1 Corinthians Chapter 2 [KJVwc]

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1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the mystery of God.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. For I determined – To be really in the divine service involves, first, the careful and continual study of God's plan; second, the imbibing of its spirit; leading, thirdly, to an enthusiastic zeal for its accomplishment. R5970:2

Concentrate our energies upon those things which we can best bring to perfection; "This one thing I do." (Phil. 3:13) R5044:3, 5046:4, 3200:3

Not to know – Talk of or discuss. R1811:5

Paul would be as though he knew nothing else. R5045:1

The Apostle's course was self-abandonment. His knowledge on other subjects was all sunk out of sight. R2190:5

Some would-be teachers fail because their ambition really preaches self, and the gospel as a means for calling attention to self, and others combine self-glorification with the gospel and attain only partial results. R2190:5

If any of the brethren feel disposed to go out after the manner of Babylon and preach something else, here is the reproof. R5045:1

Give no heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Tim. 4:1), but apply yourselves to t R5970:1

Among you – The Apostle's one business in life was to be acceptable to the Lord, and to do with his might what he could to assist others into the same condition. R5044:3

Jesus Christ – If faithful in service, we have no time, nor the disposition, to give heed to false doctrines or other themes which have no bearing on the one thing to which we have solemnly dedicated our lives. R5970:2, 5044:3, 5046:1, 1811:5

And him crucified – St. Paul would preach, not only that Jesus was the Messiah, but that he was the crucified Messiah, for he would not be ashamed of the divine teaching. R5044:6

The defense of this cause and subject was St. Paul's special business in life. R4921:6, 483:4

Jesus' crucifixion was a part of the great divine plan and without this no salvation could be effected, either for the church or the world. R5045:1

The cross is the basis of all the glory. R43:3*, 483:4*

To rivet your attention on this one thing. R3200:3, 4921:6, 5045:4

3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. In weakness – Physically weak, possibly for a time ailing, to such an extent as to be unable to work at his trade. R3143:5

Probably the result partly of his weak physical condition and of the remembrance of the trying experiences already passed through. R2192:4

And in fear – This implies St. Paul's discouragement and possible sickness. He was apparently considerably cast down. R4416:2, 3143:6

4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: Enticing words – The Lord's ministers are not to expect that their message shall be with words that will entice the world, but are to present in the name of the Lord the wisdom which cometh from above. HG352:3

Of man's wisdom – Of human philosophy and theory. F232; R1524:5, 5968:1, 1719:6

The simplicity of the Gospel is foolishness to them. R1043:2*

In demonstration – These demonstrations of divine power supplementing Paul's faithful use of his natural abilities were the Lord's endorsement of all he did. R1745:4

And of power – The power of the truth. R3200:3, 5045:5

5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Your faith – The faith of the Church. F232

The wisdom of men – But in "The wisdom which cometh from above." (James 3:17) F225

The creeds and opinions of fallible men. HG317:2

The Apostles did not cultivate a blind and superstitious reverence for themselves. F232; R1524:5

In the power of God – Based upon the inspired writings of the Old Testament and upon the words of the Lord; and the Apostles. F219; R1525:5; SM302:1; CR10:3; HG317:2

Founded on and supported by the word of God. R207:5

The apostles were not mere mechanical amanuenses, but rather, they clearly show they were filled with a knowledge of the truth and with a holy enthusiasm to declare the good tidings, as in the hearts of all God's people. R1525:6

Then we shall have that which neither the arrow of infidelity, nor the pestilence of spiritualism, nor the purifying fire can destroy. R207:5

6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the princes of this age, that come to nought: That are perfect – Of a perfect heart or disposition or intention, humble, obedient, the truly wise. R1598:5

Developed; we are not to cast our pearls before swine. R3200:5

Wisdom of this world – "Higher criticism" has reached the conclusion that man's fall has been upward and that hence he needs no redemption with the precious blood of Christ. R1782:5*

Nor of the princes – The popular leaders and teachers. R3200:5

7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the ages unto our glory: The wisdom of God – The wisdom that indicates and approves the narrow way of self-sacrifice is an inspired or begotten wisdom which cometh from above, only to the consecrated, the spirit-begotten. R2074:5

In a mystery – A knowledge of the secret mine of wealth hid in Christ. R1657:1

The secretiveness as respects the divine purpose shows that if it were generally known amongst men, the divine program would at times be interfered with. OV5:3

The hidden wisdom – Or plan. A84

The Jews and the majority of professed Christians do not understand these words now. R2419:3

