Ephesians Chapter 2 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins: And you – The sinner. R4377:5

Who have accepted the Redeemer and are seeking to walk in his steps. R5093:1

He – "Faithful is he that calleth you." (1 Thess. 5:24) CR57:5

Quickened – Made alive. CR354:3; 56:6; NS336:2

Reckoned alive as revived. R5197:4

As becoming alive unto God as a new creature. Q591:2

In a sense, raised from the dead. R3756:5

To newness of life. R3756:5

By the holy Spirit. R1649:1

After begettal must come the period of quickening, of energizing. R4462:3; Q557:1

Then God calls us new creatures in Christ, old ambitions have passed away. CR57:4

Nobody would reach the mark of perfect love without being quickened. Q557:1

In this vitalizing period of activity, the new creature becomes strong and ready for the birth of the first resurrection. R4462:3

If we have no desire to serve our gracious Father, it implies that our spiritual vitality is very weak. R4377:6

Spiritual activity in the service of God, and the brethren, and, if opportunity permit, activity in the service of all needing assistance such as we could give. R4470:3; Q557:1

Activity resulting from the indwelling of the holy Spirit. The degree of activity in the service of the truth and righteousness will indicate the strength or weakness of spiritual development. R4377:5

The processes of the beginning, development and final perfecting of the spiritual sons of God find a remarkable illustration in the begetting, quickening and birth of the natural man. R3250:3; Q557:1

Jesus specially loved and favored the more zealous and energetic apostles. R4378:1

Who were dead – Under the sentence of death. R3165:1, 2133:4; CR354:6

Having no right to everlasting life. R5070:3

Not totally dead, not actually buried. CR354:3

And under condemnation. R4377:5; CR56:6

Trespasses and sin – We are lifted up out of condemnation, we are no longer dead in Adam. R5093:1

2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Walked – The new creature should not walk thus. R4189:3

Meaning one's course of conduct, including thoughts, words and acts. R4189:3

The course of this world – This is the walk of evil-doers. R4189:3

Epoch of trouble. R1684:2

The very opposite of the walk of the children of light. R4189:3

To the prince – At present. R332:4

Satan, the prince of this age. OV109:2; F199; NS810:4

Ruler. R256:2, 5910:1, 5854:4, 5853:6, 5470:1, 4880:6, 4795:3, 2769:3, 1771:6, 1685:2, 1684:2, 370:6, 350:3, 332:4, 210:3; SM195:1, 439:1; Q623:4

The Bible declares that there is a being called Satan, "god of this world." (2 Cor. 4:4) R5209:6

The devil, Satan, who was once a holy angel, but through pride and ambition, he became an opponent of God. R5183:3, 5210:1; HG725:2

Satan, who was the first enemy of the divine government. HG725:2

Satan, blinding the minds of all that believe not. D611; E113; F609; R2832:3

Satan, whose very existence is denied by many. F609; R5209:6, 3568:3*

Jesus declared that Satan was a "murderer" from the beginning--and a "liar." (John 8:44) R5209:6

Saint Paul intimates that it would be impossible for the Church really to contend with this prince, for he is too wily, too wise for us. R5183:3, 1687:2; F609

Satan is moved with continuous envy and hatred of the Son of God, as well as of the Heavenly Father. R1687:4

He delights to cooperate with all of Christ's followers whom he can seduce. F199

He is a hypocrite, a deceiver, a tyrant and a merciless enemy of all who stand in the way of his ambition. R1687:4

He has power over human affairs under certain divine limitations and regulations. R4577:3; SM546:2

As an angel of light, he has done much harm. R5184:1

Satan, the head of "wicked spirits." R210:3

The prince of darkness oppresses and opposes justice and truth. R153:2

Satan is the prince because the children of disobedience are so much more numerous than the children of obedience. R5854:2

Satan, who is constantly manipulating civil and religious affairs, for the accomplishment of his diabolical purposes. R1134:3

He will continue as the world's ruler as long as he can, or until he is bound. R256:2

Antichrist. R2832:3

He is not the prince of this world by right, but by usurpation. He will be deposed. A250, A251; NS548:4

God, of course, can control Satan. R256:3

Evil continues because Satan's power is continued. R256:2; F609

Who made himself prince over the other fallen spirits. R5910:2; SM548:2

The whole world is largely, though unconsciously, the tool of Satan. R2769:3, 1134:3

The facts of history corroborate the testimony of the Scriptures, that present governments are under the control of the prince of this world. (John 14:30) R1094:5, 152:6

Satan is to be bound; consequently his evil spiritual power will pass away gradually. R332:4; C238

Satan's binding, as shown by some prophecies, will not be fully accomplished for some years. R332:4

Satan's days are numbered and his end is sure; God will destroy him. R1687:5

Fallen man's master. R1685:2

Satan fully entered into Judas on the night of our Savior's betrayal. R4577:3

A great change of dispensation is coming, when the world shall be under the rulership of the prince of glory. NS526:2

Christ shall have conquered sin and destroyed Satan at the close of the Millennial age. R5210:1

The devil will no longer be ruler in God's holy Kingdom. R1771:6

Power of the air – An evil influence constantly exerted in the world, operating against truth, righteousness and purity. R5183:3, 153:2, 152:6

Spiritual rulership; in due time the "new heavens" will supersede the present "air" powers. C238; R1260:5, 266:4

