1 Peter Chapter 2 [KJV]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, All evil speakings – Evil speaking is strictly forbidden, as wholly contrary to God's spirit of love, even if the thing be true. R4803:1

Professed Christians are often the most pronounced scandal mongers. R4803:1

Those who hear slanderers are partakers of their evil deeds. R4803:2

Evil words and deeds represent some wrong condition of head or heart; the Lord's follower should daily, hourly, keep watch over his thoughts, words, deeds and underlying motives. R4524:1

The advanced Christian sees that in the Lord's sight hatred is murder, slander is assassination, and the destruction of a neighbor's good name is robbery and rapine. Any of these things done in the Church, among the professed people of God, is doubly evil; the assassination and robbery of a brother. R2444:6

2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: As newborn babes – Applied to newly consecrated saints, as babes in Christ. R562:6, 4968:4, 3621:6, 229:3, 23:5*

We find that repeatedly in the Scriptures the young Christian and the less developed are likened to babes, to children. R2660:2

The babe cannot be expected to grow up to manhood instantly. R118:5*

A babe in Christ is a member of the Body, as really as the well developed Christian. R118:2*

Those just beginning the new life. R3621:6

If a babe had done something worthy of stripes, he would be treated according to his infancy. R5102:5

"Such as have need of milk and not of strong meat." (Heb. 5:12) E238; R23:5*

Some writings of the Epistles were suitable for babes in Christ, and others were strong meat, the deeper things of the divine plan. (Heb. 5:13) R5941:3

Some now living, perhaps a good many, who are consecrated to God and whose consecration has been accepted, who are not in the light of Present Truth, are "babes" in Christ, and others the "Great Multitude." R5134:4

Here the figure is of the resurrection life already begun as a babe in Christ. NS336:3

The divine provision is so wonderful that even babes starved for the milk of the Word, may quickly appropriate strong and nourishing food and become clear in the knowledge of God. HG682:6

The sincere milk – The simple truths, the foundation doctrines; the first principles of the doctrines of Christ. R3621:6, 5327:1, 4968:4, 563:1

It is all right for beginners. R23:5*

The means by which a newborn babe grows. Eating of strong meat would cause it to strangle. E240

An occasional cup of milk is good even for grown folks. But grown men need stronger food. R23:5*

The Lord gives the milk of the word at first, that the new nature may grow thereby, and become able to digest stronger food and thus develop in character likeness to our Lord. R4817:6

The holy Spirit, the new creature germ, must grow through nourishment. R5759:2

Of the word – God's Word is a great storehouse of food for Christians in all stages of development. A24

May grow thereby – So that in due time you will "Be no more children tossed about with every wind of doctrine." (Eph. 4:14) R3622:1

Become strong; suggesting a process of development. R4817:6, 5102:5

As the babe goes on, he should feed upon the strong meat of God's Word. R4968:4

The spiritual babe that does not grow will never reach manhood's estate. He will never be a king and priest. R5327:1, 5088:4

3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Ye have tasted – Only those who come with sincere hearts to taste and see for themselves can ever know. Theirs is the "hidden manna." (Rev. 2:17) R1957:6

4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Unto a living stone – Christ, the top-stone in the pyramid, God's building. R813:1*, 3622:4, 2656:6, 1982:1, 1568:4, 135:1; A83

Disallowed – Rejected. (Diaglott) R813:1*

But chosen of God – Elect, seeking to be members of a class which was predetermined, foreordained of God. R3587:3

Christ is chosen of God. R25:1*

"I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts." (Zech. 3:9) R1490:6

Precious – Honorable. (Diaglott) R813:1*

5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Ye also – The sanctuary class, the sanctified. C180; T26

All of God's faithful saints are living stones in the Temple of God, through which, eventually, all the world shall have access to God. PD45/55

As lively – Living. E375; A83; R5713:5, 4645:2, 3622:5, 2832:5, 2520:6, 1855:1

Stones – Greek, lithos, smaller stones than petros or petra. F221, F220

Rough by nature, out of harmony with the chief corner-stone, the top-stone laid in heaven. E232

Greek, petros, a stone, a piece of a rock: petra, the rock in mass, the foundation rock. R1760:3, 1525:1

The entire Church, all the consecrated believers. SM461:3; R5713:5, 4645:2, 2737:5, 2656:6

