Ephesians Chapter 1 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Paul – Writing this epistle from Rome. R1570:5

To the saints – Holy ones, sanctified believers in Christ. Those who cannot think of themselves as saints cannot apply to themselves the precious promises of this epistle. R2987:4

The word "saint" does not signify actual perfection. R2987:4

A name authorized by apostolic usage. R2987:4

Almost all of the epistles of the New Testament are addressed to the saints. R2987:4

All the exceeding great and precious promises are meant for the saints. R2987:4

Those reckoned holy through our Lord. R2987:4

The faithful – Overcoming ones. R399:1

Believers. (Diaglott.) R347:2

In Christ – This expression or its equivalent occurs at least twenty times in this epistle. R3165:1

2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace – Favor. (Diaglott) R347:2

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: The God – "To us there is but one God." (1 Cor. 8:6) R5748:3

Jesus Christ – He is not The God, he never was and never will be. R5748:3

The word Christ, or kristos, is a Greek word introduced into our English language, but not translated into it. Its meaning is "anointed." R134:2, 270:2

Our Lord Jesus became the Christ, the anointed, when he received the anointing of the holy Spirit at his baptism. He was perfected as the Christ at his resurrection. R5748:3

With all spiritual – Greek, pneumatikos, of a spirit kind. E313

Every spiritual. (Diaglott) R347:2

In heavenly places – In the "Holy" and "Most Holy." T80

In heavenly privileges. E313

In the heavenlies by Christ. (Diaglott) R347:2

Higher conditions--the first apartment of the Tabernacle represents the present condition of the Church while still in the flesh. R1732:4

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: According – To the divine plan. R2122:4

He – The Father. R4780:3

God, of his own sovereign pleasure. R623:2, 4213:3

Hath chosen – Foreordained. R3281:1, 4213:3, 2376:5

Or elected. R613:2, 623:2

In the divine plan it was a foreknowledge that there would be a Church selected from among sinners. R4780:3

As an exception to his general plan for mankind. A193

Predetermined to exalt a certain class, each of whom should meet certain predetermined conditions. R1092:5

God would make to some of his human creatures an offer of joint-heirship with his beloved Son, in the order of the new creation. R3281:1

The selection of the Little Flock was always the divine purpose. This very matter pleased the Father and pleased the Son, and is therefore a part of the divine program. R4398:5,4

These members are "elect according to the foreknowledge of God, the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit." (1 Peter 1:2) R4398:4, 4213:3, 2376:5

God has invited some to share glorious blessings with his Son. R343:2

The election of these individuals is not arbitrary, but according to fitness; the qualifications being justification by faith in Christ and devotedness to God's service at the cost of self-sacrifice. R1092:6

The election takes place in the period from the time of our Lord Jesus' first advent down to the time of his second coming. Q788:2

God's purpose is to select from mankind a Little Flock on whom he will confer Kingdom power in due time, making them his agents in the work of blessing the world of mankind. Our Lord Jesus is the Head or Lord of this Little Flock. R2479:2

Us – Not as individuals. God had foreintended the gathering of a class, or Church. Q657:6; R1092:5

The Church, his Bride and joint-heir. R2607:1

God foreknew us also by Jesus. R4855:5, 4625:4; Q657:6

As God foreknew the Redeemer, he also foreknew this class. R5228:2

A multitudinous seed was contemplated from the beginning. R2122:4

The Little Flock's selection was unexpected of the angels and of men, and hence was and is a "mystery" to mankind. R4398:5

Christ's associate, not only in the sufferings and trials of this present life, but also in the subsequent glory and great work of blessing all the families of the earth. R2376:5

In him – Christ. R2376:5, 4780:3, 4213:3

Long before our Lord came into the world, the Father had planned that there should be an anointed company, the Head of which should be our Lord, and the Body of which should be the Church. R5228:3

In his great plan of the ages, God had already provided a Redeemer. R5128:1

Before the foundation – As a class they were foreknown from the foundation of the world. R1092:5

The Lamb of God was in God's eternal purpose slain from the foundation of the world; so his followers, who are crucified with him, were sheep for the slaughter, chosen in him before the foundation of the world. R4490:1*

Not "from the foundation," as in the case of mankind in the Kingdom. R2607:1

This endless, heavenly, spiritual kingdom was prepared long before the earth was founded--its inception being recognized in Christ. R2607:1, 5228:2, 5057:3, 2479:2, 2122:4, 623:2*

The selection of a Little Flock is not a change in the divine program. R4398:5

In his plan of the ages God had already provided a Redeemer. R5128:1

God foreknew our helplessness under the reign of sin and death, and in his plan made provision for our case in advance. SM539:1

No second thought about it at all. CR460:4

We are chosen during the Gospel age, in order to be prepared to share in laying the foundation of the coming world or order of things. R207:1*

That we – His Church. R2479:2

Should be – Might be. (Diaglott) R347:2

Ultimately. F192

Holy and without blame – Blameless. (Diaglott) R347:2

Prepared for joint-heirship with our Lord in his Kingdom. R2479:2

Complete at last. R1008:2

Before him – In his presence. (Diaglott) R347:2

In love – Having in love previously marked us out for sonship. (Diaglott) R347:2

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, Predestinated – Foreknown of God as a class. E109

