Scripture |
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1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; |
The spirit – Of God. R266:4
Of truth. R371:2
In the latter times – This refers not to the very last times, but to the times subsequent to those in which the apostle was writing. (See Alford.) R639:1*
Particularly in the times in which we are now living. R2189:3
"In the last days perilous times shall come." (2 Tim. 3:1) C200
"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. (2 Tim. 4:3) C200
Some shall depart – From the truth. R371:2
"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." (Psa. 91:7) R2770:5
Seducing spirits – Satan and his fallen angels. SM676:1; CR429:1; OV415:4; R2179:1, 2173:4
That would lead any astray. R5362:6
Deceiving. R266:4
Evil spirits have a way of drawing the unsuspecting on, little by little. R5085:1
They gain the confidence of their victims, and in a plausible manner break down their willpower and make slaves of them. R2179:1
They have been successful throughout the entire world in deluding and ensnaring humanity and especially active and seductive in their methods during the harvest. R5800:4
Through dreams and revelations they have brought into the church various doctrines of devils. R5673:6
These are on the alert to ensnare humanity through spirit mediums, spirit rappings, tippings, clairvoyants, ouija-boards, etc. God's people should warn the world of the great danger resulting from any association with these fallen angels. R4769:5, 5378:1
The Apostle tells us that the heathen sacrificed to these demons. R2173:4
Doctrines of devils – Teachings, or doctrines of demons. SM19:1; R5485:3, 5443:4, 5406:6, 171:2*
False doctrines. R5406:6, 5445:6
Deceptions from Satan. R5851:3
Various doctrines which are the reverse of the truth. R5485:3
Error could lead only into trouble and darkness. R632:1*
That the dead are not dead; that eternal torment is the wages of sin; that there is to be no resurrection of the dead because no one is dead; transmigration of soul; Spiritism; Christian Science; Theosophy; Evolution. F622, F623, F624, F629; R2499:5
That man cannot die, but must live somewhere to all eternity. SM540:3
The great mass of mankind are under the influence of these doctrines today. F377; CR429:1
Such heathenish doctrines as purgatory and eternal torture. OV161:2, 203:4; R5314:6, 3963:1; CR20:1
Deluded ones teach "Ye shall not surely die!" (Gen. 3:4) and that death is only a p R5801:1
Creeds of the Dark Ages. R5406:6, 5468:5; SM421:3, 365:1; OV401:1
Christendom is still holding up those terribly slanderous creeds (of an unjust, unloving Father) before the world, hindering them from getting even a glimpse of the length, breadth, height and depth of the "love of God which passeth all understanding." R5353:3
Many of the teachings of the past, both Catholic and Protestant, were not only irrational, but most positively unscriptural teachings of men. CR78:1; OV246:4
They were looking for devilish things and made them out of Scriptural statements which had no such significance. OV385:T
The outcome of wrong belief, the wrong faith, is wrong doing. Many believing in purgatory and eternal torment, tortured others horribly thinking they were copying the Almighty. R4527:4, 4533:6
Every feature of present truth is promptly counterfeited to deceive if possible the very elect. (Matt. 24:24) R5800:5
False doctrines are what are troubling the people of God today. R5406:6
The god of this world has blinded the minds of the majority of all nations with ignorance and superstition. R5769:6
New "garments of light" are assumed continually by Satan. R5800:5, 3119:6
These false doctrines are gathering out of God's Kingdom "all that offend, and them which do iniquity." (Matt. 13:41) After this separation is y all errors and falsehoods in religion. R5802:1
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; |
Lies in hypocrisy – Describes Satan's work concisely. SM132:3
Hypocrisy on the part of seducing spirits consists of personating "angels of light" and pretending to bring in "new light." R5800:4, 1643:1
Their – Ministers; who outwardly pose as God's servants, but who in reality are hypocrites. SM134:1
Conscience – The majority of people have as good as no conscience, for they are blind to the principles and laws of God given to guide conscience. R3596:5, 4803:6
Do not trust your conscience. If it were a sufficient guide you would have no need of the Scriptures. R3596:5, 4803:6
Seared – Toughened; hardened. OV390:1
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. |
Forbidding to marry – None are forbidden to marry. Marriage is still honorable (Heb. 13:4) when the relationship is s are equally yoked. R1554:1
This prohibition by Papacy upon its priesthood has brought upon it one of the foulest stains that have blackened its baneful history. R1554:1
Abstain from meats – We note a similar delusion and false conception of holiness creeping in amongst vegetarians. R3098:3
Who can fail to recognize the Papacy in the description here given? R662:5*, 639:1*
Everything that can be eaten with thanksgiving to God is proper and not to be despised. R1856:1
We offer no objection to those who claim that they have better health as a result of a purely vegetable diet. But we do object to the claim of special sanctity because of it. R3098:3
Judge for yourself how much is good for you, and the kind that agrees with you best. Q463:3
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: |
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. |
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6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. |
7 But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. |
Old wives' fables – Higher critics regard as "old wives' fables" much of the Word of God, including the record of miracles, the story of Adam and Eve, and their fall, the story of Jonah and the great fish, etc. R5800:6
8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. |
Is profitable – Our hope serves as a spiritual nerve tonic; it stimulates the mortal to divine service. R5114:5
We cannot expect to become strong in the physical lines by subsisting on chaff. The New Creature, in order to develop along spiritual lines, must breathe deeply of the holy Spirit of the Lord. R4245:3*
