Romans Chapter 7 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Or are you ignorant, brethren, (to those knowing for law I speak,) that the law lords over the man, for as long as a time he lives? Them that know the law – Jewish converts to Christianity. R1729:5, 2729:4

How that the law – The Law Covenant, represented as a husband. R1729:5, 2720:5

Dominion over a man – The Law Covenant is still a bondage with the Jews and will continue with them. R4474:3, 4505:1, 1729:5

The Law Covenant is not intended to be an everlasting arrangement with the Jew. R5163:1

As long as he liveth – The Jewish Law is as obligatory upon the Jew today as it was upon his fathers in the days of Moses. Only death could set the Jew free from that Law Covenant. OV279:2

The Law Covenant is binding upon every Jew from the day the Covenant was made until the present time. R4505:1

For any Jew to get free from the Law Covenant, he must die to the Law. R4504:1; R5163:1

The only ones who have been able to get from under it are those who have come into Christ. R5163:1

2 The for bound to a man woman to the living husband is bound by law; if but may die the husband, she is freed from the law of the husband. For the woman – Typically the Jewish people. R2720:5, 1729:5

The Jewish people, represented as a wife. R2720:5, 5163:3, 1729:5

To her husband – Typically the Law Covenant. R2720:5, 1729:5

The husband be dead – The Law Covenant had not been abrogated as a bad Law, but had died a natural death through the fulfillment of the purposes of its creation. R2720:5

The Law should die, that Israel may be liberated. R2716:4

3 So then living the husband an adulteress she will be called, if she should be to a man another; if but should die the husband, free she is from law, of the not to be her an adulteress, having become to a man another. Adulteress – Blending the two covenants, and being united to both Moses and Christ, was wholly out of the question. R2720:5

4 Therefore brethren of me, also you were put to death by the law through the body of the Anointed, in order that to become you to another, to him out of dead ones having been raised, so that we should bring forth fruit to the God. Ye also – Those who realize that they could not gain everlasting life through their union with the Law Covenant. R1729:5

Dead to the law – Not die to the Law of God, but merely to the Law Covenant. R5359:3

Giving up all hope of attaining everlasting life through keeping the Law Covenant. R5359:3

Jesus' death cancelled all claims of the Law against a believing Jew. R3457:4

If a Jew became dead with Christ it made him free from the claims of the Law Covenant. F229; R5359:3, 4537:3, 4505:1, 1729:5, 1527:1

It is needful that the Law should die and Israel be liberated and prepared to be united (married to Messiah by a New Covenant). R2716:4

It is a mistake to teach the Law Covenant died or was destroyed by our Lord. R1729:4

The children of Jacob are still bound by it unless they have died to it. R1729:4

Those accepted in Christ were entirely free from the Law of Moses. R2118:6

Jews by acceptance of Christ settled the claims of the Law and made them freemen in Christ. R1527:1

The body of Christ – The flesh of Jesus. R3457:4

Sacrifice of Christ. R1388:5

That ye – The Church. T102

Should be married – As New Creatures, as Christ's Bride. R3457:4; T102

The Apostle Paul recognized that those who had accepted Christ were entirely free from the Law of Moses; that to them Moses was dead and they were married to another, even Christ. R2118:6

To another – To Christ and under his law. R2118:6

Even to him – The glorified Christ. T102

Bring forth fruit – With proper, diligent cultivation, the character will grow and develop, and will become beautiful and fruitful. R4808:2

5 When for we were in the flesh, the passions of the sins, those through the law, worked in the members of us, in order that to bring forth fruit to the death. Were in the flesh – The flesh is reckoned dead, but is not actually dead; merely dying daily. R4615:1

The motions of sins – The struggles of the flesh, the desire for sin which may still lurk in the fallen members of our body. R4615:1

Which may manifest themselves in slander or backbiting or reproach, continuing to rankle in the heart, may bring forth anger, malice, strife and other wicked works. R5123:6

6 Now but we were freed from the law, having died, in which we were held; so that to serve us in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter. But now we – We Israelites. R1730:1

From the law – The Law Covenant. R1730:1

The Decalogue as well as the ceremonial features of the Law. HG584:1

That being dead – Being dead to that. R1730:1

Newness of spirit – With our minds, our wills. R1730:1

And not – And not be required to serve. R1730:1

Of the letter – Of the Law Covenant. R1730:1

7 What then shall we say? the law sin? Not let it be; but the sin not I knew, if not through law; the even for strong desire not I knew, if not the law said: Not thou shalt lust. Is the law sin? – Is the Law defective, sinful, bad? R1730:1

