Isaiah Chapter 61 [KJV]

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1 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; The Spirit – The holy Spirit, the power of God. R5588:2, R240:4, R5068:4; E169

Not a "ghost," or a person in any sense. E169

Leaders of the Lord's people must have first, a knowledge of the Lord's Word, and, second, the possession of a good degree of the spirit of the truth. R5982:5

Divine truth comes to us with all the authority of its divine author. R2057:2

Many today, ignoring the divine test, looking merely to education and talents, are serving as ministers in the church of Christ who would make no profession of being spirit-begotten and give no outward evidence thereof. R5940:2

Of the Lord GOD – Not another god, but it was the Father's spirit that was communicated to our Lord Jesus. E169

Is upon me – To all appearances the prophet was the person meant. Yet, when Jesus points out its fulfilment in himself (Luke 4:18) we see that in him its conditions were fully met. R436:2

Jesus quoted this prophecy in Luke 4:18 and applied it to himself and his work. R240:1

The Christ, Head and Body. F276; R5971:5, R311:6; PD73/87

From the time of Jesus' baptism. R3300:5, R5291:6, R5536:2, R1715:2; CR436:2

We are begotten of the spirit, as was he. R5536:5

Hath anointed me – The word "anointed" is used in the sense of ordination. R5536:2

The word "Christ" signifies "the Anointed." CR458:3

To Jesus it was a witness that his sacrifice was accepted, evidence that he would receive the divine nature, and it enabled him to know and do the Father's will. R240:4

The anointing of the Church is for a work yet future, in the next age. R5537:1

Illustrated in the anointing of the typical High Priest, the oil poured on the head only and running down to the skirts of his garments-showing how all true Christians come under the anointing of their Head. (Psa. 133:2) R1715:3, R5536:5, R5971. 6

This is the only divinely authorized commission that was ever given to any man to preach the Gospel. R1715:2, R4307:5, R5536:2, R5537:2, R5940:1, R5893:2, R2925:5, R5807:3

The Church, Head and Body, is God's Anointed. CR460:4; OV161:T, R3436:1, R5536:5

Although this did not come directly upon the Church until Pentecost, they had a foretaste of it in that the Lord conferred upon them a share of his holy Spirit power when he sent them out to preach. F212

Every member--male and female. R1549:1, R1083:1*

Only partially fulfilled at our Lord's first advent; its complete fulfilment is due now, in his Day; but we should not expect all of its fulfilment in the first dawn of the Day. R629:5

The commission of the apostles was in the main, the same as the commission of the Lord and the whole Church. It was to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. R1521:5, R1972:3

The burying of the dead, the administration of baptism, the administering of the elements of the Lord's Supper--any of the brethren may perform for another. R1017:3*

As the oil in the type should be composed of things that none should ever have except the High Priest and the king; so God represented that he would anoint certain ones with the holy Spirit for a special purpose. CR459:6

With God, human ordination counts for nothing. R5537:2, R296:1, R5363:2; PD73/87

To preach – The commission of The Christ is one of service. F212

Everyone who receives the holy Spirit is ordained to preach. R5588:2, R5940:1, R537:2; F276; CR343:3; Q514:2

The chief business of life. R3211:1, R1440:4, R942:4, R334:6

We should rejoice in the privilege of proclaiming the good tidings. R5537:3

Applies to every member of The Christ. R5698:3, R2057:3, R2157:1*, R646:1, R537:2, R335:1, R241:3

R6023:3*, R5363:2, R5956:6, R768:6, R1575:4, R1720:6: R1891:2, R1917:5; F242

None can be of the Anointed body except they be preachers to the extent of their ability or talent. R812:3*, R942:4, R1917:5, R5893:2

The spirit of the Anointed one is not designed to qualify you for any work except preaching--in some sense, in action or word. R311:6

But it is of very great importance that we consider well what, when, how, where, and to whom, we may preach. R646:2

As the Master did not give his time to temperance or social or political reform, but rather to the instruction of the people in the doctrines of the Word--so let us be content to follow him in this matter. OV260:6

Preaching is not always public declaration; every influence that we can send out within our talents is preaching the Gospel. R1917:5, R5893:4

One limitation of the Apostle is that the sisters are not to teach in public. R5588:2

Good tidings – God's grace, mercy and peace through Jesus--to all who have an ear to hear. R3211:1, R241:2, R335:1, R5740:4