Symbol of the spiritual throne from which Satan is to be deposed, and to which our Lord and his joint-heirs are to come. R264:5, 668:2, 153:2

Both the literal and the symbolic air. Satan is the prince of earth's religious systems, sometimes in symbol represented by the "heavens." R1684:2, 1134:3, 332:4

This might account for the great floods, cyclones and tornadoes of recent years. R2189:4

Illustrated by the great storm in which he tried to drown our Lord in the sea of Galilee. R3324:2

Demons, or fallen angels. R4880:6, 5910:1, 5470:1, 170:3; SM195:1

The powers of darkness, surrounding and ruling over the "present evil world." (Gal. 1:4) R153:2

The power of spiritualism is the work of Satan. R266:4

These fallen angels are being held until the saints of God shall have been sealed in their foreheads (intellect). As soon as the power that is controlling them is removed, we shall have a reign of evil all over the earth. R4880:6

The letting loose of these air powers would seem to show that God has let go his hand of restraint, permitting the terrible trouble resulting in complete overthrow of social order in anarchy. R5470:1

Will seek to prevent our attaining perfect love. R5603:4

Ecclesiasticism, both heathen and nominal Christian. R1799:6

His kingdom is invisible, under invisible control, and uses men and nations as visible agencies, and produces visible results of the most baneful and atrocious character. R210:3*, 5825:4

God has all along been master of the situation, but has permitted Satan to exercise power over the race to teach a lesson to both men and angels. R5910:2

It may be something in connection with the saints that will constitute the test of the fallen angels. R4880:6

The spirit – Satan's influence. R370:6

The same spirit works in the present time. R1151:2

That now worketh – Operates or rules. R332:4

Satan is now permitted to rule, leading man captive at his will. R350:3*; A250

Alienating hearts of men from the ways of righteousness. NS810:4

Although mankind cannot see Satan, yet he can see them, and by mental suggestion can gain control of them. R5183:6

As ruler of the darkness of this world. A68; SM548:2

Putting evil for good and good for evil. F199; A250

In the hearts. R4810:6, 5209:6, 5184:1, 2769:3, 1692:4, 1687:4, 153:2; A250, A68; NS810:4, 238:4

Implying that there are evil spirit beings back of the evil principles at work in this world. R5209:6

This work has been going on for centuries. R5304:6

Evil spirits, not allowed to materialize since the Deluge, continue their deceptions by using human beings as mediums. R5910:1

The promise of the Scriptures is that Satan's usurpation of earth's dominion will cease. OV109:2

In – Through. R2832:3, 2769:3

Children of disobedience – The whole world of mankind. R3457:4

All except the saintly ones, who are children of obedience. CR426:1; R5853:6, 3457:4, 2832:3

The whole world, under the control of selfishness; are largely, though unconsciously, the tools of Satan. R4810:6, 5853:6

All are more or less controlled by the spirit of disobedience common to the whole world of mankind. R3165:2

The most subtle attacks of the Adversary are to be expected through human agencies. R5184:1

So much more numerous than the children of obedience that Satan, through them, holds the world's control. OV342:2; NS238:4

A very multitudinous host of deceived followers. HG725:3

Satan reigns through the wickedness of humanity. SM548:2

A disobedience which has been accentuated in proportion to the degree of alienation from the Creator. SM375:2; NS548:4

Whom Satan uses to oppose principles of righteousness and truth. R1687:4, 433:5*

Who are the majority, while the saints are the small minority. SM310:2

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. We – The Apostle Paul, speaking for himself and the Church. R787:3

The Church. OV152:1; R5838:1; NS570:2, 246:5

Believers. NS402:5

Those whom Jesus accepts as his very elect. NS421:5

Of the mind – Alienated in their mind by wicked works. (Col. 1:21) NS823:4

By nature – Through the fallen nature inherited, as members of the Adamic race. R787:3, 5838:1, 4554:1; E108; NS52:2

Are blemished. R3844:5

To begin with, we are very poor material out of which to form likenesses of God's dear Son. R4837:1

Children of wrath – All mankind under the death curse. E17; R4998:3, 4554:1, 4388:5, 3165:2, 2991:2, 1081:6; NS384:2, 223:3

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23) R3165:2

All not justified by faith in Christ's blood. D242; R1594:2; SM310:1

Controlled by the spirit of disobedience common to the whole world of mankind. R3165:2

Who walk not as children of light, but as evil-doers. R4189:3

We were such when first we heard the Gospel call. R5902:2

The wrath affects even the Church. E145; R3844:5, 2991:2

We have nothing of ourselves that would be fit to offer to God, we must receive the robe of righteousness to cover our blemishes. R3844:5, 5838:1, 2987:4

Reckonedly not including the Church, because they have received the spirit of adoption as sons. E108; R4601:3, 4554:2, 4493:3, 2986:6; CR434:5; Q610:3

Strangers, foreigners and aliens from God. R5100:6, 3365:6

Sinners. Q610:3; R5838:1, 4475:6, 3165:1; NS864:2, 246:5, 85:6

The wrath of God is revealed in our bodies, our aches, pains, imperfections--all part of the great penalty for sin. R4972:6; NS366:3

The world is still under condemnation. CR457:3; R5079:1; NS402:5; Q375:3

We who believe in Christ are no longer children of wrath. HG195:5

The Creator has very gracious arrangements for mankind in general, during the Messianic reign. R4998:5, 5079:1; Q375:3; OV152:1