Even as it was predestinated of Jesus himself that he should be the Head. R4780:3

God has predestinated the selection of a chosen few, on certain conditions, that he might train and afterward exalt them for a special purpose. R1594:2, 827:4

Let the student carefully observe the Apostle Paul's teaching that God has predestinated the selection of a chosen few, on certain conditions, that he might train and afterward exalt them for a special purpose--to lift up and bless the remainder of humanity. R1594:2

Unto the adoption – Of sons. R827:4

"To as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God." (John 1:12) E177

This adoption primarily was the inheritance of Israel, but after accepting Israel's remnant, "God did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." (Acts 15:14) E177

The beloved Son granted to those who accept him the opportunity to receive the adoption of sons. E177

Of children – Sons of God, brethren of Christ. E109; R355:3

None except this class are begotten of the holy Spirit. R5134:2

More than a righteous life is required of those who would be sons of God. R5134:2

We are children of our Father Jehovah through or by means of Christ Jesus. R355:3

By Jesus Christ to himself – Through Christ Jesus for himself. (Diaglott) R347:2

According to the good pleasure of his will-- He called them to this Kingdom honor. R1781:4, 1272:6

It was God's arrangement that the Church might be permitted to share in the sacrifice. R5622:1

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Of his grace – Beneficence. (Diaglott) R347:2

Made us accepted – As members of the Body of Christ. R4535:3

Justified us. T46, T47, T80; R1585:5

Graciously favored us. (Diaglott) R347:2

With the Father. We have come near to God through Christ. R2823:5, 5093:2

"Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." (Rom. 12:1) R4535:2

Believers who have the same sacrificing spirit as our Lord. R4535:2

We have no standing or acceptance or purity of our own. NS350:3

We can maintain the reckoned acceptance only by abiding in Christ. "No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) R1768:6

Since only that which is perfect could be acceptable of God, our acceptance with the Father is under the covering of the robe of Christ's righteousness, his perfection imputed to us. E445

We are acceptable to God because clothed in the imputed righteousness of Christ. R1585:5

We are first accepted and then daily manifest our devotion to righteousness by efforts toward holiness. E446

Thus, by virtue of our Lord's acceptance of us is it that we have any privilege of sharing with him in the sacrifice and in the glory. R5622:2

The Church has come back from the fallen state of Adam. R5093:2

The Lord's people may realize that they are not aliens and strangers from God. R2823:4

Not on the Church's own account and not through heredity. R4019:4*

The elect Church by nature was not superior to the world from which it was selected, but she had "an ear to hear" the divine message and responded and drew near to the Lord by faith and prayer. NS823:5, 6

In the beloved – Only. T47

God would not accept our sacrifice through Christ; we are accepted only in the Beloved One. R5622:2

Not directly, but indirectly. R2823:5

Who is our Intercessor, our Advocate, and in whom alone we have a standing before the Father and may ask or expect any favors. R2823:5

Accounted worthy of life everlasting, if we are faithful. R5093:2

In Christ. God made our sacrifices, of themselves unworthy of his notice, to be acceptable through the merit of our Redeemer's sacrifice. NS215:1

We have no actual perfection. R1585:5

We are reckoned pure and acceptable to the Father through the merit of our Redeemer, and not of ourselves. NS350:3

Our Lord's great sacrifice was necessary first for our actual justification before God. R4535:2

His consecrated followers are privileged to die with our Redeemer as members of his Body. NS203:2

7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; In whom – By whom. (Diaglott) R347:2

In Christ. HG260:5

We have redemption – Greek, apolutrosis, deliverance from the divine curse and wrath, justification, enjoyed now. E436; F159; R1576:6

We possess the redemption.(Diaglott) R347:2

All who accept of their share in this atoning sacrifice are properly termed Christians. R538:1

We gladly accept Christ as our Redeemer. Thus, justified by faith, we have peace with God. (Rom. 5:1) R1576:6

The Apostle does not here refer to the redemption purchased at Calvary, but of our acceptance with the Father. E435

Those redeemed realize that they should not live the remainder of their lives to themselves and their own pleasure; hence, they consecrate themselves to his service. R1576:6

Through his blood – "It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." (Lev. 17:11) R1298:6, 1230:3

"Being now justified by his blood." (Rom. 5:9) R866:4, 652:5

The sacrifice, the ransom. E435

Through faith in the precious blood of Christ. R1231:2, 1025:5

"Blood" means blood given, blood shed, or death. R1336:1

His blood became the basis for the forgiveness of our sins; and for bringing us back to sonship in the family of God. R1230:3

This doctrine has always been opposed by the Adversary. R684:2

Christians have no further interest in any teaching that has any other foundation than this; except to point it out to others as a snare and trap of the great enemy. R1025:5*