Had not known – The Law given to the Jew revealed his weakness. R6:4, 544:4, 257:6

Before the Law Covenant, I was not under it: but now I know, and sin came upon me because I could not keep what I had agreed to do. R4961:2

Sin – Original sin, Adamic sin, which passed through heredity upon all of Adam's children. R4961:2

But by the law – Those who failed to keep the Law came under its curse as well as under Adam's children. R4961:2

The Law Covenant brought the Jews a measure of blessing. R5162:3

Thou shalt not covet – This verse proves that the Ten Commandments were part of the Law. R542:3

8 Opportunity and having taken the sin, through the commandment worked out in me all strong desire; apart from for law sin dead. Sin was dead – Inactive, because, being already under sentence of death, we could not increase our penalty by disobedience. R1730:2

Sin existed but was dead, in a dead state, dormant. R99:4*

9 I and was alive apart from law then; having come but the commandment, the sin lived again, I and died; For I – The Jewish people. R1730:2

Was alive – Had a hope of a future life through the promises to Abraham. R1730:2

Without the law – Before the Law Covenant was made. R1730:2

The Apostle argues he was once alive to sin. R5060:6

The commandment – The Law Covenant. R1730:2

Came – Requiring us to obey its every command in order to secure life. R1730:2

Sin revived – Lived again, by effect of the Law. R99:4*

We found we could not obey its requirements. R1730:2

And I died – Our hopes of life expired because we could not keep the Law Covenant. R1730:2

10 and was found by me the commandment that for life, same for death. The commandment – While the Church is not under the Law Covenant, we are under the general instruction of the Ten Commandments. R5404:3

The Law Covenant given at Sinai. R5070:6, 1730:2

Ordained to life – Which was granted them apparently as a favor; and it was a favor in certain senses. R4595:3

Which promised life to the obedient. R1730:2, 1403:3

The keeping of which meant life. R5404:2; E417

Whose principles are not only worthy of life but are absolutely necessary to life and happiness. R1403:5

I – We Jews; I speak for my countrymen. R4013:2, 1730:2

To be unto death – Because we could not obey its requirements. R1730:2, 4595:3, 1724:5, 1403:3, 887:1

Except Jesus who was able to keep it. R887:1

A man cannot be justified by receiving the Law, but by keeping the Law. R5070:3

The unsatisfactory feature of the Covenant was that it could not give life to Israel. R4961:2

The failure to keep which meant death. R5404:2

The Law made nothing perfect. R4010:6

The Jew was under more condemnation than were any other people in the world, condemned in Adam and also the Law. R5070:5,3

All sins were mortal sins under the Law Covenant. R1984:3

To emphatically condemn all under it to death, as transgressors unworthy of life. R454:6

11 The for sin opportunity having taken, through the commandment deceived me, and through it killed. Deceived me – The new mind has not intelligently nor willfully assented to a wrong course, but being deceived allows the flesh to have its way. R4628:2

Slew me – Taking from me the very hope of life it had helped to enkindle. R1724:5

12 So that the indeed law holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. The law is holy – The Law of Moses. R1322:6

Honorable. R2100:5

The Law is the standard of perfection. R5756:1

"The Law of the Lord is perfect." (Psalm 19:7) R1462:2

God's laws always have been perfect and condemned and opposed even the slightest sin. R410:3, 2602:1

The Law was not too severe. R455:1

The imperfection was with mankind. R410:3, 1224:2, 687:3, 503:2, 455:1; NS18:4

All must speak well of the Jews' first husband, the Law Covenant. R2720:6

God will make a better Covenant; for finding fault with the Law Covenant, he said, "I will make a new covenant." (Heb. 8:8) R4961:2

Our Lord explained that grand Law when he declared that it was briefly comprehended in one word--love. R1220:5

It is the ministration of condemnation and death to man because he is unholy, unjust, bad. R1322:6*

The commandment – The divine requirement. R4554:2

A law is a commandment, imposed by rightful authority, a rule of conduct which we are bound to obey. R5755:3

To obey it and to expect its reward of life for such obedience. R1403:3

And just and good – God, being perfect, could not give an imperfect Law. R5756:1, 3201:1, 687:3, 455:1

While the Law is good, it was useless as a justifier of sinners. R687:3

The Law and the Covenant were good in themselves, but not helpful to us, because we were fallen beings. R1730:2

