Romans Chapter 6 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 What then shall we say? ought we to continue in the sin, so that the favor may abound? Shall we – A class of saints, consecrated to death. R648:6, 2720:3, 931:4

Gentile Christians. R952:2

Continue in sin – Venial (forgivable, not mortal) sins. R1984:1

To do so would be to sin willfully, changing the sin from venial to mortal. R1984:1

Shall we transgress when we please, trusting to God's provision for our forgiveness? R930:3, 2720:3, 952:2

In justifying us, or imputing to us a righteousness not actually ours, God's intention is not to have us continue in sin. R1223:5

Grace may abound – Trusting to God's forgiveness in Christ. R930:3

2 Not let it be. Who we died by the sin, how still shall we live in it? How – With what consistency R649:1

How could we under such circumstances take pleasure in sinning. R930:3

We, that are dead – We saints that are reckoned dead in the flesh but alive in the spirit. D476; R1861:4

Consecrated to death. R649:1, 728:6

Regard our Lord's substitute for sin as though it were our former sinful selves that had died. R930:3

To sin – As far as our wills are concerned. F368; R2167:1

By or on account of, or as a sin sacrifice. R649:1, 728:6

Any longer therein – Have any fellowship with that which we are dying to destroy or remove. R649:1

By our covenant with God, we have declared ourselves dead to sin. R1528:1, 1628:4

We should repulse and oppose sin as our great enemy, which had once caused our death. R930:3

That our wills would be for sin would signify we had died as new creatures. F368

3 Or are you ignorant, that as many as were dipped into Anointed Jesus, into the death of him were dipped? That so many of us – Already members of Christ's Body. F435: R1016:5; NS50:4

As were baptized – Immersed, not sprinkled. F435

This is the real baptism, of which immersion into water is the only beautiful and appropriate symbol. R1278:6, 930:4

An admission in Christ; into the Body or Church of Christ. R2825:6, 2465:1, 649:1

Greek, baptizo; to bury, immerse, cover up, submerge. If immersed into Christ, we lose ourselves. R132:3, 302:4, 132:3

Plunged, swallowed up, buried. R649:1:

The Apostle is urging the vow of consecration. R4264:6

From the time of full consecration to God, we are counted as being dead. Q764:4

The Gentiles require immersion into Christ. R75:3

The laver clearly typifies baptism. R117:1

Into Jesus Christ – Not into water. F435: R2465:1, F514:1; CR75:4

This affords a suggestion of words which are suitable to symbolical immersion. F455; R1544:4

Into the Body, of which Christ is the Head. SM346:3; R2810:4, 1544:4, 1278:6, 649:1, 270:6; Q32:3; CR75:4; 171:4; OV241:5

None enter the Body of Christ except by the immersion of their wills into the will of Christ. R2465:1

Our introduction into the Body of Christ as wild olive branches grafted into the approved stock. R2931:4, 2825:6

We are not merely baptized into the glorious Body of the future, but we are baptized into Jesus that we might share in the death of Jesus, the sacrifice, and share in the glory of Jesus, the Messiah. R5054:4

Become with Jesus, The Christ, the Anointed, for Christ means anointed. SM346:3

Our oneness with Jesus as members of The Christ, may be clearly illustrated by the figure of the pyramid. R270:6, 135:1

Not into the Baptist Church nor any human institution, but the one true Church of the living God. R2810:4

The Disciples denomination misunderstand and are practicing John's baptism of repentance and remission of sins. R2417:6

Were baptized – Not into water, but into burial of our wills, which control body, hands, feet, eyes, mouth, brain, bank account, and all that we have. F436; R1542:5, 1008:2, 514:1; CR75:4

Scriptural baptism is indispensable. No one will be of the Little Flock who has not been baptized. R132:2

This baptism will not be complete until the last member shall have passed into death. PD56/69

Into his death – Made participators with him in his sacrificial death. F439; R4547:5, 1542:3, 514:1; CR75:5; OV241:7

"Being made conformable to his death." (Phil. 3:10) R133:1

A full consecration of our wills and ultimately a full laying down of our lives, faithfully unto death. R2700:6, 2167:1

Self denial as we crucify the human nature with its affections and desires. R133:4