Even as others – Still are. OV152:1; D242; R5597:1; NS570:3, 356:1

Until brought nigh to God by the blood of Christ. R1594:2

Hence we must receive through faith our Redeemer's robe of his righteousness to cover our blemishes, then present our bodies in consecration. R3844:5

The redemption of the human race would be incomplete were not all mankind to be rescued from evil conditions. R1081:6*

Except as we would come to the Heavenly Father through the appointed doorway--Jesus. R5902:2; D242

4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, But God – The prime mover in our release and recovery. R3165:3

Is rich in mercy – God gave us aid by the benevolence of his character. R3165:3

Contrary to the views entertained by those who teach the doctrine of eternal torment. R3165:3

For his great love – We can exercise confidence in God's love as we come to a knowledge of his plan. R3165:3

He loved us – Sympathetically. R3165:4

Christ's special love for his Church. R1254:5

A comparatively small proportion of the world. R3165:4

5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) Dead in sins – Figuratively dead. R2605:1

God's mercy toward us came without our having done aught to merit it. E147

Hath quickened us – Made us reckonedly alive. R5197:4, 2605:1, 294:5; NS336:2

The new creature must tabernacle in the flesh until it is given its new body. R5197:4

God is no longer treating the Church as though they were dead in trespasses and sins under divine sentence, but we are passed from that by faith. CR321:5

Our quickened flesh, by the grace of God, is represented as pure, desirable in his sight, and in proper condition for the marriage--the union with Christ. R5197:4

A great change came to the saints at Ephesus, and a similar change (in thought, word and act) comes to all who have become the Lord's saints. R3165:2,5

Together with Christ – As his brethren. E147

By grace – Favor. R555:3*

This divine blessing. R3165:5

God's goodness and grace are superlatively grand. R3165:6

Ye are saved – This blessing has come to us, not of our worthiness, nor of our work. We reached this reckonedly saved position by faith; delivered from the sentence of sin, saved from the Adversary's delusion; from God's wrath. R3165:5

While saved by grace now, we still await a further salvation--the first resurrection. R3165:5

Not one will ever be saved except as he accepts God's favor and co-operates with the divine favor and blessing. Q620:2

6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: Raised us up – "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above." (Col. 3:1) R154:4

Reckonedly risen from the dead. NS336:4

In the spirit of our minds. R154:4

All the consecrated are in a holy condition now. T22

The saints are already raised above the condition of the world. R2859:6, 4931:5, 197:1*

The faithful of the present age. R5548:6

These new creatures are reckoned as having been raised up out of sin and death into a new condition of life. R3165:5

This is a figurative resurrection from the dead. The real resurrection shall come to each of these if loyal to God. R3165:6

Our Lord's faithful followers shall be raised up still further in the first resurrection to glory, honor and immortality. R2859:6

Sit together – In communion with Christ. T22

Having fellowship with the Lord. NS336:6

It implies a restful condition. CR322:1; T22

On the Day of Atonement, the under-priests went into the first Holy, typifying those who are seated with Christ in the heavenly. Q694:1

By faith we see the Bride of Christ caught up to heaven, seated with Christ. R1210:6

We are to remain under these blessed conditions throughout the remainder of life. NS336:6

In heavenly places – Spiritual conditions. R2827:2, 154:4

Heavenly promises. R1881:4; HG333:5

The high calling. R2859:6

In the "Holy," the first of the heavenlies. T22; R4875:6, 3165:6; Q700:2, 39:3*; CR322:1

Referring to our position as spiritually begotten new creatures. R294:6, 2827:2, 154:4; T22; CR407:6; NS336:5

Going into the Holy seems to correspond to our experiences of the present time. R4875:6

Only members of the Body are privileged to go into the Holy and to know "the deep things of God." (1 Cor. 2:10) Q694:2

Where they have the light of the golden lampstand, partake of the spiritual shew-bread and offer spiritual incense to God. R3165:6

In Christ Jesus – With Christ Jesus. R2827:2

Seated with Christ, much in advance of the general household of faith. R4875:6

Members of the Body of Christ, members of the new creation, members of the ecclesia. R3165:1,6

This expression, or its equivalent, occurs at least twenty times in this epistle. We have life in Christ alone. R3165:1

7 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. That in – That throughout all. R1273:2; OV24:4

The ages to come – Greek, aionios, worlds. R22:1*

"In those ages that should come after." (Rotherham) R827:4

We know not how many ages there will be. R532:4, 4653:1, 256:5, 5:4

The ages of eternity. SM683:5; NS540:6

Future ages in which will be fully exhibited the further development of God's great plan. R5320:4

Lasting from the beginning of Christ's reign for untold ages. A292, A219; R271:2; CR187:4; 479:5; OV175:5

After our exaltation with Jesus to heavenly honors. R827:4

The first of these alone is dealt with in Scripture, the Millennial age, during which we live and reign with Christ a thousand years. R5:4, 532:4, 256:6

Including the Millennial age. A219; R5741:4, 200:1; OV27:4

Throughout all the ages to come, righteousness, his will, shall be done. R1781:5, 1273:2, 271:2

Ages of perfection, blessedness and happiness for all, but regarding the work of which, Scripture is silent. R271:5

The first of which is the Millennial age; or rather the age of conquest, for in it Christ is to reign until he has subdued all enemies; and death is the last enemy conquered. HG11:6