All the members of Christ's Body, built upon the foundation. R1760:3, 1981:6; NS194:4

The New Jerusalem, the Church had twelve foundation stones, built upon the one foundation rock, Christ. SM463:3

Each of the Lord's faithful disciples. R3375:2

Not composed of literal stones. Not visible to the natural eye. R2832:5

The saints are living stones, being chiseled and polished, preparatory to the uniting of all these in one grand, glorious Temple of God beyond the veil. R5713:5, 5504:2, 2832:5

Worldly persons, worldly methods and worldly aid and wisdom are to be rejected. Only Israelites indeed will be accepted. R2512:5

The living stones constitute the Temple of God, and should be as fully reverenced as temples made of literal stones. R5187:1

Peter was one of the living stones built by faith upon the rock of truth. He himself was not the rock. R4645:2; HG736:3

The Lord is the great rock upon which the Church is built, while Peter is one of the living stones in the glorious Temple built upon that rock. R1525:1

Peter and the other apostles are presented to us as foundation stones built upon this great truth, that Christ is the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah. R3789:2, 4116:6

The great work of preparing these living stones for their places in this building of God is still in progress, although it is almost completed. R3622:5, 1568:5, 399:4

All these persecutions (of the world, false brethren, Satan) will be recognized and rejoiced in as the agencies of his providence in chiseling, shaping and polishing us for the glorious Temple. R5651:1

Are built up – Under the headship of Christ; through the operation of the holy Spirit. R2656:6, 4645:2; SM461:3

Shaped, chiseled, polished, by Jesus as the Father's representative. F195; R3622:5, 1568:5, 292:2

A spiritual – Greek, pneumatikos, a family or household of a spirit order or kind. E313

House – The Temple of God, the Church, the house of God whose foundation and capstone is Christ. R4645:2, 5504:1, 5250:1, 2656:6, 1760:3, 1484:1

Typified by Solomon's Temple. F73; R5713:5, 2987:2, 2508:2, 2367:5, 292:2

The glory of the Lord is to fill his Temple when its last living stone is polished and approved and set in place. C180

A house of sons. The real house for which Jesus had zeal. R5250:2

It will be spiritual, unseen by men, each member like unto the glorified Jesus, far above angels--and God by his holy Spirit will dwell there in fullest measure. R5504:2

To think of Peter as the only foundation for the Church would be to deny Christ's teaching and Peter's own statement. SM461:3; HG737:2

The trials and difficulties of life are shaping and fitting the members for glory, honor and immortality; membership in the Temple. R5713:6

Offer up spiritual – "Spiritual" is not in old manuscripts. Not spiritual, but human rights, privileges and life are sacrificed. B208[B207:2]; T22; R3587:3, 3265:5, 1982:1, 441:6

As typical sacrifices were offered, so we may offer up spiritual sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. R600:2

Sacrifices – Willing service and obedience, praise, and whatever is done to the glory of God. T120

Represented by the sacrifices offered on the Golden altar in the Holy. T22

The careful and conditional study of God's plan; the imbibing of its spirit; leading to an enthusiastic zeal for its accomplishment, and to activity to the extent of ability in its service, at whatever cost or sacrifice it may require. R3199:3

The true principle of sacrifice seeks not the poorest and leanest part of our sacrifice to offer before the Lord, but the fat; the freshest hours, the choicest talents. R548:6

Justice never requires sacrifice. R5005:3

Jesus and his followers take a higher plane than justice, waiving their own rights, they become sacrificers of their own comforts, preferences, desires, to the doing of the divine will, to the serving of the brethren and mankind in general. R5005:3, 3199:2

Previously justified, i.e. reckoned clean and fit through faith in the ransom are acceptable to God. R819:2, 441:6

Acceptable to God – Well pleasing. (Diaglott) R813:1*

Nothing imperfect or sinful is acceptable to God in sacrifice. R441:6

Be our sacrifice ever so lame and imperfect, it is reckoned holy and without blemish, if we presented it to the Father in and through the merit of our Redeemer. R1133:1

Those who offer incense on the Golden altar acceptable to God come very close to their Father. TS120

By – Through. (Diaglott) R813:1*

6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. Wherefore – Because. (Diaglott) R813:1*