Forgiveness of sins – Offenses. (Diaglott) R347:2

Of our sins, for which Christ paid the penalty. E461

"How that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures." (1 Cor. 15:3) This is the basis, our realization that we are justified and cleansed from all sin in God's sight. R538:1

Preaching this has always been opposed by the Adversary, and he has ever found able assistance, but never with such persistent and deceptive effort as now. R684:2

Riches of his grace – Opulence of his favor. (Diaglott) R347:2

Heavenly blessings granted to the faithful in this present life. R2762:4

Knowledge of divine good things and treasures of wisdom. R2762:4

Those who come into Christ find more and more of these true riches of grace day by day, and year by year, as we progress. R2762:5

Fellowship with God, including faith, hope, and joy in the holy Spirit, and an ability to see and appreciate with the eye of faith things actually not seen as yet. R2762:4

8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; He hath abounded – He caused to overflow. (Diaglott) R347:5

In all wisdom – We need the heavenly wisdom for every step of the narrow way. God has provided true wisdom in Christ. R2263:1

The very essence of divine wisdom is the great Mediator's instruction and guidance. R2263:1

The pilgrim for the heavenly country learns to trust no wisdom but that which cometh down from above and is in accordance with the divine Word. R2263:2

The faithful put no confidence in themselves and their own wisdom. R2263:1

"Who of God is made unto us wisdom." (1 Cor. 1:30) R2263:1

And prudence – Intelligence. (Diaglott) R347:5

As we could bear it. R827:4

9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Made known unto us – The Christian Church. A26

St. Paul writes of God's favor to himself. CR10:4

The mystery – The secret. A26; R1251:3, 347:5

The selection of the Church, the Body of Christ. R4625:4

Fully appreciated by his saints, but still hidden from the world. R1273:2, 1781:6

"The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." (Psalm 25:14) NS740:6

The mystery is that God purposed that the blessing of the world should be accomplished not by our Savior alone, but in association with a select class of saints gathered out of the world, specially prepared during this age. NS740:6

Because we are children of God, we are privileged to know more and more of the hidden mystery. R2074:6

Was to be the ground for the faith, patience and endurance of the saints. R1273:2

The world does not understand because God prefers to keep the matter a mystery from them. NS740:6

Of his will – Plan. R827:4, 1781:5, 1273:2

God's will. R1273:2

Righteousness. R1781:5, 1273:2

Present evil is not of his will, nor of his government. R1781:6

His good pleasure – Benevolent design. (Diaglott) R347:5

Eternal purpose. NS544:3

Which he – God, the Heavenly Father. R1778:3, 3527:6

Purposed in himself – Previously. (Diaglott) R347:5

Before the world was. NS544:3

From before the foundation of the world. NS750:4

Before the foundation of the world. R1560:1

And had never before revealed. A26

Our God is a God of wisdom, justice and love, with all power to carry to successful conclusion his program respecting our race. NS750:3

10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: That – In regard to. (Diaglott) R347:5

In the dispensation – Or epoch. A220

Administration. (Diaglott) R1269:6, 347:5

Fulness of times – In his own appointed time. R1594:2, 1273:2

The Millennial age. R3458:1

"Of the fulness of the seasons." (Rotherham) R827:4

In God's appointed time. R1594:2

Following the Millennial reign of Christ. R1560:3

When the divine plan shall have reached its consummation. R5051:1

Lasting from the beginning of Christ's reign for "ages to come." A219

He might – God will. R3458:1, 5051:1

Gather together – Re-establish under God's dominion and law. R1679:3

Re-unite. (Diaglott) R1269:6, 1834:1, 347:5

Because it is the will of God. R4498:5

There has been great commotion in the disrupted family of God. R1833:6

It is not God's purpose to allow his empire to remain shattered forever, but he is providing for recovery. R1269:6

Subdue, so that a state of peace, harmony and bliss may everlastingly prevail. R1273:2, 1269:6

This great work is not yet accomplished. SM252:T

In one – Under one head. R4940:5, 4498:6, 4159:1, 1834:1, 1778:3, 827:4

In one harmonious family, though on different planes of being. C330; R3268:6

Jesus already is the Head of the Church, so ultimately he will be the Head of all creation. R4498:5

All the faithful in heaven and earth under the headship of Christ whose head is Jehovah. R5058:5, 5051:1, 1550:1

"There shall be one fold and one shepherd." (John 10:16) R3527:6, 4940:6

As many of the world in general who will have their eyes opened and ears unstopped may become one with the Lord and with all those in harmony with him. NS273:1

There will be Jehovah, the Head over all things and the Head over Christ; next will come our Lord and the Church which is his Body; then will come the various orders of angels, and lastly mankind. R5051:1

All things – Worthy. R1778:4

All who submit themselves to Christ willingly, of the whole intelligent creation, human and spiritual. R1778:4

The Church will be chief; the Great Company, cherubim and angels will follow in order, and restored mankind the lowest order. R4940:6

The disordered things. R1679:3

"For he hath put all things under his feet." (1 Cor. 15:27) R1778:4

All the faithful. R5058:5

Whatever inharmonies we now see in nature must be viewed as incidental to the preparations for the perfection of all things. This perfection is not due until after the Millennial reign of Christ. R1560:3