Because of Jesus' ransom there is to be an age of restitution. R126:7

All might come to a knowledge of the truth and be brought back to perfection. R345:2

These ages each have a definite time appointed them, and a definite work to perform. R628:1*

Christ and the Church will judge the world in the Millennial day. NS393:5

For a thousand years the faithful are to reign with their Lord; and then will follow the ages to come. R5741:4

The Millennial age will have an end after a thousand years of putting down sin, lifting up the obedient and destroying willful sinners. NS338:5

Following the completion of the Church, humanity shall be granted an opportunity to become perfect, human sons of God during Messiah's reign. R4931:5

In the Millennial age we shall be permitted to cooperate with Christ in lifting up the world of mankind to full restitution. R3166:2, 99:5*

Implying that the glory of Christ and the Church is to be perpetual. R4653:1

God proposes to use a special, saintly class from mankind and their experiences with sin--making them joint-heirs with Christ in the ruling and blessing of the world by and by. R4931:5, 4914:4, 1743:6, 99:5*

Note the wonderful things the Apostle Paul saw concerning the development of the Body of Christ and its work in coming ages. R365:1; HG179:1

The Bride's great work for which she is being schooled is that of the future. HG751:6

The elect class will show forth the praises of God. NS393:4

God's plan will be more clearly seen. R281:5, 143:4

The future work of the Church after the Millennial age would possibly be to people, govern and direct affairs in connection with other planets. CR187:4

God's children will be amazed when they see how God so loved the world. R546:1, 8:1

A limitless eternity is provided for the showing forth of God's love toward us. OV175:5

The glory of Christ and the Church will not end with the restoration of mankind. PD96/110

He – God. CR479:5; R5185:2, 4931:5, 4133:6, 3166:1, 2154:1, 827:4, 546:1, 199:6; NS540:6

The Father has a great work to be done and is seeking a people who will do it with Christ Jesus as Head. R5185:2

Might shew – Will show forth. R4931:5, 3165:6, 1743:6, 546:1; PD96/110; HG751:6

Would exhibit. R827:4

God promises to show. R2154:1

To the world through a "peculiar people." R327:6*

To angels, to men and to every creature. CR479:5; R4914:4, 4133:6

His grace and favor will be showered upon the Church. R4914:4

As we toil upward on the narrow way, angels look on amazed at the grandeur of the plan. R281:5, 143:4

The exceeding riches – "The surpassing riches." (Rotherham) R827:4

God is rich in every grand and estimable quality. R3166:1; CR426:6

The glory that is to be revealed in the Church in the future. NS338:4

There will be what will correspond to the present beauties of nature, but higher and grander, for those who shall gain the new nature. R3166:2

Which the human mind can approximate, but cannot clearly conceive. A292; R3166:1

We shall share with him in the uplifting of humanity. R5377:4

The future inheritance of the saints in light, if we appreciate our opportunities for serving the Lord in the little things of the present life. R5741:4

We are to esteem that our service here is not to be compared with the things which the Lord has in reservation for those who love him. R5741:4

Grace – Favor. R134:5, 4914:4, 827:4, 270:3

Divine love is illimitable. OV175:3

God calls into his family out of the riches of his grace. CR426:6

There are coming ages in which God will display still more grace toward the Church than in all these things that he has already given to us and promised to us. CR322:3; R5320:3,4, 442:3; NS338:6

The whole world shall understand the mysterious workings of divine providence. R4133:6

The deep hidden riches of grace for the world are at present obscured by the exceeding riches of God's grace and loving kindness toward us who are in Christ Jesus. R442:3

God will show all who are in the "elect" Body of Christ his exceeding grace. R4914:4; NS540:6

Favored with a clearer insight into the deep things of God, called out of darkness into his marvelous light. R4914:4

Only partially disclosed at the present time. R3166:2

In his kindness – "In graciousness." (Rotherham) R827:4

Loving kindness. R4931:5, 1743:6, 442:3, 345:2, 143:4; HG751:6; 179:1; NS338:5; OV174:1; PD96/110

In lifting sinners from the miry clay to so glorious a station--the divine nature. R4931:5

Toward us – The Church. R4914:4, 327:6*; NS540:6, 338:2; HG607:5; OV24:4

The Church, the Body, the Bride class. NS338:5; HG179:1; PD96/110

The Little Flock. R5741:4

The consecrated. R5320:3, 442:3

The jewel class. CR479:5

The Church, honored by the Father as members of The Christ, will have still other glories. R4653:1

Those who appreciate this high calling wish to be where God has invited them to be. R5185:2

Let us never forget that we are a "peculiar people," separate from nominal Christians and the world, having higher hopes, aims and ambitions. R4914:4

Through Christ Jesus – Who are in Christ Jesus. R3166:1, 1743:6, 827:4, 442:3, 126:6; OV24:4; PD96/110

Who will always be Head over all things. R4653:1

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: By grace – Divine favor. R5446:5, 677:2*; Q620:2, 266:4

The grace of God in Christ. R3165:4

Not of any duty that God holds to us. CR323:6; F105

The grace is not of ourselves. R3166:4

It is of God's grace and not of personal merit on our part that salvation is offered to us. R2286:5

Knowledge of God is granted us as a grace, and brings us to the place where we are enabled to exercise the faith. Q266:5