Chief corner stone – A foundation stone. (Diaglott) R813:1*

The Lord Jesus Christ; capstone of the whole. SM461:2, 463:2; R2656:6, 1981:6, 681:6

The Church of God, are now being shaped, fitted and prepared for positions in the Temple of God of which the dear Redeemer himself is the chief cornerstone, the foundation. R3587:3, 1982:1

Very soon the union between Jesus and the Body will be complete, as expressed by the prophet: "He shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying; Grace, grace, unto it." (Zech. 4:7) R135:4, 271:4

Elect – Chosen. (Diaglott) R813:1*

Precious – Honorable. (Diaglott) R813:1*

That believeth on him – Who confides in it. (Diaglott) R813:1*

Confounded – Ashamed. (Diaglott) R813:1*

7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, Unto you – The household of faith. R3280:1

Which believe – In Christ as your Redeemer. R1649:3

With the heart man believeth unto salvation; it is a heart matter, not merely a mental matter. CR150:2

Those who take up their cross and follow Christ are the believers. CR150:2

All the teachings of the Lord's great plan are revealed to this class. CR155:5

He is precious – Correspondingly as we know him and trust him. R2833:4

Those who have received the spirit of a sound mind now long to be with him and now appreciate him as others do not. R3773:2

The more we come into real touch with him by faith and obedience, the more precious he becomes to us. CR149:3

How precious Christ is depends upon the clearness of our sight. To those who get the proper view of this gift of God's love "He is altogether lovely." (Cant. 5:6) NS609:6, 39:1

We do not need to wait until his second coming and until the actual resurrection. NS534:1

Which the builders – Of the nominal Church. R813:1*

Disallowed – Rejected. (Diaglott) R813:1*

Substituting the name of Peter. R813:1*

Head of the corner – Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone, the sure foundation. R1484:1

Christ Jesus is the great cornerstone of this house of sons; the followers are being shaped and prepared as "living stones." R2520:6

8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. Stone of stumbling – The Lord is a stumbling stone in the pathway of many. R5258:1; NS41:5

Israel, the typical house, stumbled in that they did not recognize his presence among them, and rejected his sacrifice as the basis of justification. The same stumbling-stone is now in the close of the Gospel age causing many to stumble. R681:6, 4942:5

Some of the true Israelites were stumbled, not the Gentile nations; so we believe that today many good Christian people are stumbling over Christ's presence. R5258:1

Rock – Christ Jesus. R1522:1

Those who are rooted and grounded in Christ and built up in him, in his doctrine, his love, and his character, shall never be moved. He is the sure foundation upon which we build our superstructure. R1922:5

In ourselves we find no ground of stability upon which to rear our building of character and faith. R1922:4

Of offence – To many; until the time of its exaltation. R3622:5

Which stumble – Because they do not accept the great foundation of faith--the ransom--they are unworthy to stand. R3622:5, 1568:5

At the word – Ignoring the Bible doctrine and terms of salvation, merely holding to morality as the hope of everlasting life. R1690:4

Being disobedient – Who will not accept its plain and simple teachings relative to the great foundation of our faith, Christ Jesus, who gave his life a ransom for many. R3622:5, 1568:5

God lays great stress upon loyal and loving obedience on the part of all his children. R3622:5, 1568:5

It was only a little matter of disobedience that cost Adam and his posterity so dearly, and that will bring similar results to all those who, having once escaped the condemnation of death through faith in Christ the Redeemer, thereafter prefer to appear in their own righteousness. R3622:5, 1568:5

God does not propose to deliver his Kingdom unto any of the disobedient. They need the fiery trial of the coming tribulation to bring them into the proper attitude; and hence must come up through great tribulation. R1649:3

They were appointed – God designed that they should stumble because they are disobedient and refuse to stand before God in the robe of Christ's righteousness, but prefer to appear in their own. R3622:5, 1568:5

9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: But ye are – The consecrated Church of Christ; the sanctified. R4812:4, 3621:2, 1820:3, 1567:3; T27; CR471:2

The Apostle Peter is pointing out the fact that the Church of Christ is separate and distinct from all other people. R5460:3

All "Israelites indeed" of the fleshly house were privileged to become members of the spiritual house. R4593:6

New creatures in Christ, neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free. R2125:5