In Christ – Under Christ. R827:5, 5058:5, 1778:4, 1747:4, 1273:2

The anointed one.(Diaglott) R1269:6, 347:5

This is well illustrated by a pyramid, all of whose lines conform to the top-stone, the chief, upper, corner-stone. A242

In the great eternity before us. R1778:4

Jehovah delights to honor his Son, and commits all judgment unto him. R1550:1, 2

The Millennial day will judge who are worthy or unworthy of eternal life under Christ. R1778:4

Which are in heaven – Spiritual things. R1679:3

"All power is given unto me in heaven." (Matt. 28:18) A289

Things in the heavens. (Diaglott) R347:5, 3527:6

Work among spiritual beings. A289

The angelic host do indeed give reverence and obedience to the glorified Son of God. SM252:T

Which are on earth – Human things. R1679:3

Things on the earth. (Diaglott) R347:5, 3527:6

Work among human beings. A289

The remainder of humanity is to be lifted up and blessed. R1594:2

The masses of mankind, living and dead, have never heard the name of Jesus or known of the grace of God in him. These must have an opportunity for salvation through Christ in the Millennium. SM252:T

Even in him – Even under him. R827:5, 1269:6, 347:5

Eventually united under the headship of our Lord, as the representative of Jehovah. R1747:4, 5058:5; NS230:2

In every plane of existence. NS273:1

Christ is to subject spiritual and human powers when the Church has been selected and the work of judging and blessing commences. R1679:3

Our Lord Jesus the Head, the Church his Body, the Great Company, fleshly Israel restored, and ultimately all nations brought under one headship. R4498:5

Then will the Father rejoice in the grandeur of his finished work and in the everlasting happiness of his family in heaven and earth. R1834:1

11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: In whom – By whom. (Diaglott) R347:5

Being predestinated – Not as individuals, but as a Church, as a class. R4855:5, 827:5; E109

Having been previously marked out.(Diaglott) R1269:6, 347:5

Being marked out beforehand. (Rotherham) R827:5

God foreknew us, the Church. NS544:3

To the purpose – Design. (Diaglott) R347:5, 1269:6

Of him – Of God, the Divine Architect. HG377:4; A73

Literally, out of. R1777:4, 1268:2

Worketh all things – Operating all things agreeably. (Diaglott) R347:5, 1269:6

"All things are of God." (2 Cor. 5:18) R1268:2

By God's overruling providence. A167

All the conditions and circumstances of the present and past. R1778:4

Gradually unfolding the various features of his great plan from age to age. A73; HG540:4

Even bringing about the train of modern inventions. A167

God knowing the end from the beginning. R5115:3, 4855:5

The grandest feature of restitution pertains to mankind itself--the return of humanity to its former estate. NS463:4

God is a wise economist of both time and means; and no power thwarts his purposes. Evil as well as good, under divine supervision, are working together for the accomplishment of God's sovereign will. HG540:5

After the counsel – According to a plan of the ages. R1560:1

Divine wisdom has foreseen the possibility of a glorious outcome. E412

According to fixed rules, and principles which are unchangeable. R4451:1

The Scriptures everywhere hold that our Creator is systematically ordering the affairs of earth. OV248:1; NS711:1

Of his own will – Which, for the present, for beneficent purposes, sees good to permit imperfect beings and imperfect conditions to exist. E411

In due time he will establish righteousness in the earth. R5115:3

12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. That we should be – In order that we might be. (Diaglott) R347:5

The new creation. F192

To the praise – For a praise. (Diaglott) R347:5

Who first trusted – Who had a prior hope. (Diaglott) R347:5

If the Church be a "first fruits," there must of necessity be a great ingather after the Church. R555:6

In Christ – The anointed one. (Diaglott) R347:5

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Gospel – Good news. R94:4

Your salvation – From sin, i.e., forgiveness. We must first be forgiven before we can receive the holy Spirit. R94:4

Ye were sealed – The saints of the Most High God. R2982:6

Those who are in Christ Jesus are partakers of his anointing which seals. T37

The seal marks all of those worthy of deliverance. R2064:2

All who refuse to live up to their covenant, even though sealed, will be rejected from it and cast again into outer darkness with the world to share in the great time of trouble. R2982:6

Marked or indicated by the holy Spirit given to you. F132; R2064:3, 1658:1, 329:4

It is a seal, or mark of sonship. No more a servant, but a son. R375:2

The seal of your adoption. R1658:1

A seal is an authoritative impression affixed to an important document. R2064:3

The sealing corresponds to the quickening, and is not an instantaneous work, but is a gradual or progressive work. Q634:5

Given the assurance that you shall inherit the exceeding great and precious promises after you have faithfully endured the tests of your love and devotion which God will apply; this is the very cream of Christian experience in the present life. E247, E248

Now in progress, in their foreheads, giving them a mental appreciation of the divine plan and its times and seasons, together with a judgment or testing of all who have covenanted themselves to be the Lord's. R2982:6

