1 Peter Chapter 3 [KJV]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; Be in subjection – Not in a spirit of slavish fear, but in a reverence of love and devotion such as the Church has for Christ. F498

Every woman who usurps the place of the head of the household is surely doing injury to herself and the best interests of her family, even though she may seem for a time to prosper in her wrong course. R5168:4

2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Chaste conversation – Conduct. R1553:2

Coupled with fear – With carefulness to avoid giving offence. R1553:2

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; Outward adorning – Leading to pride, causing envy and hindering sacrifice. F596

4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. The hidden man – "Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day." (2 Cor. 4:16) F675; R2231:6

Is not corruptible – Greek, aphthartos; that which cannot corrupt, decay, or lose value. E398; R204:1

And quiet spirit – Greek, pneuma; mind, disposition. E312, E319

Price – Value. R2311:6, 3214:6, 2544:6

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. Not afraid – Not fearing. (Diaglott) R1553:5

Any amazement – Any terror. (Diaglott) Any evil results. R1553:5

7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. Dwell with them – Your wives. R1553:2

According to knowledge – Wisely and generously. R1553:2

Exercising a sound mind in the use of man's highest natural power, procreation. E262

Honour unto the wife – Taking pleasure in her progress and in all her noble attainments and achievements. R1553:2

The weaker vessel – Using your strength for her support and encouragement and not for her oppression. R1553:2

Of the grace of life – Its favors and blessings. R1553:2

8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Finally – Not primarily, but in the glorious consummation. It requires long years to reach this condition. R2877:2

All of one mind – Harmony does not mean alikeness. Rather it signifies unity with diversity and is more desirable than a sameness. R2877:1

The final result of discipline and instruction in the school of Christ. R2877:5

Love as brethren – Express your love with only such manifestations as would be proper between brethren. R2213:3

Brotherly love; the Lord's followers should love as brethren, as true brethren ought to love. SM697:2, 703:1

Such a high standard of love! How many of us, how few of us, have ever realized the standard of brotherly love that would be appreciated by our Lord--the standard that he demands as a condition of our being his brethren. SM703:1

The increase of knowledge, combined with the increase of selfishness and with the high tension at which people are now living, affects the increase of crime and the decrease of brotherly love. SM699:1

Love commands that we think as little evil as possible of one another; and that we judge each other's motives generously, charitably; and that we screen each other's imperfections from others, except where principles are involved. R1845:2

"He laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16.) Love for the brethren wiseemingly many will fail. R2453:4

Love for the brethren is set forth in the Scriptures as one of the indisputable evidences of our having attained membership in the Body of Christ. R3932:1

This love ignores wealth, education, earthly standing--ignores the flesh and takes cognizance of the spirit, the will, the heart. R3932:3

This love will not only overlook various weaknesses and imperfections, but is ready to lay down life on behalf of the brethren because they belong to Christ. R3932:2

We learn to love all mankind, even those who misunderstand us and are therefore our enemies; we learn to love all these as brethren. Not as brethren in Christ, but as brethren of the one family of Adam. R3933:2

Be pitiful – Sympathetic, tender-hearted. R2654:5; SM697:1

Be courteous – Humble-minded. SM697:1

9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. Evil for evil – Let us be like our Lord who, when reviled, reviled not again. ( 1 Peter 2:23) R4483:6

Forbearance to resent injuries and revilings. SM703:1

Railing for railing – Reviling for reviling. (R.V.) SM697:1

Contrariwise blessing – By meekness and gentleness, patience and love, show the more excellent way. R4502:1

Thereunto called – For hereunto were ye called. (Revised Version) SM697:1

Inherit a blessing – To be God's agency during the Millennial age for bringing blessings to the world. R2879:5

10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Tongue from evil – Neither a back-biter nor one who listens to a back-biter will get into the Kingdom. R4240:5*

11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. Eyes of the Lord – Even as God's eye is always upon us, so parents should have their children know that their eye and God's eye is always upon them. R1097:4*

Ears are open – The thought, care and interest of our Father and Jesus will be constantly upon us. At any instant we may engage the special attention of either or both. R1865:2

Unto their prayers – The providence of God over his sons is a very particular providence. R1561:3

Them that do evil – Punishments will be adapted to the nature of the offenses, always with the benevolent object in view being man's permanent establishment in righteousness. R2613:5, 2596:4, 723:4

13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? That will harm you – The opposition of evil can really only work good to the elect. R1956:2

14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Sanctify the Lord God – The truth was intended for this particular purpose--"Be ye holy that bear the vessels of the Lord's house." (Isa. 52:11) CR437:2