The eternal death of the human nature. R302:4

Not Adamic death, but a ransom or substitute for it. R649:1

We share also in the results of Christ's death; the putting away of the sins of the whole world. R649:1

It is hard to die in any sense, but it is especially hard to be dead to the world, its opinions, pleasures and wishes, while still in it. R133:5

By the giving up of things not sinful, and to which you have a right, as men. R133:2

In the Church's case also a death to sin. R2147:6

Praise and blame are nothing to him who is really dead and buried with Christ. R202:6*

"Baptism into death" excludes no denominational lines. It includes those of every denomination and of no denomination who comply with its conditions of faith and obedience and consecration unto death. CR76:1; R4019:1

It is a very different thing to be baptized into death with Jesus, and to be baptized into water with him. CR171:4

Not for remission of sins. Q32:3

God has never counted any in as members of the Church of Christ except those who have fully surrendered their wills to him and become dead to the world. SM346:3; R2700:6

Gentiles needed to be baptized into Christ's death. PD57/69; R2825:6, 952:2

4 We were buried together therefore with him through the dipping into the death, that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life should walk. Therefore – Refers to the preceding verse. We want to be immersed into Jesus Christ, not just the body of humiliation, but specially the Body of glory. HG263:4

We are buried – We have been entombed. (Diaglott) R649:1

Burial of our human will into the will of Christ is our death as human beings. F436; R96:2, 132:3

In a sense each one buried loses his own individuality and self control and merges into the Body of Christ. NS326:3

The instant of this burial is followed by our begetting. F436

In symbolic baptism, one no more buries himself than he raises himself. We merely surrender our wills, our all, to the Lord. R3362:3

Him – Jesus. R759:3

Christ. HG258:3 [Caution: This citation is from the Russell-White debates. This reference is from White, not Br. Russell. - site Editor]

By baptism – By the immersion. (Diaglott) R649:1

Nowhere does the Bible say that it is water baptism which inducts the believers into Christ. R5063:5; F440

The water immersion is merely a symbol or picture of the burial of the individual's will and interests in death. SM123:1; R1542:2,3, 962:3

Immersed into the Body, the true Church. R396:2

Begotten, at the moment of full consecration. E184; R1301:4

The door of sacrifice. R5446:3

Into death – Participation with the Redeemer in the death which he died. R5063:5; SM123:1

Death to self-will, earthly hopes, aims and prospects. R759:3

Death to the flesh. SM123:1

We are accepted only by giving up our own will, and taking instead the will of God. R5446:3

That like – In order that. R649:1

Raised up – Baptism is an emblem of both death and resurrection. R1322:2*, 930:4

He was resurrected to the divine plane. R5748:6

From the dead – For parts of three days he lay dead in the tomb--not alive in any sense. R5748:6

He had given up his human life never to take it up again. R5748:6

Glory of the Father – Divinity. R145:6*

Even so we also – From the time of our consecration, the immersion of our wills into that of the Lord. R1278:6

The Bride is called to the same glorious nature as her Head. R5748:6

Our condition is a reckoned one in Christ justified, dead, resurrected now. R649:1

Walk – Circumspectly not as fools, redeeming the time. R1753:2

In newness of life – Refers indirectly to our share in the first resurrection, refers chiefly to the present life. F440; Q591:2; NS52:4

In a new life. (Diaglott) R649:1

Reckon ourselves as though we had been resurrected, and were not actually spiritual beings, as Jesus now is; abstaining from sin and rejoicing in communion with him. R649:1, 3132:3, 1542:6

New creatures with an inward man, or hidden man of the heart who is being renewed day by day. R2231:6

Newness of hopes, ambitions, relationship to God through Christ. F437

Our resurrection is already begun. R5440:5, 1542:6

We are figuratively raised from the dead. R5089:2

As creatures of a new nature, to which we were instantly begotten after consecration. F436, F675, R154:4

5 If for planted together we have become in the likeness of the death of him, certainly also of the resurrection we shall be; Planted together – United with him. (Revised Version) HG264:2

