Scripture |
Expanded Comments | Additional Comments |
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1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. |
In the last days – Of this age. R4438:3, 3347:3, 968:3, 760:4, 352:6*
In the harvest, or end of the Gospel age. R4438:3; SM697:3
In the very end of the age. A75
In the close of the present age before the dawning of the new dispensation. R3898:5
In the dawning of this new dispensation and the closing of this Gospel age. R4976:5
In this harvest time when the reign of righteousness is about to begin. R5413:1
The great seventh day, the thousand-year day of his kingdom. R5696:2
We are now living in the very time referred to by the Apostle. R1319:1, 5696:2
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith." (1 Tim. 4:1) C200
Therefore we need to be fully established in the faith, and able to fully trust the Lord. R5678:5
Not the middle ages. R968:3
Perilous times – Not the conversion of the world, expected by many. A90
At the time of our Lord's second coming the world will be far from converted to God. OV222:4, HG341:3
It will not be so much a perilous time for the world. It will be a time of great peril to the Lord's people--selfishness will be rampant--the spirit of the world surges all around them. R5413:1,2,4
Due largely to the evil spirits, just as in the days of Noah. R4976:6
When error is taking on its most baneful and deceitful forms. R1320:6
Such conditions especially characterize this harvest period. R1664:1*
Subtle influences are now at work seeking to dwarf and extinguish the spiritual life and to rob the saints of their glorious hope. R1319:2
Shall come – Greek, enistemi, be present. B158
Because the prince of darkness will make every possible effort to retain his power and dominion; and ignorance, error and superstition are his strongholds. R1362:6
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, |
For men – Professed Christians, Christendom. R2459:1, 1319:6
This is a graphic illustration of present-day conditions in the Christian world, so called. R5652:4
Of their own selves – Selfish. R1319:5, 1870:5, 1320:1, 846:5
Selfishness is the peculiar characteristic of our day. R2459:4
Love of dress, love of show, love of honor and position. R2459:4
Covetous – Of honors and distinction and the praise of men--ambitious. R1320:1
The love of money, honor, luxuries. R2459:5, 3613:5, 3343:3
The covetous person is a mammon-worshipper and has abandoned the proper worship of God. R2459:5
The way in which other people spend time and money is a temptation to the Lord's people which must be steadfastly resisted. R5413:5
Boasters – Boasting accompanies pride and is the opposite of meekness and humility. Was there ever a time when people were as boastful as they are today? R2459:5
As though the credit of the truth was in some way due to them, and as though they had a right therefore to alter and amend it at their pleasure. R1320:1
Proud – Of wealth, family, sect, self. R2459:6
Of that knowledge which should be received with humility and thankfulness, and which can be retained only under these conditions. R1320:1
Blasphemers – Railers. R3613:5, 3343:3
Greek, blasphemos, one speaking injuriously, or an evil-speaker. R1319:4, 1320:1
Misrepresenters of God's plan and character, and slanderers of one another. R2460:1
Evil speakers against the doctrine of Christ and those who believe and teach it. R1320:1
God's character is blasphemed by attributing to him evil deeds, evil motives, and evil purposes. R2459:6
Disobedient – Greek, apeithes, not persuaded, not of the same mind as. R1319:5
To parents – And higher authority in general. R3613:5
In our day the divinely arranged family order seems to be entirely lost sight of with the great majority. R2460:2
Disrespect for the experiences and advice of parents and seniors. R2074:2
Lack of reverence for parents leads on to that careless condition which fears not God, neither regards man, in its selfish wayward course. R4522:2
Not sufficient time is given to instructing youth respecting the necessity for law and order. R4522:3
Unthankful – Lacking gratitude to God and man; attributing prosperity to one's own ability or luck. R2460:2
Unholy – Not fully consecrated to the Lord. R2460:3
Greek, anosios, unkind. R1319:5, 1320:2
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, |
Without natural affections – It is not the province of true Christianity to destroy the natural affections, but rather to deepen them and lift them to a higher plane. R2460:3
These words are omitted in the Sinaitic manuscript. R1319:3
Trucebreakers – Greek, aspondos, irreconcilable, implacable, stubborn, constant in enmity. R1319:5
An unwillingness to make a truce, or to live in harmony and abandon hostilities. R2460:3
False accusers – Willing to accuse enemies falsely, even when the charges are known to be false. This surely indicates a very evil condition of heart. R2460:4
Slanderers. R3343:4
Enticers to strife. R5652:4, 2793:2
Incontinent – Greek, akrates, without self-control, rash, impulsive. R1319:5, 3343:4, 2460:4