The prophecies of the Old and New Testaments are sealed against their learning, for they have studied only at the feet of science and sectarianism, and neglected the school of Christ. R589:1

Before the world – Therefore not the Kingdom prepared for the sheep class of mankind "From the foundation of the world." (Matt. 25:34) A305

8 Which none of the princes of this age knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. None of the princes – Chief ones--ecclesiastical or civil. A84; R1598:5; OV5:3

Nor do they yet know of the glory to be revealed in the saints. R1598:5

Many of the Scribes and Pharisees were fairly decent people. Their own plans seemed better than God's because they were worldly minded at heart. R5145:3

Had they known – They were the blinded servants of Satan; though if their hearts had been true and humble, they would have been able to see. R5719:5, 1712:1; SM630:2

Ignorance rather than malevolence is at the foundation of opposition to the truth. R5145:3, 5172:6

Only partly excusable ignorance, because it was the result of prejudice, which in turn was the fruit of selfishness. R2786:3

Error, fostered by self-will and by plans and schemes not of God, always has a blinding effect. R5512:2

Had the rulers of the nominal Church recognized the Lord's anointed body during this Age, the members would not have had the privilege of suffering with their head. R369:1

When Saul of Tarsus persecuted Stephen, and others, he verily thought that he did God service. (Acts 26:9-11) R5172:6

Similarly, those of the Dark Ages who burned one another at the stake, supposed that they were serving God. The same is true today of those who after a more refined manner oppose, speak evil of and misrepresent their brethren. SM631:T

"I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers." (Acts 3:7) R5751:4, 5512:2, 5315:5, 5234:6, 5172:5, 5145:3 4452:4, 2745:6; CR492:6; SM750:1, 630:2

Not have crucified – The crucifixion of our Lord was not really intentional. R5751:4

Those who crucified Christ did so ignorantly and merely fulfilled the divine intention. R5315:5, 5234:6; HG622:6; NS606:1

One reason why the Lord kept his identity secret from the Jews in general. R4452:4

The Lord of glory – Nor the Church, which is his Body. A85

Our Lord Jesus will indeed be majestic, but not the "King of Glory," Jehovah. E44

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Eye hath not seen – Human eyes. R2958:4

This is the most the Word declares of our heavenly inheritance. The Bible makes no attempt to describe heaven itself, nor its inhabitants. R4966:5, 4675:3, 3892:1, 3166:1, 1511:1

It is intangible, indescribable. It can be received only by faith. OV119:1; R176:1, 3892:1

The eyes of our understanding must be anointed in order that we may appreciate the length and breadth and height and depth of the love of God. R3861:4, 2581:4, 2419:3; CR84:2; Q748:4

We now see these things of the future through a smoked glass. R3267:5, 3285:2; NS451:2; OV284:5

Many natural eyes have seen that there is this spiritual something, but the details of it they cannot discern any more than the natural sight can discern the conditions prevailing on the moon, though the moon be seen often. OV315:3

Man must discern God in his works--the noblest of which is the perfect man. CR117:4

The Queen of Sheba's declaration that the half had not been told her, reminds us of this scripture respecting the greater than Solomon and the wonderful kingdom glories in reservation for his faithful. R3285:2

Nor ear heard – Our circumcised ears heard of the glorious things. R176:2

Many natural ears have heard something about spiritual things, but they never really understood or appreciated these things. OV315:3

When any are found who have not the hearing ear for the truth we should not seek to pound it into them. R4125:5, 127:1

Heart of man – The natural man, unilluminated by the holy Spirit. E201; F385; R3585:5, 3278:6, 2834:6, 2581:4, 2565:6, 578:3, 371:3, 261:2

The eyes of their understanding open wider and wider to the things not seen by the natural eye. F80; R3278:6, 3167:6

By any other sense or power of perception. F80

Nor angel, we might add, on the strength of Peter's statement. (1 Peter 1:10) R218:1

The things – At first these things are not great inducements. R4975:4

These things are spiritual and might be apprehended by our minds, but could not be comprehended. R4911:1, 3278:6, 3267:5

Honors and dignities which at present we can but imperfectly imagine. NS466:6

The blessings by and by to be conferred. R3789:2, 2284:4

By faith we already enjoy many of the things. R5420:2

The study of pictures of heavenly things is intended to lift our minds from things earthly and sensual to the things eternal. HG448:3

Having food and raiment, be content, not spending strength in amassing wealth or in worldly ambition, but begin to enjoy the Lord, study and enjoy these glorious things. NS67:6

Hath prepared – In reservation. R3167:6, 5080:3, 4910:6, 4675:3, 2973:5, 2439:4, 1176:3