Baptized. R132:3

Planting into death, in the likeness of Christ's death. F441

Water baptism would be a very cheap guarantee to a place in the Kingdom. HG263:6

Not yet made a complete sacrifice. R99:3*

In the likeness – Pattern or sample. R2477:2

In the like kind, the sacrificial kind. R649:1

There is no other way to attain to the new nature. R5871:4

Of his death – We must be dead with him, suffer with him. R191:1, 3152:5

We shall be also – Sharers. R1542:6, 1278:6, 1260:2

Thousands have been planted in water who will never share in his resurrection. F441

Likeness – The experience of the brethren in resurrection will only be a duplication of the experiences of their Lord. R2477:2

His resurrection – The first resurrection. R190:6, 2671:6, 2477:2, 1542:6; SM152:3

The divine nature. R1442:1

The chief resurrection. R1511:2

Our Lord is the Head, the first born from the dead amongst many brethren. R2477:2:

To glory, honor and immortality. (Rom. 2:7) R2773:1, 5871:4, 1262:6, 1260:2, 649:1

To spiritual perfection. R649:1

To the new nature and to ultimately share in the heavenly Kingdom. R3152:6

The change will be instantaneous, except to those who have slept. R1260:2

We die to the world and rise to "walk not after the flesh but after the spirit." (Rom. 8:1,4) R133:6

6 this knowing, that the old of us man was crucified with, that might be rendered powerless the body of the sin, of the no longer to be enslaved us in the sin; Knowing this – Remembering in this connection. R649:1

That our old man – Human nature. R728:6, 212:1*; Q44:9

Our degraded, sin-inclined selves when under condemnation. R649:2, 99:3

Our former selves, justified by faith in Christ's sacrifice. R960:2, 3067:6, 931:4

The old nature given up at consecration, different from the "body of sin." Q44:3

Is crucified with him – Consecrated to death. R931:4

That we might be members of his Body, spiritual new creatures. R960:2

Was crucified in him, represented in Jesus when he was crucified. R649:4

The body of sin – A figurative personification of evil or sin. R931:4, 960:2; Q651:1, 44:9

The antichrist; a system of error which Paul saw would arise, counterfeiting and opposing the "Body of Christ." R980:2, 930:2

Organization of sin. R3067:6

The entire sin system with all its members and branches. R960:2

Represents all the sin in the world. Q651:1

Not a sinful individual. R980:2

Sin is here represented in figure as the great oppressive monarch whose reign with his servant death has brought so much distress on the world, all of whom he has enslaved, but from whose power we have been delivered by Christ's ransom. R930:6

Of the sin-offering. R728:6

Might be destroyed – Greek, katargeo; to render powerless, to destroy. R2001:4

Jesus in his own person represented sin as a whole and as such "He was made a curse" for sin. (Gal. 3:13) R649:4

When the last enemy shall be destroyed, which is death. Q45:T

Not serve sin – No longer be enslaved to sin. (Diaglott) R649:4, 728:6

Nor in any sense recognize sin as our master. R3067:6

7 he for having died has been justified from the sin. He that is dead – He who died representatively in Jesus' death, who accepts that Christ died for his sins. R649:4

Those who have passed from death unto life through Christ and are new creatures. R4041:1

Is freed – Has been justified from sin. (Diaglott) R649:4, 728:6

From sin – The great taskmaster, which previously held them in slavery to wickedness. R4041:1

Not original sin. R4041:1

Any who consecrated themselves to death with Christ must first have been justified freely. R728:6

8 If but we died with Anointed, we believe, that also we shall live with him, Now if – The Apostle adds the conditions to become joint-heirship. R3709:3

After being sinners represented in Jesus' sacrifice, and justified thereby. R649:4

We – The Church. E411

As human creatures. A213

If we as justified persons. R649:4

Be dead with Christ – The same, sacrificial death, not a different death. CR327:5; F439; E411; R1260:2, 1015:6

A dying daily to the spirit, hopes, aims and ambitions of the world. R2123:2

Deny self, to mortify the deeds of the body. R2123:2, 281:3

Self with its own selfishness or depraved desires, should be reckoned dead. D476; E411

As human beings we are consecrated to destruction, as sacrifices. A213

Suffer with him. C208

Those accepted by the Lord are sacrificed by him as parts or members of himself and their blood (death) counted in as a part of the blood of Christ. R4397:6

This thought should be in the minds of those who participate in the Memorial. R5643:1, 3962:1