God gives us grace to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in the way of self-sacrifice. R4796:6

Are ye saved – Our salvation is of divine favor. Q266:4; R3165:5

A reckonedly saved position by faith. R3165:5

It is grace truly, but unless you do works in harmony with it, you never will be saved. R741:2 It will be by grace that any of our race will be saved. CR324:1

Justice did not require our salvation. Q266:4

It was God who provided for the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. R4796:6; Q620:2

A complete conversion and full consecration to the Lord brings great salvation. R3165:5

Because you have an "ear to hear" and have responded--a blessed experience. R3165:4

Not one person will ever be saved except as he accepts God's favor and cooperates with the divine favor and blessing. Q620:2

We work out our salvation with great carefulness, realizing the promised grace in every time of need. R4796:6

Through faith – Ignorance is not a ground of salvation. The only ground for salvation mentioned in the Scriptures is faith in Christ as our Redeemer and Lord. A100

By faith we have the merit of Christ's righteousness imputed to us. R4796:6

Including true faith's obedience. R2286:5

It is impossible to have faith without knowledge. R677:5*; Q266:5

To have faith in any statement or doctrine is to have confidence in its truthfulness, and this should only be based on clear evidence. R677:3*

There is nothing more common or necessary among men than faith--we exercise faith in the laws of nature and act upon it constantly. R2162:4

Our faith is not to be credited as a meritorious condition but we are to be thankful to God for it. R2286:5

It is to some extent a matter of our own development. R5446:5

The erroneous thought given by many is that our faith is not our own faith, not of our own volition, but an impartation, a gift from God. R2286:5

Salvation is the gift of God, granted by his grace or favor, and grasped by us through faith. R677:2*

If we would have faith in God, it is also necessary to acquaint ourselves with his character as expressed in his two harmonious books--Nature and Revelation. R677:5*; Q266:5

That – Grace. R741:2

Faith. Q266:4

Not of yourselves – As a matter of course. Q266:4

Not dependent upon our perfection or anything we could do. R4796:6, 741:2

Not because of any merit of yourselves. R741:2

This lesson must be thoroughly appreciated, else we will be continually in danger of falling. R3166:4

We have not the opportunity of glorying even in our faith. R5446:5, Q266:4

It was made possible because of conditions and circumstances which God arranged. R2286:5

Our faith is of God in the sense that he supplies the necessary elements from which that faith is to be compounded. Q267:1

Although we exercised some faith at the beginning, else we could never have come to God at all to accept his favors. R3166:4

Gift of God – Grace has the signification of gift. Q266:4

Given to us of God. R2162:3

Justification permits us to go on to sanctification--to self-sacrifice. R2847:4

He developed in us that faith by the revelations of his love, through his promises, through his Word. R3166:5

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Not of works – Our salvation from death is by faith. We cannot do any works that would justify us before God. R5759:1, 4796:6, 3166:4

The perfect work of Christ is the basis of our own work. R4796:6

Not our own efforts. R3166:4

Perfect works are not possible now. CR324:6

If we did good works, we might feel as if there was some credit due us. CR325:2

If of works, it would not be of grace. R3166:4

Justification is God's free gift, based upon the ransom, but if not followed by works, it is received in vain. R2847:4

If one regards works as all important, he detracts from the value of the sacrifice of Jesus. R741:2

God tests, not by works, but by our faith and the degree of obedience rendered. CR324:6

Lest any man – Unless Christ had redeemed us, we could have no basis for hope of eternal life. R4796:6

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. We – The true Christian. R5967:3

His people. R1506:5, 5402:5

The Church. R5713:5

At first we realize that we are a sinner. R5320:3

Are his workmanship – The Church is God's creation. R589:5, 5759:5, 5713:5, 3166:5; SM433:3

It is God that worketh is us both to will and to do. CR325:2; 395:2; 420:1; 444:3; 461:2; R5284:4, 4417:6; SM433:3

The setting apart the Father does through his truth. R5320:3

We are submitting ourselves that God may work in us. R5855:6, 4417:6, 4255:6

God has arranged that these jewels be cut and polished after the similitude of his Son. R5119:1, 2404:3

The Temple is being built by the Master-builder, God. R2520:6, 2737:6

A new and separate creation in Christ Jesus. R3166:5

Because having heard of the grace of God, our hearts responded. R4255:6

Prepared for good works, not by good works. R3166:5

The power of God is working in you by the instructions from God's Word. CR325:3

We rejoice under every discipline because we realize it is a part of the Master's work in us. R2737:6

Not arbitrarily, but in cooperation with the will of the individual. R5967:3

Not merely spirit-begotten, but spirit-developed in character likeness of the Savior. R5967:3

Hence the necessity for the trials and difficulties of life which are preparing them for heavenly glory, honor, immortality. R5713:5, 2520:6

His work will be so perfectly accomplished that there will be no need of alteration beyond the veil. R5713:5

God's children; Christ's brethren. R5320:3, 5402:5

Divine grace is to be credited with the entire outcome. R2404:4

Created – Begotten of the Spirit though the Word of truth. R3770:1

In Christ Jesus – God accepts us in Christ. R3166:5

Reckonedly; in due time, if he abide in him, he will be a new creature actually. R1438:1, 3770:1

Ordained – Foreordained. R3166:5

Walk – In newness of life. R3166:5

In the Lord's way of holiness and opposition to sin, developing character. R3166:5

