1 Corinthians Chapter 5 [KJVwc]

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1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife. It is reported – In the extreme case of immoral conduct referred to by Paul, he was reproving the Corinthian church for not judging such a one unworthy to be counted one of their number. R954:1*, 2430:6

Commonly – Publicly acknowledged by the offender against morals, and known to the entire Church. F412

One should have his father's wife – A brother who was not living according to his covenant, but who was living in a measure of sin. R5056:2, 2430:6

Not necessarily a wilful sin, but quite probably in part at least a sin of ignorance; the transgressor was probably a "babe" in Christ. R1699:1

2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. Ye are puffed up – The Apostle reprimanded the church for not having done their duty by the brother. R5056:3, 4626:1, 2430:6

3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, Present in spirit – Greek: pneuma, mentally. E312

Have judged already – Greek: krino, relates to probationary trials and testings only the Lord himself or one of his apostles had the right to do. R2430:2; F412

It is the duty of every child of God to judge what is right and what is wrong, and what is true and what is false. R416:2*, 664:4*

4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, In the name of – Our Lord is in a Church of even two or three met in his name, to direct such as seek his guidance. R2431:1

My spirit – Judging by the Church of its own faithful is by virtue of the spirit of the Lord in the Church. R2431:1

5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Deliver – Figuratively. F412[F412:1]

Such an one – This class is treated as the scapegoat and driven into the wilderness condition for tribulation experiences. R5196:5, 3802:6

Referring to one class of the consecrated members of the Body of Christ who had not been living up to their privileges. R4035:6

The Great Company, who come up through great tribulation. Q434:1

That which they refused to give voluntarily will be taken away from them. R5056:2

Who loves the present world but has not wholly forsaken the Lord and despised his covenant. A214

Not a hopeless case, as it would have been had the sinner transgressed against full light and knowledge, wilfully. R1699:1

The only alternative is the Lord's providential interference in their affairs. R3445:3

Whoever does not give himself fully in sacrifice is delivered over to the Adversary. R5056:2

Satan – The Adversary. R80:6

Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

The Apostle was a firm believer in a personal devil. R3165:6

For the destruction – To receive a scourging and purifying by the fire of affliction. A214

The death by compulsion. T71; R5196:5

The Great Company. R3684:5, 4546:4, 4079:5*, 4035:6, 3445:3, 1699:5

If there be a measure of ignorance connected with the perverse course, the Lord may give severe chastisements to awaken thoroughly such a person. R5102:4

Subjected to the great time of trouble; to bring destruction to the flesh. R5442:5, 4767:6, 3684:5

Buffet; until earthly, clinging tendencies, are broken down and their minds become fully submissive and in harmony with God. R5056:2, 4035:6, 954:3*

God's dealings with his people might reasonably be expected along the lines of earthly disciplines. This might mean financial difficulties or losses, or physical ailments, disease or what not. R2295:5

The Lord permits their cherished ambitions to ensnare them, punch them, their idols to fall, their earthly sweets to turn to bitterness, until heart-sick and disappointed, the spirit may turn fully to Him. R1699:4

Of the flesh – Carnality. F412

If the flesh is not destroyed, the spirit will not be saved. R5056:3

Not with a view to their destruction or injury as individuals, but with a view to the destruction of their flesh. R5442:5

"These are they that have come up out of great tribulation." (Rev. 7:14) T69; R5102:5, 3802:6, 3445:6, 1470:1; NS603:3

These conditions which prevail today have prevailed in some measure since the beginning of the Gospel age. R3445:3, 1470:1; T71

If the will is overcome by the flesh, the result will be second death. R5056:4, 3445:3

That the spirit – Life. R140:3, 80:6

The newly begotten nature. A214

The new mind. F412

If his spirit had been bad, the Apostle would not suggest its being saved. R1699:2

May – The result is at best an uncertainty; it may or may not be saved ultimately. R1699:4

The only way to save those who will not sacrifice is to put them through troubles which will destroy the flesh and develop the spirit. R1699:4, 4035:5

Be saved – The scapegoat may attain spirit conditions on a lower plane than the Body of Christ. R4546:4, 4855:2

The class which does not go voluntarily to sacrifice. These are not the Bride class, but a servant class. Q659:2; R5056:4, 4855:2, 4035:6, 3445:3; NS603:3