Not under restraint; impetuous. R5652:4, 2793:2
Despisers of – Greek, aphilagathos, not friendly to the good. R1319:5, 1320:2
Those that are good – Who hold fast the truth in righteousness. R1320:2
The nominal Christian despises the true saint and tries to believe that his professions of entire consecration to the Lord are hypocrisies. R2460:5
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; |
Traitors – Cannot be trusted; would sell out their best friends for selfish considerations. R5652:4, 2793:2
False accusers. R1320:2
Ready to break contracts whenever it can be done profitably. Persons controlled by the selfish spirit can never be trusted. R2460:6
Heady – Head-strong; full of self-will; not subject to the mind of Christ. R2461:1, 3343:4
A loss of respect for authority--as people lose faith in the Bible and in God, they become more selfish and self-willed. R5413:2
High-minded – Puffed up. R3343:4
Having a high opinion of their own talents. Probably half of the hopelessly insane have lost their reason because of self-conceit. R2461:2
"Every man that is among you [ought] not think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly." (Rom. 12:3) R2461:2
Lovers of pleasure – The world's pleasures and honors. R2461:3
Pleasure is their aim in life. R5413:4
Love of money, and that which money will purchase--pleasure, power, influence--have driven the world mad. Money is worshipped as an idol. R5696:6
Than lovers of God – Preferring their own wills to the will of God. R1319:6, 1320:2
The general tendency of today is toward a lack of reverence for God and for the order and arrangement which he has established. R2053:5
This condition is to be a sign of the end of the age. R5413:2
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. |
A form of godliness – Being great sticklers for days, forms, ceremonies and ecclesiastical authorities. F248
This form of godliness has spread to such an extent that the whole world is styled Christendom--Christ's Kingdom. OV371:4
Must be professed Christians. R171:2*
Outwardly Christians, but inwardly skeptics, covetous, extortionate, unjust. R5389:6
Tares. R5049:1, 2277:3
Those who should have been humble followers of Jesus were misled into pomposity. SM549:2
Which if possible would deceive the very elect. R365:4
The nominal Church contains much of the world and its spirit. Outward ceremony flourishes. R2091:2
The mind of the flesh will seek partnership with the new mind under certain conditions, but would prefer to recognize love in words, in profession, in manners only. R5123:5
A combination of religious sentiments in sympathy with "political reform" movements, preparing for the predicted politico-religious "confederacy" (Isa. 8:12) give evidence of this. R2091:2
But denying – By their course in life. R2461:4
Walking contrary to godliness. CR494:5
The power – The only power by which any of the fallen race can be reckoned godly or righteous in God's sight is the precious blood of Christ which cleanseth us from all sin. R1319:6
From such turn away – False brethren. R1319:3
Those who deny the very foundation of our faith. R1453:5
Now that the harvest time has come. R2461:5
"Come out of her my people." (Rev. 18:4) R5696:6, 2461:5
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." (Eph. 5:11) R1320:5, 1321:2
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, |
For of this sort – Crafty, deceitful, sly, seductive. R1320:3
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. |
Ever learning – Seeking by various human philosophies, which ignore or pervert the Word of God. R5508:2, 3153:4
Devouring one error after another to feed their curiosity, deluding themselves, supposing they are feeding upon truth. R1530:6
Never able – Not rooted and grounded in faith. "Carried about with every wind of doctrine." (Eph. 4:14) R651:2
To come to – Arrive at. R651:2
Of the truth – Divine truth is never found except in the divinely appointed channels, and those channels are the Lord and apostles and prophets. R3153:5
One of the most serious and dangerous besetments of the adversary is an exaggeration of the truth. R651:2
"If ye continue in my Word ye shall know the truth." (John 8:31,32) R5508:2, 3153:5
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. |
Jannes and Jambres – Pharaoh's magicians. R3994:5, 171:3
They opposed Moses by doing something similar to what he did, thus confusing the people. R1320:3
Withstood Moses – Opposition to the truth will be manifested in a subtle, deceptive course similar to that used by those who opposed Moses. R1320:3
So do these also – Types of theologians of today. R4060:3
Christian Scientists. R867:5
False Christs; magicians of Egypt--the world. R171:3*
Satan seeks to draw attention from the truth by counterfeiting it. R867:5
Of corrupt minds – Corrupted or turned aside from the truth. R1320:3, 4438:3
Concerning the faith – The apostle did not say reprobate as respects morals, but reprobate as respects the faith. R4438:3, 4060:3
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. |