Even though this is true of the Mosaic Law, the New Covenant is still higher and grander. R2329:1

It consists not in a merely passive refraining from evil, but in activity for good. R1463:2

13 That then good thing, to me has become death? Not let it be; but the sin; so that it might appear sin, through the good to me working out death, so that might become in excess a sinner the sin through the commandment. Made death unto me – The Apostle is speaking as a representative of all true Jews. R2720:6

Might appear sin – God intended the Law should show us just how imperfect we are. R1730:2

Might become – Justification implies a recognition of the fact that sin is exceedingly sinful, and a desire to cease from it; to be free from its power as well as free from its penalties. F151

Exceeding sinful – Sin was not properly known as exceeding sinful, but was counted as in a dormant or dead state, until the Law came. R99:4*

The sin-experience of our world will be used of the Lord as a perpetual lesson to the beings yet to be created in his image in other worlds, who shall learn by observation and instruction instead of by experience. F70; NS393:2, 260:4

They might see their own fallen and imperfect condition and learn the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and by this knowledge be prepared for the Redeemer. R410:5, 282:3

14 We know for, that the law spiritual is; I but fleshly am, having been sold under the sin. Law is spiritual – It came from the Spirit Being of the highest order--God himself. R5295:2

Did not take hold of merely fleshly instincts and control the body, but took hold of the heart, mind, will. R5295:2

Appeals to the intellectual or higher endowments of men and represents the divine mind or spirit. R636:2

Perfectly suited to all who are in full harmony with God's spirit, which, however, we and others were not because of original sin. R1730:2

Contains spiritual lessons, just as the rock in the wilderness and the manna afforded spiritual lessons. R5295:2

Represents the mind or judgment of the perfect Creator. R636:3

And could be kept only by a spirit-begotten person or a person in the image of God. R5295:2

The first Israelite permitted to see spiritual things was Jesus. R5295:3

The spiritual things were in the Law all the time but not disclosed to the Jew because of his own condition of mind. R5295:3

I am carnal – Imperfect--depraved; conformed to the course of this world. R455:1, 636:1,3

To be carnally minded is death. (Rom. 8:6) R636:5

The world is not subject to the Law of God, neither can they be. R5117:1

Sold – By Adam through sin, in self-gratification, in disobedience. E122, E189, E453; R636:3; NS379:2

When Adam sold himself and his posterity to sin he got his own will. R5355:3

Man sold himself to sin--justice did not sell him. R5355:6

Bought by Christ through self-sacrifice, in obedience to the Father's will. E453; R5355:6

Into slavery to sin. R455:1

Under dominion of Satan. CR490:3

Under sin – "The law of sin in their members." (Rom. 7:23) R2097:3

Into slavery to it. R2840:1, 5355:3, 2580:4, 2097:3, 636:3, 455:1; OV100:2

As a result, a slave of death. R5355:6

Into death and its wages. E452

Captivity to. R1626:3

The race in Adam was sold under sin six thousand years ago. R5284:1, 5355:3

The reason the Israelites could not keep the Law was not that the Law was imperfect, but that they were sold under sin. R5756:1, 5295:2

Sin has no just, no true right of control, but merely one of force. R1626:3

15 What for I work out, not I know; not for what I wish, this I practice; but what I hate, this I do. That which I do – We should extend the same measure of sympathy we have for ourselves to others. R5125:4

There is a tendency in our flesh to go with the world, because that course is in sympathy with our fallen flesh. R5117:1

I allow not – The Apostle was speaking of the Jew under the Law; that they could not comply with it because of the imperfection of the flesh. The verse also has application for us as Christians. Q337:1, 338:T

That do I not – Due to imperfections. NS518:2

To live godly is to live in opposition to the course of the world and our own flesh. R5117:1

The mind can rise to loftier heights than it is able to lift the body and its functions. OV366:1; R1224:2

Through ignorance we no doubt frequently leave undone the thing which we ought to do. R2587:4, 1224:3

What I hate – Because of antagonism of the legally dead flesh we cannot do the things which we would. CR97:1; R4810:4

16 If but what not I wish, this I do, I assent to the law, that excellent.
17 Now but no longer I work out it, but the dwelling in me sin.
18 I know for, that not dwells in me, this is in the flesh of me, a good thing; the for to will is present with me, the but to work out the excellent, not I find. In my flesh – In my fallen flesh. R2048:6

Dwelleth no good thing – No perfection. R2439:4, 4869:1

The Scriptures ascribe no sin to the new creature and no perfection in righteousness to our fallen flesh. R4810:5, 4871:6, 4869:1

