Spirit. R2892:4

"Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God." (Luke 8:10) R3328:4

To come to a clear knowledge of the truth. R5145:4, 2941:3, 2210:3

This glorious plan of God. NS295:6, 400:2

None but the consecrated, the spirit-begotten, can comprehend. R3479:3

By feeding upon the words of God. R3059:3

An ability to discern spiritual things. R2941:3; Q748:4

It was the longing desire to comprehend. R589:2

What is almost impossible to one blinded by the doctrine, "Ye shall not surely die." (Gen. 3:4) F622

The opening of the eyes of understanding of Christians is gradual. OV50:2, 57:4; R4089:5, 3328:1

The eyes of our understanding should be opened widely to see the length and breadth and height and depth of the love of God. PD44/53; R5719:1, 4118:1, 2587:6

When we enter the Lord's family, we are only on the threshold of knowledge and appreciation, and have need of progress and growth. R3167:6

The due time has come for the lifting of the veil of ignorance and superstition. OV33:2

The Apostle Paul prayed to the Lord for understanding for the early Church. HG390:2

The various denominations have been blinded to a large extent to the light of the divine Word by Satan's original lie. F623

In order to understand the Bible, we must come into the attitude of pupils of Christ and be taught of him. Q748:4

With all saints – The saintly new creation. SM43:3

The Apostle's prayer included us. R4114:3

This special class, "God's elect." R2049:1

We are trusting in the same Savior and in the same Father. R3066:2

The Lord's saints constitute the most secret society on earth. NS400:2

In proportion as the saints receive of the holy Spirit, holy thoughts replace unholy thoughts of the natural man. R2892:4

There is a ministry of evil in respect to the saints--in their testing, polishing, refining and proving as overcomers. R3168:2

More than an elect few are eventually to reach eternal life through the Redeemer of mankind. SM42:3

God is electing these in order that through them, with Christ Jesus, as the elect and foreordained "seed of Abraham," all the families of the earth shall be blessed. R2049:1

Breadth, and length – No man can measure. R2892:4

The divine plan will continue to open before them. R2649:5

All Christendom has erred in respect to this, as evidenced by conflicting creeds. OV174:1

Depth, and height – Of God's love. SM425:3; NS332:1

Of the love of Christ. SM42:2 Of love divine, all love excelling. OV33:2

Of God's wisdom, justice, love and power. NS384:4

Depths of the divine plan. R3168:4, 3066:2

Of the mystery. NS400:1; CR11:3

Full comprehension. NS622:4

God's Word, as a telescope, beholds the beauty of God's divine character and splendor of the divine plan. R2892:4

We are unable to appreciate the love of God. NS544:4

Our forefathers were generally in considerable darkness in respect to this. SM42:2

19 to know also the love of the Christ that is exceeding the knowledge, that ye may be filled to all the fulness of God; To know – Appreciate. R2649:4; E224

The Lord's people have been enabled to grow in grace and in knowledge and in love. F219

Not all have this opening of the mental eye. Only the sincere, honest-hearted may enjoy this blessing, this clearer vision. R2587:6

The love of Christ – The love of God in Christ. NS622:4

The love of God that has made a plan of salvation that is world-wide. HG186:1

The love of God was completely obscured by the darkness of the medieval period, when doctrines of demons got full hold upon the minds of the people, and the Bible was out of use for twelve hundred years. SM132:4

For the fallen angels as well as for fallen man. R1680:4

To know him is to love him; and we cannot love him without knowing him. R1997:1*

Passeth knowledge – Human knowledge. F220; R2581:4, 2137:4, 2049:1

Which passeth all understanding. SM42:1, 132:3, 42:2; R5145:4, 3328:4, 2712:2, 2595:5, 2137:4; CR11:4; NS834:4, 544:5, 532:1, 400:1, 235:6, 159:6; HG186:1; OV174:1

Mere human understanding. R2049:1

Surpassing all of our expectations. R4118:1

But which is revealed in the holy Scriptures. Q748:4

Be filled – With the Spirit. E225

A filling with his spirit, mind and disposition, which is a gradual work. NS621:5

The Lord would have us come into this condition of earnest desire for filling with his Spirit of holiness. E224

The grand ultimatum of Christian attainment. R2064:6

When we pray to be filled with the Lord's Spirit, we are to look about us and find the provision which he has made and directed for the answer to these prayers. E225

Fulness of God – The Father's Spirit in full measure. E224

Holiness of God. <NS621:5

God-like character. R5901:2*

God's loving benevolence toward us. R2163:6*

In proportion as we are emptied of all things else, then we are ready to receive of his fullness. E224

Only the Little Flock will be born into the Father's express image. R385:2,3

It is our duty daily to press toward this mark of holiness. R2064:6

Toward this end every child of God is constantly aspiring and should note degrees of progress. R2064:6

20 and to Him who is able above all things to do exceeding abundantly what we ask or think, according to the power that is working in us, Unto him – God. R4100:3

Our Father, who recognizes even our thoughts. R90:3

That is able to do – The Scriptures say God is able. R5901:3*

That he will do. NS455:2

In his own due time. R1178:1

Unto the faithful. NS468:6

Exceeding abundantly above – Exceedingly, abundantly more than. SM532:1; R4100:3, 3166:1; NS468:6, 455:2, 391:5; HG390:2

All that we ask – All that you could ask. R2699:4

Of blessings and favors. HG390:2; SM532:1

Or at present imagine. R1178:1

God can do not only as much as you can conceive or ask, but abundantly more. R5901:3*, 4100:3

According to the riches of his grace and his loving-kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. R3892:4, 4100:3

To express our wants makes a deeper impression on our own hearts. R90:3*

Or think – Or expect. NS455:2

The power – God's power. R5380:4, 3892:5

It takes real faith to believe God can make you holy or Christ-like. R5901:3*

Worketh in us – "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do." (Phil. 2:13) R3586:2

To do his good pleasure. R3892:5

God's works, incited by his Word and Spirit. R3586:2

The power of God works in us to live separate from the world, overcoming the world, the flesh, the Adversary. R3892:5

These works are not ours as men but as new creatures, members of the Body of Christ. R3586:2

21 to Him [is] the glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus, to all the generations of the age of the ages. Amen. In the church – By and through the Church. T98

Throughout all ages – Indicating that mankind will always praise the Lord through his anointed. T98

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