Romans Chapter 16 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 I recommend and to you Phebe, the sister of us, being a servant of the congregation of that in Cenchrea; I commend unto you Phebe – It was the usual custom to give and carry letters of personal introduction and commendation. R1720:2

Which is a servant of the church – Some services can best be performed by females, especially visiting the female sick. Many suppose that this verse refers to such a female assistant. In the early church many sisters did service. R1891:6

2 that her you may receive in Lord worthily of the saints, and you may assist her in which of you she may need business; also for she a patroness of many became, and myself of me. Receive her – The Apostle's high regard for women and women's work is shown by his mention of faithful co-laborers. R766:4*, 1076:5*

3 Salute you Prisca and Aquila, the fellow-workers of me in Anointed Jesus; Priscilla – Her name is mentioned before that of her husband, as if she were the more efficient of the two, as a fellow worker. F268; R1549:3

My helpers – Fellow-workers, helping Paul not merely in tent-making, but specially in his chief work as a minister of the Gospel. F268

4 (who on behalf of the life of me the of themselves neck they placed under; to whom not I alone give thanks, but also all the congregations of the Gentiles;) Have for my life – Greek, psuche, soul, being. E338

Their own necks – Risked their lives to hide me, at the time of the riot at Ephesus. R2207:3

5 also the in house of them congregation. Salute you Epenetus, the beloved one of me, who is a first-fruit of the Asia into Anointed. In their house – The congregations of the primitive Church were small and usually met in private houses. R2941:6

6 Salute you Mary, who much labored for us. Much labour on us – Personal services, perhaps washing and mending. F268

7 Salute you Andronicus and Junias, the relatives of me and fellow-prisoners of me, who are noted among the apostles, who and before me have been in Anointed.
8 Salute you Amplias, the beloved one of me in Lord.
9 Salute you Urbanus, the fellow-worker of us in Anointed, and Stachys, the beloved one of me. Urbane, our helper – Another fellow-worker, helping Paul in his ministry, the same as "Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers." (Rom. 16:3) F268

10 Salute you Apelles, the approved one in Anointed. Salute you those from of the Aristobulus.
11 Salute you Herodian, the relative of me. Salute you those from of the Narcissus, those being in Lord.
12 Salute you Tryphenna and Tryphosa, those laboring in Lord. Salute you Persis, the beloved one, who much labored in Lord. Tryphena and Tryphosa – Two sisters whose labor in the Lord is honorably mentioned. F268

13 Salute you Rufus, the chosen in Lord, and the mother of him and of me. His mother and mine – Paul mentions with evident appreciation the activity of certain females in the early Church. R1549:3, 1076:5*, 766:4*

14 Salute you Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the with them brethren.
15 Salute you Philologus and Julia, Nereus and the sister of him, and Olympas, and the with them all saints. The saints – The truly consecrated among the professing Christians. R1139:1

Paul had a considerable number of kinsmen and acquaintances in Rome, the number of whom we know was at least over thirty-two according to the salutations of this epistle written to them from Corinth. R3208:3

16 Salute you each other with a kiss holy. Salute you the congregations all of the Anointed. An holy kiss – In spirit, but not in letter; the courtesies and civilities of our times being somewhat different from the customs of that day, although equally hospitable. R1550:5*

In the East, it is frequently the custom for men to kiss one another. The sex dividing line was very strict in olden times, so there was no indiscriminate kissing among them. Q618:5

Churches of Christ – The Church of Christ and The Church of God are synonymous, because our Lord and the Father have one interest in us. F81

Our Lord established "The Church of the First-Born which are written in heaven," "Church of the living God," "The Church of Christ." He gave it no party name. (Heb. 12:23; 1 Tim. 3:15) Q755:4

17 I entreat now you, brethren, to watch those the separations and the stumblingblocks, contrary to the teaching which you learned, are making; and turn away from them. Mark them – The greedy, hungry wolves in sheep's clothing. R1558:6

Teachers who favor divisions should be watched and turned away from. R1571:2

Let us "mark" the course taken by those who have separated themselves from us "because they were no longer of us," and whither that course leads them. (1 John 2:19) R4531:4,5

We should not allow any bitterness respecting them to enter our hearts or to escape our lips or our pens. Would we smite the blind? Surely not! R4483:5

Satan still "works in the hearts of the children of disobedience." (Eph. 2:2) Let us all, therefore, beware of this spirit of disobedience in our hearts --of any alienation from the Lord. R4469:5

Avoid their fellowship as you would avoid a pestilence or a vile odor or sparks from a neighbor's burning barn. R4381:4

If, after we have done all in our power to hold a fellow-member with our love and with the truth, he departs, we are to take the matter with equanimity. R4375:5