A chosen generation – Greek, genos, race. D603; R5460:3, 2129:1

Chosen race. (Diaglott) R1149:6*

A new race. All are begotten of the holy Spirit. They must first make a full consecration before this new generative power will begin to operate in them. R5460:6, 3621:3, 2129:2

New creatures in Christ Jesus. R2129:1

A new order of beings, chosen of God as the heirs of his special favor. R1567:3, 3621:3, 2129:2

These only are being called, chosen, and proved during this Gospel age. R2051:2

These new creatures are as yet only begotten and developing in the embryo state, the full development or birth being due at the resurrection. R1567:3, 3621:3

There will be none but holy ones in it. R5460:6

We are the ones who represent the Kingdom in the world now; even though it is not certain we will be one of these. Q423:1

A royal priesthood – The work of a priest is that of intercession and instruction in righteousness and logically implies subjects and a future work of salvation. R12:2*, 404:3*

The word "priesthood" stands for teacher, because under the Jewish arrangements all the priests were teachers, instructors of the people. CR408:2; R992:6

The Royal Priesthood, of which the Redeemer is the Head, has a variety of titles and offices: King, Priest, Judge, Lawgiver, Mediator, Father; respecting special features of its service for the blessing of all the families of the earth. R4390:1

For the whole world. R3109:1, 3621:3, 2129:4, 1567:3

Aaron and his sons did not typify the still higher priesthood which God had in mind when he established the Levitical priesthood. This higher order of priests was typified by Melchizedek, the king-priest. R5460:6, 5424:2, 2935:5, 2128:6, 2051:2; SM139:3, 137:1

Natural Israel was also given a promise to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." (Ex. 19:6) HG51:6

Speaking prophetically; we are not priests yet. It is only those who will be declared worthy to sit with him in his throne that will be the Royal Priesthood; those who make their calling and election sure. CR361:1; 457:2; R4967:1, 4655:5; OV110:2

The real Royal Priesthood will be that portion of us that will attain unto the first resurrection. Q83:T; R4389:4

The Church of the first-borns will all be overcomers but only a Little Flock will be found specially saintly, holy. These will be the antitypical priests. R4999:1

Typified by the priestly family of Aaron; they do not find their antitype in the clergy of today, but in God's consecrated people, whether in or out of public ministry. R4703:3, 5765:3, 5638:3, 5628:2, 5616:4, 4812:4, 1135:6

All the true Church are priests, an association of priests, and not an association under the control of a clerical or priestly class. R1575:4, 2922:1; NS63:6

Peter, falsely styled the first pope, contradicts all such popish ideas by declaring the whole Church, including the very humblest one, God's Royal Priesthood. R1808:5

In the type, the under-priesthood received a measure of the anointing oil, prefiguring the real priesthood to come. R5392:3

In the antitype, all of God's consecrated people are prospective kings and are sacrificing priests. R5638:3, 5650:6

The Christ, Head and Body, will be the antitypical Royal Priesthood. PD39/50; R3108:6, 510:5; HG689:1

Jesus, from the time of his resurrection and ascension to God, has been the chief or High Priest. SM137:T

Now the Church of Christ, the saintly Bride class, is being selected from the world to constitute the royal family of the future, when completed and perfected by the first or chief resurrection. R5899:2

The royal feature of the matter belongs to the future; we have no royalty yet. R3265:2, 3267:6

The royalty of the priesthood signifies that it will no longer be a sacrificing class. OV204:3

What does royal mean? It means to be a king, a priest, to be a teacher. When his Kingdom would be established, Jesus would be the great King or Priest, unto the Church, and they would be assistant kings and priests. CR250:3

Each overcomer is a priest, and all regard Jesus as the High or Chief Priest of our profession. R397:6

The royal feature differentiates the Melchizedec from the Aaronic order. Aaron and his sons had nothing whatever to do with the royalty of the typical kingdom. SM139:2

A people to be clothed with authority and power to stand between God and fallen humanity, to lift humanity up from its degradation and restore it to the divine likeness and favor. R3621:3, 1567:3

The lesson to each member of this Royal Priesthood (prospective), is that the special mission of their office, vocation, calling, in the present time, is to sacrifice. R3265:3

They are all self-sacrificing priests, who serve the living God through Christ Jesus acceptably, by serving one another, and all men as they have opportunity, and in general serving the Gospel. R2129:4