Shall be manifest – By their failure to hinder the Lord's work. R4439:4
10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, patience, |
My doctrine – That which the most thorough investigation of the Scriptures most clearly proves and establishes beyond all peradventure. R1320:6
Manner of life – Consistent both with his faith and with his consecration to the Lord. R1320:6
Purpose – The building up of the Church in the most holy faith. R1320:6
Faith – Positive and clear--not mere guesswork, but knowledge, based upon the sure Word of God. R1320:6
Charity – His great love for the Church. R1320:6
Patience – Greek, hupomonee, cheerful, constant endurance. R2791:1,3
The Apostle puts this quality of patient endurance in the place beyond love. R4910:2
We need patience at the first quarter mark, at the second and at the third quarter mark, and still with us at the fourth quarter mark, the mark for the prize--perfect love. R4910:3, 2791:6
We need this important grace more and more near the end of the way. R5651:3
The final test of patient, cheerful endurance must be passed before we can be accepted of the Lord as members of the very elect. R4910:2
11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. |
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. |
Yea, and all – During this present evil world or epoch. A68; R5252:2, 2251:4
Under present conditions. E191; R2251:4
Both the old man and the new man suffer some. Their interests are so closely related that if one suffers they both do. Q534:2
All who can be good and noble, even though not in Christ Jesus, in the restitution time will have fewer steps to retrace. R5395:1
That will live godly – Live to please God. R1467:4
To live in opposition to the course of the world and of our own flesh--actuated by the principles of righteousness. R5117:1, 5394:6
Living righteously, in sympathy with Christ Jesus--faithful even to the laying down of life itself. R5116:6, 5118:1
They see more clearly the principles of God's justice by which their lives are governed. R5394:3
These should not be the cause of suffering to others. R5117:2
By letting our lights shine faithfully, we shall bring upon ourselves persecution. R5544:3
To live godly means not merely to abstain from vicious and overt sin, but to be a hero in the strife--a defender of the right and an opposer of the wrong--a servant of righteousness, a soldier of the cross. R4866:4
We must go in the opposite direction to that of the world. R5117:1
These should expect from the world opposition, misrepresentation, slander, opposition of every kind. R3801:3, 5094:6
Includes the development of love in our hearts and our dispositions. R5116:3
Under present conditions faithfulness means faithfulness even unto death. R4897:4
There is no other way to enter the Kingdom than by self-sacrifice, deadening of the flesh. R5118:2
The heavenly things are to be attained only by those who sacrifice earthly things. R4902:4
In this present evil world or dispensation. R1652:3
Primarily those who are in Christ Jesus; secondly those who live righteously, but shrink from suffering; thirdly the ancient worthies. R5116:6
In Christ Jesus – Members of his mystical body. R5116:6
These have an intelligent knowledge that they have entered into a covenant of sacrifice. R5394:3
They must uphold the principles of righteousness, and not compromise with sin, nor with the world. R5394:6
Shall suffer – In this life. R3223:2
The Lord's children suffer now while evil doers prosper. R569:2
"Because ye are not of the world." (John 15:19) E235
Contrary to the general thought that it is the wicked upon whom distress and trouble come as a punishment for evil-doing. B137
The systems of rewards and punishments, which justice would indicate, are not now being enforced. R4730:3
God allows his people to suffer for right-doing. R5778:3
To the extent that we are out of harmony with present evil conditions. R5117:2
God permits the church to suffer in order to develop and crystallize character. R5117:5
"If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed." (1 Pet. 4:16) R5117:6
The promised blessings of the Scriptures are to these. R5117:2
The sufferings which we bring on ourselves through faithfulness to our covenant. Our physical infirmities which are of heredity are not sufferings of Christ. R5117:4
No one could suffer as a Christian unless he had become a Christian. R5117:3
If suffering should come upon us justly for our faults, we could not glory in it, but rather be ashamed. R2782:1
Persecution – Be misunderstood; slandered. R5094:6
Evil speaking, etc. CR35:4
The experience of every true teacher. R1320:6
There is no exception to this rule. R5778:3
From zealous sectarians whom Satan has blinded with his false doctrines. R5441:6; PD86/99
In a Christian's own home and family, or in the church, or from the world; he will not escape if he is faithful. R4407:2
Comes from the world--those having a form of godliness. R5395:2
The prophets and worthies of old endured much for righteousness' sake. R5547:1
From an opposing world and from false brethren arising in the midst of God's people. R1320:6