The Gospel of the Kingdom. R1521:5, R1714:3; E378

Good news in two parts: Of restitution, resurrection, as well as the great prize of the high calling. R241:2

Including private conversations with neighbors and friends. R5956:3

We are not commissioned to teach other matters than the one Gospel, but we may use every other subject to introduce the plan. R1440:4

Let those who have not the Gospel, but who have merely a message of reformation, preach political reforms, social reforms, moral reforms. R2965:6

Unlike John the Baptist, it is not the duty of the Lord's people to go through the world rebuking sin, but preaching the Gospel. R3326:2

Unto the meek – Those willing and able to hear; the poor. R241:4, R629:4, R2310:5, R3200:6

The meek alone can, or shall, see the Present Truth. E90; CR386:1; R445:5*, R795:2, R935:6, R956:6

Meek enough to receive the good tidings by faith. R1714:3

We are to seek those who are feeling after the Lord, not satisfied with the things of the world, and are teachable. R5537:2, R1468:4; CR386:1

Our Lord's teachings only convinced the meek, and only such he expected to receive them. R1059:3

Lovers of righteousness-only such were accounted worthy of it. R1557:3

As the work of the first advent began in the synagogues of the Jews, so now the truths of the new dispensation belong to the Christian first before going to the world in general. R1461:4

Not the proud, arrogant, hard-hearted, profane, rebellious and indifferent. E488; R1465:6, R1461:4, R5537:2, R2965:6

As soon as you find that the person you are talking with is not meek, you should draw off. Don't antagonize him or try to give him an ear. Q512:2

"The meek will he guide in judgment; the meek will he teach his way." (Psa. 25:9) R3103:3

To bind up – Jesus' footstep-followers are authorized to do the work of a good physician and bind up the brokenhearted. SM264:1

In many instances the broken heart needs to be touched with the application of the healing balm of grace and truth, but the touches should be gentle. If more breaking of the heart is necessary it is not for us to do. R4131:2

The message of the Lord's lips at the present time are not arrows (Psa. 45:5), nor the sword--but an invitation to rest. (Matt. 11:28-30) SM53:1

The brokenhearted – Our mission is not to break hearts, but to heal broken ones. R3436:1, R5521:2, R5537:1, R2965:6, R3326:3; Q512:2; SM265:2

With the message of divine mercy; that the Kingdom will bring order, peace and joy. R5449:1, R1714:3

Sin is breaking the hearts of thousands--through man's disappointment in himself and his own ambitions, efforts, friends, business and pleasure. SM266:T

The Church's special work in blessing and comforting the world will be in the Kingdom. R5537:1

To proclaim liberty – A return to their former estate, restitution. A112; R241:1; SM504:1

Freedom from evil, maladies and death. R241:1, R816:3

In the antitypical Jubilee--in the type the setting free of every debtor and the return of everyone to his home foreshadowed the return of all mankind to liberty--to freedom from sin and its tyranny. R1055:6; CR113:6

The healing and setting at liberty a few from the prison-house of death at the first advent was merely a foretaste of the grander work at the second advent. R2310:5, R5068:5

After sin and Satan are destroyed men can be entrusted fully with the precious boon of liberty; and the liberty of one will not infringe upon the liberties of another. R1737:6

To the captives – Of sin, ignorance and superstition. R4793:3, R2310:5, R5068:4, R240:6

Captives of sin, receiving daily its wages--dying by inches and entering the great prison-house, the tomb. R1086:1

In death. A112; R1714:6, R1086:1, R4793:2

All are prisoners: some in the grave and some not yet entombed. R838:6, R1055:6

And the opening – The resurrection from the dead. CR113:6; R4553:1, R4793:2

"I have the keys of death." (Rev. 1:18) E378; SM32:T, HG497:4

Christ is to deliver death's prisoners. He did not do so at his first advent, but will in due time set at liberty all the captives, opening the prison doors of hades (the tomb). R458:4*

They will all come forth to trial--not on Adam's sin, nor on account of things done while under the Adamic penalty, but to a new trial for life on their own responsibility. R3372:1

Of the prison – The great prison-house of death. E422; SM504:1, SM611:1; R303:5, R474:4, R240:6, R838:6

"All that are in their graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth." (John 5:28, 29) R2613:3, R4552:6