It is not for us to judge, condemn, nor slander them, but to pity and pray for them. It is ours only to reprove their bitterness of spirit. Our avoidance of them for a time may be the best lesson we could give. R4327:2

Our enemies become unconsciously our best friends, when their slanders deepen in us heavenly graces. Let them do their worst; they only give us the God-like victory of forgiving them. R1665:2*

The ungodly policy of this evil day of compromise cannot believe that any will arise to "pervert the truth" in the midst of the consecrated, but it is made obligatory upon all the faithful to be on the alert. R1589:2

Avoid contentions and strife except it should be unavoidable, and then let it be with loving desires. R4540:6

Warn the disorderly: those who are drifting away from the spirit of Christ; busybodies who do not work; immmoral and unjust persons; those who wrest the Scriptures; doctrinal disorders are among the chief. R1575:3

If one has a gift of debate, arguing whatever side of a question he chooses to take up, proudly defending his liberality, the Lord will punish him with stripes; but he can be renewed unto repentance. R1482:5

As soon as we see that any teacher is wrong on the one central and vital point--the ransom--evading, misrepresenting and misapplying the word and doctrine--we should have nothing further to do with him. R1453:4

Avoid helping such a person to an office, or anything that would specially help him along if you see him in an unsafe position. Do not express yourself so freely as to those who are in closer harmony. Q226:8

Prefer the company of those who are in the spirit and fellowship of the truth. Q148:2; R1130:6*

Don't make them your bosom companions; don't elect them as elders. Don't encourage anyone who has a strifeful condition. Q30:6

The sifting must go on to the finish. R1279:5

Cause divisions – By a lack of love and humility, harsh and unkind words. R4299:3

The spirit of favoritism led to factions, an evidence of carnality--a worldly spirit. The Corinthians who took party names, evidencing a selfish, party spirit, did not appreciate the oneness of the Body. R1571:3

Let the truth make the separation. R1279:6

The oneness of thought, mind and action required of the Church of God, may be seen in this text and others, including "The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul." (Acts 4:32) R1130:5*

Contrary – Should "grievous wolves," "backbiters," "slanderers," and "contentious" persons attend meetings of truth people, they should be treated so scripturally as to make them ill at ease. R4461:4

The doctrine – Of the ransom. R1453:4, 1482:5

Ye have learned – The royal law of love. R2368:6

From inspired sources. R1453:4

Avoid them – Treat them not as enemies; hope for their return to a better spirit. R4540:6

We should not allow any bitterness respecting them to enter our hearts, no matter what they may say or do against us. R4483:5

Does not mean excommunication. Avoidance for a time may be best lesson. R4327:2

Reprove them by avoiding them. Show them that you do not sympathize with such a strifeful, unholy spirit. R4318:3

The Apostle does not say to brand him as a heretic and have nothing to do with him. But do not give him so much of your fellowship; just be a little more cool toward him. Q227:T

Paul was not the man for compromises. He did not counsel gentle handling of wolves. He did not say, You must call them brethren. R1559:1

Do not waste time investigating "the errors of the wicked;" the more thorough our knowledge of the Lord, the more intimate our acquaintance with him, the more secure we are in our own steadfastness. R3215:2

18 They for such like ones to the Lord of us Anointed not are in subjection, but to the of themselves belly; and through the fair speaking and good speaking they deceive the hearts of the simple ones. Good words – Kind and complimentary words. R1571:2, 3215:2

Deceive – Mislead. R1571:2

In this day of "deceivers," it is well to use conscientious care before offering a testimony on a traveler's behalf. R1720:3

The simple – The unsuspicious. R1571:2, 3215:2

Those not on the alert for the encroachment of error. R1589:2

19 The for you obedience for all went abroad. I rejoice therefore that in respect to you; I wish but you wise ones indeed to be in respect to the good, blameless ones but in respect to the evil.
20 The and God of the peace will crush the adversary under the feet of you in a short time. The favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with you. Shall bruise Satan – The Apostle was a firm believer in a personal Devil, as shown in this text and others, including (addressing Elymas as) "Child of the devil" (Acts 13:10) and "Turn them from the power of Satan" (Acts 26:18). R3165:6

As in Heb. 2:14, we find the Devil is to be destroyed: "He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil." R4363:5*, HG304:1

Crush the serpent's head; destroy him. R255:1

Satan is going to have his head crushed. That will be the end of him. CR461:6

The Kingdom will crush out evil and bless and heal all nations. A306

Crushing Satan and all his willful followers who love evil rather than good. R1176:4

Putting "all enemies under his feet" (1 Cor. 15:25) is not conversion but destruction as also taught in Rev. 20:10. R1057:2