That holy Spirit – Now granted to the Church in the earnest or foretaste of our inheritance. R4634:3

"Grieve not the holy Spirit, whereby ye are sealed." (Eph. 4:30) E247; T37

God's gift of the holy Spirit to the Church, which testifies to their divine recognition as sons and heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, if so be that they suffer with him, even unto death. (Rom. 8:17) R2064:3

The Spirit of God is the evidence of our begetting to the family of God. R375:2

The holy Spirit is from the Father, and he does the sealing through Christ with the holy Spirit, which itself is the seal. E246

This sealing with the holy Spirit is the stamp of God, impressed by God upon all his believing and truly consecrated children. R2064:3

The Spirit of God constitutes the true Church the light of the world. R375:2

We have now but the begetting of the holy Spirit to this new nature, but we have learned to know our God and to trust his faithful Word. R5497:5

We are not actually spirit beings until the resurrection. A197

The Spirit in us is not the spirit which is in the worldly. R375:2

Of promise – Not the so-called "third person." The holy influence of God. E246

14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Is the earnest – Pledge. R493:3, 2064:2, 1982:5

Assurance. R626:5; A202

Foretaste; or hand-payment. CR131:4; 470:5; R5507:4, 4634:3; NS266:5

The sealing of the same Spirit. R5497:5

Spirit begetting. NS591:4

What God's people already enjoy of the holy Spirit. NS266:5

Support which we receive from the Spirit while suffering at the hands of the enemy. R424:1*

The change of mind from human to spiritual is the beginning of the change of nature, the begetting. R626:5

The Lord has through his promises given us a foretaste of the good things to come. R5906:6

By giving us his holy Spirit God binds the contract into which we have entered with him. R5907:1

When the Father accepted our offering and our vows to him, and granted us his holy Spirit, he did not give us the full consummation of our hopes, but merely an "earnest of our inheritance." R5855:2

As if God said, "I will give you this now, and I will give you the remainder when you prove that you mean what you say." CR470:5

The descent of the holy Spirit. From the resurrection of Christ to the descent of the holy Spirit was fifty days. HG70:5

Of our inheritance – The Church is to inherit the divine nature. R4634:3

Future inheritance as the sons of God. R1982:5

Divine providence has made abundant arrangement for the everlasting blessedness of all the sons of God. R2454:3

Which we cannot fully enter until our covenant is faithfully finished in actual death. F445

Which we will receive at the second coming of our Lord and our gathering together with him, as his members and his Bride class. R4592:4

In due time. R493:3

We are to inherit all things; including the blessing of all the families of the earth in union with our Lord Jesus. R4634:3

Until the redemption – Greek, apolutrosis, deliverance. E153, E441; R3281:6, 2064:5; NS266:5

In Christ is our redemption, or deliverance; for so God has ordained. R3281:6

Our Redeemer was in the world for the very purpose of redeeming man and all his forfeited rights and possessions. R2454:3

The time is coming for the redemption. R16:1

The time for the deliverance is in the Millennial Kingdom, and the Church is to be delivered first. E436

Purchased possession – Mankind; the rights, privileges, life and kingdom originally given to Adam; and the earth itself; all that was lost. A247; D633, D648; E221, E436, E441; F669; R2454:3, 1006:4, 16:1; NS136:1

When we are changed to receive his glory, this part of his possession will be complete and we shall be perfected with him and be under his direct control. R4634:4

The whole earth is a part of the purchased possession and shall be filled with the glory of God. R4634:6, 2425:3

The garden of Eden was the paradise lost, and on a larger and grander scale it shall in due time be restored by him whose sacrifice purchased it as well as mankind. R2788:3

All that Christ bought with his blood; it includes the world of nature--"I will give thee the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psa. 2:8) R593:3

Our Lord is now the rightful heir, and shortly he will take possession of his purchase. A247

In God's due time everything that was purchased by the Son of God is to be restored to mankind. NS266:5

The Paradise state has been redeemed for man by the death of our Lord Jesus, and his glorious restitution work will be to restore Paradise. F669

The Redeemer will cleanse the earth from evil, baneful influences, and there shall be no more death, nor pain, nor sickness, nor crying. R2425:3

The blood will be applied to seal the New Covenant, under which everything will be brought into line, and then turned over to the Father. R4634:4

In the type the blood was poured at the base of the altar, showing that the earth was purchased back from the curse. T42; R73:1

"The earth is the Lord's" (Exod. 9:29); no deeds now on record are valid; Christ will re-divide the earth, giving its most desirable places to the meek. D310, D633

The purchase is accomplished, but the deliverance waits for God's due time. E436

All who join with our Lord, as members of the Kingdom class, share in that purchase. D648

It is the purchaser's privilege to begin the work of giving life to the dead world. He delays the commencement of this life-giving work until the Little Flock is complete. R1006:4

The Little Flock shall be joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus in the purchased possession, and co-workers in restoring the redeemed race to life. R1006:4

15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,
16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; Give thanks for you – He prayed for them and sent messengers and helpers to them. R1570:5