The new creation should walk in good works. R4189:3, 3166:5

11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; Remember – Paul reminds them of when they had no hope. R1435:1*

Ye – Converts from heathen nations. R503:2

Gentiles – Without the Law. R503:3

Uncircumcision – Strangers and foreigners--the other nations of the earth. R1435:1*

Circumcision – The descendants of Israel. R1435:1*

12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: At that time – During the 4,000 years from Adam to Jesus. HG746:2

During the Jewish age and previously. HG420:3

A dark night of hopeless despair. NS533:4

Ye – Gentiles. R4368:3, 2442:5, 2086:5, 2050:6; NS49:6; OV164:1

The world. R3707:4

Some who became Christians out of the heathen nations. HG114:3

Were without Christ – Before. R2604:4

There was no way of life open to the Gentile world prior to the redemptive work of Christ. NS18:3

The Christians of Ephesus, who were a fair sample of the Gentiles generally. CR19:2; R1435:1*

God had purposed the reconciliation of the world to himself through Christ. R3707:4

Aliens – Outcasts. R1086:6

Gentiles. R5005:1, 4341:2, 2604:4, 1459:3; 386:2

Foreigners because of Adam's transgression. R5162:3, 5093:1, 3893:4, 3707:4

Outside of divine favor and Judaism. R2574:1, 2620:2; HG254:5

Outside nations, the Gentiles, received no promises of relationship to God. PD13/23; R5444:4, 5162:3

Those not yet Christ's servants--the unconsecrated. SM509:2

The commonwealth – The polity. R2604:4, 1435:1*; HG386:2

Citizenship of their own. R1435:1*

The promises. R284:2

Of Israel – The whole twelve tribes. C293; R1341:1

The favored nation. R2116:5

"You only have I known of all the families of the earth." (Amos 3:2) R3467:2

This nation alone had special divine supervision of its affairs and the promises and instructions, through the prophets and the Law. R3467:2

The children of Jacob, called Israel, were God's specially covenanted people. The nations of the world were not called of God as Israel was called. R3467:2; NS370:1

Strangers – All the world except that one nation of Israel. HG420:3

The Gentile nations. R3467:2, 5444:4, 3893:4

The Gentile converts had formerly been strangers to these things. PT360:1*

Covenants of promise – Given to only Israel up to the time of the casting off of the Jewish house. R2604:4, 5444:4, 1657:6, 1435:1*; HG386:2

God had made some gracious promises to the seed of Abraham, but as yet they were unfulfilled. R2120:6; NS18:3

The people of Israel had been greatly favored of God in a covenant through Moses. R3893:4

The Abrahamic and the Law Covenants. PT360:1*

Having no hope – No encouragements, no promises. F358; R2070:5, 1655:5; NS223:4

Without the only real hope of the Gospel. R1655:5

No hope of the unsearchable riches of Christ. R1435:1*

We find the great mass of mankind today to be hopeless, and hence unhappy, burdened, downcast, miserable. CR19:2; R4081:3

They have hopes of their own, but not a Bible hope. R5816:2

The Apostle does not state that there is no hope for these heathen, but simply that they do not have the hope. CR19:3; R5468:2; OV388:5; NS345:3; HG114:4

The world had been in this pitiable condition for 4000 years. R2050:6, 2116:5

The world's hope lies in the future. HG380:3

Without God – Godless. R13:4

All those who lived outside of the favored nation of Israel. R2116:5

The Gentiles up to the beginning of the Gospel age. R2070:5

Mankind have become so alienated from God by wicked works and self-will that many do not know that there is a God. R5717:1

The world failed and is without any law except what remained of the originally perfect law of nature--conscience. R1499:1

So long as divine condemnation, the curse, the sentence of death, rests against the world, it is evident that God is not yet reconciled to the world, nor the world to him. R3707:4

13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Now in Christ Jesus – United with Christ, and through him united with the Abrahamic root of promise and inheritors of all its richness and fatness. R2442:6

All through this Gospel age. NS306:1

In God's estimation the difference between Jew and Gentile has now ceased. R503:2

Faith in the ransom, given for all, is the only ground of reconciliation with God. R925:4

Ye – As sinners. R925:4

The Gentiles. R503:2

Were far off – From God's favor. R503:2

Under condemnation. R925:4

The sinner was debarred from fellowship with the Father. R689:1

Are made nigh – Within reach of divine favors, blessings and promises. R925:4, 5005:1, 1068:1, 587:1

Through faith in the Lord Jesus and through the begetting of the holy Spirit. R5005:1, 5093:1

Our access is not complete yet, for outward manifestations of God's favor are not yet granted, only that which is by faith. R689:1

Brought nigh to God. R1657:6, 1594:2, 284:2

Reconciled. NS366:5

United with Christ. R2442:6

Hopeful. R4081:3

And become children of God through faith. OV164:1

They are no more outcasts from the Lord and his communion. R587:1

By – Through. R503:3

The blood of Christ – It was the giving up of Christ's life that paid our ransom price. R1336:1

And reconciled us to God. R2604:4, 1657:6, 1230:3, 1000:5, 925:4, 284:3; HG386:2

Bringing the Gentiles near to God and his promises. R1336:2, 503:2

God's favor is all centered in Christ; only those who believe in him could have the glorious hope which centers in him. CR19:3