God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5, 3892:1; HG132:1; NS182:6

The things which we have sacrificed are not worthy to be compared with the glorious things God has for us. The things that once had value to us have lost their charm by comparison. CR368:6

"An inheritance incorruptible and undefiled," "that fadeth not away!" (Rom. 8:17; 1 Peter 1:4) SM344:2

In joining the Lord in faith and consecration we are proclaiming ourselves, not as graduates and heirs, but as disciples and students, who desire to be prepared to inherit. R4810:4

In the flowers, birds, and everything that is beautiful, the awakened, the quickened soul finds a hint and suggestion of the still grander, still nobler things. NS638:3

It is as proper for the earthly father to make provision for his children--especially in good training and fair education, as for the heavenly Father to plan for and educate and prepare a future home for his children. R1828:4

Them that love him – Supremely. E247; HG448:3

More than they love houses, lands, name or fame, self or others. NS182:6; SM532:T; CR171:3

His special elect ones. R3892:1; NS415:4, 610:2, 654:6

Who manifest their love by devotion to him and his. R2581:4

The Lord is selecting and directing those who of their own will desire to lay down their lives in his service. R5584:6, 4966:2, 4669:5, 534:2

This appreciation of righteousness is what the Scriptures intimate to be God's drawing influence. R4975:4

He has caused us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. CR443:3

For this purpose of proving and manifesting who are the friends of God, "God hath appointed a day," (Acts 17:31)--the Millennial day. R1176:3

Quote from Isa. 64:4

10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Hath revealed them – These things, spiritual things. F385; R2455:1

In the sense that he has revealed himself to us. We know that his heavenly home which God has prepared for us must be far above the very glorious things he has prepared for the world. R3892:1

The "high calling" and "so great salvation." SM46:2; A84; R3861:4

So much of the divine plan as was due to be revealed. R2208:3

Spiritual understanding is a guiding light, an inspiration to righteousness; it creates an enthusiasm for righteousness. R5719:4

Unto us – The New Creation. F458, F80; T117; R534:2; NS73:2

Spiritual Israel in the Gospel age. D191

Christ and all of his spirit-begotten followers--the mystery class. (Col. 1:27) R4544:3, 4452:6, 2573:3

The Church, the consecrated. Q749:T; R261:2, 218:1, 3278:6, 578:3

The "elect," the "very elect." SM46:1; CR84:2; R373:3, 2767:3, 5507:1

Those who have made advancement by growth in grace and knowledge and love. SM6:1

The heartily obedient, the consecrated ones. E192; T117

"Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom." (Mark 4:11) R4398:6, 2767:2, 2712:2, 2723:4, 1506:1; Q748:2; NS606:2

Today we have a hundredfold more to attract our minds and ambitions and desires to the earthly things. How needful it was that the Lord should open simultaneously to his faithful a clearer understanding of his Word and plan. R3914:2

By his spirit – The holy Spirit. R5507:1

The light of divine revelation, represented by the "golden candlestick." R1732:4; F690; T117

Granted only to the consecrated. CR414:6; R2723:4, 1697:6

Illumination; as a guide and teacher. R4544:3, 5402:1

This new gift was never known of before the Gospel age. R252:3, 1506:1

By the eyes of our understanding; by the hearing of faith, by coming in touch with the Lord, by tasting that he is gracious; by offering up sacrifices which are a sweet odor. F80, F690

Our Lord's anointing by the holy Spirit quickened his understanding and made all that he had learned much more significant. R4544:3

For the Spirit – Or mind of God in us. R3200:5

Searcheth all things – Searcheth out; revealeth. F80; T117; R371:4, 5066:1

Is so anxious to know God's truth. R3200:5

The holy spirit, or mind of God, when received by his children, fits or prepares or enables their minds to comprehend his plan. E279

Our finite minds have difficulty in understanding; because of insufficiency of knowledge and experience. R5064:1

Take heed to his instructions in every detail. E201

Yea, the deep things – Guided beyond the mere letter. E164; T117; R2208:3, 2071:1, 4385:3

Why does God permit evil to come to his saints, and why are the wicked permitted to flourish. R1506:1, 4398:6

Correct ideas of righteousness, sin, the character and object of the coming judgment--that it will be a thousand-year day; the Church's call during this age, to become judges by now voluntarily sacrificing earthly interests. E192; F690

Cannot be discerned except by those having the spirit. R127:1, 5489:6, 5402:1, 2782:5, 2581:4

Having the mind or spirit of God, that new mind prompts us to search into the deep things of God--to study that we may know and do his will, as obedient sons. R371:4