Some are more imperfect and blemished in one way and others in another. SM430:3

Because of inherited imperfections. R4554:2, 2539:3, 5475:2

We are however to expect no trace of these evils in our hearts. R2464:4

To will – To be perfect in will. SM350:2

One might will to do perfectly or will to do wrong, either way the will is free. R5475:2

We should will to do perfectly, although none is able to do perfectly. R5475:2

This discrepancy between the new will and mind of the flesh requires continual vigilance. R3986:2

Man has freedom of will in respect to moral questions. R2539:3

There is such a thing as a dominated will. By yielding to occult influences, some persons are mastered by evil spirits. R5475:3

Those who practically lose their wills are insane, not by functional derangement of the brain but because possessed by evil spirits. R5475:3

How to perform – How to do all that I will. R3889:3

I find not – We all know how to will right, but how to do right is the problem. SM350:2

The human powers are blighted by the dying processes. R5475:2

19 Not for what I wish, I do a good thing; but what not I wish an evil thing, this I practice. The good that I would – We are all imperfect and cannot do the things that we would. CR425:2

20 If but what not wish I, this I do, no longer I work out it, but the dwelling in me sin.
21 I find therefore the law in the wishing to me to do the excellent, because with me the evil thing lies near.
22 I am pleased for wish the law of the God according to the inside man; For I – The Hebrew people, while still under the Law Covenant. R2720:6

Delight in the law – "Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart." (Psa. 37:4) R1840:1

23 I see but another law in the members of me warring against the law of the mind of me, and making a captive me to the law of the sin to that existing in the members of me. But I – The Hebrew people under the Law Covenant. R2720:6

In my members – Fallen humanity. R37:4

The natural man. R191:6*

Warring – Paul found it necessary to exert his will continually to keep the body under. R1884:6

Law of my mind – With my mind I grasped the requirements of my covenant. R2721:1

None could render full obedience, except with it written in their hearts. R587:4

The law of sin – That we desire to do better than we are able to do, proves that the fault is not in our wills, but the result of sin's enslavement. R1224:3

24 Wretched I man; who me will rescue from the body of the death this? O wretched man – The Apostle's flesh inherited imperfections, which hindered him from fulfilling the desires of his mind and keeping the divine Law. Hence his cry. R4554:2

Sin has gained such a power over my body. R2721:1

That I am – As all by heredity are. R2048:6

That I am personifying. R1730:3

The Apostle represented not only himself but all sincere Israelites, groaning under the Law, when he cried out thusly. R3436:2, 1730:3

Who shall deliver me – Jesus Christ. R192:4

The deliverance comes through a full surrender to Christ. OV316:2; R4869:1

From the body – From my body. R2721:1

Which my will cannot fully control, and with which there is a constant battle. R2048:6, 411:1

Of this death – From the sin and death which has gotten possession of me. R411:1

This body of death. R411:1

Which is dead; incapable of keeping a perfect Law. R2721:1, 4869:1, 4554:2

I would like to live in newness of life, but am bound to the sinful condition by my physical frailties. NS671:3

25 I thank the God by means of Jesus Anointed of the Lord of me. So then myself I with the indeed mind am in servitude to a law of God; with the but flesh, to a law of sin. I thank God – That a way of escape from the Law Covenant has been provided. R2721:2, 4554:2

For deliverance and life. R2121:4, 2719:4, 2048:6

Through Jesus Christ – Deliverance from condemnation comes through Jesus Christ. R4869:1, 2048:6

All who have made a consecration and come into Christ are reckoned dead to flesh, alive as new creatures. R4869:1

With the mind – My new mind, heart's desires, which God accepts. R2721:2, 5295:2

Paul describes his condition as a Jew and presumably the condition of other Jews. R4554:2

The Apostle Paul's mind was perfect and loyal to God. R4554:2

In this respect, we must not come short one jot or title. SM308:1

The will of God has become our will, our mind. R5303:6

The new mind as it develops in likeness to the mind of Christ, will relax no effort to keep the body under. R4810:5

The law of God – The slightest command of God is a law. R454:3

To the extent of her knowledge, the Church will be responsible to the law of God. R5071:4

We cannot keep the Law in our flesh, but in our hearts, our minds. R5295:5

But with the flesh – The flesh has inherited various weaknesses and fallen tendencies. R5303:6

Which God ignores and against which I am continually striving. R2721:2

Law of sin – The smallest violation of Law is sin. R454:3

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