And be ready always – Regardless of the hopes and doubts of others. Always to be done in meekness. R1536:3

Every member of the Royal Priesthood is anointed to preach to individuals. F258

The reading of tracts might be God's way of making ready your answer. R201:2

To give an answer – "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15) R340:1

The majority of Christians, because of carelessness, and not knowing what they believe, are unable to do so. R5640:5, 5052:6

From the Word of God. Only this storehouse contains an exhaustless supply of things new and old together with meat in due season for the household. A25

Those who can give an answer are the ones who have hearkened to the Word of God and know their God. NS495:6

A reason – Ability to reason is the noblest faculty of the human mind--it is a prominent mark of the divine likeness; it gives to man his superiority over the brute creation and makes him a creature worthy of eternal life; it makes him capable of communion with God, and capable of knowing and loving and serving him. R1565:3

Divine truth is set before us--consistent with itself and with the divine character in every element and feature. It is presented with all the power and force of logical deduction so that our faith in his plan might be a reasonable faith enabling us to give our fellowmen a reason for our hope. R1565:3

While it is true that without faith we cannot please God, it is none the less true that without reason we cannot please him. R1566:2

Since God thus honors the human reason, this likeness to himself which he has bestowed upon his human creatures, who are we that we should despise it, ignore it, or degrade it, or teach others to do so? R1566:2

Human reason cannot attain full development except under the divine instruction; and only the meek can receive such instruction and be truly wise. R1566:6

It is right that we should always hold the deductions of our reason in abeyance to God's superior wisdom, as he may reveal it. R1566:3

Human reasoning which fails to recognize the metes and bounds of divine revelation is earthly, selfish, and eventually devilish, leading to envy, strife, confusion and every evil work. R1567:1

Thus these two extremes, of underrating and of overrating human reason, are seen to be fraught with evil consequences; with the loss of the truth, of the divine favor, and of the blessings which can reach us only through the channels of inspired truth. R1566:6

The wisdom from above, that reasons on the basis of divine revelation, is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. (James 3:17) R1567:4

No Christian should be ashamed to be asked a reason for his faith, and he should be so thoroughly informed respecting the divine message as to be able to give it. R5132:2

The hope – The faith. R4588:2

Our hope is that the curse of sin will be removed; that the reign of evil will come to an end; that all hearts shall be made glad; that the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places smooth; and that a great jubilee shall come and all men shall be set free from captivity of death. R349:3*

Also that the earth itself shall feel the change, and that instead of thorns and thistles and poisonous plants, healthful productions and life-giving fruits shall take their place. R349:4*

Our hope that the blessings to mankind will be permanent and lasting is guaranteed because God will establish a government in the heavens which shall rule over all in truth and righteousness. R349:5*

It is the hope of being made perfect in Christ, of being made partakers of the divine nature. R351:4*

But before we can come into possession of this hope there is much suffering and trial to be endured; there is the "dying daily" until we are dead with Christ. R351:5*

"And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." (1 John 3:3) R351:5*

Meekness and fear – Fear lest we become a castaway. R349:5*

16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. Speak evil of you – To speak anything that is derogatory respecting another, to tell things uncomplimentary of them, is evil speaking. R4281:2

The Lord's Spirit, as well as his Word, forbids evil speaking. R4281:2

The speaking of anything that is prejudicial to the character of another, whether it be truth or falsehood, is evil speaking in the proper acceptance of the term. R4281:2

17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: For Christ also – "Christ died for our sins." (1 Cor. 15:3) E442; R3066:2

Suffered for sins – Death, not eternal torment. R3167:2

He suffered death on account of sin. R4428:6, 710:1

To open up for us and for all a way of reconciliation with God. E446

It was necessary before this sentence or curse could be removed that a satisfaction of justice should be made. R5640:6

By virtue of his sacrifice for our sins we are made acceptable with God, and the condemnation against us as members of Adam's race is set aside that we may have a new start. R3985:3; E446

Just for the unjust – The redemptive work of our Lord Jesus, accomplished at Calvary making possible a recovery from the death sentence. R4552:1, 4553:2, 5126:4; NS838:1

To make reconciliation for iniquity. SM150:1

That he might become the great Mediator. Q197:T

Jesus died for Adam and his race. OV349:T, 198:2, 139:2; SM29:1; NS731:2

Typified by the sacrifice of the bullock. R4493:1

That all of the unjust--every member of Adam's race--might have the opportunity of returning to divine favor. R5425:6; SM402:T

Jesus took the place of the original sinner, Adam. Purchasing him back from the death sentence meant the purchase of all who died in him. R5578:3, 4352:2; PT387:4*; OV131:3