The priesthood does not end when the kingly powers begin, for it is written concerning the future reign, "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (Rev. 5:10) R2128:5

They will perform the priestly offices for the world of mankind, ransomed by the great High Priest and his "better sacrifices." HG337:4

So styled in the embryo state; speaking of all who become united to Christ, of every faithful believer anointed with the holy Spirit. R5616:4

Now is the time, in the dawning of the great antitypical Jubilee, when all the priests are to blow upon the silver trumpets, making known to the world the riches of God's grace about to be revealed. R4671:6

The saints of this Gospel age are an anointed company--anointed to be kings and priests unto God. A81

The Christian worthies are promised that they shall be a Royal Priesthood; while the promise to the Ancient Worthies is that they shall be made "princes in all the earth." (Psa. 45:16) 5859:3

"Consider the High Priest of our profession." (Heb. 3:1) T22

The privilege of prayer, of approaching God in an acceptable manner, is confined to the antitypical Royal Priesthood. R5692:5

One of the many titles applied to the Church. We are not to try to blend all the various titles yet all are appropriate. R398:3

Prepared for a purpose so that after their development and trials to be changed like their Lord and to share his glory, honor and work as members of the great Messiah. NS513:6, 393:4

An holy nation – A nation is a body of people united under one government and having common interests and bound by mutual obligations and mutual consent, either expressed or implied, to conserve those interests. R1567:3, 3621:5

The Church; composed exclusively of saints. OV184:6; R4787:3, 3753:2, 3597:4

Typified by the Jewish nation. B75, B246; R5461:1, 2604:3

A new nation, God's nation, in the world, but not of it. R5825:3, 2276:3

Among the Jews, the "Israelites indeed" became the nucleus, or start, of spiritual Israel. R5817:6; NS642:3

When the foreordained number shall have demonstrated their loyalty even unto death, then this holy nation will be complete; then the blessing of all the families of the earth will proceed. R5817:6, 3753:2

God recognizes no nations except Israel of the past and spiritual Israel of the present. R5626:2

The Kingdom privileges or opportunities which were first offered to natural Israel were transferred to spiritual Israel, whose existence began at Pentecost. R4593:6; HG386:1

This "holy nation" was founded by our Lord Jesus, and had no existence before his advent. R2127:6

First, the saintly Jews were taken to be the nucleus of the new nation, spirit begotten, heavenly. Subsequently, the selective processes have continued throughout this Gospel age. R4787:3

All who compose this holy nation shall, so far as possible, "live peaceably with all men," avoiding strife and contentions, except where principles are involved. (Rom. 12:18) R2128:3

This "holy nation" looks to a higher King and higher laws than any by which others are governed. R2128:3

Christ comes to reign, and has promised that his "holy nation" shall be associated with him in the reign of righteousness, wherewith he will "bless all the families of the earth." R2128:4

The word nation signifies "people" or "generation"--these generated ones, begotten of the holy Spirit, are the new nation that God is forming. CR304:1; R5626:6

Christians are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. R4776:6

Contemplating the complete subjection of every other power to universal peace and happiness by the aid of the Sword of the Spirit. R3621:5

No earthly kingdom is God's Kingdom except in the sense that Peter declares the Church to be the holy nation. R5680:2

It is this "holy nation" in its preparatory and embryotic condition that is referred to in the parables of the Kingdom of heaven. R2276:3

"The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given unto a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43) R2604:3

Spiritual Israelites which God is now gathering out of every kingdom, people, nation and tongue to be the Kingdom of heaven, and to rule and bless all the families of the earth. R2364:2

The begetting of this holy nation began at Pentecost. The birth will be the resurrection. OV184:6

A peculiar people – A people for a purpose. (Diaglott) R5825:3, 5057:2, 4725:1, 1149:6*; OV358:5

Separate from the world; in the world and yet not of it. R3621:3

Different from others, possessed of a special love for that which is just, noble and good. R2726:4

They have the spirit of Christ, a spirit of full consecration to the Lord; are self-sacrificing and know no will but the will of the King; adhering to the Word of the Lord as their only law; have a decided faith and act zealously in harmony therewith; they know the truth and are able to give a reason for their hope, while others merely speculate and wonder and doubt. R2128:2

We are a peculiar (separate) people in the sight of the Lord, implying that God has done something special for us. R5461:2, 3621:2, 1567:2