His death was not the Adamic death. R382:6

It was Jesus' first death; to those who die with him it is their second death. R514:5

Adamic death is in the past to us, but the overcomers shall not be hurt of the second death. R514:5, 649:5

We believe that – As new spiritual beings. A213

We shall also – Changes which daily occur to our human bodies do not cause us to lose our identity. A202; R626:6

Live with him – On a higher than human plane of being. R328:6

Be made "joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him." (Rom. 8:17) C208; R5643:1, 1542:5

The transformation of mind, from earthly to heavenly, is the beginning of that change of nature. A202, A213

To know the power of his resurrection, we must expect the fellowship of his sufferings. R80:3

9 knowing, that Anointed having been raised out of dead ones, no longer dies; death of him no longer lords over. Dieth no more – Death having no more dominion over him. E90; R2822:6

No ransom will ever again be given for any; for none worthy of life will be cast into the second death. R2603:2, 5776:5, 5093:5, 2657:4, 701:6; SM31:T

Our Lord's sacrifice was once for all. R2822:6

He redeemed them from the curse once. R701:6

He has finished with the flesh forever. NS459:1

For willful sinners, "There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins." (Heb. 10:26) R2610:2, 4575:2, 769:6

There will be no resurrection from the second death. SM31:T; R5925:5, 5354:5, 5103:1, 2610:2, 1155:4, 553:4

If we sin willfully as new creatures, we would forfeit the right to live, and we could not be redeemed again. R5103:1, 4575:2

Those who die the second death will have no recovery; they have had their share in the atonement. R5093:5

It is impossible for Christ to die any more because he has been made a partaker of the divine nature, immortality. R1642:2, 677:4

Even if he did, the Scriptures declare it is "Impossible to renew them again unto repentance." (Heb. 6:4-6) R769:6

The Bible intimates a considerable number of goats at the end of the Millennial age under the second death penalty. Another sacrifice would do no good if they hadn't previously profited. R5925:5

Would any intelligent being give his life a corresponding price for one who proved incorrigible under such favorable conditions? R5925:5

The sacrifice of the Mass, practiced in the Roman Catholic Church, is in direct conflict with this scripture. R3960:6, 5641:6

No more dominion – No longer lords it over him. (Diaglott) R649:4

10 Which for he died, by the sin he died once for all; which but he lives, he lives by the God. Died – This death and resurrection is the real baptism. R145:6*

Unto sin once – "By sin." (Diaglott) "For sin." (Murdoch's Syriac) R366:2

By or on account of our sins imputed to him. R648:3, 930:5, 882:1, 728:6, 649:4, 366:3

As a sacrifice for or because of our sin. R882:1

That one death, and only one ever referred to by our Lord or his apostles, was the death at Calvary. R4700:5, 5192:3

Unto God – By the favor and reward of God. R649:4, 728:6

11 So also you count yourselves dead ones indeed by the sin, living ones but by the God, in Anointed Jesus. Likewise reckon ye – Thus do you account yourselves. R649:4

The Lord's consecrated ones. R3246:3

The death of the flesh and its will, and the resurrection of the flesh as the servant of the new will are only reckoned matters. F600; R1594:3

The death of Jesus was reckoned complete when he presented himself a living sacrifice. T53

In our present reckoned condition we seek mentally and spiritually to appropriate the perfect likeness. R1594:3

We are not actually spirit beings until our resurrection, though when we receive the spirit of adoption we are reckoned as such. A197

Yourselves – Our will. R5358:3

Dead indeed unto sin – And to all human aims, and hopes of human glory, honor or life. T53; R5584:3, 2616:1

Mortifying, or deadening of the fleshly mind. R5486:5, 79:6

Dead people cannot sin. R3246:3

Old tempers and dispositions disappear and the new mind asserts its power. R1528:1

To self-will and worldly opinion. F450

This condition needs to be maintained by opposition of the new will to any activity of the old will over the flesh. F600

Praise and blame are nothing to him who is really dead and buried with Christ. R202:6*

As sharers with Jesus of the penalty of the world's sin. R649:4

On account of sin, as sacrifices (see Diaglott). R728:6, 648:3

Having made a covenant with God. R1628:4, 1528:1

Now with every sin stain cancelled, we as he, present a sinless sacrifice. R366:3