This knowledge cannot be known instantaneously but comes gradually as an evidence of faithfulness to God. R5134:5; E202; F80; NS636:1

The hidden, obscure things. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him." (Psa. 25:14) R2208:3. 1071:1; T117

Made known by our acquiring more of the spirit of God, the spirit of Truth, the spirit of the Word. Q749:T; CR84:2

One who can grasp the deep things and who has a desire to work in the vineyard has strong evidence that he is begotten of the Spirit. C222; R5597:2, 1506:1, 1416:1, 775:5

The mysteries of God are now opened up to his faithful children, the watchers. Some features were never revealed until the present time, even to the most faithful of the Lord's saints. R5489:6

Only those with the wedding garment on can see these things. C203

Of God – His good and acceptable and perfect will concerning us, now and hereafter. F385

11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. What man knoweth – Your own mind knows your own mind. CR397:2

The things of a man – The mind, the will, plan of a man. E201; R370:6, 371:4

The spirit of man – The mind of man. E201; R371:4

Even so – As no man can know another's mind and plan, except as they are revealed to him, so no one can understand the divine mind and plan, except he come into harmony with the divine mind, receive the holy Spirit. E201, E279; Q748:2

Knoweth no man – No natural man is spiritually-minded. R4968:3

The Bible is a sealed book, no matter how intellectual a man may be. Q748:2

Until the Spirit had come upon his followers it was useless for Christ to try to tell them of heavenly things. Hence our Lord's energy was largely expended in uttering parables and dark sayings to be understood later. F632

They fail to see the real object and chief characteristic of the coming age of blessing. R1760:4

But the spirit – Mind, and plan. E202

Of God – Which is from God. E279; R373:2

God only knows his own mind, his own purpose, his own intention. CR397:2

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Not the spirit – Greek: pneuma, disposition, mind. E318; R373:6, 371:4, 5127:3

Spirit which is of God – Mind, disposition or will. E202; R371:4

The spirit or mind of God in his children, is no more a person than is the spirit of the world. R373:2

That we might know – Appreciate, be satisfied with. R2575:2

Might be able to comprehend the deep things of God's character and plan. CR391:5; R2596:3, 373:2

Giving our best thoughts and talents to the study of God's Word. NS816:2

Here is a certainty that what we wish to know is revealed. HG28:2

At Pentecost the apostles received an illumination of the mind which enabled them to understand the things of God. R5088:2, 5941:2; B123; NS656:5

See, hear and know things which in times past God had not made known. R124:2

13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Which things also – The things which are freely given us of God. HG28:2

Man's wisdom teacheth – Teacher and hearer should see to it that it is not man's wisdom that is proclaimed. F255

The vain philosophies. R1719:6

The simplicity of the Gospel is foolishness to them. R1043:2*

"Professing to be wise, they became fools." (Rom. 1:22) R1643:5

Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit, or mind of God. R373:2

Teacheth – The holy Spirit or mind of God, when received by his children, fits or prepares or enables their minds to comprehend his plan. E279

Comparing – He gives us the rule by which we may know. R18:1, 261:2, 578:3

Spiritual things – Only those who are begotten of the spirit can see spiritual things. R5580:2, 5402:1, 5295:2

With spiritual – With the facts recorded in the Scriptures. A182

We thus gain a true understanding both of type and antitype. R1336:4; F458

Not comparing spiritual things with natural things, as the natural man is disposed to do. E202; R578:3, 371:4, 261:2, 18:1

Compare what is revealed of Christ and the angels, with the risen saint. HG28:2; A182

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The natural man – All mankind, including Adam; human. R5133:2, 242:1; OV314:1

The old nature. R4005:2

The psuche man. HG128:5 [This comment is by Dr. Eaton, taken from the Russell-Eaton debates. - site Editor]

All men are natural men except such as have been begotten again by the holy Spirit. OV354:5; R5133:2, 523:3; NS337:3

The natural man would be a perfect man; fallen man is imperfect, unnatural. R4968:2; Q183

Even a perfect human being cannot receive the deep spiritual truths. R5133:2, 5157:5, 4544:3, 3297:2; T19

This does not signify a mean or bad man. OV314:1

We are not to accept gentleness and kindness of manner as evidence that their possessor has the holy Spirit. R5133:5

The apostles were natural men who did not receive the begetting of the holy Spirit until Pentecost. R5941:2, 5920:3, 2455:1

Before he had been begotten of the holy Spirit, Jesus did not have the understanding of the prophecies and of the types of the Law. R5157:4, 5064:5, 5054:2, 3291:4; Q183:T; PD57/69; NS479:6