Changed from human to spiritual nature by the power of the truth. R3621:3, 1567:3

During the Gospel age God is calling out a special people. R5460:3, 2276:3

They are new creatures in Christ; they have been purchased or redeemed with his precious blood. R5461:5

Priests do not exercise kingly authority, nor kings, condescend to priestly services, but in this peculiar people, the priesthood and kingship are united. R2128:4

Not striving for the things of the world. R2146:4

They have one particular important work given them of the Father to be done, hence they cannot take part in worldly reforms. R5462:1

Not peculiar in dress, manner, language, or foolish or senseless forms and idiosyncrasies. R2128:2

"Zealous of good works." (Titus 2:14) E30; R5461:5, 2510:5

That ye – Every member of the priesthood. F242, F295; R1433:4

All; male and female. R1549:1, 5807:5; Q514:4

Should be living epistles known and read of all men. R3211:2

Should shew forth – Sound forth--in our words and deeds--the message is too good to keep. R5441:2, 5229:3

God's people who have everything to rejoice in will seek to lift high the royal banner, to tell the good tidings of great joy to the extent of their ability and to cooperate with all others who are thus doing. 3777:5

This should be the chief business of all the saints. R942:4

The anointing we have received is for this very purpose. We are to have the courage to speak our convictions. R5547:1

We are to exercise our function of ambassadorship. R5720:3

By constantly yielding to the influences of the Spirit of God. 3656:5

We are light bearers for the benefit of others--burning and shining lights, sympathetic and helpful lights. CR126:1

The new creation is called to preach, not by ambitions or imaginations, but by the Word. F295

The praises – A heart filled with the spirit of love, the spirit of God, the spirit of the truth, and overflowing with the same will be sure to bestow it upon others. R4770:5, 2444:1

Witness to the world by faithfulness to the principles of righteousness. Not to convert the world but to gather out the elect Bride of Christ. R5053:1; F90, F92

Virtues of character and plan. R2129:5, 2133:3 By pointing men directly or indirectly to the Lord. R5358:1

God wishes his praises to be known because his praises will show to his creatures the great blessings he has provided for them. R5461:2

Israel gave glory and praise to God for their deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. How much more should those who have tasted of God's grace and goodness show forth their praises unto him. R3998:6

All who are spirit-begotten have the authority to preach and to teach as messengers from God to the extent of their opportunities. OV160:5

The Lord's servants are light-bearers for the benefit of others, burning and shining lights, sympathetic and helpful lights. R4967:4

Our commission is not to break hearts, but to heal them; to pour in the gracious promises of God's Word, sympathetically. R5521:2

Each one begotten of the holy spirit, love, should seek to let its light so shine out, through all the avenues of communication with his fellow creatures, as to glorify his Father in heaven. R4917:5

If we do not let our light shine we are unworthy of it, and the treasure will be taken away and we will be left in darkness. R3199:6

"That men may see their good works, and glorify their Father which is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16) R5057:2

All who have received the ordination of God have the authority to preach. However, sisters cannot preach as do brethren. They are fully ordained to make known the good tidings but not in a public way. OV514:2

Who hath called you – With this heavenly calling, not for our own sakes merely, but for his own glory and the blessing of others. R5890:2

The underpriests call is of God. R4528:3

Out of darkness – In permitting us to brush away the veil of superstition, misunderstanding and mistranslation. R4783:3

We must remember that we were equally in the dark but a short time ago, and that our neighbors and friends are no more responsible for being in the dark than we were. R5521:2

His marvellous light – This light has an effect upon the world, reproving them and setting before them an example of better living, better thinking. R5057:2

The holy Spirit becomes the illuminating power in the life of these. R4746:2

If we possess the spirit of that new nature we will be active in the service of God's truth now; living epistles known and read of all about us; an honor to him who called us. R4809:6

10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. The people of God – As the Bride of Christ, she will be his companion, his confidant, his peculiar treasure. R1820:3

11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; As strangers – Obedient to the laws, may look for protection under the laws, but not compelled to fight against their King. F594

12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. Conversation honest – Words of truth and soberness. R4805:6

God-likeness certainly cannot include any harmful gossip, any unclean or unholy conversation, any disloyal or rebellious words. R1938:5