Not for our own sins (which were blotted out by his sacrifice) but for the sins of others, even as was his death. R930:5

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. (1 Cor. 15:3) R648:3

Dead to sin and mortality. R145:3*

But alive – There is nothing said about being reckonedly new creatures. We are to reckon ourselves as though we had been raised from the dead. R5325:2,3, 5060:6, 3132:3; A197

The Church has already been quickened together with Christ. R3132:3

Our dead flesh has been quickened through the power of God to serve him. Q680:2

Covered with the robe of Christ's righteousness. R4761:

Our mortal bodies energized in the service of the Lord. Q508:2; R5584:3, 3132:3

Alert to know and do the will of the Lord in every matter. F451; NS55:3

Living by. R649:1

Resurrected to holiness and immortality. R145*

No Jew can get eternal life under the terms of the Law Covenant. R4537:3

Unto God – Alert to know and do his will. F451; R5584:3

Daily growing more and more Christ-like. R1528:1

This means a constant warfare against the easily besetting sins of our old nature. R1528:1

Through – God's favor is conveyed to the sinner through his Redeemer, and in no other way. R965:5

12 Not therefore let reign the sin, in the mortal of you body, in order that to obey; Let not sin therefore reign – Because, as new creatures, we are begotten of a different spirit. R2720:4

There is a constant warfare against the easily besetting sins of our old nature. R1528:1, 1628:4

Even as now, sin does not reign in all, so that some now, in heart pass from death unto life. R1219:1

Do not allow it to dominate you; refuse to obey sin. R5356:3, 5378:5, 1626:5, 93:2

Your mortal body – Man is not immortal. R1642:5

13 nor present you the members of you weapons of unrighteousness to the sin; but present you yourselves to the God, as out of dead ones living, and the members of you weapons of righteousness to the God. Neither yield – Implying spiritual sickness. R2446:1

Unrighteousness – Iniquity. R649:1

But – According to your consecration. R649:2

Yield yourselves – Present yourselves, in harmony with your consecration. R649:4, 366:3

Presenting refers not to consecration, but to fulfilling the covenant already made. R608:1

As those – As if. R649:2

Alive from the dead – Just as though risen actually and possessing our promised immortal, spiritual body. R649:4

Instruments of righteousness – That you may be used as his agents and mouthpieces. R649:2

14 Sin for to you not shall lord over; not for you are under law, but under favor. Sin – Sinful dispositions. R5901:3*

Ye – The Church. R5887:4, 4505:2, 3752:6

Are not – The Lord speaks not as he speaks to servants. R2487:2

Under the law – The Law Covenant. R4013:6, 5887:4, 5071:4,5, 4600:1, 4586:5, 4505:2

Jesus made an end of the Law Covenant, nailing it to the cross. R3752:6

The Christian is still bound to do what is right. R5072:5, 542:3

Jews who became Christians were freed from the Law to which they had been bound, but were still bound to do what is right. R5072:5,6

We are to recognize a distinction between the commands which Christ gave us and the Law Covenant. R5520:2, 4013:6

The Church is not put under the law of Sinai or required to keep it to get everlasting life. R5287:1

The Law killeth. R614:6

What was proper enough as a prohibition to the natural man would be inappropriate to the new creation. R4014:1

Nevertheless the Law is very precious to the Church looking at the spirit of it. R5287:1, 5071:4

Those sacrificing all their earthly rights are doing more than the Law could require. R5287:4

The New Law Covenant would condemn every imperfect person as did the Old Law Covenant. R4586:2

We are not under the Law Covenant, but under divine favor expressed in the New Covenant, sealed by Christ's blood. R1728:6

But – As stewards. R2487:2

Under grace – Favor. R542:3, 5947:2, 1726, 973:4, 971:4

Which does not require the fulfillment of the Law. R5947:2

It is the spirit of the Law (love) manifested in us, through Christ that gives or guarantees life. R614:6

Covering our unwilling imperfections of thought, word, and deed. R1726:6, 971:4

Grace means what the Lord does for us freely, not as a reward of any kind. R5073:1

"There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 8:1) R614:5

We are not judged according to the flesh, but according to the heart intentions. Q180:3