In my prayers – Saint Paul prays to God for the Church. R5797:5

Let us have sympathy for those whose eyes of understanding are still more or less blinded. R5145:4

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: Lord Jesus Christ – He is not The God, he never was and never will be. R5748:3

Christ never claimed to be equal in power. E39, E40, E82

May give unto you – He is speaking to the Christians, and not to worldly people. (Eph. 3:16) R3167:6

These will have a spirit of meekness. R371:1

Spirit of wisdom – Not another God, nor a person in any sense. E186

Knowledge of him – Knowledge of Christ. "The excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 3:8) NS506:3

18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, The eyes – Not natural sight, but the eyes of our faith. R2975:6

"We walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) R2976:1

Even Christians, in proportion as they are influenced by error or selfishness and not filled with the holy Spirit, are blinded. R5512:3

Your understanding – Your heart. (Diaglott) Q358:5

Rather than natural eyes. R223:2*

Certainly the very best kind of eyes. R340:3*

An ability to see and appreciate with the eye of faith things actually not seen as yet. R2762:4, 2975:6

Our eyes of understanding open more and more widely, in proportion as we are filled with the holy Spirit. R5391:1; CR416:5

Paul prayed for Christians thus because of Satan's anxiety to keep people from studying his gracious plan for redemption. SM132:3

It behooves us to have sympathy for those whose eyes of understanding are still more or less blinded by the god of this world. R5145:4

Being enlightened – Gradually, by an understanding of the truth. F143; R5145:4, 4692:5

Opened by the anointing of truth. R264:3

To see the divine character and plan. R3848:4

Opened to see wonderful things in the divine Word. R2975:6

Opened wider and wider. R5512:3, 5797:5; SM535:2; NS159:6

Some see more, and some less of the love of God. R5512:3

If our eyes are opened to appreciate the light, let us not be high-minded, but fear lest the light should pass from us. R3475:4

Even Christians see only in part, but may see increasingly in proportion as they come into accord with the divine plan. R3475:4

The importance of a proper spiritual sight, in order to discern truth clearly. R5797:5

By reason of sin, man's discernment of right and wrong has been more or less blurred, and some are totally blind to the deeper and spiritual things. R5797:5

Darkness is that which came by the fall of natural man. R5797:6

After having been once enlightened, darkness is the greater by reason of whatever light we once enjoyed. R5797:6

That ye may know – Be able to comprehend. R5797:5; SM535:2; NS532:1, 159:6

It requires time for heart and head to take in a glimpse of such a wonderful blessing as this which God has provided for the elect. R3168:1

Hope of his calling – The high calling. R1252:1*, 2414:6, 1710:5

To joint-heirship with Christ. R1252:1*, 1710:5

Hope of his invitation. (Diaglott) Q358:5

Designed exclusively for believers of the Christian age. A26

The mission of the Church is to introduce those who see the light to the full fellowship of the high calling; presently to suffer with Christ for righteousness' sake, and in the future to bless the world. R2414:6

Referred to by the apostles as a mystery, a secret thing; simply incomprehensible to the natural man. R1251:3*, 1252:1*

The blessing of the world. R2414:6, 1710:5

The riches of the glory – The glorious wealth. (Diaglott) Q358:5

The anointed Christ of glory is a composite one of many members under one glorious Head. R3293:2

The blessing of the Lord, which goes first to the Church, will make her rich--"heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him." (Rom. 8:17) NS723:5

Inheritance – Used here in the sense of that which God possesses--or has come to possess--he possesses us by giving us certain promises--and if we take hold of them he will own and possess us, and we shall be his--his special treasure, as he puts it in another place. Q358:6

In the saints – Among the saints. (Diaglott) Q358:5

19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Of his power – God's power. R3207:3

To us-ward – The greatness of God's power working in his saints. R3207:3

Divine power exercised through the Word of promise. R3207:3

Raising us up to glory and using us then to bless the world. R3207:4

20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, He raised him – By divine power. R4463:3; E281; CR58:2

Giving him life on a new plane of being. R3174:6

Christ could never have raised himself. R2795:2

Our Lord's resurrection from the dead implies that his work met with the Father's approval. NS636:6

Not to earthly conditions again, but to heavenly conditions. R4463:3

Was resurrected to the spirit plan. OV353:6

Our Redeemer and Lord was raised up first to be Head over the Church. R4354:5

From the dead – Our Lord, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man. R3174:6

God raised him up from the death condition on the third day. R5612:4

Jesus was the first one who descended to the tomb, was raised from the dead, and who has ascended far above angels. R5612:5

Giving him a new life, a new being--making him a new creature. R3167:3

No longer a man in the flesh, but is again a spirit being, now of the divine nature. R3167:3

And set him – "And am set down with my Father in his throne." (Rev. 3:21) R1829:4