This saving of the spirit in the day of the Lord, as apparently relating to the Great Company, would seem to correspond with the expression in the text that the Lord would "give him life," would preserve his life. R4626:1

To everlasting spiritual life as the angels have it, but without the prize of immortality. A214; R4546:4

The day of the Lord – The reckoning time at the close of this Age. F412; R4546:4

6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? A little leaven – Corruption, error, sin, selfishness. F464; T98; R4153:3, 208:2

Symbol of impurity. R1800:2, 2635:1

This kind of leaven of sin cannot be put away unless it be burned; and only love can burn it out. R4153:3

A little envy, malice, anger, hatred and strife, may leaven our hearts completely; and in a comparatively short time, turn our new nature, the spirit of love, into acid bitterness. R4209:1, 2283:4

The sweetness of love covers considerable of the bitterness of slander. This is Satan's artifice. He may mix a little of conscientiousness and duty. NS565:6

Leaveneth the whole lump – Poison will work and increase. NS565:6

The leaven is not likely to be confined to one, but spreads to others; and thus many may be defiled. R4209:4

7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Purge out – Put away. R5193:3

All the evil-speaking, malice, hatred, envy, strife; proceed from evil in the heart. R4978:3, 5193:3, 2445:6

Before the Jews gathered to eat their Passover lamb they searched everywhere throughout their habitations, for anything containing leaven or putrefaction, bones, crusts, everything. R5193:3

The old leaven – Anger, malice, hatred, strife. R5193:3, 3013:6, 2446:1, 721:1

And other works of the flesh and the devil. R2283:4

Represents corruption; an evil thing. R2635:1

Only love can burn it out; heavenly love, the love of God. If we have that love, it will consume everything of the opposite character. R4153:4, 5193:5

May be a new lump – Pure, unadulterated loaf; a proper representative of the Body of Christ. R2446:1

Christ our passover – Our passover sacrifice. R5193:4

Not the world's Passover, but the Church's Passover. R3749:4

Passover Lamb. R2116:4, 3525:3, 3308:6, 2772:1, 2449:1, 2436:3, 721:1, 253:5, 17:4; NS75:2

The lamb is a peculiarly innocent animal, wholly unprepared for defense or resistance, and thus a suitable type of our Lord, who was non-resistant and freely surrendered his rights. SM558:3

The Apostle clearly and positively identifies the Passover lamb with our Lord Jesus. R5641:3

The Passover was not for all the people, but only for the first-born. This symbolized, therefore, the work of Christ for the Church of this Gospel age, which is elsewhere designated the "Church of the first-born." R4335:1, 128:1; F459; SM557:2

The Jewish Passover was a foreshadowing, or typifying, of the better things, the real Passover, with which we Christians have to do. SM557:2

The antitypical Passover Lamb. R4703:4, 5640:5, 2918:1, 2592:3, 721:2; NS75:2

The Passover lamb was prepared whole, not a bone being broken. It thus represented our Lord alone, and not his "members," the Church, R4335:1, 4384:3; SM559:2

The term Passover signifies to pass by or spare from an affliction. R1657:1

"The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (1 John 1:29) E446; F463; R4128:4, 4703:5, 3013:6, 2436:3, 839:1, 721:1; PD67/79; SM559:1

What a meaning is in these words when seen in connection with the Memorial Supper as the remembrancer of the Jewish Passover! How the light of the type illuminates the antitype. R4128:3, 1657:5, 211:6

The Passover was, and yet is among Israelites, one of the most important of their religious observances. It was the first feature of "the Law" given them as a typical people. R839:1, 465:2, 94:2; F457; SM557:2

Kept annually as a commemoration of their deliverance under the tenth plague upon Egypt--the sparing from death of their firstborn. R208:1, 94:2; F457, F465; NS73:1

Sacrificed – Slain. F463; R5193:4, 3960:3, 1787:2

Slain nearly nineteen centuries ago. R4703:4

So as many of us as have by faith partaken of Christ's imputed merit should henceforth continually rejoice before God and feast upon the truth. R721:1

Our Lord, as the antitype of the Passover lamb, was crucified the day before the "Feast of Passover" began. R2592:3, 721:1; F461