Love is the fulfillment of the Law so far as we are concerned. R4600:1

We are not under the New Covenant; it applies to the Jews. R4586:2

We are not under the Law Covenant, but under the arrangement of grace, of God's favor. R5072:6

The Grace Covenant. R4600:1, 4505:2

Our relationship to God is of the same character as that enjoyed by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, before the Law Covenant. R3752:6

Some feel alarmed at the thought of being free from a law, but Abraham Isaac and Jacob were approved without a law. R3753:1

The Church is not under the Law, but it is valuable to them, providing a standard of perfection. R5287:1

Christ's word is our law; not a law of bondage, but of liberty. R973:4

Tithing, like all other features of the Law, was not given to the new creatures in Christ, but to the Jews. R1028:6 6:15

Shall we sin – Willfully. R1728:6, 973:4

We must not live in sin. R5098:1[R5098]

Shall we live in sin while our hearts are in harmony with righteousness? R5098:1[R5098]

Let us put off everything we think will be displeasing to the Lord. R5098:1[R5098]

Because – Shall we take advantage of liberty to break away into sin. R973:4

Not under the law – The Law Covenant. R1728:6

We are no longer under Jehovah's Law given at Sinai, but under a new arrangement, under law to Christ. But since his law is in harmony with the Father's law, we are "not without law to God, but under the law to Christ." (1 Cor. 9:12) R542:6

God forbid – As sons, begotten of the spirit of adoption, we delight to do our Father's will. R973:4

15 What then? shall we sin, because not we are under law, but under favor? Not let it be.
16 Not you know, that to whom you present yourselves slaves for obedience, slaves you are to whom you are obedient, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? That to whom – There are two great opposing forces in conflict--Christ and Satan--all mankind are serving one or the other. R1948:1

His servants ye are – There are two masters: one is God the other is mammon. R5896:5

"Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24) R5896:5

All who with Satan serve sin, are his servants or messengers. R3084:1

The Adversary always secures and uses the best servants he can for his mouthpieces. R3120:1

Mankind are slaves of sin. R5355:3

The world is unwittingly in the service of Satan. NS227:3

If we are serving sin, serving the flesh, we are slaves to it. R3893:1

If our lives are in harmony with sin and unrighteousness we are not on the Lord's side, but on the Devil's. NS368:2

Millions of professed Christians imagine that they are serving the Lord while in reality they are serving the Adversary. R4033:5, 5693:4, 4327:1; OV275:3

If we are giving time and thought to grasping after riches and worldly honors; for selfishness in any form, if our sympathies and affections tend earthward, then we are serving mammon. R5896:6, 3893:1, 1626:6

If we are really living for the present life alone, let us not dishonestly profess to be a servant of the great King. CR16:5

To whom ye obey – To whom ye render service. CR16:5; R1217:3, 495:3

Not whom do we think we are serving, but who do we actually serve. R4033:5

Seeing how wonderfully the Adversary can accomplish evil purposes, circulate falsehoods, and find agents for these services, proves that Satan is not bound. R5655:4, 4524:4

Careful scrutiny of thoughts, word and doings in the light of God's word, will show whether we are rendering service to the rightful master or the Adversary. R5896:6

If we are living for the present life alone let us not pretend otherwise. An honest servant of mammon is more respectable to the Lord than one dishonestly professing to be a servant of God. NS489:2

Sin unto death – Destruction; contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:5

The second death. R3084:1

We cannot know absolutely who have committed the "sin unto death," and who have not. R4592:1

17 Thanks but to the God, that you were slaves of the sin, you obeyed yet from heart into which you were delivered a form of teaching. The servants of sin – Through the weakness of heredity. E189

Mankind are "slaves of sin." (Diaglott) R5355:3

Obeyed from the heart – Not mere outward acts, that would be formalism, but loyal obedience. R85:2

18 Having been freed and from the sin, you were enslaved to the righteousness. Free from sin – The Scriptures ascribe no sin to the new mind. R2440:3

Ye – Ye new creatures. R2440:3

Our fellow-freedmen in Paul's day. R1066:4

19 (According to man I speak, on account of the weakness of the flesh of you.) As for you presented the members of you slaves to the uncleanness and to the iniquity for the iniquity; so now present you in members of you slaves to the righteousness for sanctification. Infirmity – Greek, astheneia, used to denote moral, spiritual sickness. R4099:6*

