Matthew Chapter 14 [Diaglott]

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1 At that the time heard Herod the tetrarch the fame of Jesus,
2 and said to the servants of him: This is the John the dipper; he is raised from the dead, and therefore this the mighty powers work in him.
3 The for Herod, seizing the John, had bound him, and put in prison, on account of Herodias the wife of Philip the brother of him.
4 He said for to him the John: Not it is lawful to thee to have her.
5 And wishing him to destroy, he feared the people, for as a prophet him they esteemed.
6 Birthday of but was being held of the Herod, danced the daughter of Herodias in the midst; and pleased the Herod;
7 whereupon with an oath he promised to her to give, what soever she might ask.
8 She and, being incited by the mother of her, Give to me, she said, here upon a plate the head of John the dipper.
9 And was sorry the king; because of but the oaths and those reclining at table, he commanded it to be given.
10 And sending he cut off the head of the John in the prison.
11 And was brought the head of him on a plate, and it was given to the little girl; and she brought it to the mother of her.
12 And coming the disciples of him took the body, and they buried it; and departing they told it to the Jesus.

13 And having heard the Jesus, withdrew from thence in a ship into a desert place by himself; and having heard the crowds, they followed him by land from the cities.
14 And coming out the Jesus saw great a crowd; and he was moved with pity towards them, and healed the sick of them.
15 Evening and having come, came to him the disciples of him, saying: A desert is the place, and the hour has passed by; dismiss the crowds, that going into the villages, they may buy themselves victuals.
16 The but Jesus said to them: No need they have to go away; give to them you to eat.
17 They and say to him: Not we have here, except five loaves and two fishes,
18 He and said: Bring to me them here.
19 And directing the crowds to recline upon the grass, taking the five loaves, and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, he gave praise; and breaking, he gave to the disciples the loaves, the and disciples to the crowds.
20 And they ate all, and were filled; and they took up the over and above of the fragments, twelve baskets full.
21 Those and eating were men about five-thousand, besides women and children.

22 And immediately he urged the disciples to enter into the ship, and to go before him to the other side, while he should dismiss the crowds.
23 And having sent away the crowds, he went up into the mountain by himself to pray. Evening and having come, alone he was there.
24 The and ship now in the midst of the sea was, having been tossed by the waves; was for contrary the wind.
25 In forth and watch of the night he went to them, walking upon the sea.
26 And seeing him the disciples upon the sea walking, they were terrified, saying: That an apparition is; and from the fear they cried aloud.
27 Immediately but spake to them the Jesus, saying: Take courage, I am; not be afraid.
28 Answering and him the Peter said: O lord, if thou art, bid me to thee to come upon the water.
29 He and said: Come. And descending from the boat the Peter, he walked upon the water, to come to the Jesus.
30 Seeing but the wind strong, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying: O lord, save me.
31 Immediately and the Jesus stretching out the hand, took hold of him, and says to him: O distrustful man, for why didst thou doubt?
32 And entering of them into the ship, ceased the wind.
33 They and in the ship, coming prostrated to him saying: Certainly of a God a son thou art.

34 And having passed over, they came to the land Gennesaret.
35 And knowing him the men of the place that, they send into all the country round about that, and they brought to him all those disease having,
36 and besought him that only they might touch the tuft of the mantle of him; and as many as touched, were made whole.
Matthew 13   Matthew (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Matthew 15
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