The Father highly exalted the Redeemer. R5416:2, 5391:6

The Redeemer has already reached his destiny of high exaltation. R5263:5

The Father's hand lifted Jesus up when his obedience was fully tested. R5844:1

Because of his demonstration of full submission to the Father's will. R5252:5

His own right hand – Position of favor and power. A92; E39; R294:6

When his obedience was fully tested. R5844:1

"Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." (Col. 3:1) NS636:3

Our Lord's reward for redeeming mankind was glory, honor, immortality at the right hand of the majesty on high. NS636:3

Not only as high as he was before, but higher--highly exalted. R5252:5, 3476:6

Not only our Lord's change to the divine nature, but also his official elevation to the right hand of God. R1829:3

God hath appointed the Son the heir of all things. R3161:2

In the heavenly – To the divine nature. R5090:4, 1829:3

The spirit plane. OV353:6

The Greek word is emphatic and signifies the chief heavenly condition. R294:6

Jesus' reward for obedience. R5768:4; E39

State, the details of which we may not now grasp. R4966:5

Granted to our Lord as a reward for his atoning sacrifice. R1829:3

This full exaltation could not have been experienced until our Lord's sacrifice had been made and presented. R1829:3

Our Lord was exalted as Jehovah's Prime Minister in the throne of universal dominion, duly qualified, being made a partaker of immortality, a dignity never before conferred upon any created being. R1829:4

21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come: Far above – Next to the Father. OV353:6

God exalted Jesus above all others, both for the present and future ages. R827:5

Above angels. R3174:6, 5612:5, 5416:2, 5304:2, 5263:5, 5252:5, 4931:5, 4835:6, 4595:4, 3845:1, 3378:6, 1542:4, 1510:3; SM74:1; NS551:6

"Him hath God highly exalted." (Phil. 2:9) E394; R5612:5, 5416:2, 5252:5, 4966:5, 3476:6, 1904:1, 1262:6

He is now a partaker of the divine nature, a spirit being of the very highest order--of the same order with the Father himself. R3378:6

By virtue of his resurrection, our Lord has been exalted to the highest plane of life. NS479:1

To the highest plane in the new creation. F65

On the spirit plane. SM389:1

Above human and angelic natures to the very pinnacle of glory and power, the divine nature. This divine nature is the grade of spirit body being promised to the overcoming Bride. R1510:6,3

Jesus sacrificed perfect life and all his legal rights and privileges. His reward for so doing was exaltation from the human nature to the divine. R4835:3

The Apostle Paul assures us that our Lord Jesus was personally exalted very highly in his resurrection. SM787:1

Far above the human nature. R1262:6

He is the man Jesus no longer. He is now the Lord of glory, far above man's plane and conditions. NS88:5

Not to earthly conditions again, but to heavenly conditions. CR58:2

We cannot be so great as our Lord and his apostles, but if faithful, our glorious reward will be exceedingly high. R4595:4

The Church is said to share in Christ's resurrection which is not to human perfection but to glory, honor and immortality. HG229:6

All the spirit-begotten followers of Jesus who are found faithful will be made partakers of the divine nature--associates with the Redeemer. SM75:1

In the first resurrection the Little Flock will be changed from human nature to the divine nature, made like their Lord. NS551:6

The reward promised the Body of Christ is spiritual, heavenly, and their exaltation will be higher than that of the angels--like their Lord, to the highest of all natures--the divine. NS520:6

God's justice and benevolence is demonstrated by this high exaltation of the man Christ Jesus who was faithful unto death. R3378:6

All principality – Our Lord's resurrection was to glory, honor and immortality. SM74:1

To the glory he had with the Father before the world was--with and to an added glory. R5180:4, 2318:2

Proving Jesus is not a fleshly being, scarred for all eternity. R5416:2

"Being so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they." (Heb. 1:4) F65; R5481:5

The identity, the personality, is the same, as of the Logos. R5065:4

And every name – Even to the divine nature. R5090:4, 4931:5, 4835:6, 3167:2, 2317:5, 1510:3, 1262:6, 828:2; OV152:2; SM175:1

Next to Jehovah. A134; R3845:1, 3378:6

He has already received personally much more than a requital for his sacrifice. SM787:1

The Body of Christ will share with her Lord in his exaltation. OV143:3; R2980:5; SM154:1

The Redeemer, backed by divine authority, will institute a heavenly Kingdom in the earth, and for a thousand years reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. SM389:1

As partaker of the Father's nature and sharer of his throne. F65

God has purposed to make a new creation, and calls the Church to be associated with her Lord in the divine nature. R5058:5

The invitation to share with Christ the coming glories and dignities is accompanied by certain conditions: all who share his death will also share his resurrection. R1542:4,5

Those called out of the world during this Gospel age are promised a change from earthly to spiritual nature--they shall be like Christ and share his glory. NS395:5

That is named – Up to the throne of the Father. NS657:3

This world – Age. R1829:4

22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, And hath put – Subjected. R827:5

And gave him – Jesus. R5446:3; T36

God gave Christ. R3776:5

Constituted him. R827:5

Our Lord did not call himself to the position of headship of the Church but was appointed to it by God. "No man taketh this honor to himself." (Heb. 5:4) R3276:5