Totally destroyed in the end of the Millennial age. R725:3, 696:6

This serpent that is now to be crushed is not merely Satan, but it is all sin in every shape and form. CR462:1; A306

Accept with fortitude and resignation whatever tests of patience and perseverance the Lord may permit to come upon you. All our experiences will result in blessings, however unpropitious they may appear. R2413:4

The bruising of Satan and the destroying of death have both been deferred until the Body of Christ is complete, and they shall bind Satan, destroy death, and restore mankind to harmony with God. R86:6

Under your feet – The feet of The Christ. R3926:6, 11:2

The Church's feet. OV224:1

So intimate is the association of the Church with Christ that the work of restraining Satan and the powers of evil in the opening of the Millennial age is here ascribed to the Church under her Head. SM243:2

The Little Flock, who are to be joint-heirs with Jesus Christ their Lord, shall share glory with Christ and they are to share in the bruising of Satan and in blessing and restoring of sight to the blind. R526:5

The feet of the Church; thus associating the Church with the Lord, the Head. OV305:5; R2842:2

The seed which will bruise the serpent's head is not Christ, the Head, alone, but the Church, which is his Body, "Which seed is Christ, and if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed." (Gal. 3:16, 29) R257:2, 6:1

The Church is a part of the seed of the woman. CR461:6; R257:3, 11:2

The seed of the woman and the seed of Abraham are different ways of referring to Christ and the Church. Q643:T

Not until it is selected, developed, and exalted to power, will the Seed bruise the serpent's head. A98; R2434:5, 257:2, 6:1; OV224:1; HG343:3

There is a future favor to the world to be accomplished through the elect Church, called and tested during the Christian age. R868:3

When the called-out company is complete, the plan of God for the world's salvation is only beginning. Then will the seed "bruise the serpent's head" and bless all the families of the earth. (Gen. 3:15) R533:1

Shortly – As soon as this age shall end. R4965:1

The next thing in the outworking of God's plan will be to bruise Satan and destroy sin. R4964:6

Satan and ignorance are the real assailants of truth, and the vail of ignorance and power of Satan will soon be cast aside and trampled upon. R3121:1

The "promised seed" is to crush the serpent's head, thus destroying evil and bringing about "the restitution of all things." R270:5, 255:1, 134:6, 11:3

"A little while and he that shall come will come." (Heb. 10:37) "A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday." (Psa. 90:4) R11:1

21 Salute you Timothy, the fellow-worker of me, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, the relatives of me.
22 Salute you I Tertius, the one having written the letter, in Lord. Tertius – This epistle was sent from Corinth, dictated by Paul, written by Tertius. R1582:2

23 Salute you Gaius, the host of me and of the congregation whole. Salute you Erastus, the treasurer of the city, and Quartus the brother. Gaius – A Corinthian Christian, at whose house this book was written. R1582:2

Quartus a brother – A brother in Christ; the apostles never ascribed titles to each other or to other brethren, nor did they receive homage from the Church. R1523:5; F230

24 The favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with all of us. So be it.

25 To him now being able you to establish according to the glad tidings of me and the proclaiming of Jesus Anointed, according to a revelation of a secret in times of ages has been concealed; To him that is of power – This scripture, like many others, differentiates between "him" and the preaching of "Jesus Christ." Jesus said: Ye call me Lord and Master and so I am, but one is your Father, which is in heaven. (John 13:13; Matt. 23:9) R369:6

To my gospel – The inspired writings of the apostles, in their various epistles, are as authoritative as were the words of Jesus. OV412:1

Revelation – A full knowledge of the mystery of the Lord was not promised until the end of the Gospel age. OV6:T

Of the mystery – That at the second advent the Messiah will consist not only of Christ Jesus the Head, but also of the Church his Body. R3192:4

Daily and hourly the saints of God are being searched out and sealed intellectually with a clear appreciation of the "mystery of God"--the mystery of God being about finished. R1279:2

Kept secret – In part, hitherto. R1279:2

The proclamation of many of the sweetest notes of the glad tidings of restitution, are reserved until now, during the sounding of the seventh trumpet, when the mystery of God is finished. R287:2*, 3192:4, 757:2

26 having been manifested nut now, through and writings prophetic, according to an appointment of the age-lasting God, for obedience of faith, to all the nations having been made known; Made manifest – Unto the saints, according to the will of God. R1279:2

27 to only wise God, through Jesus Anointed, to him the glory for the ages. So be it. God only wise – "Jehovah our God is one--Jehovah." (Deut. 6:4) R369:2

Glory through Jesus Christ – By and by, God will reveal to the world his loving character. When "the glory of the Lord (through the Christ) shall be revealed, all flesh shall see it together." (Isa. 40:5) R385:1*

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