Many have undertaken to interpret "the things of the Spirit of God" and have thus become blind guides, leading multitudes into error, and filling their minds with gross darkness. R813:3*

The children of this world and the children of the kingdom of God too frequently join. The effect always is to bring in worldliness and to give the worldly mind a measure of control in respect to spiritual things. R4894:5

Receiveth not – Understandeth not. SM6:1

No matter how wise, or educated, or talented. R5838:1

Educating a man for the pulpit can never make him a proper minister of the truth. Only those who have received the anointing of the holy Spirit are authorized or qualified. NS562:1

The light, the instruction; as the light in the "holy" could not be seen by those outside. R2835:2; T117

He finds them impossible of comprehension. OV354:5; R5054:2, 3265:2, 3177:5; SM6:1

The disciples, though justified men, had to be begotten of the Spirit to comprehend spiritual things. R412:3, 231:2, 4125:4; C222; T116

"Cast not your pearls before swine;" (Matt. 7:6) attempt not to tell the de comprehend your teachings. R3265:2

Nicodemus was inclined to stumble over spiritual things; he could not see how one could be born again. R5506:6, 4125:4

The Lord was able to get up the best secret society. We have a society respecting which nobody can give away its secrets--the Mystery of God, and we can't give it away. CR52:3; 10:3

"None of the wicked shall understand." (Dan. 12:10); HG316:4; NS790:2; SM6:1

Things of the spirit – The deep things of God; spiritual things. R5838:1, 2455:1

Of the higher, spiritual nature. A181

The pearls; deep, hidden, glorious things. E280

We have to be regenerated to see spiritual things. HG128:5[This comment is by Dr. Eaton, taken from the Russell-Eaton debates. - site Editor]; R5190:5

Spiritual things in the interiors of the Tabernacle and Temple. T19, T116

Not until we have received the heavenly illumination can we discern them in the way of appreciating them fully. R5742:5, 3265:2, 371:4

The Lord is not dealing with the world; they are not in covenant relationship with him, therefore they cannot please him now. R5219:5

Foolishness unto him – In the estimation of the worldly the way of the fully consecrated seems foolishness. R2074:5

To the unregenerate appears to be hypocrisies, frauds, impositions. R5190:5

Satan is exercising a blinding, deceiving influence upon all except true believers. (2 Cor. 4:4) R4908:5

We cannot expect sympathy from the world. R2616:3

Neither – Because he is full of human mindedness. T116

Can he know them – Appreciate them. D577; R2981:3

The natural man does not understand spiritual things. R5461:2, 5190:5

"I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." (Rev. 2:17) R1820:6

Spiritually discerned – Of spiritual appreciation. D577

Can be discerned only by those who have the spirit or mind of God, the spirit of his plan, the spirit of the truth. E201; F729

Only the spirit-begotten may understand the deep things of God at all and their understanding is in proportion as they attain more a filling of the Spirit of God. R5982:4, 5088:2

The ability to discern spiritual things must depend on the extent to which our minds are controlled by the spirit of God. R21:2*, 692:4*

Spiritual discernment grows from a small beginning. R5742:5

Unless one becomes a New Creature in Christ, he will never understand the divine plan. CR386:3

Heavenly wisdom is never popular with the world. R2053:2

15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. That is spiritual – Who has received the holy mind or Spirit. E202[E202:1]

Judgeth all things – Is able to understand and properly estimate both human and spiritual things in the light of the divine plan. E202[E202:1]; R3217:1[R3217:1], 938:3, 371:4

Judged of no man – Understood by no man. R3217:1[R3217:1], 938:3, 371:4

No natural man can understand or judge of the motives which prompt the spiritually minded "New Creature" to sacrifice things valuable to the natural man. R371:4; E202

16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. Who – Man. R371:5

The mind of Christ – All the responsibility is with the Head. The Lord requires of every one who shall be accepted as a member of the body of Christ that he shall lose his own headship, his own individuality, and shall accept instead the will of Christ. R3709:6

The disposition that is loving, kind, generous, forgiving toward our fellows and reverential and obedient toward God. R3928:4, 5063:2

We are to love the beautiful, pure, true, noble; we are to love (sympathize with) the weak, the penitent and oppressed. R4909:5

Signifies an intimate acquaintance with the Father and with the Son--a full and clear representation of the Father's mind. SM448:2

There are divine commands with principles behind them and these principles are to be incorporated into our characters. R5123:6

Not dependent upon apostolic or other hands. R3153:4

It requires time to become emptied of self and prepared for the mind of Christ. R4983:6

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