Hebrews Chapter 4 [Diaglott]

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1 We may fear then, lest ever, being left a promise to enter into the rest of him, should seem any one from you to have failed. Into his rest – The rest of the fully consecrated. This rest is explained by Paul to be the kind of rest that natural Israel would have received when they first reached the land of promise had they been faithful and entered in to take the land. If their faith could have accepted that it was God who was fighting for them, then there would have been no question that they would conquer the land. God would have driven out the inhabitants before them. Exo. 23:20-33.
2 Also for we were having been addressed with glad tidings, even as also they; but not did profit the word of the hearing them, not having seen been mixed with the faith to those hearing.
3 We enter for into the rest those having believed, as he has said: So I swore in the wrath of me: If they shall enter into the rest of me; namely from the works from a laying down of a world having been done. As I sware...my rest – Because this is a quotation from Psa. 95:11 it is clear that the KJV is missing an extremely important word, i.e., the word "not." That portion should therefore read: "I have sworn in my wrath, they shall NOT enter into my rest." The following translations all carry this thought: ASV, BBE, CEV, ISV, MKJV, Murdock, RV, RVIC, WNT.
4 It has been spoken for somewhere concerning the seventh thus: And rested the God in the day the seventh from all of the works of himself;
5 and in this again: If they shall enter into the rest of me.

6 Since then it is left some to enter into her, and those formerly having received glad tidings not entered on account of unbelief;
7 again certain he defines a day, To-day by David, saying, after so long a time; (as it has been said;) To-day, if the voice of him you may hear, not harden you the hearts of you.

8 If for them Jesus caused to rest, not would concerning another have spoken after these of a day.
9 Therefore remains a keeping of a sabbath for the people of the God.
10 The for one having entered into the rest of him, also himself caused to rest from the works of himself, like as from the own the God.
11 We should earnestly endeavor therefore to enter into that the rest, so that not by the same any one example may fail of the unbelief.
12 Living for the word of the God, and energetic, and more cutting beyond every sword two-mouthed, even cutting through to a division of life both and of breath, of joints both and of marrows, and able to judge of thoughts and of intentions of heart;
13 and not is a creature out of sight in presence of him, all things but naked and having been laid open to the eyes of him, with whom for us the word.

14 Having therefore a high-priest great, having passed through the heavens, Jesus the son of the God, we should lay hold of the profession.
15 Not for we have a high-priest not being able to suffer with the weaknesses of us, having been tempted but in all things according to a likeness, apart from sin.
16 We should come therefore with confidence to the throne of the favor, so that we may receive mercy, and favor we may find for seasonable help.
Hebrews 3   Hebrews (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Hebrews 5
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