The just one for the unjust many. R391:1, 387:2, 280:3

Jesus died sacrificially. SM561:2; HG651:3

He died willingly, a sacrifice for our sins. R608:1

The demands of justice must be paid, before the work of restitution could begin. R4792:6

There was a mortgage held on the human race by justice, and their case was hopeless unless a redeemer should be provided. R5433:2, 4552:3

Jesus vindicated the justice of the Law and satisfied its claims upon us by giving himself as our substitute, flesh for flesh--his life for the life of the world. R677:2*, 1336:6*

The full penalty of the divine law against us, was the deprivation of life. R4793:1; NS478:3

Jesus, at 30 years of age, was ready to be offered as an acceptable sacrifice of sweet savor to God, on behalf of mankind. R4958:4

Crucifixion was the only way in which our Lord's death would be of full value and accomplish the purpose intended. R5126:4

"Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) R779:2

"He gave himself a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) A156

Unjust sinners. R199:3

This was only one step in the route to man's reconciliation. Had the Redeemer remained dead the result would have been nothing. NS570:6

Both the heavenly and earthly salvation were made possible by our Lord dying the just for the unjust. OV253:3

It is not enough that God's justice has been appeased. It is necessary further that the Redeemer should grant the required assistance to the redeemed for their deliverance from the chains of ignorance, superstition, sin and death. SM51:1

Bring us to God – Reconcile us to God; by dying. SM29:1; R4552:1

By paying father Adam's penalty. R4552:1

Thus he opened up a new way; a way to life everlasting. R5869:6

Some during this age (the Church) and some during the period of his Messianic reign (humanity). R4715:5, 4426:2

That he might bring all back into harmony with God. R4973:2

He brings us into harmony and fellowship with God by restoring us to the just or sinless condition, which Adam lost for himself and us. R391:1

None were brought to God until Christ had died. R5774:3

Put to death – The days of his flesh are past. R5472:4, 677:1*

The reason for Christ coming in the flesh at his first advent was to suffer death as man's corresponding price. R5917:5

Eternal torment was not the penalty. If the penalty against us had been eternal torment, our redemption from it would have cost our Lord that price. R4552:3

There is nothing in the Scriptures about incarnation. R5064:3

In the – Omit these words, not in text. B108

Flesh – Flesh and blood uniformly represent human nature. R611:2

It was our Lord's flesh or human nature that was given for Adam and his race. R4147:2

The flesh was consecrated to death at the beginning of our Lord's ministry, and this great sacrifice was symbolized in his baptism. R4123:6

The human nature was sacrificed forever: "The bread which I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." (John 6:51) E151; R4123:6, 1247:5, 608:1

After Christ had fulfilled the terms of his covenant, he was put to death in the flesh and quickened in spirit. R5090:2; 5579:1, 5472:5, 5416:1, 5025:5, 3910:2, 1678:3; PD71/85

The days of his flesh are past, ended. R5472:4

When our Lord sacrificed himself, he had finished the work the Father had given him to do. Q441:T

The life he lived before his death was natural, and the life by resurrection was spiritual. R67:6*

This humiliation to man's condition was not intended to be perpetual. It accomplished its purpose when our Lord had given himself, a human being, as our ransom. E84

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of heaven and hence we must all be changed in our resurrection, as Jesus was, from earthly to heavenly nature. NS534:4

But quickened – Made alive. R3376:2, 5917:5, 5829:6, 5772:2, 5580:4, 5578:6, 5352:3, 5025:5, 4657:3, 3903:4, 1995:3, 1247:5; OV353:6

Resurrected. E84; R5829:6

Our Lord was raised a quickening, a life-giving spirit. R4854:3; Q658:2

God raised him from the dead, a spiritual being. CR290:6

By the – Omit these words, not in text. B108

Spirit – In spirit. R5621:2, 5829:6, 5472:4, 2981:2, 2925:6, 1678:3, 720:4

Raised a spiritual body. R122:3

Made alive in spirit. R5623:4, 5772:2, 5352:3, 5222:5

As a spirit being, in the "Most Holy" condition. T58

He was no longer the man Jesus, but the glorified spirit Jesus. R4427:3

Jesus was the first to pass from earthly condition to the heavenly condition. R5772:2

Henceforth the divine Christ. R1247:5, 1228:2

God raised him from the dead a new creature of a new nature. R2797:2

After his resurrection, he appeared and disappeared, the doors being shut, to teach his disciples that he was no longer human, but a spirit being. R5352:3, 5222:2; Q441:T; NS751:2

He did not enter into the glorious station typified by Isaac until after his resurrection from the dead. R5090:2