Yield your members – Having consecrated, they must spend their life and the strength of every member of their bodies in his service. R608:1

Servants to righteousness – All who realize freedom through Christ's pardon, should submit themselves to their Redeemer's control. R1066:5

20 When for slaves you were of the sin, free you were to the righteousness. The servants of sin – Bond-slaves. R3512:6

The masses through ignorance, and the more intelligent through pride and selfishness. E189

In this captive condition they have been blinded by the god of this world. E189

21 What therefore fruit had you then? in the things now you are ashamed; the for end of those, death. Is death – Destruction; contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:5

22 Now but having been freed from the sin, having been enslaved and to the God, you have the fruit of you in sanctification; the and end, life age-lasting. Free from sin – Brought to a condition of sin-less-ness by faith in the ransom. R199:2

Become servants – Bond-servants; bond-slaves. R1066:4

Fruit unto holiness – Entire consecration. R142:5, 279:4

Sanctification. R199:2

Formation of character. R48:4

The first phase of real baptism; dying to sin and living to holiness. R160:3*, 48:4

"I am the vine, ye are the branches." (John 15:5) E140

The Church as branches draw the new life from our Lord the root. E140

And the end – And the end thereof will be. R142:5, 279:4

Not the beginning. R90:2

Everlasting life – Eternal life, redemption. R199:2

23 The for wages of the sin, death; the but gracious gift of the God, life age-lasting in an Anointed Jesus the Lord of us. The wages – The curse or penalty. R4792:2, 5753:4, 1718:3; PD11/18

Punishment. R4695:4; 303:5

Neither love nor justice, as embodied in Jehovah, would sanction sin. R5603:3

All mankind were born under this sentence. R4840:3

Recognized as "a just recompense of reward." (Heb. 2:2) R1087:5, 1443:2

A just penalty. R1718:3

Experiences of sorrow, degradation, imperfection and death are all parts of the wage of sin. SM611:1

Since death is the penalty or wages of sin, when the sin is cancelled the wages must in due time cease. A157

This penalty has rested against Adam and his family for 6000 years. PD11/18; SM171:1

Is allowed to continue until the full close of this Gospel or sacrificing age. R364:1

The whole world is in alienation from God, banished from his favor and from everlasting life. R5355:6

Willful sinners will experience this wage as punishment, which will be everlasting. HG365:4

This wage has been completely met for us in the declaration, "Christ died for our sins." (1 Cor. 15:3) E442

Of sin – Departure from righteousness. R1443:2

Failure to do the perfect will of God. SM304:1

Disobedience in God's sight is sin. CR209:1

The smallest violation of law is sin. R454:3

All sin is mortal at the Supreme Judge of the universe's bar. R1983:6

We must shun sin if we would avoid its penalty. R361:1

Our general dying tendency resulted not from our own transgressions but father Adam's. NS701:6

We have all these terrible conditions on earth because sin entered the world. R5753:4

Neither God's love nor justice would sanction sin. R5603:3

The great monarch ruling the world, has enslaved the entire human family. R5355:3

The great Adversary of God is responsible for the disaster which sin has wrought upon the earth. R5603:3

Is death – Absence of life, destruction, extinction, cessation of life. E465; R3025:6, 1377:3, 1087:5

Destroy, perish, die. HG427:3

Everlasting destruction. R4881:6; NS261:4

Life is the antithesis of death, there is no sentient being no feeling. HG192:1

The executioner being he "that hath the power of death." (Heb. 2:14) E449; R2599:6

Not eternal torment. A126; E464; A128; R5063:3, 4552:1, 3025:6, 2607:3, 2047:2, 1377:3, 1085:1, 863:3, 699:6; CR498:6; SM171:T, 663:2, 587:2, 305:2, 230:1, 86:3; NS844:3, 835:6

When death is eternal it is eternal punishment. Q768:2

A fundamental teaching of Christ and his apostles. R3106:6

Adam's disobedience was sin; punishable with death, not eternal torment. OV376:2, 440:T*; R5149:6, 4982:5, 4775:2; CR269:6; SM663:2

The wages of the smallest sin is death. R454:5

Second death is the extreme penalty of the divine law, not eternal torment. R4820:6