Speak against you – We are to rejoice, even if we are called to suffer persecution for his sake. R5462:4

Glorify God – By our good works and kindly spirit. R5556:6

Day of visitation – Of their visitation; in the future. SM153:1

Shows a distinction between the day of the world's visitation and the day of the Church's visitation. R4993:5

This Gospel age is the day of our visitation, when in the divine favor we have forgiveness of sins and are brought into relationship with the Father. R4993:5

The present time is not the world's, but the Church's visitation. R5084:1

13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Submit yourselves – Christians are to be subject to the worldly powers only in the absence of a contrary admonition from God. R5840:4

We are not to submit ourselves to each other but to the Lord and to each other by the will of God to whatever extent we recognize the Lord's leading and guidance through one another. NS381:5

To every ordinance – Except when conscience would be violated. R2799:5

Including the Sunday ordinances. R3753:5

The laws of this land do not compel any man to violate his conscience by working on the seventh day or any other day. R1732:2

The spirit of submission, rather than of contention, is enjoined upon the whole Church. R1553:2

For the Lord's sake – So that his spirit or disposition may be manifest in you. R1553:2

14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. Honour all men – Respecting them according to their character or office, and obeying the laws, does not necessarily mean a participation with the world in the functions of government. F593

The Apostle points to justice as a consideration for rendering honor, respect and service; honor to whom honor is due. R1556:4

Love – With agapee or higher love which would gladly lay down life for the brethren. R2807:5

The brotherhood – Because of God-likeness in their good intentions, and that they have given their hearts to the Lord. R4984:6

Only in proportion as we see character-likeness to Christ can we truly love his followers; where the brother's flesh is much fallen, we have largely a compassionate love rather than a loving admiration. R4984:6

Fear God – Perfect love casts out slavish but not reverential fear. R2986:6, 2289:6

He who loses the fear of God, and the fear of losing the great prize which God has held out before us, is in a very dangerous position. R2289:5

"He that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." (Acts 10:35) R2289:6

Honour the king – Kings are not always personally worthy of honor; but honor is always due to the office, which is "ordained of God." (Rom. 13:1) R1555:5

18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. With all fear – With caution, lest you offend. R1553:1

19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. Endure grief – This is acceptable to God as a sacrifice of sweet incense. R4805:4

Suffering wrongfully – It is better to suffer wrongfully than to be contentious, even for our rights. R1553:1

Let us see to it that our sufferings are for righteousness' sake only, let us not charge God or our neighbors for sufferings due to our own faults. R1938:5, 4805:5

20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. And suffer – Jesus suffered when he was doing right; and so that is what the Church is doing. CR173:5; NS215:1

Take it patiently – Uncomplainingly. R3889:4

21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Even hereunto – Not to expect to have outward and tangible manifestations of God's favor, but to suffer with Christ. They learn that they must be obedient and appreciate what obedience means. R5712:3

To develop our own individual character; to fight a good fight; lay hold on eternal life; to get the blessings which God has invited us to have. SM635:1

Were ye called – Called to "glory, honor and immortality." (Rom. 2:7) R3913:5

The true saints must all suffer; for as Paul forewarned, we must "through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22) R5696:3

"Think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that shall try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you." ( 1 Peter 4:12) R5422:4

The Apostle urged the Church as soldiers; as a priesthood; as disciples; as the Body members; as living stones of the Temple; as a chaste virgin, espoused to one husband, Christ--these are all variations of the same call. R399:4

Christ also suffered – The Head suffered first. R218:4

The Master learned what obedience meant "by the things which he suffered." (Heb. 5:8) R5712:3

Jesus suffered even unto death, and we are to do the same--have "fellowship with his sufferings." (Phil. 3:10) R80:3

Leaving us an example – Leaving you a copy. (Diaglott) R233:3

Contend only for such things as our Redeemer would have contended for. R4900:4

Perfect in his example, which we should follow. R1810:3*

Ye should follow – Jesus was the Head and forerunner of the Christian Church, none preceded him as members of the Church. B202

With Christ we present ourselves in harmony with everything written in God's book, to do his will even unto death. R5690:5

This is our privilege to "fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) R218:4

Abraham and the prophets could not be counted part of The Christ because Jesus had not yet come to set the example. How proper it is that a leader should precede the followers. R218:4