If Christ had been quickened in the flesh, it would be like taking back the ransom. R690:3

The ransom secures man's recovery or reconciliation, but Christ's divine life imparted to us secures eternal salvation. R47:3*

19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; By which – Two experiences--death and resurrection. R5043:1

The Spirit which raised Jesus from death was the same which while the ark was preparing preached through Noah to the antediluvian sinners, now in the great prison house of death. R150:1

Also – In addition to his work done for us. R1678:3; HG727:3

Went and preached – By example; actions speak louder than words. R1679:4, 4177:1; SM98:1; Q672:T

By his sufferings, death and resurrection. R1679:4

In the same way that the apostle speaks of Abel, saying: "He being dead, yet speaketh." (Heb. 11:4) R5044:4

In obedience to the Father Jesus had died and then the Father had raised him from the dead. Q672:T

It was the great object lesson which the fallen angels saw that constituted to them the great sermon that gave them a ground for hope. R5044:4, 4177:2; OV18:4

Since Jesus preached to the fallen angels we suppose some would reform and refrain from any further disobedience. Q20:T, 21:T; SM198:1

A lesson of the manifestation of God's great mercy to mankind in marking the arrangement for their redemption; and there was a possibility that he might also show mercy to the fallen angels. Q19:5, 18:4; R4177:2

Unto the spirits – Wicked spirits; demons; angels of light who became disobedient in the days of Noah. R2843:5, 4976:1, 4521:2, 1679:1; NS805:1; Q840:2, 670:1

"The angels which kept not their first estate." (Jude 6) R4521:2, 2843:5, 1679:2; Q670:2, 19:5

Fallen angels: "We are made a spectacle both to angels and to men." (1 Cor. 4:9) R1679:6

Not human beings, but spirit beings; not men but angels; this is clearly stated in verse 20. SM192:2

They personate dead human beings; they seek human fellowship, and try to gain possession of human beings who yield their wills; these are said to be obsessed. R2844:1

They appeal to humanity to become their mediums, through whom they to some extent communicate. R2844:1

In prison – Restrained at the time of the flood. R4521:2, 4176:6

Restricted as respects their powers of fellowship with the holy angels, and with mankind; being no longer privileged to appear as men (materialize). R2844:1, 4976:1, 1679:2; Q464:2

The demons were cast into Tartarus and restrained in darkness or prison by that chain. Q19:5

20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. Which sometime – Which before. R1678:3

Were disobedient – Who left their primary estate as angels, and sought to become men, and assumed the human form. (Gen. 6:1-4) R4976:1

They were imprisoned for disobedience. SM192:2

All the holy angels were tested. PD16/25

Noah – "A preacher of righteousness." (2 Peter 2:5) R150:1

While the ark – Type of Christ, and the power in him which will replenish and reorganize society. A318

Was a preparing – The Savior compares the period of his presence to the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared, not to the flood, as some suppose. R237:4*; HG24:6

Were saved by water – It marked the close of the first dispensation. R2842:6

Noah and his family saved in that flood typified or represented the Gospel Church saved in the flood or calamity which is about to overwhelm the world. R3934:6

The Church of Christ are saved from death by their baptism into Christ, not eternal torment. SM341:1

21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: The like figure – The ark representing Christ, entering into the Ark of safety representing those who are baptized into Christ's death. The flood representing the death of the world. R3934:6

Even baptism – The Church of Christ are likewise saved from death through their baptism. SM341:1

It is not the outward baptism that saves us, except in a figure. It represents the real. SM342:2

Filth of the flesh – The filth of our flesh as new creatures can be washed away only by the grace of God in Christ. SM342:2

Both Priests and Levites washed in the laver in the Court. T119

The answer – Response. SM343:1

Outward declaration. R2167:1

Acceptance of his gracious invitation. SM345:1

The resurrection – Jesus is our Ark of safety. SM347:2

The Apostle's faith in a resurrection is not only for those now justified, but it extends beyond this small class and includes a hope for many now ignorant, sinful, unjustified. R1512:1

22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. Gone into heaven – A spirit being, exalted higher than he was before, now of the divine nature, far above angels, principalities and powers. (Eph. 1:21) R3167:3, 5252:5; HG728:2

Right hand of God – The position of highest favor. R1679:4; A92

In power and glory and honor. R5118:6

He is not literally seated beside him at his right hand; but he has been honored with a superior station, a position above all others, at the right hand of divine power. R2935:2

Angels – "Christ died and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead (mankind) and living (angels)." (Rom. 14:9) 1853:6

Subject unto him – By the Father. E39

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