Life that now is – The effect of these new ambitions, hopes, aims, upon our physical health is often marvelous. R5114:5
9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. |
10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. |
The living God – Jehovah. R1437:2
Who is the Savior – Author of the divine plan. E33; R3172:3
He accomplishes the salvation through the Son. R3172:3
Not that he saves all men eternally; but he will save all men from the Adamic fall. HG14:6; R778:3*
God was back of all and the cause or mainspring of all that our Lord Jesus has done and will do as his agent and representative in saving men. R1253:3
He is not now the Savior of all men, nor indeed of any as generally taught--a Savior from famines, pestilences, earthquakes, cyclones, etc. R778:3*
Of all men – In the sense that all are to be brought out of their graves and given a knowledge of the truth. A108; R5372:3, 1437:3, 779:2*
The Savior of only those who accept his grace and become "his people" under the New Covenant. R3280:1
To natural life; the common salvation. R352:4*, 742:2, 611:5
"All" means every member of the human family. R838:1, 1218:4
Each is saved from the condemnation to destruction which Adam's sin brought upon all. R1218:4
Specially – Chiefly. R1149:4*
A special salvation for those called to be saints. R611:5
The Apostle declares that in one sense the salvation which God has promised is to be universal, while in another sense it is to be restricted to believers. R1437:2, 603:3*
The Apostle speaks of the two salvations in the same sentence. R742:1
To the uttermost; most fully and everlastingly. R1278:4; A106
During this age, they are privileged to become sons of God on a higher plane, even to be partakers of the divine nature. R545:2, 1642:4, 1442:2, 611:5, 1337:4*, 779:3*
This salvation is only for the "little flock." (Luke 12:32) R779:2*
Faith is the dividing line between "all men" and "a class." R691:1*
Those who will share in the "great salvation" and be "especially" saved to heavenly conditions, must first share by faith in the common salvation. R742:2
Those that believe – Now. R603:6*
Greek: pistos, meaning trusty and trusting. It is to the trusting ones that God shall work out special or lasting salvation. R1218:4
11 These things command and teach. |
These things – The divine plan, not human wisdom. F255
12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou a pattern of the believers, in word, in conversation, in love, in faith, in purity. |
Despise thy youth – Young elders should conduct themselves so none will have cause to slight the message they bring, or to think of them as immature and unfit to lead the flock of God. R5494:5
According to the flesh, both Timothy and Titus were young men. R2655:1, 1894:3
Be an example – In his Christ-like character. R5860:1
Worthy of imitation. R5494:5
Striving to show forth the praises of our Master. R5494:1
In every sense, Paul would have Timothy be a worthy example, so that all who took note of him would see how they ought to deport themselves. R5860:5
Not only to fellow-workers in the Gospel, but especially to the world. R5494:1
By his spiritual development and knowledge of the divine plan, and aptness to teach. R2655:1
Of the believers – Does not say, be thou an example to the believers. R5493:6
What they believe, what they teach, and how they live. R5494:1
So that not only the Church, but others, might see this example, and thus have a greater interest in the Lord's cause. R5860:1
In words – He was to glorify the Lord in his words, in what he would say, in how he would say it, in wisdom of speech. Whoever would be careless in his language would reveal a careless heart. R5860:2
In conversation – Has the significance of conduct, manner of life. R5860:2[R5860], 5494:1[R5493]
In every way, we are to be gentle and kind and considerate and not rude. R5494:1
Whatever you do, be a worthy exponent of the doctrine of Christ and of the effect of his spirit in the heart. R5860:2
In charity – Love. R5493:6, 5860:2
Love would not wish any harm to his neighbor, but would manifest interest in everybody, and even in the brute creation--wishing to do right, to be kind. R5860:2
Love would serve the interest of others in spirit; it would come from the heart, from the inward disposition; not merely in word or in outward conduct. R5860:2, 5494:2
In spirit – Not found in the original, but the thought seems proper enough. R5494:2
In faith – Never murmuring against the experiences of life as they come. R5494:2
We should not merely say we have faith, but should manifest it in our lives. R5860:4
In purity – A loftiness of standard not to be found elsewhere; everything impure is contrary to God. R5494:4
As the typical priests and Levites were instructed to wash and keep themselves continually clean, so the spiritual Israelites today should be pure, clean, in words, in action, in thought. R5860:5
13 Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. |
14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the elders. |
By prophecy – By prediction, indicating that the apostles were led thus to approve Timothy, by the Lord's direction. F284
Laying on the hands – It was the custom in those days for the apostles to lay hands upon all who believed, and thus to communicate to them the gift of the Spirit. R1957:2
The laying on of hands was also used to indicate consent; as, for instance, in the case of the Church at Antioch when it chose Paul and Barnabas to be its missionaries and representatives in Gospel work. R1957:4
Of the presbytery – The elders. R3172:1
A company of elders; from the Greek word which signifies "old man." R1957:1
Upon Timothy; the eldership in this case probably referred to the apostles who were still living. R1957:2
15 Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. |
Meditate – To the very end of our days. R2146:6*
The elect have been receiving their education by giving themselves wholly to studying the Scriptures; and being led into all truth by the spirit of the truth. R33:5*
May appear to all – The profiting will certainly not appear if the means are not used. R2146:5*
16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. |
Unto thyself – Thy walk and conversation before men. R1569:6
Unto the doctrine – Declare it and defend it on every proper occasion. R1570:1
That hear thee – Saved from sinking into error and sin and reaping its bitter consequences. R1570:4