To be the head – It pleased the Father to have Jesus the Head over all. NS142:1

Jesus is the Head, the chairman, the leader, the captain of our salvation, the forerunner. CR346:1; OV401:7; R4515:5, 2596:6

Ruler and teacher. R1574:6

Jesus is the Head over the Church, which is his Body. (Col. 1:18) R6013:3; SM791:T

The Lord, the Head, will always be Head of the Church--the Head over all, God blessed forever. (Rom. 9:5) R4515:5, 2854:6, 557:1

Jesus came first, and his members have been gradually united to him throughout this age. OV401:7

Typified in the Jewish priesthood by the fact that the underpriests wore bonnets, and in the Royal Priesthood that the sisters, typifying the Church, also have their heads covered. T36

In every assembly where two or three meet in his name when his Word is sought and heeded. R1574:5

To have the first place in the Christ company. R5228:3

None went before Christ, otherwise he would not properly have been the Head. HG131:5

In the anointing of Aaron, the typical high priest, the anointing oil was all poured upon the head, and Aaron's head typified our Lord Jesus. NS204:1

The true Christian appeals to his Head for direction in every affair of life. R2461:1

In the blessing of all the families of the earth. R2596:6

Our individuality is lost as we become members of the Body of Christ and take his name. Any association that we have in the work of the sin-offering, is all accredited to the work of Christ. R4747:5

Jesus never gave this office to anyone, but claims it himself; any others who claim it are usurpers. R320:4

Over all things – "That in all things he might have the preeminence." (Col. 1:18) A82; R11:3

The Apostle carefully guards the Church against any presumptive claims. A82

The true Christian renounced his own will and submitted himself to the absolute control of Jesus, the Head of the Church. R2461:1

To the church – The Church of the first-born. R270:3; T36

The Christ class, of which Christ is the Head, God blessed forever. R1855:1, 2579:6

Jesus has been and always will be the Head over his Church. R1574:5

The members of Christ's Body who follow him. HG131:5

The Christ of God is Jesus and the redeemed Church. R751:3

Our baptism into Christ's death inducts us into the mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, whose names are written in heaven. R5063:5, 5391:6, 5057:1, 2122:4, 1574:5; HG335:3

God's plan for the salvation of the world includes the selection of the Church of this Gospel age as members of the Body of the great Christ under Jesus their Head. NS295:6

The elect, glorified house of sons, of which Christ Jesus is the Head, will be used in blessing all the families of the earth, assisting them up the highway of holiness back into harmony with God. R2596:6

"The elect" of the Lord, called and chosen; and if faithful, they will be members of the glorious Church beyond the veil. CR75:4; OV241:5

God will select from the redeemed race a Little Flock, a Church, a Bride class, to be joint-heirs with his Son in the Kingdom work of uplifting mankind. NS551:6

Different members of the Church are being called--drawn by selective process--from the world of mankind, a people for a purpose. R5057:2

The preaching of the gospel was begun by our Lord and has continued throughout the Gospel age by the Church. R2579:6

The Christ of power and glory, foretold in Scripture, is not only Jesus Christ, but all those who being justified by his sacrifice have become joint-heirs with him. R557:1

23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. His body – The Bride. R2122:4, 2376:5 The mystical Body of Christ. R5063:5, 5057:1; NS740:6

Members of the High Priest. T36

The great Messiah would be composed not only of our Lord Jesus but also of the elect Church, which symbolically he calls his Body. NS540:2

The Heavenly Father purposed not to have Jesus alone, but that he should be the Head of the Anointed, and the Church the Body. R5391:6

He likens the Church to the human body, of which Jesus is the Head. (1 Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:4,5) R399:1, 2122:4, 1574:5

Even as there are many members in the body of Congress, all of whom are under a head. OV401:6; CR346:1

As our Lord suffered in the flesh, so will also those who are members of the Church, which is his Body. St. Peter admonishes us to expect this in 1 Peter 4:1. R5173:4

All who suffer with Jesus, even unto death, will be glorified with him, to become his Body. R316:5*

The holy Spirit did not reach the Body until Pentecost. NS204:1

The Church of Christ was not established until Pentecost. HG261:6

The resurrection of the Church, which is his Body, will be like Christ's resurrection, different from that provided for the world in general. NS616:5; HG452:6

The members of his Body will soon be raised up also, sharers in "his resurrection." (Phil. 3:10) These are members of the great Mediator between God and men, and will have to do with every feature of the work of mediating during the Millennium. R4515:5

The Body of Christ, which is the Church. NS374:4

The great spiritual Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. HG260:6

The Body of Christ, the body of a company of anointed. CR346:1

All who are the Lord's constitute the Body, over which the Head rules. R1574:5

The union between the Head and the members is promised in the harvest of this Gospel age. NS296:1

So long as they abide as members of the true Body of Christ, they cannot be heady, cannot be self-willed. R2461:1

Fulness – Completeness. R827:5

The full development of him who is filling all things with all. R316:5*, 827:5

Of him – The Christ. R827:5

Under the reign of him who is to fill and perfect all things. R1063:6

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