His steps – Presenting oneself a living sacrifice and faithfully carrying out the consecration vow as did Christ, until the sacrifice terminates in death. A196

Jesus did more than render to every many his due, he sacrificed his own rights on behalf of mankind. R5005:3

To follow in the Lord's steps of humiliation and sacrifice, even unto death, is no light undertaking. It is the means by which we can become partakers of the divine nature with our Lord. R1262:6, 234:4*

The Golden Rule was the one by which our dear Redeemer's every action was measured, and it is essential to and incumbent upon all those who would be his disciples, his followers to thus walk in his footsteps. R2689:2, 3586:1

None prior to Jesus' time could have been invited to present their body a living sacrifice. R5774:6, 218:4

The steps Jesus trod were steps of suffering. If we follow in the exact footsteps of another we always arrive at the same destination. R233:3

We must continually lose our mental and moral likeness to the world and be more and more conformed to the image of our Lord. R1007:2

22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who did no sin – He was uncontaminated by his mother's imperfections. R777:2

While all other men are sinners by nature. R776:2

To the reckoned sons, Jesus' brethren, no sin is imputed. R489:4*

Our Lord was a very sick man in the Garden of Gethsemane. But personal sin could not have been the cause of sickness in him for we are told "And in him is no sin." (1 John 3:5) R2767:1*

23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: When he was reviled – To be reviled is to be made to appear vile, to be evil spoken of, slandered. R5172:3

His doctrines were disputed and he was slandered as a blasphemer. R4802:6

Finally they reviled him to the extent of crucifying him between two thieves. R5678:6

"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) E191

It is part of the divine will throughout this Gospel age to allow his faithful servants to suffer reproaches even as in the case of the Master. R5189:3

Reviled not again – Jesus did not retaliate. When evil things were spoken of him he did not speak evil of those who did him injury. R5678:3

Jesus could have contradicted the Jews, telling them the Devil was working with them, etc. But he did not render evil for evil. R4802:6; CR492:6

At our Lord's trial he was charged with blasphemy, the rabble felt at liberty to abuse Jesus and show their contempt by spitting upon him and smiting him, yet he did not revile against them. R4711:5

No matter how much we are reviled, we are not to revile in return; instead, we are to bless. R5172:3, 4483:6

If the person who has slandered us is in difficulty and needs help, we are to overlook altogether what he has done to us, and be just as ready to help them as any other person. R5172:3

Nor should we under any circumstances leave the Holy to render evil for evil. We must follow in the footsteps of the great High Priest. T63

Our Lord's teaching is all the opposite of the spirit of reviling. R5172:3, 4978:4, 2412:5

If under pressure we revile in return, and slander and backbite, we thus demonstrate our unfitness for a place in the Kingdom. R5173:2, 4802:6

We can hate the sin, but not the sinner. R4978:4, 2412:5

We are not to attempt to retaliate upon our enemies by doing them evil, or in any manner to "get even with them." This also includes our thoughts. R3136:4

24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. Bare our sins – Paid the penalty for our sins which became the full satisfaction of justice. E461; R1058:4, 324:2

The ransom for our sins has been paid by Jesus. R199:3

That is, he bore the punishment of our sins there--death. R387:1

"For to this end Christ both died and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord (Master--or have authority over) both of the living and the dead." (Rom. 14:9) R464:1, 641:6

"And not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:2) R866:4

All the sacrifices of the Law pointed forward to the great sacrifice for sin slain on our behalf. E446

Own body on the tree – On the cross; necessary for the salvation of the Jew. R4868:6, 4869:1

The special sense in which Christ was made a curse for the Jew Paul has stipulated in Gal. 3:13, 14. This was to hang upon R4868:6

Ye were healed – Greek, iaomai; to heal. Applied only in a moral or spiritual sense. R4099:5*

If we accept by faith God's arrangement for us in Jesus, our shortcomings are made good. R5005:2

25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. Shepherd – The Heavenly Father, the "Great Shepherd," sent his Son to be our "Good Shepherd" and to bring back to the divine fold all of the sheep that are desirous to return. R4278:6, 2431:4

Bishop – Caretaker. R2706:6

There is one great Bishop or overseer, who, from time to time, raises up and sends his own special messengers to uncover truths. But our Lord retains the Bishopric himself. R1575:5, 670:6

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