Because the world is traveling in the opposite direction to righteousness--in the way of selfishness and gratification of the flesh. R5218:2
Nine-tenths of Jesus' persecutions came from professors of religion. R374:3
Are we willing to bear the hatred and scorn, which loyalty to the truth brings? If so, we can go forth in his name, rejoicing as we go. R5441:6
If any man suffer as a Christian--for the truth's sake, for righteousness' sake--let him not be ashamed. (1 Pet. 4:16) R2782:1
An evidence of our faithfulness and sonship. R5544:3
Especially has this been true of these last days. R5773:3
The path to glory, honor, and immortality, in the footsteps of Jesus, is a very rugged one. R5465:6
If any of us is escaping persecution, he should feel fearful of his condition and make careful examination as to whether or not he is faithful to all the privileges and opportunities he can find. R4407:2, 5227:5; OV438:1*; Q740:4, 361:6
The Lord's followers in the present time are called to suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, not because it is either reasonable or proper, but because the Lord, wishing to test, prove, and polish his people, is willing to permit the evil. R4813:6, 2415:2
If we know that we are suffering for righteousness' sake, then we know the spirit of God rests upon us. R5395:5, 5227:5
We are still in this time of persecution; the great Adversary is not yet bound. R2437:3
In proportion as he receives the truth and faithfully declares it. R1467:5
Those faithful to God during this age will have more hardship than have those who are unfaithful. R5294:5
It has been a part of the divine will throughout this Gospel age to allow his faithful servants to suffer reproaches and losses to demonstrate their loyalty to God. R5189:3; SM451:4
Fully exemplified in Paul's own experiences and in the Master's. SM217:1
Sometimes causing excruciating pain, sorrow and heartache today, even though more refined, more civilized than in times past. SM630:T
A succession of unkind words and acts with a view to punishing someone for adhering to an opinion or course of conduct; something that is intended and pursued. R5395:2
We cannot be members of the same body and persecute each other. R5395:2
The world cannot endure the searching light of the true Gospel. R2415:2
"Because ye are not of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:19) F628; R5441:5, 5189:5, 2501:2, 374:3
"They shall say all manner of evil against you falsely." (Matt. 5:11) F464; R5294:5, 3223:2, 1790:3
It is plain to be seen that earthly prosperity in the present age does not attend the Spiritual Israelite. R4051:3
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. |
But evil men – In the Church. R968:3
And seducers – Deceivers and leaders astray from the truth. B259; Q853:2; SM697:3
Wax worse and worse – Waxing more and more bold and aggressive as they receive encouragement from that rapidly increasing class that will no longer endure sound doctrine. R1320:5
At the second coming the world will not be converted. OV155:3
These words of the Apostle describe our day. SM697:3
Deceiving – Others. R1320:5
Gentle manners may be exercised by a selfish heart, deceiving itself and seeking to deceive others. R5123:6
Being deceived – There is such a thing as deceiving one's self by repeating a sentiment until one believes it. R5098:5
A man may deceive himself, but he cannot deceive God. R589:4
Becoming more and more firmly entrenched in the snares of their own weaving, so as to make it impossible to extricate them. R1320:5, 2219:5
By their sophistries. R968:3
Satan's devices and snares are operated by moral men who have had some character or standing in connection with the cause of Christ. R1217:3
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; |
Continue – Abide. R3210:6
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. |
From a child – Paul was also endowed from his birth and was zealous toward God long before his conversion from Judaism to Christianity. R1671:6
Holy Scriptures – Referred chiefly to the Old Testament, since the New Testament was not yet completed. R3210:3
These writings collectively were termed "The Law and the Prophets," and the Hebrews were taught of God to esteem them of divine authority and authorship. R1145:3
Which are able – Beyond what is written we need nothing. A21, A25
To make thee wise – Search the Scriptures daily and critically and abandon everything which conflicts therewith. R5097:1
The elect have been receiving their education by giving themselves wholly to studying the Scriptures of truth, and were being led into all truth by the spirit of truth. R33:5*
A very large majority of Christians have never searched the Scriptures which are able to make them wise. R362:3
Unto salvation – Great salvation--the high calling. R200:5
We must have reverence for Christ Jesus and obey him to the extent of our ability, else there can be no salvation. R3210:3
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: |
All scripture – Holy writings. R3210:5