This cannot refer to a literal release from prison at the first advent because John the Baptist was not released. HG130:3

Jesus did not deliver death's prisoners at the first advent. R458:4, R816:6; SM32:T, ; HG143:3; HG497:4

He did not preach a discharge of all culprits in states' prisons. This would not be "good news." R240:6

To them that are bound – Captives of death. R303:6

2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; The acceptable year – Time, period, the Gospel age, during which God will accept joint-sacrificers with Jesus. R3301:1, R241:5, R1714:6, R4505:2, R5068:5, R4535:3; SM48:2

And – At the word "and" between "Lord" and "the" the Gospel age parenthesis comes in. HG52:5

The day of vengeance – Those who come into conflict with God's laws reap the penalty of their own course. A308

Time of fire, or purifying trouble. R241:6

We are on the very eve of this great Day of Vengeance. R5537:5

World War I is the one predicted in the Scriptures as associated with the "Day of Vengeance." R5601:2

Not the thought of divine malice; but violators of God's laws reaping the penalty of their own course. A308

It is part of the good news only because we are able to recognize the blessed results God intends shall follow afterward. R241:6

Also called the "year of my redeemed." (Isa. 63:4) R116:1*

Jesus omitted reading this part of the prophecy; it was not then due; but it is now. R5537:5, R287:3, R757:3, R1714:3,6, R241:6, R59:2*, R1917:6; A218

Jesus and the apostles had an important work in proclaiming the "good tidings of good," but only the "feet of him" are privileged to say "unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isa. 52:7) R757:3, R287:3

To comfort – By the "Comforter, the holy Spirit" (John 14:26), "Through the comfort of the Scriptures." (Rom. 15:4) R2665:1

One of the features of our commission as ambassadors of the Lord. R5537:4

With the knowledge that their sins are forgiven, and that God is very sympathetic. R2664:6

The children of God have had their own hearts bound up and healed by the Great Physician, hence they know where to direct longing hearts who need the balm which only God can give. R5537:4

Communicated by members of the Church one to another: "Wherefore comfort one another." (1 Thes. 4:18) R2665:2

All that mourn – The vast majority of mankind. R2664:2

In the end of the time of trouble the whole world will be comforted by the Lord's reign. R1715:1

3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. To appoint – To promise. R241:2, R2664:5

The great Millennial work is foreshown in verse 3. R1917:6

Them that mourn in Zion – The wheat class in nominal Zion have often painfully observed the spirit of the world operating through the tare element. D30; R5537:4, R1441:2, R1715:2, R1493:3

The Lord's people in the present life have a ministry of comfort to perform. R2665:4, R5537:4

Not only to Zion, the consecrated Church, but to all that mourn, the repentant. R2664:2, R241:2

To give unto them – In the New Day dawning. HG615:3

Beauty – The beauty of the resurrection. R3436:1

The completeness and symmetry of divine truth. R1715:2

For ashes – The ashes of death. R3436:1

Of human creeds. R1715:2

The oil of joy – The message of grace. R5537:4, R241:2, R2664:6, R5133:5

Symbol of the spirit. R241:2

Thus the "Little Flock" is promised a share in the same anointing as their Head, Jesus. R241:2

Garment of praise – Even the lovingkindness of our God. R3436:1

The glories which the Lord has promised by and by. R3436:1

Spirit of heaviness – Induced by the unsatisfying human creeds. R1715:1

Disappointments, sorrows and troubles of this present time. R3436:1

Trees of righteousness – Not undeveloped sprouts, but those that have grown and matured. R5559:1

4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. And they shall – In the Times of Restitution. E23

Build the old wastes – Prophetic of the rebuilding of natural Israel. R1044:1

5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
6 But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves.
7 For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. For your shame – Verses 7 to 11 relate to the Messianic Kingdom. R2372:5

8 For I the LORD love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. I will greatly rejoice – The Anointed Body. R1948:6

Be joyful in my God – Even in the present life. R1948:3

Garments of salvation – An expression that can be used interchangeably with the "robe of righteousness." Q603:2

Our salvation is not complete but begun in the sense that we are already counted as on the Lord's side. Q603:2

Covered me – He covers our unwilling imperfections by the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5073:1

Robe of righteousness – Justification; as necessary to the noblest as to the most degraded. Q603:2

11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.
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