Matthew Chapter 22 [Diaglott]

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1 And answering the Jesus again said to them in parables, saying:
2 Has been likened the kingdom of the heavens to a man a king, who made marriagefeasts to the son of him, The kingdom of heaven ... – The [embryo] kingdom of heaven - The church throughout the Gospel Age.

Is like unto a certain king – Jehovah.

Which made a marriage – It is not Christ who makes this marriage, but His Father.

For his son – For Jesus.
3 and he sent the slaves of him, to call the having been invited to the marriage-feasts; and not they would to come. To call them that were bidden – The call went first to the nation of Israel, 'them that were bidden' during the 3½ years of Jesus' ministry.

To the wedding – To be of the bride of Christ.

They would not come – 'He came unto his own, and his own received him not.' John 1:11
4 Again he sent other slaves, saying: Say to the having been called; Lo, the dinner of me I prepared; the bullocks of me and the fatlings having been killed, and all (things) ready, come to the marriage-feasts.
5 They but neglecting went away; he indeed to the own field, he and to the traffic of him.
6 The and remainder having seized the slaves of him, insulted and killed.
7 Having heard and the king, was wroth; and having sent the armies of him, destroyed the murderers those, and the city of them burned.
8 Then he says to the slaves of him; the indeed marriage-feast ready is, they but having been called not were worthy.
9 Go you therefore to the outlets of the ways, and whoever you may find, call you to the marriage-feasts.
10 And having gone forth the slaves those into the ways, they brought together all, as many as they found, bad ones both and good ones; and was filled the marriage-feast of reclining ones.
11 Having entered and the king to see the reclining ones, saw there a man not having been clothed a garment of marriage;
12 and he says to him: Friend, how didst thou enter here, not having a garment of marriage? He but was struck speechless.
13 Then said the king to the servants: Having bound of him feet and hands, take him, and cast into the darkness the outer; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
14 Many for are called, few but picked out.

15 Then having gone the Pharisees counsel took, how him they might insnare in word.
16 And they sent away to him the disciples of them with the Herodians, saying: O teacher, we know, that true thou art, and the way of the God in truth thou teachest, and not there is care to thee about no one; not for thou lookest into face of men.
17 Say therefore to us, what to thee seems right? is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
18 Knowing but the Jesus the wickedness of them, said: Why me tempt you hypocrites?
19 Show you to me the coin of the tribute. They and brought to him a denarius.
20 And he says to them: Of whom the likeness this and the inscription?
21 They say to him: Of Caesar. Then he says to them: Give you back then the (things) of Caesar to Caesar; and the (things) of the God to the God.
22 And having heard they wondered: and leaving him they departed.

23 In that the day came to him Sadducees, they saying, not to be a resurrection; and they asked him,
24 saying: O teacher, Moses said: If any one should die not having children, shall marry the brother of him the wife of him, and shall raise seed to the brother of him.
25 There were now with us seven brothers; and the first having married, died; and not having seed, left the wife of him to the brother of him.
26 Likewise also the second, and the third till the seven.
27 After and of all died also the woman.
28 In the therefore resurrection, of whom of the seven shall be a wife? all for had her.
29 Answering and the Jesus said to them: You go astray, not knowing the writings, neither the power of the God.
30 In for the resurrection neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but as messengers of the God in heaven are.
31 About but the resurrection of the dead (ones) not have you read that having been spoken to you by the God, saying:
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? Not is the God, a God of dead (ones), but of living (ones).
33 And having heard the crowds, were astonished at the teaching of him.

34 The and Pharisees, hearing that he silenced the Sadducees, were assembled on the same;
35 and asked one out of them, a lawyer, tempting him and saying:
36 O teacher, which commandment great in the law?
37 The and Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love Lord the God of thee, in whole the heart of thee, and in whole the soul of thee, and in whole the mind of thee. This commandment is found in Deut. 6:5.
38 This first and great commandment.
39 Second and like to it; Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee, as thyself. See Lev. 19:18
40 In these the two commandments whole the law and the prophets are hung.

41 Having been assembled and of the Pharisees, asked them the Jesus,
42 saying: What to you thinks about the Anointed? of whom a son is he? They say to him: Of the David.
43 He says to them: How then David in spirit Lord of him calls? saying:
44 Said the Lord to the lord of me; Sit thou at right of me, till I may place the enemies of thee a footstool of the feet of thee.
45 If then David calls him lord, how a son of him is he?
46 And no one was able to him to answer a word; nor dared any one from that the day to ask him any more.
Matthew 21   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 23
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