For us – Jesus death was as essential to the deliverance of "the Church of the first-born" from death, as was the death of the typical lamb to the first-born of Israel. R839:2, 465:3

When the true Lamb of God became our Passover, the typical lamb ceased to be so esteemed by God or any of his children who recognized its fulfillment. R310:3; F463

8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Keep the feast – Not the Jewish feast, but the substitute. R4420:2

In remembrance of our deliverance from the bondage of sin and death. R721:2; F462

As it would not have been lawful to celebrate the Passover at any other time, it is still not appropriate to celebrate the antitype at any other time than its anniversary. F465

The Memorial of his death; not any day, but only on its anniversary. R3526:2, 803:1*, 466:2

As often as the season returns, until we shall be fully delivered from death to life in his likeness. R1657:5

We must eat the Lamb, must appropriate Christ, his merit, the value that was in him, to ourselves. R5641:3, 3960:3, 2449:1; F463; SM562:2

We feed on our Lamb, with some of the "bitter herbs" of affliction to sharpen our appetite. R253:5, 3960:3, 208:1, 17:4; F460

Not merely in this special manner once a year; but day by day, hour by hour, feed upon the Lamb of God; by faith realize and appropriate to ourselves his virtues and merits, and to grow in grace and knowledge and love. R3751:2

The celebration of the supper at its appropriate time ceased, superseded by the numerous sacrifices of the Mass--and thus this one particular memorial lost its meaning. F480

Not with old leaven – Rank wickedness. R2292:2

If any true believer sought a blessing in commemorating, and failed to obtain it, let him inquire within, and find that it was because the works of the flesh and the devil still had a place in his heart. R3013:6

Leaven of malice – Less rank, but more insidious. R2292:2

And wickedness – Envy and strife. R2116:4

The unleavened bread – Unfermented, pure. R5641:3

The unleavened loaf; the body of Christ; each member, not puffed up, but easily broken. R325:5

Sincerity and truth – We are to eat of the unleavened bread of truth if we are to be strong and prepared for the deliverance in the morning of the new dispensation. R5641:3, 3960:3

9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: In an epistle – Paul was answering a misunderstanding of his previous message. R2430:6

Not to keep company – They were to withdraw from evil-doers not professing Christ. R2430:6

10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. Yet not altogether – Not forbidding dealings. F412; R2698:4

In our social and business affairs we should to a reasonable degree avoid fellowship and dealings with the disreputable. R2962:2, 2576:6

Go out of the world – Implying a recognition of the principle that evil is contagious, and that the Lord's people cannot be too careful to avoid every contact with evil. R2698:4

In person we are to be separate from sin, pure, clean in mind and in body; and we are to live separate from sinners. R227:5

We should separate ourselves to the Lord, to holiness, and seek to place ourselves under influences in harmony with our holy, true, and pure aspirations, begotten by the holy Spirit. R2698:5

11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. Not to keep company – To withdraw fellowship from. F413

We are competent to decide whether or not his conduct is moral or immoral and we should not fellowship the immoral, even though they profess to be brethren. R1255:1, 1699:1

Thus left to the world and the devil for fellowship, he would be the more likely to see his condition and reform. R1699:1

If any deny the ransom, there is no room to doubt how firmly we should take a stand in respect to any kind of fellowship with them. R3752:4, 1453:5, 1255:1

With such an one – Known positively to be of disreputable character. R2962:2

In the Apostle's estimation, doctrinal disorders are among the chief. R1575:3

No not to eat – In church relationships the Lord's people are duty bound to maintain a very high standard of purity of morals; not to fellowship in the church or at the common meal or love-feast. R2962:2, 1699:2

12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? What have I to do – I am not attempting to judge the world. F413

It is not my business to judge those who are outside the church and name of Christ. R2430:6

Judge – Greek: krino, probationary trials and testings and corrections. R2430:2

Do not ye – My complaint of you is that you neglect to judge (krino) those who are within the pale of Christian brotherhood. R2430:6, 954:2*

I am urging that you as a church should judge those whom you accept as brethren. F413

13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. That are without – Those outside the church. R2430:6; F413

God judgeth – God will judge (krino) in his own time and manner. (Acts 17:31) R2430:6

Put away – Expel from your midst evil-doers. R2430:6

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