It is Christ's blood that cleanseth us from all sin. R1230:2

We are now members of the Body of Christ and children of God by adoption. R5093:1

And through Christ united with the Abrahamic root of promise. R2442:6

14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Our peace – The Jew received an equally great blessing as the Gentile from the same one sacrifice. R503:3

Both – Jew and Gentile. R586:6

Broken down – The time had come when the message of divine favor might go to the Gentiles. HG354:5

Gentiles and Jews are now received on the same terms, viz., faith in Jesus and consecration to walk in his steps. R5101:1, 3764:3

Dispensational change: it crumbled at the end of the 70th week of Jewish favor, 3 years after the cross. R4330:2, 4534:2; Q174:1, 600:T; HG429:1

Cornelius, the first Gentile convert, had been brought into faith fellowship. R3756:4; OV250:3; HG429:1

The new creatures in Christ are made sharers of those spiritual blessings and opportunities first offered to fleshly Israel. R2086:5

The dividing wall of the Jewish (typical) covenant had been removed. R1472:1, 74:3

The middle wall – Which separated Jews and Gentiles. R4711:3; Q600:T

For 18 centuries God's exclusive favor was to the Jew only. R4534:2, 1472:1

Before the rejection of Israel, the whole world was divided into two classes, namely, Israelites, God's covenanted people, and Gentiles, who were not in covenant relationship with God. NS25:1

The literal wall, in the Temple, was of stone, 4 feet high, with a warning on it that aliens crossing it are subject to the death penalty. R4485:1

Partition – Enclosure. (Rotherham) R503:1

Separation. Q600:T

The curse of the Law formerly separated Jews from Gentiles. R503:3

Between us – Jew and Gentile. HG429:1; NS331:3

15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; Having abolished – Destroyed. R2001:5, 503:3

"Bringing to nought." (Rotherham) R503:1

Having slain. R586:6

To Jewish believers. R5047:2

The enmity – Condemnation. R503:3

Opposition of the Jewish Law Covenant. R1231:2, 587:1

Christ Jesus, by the sacrifice of his flesh, abolished the enmity or opposition of the Jewish Law covenant, under which fleshly Israel labored. R1231:2, 587:1

Even the law – Of the Law, the Jewish covenant. R5047:2, 1729:6; NS142:5

The Jew had been favored by the Law (which was ordained to life). R503:2

Which was found to be only unto death. (Rom. 7:10) R1527:2

Which was not faulty. The fault was that the imperfect Jew could not keep the Law. "The Law is holy . . . and just and good." (Rom. 7:12) R503:2

The moral precepts of that Law never have passed away, and never will, because they are parts of the eternal law of right. R1527:3

In ordinances – In decrees. (Rotherham) R503:1

Decrees of the Jewish Law. R1527:2

To make – "Create." (Rotherham) R503:1

Of twain – "The two." (Rotherham) R503:1

Jews and Gentiles. R6:2, 4879:6, 4495:6, 257:3; NS341:1, 142:5

One new man – "Of new mould." (Rotherham) R503:1

Spiritual Israel. HG440:3 New nation. NS341:2

Of the Jews and of the Gentiles--a Little Flock--of which Christ is the Head. Q363:3; NS679:3, 658:5

The second Adam, the Christ, Head and Body. R6:1, 4495:6; NS142:5

The seed of Abraham. R6:2, 257:4

The Mediator, the Peace Maker between God and mankind. R4879:6

Perfect unity in one body. NS341:2

16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: Might reconcile – "Might fully reconcile." (Rotherham) R503:1

Both – Both Jews and Gentiles were under condemnation to death. R1727:6, 970:3, 74:3*

The Redeemer whom God provided was sufficient for both. R1727:6

Unto God – Jews and Gentiles needed to have a work done for them which would make them right before God. R586:6

In one body – In the one sacrifice of himself. R1727:6

The cross – "Through the cross." (Rotherham) R503:1

Shed blood--death. R1336:2, 503:3

The death of Christ met the legal claim on universal man and secured his deliverance from the legal curse of death. R74:3*

Slain the enmity – Opposition of the Law against both Jew and Gentile. R586:6

17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Him – Christ. R2024:4, 1541:2

The Lord Jesus. Q389:1

Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice unto God, for men. R587:1

We – Believers who have turned their backs on sin and have become members of the household of faith. Q389:1

Access – Through Christ's blood. Q389:1

We are to come unto the Father. R1227:2

There was no access unto the Father as long as the enmity (opposition) of his just law barred us out as sinners. R587:1

Unto the Father – God. Q389:1

The Gentiles may now enter into covenant relationship with God by Christ. R1541:5

19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; Ye – Those who realize their sins, repent and accept the Redeemer as the only way back to God. R2024:4

No more strangers – And outcasts from the Lord and his communion. R587:1, 1068:1

No longer condemned to death. R5596:3

And foreigners – Like the rest of the world, who are not recognized as sons of God. R1594:2, 4989:3, 1733:6

These should not be recognized as our "brethren," sinced we are no longer in Adam, but now in Christ. R1594:2

Fellowcitizens – God indicates his pleasure by begetting us of the holy Spirit. R4989:3

Our citizenship is of the heavenly Kingdom, therefore we should be diligent to learn its language. R1062:6*

We take no part in this world's politics, but attend to our heavenly politics. "For our enrollment as citizens is ready in the heavens." (Phil. 3:2, Rotherham) R2039:2