The teachings of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets--the only inspired authorities. R5406:6
The Word of God which liveth and abideth forever. R2240:6
Covering every knowledge necessary to man. SM109:1
The Bible is the most wonderful book in existence. R1145:1
The Old and the New Testaments form a perfect guide to faith. R2163:1*, 1158:6*
Composed of sixty-six separate books, written by about forty different writers, living centuries apart, speaking different languages, subjects of different governments, and brought up under different civilizations. R1145:1
All the books of the Old and New Testaments as we now have them appear in the Greek, in the Sinaitic manuscript, the oldest known Greek manuscript, whose date is about A. D. 350. R1145:6
The Bible is generally accepted by Christian people as of divine authority, but few are able to state clearly why. R1144:3
We still have the apostle's instructions as fully as the early Church. R5067:4; F216
By inspiration of God – Those men were, in some way, inspired by, or brought under the influence of God; so as to be used by him in speaking or writing such words as he wished to have expressed. R1148:1
We need no further doctrinal utterances; no more apostles than the original twelve--Paul taking Judas' place. SM673:T
That there would be some who mistakenly would claim to be apostles, the Lord Jesus clearly indicated, declaring that there would be false apostles, "who say that they are apostles and are not." (Rev. 2:2) OV396:1
The decisions of the councils of the Dark Ages are injurious in proportion as they are out of alignment with the words of Jesus and the apostles. OV163:1
And is profitable – Sufficient. R5588:1, 5406:6, 5355:1
They are in error who think that the sanctifying work can go on better without the truth than with it. R1528:2
For doctrine – Theological instruction. R678:6
Containing the full statement of the divine plan; and no human authority is competent to add thereto. R2166:2, 1867:2
There is nothing to hinder God from using a dream to instruct us. Nevertheless, there is but one sure way of receiving dreams: to interpret them only in accord with the Scriptures. To direct us continually by dreams would be to interfere with our walking by faith. R5714:5
For correction – Literally, to bring up and establish one in the right. R2166:4
Of error. R664:4*, 416:2*
For instruction – For holy living. R1528:2
All the instruction which we receive from the Lord comes to us through the written Word. SM584:2
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. |
That the man of God – Those who, by acquaintance with God, are able to recognize his characteristic methods. B39
May be perfect – Perfectly informed. R5082:5, 2466:6
Perfected in knowledge and conduct. R1867:1
Complete. R3210:5
Perfect in heart, in character, in will; not in the flesh. R2166:5
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matt. 5:48) R76:5*
Throughly furnished – Paul declares the Word of God is sufficient. R5714:5, 4878:4, 2835:1, 2452:6, 2419:3, 2179:3, 1149:4; SM550:T
We need no special message or revelations--nor any occult powers. R2980:6, 5637:5
We are not to expect visions or revelations or any kind of communications from the Lord or the holy angels. All such attempts to communicate with us are of the Adversary. R5355:1
There is no need of any manifestation of spirits--his "elect" shall walk by faith and not by unusual manifestations or sights or sounds. R2179:3
There is no need of the speculations of good people who are dead, or of good people who are living, or yet of our own. E167
Needing no supplements of visions or dreams. R2166:2, 3278:1
The divine Word is to be the great talisman, test, standard, for everything for the Christian. R5714:6
We are continually urged to search the Scriptures, that we may know the will, the counsel of God. R2240:6
That we may be able to speak the word of the Lord freely. R4685:5
That we may be able to connect the different parts of the truth into a harmonious whole. R5558:5
That we may be armed against every attack of skepticism. R1144:3
The Bible furnishes merely a basis for faith. PD6/11
Worldly men admit that no man's education is complete without a considerable knowledge of this wonderful Book. R3210:6
Modern history bears testimony to the fulfillments of prophecy. R1314:4
God's times and seasons are given in such a way as to be convincing only to those who, by acquaintance with God, are able to recognize his characteristic methods. R5368:1
Nothing of importance in Christ's words or deeds has been omitted. F218
There is no need of any more apostles. F209, F210
Yet the Scriptures nowhere instruct the Church to undertake the world's moral uplift and regeneration in the present time. R2414:1
Unto all good works – By the knowledge of the Word of God. R5088:4
To the apostles was given the great work of inaugurating the church. R5588:1
The information given us is for the purpose that we may impart it to others. R4685:5
"The Spirit shall guide you into all truth." (John 16:13) E204, E205