Everything that goes with death, as its natural result, is a part of the penalty. R5603:3, 2841:6; Q328:T

Nowhere does it say that the wages of sin is purgatory. CR242:1; R5063:6; OV348:4

All, good and bad, go down to the tomb; to sheol [Hebrew] and hades [Greek], translated "hell" in our Bibles. OV362:3; SM123:1

Mankind are still under the death sentence, the wrath of God. R4840:3

In the Millennial age none shall die for inherited sins, but it will be an individual penalty against all who sin wilfully. R2398:6; E387; HG268:1

"Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt thou return." (Gen. 3:19) R4552:2

Death does not annihilate matter, for matter is indestructible, but the being's existence is to terminate. R1377:6

God has enforced the penalty, and has thus manifested his justice. R5635:6

God has the right and power to destroy in death any creature who will not conform to his just and wise law. R3391:2

If our Lord had done anything wrong it would have been charged to his new creature. R5090:1

Without knowledge of what the penalty for sin is, we would not be able to understand how the death of the Redeemer paid the penalty against Adam and all in him. R3279:2; PT387:5*

The great disease of sin. NS715:6

The experiences of sorrow, degradation, imperfection and death are all parts of the wage of this great taskmaster, sin. SM611:1; R5603:3, 5355:3, 5063:3

Witches, wizards, and necromancers, have personated the dead, to deceive and delude humanity and to contradict the divine sentence. SM118:1

Death was not pronounced against the angels. R4664:2

Death was the wage which God authorized Israel to inflict upon the Amalekites, a death penalty. R4207:4

The sons of the fallen angels were cut off in death, their birth was not authorized, they were not redeemed. R5160:4

Death is an enemy, not a friend. "the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." (1 Cor. 15:26) R625:6*, 2599:6

To give sinners eternal life would have been discreditable to the divine character and government, and injurious to his creatures. NS645:6

Second death. R1449:5*, 1882:4; 356:5

God's people are duty bound to make clear this feature of the divine program. All willful sin will bring death. R4881:6

"The soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezek 18:4, 20) R2607:3

"Dying thou shalt die." (Gen. 2:17) Not "living thou shalt live in torment." CR492:1; SM588:T

But the gift – Reward. R1878:4; E386

Not man's inherent self-possession. E285, E387; R2047:1

No one could earn it. R5356:5

What we could not obtain legally under divine requirements, God proffers to us as a gift. NS766:5

Given only to those who have his approval, only the righteous. SM305:2; E386

God himself is the source of life. If everlasting life be enjoyed by any of his creatures, it must be as his gift. E417

Which all the families of the earth may attain through the glorious opportunity of knowledge and obedience in Christ's Kingdom. R5067:6

We are blest by the gifts which our Lord dispensed when he ascended on high; we in turn, will be his gifts to the world of mankind. R5067:6

Of God – Christ the life-giver provided of God for the race of Adam. NS340:4

God's word is the only evidence pointing out the way to obtain that gift. Q775:T

Is eternal life – Greek, aionion, signifies literally unlimited, i.e., a period upon which no limit is expressed. R699:5

Everlasting. R965:4

Continuous life. HG394:5

Life unceasingly. R363:1

Life in its fullest sense. R4840:2

Given only to those who have God's approval; only to the righteous. SM305:2; R3066:1

God will not give eternal life to the wicked but only to those who will turn from sin to righteousness. R4881:6

Granted to those who seek it by living according to the spirit of holiness. R1878:4, 3432:6, 1378:4; E418, E404, E386

The hope for life beyond the grave is the resurrection hope. OV154:T; R4175:1; NS281:5

Everlasting life through Messiah's redemption work, restitution. R5149:6, 5093:2; SM769:2

The first resurrection, to glory, honor, immortality, the divine nature. R5149:6

Two classes will receive everlasting life, one on the heavenly plane, the other on the earthly plane. HG654:6

On conditions they (1) accept Christ as their Redeemer, (2) avoid sin and live in harmony with God and righteousness. R1878:3

Satan was given this gift, but it was conditional, dependent upon his obedience. OV304:2

Through Jesus Christ – "He that hath the Son hath life." (1 John 5:12) E386; Q768:2

Through the Redeemer's death at Calvary. R5146:6

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