Since we are no longer in Adam, but now in Christ. R1594:2

With the saints – Of the heavenly Kingdom, and as such should claim only such rights under the kingdoms of this world as are accorded to aliens. A267

Household – Family. R50:6*

No longer composed exclusively of Israelites, but of those out of every nation. R1435:2*

20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; And are built – The Church is built. F217; R1523:3

The saints of God are built. HG736:2

The foundation – One foundation, which is completed. R81:2*, 333:6

We are building upon the foundations of faith which God himself had established. R1793:6; Q115:3

The finished redemption. R333:6

Of the apostles – Especially commissioned by the Lord as his representatives. SM461:2; HG736:2

Faithful witnesses. F217

Used of the Lord as his inspired agents. F217

The voice of God to and through the Church came only through the twelve apostles of the Lamb. HG736:4

The twelve apostles, inspired and infallibly guided in all their doctrinal utterances by the holy Spirit. R1793:6; F217

Ordinary men who were specially called and solemnly ordained, continually under our Lord's training. They were witnesses of his miracles, teachings and personal character. R1522:3

Designated as the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem, the glorious Church, in Revelation. R1522:1; HG736:3

Prophets – The twelve apostles are referred to in their double office--apostles, especially commissioned by the Lord as his representatives, and prophets, mouthpieces, for the proclamation of his message. HG736:2; SM461:2

The prophets of the Old Testament times. Q115:3

Jesus Christ – The sure and steadfast rock. R1522:1

Chief corner stone – The top-stone, laid in heaven, the ideal of the whole structure; chiseled and polished and fitted for its position like the other living stones. E232; CR456:5

Ever since Christ became the world's Redeemer. R5822:1, 3694:1, 3294:4

The head corner-stone of God's plan. C330

21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: All the building – The whole Church. R92:4*

The various members. R5245:6; Q119:3

Beautifully illustrated by the Great Pyramid. C330; CR456:6

Fitly framed together – Fitted, shaped, trimmed and polished for our positions in the glorious Temple of God. R172:1, 5152:2, 4296:4, 1750:1; CR456:5

We as living stones out of the quarry of humanity. R292:2, 5504:2, 4296:4, 172:1

The work of the Gospel age. R172:1; CR456:6

The stones in the Temple differ to some extent one from the other. This might represent our being a larger or a smaller stone--representing the privileges or honor which we may have beyond the veil. R5246:1; Q119:3

Showing the unity of the Church of Christ. R81:1*

The very finest polishing is produced by contact with the brethren. CR456:5

Not until the full number of stones shall have been made ready will the construction of that glorious Temple begin. CR456:6

Groweth – The Church, making increase for years in the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit. R5504:1

Unto – Into. R5245:6, 292:2; Q119:3 An holy temple -- A spiritual house. R292:2

Antitypical Temple, of which Christ is the Head. R5504:1, 2060:1

The Church. PD45/55; R2031:4, 305:6

In that Temple God by his holy Spirit will dwell in fullest measure. R5504:2,4, 305:6

The Church's construction has been in progress through the Gospel age--ever since Christ became the chief corner-stone of his Temple. R5822:4, 1, 5504:2

The Temple which Jesus has been building during this Gospel age. R292:2, 172:2

The Scriptures clearly teach that the Church is the Temple of the Living God. (2 Cor. 6:16) R5822:1, 3694:1, 3294:1, 2031:4

Through which, when finished, God's blessing shall have come to all people. R5822:1, 3694:4, 3294:1

Christ will be the Head, and the Bride will be the Body in the holy Temple. R1096:1*

Once, God dwelt in the Jewish Temple, but at the death of Jesus, the glory of the Lord departed, and from that time it ceased to be, really, the Temple of God. R305:6, 55:1

This Temple is not quite complete. R4296:4

With what intensity of zeal and fervor should we regard the antitypical Temple, while we contemplate the typical Temple which enkindled such an enthusiasm. R2031:4

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God." (Rev. 3:12) B209, B239

The Apostle Paul mentions that the "Man of Sin" (2 Thess. 2:3) system arises in the Church, and professes to be in and of the true Temple. R980:2, 55:1

Whose living stones shall show forth the praises of God to all eternity. R2031:4

Any building which men may put up at Jerusalem might be called a temple, but it would not be The Temple of God. R55:1

In the Lord – Attaining the glorious character-likeness of our Master. R5246:1

22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. Ye – The Church. R600:2, 2508:2

Living stones. R2508:2

Builded together – Prepared. R1096:1*

It is still under construction. R1750:4, 5822:4, 2508:2; CR457:1

The building will not be completed until the last of these fitted and polished stones is laid in its position. R2508:2

God is now visiting the Gentiles to gather the Body. R751:3*

The whole Church groweth into a holy Temple for the habitation of God. R92:4*

An habitation of God – The house of God in which he is pleased to dwell. R2508:2, 2031:4, 600:2

An everlasting habitation. R306:1, 55:1

The Temple is completed when the various members of the Body of Christ are brought together and united in glory, honor and immortality to the Head of the Church. R2508:3

When completed, the glory of the Lord shall fill the house--the Church will be glorified. R2508:2

Through which, during the Millennial age, the grace of God shall flow to all the families of the earth. R2508:2

Through the Spirit – Led by the Spirit, an evidence of sonship. R50:6*

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